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The studios unironically tried to give us this mess.
And some retards still think they showed this model to test the waters
Sonicfags (and the Internet as a whole) were right to shit on it.

The movie still sucks (except for Carrey)
I still think his firat design was created just for manufactured outrage, and they were always going to go woth the one we saw in the movie. They just put it out there for free press.
So the vfx studio shut down as a joke?
Who said anything about jokes?
Nah, they had merch made for the OG design
Can anyone name 3 times that a company delibrately antagonized their target audience for the sake of generating buzz through outrage? I think this is just a cope when businesses shit the bed.
Just a publicity stunt.
the original trailer with gangsta's paradise was kino
every amazon show?
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What do you mean by "mess"?
most likely staged
the whole thing looks like cia glowie shit
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Uhh, why are you looking at me like that? Why am I feeling funny?
That's a hedgehog...
because there's nothing in the world like getting a blowjob from a boy in eyeliner
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Reminds me of that Goofy guy.
Completely staged to get media attention. Genius move really, make just the trailer with the weird looking model while working on the movie in the background with the actual game-accurate model, then “fix it” after the backlash and watch everyone fall over themselves to worship the studio for “listening to the fans”. And some mongs still think this wasn’t what happened.
I prefer his original design.
the original design was more fuckable
Ghostbusters (2016)
>were they just incompetent?
>no! It was a genius marketing stunt!
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I want the rat sonic cut to be released
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I hate Movienic and I wouldn't have cared if he looked like this going forward because it wouldn't have changed anything. When filthy western hands touch Japanese IPs, they get fucked up
>Is it so wrong to walk the streets?
Someone in production really thought a fat oaf would be funnier and would carry a show better than the barbarian Alf with flame powers.
Eyeliner can really turn any disgusting pig faced gremlin into a sexy slut
Your failure to understand this obvious marketing stunt comes down to your belief that marketing agents are all fat old out of touch men and not millennials and elder gen Z who know exactly how “gamers” think.
There is literally no evidence that these failed projects are "marketing stunts"
This movie is ruined forever thanks to that Gadget-Zipper bit, which is a shame because the movie is mildly entertaining
Can you give the origin of the phrase "bad press is good press" and explain how it is wrong and not one person in the history of advertising has fallen for the phrase?
If it's that ubiquitous surely you could provide examples of companies delibrately making bad products?
So in other words, they deliberately wasted millions on vfx shots, promotional posters and brand deals, just so they could pull a switcheroo and crunch an animation studio into bankruptcy by hastily redoing the vfx. Yeah, okay, sure.
Yes, because marketing agencies famously publish all their ideas to the public right? Try using your critical thinking skills for 3 seconds and it’s incredibly obvious.
AVGN, bot-kun
You have an embarrassingly inaccurate understanding of how little shitty CGI costs
You seem pretty sure, so you should have something beyond "just think about it bro". Even the New Coke guys in the 80s admitted it was a botched marketing scheme, and not some sneaky way to revitalize interest in their brand.
Jewmount doesn't care about Sonic at all, it is just one more IP license bought from the Japs to make fast slop of, like Resident Evil, or Castlevania. The only reason they didn't release Sonic looking like he did was due to the collective internet meltdown over it, which was so severe that it rattled the Jewmount suits, who were concerned it might harm Jewmount's image as a whole. Nignogs thinking that they deliberately wasted all of those 3D resources, retail merchandise and manhours, just to gauge public reactions, are delusional
>Dude just have the production team waste countless hours, resources and money for the sake of a possible viral hit haha
>Dude just make a whole trailer with a bad design for clickbait lololol
>Dude just make multiple departments make documentation, merchandise and products with a design that we'll only use for ONE trailer then reveal we were working on a different design the whole time lmao
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You're mistaken if you think they only made "one shitty CGI trailer" with the bad design. Production was fully underway with the first design, which was intended as the final design.

They literally pivoted once they received the backlash. Why is that so difficult to understand?
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>Big Think Grill: "Hrmm... should I put a lot of effort into this model cast? I mean, it is just going to go into the garbage anyway and I'm going to be fired soon after..."
The sad thing is "Ugly Sonic" was probably their darling; they spent a lot of hours working on that and probably came to become really endeared to it.

Then the trailer went out and everyone shunned and hated it.
So did the “masterminds” behind the genius marketing stunt of yours. If they anticipated the need for a redesign, it would not have cost 3.8 million and
the animators wouldn’t have overworked to meet deadlines
Its something leftoid goysloppers keep repeating with no strong evidence to back
It is almost certainly cope, very deluded cope

There are certain things like that shitty negroid velma where I can almost believe it since waaaay too many people kept complaining about a shit show, but its obvious that bad publicity these days really does end up being bad for you given how polarized things are now.
why are schizos so retarded
based retard
There's a reason they have literally no evidence of this
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To their credit, it does look interesting if it were being made for a new McDonald's character, like Hamburglar, or Grimace. People who know what Sonic looks like and how he's supposed to be portrayed as the cool edge character though, are understandably going to look at that creation and be extremely put off by it. Doubtful they had any real control, since likely they were handed a 3D concept outline on a piece of paper and were told "make it look like this", so they tried to
Was this the biggest win for toxic fandom ?
The design could have easily worked for a new character, possibly a Dreamworks movie or something. “Speedy The Marsupial” or some shit.
I miss my niga shad like you wouldnt believe, people on twitter post way more insane shit than he ever did
>unironically subscribed to the fandom vs journalists narrative

Have sex
Not watching your faggy eceleb videos. Make your own arguments and articulate your own points, brainlet.
Why are you defending Ghostbusters? The entire marketing campaign was FUCK YOU THIS MOVIE ISNT FOR YOU and wow no one saw it, shocking.
I truly believe that the moment James Rolfe, a passionate Ghostbusters fan, made his video about why he would not see the new movie was the moment the mainstream media started treating fans with the utmost contempt.
The biggest issue with the movie is that they aimed it at pre-teens. The original Sonic game came out in 1991. Sonic fans are at least in their mid to late 30's.

Why-oh-why did they spend about half of the second act of the sequel dealing with the love life of a minor antagonist from the first movie
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You might as well ask why Knuchles spent the evening eating gefilte fish with an FBI jewish agent's jewish family, celebrating Shabbat
That video was made in 2015. Media was attacking fans before that as a result of GamerGate. The James Rolfe video may have been the point where the movie industry jumped in.
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>the mainstream media started treating fans with the utmost contempt.

Some fans should be bullied and gatekept out by the fans themselves, honestly, but for different reasons. There is a certain degree of cringe that should not be tolerated for any reason
they shut down because they werent turning a profit. whether from their shitty initial design taking up too many resources or a marketing stunt, they failed
no shit, of course they'd sell merch of a mega-meme'd on shitty design
new coke 1000000%
outrage marketing is the new marketing and you will see
you might not believe this, but its actually not hard at all to do what they did. all they had to do was reanimate the face. the body rig stayed completely the same as evidence by all of the pantomime remaining the same between the trailer and the final cut. And even then, you could probably retarget a lot of the original face to the new one and have barely any work to do. People have this weird misconception they had to redo the entire film or something lol
New Coke.
>the body rig stayed completely the same

Wrong. Stopped reading there, if you don't even know the lore behind the redesign then there's no point discussing anything with you.
What eceleb did you download this narrative from?

Why is it so difficult for you to admit people can be incompetent?
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I can understand someone maintaining this level of delusion if it were SEGA themselves who created all those assets and such, but they had nothing to do with it. It was all Paramount. Who would willingly defend Paramount unless they were paid to?
hey retard, i know you think you've unlocked some secret concept that underpins reality, but you havent. The conspiracies that are actually happening, are staring us all in the face, and a high iq, common sense, and critical thinking are all you need to uncover them.

That you're being neurotic and delving into absurd shit like this, is a strong sign you lack all 3 of those traits. Know your limits, you are a smooth brain, trust someone like tucker carlson or maybe Russel Brand. You aren't mentally capable of figuring out what a dirty klke is scheming.
>*trust someone like tucker carlson or russel brand to tell you what to think.*
oops fixed.
Post the better one.
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Carrey needs to be thrown into a trash compactor. Burn his mincemeat to a crisp so it can be disposed of at a hazardous waste facility. Can't risk his STDs spreading too much more to the public.
only if you're an idiot
he was right about vaccines though in the end. Maybe they dont cause autism specifically, but they sure are a big pharma scam and dangerous.
Ghostbusters 2016
Disney Star Wars
Amazon’s Rangs of Powah
Andrew Tate
The Democratic Party
Little Debbie’s
Need I go on?

What the hell happened to this guy to turn him into such a whack job?
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fuck did Debbie do
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>friend gets cyberstalked by biohazard retiree celebrity sex deviant freak for months
>calls out his behavior for months
>gets chased off and harassed on every social platform fathomable including anon imageboards for months
>at least expects somebody would see the posts and say something
>nobody comes forward to expose him
>mentally unhinges
>prays he won't come back to the industry
>learns he's coming back for the third installment of this shit kiddie franchise movie
>because it's the only work his schizo pozzed up ass can get
>and he's hated by most of the film industry
>but still nobody wants to expose him

i guess everyone really is spineless huh
Doesn't count
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mentally unstable nutbag b4 becoming famous + sudden overnight fame = entitled and deluded sky high narcissism beyond our wildest dreams
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I just spent 30 minutes photoshopping a sexy sonic... I think it's time to look for a job.
why does she look like shes saying everything with spite and venom
Carrey is the only reason these movies are watchable. The Knuckles series doesn't have him in it and it is the worst kosher shit ever. The movies would be exactly the same without Carrey
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She's jewish
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I don't care if he's got a cult or two protecting him, someone should just slit his throat already. He can't even make a good movie anymore, he can barely fumble his way through interviews with his declining cognitive ability, and he's going to die in a few years from all the drugs and STDs. When victims come pouring out after he dies, and if it doesn't happen before he dies, it'll happen after, maybe the masses will regret not listening. Letting him try and repair his declining reputation is pointless.

I hate this facial wasted gurning retard, his punchable face, his god awful art, all he pretends to stand for, his infantile humor, his easily snappable twig limbs, and his nasally whine voice. Can he just die?
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Efforts well spent, anon. She's convincingly cute. Mind if I save it? Maybe make an Amy version next?
What causes people to develop this level of insane obsession over celebrities? And don’t just say an empty life I want a real answer.
New Coke was a marketing failure, even Coca Cola admits as much. There is no evidence that they sunk millions into a shitty product and risked harming their brand just to revitalize interest to compete with Pepsi.

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All my friend did was speak the truth about someone who already had public accusations that led a woman to kill herself fucking years ago buddy, if you actually believe he was innocent, then you're the retard

Believe me when I say he's done worse. Far worse. I know you won't, but that's part of the grand scheme problem
Can't speak to the rest of them, but the films you listed were examples of studios trying to make movies into culture war propoganda vessels and hurting their reception as a result. There's nothing to suggest they deliberately made shitty, underperforming films to generate discussion. Online criticism and discussion doesn't create any sort of revenue if people don't go see it.
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>"b-but Jim doesn't have STDs, his lawyer said that"
>implying lawyers don't get paid to lie or bribe judges
>implying Jim doesn't have facial wasting associated with very severe std
>"HIV-associated lipoatrophy, which includes fat loss of the limbs, buttocks, and face."
New Coke was them switching to HFCS from cane sugar, so yes, they intentionally made the product worse and tried to market it as better, and failed. Then they tweaked the formula and called it coke classic. Still HFCS of course.
If you care at all about the lives of celebrities, as a means to cope with having no life of your own, you’re the retard.
makes sense
Thanks Jim.
And now you’re fantasizing that the object of your obsession is aware of your existence.
Both Pepsi & Coke switched to HFCS prior to new cokes creation
Sorry for wishing the rapist and pedophile would put a gun to his head and pull the trigger! Oh, I'm so sorry.
Was your life always empty or did it happen slowly?
NTA but grew up in the 80s and it was definitely changed before New Coke, in the US anyway. The idea that they used New Coke to cover up the switch is Mandela theory nonsense
Ask Jeff Ross how his 15 year old victim is doing and Seth Green how those board game nights are going
I wa at a party in the Hills a few years ago and Jim Carrey was chasing this girl around the living room with his cock out yelling "SOMEBODY STOP ME" and she was terrified, like "oh my god someone stop his aids dick!" and I wanted to help her but Jim was making that face that makes me laugh and I didn't want him to stop.
Why do you people have such confidence that these huge companies are so amazingly competent that they can manufacture perfectly designed screw ups to expertly manipulate the audience into creating viral movements that become headline news without the planning stages for these moments ever leaking to the public, there are never any whistleblowers or insiders confirming it, there aren't any big payouts to third parties?
If they really were that competent to pull that off, why even bother going down that road rather than simply creating much higher quality entertainment at lower cost? It's astonishing to see people have such faith in the competence of someone you seem to utterly despise.
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>tiff reposting irrelevant clips from 2017
could it be… he really thinks he can make it through this next promo cycle without something going down?
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>Yellow Female Sonic
Movie Tania's looking good.
and don't forget Dustin Hoffman, who was in Epsteins little black book
they fixed it!!! they listened to us and kneeled!!!! I'm buying 5 tickets for my whole family now!!! LFG
>It's astonishing to see people have such faith in the competence of someone you seem to utterly despise.
Meme magic from 2016 ruined a whole generation of 4chan users
I'll take meme magic as an explanation for everything over the idea that people are capable of thinking more than a few steps ahead. People, even the smartest person ever, are emotionally driven morons whose computing power of our brains have been far outstripped by machines for decades.
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God I wish that were me.
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Watched Sonic 2 and loved it while it was refreshing that a movie was so straight forward and designed with the sole purpose to entertain with earnestness and sincerity instead of the usual post-modern cynicism and irony. I think it's a rare case of being a superior sequel that just slightly went beyond my expectations. Everyone's great with Jim Carrey being the standout who brings his A-game and it's nice to see him once again in top form.

If I had a complaint it's that the tie-in music video by Kid Cudi......


Just doesn't compare to the one from the first movie that has more energy......


While this reminded me of the "controversy" when Sonic's original design for the first movie was revealed only for the public outcry to be so loud that the studio pushed the release date back to fix Sonic.

I also remember the left wing liberal mainstream media having a fucking meltdown because the studio decided that making money was more important than listening to a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths with the minds of children on Twitter crying about how the studio caved in to the "entitled toxic fandom". Every time you hear these cockroaches use the word "toxic" it indicates something people care about that they want to destroy or ruin and this is because they are evil and rotten to the core and just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

It was suggested that the studio did this as a marketing ploy which was brilliant if that was the case. As a result it was a huge hit which was attributed to not only its quality but that many saw it as a way of showing support and indicating that maybe studios should focus on paying customers instead of broke losers on social media who spend all of their money on hair dye, Tattoos and lattes.

Haven't seen the Knuckles show for streaming but hear good things about it......


While I'm really looking forward to Sonic 3, out this December, with Keanu Reeves apparently voicing fan favorite Shadow seen here in the Sonic 2 post-credits scene.....


Finally wanted to say that Tika Sumpter, who plays James Marsden's Wife in the Sonic films, is fucking gorgeous and resembles pornstar Ana Foxxx while it's my curse to bear that neither will ever ride my face until it's smooth nor let me wear their crotches as feedbags!!!FACT!!!
when has something else like this ever happened? studios never budge on shit like this, i'm willing to believe the theory
Teeth too big. She's got better teeth in the NSFW edit I have.
It's not like it's Disney or MCU who actively hate comic book readers.

They were really relying on the fan vote for this, and Jeff Fowler literally worked on Sonic Adventure 2. The pivot makes sense.
Jeff Fowler should be boiled alive in vinegar for his casting choices
It's so funny hearing the cope that "they couldn't have done it as a marketing gimmick because it costs too much money", meanwhile studios spends hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing movies.
because if this was real they would have released the movie with the old design
it was staged
just like will smith slap
Marsden and Sumpter are good choices, so is Ben, and Knuckles is black so getting Idris to voice him was also good. Keane Shadow is 11/10 casting. To top it off, they got O’Shaughnessy for Tails so no, he shouldn’t be chastised for his casting.
Why were we suppose to hate furries?
Keanu Shadow*
If even the Sonic movie is a conspiracy theory to you, there’s really no limit to whatever schizo narrative you can come up with
They do but usually in the test screening phase. Someone post the original Monster Trucks designs that made a theatre of kids cry.
He should be killed alone for reviving Jim Carreys career in any way
furries are vanilla at this point
give me one (1) good reason why I shouldn't desire with every fiber of my being to live a peaceful life with my beautiful anthro wife
They were the trannies of the early internet.
other than finding out a regular human being was a furry and that changing your opinion of them how were they similar


>Furry hate never made sense to me, especially when every 90s cartoon attempted to make anthros hot.
nowadays the majority of it comes from people who are just trying too hard to fit in
there are good reasons to hate transsexuals because they'll ruin your life if you don't cater to their delusions but furfags are usually pretty good about staying in their lane
>They just put it out there for free press.
I seriously don't get this. What more press do you need other than "Live Action Sonic movie" to get butts in seats?
Permanently online drama junkies
Sonic is popular with autists and kids but how many normie millennial or gen z'ers were going to attend without a little push? Although I'm not sure if ugly sonic was an intentional shitstorm (given how common bad cgi is), it being a meme and the eventual revision did contribute to the movie financially succeeding.
that's everybody now
you're describing this entire website
Including your good old friends the celebrities
what did she die of
Meds, now
Social suicide.
Yeah, I am talking about the early internet.
>make adaptation of IP loved dearly by autists the world over
>go off model with the titular character
Honestly, what did they expect?
not our fault nobody in power ever speaks up against that walking sharps bag because he's associated with a cult or two and has some powerful friends.

I guess being in $cientology or TM is an automatic get out of jail free card that comes with complimentary astroturfing and PR benefits. It won't stop the STDs from killing his cells though
>>They just put it out there for free press.
>I seriously don't get this. What more press do you need other than "Live Action Sonic movie" to get butts in seats?

It's reverse psychology and it works. If not for the controversy it probably wouldn't have done as well as it did. By changing the design it put it into peoples minds that the people behind the movie were earnest and trying to make a good movie and owned up to their mistake. Then you had SJW's crying that the studio listened to fans which motivated people into seeing it. Same as Hogwarts Legacy, Stellar Blade, Helldivers 2, Top Gun Maverick, all instances where the left wing attacked them for daring to make entrainment designed to make money and didn't push identity politics.

It's like when Sound of Freedom was coming out and the left wing liberal media were going insane claiming it that child abduction and trafficking was nothing but conspiracy theories by white straight right wing conversates. If not for that it wouldn't have done as well.

The lesson is, if SJW's and the media are against something then odd are it's probably good, if they support something it's probably bad. Just remember that the left wing was falling over themselves to praise Cuties.....

We've seen this play out repeatedly over the last decade!!!FACT!!!
>using the term sjw unironically
am I browsing tumblr in 2016?
I'll concede that when they're reduced to a faceless crowd they're retarded as with any large group of people but I don't understand the sentiment of shitting on somebody because he wants to fuck Krystal the fox or whatever
I don't see how that's anymore cringe than wanting to fuck rapunzel or ariel or the asian chick from Titan A.E.
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Jim Carrey is evil, always has been, always will be, and one day, the truth about him will be out there.

That's fucked up, why hasn't he been cancelled, is it just because he's a Democrat?
I'll give you this, chud is retarded

but if you're offended by incel then you're probably an incel
A lot, you fucking moron. At the time this came out, we're threw billions at Disney for men in spandex and talking raccoons. How about Detective Pikachu? Mario? How did Mario do again? You toothless fuck.
I thought detective pikachu did bad
Go back then, there's no porn now to trigger you fat wokies.
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He immediately rebranded to a political neoliberal painter after he was accused of abuse as a panic response and desperate PR dodge by making anti Trump paintings and sadly it worked. I'm more left myself (any political disagreement we have on this site aside) but I find him absolutely fucking insufferable and deeply corrosive for trying to adapt these obviously phony views to circumvent what was coming out against him, and he alone for that deserves to be guillotined.

Don't forget his criticism of Weinstein when he drew a "Harvey is dead" painting but has been caught red handed hanging out with the ogre himself
>I'll give you this, chud is retarded
>but if you're offended by incel then you're probably an incel

The term "Incel" is used because you can't be a grown woman calling anyone you don't like a virgin which would reveal that you never developed mentally, emotionally or intellectually beyond grade school and think using NPC Twitter buzzword insults is a win for them and will always fall back on it and I'll explain why;

Most women are narcissistic sociopaths with the minds of children and the ones who unironically call someone an "incel" do so because they actually believe that every man they encounter must be a virgin because they haven't had sex with them. The idea that a man would have had sex with anyone other than them would shatter their fragile little egos that they aren't special while withholding sex is the only power women have over men, so they need to create this delusion in their minds that all men are virgins to give them a sense of power over them.

It's also because women will never take responsibility for anything, so if you confront them they won't acknowledge that it's their shitty behavior and the things they do that are the problem, no, you're only mad because she's not fucking you and a sexually frustrated virgin which is the the response they fall back on 100% of the time.

Just shows why women were once not allowed to vote and considered property while the greatest philosopher of our time Taylor Swift said it best "Women should be chained to a stove in the kitchen with only enough slack to get to the bedroom".

No wonder she was nominated as Time Magazine's Woman of the Year!!!FACT!!!
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It's not photoshopped either, kiddos
Godzilla 1998
Paramount thought they could get away with Ugly Sonic because Michael Bay got away with pic related for his Turtles movie.
Because they tried to insist everyone did, that their fetish was normal, that everyone else was in denial, that because they had found some acceptance on the internet, they should be accepted everywhere on the internet.

You seeing how similar they are to trannies yet?
not really, no
sounds like projection on your part
nice reddit spacing btw
That literally never happened. Hiveminds are so interesting, you have people defending things that make no sense and saying things that never happened happened because they need to justify their behaviour.
It did pretty well, especially considering it opened against Avengers.
Why are you pretending you were there?
okay incel
Why was he?
>le thousand yiff stare
they expected to make hop 2 featuring sonic the hedgehog and that they could do whatever they fuck they wanted, which was true then some marketing agent saw an opportunity to give the movie some good will by changing the design and making people think about “ how bad this could have been” which makes the final product better by proxy (the covid effect)
and voila, accolades and 2 sequels. its pretty scummy to take advantage of autists like that but hey, thats what makes this world go round
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carrey shouldve not come back for the third one considering the fate of his character in movie 2, they would've made enough bank off of shadow keanu not having to bring the sex offender back

and btw if you're gonna publicly humiliate yourself then "retire" in the middle of a movie promo cycle, live by your word, otherwise it's just damage control to hide your retardation.

pulling a few pathetic publicity stunts pretending to sue someone and hacking google hiding for 2 years as a lead up to your 14th comeback after you disgrace yourself doesn't make you any less disgraceful nor does it stop the rumors and gossip which show the underlying monster you really are, in jims case.

i mean the evil is embedded in his face, it doesn't need explaining, I can't believe people think this guy is still entertaining, his pruny old man mug is not fitted for the juvenile 12 year old boy humor. hes never matured his entire career, it's just embarrassing at 62, grow up hair plugged grandpa and stop raping women half your age
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one of his little handler assistants (hello Nicole and Linda) rush him to the nearest nursing home or hospital he's disintegrating at the seams

he's one jerky movement away from death

Thanks for proving my point!!!FACT!!!
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>okay incel
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>ok incel
rent free

You know you're not a real person don't you? That you're in a feedback loop and can only repeat the same response because you're an NPC who lacks the self-awareness to realize that your thoughts and actions are not your own, controlled by entities beyond your comprehension that use you as a pawn in a game you don't realize you're playing and will ultimately lose once you are of no further use.

It's unfortunate that you will not make this realization until you are inevitably alone, unloved and forgotten with your last thoughts while dying being filled with anger, self-loathing, bitterness and regret that you didn't spend more time calling people NPC insults that were not even your own but those you were taught to apply like a good lapdog because people told you that others were the reason you spent your existence as poor lazy worthless piece of shit.

I shitpost for fun, am married and have sex with my Wife regularly because we love each other. Something you will never experience because who could ever love someone like you when you can't even love yourself because of how much you hate existing

I don't feel sorry for you but laugh knowing that every second of your existence is an existential Hell that you wi never escape from until you die, hopefully long after you lose everyone and everything you care about.

>INB4 okay incel

There, saved you some time!!!FACT!!!
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bless your heart honey I hope you typed that with chatgpt and didn't actually write it

Post it
i thought this was about sonic
Why didn't he just take his glove off when the bomb gets stuck on one?
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How bad are they going to fuck Shadow up in the movie? He's been shit on for over a decade, so it can't get much worse, but even still. The tone of Sonic Adventure 2 is too grim for a chilidog wedding movie for toddlers, so Shadow is going to have to be doing all sorts of slapstick for retarded western children raised on Minion movies
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He'll just be Sonic Prime/Sonic Boom Shadow. More Prime though.

I guess something that's more than one sentence and not filled with NPC responses is beyond your comprehension skills since you can't argue against anything I said without using the word "incel" which seems to be the only one in your limited vocabulary and reflective of your low I.Q. while I doubt you know which end to wipe and that your family tree doesn't fork!!!FACT!!!
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That's the wonder of 4chan, every derailed thread raises the nuclear levels of autism
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Sonic has been pretty much not-Vegeta for the longest time, so I can see them going for the Sonic Boom version of him. I don't know how the Prime one acts. I couldn't get that far into the series before I gave up on it. I think I got up to where Knuckles was keeping barrels of chilidogs on his pirate ship
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house in vermont infested crystal meth head hepatitis syphilis carrying snow snorter jaundiced ketamine junkie herped up chlamydia dmt addict h pee vee passer peyote eater crumpled weed smelling alcoholic cigarette downing needle user
Mighty No. 9

Anywho, that's enough shitposting for now. I hope you have been entertained and wish you all a lovely evening!!!FACT!!!
Now do my bidding and spread the gospel of the Anti Jim Carrey manifesto or else my witchy powers will curse you to die in your sleep

Who's voicing Shadow? Any confirmations? Anakin? Neo?
>Schizos find it easier to believe that film executives are capable of this kind of 5D marketing foresight for the Sonic movie but not for any of the innumerable shit flicks that constantly flop, than to believe they hit the panic button and lucked into a better solution
Didn't they have to work an animation studio to the bone to redo all the CG in time, to the point that that studio closed down as soon as the movie came out?
seems kino friend, will read

That game was so shit. All that money they received too and that was what they shat out? Fucks sake
It's not the worst Sonic design ever but it's still nowhere near as visually pleasing as Sonic's official game designs and no amount of contrarianism will ever change that. Sonic isn't meant to look 'realistic' (whatever the fuck THAT means in this context), he's an inherently cartoonish character whose design was partially inspired by Felix the Cat and there's nothing wrong with that. The hollyjew niggers did the right thing by redesigning Movie Sonic.
He needed to look realistic in the context of being on Earth in a live-action movie.
do you know what shipping is? This is done all the time. They have characters hook up just for the buzz.

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