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I'm getting so fucking sick of blacks in everything
watch old stuff mate
forget about newslop
>Noooo! a freed slave cant turn into a rich merchant slaver! im going insane!
Fucking contrarian chuds trying to fins reasons to get triggered.
Same, but what does that have to do with Denzel Washington?
This is historically accurate and the end result of Julius Caesar's rebellion. Its well known he imported foreign senators.
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MOOOOM, I'm getting genocided again
I'm glad people are turning on you low IQ retards
Cite your sources scoundrel.
Larry Fink
>Caesar increased the number of senators from around 600 to 900. This changed the membership of the Senate considerably: many of the new faces were Equestrians or came from Italian towns – some even came from Gaul.
white soi induced trembling fat fingers typed this post
>new senators from Italy and Germany
That would have made the Senate even whiter
Is this gonna be another "the senators were actually the good guys!" because both them and the Caesar dynasty were assholes the Caesars just did more for the plebians.
>some even came from Gaul
algerian sandnigger senators confirmed
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Apart from him being a nigger. I like Denzel Washington, he one of the respected ones. I think he gonna nail his role, other casts look solid.
>Brother wars no more!
I like Denzel but cmon
In period settings yes, its completely pointless and unnecessary. But like >>200743891 said just watch old stuff. I haven't watched any new movie in a long time except Top Gun Maverick which was the last kino I watched.
So... Even whiter?

I want more blacks in everything because it makes you seethe, chud.

>brother wars no more
>just let us keep changing your hisory goyim
Get fucked
Less Roman.
he imported Gauls not Nigauls
He is not a senator.
>Lives in USA
>Complains about niggas
is u deadass stupid cuh?
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Imagine not realizing you are being tested, responding with little thought, and accidently becoming implicated in a murder plot. lmao
And more German, that's an issue but they still werent black
He looks 100% italian to me
Denzel plays a former slave who freed himself, now running weapons trade or sth
Slave in the Roman sense, ofc
still dumb, most slaves in rome were europeans and arabs

Normally I'd be annoyed, but it's Denzel. I mean, have y'all seen his Macbeth?
He's still not white, so he shouldn't be playing a roman Senator
I actually laughed
he looks italian
were you there? no? well shut the fuck up then
Why are you pretending you know history? fucking retard. Chuds faking outrage as always
Not a Senator, is just a former slave (that is now a slaver himself)
>people unironically defending this because it's heckin based denzel
not even brown people are safe from blackwashing, god damn
That's why collapse of the Roman Empire happened
I was, and niggers weren't senators, cunt.
>african slave is protrayed by nig
How dare they!
From what part of africa?
oh i thought it was from the hannibal movie, he's in another new historical movie?
Who gives a shit. It's fucking Denzel.
The Congo. This was a popular area for slaves since patricians would use the males to satisfy their wives while they watched.
Egyptians weren't niggers
He is a former slave turned merchant and slaver in the new gladiator movie. This isn't the horrible Hannibal race swap.
Well, he is a nigger, so sub-saharan.
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As seen in HBO's Rome.
>After collapsing into a fit of sobs, Atia shifts her focus towards making amends with Servilia, who she will need "when Caesar is defeated." She buys Servilia a set of lavish gifts, including a well-endowed male slave, and a gold tortoise.
completely forgot that was coming out
Based Atia
To be fair he looks like a typical med just with darker skin.
>subsaharan slaves in Rome
What are the odds?
>so african romans enslaved my european ancestors and the enslavement of africans later was simply restitution against systemic racism against europeans
historical revisionism is the greatest pardon of all time for guilt tripping against whites
cuck fantasy
she buys some random slave with a big dick as a joke but the slave wasn't from "the congo" (a region nobody cared about but don't let that get in the way of your cuck fantasy)
He kinda looks dope desu
Reminder that Septimus Severus, who was born in africa, considered the black skin of some of his auxiliaries such a bad omen he exiled them from his camp

the single MOST african emperor still considered black skin so unusual it was a bad omen
Denzel is a cool nigga, he is allowed
>muh based black man
being black disqualifies you from being based
your mom begs to differ.
We can't keep doing that forever. It applies to everything in life.
I don't know how anyone can be bothered by denzel being in this, who honestly gives a fuck this movies probably going to be shit regardless.
i know my father
i would be black and unbased if my mom liked niggers
i am not black so my mom didnt like niggers
well known merchant from the germanic Allemannii tribe
Hermann the Schwarzte
yeah just like you who enslaved everyone first we enslaved you
you are a slave and unbased bitch nigger
I know blacks need this cope because they're the most undesirable race
My mother got married right out of highschool to my father and new him during high school
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I'm sorry that your mother was the local cum-dump
>some even came from Gaul.
fucking ginger knobs
>look they are all brown
and they all seemed to live in modern day Shanghai with strong smog that makes the sky look brown too
Yakubian lookin ass top right
fresh gladiator kino on the menu I see!
hey nigger maybe focus on reality
Denzel is an honorary white and besides he plays a Numidian merchant. In antiquity, the great cultural scourge of African Americans didn't exist to tarnish the good name of your average negro. They were just another set of foreigners and barbarians.
Reminder this samefag 80IQ black has been spamming /tv/ all day every day for months now.
If he's so based why is he degrading Roman history?
Julius Caesar packed the senate with with people from conquered territories to dilute the original senators’ voting power and make it easier for Caesar to get his way when it came to furthering his agenda. I don’t doubt that the dictators that came after him continued that same practice.
the sun says that it baked niggers so hard they stay crispy even when new ones are born
See >>200744102
He added a few more Italians and Germans
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True. But I gave my wigga Mr. Washington the cracka pass, we aight.
Only acceptable if he rants like Training Day the entire time
When i read about the character, it says he is a former slave angry at the roman elite
Gaia told me that it likes when darkskins starve to death and the white man is here to punish the dark skins
shitskin lmao
In classical Rome? No, it can't happen and never happened. From the foundation of Rome by Romulus to the fall of Constatinople not a single nigger slave became a rich merchant
Anyone who isn't braindead already does so, but unfortunately that doesn't apply to most of the regulars on this board.
i hate when they have perfectly groomed fucking barbershop clipper hair and beards in period pieces. its just so fucking lazy.
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>Why are Europeans playing Europeans
you low IQ, seething ape
good thing this is a fictional movie
>Its ok he only added a few barbarians and commoners.
Slipper slope is real.
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>We're not Indians or SEAs, you know damn well Black American men, especially Carib nigs fucking outside their race to the point that UK Black Caribs are going extinct due to bleach themselves out same in Canada
why are you posting BMWF propaganda from an account that own pic rel, that spams BMWF propaganda?
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you know that BMWF propaganda from black males isn't real right?
>We're not Indians or SEAs
you're the same thing, that's why you run thousands of twitter account dedicated to spamming BMWF content and porn all over the internet
you're basically a bunch of incels
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eventually young people will just believe there was never a time when black people did not live in europe
he looks zesty
look on the bright side: in 100 years they will make movies where in Russo-Ukrainian war there were only black people fighting on both sides
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What if its just Ethiopean king and not a senator?
Bro...you don't have to be rascist
book name?
i'm more distracted by the way how fake this golden decoration looks like
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>there will be movies made about negros saying "no more brother wars"
I hate Brutus. He was supposed to be loyal to Ceaser, but Brutus betrayed him.

I hope Brutus burns in Hell because I hate people who commit betrayal.
They wish.
Tell Beethoven and Mozart, your elites don't seem to mind keeping their memories alive
Why aren't riding dirt bikes or using flamethrowers in the colisseum then? That'd be much cooler than a nigger senator and just as historically accurate
Thank fuck I'm not alone in noticing. Literal phone posting brownie/black that wants to convince uneducated zoomers and brownies that ancient Rome "was not white" per his own words. Romans, when tanned, were as his presented evidence in ancient art, murals and etc, but tries so hard to revise European history that whites were just Germanic savages that appropriated the rubble of Rome after it's fall.

Also watch his head spin with the narrative when it comes to pre Napoleonic France. It's a fucking hilarious read.
didn't read a single, just exposing your propaganda to to other white men
also that chart is meaningless, none of your bantu nonsense works with me

>This might come out as incelish(I'm not
yes you are an incel and yes it comes off as incelish because you're an incel butthurt that i exposed your propaganda that comes straight up of propaganda accounts run by black men on twitter

i'm glad that more people are seeing black men for what they are, a bunch of incels seething online
Seek help insane libshit.
It was decorated wrong. Someone should have left it as wood and done just appropriate gold leafing around the wreath crest. Someone on the production set team was sleepy that day.
Greek slaves were the most in demand. Every wealthy Roman family wanted one as a status symbol. Some of the ones who couldn’t get Greek slaves ended up teaching their slaves to speak Greek to keep up appearances.
that's an incel black man spamming BMWF porn on the internet
There were blacks in Roman era Europe. It's confirmed. They were very rare, but they were here.
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Seek help.
Oh look it's this insane schizo back again after ban evading from his deleted posts / ban as documented here >>200748849
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It was already done, who cares
butthurt bantu no one cares
we can see your agenda now, you exposed yourselves on twitter, your BMWF network has been exposed, no ones falling for it anymore

Read it with sci-hub
Uhm Saar that's HECKIN racist! -1000 aura with this child!
I don't understand? He looks Italian
The set team probably just looked at the negro emperor and went "oh it's THAT kind of production" and then started working.
So you're a black virgin immigrant who's jealous of white men and you think this schizo shit is going to help you beat the smartest demographic on earth?
> I also thought it was jews doing the networking
don't you try, they have started it but now it's you bantus as can be seen by all the sysbm/milkmen network that spams BMWF content all over the internet, you bantus are incels, you're been exposed
Denzel is not a 'based black'. He's a black. Period. Stop with this mental cuckoldry.
>That's why collapse of the Negroman Empire happened
>Watch Ridley Scott slop
>Expect something good
>In the year of our Lord 2024
You did this to yourself
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they do that alot ive noticed. spartacus and almost all of his officers during the third servile war were gallic, thracians, scythians, cimbrians and other celtic, germanic and balkan tribes. yet everything ive seen with spartacus still throws a bunch of blacks in there for some reason. are mutts just incapable of comprehending a time when black slaves were pretty rare, and the bulk of slaves came from white peoples? its both racist and anti-white at the same time. on the one hand it basically pretends that only black people can ever be slaves, while on the other it also denies that white people have ever faced oppression and slavery
But what of good Solonius?
Nice revisionist nigger worship head canon
He's ok and keeps to himself. That said, he was miscast
we'll they're gonna fight sharks and other goofy shit in the coliseum so this was pretty much the worst example you could have used
aqua-seums were a thing. you wouldnt believe half the shit they did

but negro roman senators were not a thing
I like Denzel but this has already ruined any hype I had for this film, talk about immersion breaking. Also Gladiator didn't need a fucking sequal.
did they fight sharks though? this looks like a staged naval battle
Same, and I don't even have blacks were I live
This, including in the real world, at work, etc
They are NOT human
they filled it with seals, hippos and yes sharks to help with the immersion and the danger of the battle but idk if they actually went out of their way to fight the sharks. seems more like an atmospheric touch; but fighting animals was pretty typical in the arenas
>first movie
>based Digimon Rousseau
>And now we are Free. I will see you again... but not yet... Not yet!
That was based af
>new movie
>Denzel Washington DC
>zesty old fart
Fuck this timeline
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There’s a Jean-Bedel Bokassa documentary being made?
yes because Gladiator was so true to life originally without historical liberties
Bros... I've reached a point where I'd rather have them as slaves than as actors. I've become.... Pro-slavery....
>talking shit about based Denzel
Nah, kill yourself nazi
Stop being racist then
>hate black people
>want to be surrounded by them constantly
retarded southerner detected, reminder that you lost the war btw.
>stop resisting

the word slaves comes from when whites were captured and their women used in harems while their men watched, the genesis of your bbc fetish

you will never be roman golem
Settle down. It is denzel
you mispelled 'goylem'. why are you so obsessed with cuckold fetishes? why would romans raping celtic women give them bbc fetishes? have you ever looked at a roman statue? I know niggers are retards but god damn. your picture doesnt even look like something from the roman era. romans are genetically, linguistically and culturally closer to germanic and celtic peoples than to you, nigger
He is fine.
He looks severely burned
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those statues a falsified to convey a falsfified history, the elites keep unfilitered knowledge while they feed the peasents slop

pic related was served by the queen of england, show casing a black roman and his groomed white mistress

whites were cock sleeves and slaves in rome, nothng more

those statues are falsified*

similar to the roman bust npcs paraded on twitter trying to capture an identity of zero relation to them

go find another dick to ride, the larp is a chore to witness
>posts 1500s jewel commemorating a joint military effort between african tribes and the british navy under elizabeths command against the spanish empire as evidence that ancient romans were black
>somehow squeezes his weird cuck fantasy into it while hes at it
niggers are so unfathomably stupid it is genuinely a bit bemusing.
>go find another dick to ride
why do niggers always say this shit, especially when theyre the ones riding someone elses dick? you sound gay as fuck nigga. aint nobody here wants to ride your dick. aint nobody 'riding your dick' by calling you a dumbass nigger that needs to read. niggers are so narcissistic while at the same time being the most pathetic, retarded and useless race on the planet. it reminds me of the arrogance of a child
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simply because you belong on all fours stripped of the costume bestowed upon you, white identity begins on a black dick, in absense youre a classifciation of fauna


belongs in the trash
xD noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there was no african roman senatorial class heh they were le heckin' white supremacists (and also they were german not freakin' greeks and italians ughhh hate how they get credit for OUR empire) heh glad people are turning on these liberals that make these shows with actors i don't like heh mommy please tell me a bed time story the world is so scawwy! xD
go do your own research you racist pieces of shit
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the explanation was already provided, the paledmentium cape signifies such

the old world was managed by blacks, the new world also managed by black, but pink skinned orcs used as foot soldiers to obscure the legacy of control

similar story to sauron and his band of orcs
>systemic oppression is only real when we like it chud
we did, and the research says that those 'foreign senastors' were literally germans. whens the last time you refreshed on youe tacitus readings?
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you're definitely making them less racist lmao
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Go back to incels.is niggerfaggot
looks italian to me
This schizo coon is still seething?
Americans get shown The Patriot in history class don't tell me that historical movies aren't routinely treated as real.
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What they do is use North Africans like Septimius Severus as examples of 'black people' so they can shoehorn them anywhere they like. We know what they looked like and they were not sub-Saharans.
Note how they just say 'African' (an enormous continent). It's a lie by omission to excuse blackwashing.
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>accept blacks in everything all the time or else you're racist
I wish you had any sort of awareness over how much of a disgusting and regressive sack of absolute fucking shit you are as a person.
You are fucking trash and if there is any karma or justice of any sort then you will fucking burn

Contrary to what you apparently believe, black people do not have control over the universe making it a sin of some kind to not want to always constantly experience them.

if hispanics wanna watch a movie without blacks then that's fine. if whites wanna watch a movie without blacks then that's fine. if asians wanna watch a movie without blacks then that's fine

You aren't a fucking racist for not being completely fucking obsessed with niggers, you stupid piece of fucking trash
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That's the face she makes when I whip out my...wait a minute
Zeus being black is he only one that might make sense, as he made man in his image and we emigrated out of Africa.

The Jews are ok with King Solomon being raceswapped how?
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no it still doesnt make any sense you dipshit since zeus is described as 'grey-eyed' and black haired in the homeric hymns. also zeus didnt 'make man in his image', that line is from the bible. the creation of mankind is attributed to different gods in greek mythology depending on time period and city state. and the closest relatives of early homo sapiens dont have anything genetically in common with modern day bantus, any more or less than they do with modern day scandinavians. the idea that modern africans=original humans is complete and utter bullshit. we have no way of knowing what the original humans in the east african valley rift looked like or if they have any commonality with any group that exists today. they could have been wiped out, genocided, mass-migrated and replaced several dozens of times over by now. the original inhabitants of central asia were all blond and grey eyed; now those are rare traits you only see with hapa mongoloids. the original inhabits of the americans were redskinned indians who now only live on the rez. people have such naive ideas

also picrel is how greeks depicted their own gods in art
so fucking sick of it. Nonstop shoved down our throats. Fuck this gay ass nigger shit
I've never seen a nigger supreme gentleman before. Nice
Nogs have literally never ever created even a fucking small city of note in the entire history of humanity. Mansa Musa is the most famous non-slave negro and he was just another illiterate monkey that came into riches and didn’t know what to do with it. Nubians were nothing more than feces collecting toilet cleaning slaves. The hundred years these barbarians managed to come into power in Ancient Egypt was their only notable “achievement” and it ended up being Egypt’s worst point in history. Nogs have such a pathetic history, that kikes have to put them in anachronistic settings to propagate that nogs are human.
The problem isn't having black people but a fucking black roman emperor
yes PoCs aren't trying to make whites brown, but to lighten themselves
Caracalla behaved like a nigger, so it makes sense.
They're pretty good depending if his character comes from Aethiopia. Back in the day sailing was done in galleys which had limited range and cargo space for supplies so they didn't know how the world actually was accurately, also map making was in its infancy

Thus everything south of northern Africa was Aethiopia the land with the burned skin people, aka niggers. North Africans had olive skin, a permanent tan like what you see in Spain, Greece, Italy, etc.

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