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>war movie before SPR
>violent but adventurous
>tragic but heroic
>"Go get'em boys" attitude
>well established, clear shots
>you know what's going on
>many different kinds of characters, some of them charismatic and funny
>nazis are competent adversaries, their perspective is often shown to get better insights into what's at stake
>WW2 veterans in advisory roles on set

>war movies after SPR
>overly dramatic and sensational
>endless shaky cam shots
>"Duuude, there's dirt on the lenses! It's like I'm really there! (it wouldn't have gone down like that if I had been!)"
>nazis are comical villains and war is never shown from their side
>brown and gray filter

Is there a single movie that did more damage to a specific genre?
>muh zogbot slop isn't kino anymore!!!!
>Saving Private Ryan ruined WW2 movies forever
Actually the bad guys winning ww2 ruined not only ww2 movies forever but most other aspects of life in general
It's one of the best war kinos to this day
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>nazis are comical villains and war is never shown from their side

this one is especially bewildering
If you watch A bridge to far or the longest day you constantly get scenes with german officers reacting and planning and scheming and whatnot

This is virtually inexistent in modern war movies.
What's up with that?
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We did it guys! We beat the Nazis!
Heaven's Gate
The Lion King
Jurassic Park
Star Wars
I think it's more accurate to say that Spielberg ruined cinema in general.
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Hollywood has depicted Nazis a lot more favorably than they really were - a bunch of drug addict degenerates killing Europeans and Americans.
I would argue that it's okay for what it did. It composes its shots really well and I think at the time the color filtering was something fresh. But afterward, it became really annoying.
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The men yes, but not the idea
>Hollywood has depicted Nazis a lot more favorably than they really were
>pic is Schindlers List

they probably elevated goeth to make the victory over him more gratifying.
Other than that Fiennes is pretty fat in that shot as well.
>actually nazis aren't comical villains
They literally had skulls on their caps though.
Both are pretty gay ngl
>the entire wehrmacht is the SS

Yeah that's another thing.
Watching modern WW2 movies you would get the impression that the SS was literally everywhere.
In every fucking movie they can't just fight the Wehrmacht, no it's always the SS.

To be fair the Waffen SS did get about.
Staple of Prussian military uniforms since forever
They just had cool uniforms, that doesnt make them the villain.
True. Hollywood Nazis are actually more competent than real Nazis.
Yeah but it's always just for that one scene

>soldier walks up to killed germans
>"duuude, these aren't NORMAL germans... these are Waffen SS!"

and that's it.
And you never get to know what the fuckin point of that scene is, because there is none.
Other than maybe stylization, and that is probably what's the biggest difference to older war movies.
Older war movies aren't really stylized
Fury is a perfect example for this
It's absolute fuckin slop and yet well received

The battle choreography is completely off too.

>there is a tank that can punch a hole through the front of our burger boats
>I know! Let's drive towards it over an open field, instead of, I don't know, use the guns on our turrets. Who needs that shit! This is a melee tank!

What absolute dogshit.
forgot pic

but you know what this slop looks like anyway.
>war movies before SPR
>shit sound
>worse acting
I'll stick with modern GOOD movies, thanks.
He still mogs "Goethe" mercilessly. The Chad Aryan vs the pretend "nazi" Aryan.
>good acting is when soldiers.... le cry??

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