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The Watchers was kino
So obvious what the “twist” will be
the kid from the sixth sense catches him at the end
That traps are gay?
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>A new M. Night Shyamalan experience
That sounds really soi, but at the same time it's kinda true. His movies really are an experience, no matter how good or bad they are.
It shows how bad things really are if a Shyamalan movie is one of the most interesting films of the year.
The singer is the killer
His movies have always been more interesting than the typical hollywood drivel. Sure, they get really bad at times, but at least he tries to make something different.
Josh is the killer
His films feel very late 90s/early 2000s when we would have these high concept but somewhat goofy genre flicks played with absolute sincerity and good production values. Like equilibrium and signs.
No. His daughter is.
Where does he keep getting money to make movies?
I mean, that's obvious at that point
He has a cozy multi-picture deal with WB. He always makes cheap movies and Zaslav loves cheap
no - it was fairy trash
The fairies were fucking cool I thought. Did someone touch your asshole once?
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Most of his film generate money and he's a producer

also m night film may be flaw but he entertaining so please get out and go back to the acolyte
Punky's Whips: The Motion Picture
Why would we need a second trailer?
the twist will be that he's killing in the name of god and is absolved of sin
the film will be a secret sequel to frailty
Is this M. Night Kinomalan somehow related to M. Night Shyamaladingdong?
He fell off hard for a long time but all his movies lately have been great.
Watchers was quality.
The twist is the cops think its someone else and the real killer , hartnett, will just walk away
I really don't like any of his movies I've seen
The twist is that he ISN'T the killer and became inspired to kill after that black dude informing him of a killer.
>Watchers was quality
he didn't write or direct it, just produced
also reading the plot on wiki it's definitely slop
Which movies have you seen?
SAARs are more nightmarish than Saarmalan could ever dream of.

Tim Hortons confirmed for Hep A outbreak in Nova Scotia
idk whether or not to tell you to take the meds or stop taking them, either way you need to never post here again
The twist will probably be they knew who he was from the start
anon zack snyder received 1B dollars to make a star wars rip off for netflix and youre complaing about shyamalan? snyder never made 1 movie that reached M nights peak
the twist is that there will be no twist
The twist is that the daughter knows he is a serial killer but doesn't care because it is her dad. The dad doesn't know this until the ending where the daughter saves him right before he is caught.
Look at his box office returns. He is one of the best investments in Hollywood unironically.
Saar Wipe Poomalan's new thriller - Train
Hep A is transferred from eating faecal matter from an infected body. So the Tim Horton workers weren't washing their hands and wiping their ass with their hands and prepping food.
Tranny porn?
kind of crazy how the studios gave him bloated budgets for his films back then but after lady in the water he was using barebones budgets and making fat stacks through returns
Did he funnel his earnings into buying multi-family properties in Canada and filling them with his fellow SAARs from abroad?
>police looking for 1 guy out of thousands by blocking a concert
>this is a strategy the police has made up without thinking the levels of disaster it would lead too.
if the killer wasnt so dumb he could just pretend he's just a guy and wait it out. i guess in Shyamalan's world this isnt a possibility.
the guy is a serial killer, meaning he has reached the point where if he doesn't kill someone he doesn't know what to do with himself
being at a concert he's at liberty to dispose of people as he pleases but knowing of the lockdown he has to choose his victims carefully
where does experience fall in the kino tier? between joint and flick?
I saw the toilet scenes in the preview. Strange how there was no toilet paper or paper towels in the bathroom.
>he doesn't bring his own roll to public events
did the toilets work?
Bruce Willis will show up at the end, looking extremely confused and mumble "I'm an actor?"
Hard cut to credits.
I think we got a winner
It's his daughter's movie, and her debut as a director, so I'm gonna cut her some slack if it's slop. Hopefully, she'll do better in the future.
The twist is that it looked like Josh Hartnett is making a comeback but then he plays in this trash.
the twist is this is an alternate bidet-only world
he already made a comeback in oppenheimer
he needs to be a leading man, not a supporting actor in nolanslop
Thank you, I am pretty happy with my prediction.
he can't be something he never was
Looks sick. I hope he gets away with it.
I'm convinced the Jews shit on his reputation because he wouldn't kiss the ring.
The twist is the chief of police doesn't get publicly executed despite trying to check everyone on their way out of a giant building designed for mass exist rather than checking everyone on their way in that has focused screened entry points
>mass exist
I meant "mass exit" or "mass exodus" and my brain accidentally combothed
Daughter is the killer or he is a different unrelated killer who gets caught thinking they're after him while the other escapes. Yes?
>The tweest is Fairies
Honestly, I'd like to see more of that, our ancestors were scared shitless of them.
This unironically looks kino, the trailer is extremely well edited.
>The police are here to catch The Butcher
How could he be confused about whether or not he is The Butcher is he is a killer?
The twists will be that there’s a second killer they are after and not the father. The movie ends in a brutal confrontation with the ‘real’ killer trying to put the feds on the fathers trail instead of his own. Screenshot this
bro had a stroke
this is me every time i try to post on 4chan.i type faster than i think, and im not saying that as if i were smart i just type stupid and then i get to lazy to proofread
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The phone is a sleeper cell activation moment.
Do yourself a favour and watch the hallow
First trailer was better, but this one was pretty good too.
I enjoyed knock at the door, dave batista was very good
FINALLY a movie about Yung Joc
Shamalama is a lottery. Sometimes kino, sometimes turboshit. This one definitely looks more like kino
i think this one is better, the first one wasn't as dynamic
From the Wikipedia article:

"A serial killer, dubbed "The Butcher", joins his daughter at a concert for pop star Lady Raven, an event he realizes is a trap set by police to catch him."
>Where does he keep getting money to make movies?
are you fucking dumb? Look at the box office performance for his movies. Why are you never asking this question with Ridley Scott or Guy Ritchie?
It is warming up on me a lot. I like hearing the MC's monologue about his drive to kill, and the old lady seems to be the L to his Light.
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys.
First trailer was great but this one spoils the whole movie. Fuck off.
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new literally me dropped
>police know he's going to be at the concert, which means they know his identity
>don't just arrest him at his home
He made his comeback in Penny Dreadful.
Am I the only one not understanding how they could actually "catch him" if all he does is enjoy the concert and bounce? Am I missing something essential with how technology works?
In what way? It's the same as the first one, MC is a killer, he's gonna try to get away. Shit goes down, but we're not shown what specifically happens. It's Shyamalan so there's probably some crazy twist.
>which means they know his identity
No? They might have gotten some sort of an anonymous tip saying he is going to be at concert. I assume that's going to be a plot point - how they found out about him.
The trailer shows Hartnett talking to himself about killing just one more time and literally shows him killing someone in bed. There's no twist. The "drama" is in whether he'll actually be caught.
if there's no twist that's okay. This is a strong premise for the movie and it looks nice. But come on, there will be one
I'm guessing this is about him trying to quit killing and he wants to kill someone on the concert, and I assume he might have issues controlling himself. That's not some late plot-point that sounds like the premise of the film. Serial killer at a concert having trouble controlling violent urges to avoid getting caught.
Killing someone in bed might as well be a flashback, where would he find a bed at a concert hall? We also don't see who he is killing. None of these seem like spoilers.
How is The Visit?
ok for found footage standards, but the final stretch of the film is poorly done imo
Shyamalan tried to make a super tense climax but it didn't really work, felt awkward
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This nigger incapable of not being a hack.
yo waddup big jeet (you are indian lol)
How is this movie similar to what Shyamaladingdong is doing?
Sudden Death is about a heroic Van Damme saving his daughter from terrrorists during a hockey game, Shyamalan's movie is about a serial killer trying to avoid being caught by police during a concert and the serial killer is the main character. The only superficial similarity is that both take place at some sort of event and the place is closed off.
it's one of those bad found footage movies that are basically made like a normal movie. The illusion that this is a real footage doesn't exist and shamalama does nothing to create it
>How is this movie similar to what Shyamaladingdong is doing?

Its die hard/sudden death, but with a serial killer. They even have the ole walkie talkie scene.
The fact that he is a serial killer flips the entire concept on it's head, it's not just the same thing. MC is not a hero, so there's new thematic implications and an entirely different context to the plot points that it could share with Die Hard type films.
I'd watch this, I like his movies and the twist is probably that there was never a killer.
The twist is that Hartnett's character posts on the deep web with the serial killer (which is how he has access to the victim stream). His wife (Allison Pill's character) was one of the killer's victims and Hartnett wants to kill him before the police catch him.
Why is everyone trying to guess the twist? Just let the movie wash over you.
> Clearly changes facial expression in front of 4 police officers in a way that makes him look like a 2 face.
How is he supposed to get away with this?
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Everyone missed the fact that m night put his daughter in the movie. Imagine if he wrote her into a nude scene that would be crazy haha. Anyways I watch for she sirs
I've got Hartnett being killed by minute 30
>Bringing in the OG parent trap kid to be L
This trailer isn't fooling me, it will be the usual Shyamalaslop™.
Unbreakable will remain his only genuinely good movie.
This dude is so ugly
The first one is better because it sells the concept of the movie while showing less.
It must hurt to watch him make whatever the fuck he wants and turn a big profit every single time while all the slop bombs.

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