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Three days left until my yearly rewatch of The Patriot and bearing witness to Total Colonist Death.
>traitors are actually patriots
>loyalists are actually traitors
>the british army is basically the dirlewanger brigade

i'm not even english and this movie makes me mad. for hundreds of years americans have been whining and crying over a single guy who was shot by a british soldier once, literally in self defense, they're calling it a "massacre". if anything nearly as harsh as portrayed in this movie had ever happened in history, they'd never stop talking about it
you're the retard for thinking it never happened. Redcounts killed millions of innocent colonists.
Are you really perplexed about why countries try to sanitize their history and reduce it to X good, Y bad? Or are you just obsessed and looking for a reason to seethe about America?
revisionist bongpig, mel gibson should kick your ass

Like all major anti monarch revolutions in history, the commoners were misled by their rebellious aristocracy who resented the yoke of the suzerain
>be stupid, dumb british citizen in north america
>dumb enough to be tricked into armed rebellion against your own country because of basically non-existent taxes
>call yourself "American" and fight a low-intensity but bloody war over almost a decade
>get raided and shot by your new government for rebelling against actual taxes ten years after achieving "freedom"

America has always been a circus
There's sanitizing and then there's pretending you were suffering from nazi atrocityporn copied from Saving Private Ryan's first script draft in order to make yourself look good.
I hate this film but at least it bothers to acknowledge the French.
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You could have joined us. Look at Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Are they "exploited"? You rail against "colonialism", yet that didn't stop your own manifest destiny. Don't lie to yourself. It could have continued, beyond the west, and you would be with us every step of the way, Japan and China along with India and Africa, every square inch of the planet finally under the umbrella of civilization with the Anglo its skipper. You would be free to go anywhere, do anything, be anything.
America is a mistake.
>Look at Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Yeah, things are going just swimmingly up to our eyeballs in pajeets and chinks.
>the british army is basically the dirlewanger brigade
now i understand who they were trying to rip off with that church scene
>It's ANOTHER thread where brown thirdies shriek about America
I hate reruns.
Don't care, I just like the late 18th century colonial America era aesthetics and visuals.
>get raided and shot by your new government for rebelling against actual taxes ten years after achieving "freedom"
Tell me more, I never heard this part
>Look at Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
They heard Britain was gonna give tyranny another go and decided to beat them to it.
How'd that empire going, Nige?
Whiskey rebellion and the subsequent collapse of the confederated state governments and the reformation of the federal government
it took the two most destructive events in human history to destroy the british empire. america's was brought down by an old man with dementia
Whiskey Rebellion. The government levied new taxes to help pay the Revolutionary War debt, a bunch of whiskey distillers banded together because they used whiskey as a barter economy currency (this was a byproduct of being on the fringes of settled American borders and the American dollar being Zimbabwe-tier for a few decades after the Revolution). They were put down because they wouldn't/couldn't pay the new taxes since their system was a barter economy. The American dollar was Zimbabwe tier and British pounds & Spanish pieces of 8 weren't as common in their region.
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Definitely my favorite Jew actor.
I do this all the time too. You copycat. Fuck you

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