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>movie about an asian girl going through puberty

>movie about a white girl going through puberty
>is a huge hit

This is not okay. My ancestors died to end racism.
Turning Red flopped because it talked about tampons and shit.

Nobody wanted to show that to their kids.

Y'all want to be oppressed so badly
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one of the biggest psyops in recent hollywood history
But panic attacks are le wholesome reddit chungus 100 based

The “My Panda, My Choice” line didn’t help either
>biblically accurate panic attacks
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>My ancestors died to end racism.
Mine didn't
I agree, no movie about women should get money.
That line was so obnoxious
And then Disney gets all mad that parents don't want to show kids that movie

Well no shit, you made a film saying it's ok to blatantly lie to and go behind your parents' back and whore your body out for money to go to a concert, of course parents don't want that kind of example set for their kids
It's a woke movie made by the wokest company in the movie business. Keep coping though, just proves how wrong you were
I want to sex them both so not racist.
The asian one was about an obnoxious furfag shaking her ass, periods and "YOU DISCRACE YOUR FAMIRY". The white one was classic coming of age stuff
>didn't read the thread
>didn't even read the OP
>twitter buzzwords
this post was written by AI
I have been in many stressful and some literally life or death situations and I never lost my ability to breathe. I was scared and I wished I would break but I never did
Turns out the 2% of Asians in America aren't enough to push a movie past the mark
Turning red was a teen wolf ripoff for zoomers. Also, the theme of turning red has symbolism of a teenage girl's body changing and having her first period, which is fucking disgusting. Also it's set in the 90s and I refuse to see modern films that are set in the 90s, I don't want them to sanitize and corporatize my childhood for zoomers and faux-nostalgia. And finally, the girl is ugly.

Inside out 2 has a good predecessor, so it has already high expectations. Personally, I don't care to watch it because it looks woke lesbian crap in it
Go woke
Go make billions
Just like Barbie and Super Mario Bros movie
Haven't seen it yet but read the synopsis on Wikipedia

No lesbian stuff in it thankfully
>make movie with ugly calarts leaf chink girl in it: it flops
>make movie with blonde girl in it: it's a hit
Gee I wonder why.
>Also it's set in the 90s
I thought it was 2003? I remember there was some cartoon reviewer that complained there weren't any 9/11 references in it lol
Turning Red was literally about how it's OK for freshly teenage girls to sell their panda (pussy). Absolutely wild that it was passed at all. My assumption is that whatever producers just saw asian shit in it and were like, oh yeah sure whatever.
The early 2000s before smartphones and social media are accepted as honorary 90s.
Like the parts where she's selling her panda (pussy) pics in the bathroom and selling videos of her dumping popcorn in her panda mouth, in the motion of jerking off. Just absurd.
It was set in 2001
Gee it's almost as if one was released during a global pandemic....
There are no lesbians in the movie
And because it didn't even mention 9/11
Turning Red was a Disney+ movie. They never released it in theaters outside of few small countries without Disney+.
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Not an excuse.
It came out in 2022.

There were several movies in 2022 that made a shit ton of money. Sonic 2, Minions Rise of Gru, The Batman

Minions Rise of Gru even beat Disney at the box office at the time.

"But muh pandemic" isn't and wasn't an excuse after 2020. People just didn't want to see Turning Red. Simple As.
Stop being retarded. Look up Turning Red box office. The biggest market was fucking Poland.
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>21 Million
Still less than Minions: Rise Of Gru

Disney got cucked by funny yellow pill men

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>175 Million Dollar Budet
>Grossed 21 Million worldwide

The film didn't even make back a quarter of its budget

Go Woke, Go Broke
Are you unironically retarded? Minions were released theatrically.
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So was Turning Red outside of the US.
And it still made less money than Minions.

Cope and seethe, it was a shit movie
No. It wasn't released in countries with Disney+. The countries without Disney+ were mostly poor shitholes.
Still doesn't make the fact that it was cucked by Minions any less funny
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>My ancestors died to end racism-
No they didnt they were draft dodging, and you wouldn't have the guts to join the army if communist china invaded your country either so fuck off incel back to pol
I haven't watched either, but Turning Red was an original movie released during a time when covid was interrupting theaters and had an ugly cast in a grubhub artstyle. Inside Out 2 is a sequel to an already established and successful and recognizable ip.

I guess you could also make the argument that anxiety or whatever is a more universal experience than cultural tension between generations of immigrant families.

Turning Red didn't flop. It wasn't even released in cinemas. Disney forced it to go to streaming despite decent projections.
This >>200751684
How are brainlets so low iq.
Turning Red didn't even release.
Wow, the movie even went straight to streaming and people still didn't want to watch it

Why would I fight for the Gay Afro-Zionist Empire?
Do they show her armpit hair, leg hair, and that kind of stuff?
It's a kids movie you sicko
Panic attacks and anxiety are not emotions. Sick of 30-something wine aunts writing about themselves, this is literally VERY Disney product now. The story of Berkeley-educated alcoholic witches.
>This is not okay. My ancestors died to end racism.
It's gonna be okay, Macrinus is going to be black in Gladiator 2 so diversity is back bay-beeeh!!!
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Say what you want about John Lasseter, but Pixar was better under his leadership from an objective standpoint
Why are you so upset about this scene in particular?
>degree of racism is decided by Jewish media sales
Why of course
I'm not
I liked the movie

But this scene did seemingly start the trend of displaying panic attacks in animated media for some strange reason

It's as if they're trying to popularize panic attacks for some reason
the premise is inherently bad as drama, but that was true of the first movie too and here we are.
"panics attacks" aren't real
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>whaa whaa panic attack i'm having a panic attack guys
Cringe. Kids should be taught stories to toughen them up, not normalize this weak ass shit
>everyone who fights in a war dies
what exactly do you think a 'veteran' is, anon?
They are but we don't need the media to depict them as if they're some cool thing

"Hey kids, you too can have a panic attack just like Riley! Make sure to keep buying Disney merch!"
>Turning Red
>Shitty milennial tumblr movie(it's even set in the 00s lol), filled to the brim with beanmouth designs, watered down teen girl coomerisms, insufferable characters, annoying "le quirky" humor, and contradictory themes
>Inside Out 2
>Plain and simple coming of age movie with neat visuals
It's really that simple, and I don't even like IO2.
This. I've been grooming my younger relatives with Ghibli movies and old Disney movies from the 20s-60s for this particular reason.
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Ignoring how fucking lame a movie about feelings is, what excuse does the lesbo chick have to get a panic attack in this movie? I can tolerate >>200750929 Puss In Boots having one since the literal incarnation of Death is hunting him down. What's the lesbo's reason?
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very poor choice of words
grooming them for what?
I don't like the implications of this word
>movie about a white girl going through puberty
You can make a coming of age movie without being perverted
Everyone saw it. Everyone ITT saw it.
Everyone you know saw it. Go on, ask them.
I thought that was a shitpost and then when I learned the line was real suddenly the entire movie was blatant propaganda to groom more girls into only fans.
>yes you gentile girls it’s normal to photograph your genitals
>It's just Cuties by Disney
>turning red
>ugly beanmouth calarts style
>inside out 2
>not ugly beanmouth calarts style
And Inside Out 2 still has some fugly characters, but not to the extreme like Turning Red or Strange World that is painful to look at.
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Turning Red didn't even get a chance to flop since it went straight to streaming and only had a very limited theatrical run. Probably wouldn't have done very well anyway, though. Maybe 400-500 mill like Elemental.
>grooming them for what?
Grooming them to be upstanding young people instilled with good values, cultivating a sense of perserverance and ambition.
Nobody outside of this board cares about "beanmouth calarts grubhub style". Most normies don't even know what those things mean.
Obviously, it was the scene that resonated the most with people because of its sincerity and appropriate usage. And to see someone as headstrong and fearless as Puss experience it really shows how serious the situation is.

Hollywood just sees that people like it, so now they have to incorporate it wherever they can, whether it makes sense or not to. I won't be surprised when newer movies start lampshading it and adding stupid quips to a poignant panic attack scene solely because they consider sincerity cringe.
You don't have to know what it's called to know it's not an aesthetic art style to look at for the entire duration of a movie.
Gf made me watch it and it was... fine I guess..
why the fuck did it do so well? I've seen movies mile better do way worse
>Most normies don't even know what those things mean.
They don't but they know OF that artstyle and are generally sick of it.
It's a family movie with the Disney/Pixar branding. Apparently, their brand still means something and if a movie doesn't have the hint of something stupid, they will turn up to see it.

The whole "trained audience to stream" and "no one goes to the movies anymore" cope that Disneyshills have falls apart in real time. Just make a movie that isn't woke, isn't advertised as woke, and it will do well.

And no, having niggers in it alone doesn't make it woke.
>why the fuck did it do so well?
There's literally nothing else out and it's summer.
Free advertising courtesy of Destijl and Ugaromix.
These are children's movies. No normal parent is going to say "no, sweetie, we can't watch this movie because I'm tired of this artstyle". Even Chicken Little made over 300 million and that's one of the ugliest looking animated movies ever made.
People think this is not a big deal, but I get it. We were all kids once, and kids just copy whatever they see. They copy their friends, their media, and (I guess these days) their steamers.

It's not crazy to say that kids really only even think of this type of shit once something puts it into their head. Kids love attention, so at times anything they can do to stand out, they will. That's why kids wanted Jnco jeans. It's why a lot of girls go through a lesbian phase. It's why people cut themselves.

So yeah, I'm not really ok with the idea of showing this strong, young character having a panic attack. You can show them struggle, break down, cry, get angry, etc. - but a panic attack is really not something kids should experience. Theoretically, if not not insane, you should be able to handle your emotions to the point normally. People who have panic attacks go on anti-depressants because they are unable to regulate their emotions in a healthy way. I don't want my kids growing up and having a "panic attack" when things get though because they want to be like the girl from Inside Out.
Adult men rather have sex with a white girl who hit puberty than some slant eye
Chicken Little has the benefit of having the characters be animals, which goes a long way in the fugly department of making it palatable to watch.
>normies don't get tired of certain aesthetic/design tropes in movies/shows
It can definitely happen, especially in animation. A great example would be how MoCap went from being the bee's knees in the 00s to being dead by the time the early 2010s rolled around, or how traditional animation died in the 00s in favor of CG.
That scene where Joy was mind broken when the gym teacher showered her his special workout was insane though
Parents didn't want their kids to see Turning Red because it encouraged disobedience and deceit towards parents.
What do you think happens at puberty?
Puberty is only perverted by the media.

We live in a pornographic society that values and sexualizes youth for some reason. It's evil.
This, which is ironic given the whole point of the movie is preaching a bastardized version of confucian ethics.
Which is standard western asian girl trauma. They absolutely hate their parents and will always show it through their writing.

Elemental has the girl be respectful to her parents, so much so that the central conflict is taking over the family store solely so that her dad can retire and enjoy life vs. pursuing her dreams, and that's solely due to the fact that it was written by an asian man.
>panic attack have a heirachy of validity
a panic attack is a panic attack is a panic attack, chuddy. There's nothing wrong with offering care to someone who is suffering
>puberty has nothing to do with sex
Wew lad you were homeschooled pretty weird huh
I didn't say that.
I said that we live in a society that sexualizes youth.

You can teach a child about puberty without sexualizing said child. Why you fuckers don't understand this is beyond me.
Ugh go away with that pussy shit, panic attacks don't exist, the only ones I'm willing to accept are those soldiers endure while being under fire and seeing this friends get wounded and die around them, if not you have no excuse and you're just a weak pathetic person that deserves to be laughed at lol
If anyone in my vicinity started complaining to me about their anxiety and panic attacks I would kindly invite them to never get near me again, if you can't handle the heat don't bring me down with you
>Tony Soprano panic attacks
>the greatest show of all time
>Pixar girl panic attacks
>cringe libtard slop to get your child hooked on SSRIs
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The panda movie was boring and laser focused on appeasing a tiny percentage of the audience (Asian Americans with fob parents and daddy/mommy issues), the nostalgia bait movie has a far broader appeal to a far larger target demographics (people with emotions)
>>cringe libtard slop to get your child hooked on SSRIs
This but unironically. Seriously, what better way to advertise drugs to children, get them hooked for life on drugs instead of ever facing their demons and build the courage to stand against them, just keep swallowing those pills, cattle
Does she get prescribed meds in the movie?
Alright dude, enjoy getting cried on by people non stop instead of telling them to suck it up and get over themselves, if that's what you enjoy I won't stop you dude, I couldn't even if I wanted to. I used to have this friend who would vomit upon me all his problems to the point of becoming insufferable, I ghosted him after a while and never talked to him again since. I can't stand such annoying people. Be strong, people will respect you more
She's not a lesbian. There's a mount Rushmore of people she has a crush on inside her head, and all are males, including a videogame character.
She is a fan girl of the Latinx hockey girl because she's a prodigy, and wants to impress her because her friends are leaving to another school and abandoning her behind and she's desperate for not spending the rest of her days friendless.
She has a panic attack after the leader (Anxiety) of the new emotions (Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment and Ennui) has a coup d'etat and banishes the leader (Joy) of the old emotions (Joy, Disgust, Fear, Anger, Sadness) to a mind prison and throws her existing sense of self in a pile of forgotten memories, replacing it with a new sense of self made up exclusively of new memories of the anxiety variety, changing her new sense of self to "I'm not good enough" and making her a try hard that steals the coaches book to realize she won't make it to the team, and overcompensates by ignoring her friends, sucking up to the hockey team, training all night long without sleeping and being a tryhard who tries to score all goals alone, until she's penalized after beating one of her friends during a match.
She has an anxiety attack when Anxiety (now in charge of her head) gets desperate by everything going fucked and her losing a chance at having a non-shit future and overwhelms her psyche with commands.
>If anyone in my vicinity started complaining to me about their anxiety and panic attacks I would kindly invite them to never get near me again
kek. this lil bitch has to whine to people to go away just because they do stuff he doesn't like. Tell me how you could never be in the military without telling me that you could never be in the military, fag
I had panic attacks as a teenager, you would hyperventilate and have trouble breathing and have body parts freeze up. I eventually killed my emotions and became a hyper-practical robot that felt no fear or pain and became a strong person.
So panic attacks do exist is my point. But yeah a person needs to figure out how to overcome them.
Telling people to suck it up and get over themselves is bad advice though - bad in the sense that it doesn't work. Saying is not doing. It sounds like you couldn't give your friend any decent advice or help.
it "flopped' because it wasn't even released in theaters in North America
Except you didn’t actually say that.
>panic attacks don't exist
my wife was going through cancer treatment during a global pandemic, and then the entire state froze and loss power and the president signed an emergency order to try and prevent us from getting more power

believe me, panic attacks exist. often for good reasons.
I did tho
these media corpo executives really love that streak of red in any blonde hair. gotta break it up somehow can't just have scary total whiteness
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>ctrl+f panic attack
>28 results
Why is this suddenly an obsession?
Seems derivative ever since Puss did it.
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Lmao i did too
>implying the pandemic is over
touch grass chuddy
>One movie does it
>Another movie does it
I watched it for Mei's cunny
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The only real question is do they mention her growing hair in places or not.
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>Turning Red flopped because it talked about tampons and shit.
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>I thought that was a shitpost and then when I learned the line was real suddenly the entire movie was blatant propaganda to groom more girls into only fans.
>yes you gentile girls it’s normal to photograph your genitals
Haven't seen that movie, don't care
my 7 year old niece thinks she has panic attacks because the adults in her life tell her she does it's fucking insane
that's vile
Riley says she stinks, if that's your drift
>reddit meme
>comparing a sincere, well-crafted, well-intentioned film aimed at Japanese adults to obnoxiously quirky, poorly made, ill-intentioned slop aimed at kids
Biggest bait I've seen all day.
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>Oops, I forgot to take a shower after hockey practice again
Tony Soprano's panic attacks were thematic and he was in denial of them the entire time.
not talking about pic related in particular but is there anything more hypnotizing than female bitter armpit scent ? I would literally turn into a werewolf if I smelled that on some random girl that I wasn't related to.
>panic attacks
just more made up bullshit to create victims out of white girls
That's even worse than I thought, it's telling kids they should squander their teenage years holding on to their child selves instead of developing. Then portraying the panic attack as a righteous punishment for not being childish
Fucking lol
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Because it's in there to appeal to the worst variety of human - SSRI-riddled redditor basedlennials. These "people" are almost universally annoying competitors in the suffering Olympics, and can't go 3 sentences without telling you about their erroneously diagnosed medical problems or the tragic loss of a pet/family member.
um sweaty sounds to me you need some media literacy
They didn't. They drew a regular looking girl and you think she's hot because you're a nonce.
You all know it's true yet no one wants to say it out loud:
The secret ingredient that made this movie successful is pedophilia.
I just can't stand the way Pixar movies look anymore, sorry.
The conclusion to the movie is literally that the old emotions suppressing every memory they didn't like to make Riley's self-image be "I'm a good person" was as bad as Anxiety trying to suppress her old self to create a new one by ignoring other memories, and that the way to avoid problems was for them to not reject her memories or feelings in a simplistic quest but embrace that she's a complex individual with complex emotions that need to all be taken into consideration.
So instead of being a cunt to her friends and making up a new personality to suck up to the hockey team, or just trying to reject growth and complexity, she grafts the new into the old as a unified whole
The main character is an adolescent
just another way to write "fine piece of jailbait"
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I have yet to see one single decent thread that discusses Inside Out 2, just the themes or the plot, without it being pol bait or filled with chuds perving on Riley. Not one goddamn thread.
It's because the plot is a super predictable nothingburger.
It's generic coming of age stuff, which is why it's become so popular.
If you're a straight white male being sexually attracted to other ethnicities is in fact sexual racism.

(conversely if you're a white woman and won't allow non-whites sexual access to you on demand it is also sexual racism)
It's a fucking kids movie for young girls you manbaby retard.
the vax has a higher mortality rate than going to war
Statistically speaking, mostly non-combatants that worked a desk job for 4 years and demand free food and discounts for life in exchange.
Asians want to be oppressed so bad. Turning Red flopped because it didn't include 9/11
They really really do. Lately I've noticed that they absolutely love calling America "white", like insisting that the country is white as fuck and they're still these freaky outsiders. They're addicted to it.
>Exclude white people from their movies
>Blame white people for not watching their movies that exclude white people
Why does every kids' movie now have to be a gay introspective exploration of trauma or whatever instead of a fun adventure with a hero and villain?
millennial writers
Makes raceplay sex with them a lot more fun
The thing is that they don't actually address or explore actually traumatic things
This is a movie about emotions in a head, which is a sequel to an older movie about emotions in a head. All adventure is done by the emotions inside a head. What the fuck did you want?
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that's a child. it's not okay to think about sneaking into your niece's room in the morning while she is sleeping and burying your face her armpits and sipping her nectar.
Inside out 2 is a soulless cash grab sequel of an already pretty mediocre film but there's nothing all that offensive to most people about it, the moral of turning red is that little girls should be prostitutes and if their parents have a problem with that they're just old fuddy duddies.
There's was a reason it did well on streaming, parents didn't actually see it being direct to stream, they just put it on for their kids not considering it could possibly be that bad.
This. Turning Red was too hyperspecific. Inside Out is just "Girl and Cartoon Emotions". Done.
CalArts people in particular
24 second mark
TL;DR she had a panic attack because Anxiety took control of her emotions and fucked up big time
I think it's an anime effect. In One Piece, every character seems to have a ridiculous, bordering on comically sad backstory. People see something like this and think it's impact is that something made the character sad or hurt rather than what they saw was a sad story itself. They completely skip the important bit: that what mattered most is the story.
Meis mom is so ridiculously hot.
Mei Mei is hotter than Riley though
That's just not true
statistically speaking you are a fucking retard pulling shit out of your ass
you definitely belong here thoughbeit
How the fuck any of you chimps find the kids in pixar movies hot is beyond me
panic attacks aren't brought on by stress
it's a chemical imbalance thing that makes your fight or flight response go apeshit, often for no reason at all
so the kind of 'panic attacks' that hollywood and tiktok talk about are in fact fake
you already posted this on /co/
I must be suffering from yellow fever then
>not finding 10 y/o girls animated in pixar CG slop style attractive means I'm a faggot
I'm more of a Ghibli guy when it comes to my lolis. I like Sheeta from Castle In The Sky in particular.
Because millenials can only write three kinds of stories:
>Self pitying fest about how their fee fees got hurt because racism and depression
>Barely disguised political propaganda about whatever twitter troon politics is popular at the moment with zero nuance or subtlety
>Degenerate hypersexual, hypergory slop where 90% of the sentences have the words "shit" and "fuck" like it was written by a 16 year old edgy emo girl
Sometimes there will be some intersection between two or even all there of these.
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>Panic attack
They are 13!
Why are leftists so obsessed with panic attacks all of a sudden?
Is it a hit? My 3rd world gf watched and reports she didn’t like it. She thinks the first is better.
I have a lot of panic attacks because I'm an alcoholic. Funny how someone can think this doesn't exist.
Haven't watched the first one since it came out, but it's basically the same thing really, if you liked the first I assumed you would like the second too
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>puss in boots will forever only be remembered through panic attack memes
what a shame.
It's guaranteed to be a hit because it's a sequel to the last good and original Pixar movie.
It already made a billion dollars
It's pretty good, for a modern Pixar sequel at least
Asians just aren't very interesting. They kind of blend together. No offense intended, really. I just don't care to watch them in anything that doesn't involve giant robots or kung-fu ninja sexpots in sci-fi dystopian soap operas.
Depression and anxiety are surface level ways to show pain and weakness. That's about it.
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Only you turbospergs are fixated on the panic attack. Everybody else remembers it for the fun plot and the most memorable villains in recent years.
Yeah, not the fact that everyone wants to fuck the wolf or everything about Jack Horner.
Because they're sheltered delusional faggots who literally hate existence itself
Whatever, same thing. Sheeta's 12 and most of the Ghibli girls are within the 10-13 range.
Sounds like she's a keeper.
Sounds like you're a faggot.
>Asians just aren't very interesting. They kind of blend together
Correction: Westernized Asians all blend together.
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This will be the only white main character in a Disney movie this decade.
Looks like a rule 63 version of my brother
She is a legacy character. The only white characters we have left are legacy characters, and they are slowly trying to replace them with PoC main characters.
and she WILL have a black or mystery meat bf turn her inside out in the third one
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Frozen 3 and 4 are coming this decade.
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Frozen 2 made no sense so looks like WDAS is just winging it like they did with Wish. They're just lucky that little girls love Elsa and Anna so they have an audience no matter what.
That sounds gay as fuck, who watches this wokeslop? Why are normgroid's standards so low?
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>Create a perfect lesbian couple
>Make them sisters instead
Why does Disney keep doing this?
a/s/l of brother?
There were FAR too many shitskins on the hockey team. Totally unrealistic.
>There were FAR too many shitskins on the hockey team. Totally unrealistic.
not from america i take it
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How do adult men not feel embarrassed watching disney cartoons for children.
they dont make movies for adult men anymore
Hockey is brown people repellent in my experience.
Yeah if only there was 100 year backlog of movies to watch!
Because I'm not an insecure little bitch.
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I'm sad to inform you that the majority of the movie viewing population online are turbospergs
Who the fuck wants to be a poorly paid ZOGbot who dies for Pissrael in 2024? Fucking jew faggot.
White people don't have noses like that.
You still play with toys too anon?
Considering both wokies and chudcels shilled this movie, this seems to be the truth.
Nope. I paid hocked in Texas. 100% white. Browns are notoriously bad at it.
I live in MN(big reason why I liked the first Inside Out), nobody Brown ever played hockey, even in the brown parts of the state.
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>"panics attacks" aren't real
>Why are leftists
Like fucking clockwork. Kill yourself, agitator
You are either retarded or downright nefarious and evil to come up with a take like that on a Disney's kids movie
that was good and well animated, but I was jumpscared by the potato faces in the last few seconds
By leftists do you just mean the random thread you occasionally read on /pol/ and maybe some /tv comments? You know nobody here believes you actually leave your autism cave right?
perhaps. I'm not a good person.
You are mentally ill at this point, are you aware?
They are, but 90% of people talking about them are misusing the term.
A panic attack is when your body floods with adrenaline for no good reason, sometimes it just happens and it can be a really disorienting and concerning experience.
People don't know about that and just use the rerm to exaggerate their general anxiety sympathy or attention.
You need to kill yourself
Lol. Lmao even
It looks like a rhinoplasty but she's just curling her nose up due to le stench, she looks normal here >>200769754
It's true. Btw I'm NOT one of the coomers here, people that coom over Disney/Pixar lolis are mentally ill even more than normal lolicons.
virgin scared of periods
doesnt know the difference between pads and tampons
>A panic attack is when your body floods with adrenaline for no good reason
Do we already know what causes this? Just out of curiosity
you shove one in your cooch and the other under your cooch

they serve the same purpose of stopping blood.
>makes a movie about the woes of asian american teenage girls
>ignores how small that niche is
>"but why is this flopping?"
Replying to faggots on this website and telling them their ,,opinions'' are gay and wrong and its wrong to be gay gives them panic attacks.
HOWEVER, replying to niggers in the same fashion does not because they can't read.
am I retarded or did this movie have nothing to do with puberty really. Like it was about changes that happen around puberty, but I wouldn't paraphrase this movie as "girl goes through puberty and suffers for it"
>Turning Red flopped because it talked about tampons and shit.
Concept Art of Inside Out 2 featured tampons, I'm guessing Disney removed from the final product due to the failure of Turning Red.
Good thing they didn't include that
>I'm guessing Disney removed from the final product due to the failure of Turning Red.
or maybe because it was a stupid idea and shoehorning into the movie wouldn't make sense.
>kids these days will relate to my obsession with 2000s boybands
>kids these days will surely relate to the experiences of an early pubescent Chinese proto-fujoshi in early 00s Canada
I'd let her peg.
This is as dishonest as comparing Taxi Driver to Cuties or Stand By Me to Good Boys
>appeasing a tiny percentage of the audience (Asian Americans with fob parents and daddy/mommy issues)
I'm amazed that Disney didn't realize this. I could've told them that Asian-Amercians in Hollywood are unable to write stories that are unrelated to their own specific experiences. Why did the main character need to be a Canadian-Chinese girl that happened to be a self-insert of the creator? It's incredibly lazy from an artistic perspective.
>lazy from an artistic perspective
It's pretty much the opposite. There's nothing artistic about movies appealing to the mass audience. Certainly not now when the best selling movies are shitty cartoons and capeshit.
It's both artistically lazy/derivative and has extremely limited potential financially.
How is it derivative and lazy? Lots of auteurs make simple movies based on their own experience. Is Ozu artistically lazy?
Not at all, a lot of my favorite movies have that as their premise. But
>haha I'm such a quirky, horny, early 00s brown girl with overbearing parents that LOVES boys, who also has powers related to my femininity and ethnicity WHAAAT!?
Is insufferable tumblr bilge that's been done a million times.
tumblr might've be the root source of the thought cancer that influenced Turning Red, you're right
>that's been done a million times
Not in a Pixar movie.
>Domee Shi
>Born Shi Zhiyu (石之予) 8 September 1989 (age 34)
>During her childhood, Shi watched many Studio Ghibli and Disney films, which exposed her to Asian cinema and animation
>As a high school student, Shi watched anime, read manga, and became the Vice President of her school's anime club. She joined online art communities and uploaded her fan artwork to DeviantArt. This became her first exposure to an environment of like-minded people that helped her establish a network with other artists. "I could follow artists, and I could email them. In the past, you'd have to be in California or know a guy who was friends with this other guy that worked at Disney or something," said Shi.
Yet another case of somebody inherently decent with great influences being mindfucked by both the internet and education system. Sad.
Watching a pixar go tumblr was as tragic as seeing an older relative Bog out. Luckily they seem to have (mostly) learned their lesson and are now going back to pre-COVID Pixar sequel slop; which while still being slop, is still far better than whatever they tried to do with stuff like Turning Red, Lightyear, and Elemental.
The short answer is women are weak and will overreact to stupid bullshit while men literally have to be at death's door to experience the same level of fear and pain.

White knights will probably offer some long bullshit explanation. But panic attacks are over-diagnosed by so-called medical professionals. It's basic female hysteria and back in the day the solution was to just ignore them or give them a good slap to get them to snap out of it. You see this in many movies and TV shows until the '70s when everyone became a pussy.
>It's basic female hysteria and back in the day the solution was to just ignore them or give them a good slap to get them to snap out of it.
There was another solution...
It's not better. I disagree with you. I'd rather watch new original movies made by passionate people than pointless sequels.
social pressures isn't reason enough for you?
and this
>the embodiment of a nerdy femcel that prefers white men
>weeb shit
>I need to insert my unique perspective into western animation
lol, why is it even worthwhile to look up their backgrounds anymore

I go ultra instinct in those situations
>they seem to have (mostly) learned their lesson
how so?
I had a medical condition years ago where my heart was affected and now functions at a reduced capacity. Now, on occasion, I'll feel a symptom that out of my control will cause me to spiral into a panic attack. The only thing that saves me is that I'm aware I'm having a panic attack, but that doesn't stop the literal physical reactions that are out of my control. This shit is chemical.
>I'd rather watch new original movies made by passionate people
The problem is these new movies aren't original ideas. They're all reheated university film school theses and tumblr nonsense (which are largely the same thing now).
And all of them are dumb ideologues as well.
It all depends on what kind of slop you prefer; corporate sequel slop, or poorly made subversive slop.
this movie did NOT make a billion on its own

disney pumped major dollars into their own movie to save it from flopping

no one saw this movie
Because they made Inside Out 2. A very safe sequel to one of their more popular movies.
There's nothing subversive about Turning Red.
They kicked out almost all of the tumblr people last year and have been greenlighting a shit ton of sequels. It's back to the 2010s for Pixar in the near future.
It's just sad what online art communities and art education do to people. Classic Disney and Ghibli are great influences, and all these two places do are tell them to make those things but gay and ugly.
Have you seen it?
>she gets blacked
Your ancestors were jews?
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korean boybands are popular now thoug, even one of the members of 4town was literally inspired in a kpop idol
Yeah but Mei's clearly either a snow burner or a coal burner. And the style of the band in the movie isn't Korean at all, it's obviously supposed to be an early 00s band.
>they absolutely love calling America "white", like insisting that the country is white as fuck and they're still these freaky outsiders
Perhaps they're nostalgic.
Also commie propaganda. Kill all commies btw
Lots of them are. A lot of Gen-X second or first gen Asians are obsessed with the 80s more than even White Gen-Xers, and that extends to a lot of Asian zoomers here too.
did you reply to the wrong post? I'm actually making fun of the adult manchildren dickriding Turning Red
>turning red
I see what you did there, very smart
Actually it was in theaters earlier this year. So were Soul and Luca. They all did worse than the theatrical rerelease of Shrek 2.
It's the same story they've been doing since the 90s. In fact it made me think of A Goofy Movie.
Great point
>Nobody was going to the movies in 2022!
>Conveniently forget that the third highest grossing movie of all time came out that year
>In fact it made me think of A Goofy Movie.
I see you remember the lumbersexual plot as well
By leftists you mean the people in this thread who mentioned panic attacks 48 times? Because they're the ones obsessed with them.
Man, this really is a terrible movie. I hated it.
We're talking about it because it's a dumb thing that's a major plot point.
I just wish we got to know more about the parents :(
The entire movie she is only feeling embarrassed, envious, anxious, dissatisfied and sad. She put too much pressure on herself to care about the validation of making a hockey team.
They still make movies for the whole family to enjoy, you do have a daughter right
I am perplexed by the sheer autism it took to conceive this. I'm also conflicted by my desire to have Roxanne Rule 34 at my disposal.
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>Slop x Family
Gkids rereleases Ghibli movies with one or two every month coming back out. Those movies still resonate with kids as much as they did 20-40 years ago, and the fact that the older ones from the 80s/90s that never broke through here are being consistently released again is great given young generations abroad can now grow up with them on the big screen for the first time.
It was an article from Buzzfeed back in the day, became a shitpost on here and some other boards for a while.
I guess when you're (sort of) immunized against white guilt, the charade of "equality" seems even more ridiculous. Most AAsians are Californian too, so their elders who remember White California probably tell them stories of how nice CA used to be.
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I think it's also different given I'm from a flyover state(MN) as opposed to the coasts, where you get a lot of those Asians that are in lockstep with the intersectionalist shit. Asians outside the coasts are largely Koreans and SEAs that came over in the 70s and 80s who largely remain rural and working or middle class, so they have a much greater sense of respect and appreciation of Western and American culture than bougie progressive Asians like the Japanese or Chinese do.
Yeah, the California blc speaking for all Asians is annoying. It's a whole lotta Viets in TX, and they seem more conservative Republican than a lot of Whites. Lots of South Vietnam flags, lots of crawfish boils and pickup trucks. Yellow skin, red necks.
You're just making Texas sound appealing from a white perspective, ironically
>It's a whole lotta Viets in TX, and they seem more conservative Republican than a lot of Whites. Lots of South Vietnam flags, lots of crawfish boils and pickup trucks. Yellow skin, red necks.

further up norcal's got that plus hmongs, otherwise you're pretty much spot on. every other asian-american here is exhausting and tries way too hard to intentionally be "the other" as some kind of rebellious status symbol while ignoring getting killed by jamal and juan in drive-bys
For how small Asians are as a percentage of the population in the U.S it's really fascinating how both diverse and spread-out they are as a group. I'd argue only Whites are more complicated as a racial/cultural group in the U.S.
>It's a whole lotta Viets in TX
>lots of South Vietnam flags, lots of crawfish boils and pickup trucks. Yellow skin, red necks.
We have lots of Viets, Cambodians, and Lao too; but among(heh) that group we have the most Hmong. My best friend is a Hmong guy, and I've known a countless number of friends and acquaintances that are Hmong. Here we associate them strongly with street racing culture(they love souping up shitty cars and pushing them to the limit more than anything) and fishing; where along the roadside of nearly anywhere in the state you can see groups of them fishing. My Dad said that the visuals of the Hmong fishing everywhere they could all the time always reminded him of his family in Alabama and Texas that did the same, and comforted him during the time he lived here(he's moving back to AZ now, he can't fucking stand this state and I can't blame him).

Have you ever seen Minari? It's a very good movie about the emergence of flyover state Asian culture in the 80s.
For whatever reason, they all went *deep* in country, way up in the woods. Hear they run the farms that sell lemongrass, etc to viet restaurants.

Come give us a visit some time, you might like it. We've still got a strong regional culture so most of our immigrants assimilate ok.
(unrelated but I love this song) https://youtu.be/ztibpXAryg4
>norcal Hmong
Don't most Hmong in CA live in the San Joaquin Valley?
Agreed. I need to get myself a Nagatoro and settle down there.
what's the excuse of a fucking prepubescent kid to having a panic attack? Its only there to popularize weakness in teenagers, like everything else in woke media. Fucking pathetic.
>Have you ever seen Minari?
Nah, but it looks pretty good, thanks for the rec. There was some PBS documentary about Chinese living in deep rural Mississippi. Host/presenter was some cali gayboy who keeps asking these old ass Chinese people, (speaking in the thickest Southern drawls you can imagine), leading questions about le racism and the kkk, and they're just kinda like No, I do not know that alphabet. Can't remember the title.
>Chinese living in Mississippi
Fascinating. I think I found it here:
She wanted to be a good hockey player or some shit.
Grooming them for the crusades of course. Deus vult!
SHHHH! That part comes later!
That's the one!

uh oh, stinky!
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>huge hit
Really? It was just as dogshit as Turning Red.
That "panic attack" felt extremely forced and without reason like >>200753679 said.
>huge hit
It made a lot of money sadly. Normies love this kind of slop as long as it isn't in a revolting package like Turning Red.
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>gets benched in a fucking hokey game
>has a panic attack
And it wasn't even some finals or anything, it was just a mundane summer camp sparring game.
This movie is so fucking underwhelming.
You don't want to show your little girls a film where the main character goes to a party and lets everyone take photos of and play with her panda and this is treated as not only normal but morally desirable?
Don’t use sex as a verb you freak
yeah bro its almost as if the majority of the western world is white. Although i think its more that the red panda film is just shit while this actually has some SOVL to it.
kids blow shit out of proportion.
it was because that game, to her at least, felt like it was the decider of if she made the team at her new school or not and by extension made friends at that new school since her olds ones basically ditched her. did u even watch the movie?
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Even for a kid, it was a retarded reason to start having meltdown over.
>I'm gonna take a shit in the bathroom, oh no I ran out of toilet paper, I'm having panic attack, NIGGERMAN HELP ME
NTA but I saw a torrented version.
I think it's just underlining how boys and girls have completely different approaches to competition. Boys under pressure rise to the occasion to the best of their ability(sometimes flaming out), while girls collapse and whither at the mere thought.
no they just died
you're retarded
inside out 2 just trivialized panic attacks and made them look less important they actually are
females have different hormones and emotional changes from puberty than males, they go through puberty earlier as well. teen girls have it harder than boys.
Nigga look at that red streak >>200750732
Maybe a bit silly to say it in defense of Spy X Family but I would never ever let my children watch pacifist crap like nasuca
It's not pacifist, it's anti-war. There's very much a difference.
>trivialized panic attacks
You guys sound like faggots with this LARP that you're concerned about mental healtherino trivialization
>he doesn't know
And they wonder why kids are such faggots now lol
Why was the first Inside Out successful despite it being a brand new IP
what is an ip?
intellectual property
>first original Pixar movie in a hot minute
>stacked cast
>relatable plot told straight
>looks good
>was good
That's it. Keep in mind this was also before Disney became a really toxic brand for most people, which is also why the sequel is doing so well.

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