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Round One: Hand to Hand fight
Round Two: Both with their guns
Tony would demolish the manlet in hand to hand combat.
I'd back the police training in a gun fight though.
Round One: Tony
Round Two: Hank
>I'd back the police training in a gun fight though.
Tony beats the shit out of that roided up pretty boy assistant that’s 20 years younger on a whim while still severely injured, he’d demolish old Hank
It's better than Tony's experience of shooting unarmed people up close.
Considering both only get by through poorly written rule of cool plot armor I'd say it's a draw.
>Round 1
Tony beats the living fuck out of him, pre gutshot/post gut shot. Tony post gut shot was beating the fuck out roided out 20 year olds while hank was shitting himself and buying minerals.
>Round 2
Tony clips him at distance with his AR while hank doesn't even unholster his sidearm
He's struggled against guys smaller than Hank like Ralph,
Ralph is extremely crafty with Joker tier viciousness/fighting style, he punches far above his weight
Ralph wasn’t a pathetic weakling loser who posts “sex gifs” on his twitter like a fucking retard.
Most cops are embarrassingly terrible shots, friend. Hank was DEA though. I'd imagine being in a three letter agency gets you a little bit more experience.
Tony definitely did not walk in planning on killing or fighting Ralph but he was overwhelmed.by his actions and occurred after a moment of mockery
Ralphie had watched Gladiator 100 times by that point, he was a dangerous opponent.
>Both survive attacks by dangerous hitmen through sheer plot armor
>Both get easily taken out when the plot no longer needs them (confirmed by Chase)
It's too strong a buff and shouldn't be considered.
I knew a guy in school who fought like that. He was Filipino and smelled really bad. People used to make fun of him but no one messed with him because he'd fight like a rabid chimp, punching, biting and kicking without any warning. It was wild to see in real life
Tony is a bitch.
He only really fought his own men just to assert dominance, and those guys weren't allowed to fight back.

He only killed with his own hands Ralphie who was a midget, and that teacher looking guy on that trip with Meadow.
The rest, he killed using his gun, and most of the time he was not alone, or it was by surprise, or the the guy was strapped to a chair.

So yeah, any middle aged cop can fuck him up.
that guy definitely let him win. what's he going to do, beat the shit out of the mob boss while he's surrounded by all his goons?
Gandolfini has 5 inches on Norris he would win hand to hand. Hank is a trained LE and demonstrated his shooting prowess on BB so he would win gun round
Jesse vs. Christopha

Round two is them maxed out on meth and heroin
/tv/ sucks off Tone way waaaay too much
i'd bet on Hank for both rounds
Christopher can summon Cosette to bite his opponent's balls
Jesse is utterly pathetic and loses every time regardless of how much junk they're both on.
There's a high chance that Jesse would lose even to Meadow
Jesse vs AJ.
Is it possible for both contestants to lose?
Chris had balls, Jesse is fragile
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Have you seen guys doped up on heroin? They're basically just living corpses. So Jesse wins round two
>I'd imagine being in a three letter agency gets you a little bit more experience
Shooting dogs on the run can be difficult, they obviously get more training than your average law enforcement
While Jesse is physically a wimp, he's way smarter than both of them and as resilient as hell. And not related to combat he's pretty charismatic, likeable and has had more genuine relationships than Chris and AJ combined
His biggest hindrance would be his morality; every kill personally affects him and he's not capable of being ruthless like Chris
kek anon hank and the actor who plays him aren't the same person
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Paulie vs. Skylar

Tony would brutalize Hank in hand to hand no question.
Gun has to go to Hank. Dude head shot a perp while under the pressure of certain death with a pistol when the perp had him under siege with a semi auto.
Chris still managed to get a kill when he was doped up.
Fuck you Cosette counts.
Chris would beat the shit out of him

The guy knew if he fought back Tony could deep six him and his entire bloodline. He was the fucking Don at the time. Prior to injury Tony probably could beat the dude or at least go toe to toe, but the whole point of that interaction was to show he had to prove himself to the guys because everyone knew he was weaker than he used to be. Especially himself.
Yeah you’re also stupid because the guy still tried to box Tony and got pieced up he wasn’t letting him win.
Let's get to the real shit:
>Walt Jr. vs AJ

Walt Jr gets to keep his crutches, AJ gets the help of Meadow for 15 seconds.
He DID fight back after everyone else in the room told him not to and he got manhandled.
Hank would beat Tony in both counts.

The gun one is obvious, he's a federal agent. He has to practice on the regular.

Hand to hand, I'd still go with Hank. Despite the size discrepancy, he knows how to fight dirty against the worst of the worst criminals in a fight or die situation. Actual physical combat training from his youth would make a difference in his favour as well. Not to mention that for most of his life, Tony has only fought people who couldn't realistically fight back.


If you were talking a fight between James Gandolfini and Dean Norris, I'd take Jimmy G any day of the week.

>Completely misses the point of the episode

Go get your shinebox ya moulinyan
Walt Jr. clonks him in the bollocks and hobbles away leaving AJ sobbing on the floor.
Tony walked in wanting to kill him because he wanted someone to blame for the horse, and his emotions (rather than logic) drove him to that point. I do agree that he only did it after Ralph mocked him over his weight.
He was brave enough to wrestle his dad when his mom was in danger. I can't imagine AJ ever doing that
No you’re a retard the point of the episode remains intact even though Tony beat the guy up. Drooling tranny.
Lmao where the hell did this come from
What about when he curb stomped CoCo?
Hank would easily win both
You mean after he sucker punched him from behind with a pistol?
If everything were the same I would say Tony round 1 (bigger and more physically competent in violence) and Hank round 2 (better training and way more practice) but, Breaking Bad kinda of breaks reality more so, just because Hank has better feats:
Hanks wins both.
Hank beat two normal size criminals in a bar without his gun after getting suckerpunched. Tony only beats people up in one vs one and he got beaten by Bobby and almost beaten b Ralphie.
Hank wins
Skyler smothered to death, money stolen from crawl space.
The point of the scene was the roid guy was prone to rage outbursts and lost control when he raised his hands to Tony. Tony beat him fair and square. My take, anyway.
Chris on the nod vs Jesse methed up?Still Chris.
If Skyler starts singing happy birthday Paulie dies

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