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Just seeing the black, brown and white characters being chill with each other, cracking jokes at each other's expense and no one gets offended over it... My racism actually fades away for a while, that is until I see the next outrage bait on the internet. Anyone else?

(If Hollywood libs really wanna "fight against racism" they should go back to this kind of content. It's 10x more effective than whatever they're doing now)
>If Hollywood libs really wanna "fight against racism"
Anon... even for a frogposting faggot you're retarded as fuck
You can't un-Obama Hollywood, anon.
Anon they're pushing for ethnic replacement to create a race of mutts loyal to the state
Goyim need to put their differences aside.
Maybe in the future, most people are some shade of light brown so we can stop this retarded race war shit.
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You don't understand what Hollywood wants.
Hollywood doesn't understand what it wants
You know those are just actors playing a role, right? Black and white guys being friends in real life is a myth and doesn’t happen
People just got on with their lives back then, now it's forced diversity. Ever seen interviews of black actors when asked about black pride month? They hate the idea.
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Living in Chicago cured almost all of my racism. I met some of the most disgusting people I had ever met who happened to be white, and some very close friends who were black, Hispanic, mutts and coalburners. I didn't notice any correlation between race and how much I liked someone.

I said almost because the exception were Indians. They were exactly what the /pol/ stereotype said they were. Some very, very nice ones, but just as many were rude and disgusting. Pic related is the grass near the back entrance to my old apartment that was 80% Indian. They used to stand right outside the door and chain smoke and throw their cigarette butts on the ground. The smell was awful.
bloody fuck you sir
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>how it feels watching 80s kino
I'll always be thankful to Paul Walker

He showed an entire generation of white guys how to appropriately interact with nonwhite people in 2000's America when we actually had to begin giving a shit about their opinions and desires

Whenever I have to meet a black or Latino person, I always just start acting like Paul Walker and everything's fine and I feel much more calm and confident about being a white male

and for a brief minute when we bump fists, it's like slavery and colonization and smallpox never even happened and I can just enjoy a nice Corona with friends
A fantasy that could only have come from Hollywood.
If you know what I mean.
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire did more for race relations in the US than 8 years of Obama.
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I’ve embraced the idea I’m a racist ever since I read the new definition of equity, which basically says it’s racist to not treat people differently based on their skin color. Which also makes this man a racist.
retarded frog kys
Really. 90's solved racism in media but then they brought it back
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It was a different time.
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Sanford & Son solved racism
Yeah because there were no blacks rioting and committing crimes against whites in the 90s and 00s. Oh wait..
Fuck off with this woke shit retard
>If Hollywood libs really wanna "fight against racism"
they don't, they're intent on creating division
Uh there was no racism in the 10s grandpa.
RIP Paul
Not gonna happen. The racial genocide in Rwanda was between two groups of people that were both black. Us vs Them is basic human nature, but we're in an error of pointlessly rejecting basic human nature.
The thing is they need racial agitation to distract from class issues. We cant go back.
Pajeet here. I used to throw cig butts on the ground because I used to think the trash bin would catch fire if I threw it in there. Nowadays though I alwaus throw them into trash bins after realizing how silly the idea of "cig butt burning down a trash can" was and becoming more aware of social etiquette.
To be fair, I would never hire a nigger.
Would you?
>Black and white guys being friends in real life is a myth and doesn’t happen
Racist boomer here, I have had two black friends.
Cool it with the anti semitism
When I attended an engineering college it was like that outside of all the buildings. Even though all the entrances had cigarette disposal units.
They certainly don't want to sell games or movie tickets.
Fred, along with Archie and George, was supposed to be an asshole.
It's so fucking based that NO MATTER how strong your screech and kvetch movies will never go back to the way you want . All you can do is seethe online with fellow incel losers
Blackrock has infinite amounts of money they just steal from people's bank accounts.
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How do we stop them?
Isn't that the question of the past two millenniums
Blackrock has been around that long?
Racism unironically appeals only to losers. Regardless of their skin color.
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I love jerking off to ebony footjob porn and an old black lady today called me "baby" and it made me happy
I'm Canadian and you're very very wrong.
You're a loser. There isn't a single racist who doesn't have something "off" about them. They just have that energy.
based Danny Glover never said one bad thing about his irl friend Mel, no matter how hard those fag reporters tried to bait him
They're coming for you too, you know.
The Wayans brothers did more for race relations by not taking themselves too seriously than any new media ever could
George Jefferson and Black Dynamite killed racism
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I couldn't be less intimidated if I tried desu.
Huh? But they told me the 90s and 00s were full of racism, anti-black agendas, misogyny, transphobia and micro aggressions against minorities in general??
Similar here. The only thing that matters is that they're racist as well.
ConAir is what killed racism. White guy gets helped by some good old boy niggas.
I jerk off to black girl feet and there's nothing you can do to stop me
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it was the slow ramp-up of the normalization. You are being nostalgic regardless of your age
TO wong foo julie newmar really healed the world
It was an imaginary time and only whites were expected to display this race blindness. Brown/black hominids were still as violent and loud as they are today.
>If Hollywood libs really wanna "fight against racism" they should go back to this kind of content. It's 10x more effective than whatever they're doing now
THIS. That's literally the one thing they're not doing and wondering why they're failing.
there was no racism till obama made some with the "journalists"
Racism was unironically over in America before Occupy Wallstreet happened and the elite started pushing the race divide to make sure we don't unity against them properly. Even 00s and earlier things like Captain Planet don't feel woke because woke was only weaponized recently.
>Goyim need to fight each other endlessly within our system
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Isn't the proper thing to put it out on the sole of your shoes and then place it in the bin?
>black, brown and white characters
This didn't exist back then. They were characters who happened to be black, brown, Asian, etc. You saw them as characters first. If you didn't like a certain character, you just didn't like a character. Now everyone is pushing people to see them as a skin color first. If you don't like that character, you're racist.
No it appeals to people who have to live around non-whites, thing is generally only lower iq poor whites have to i.e white trash and they oftentimes don't behave any better
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Hollywood was at normal rate of "hollywood has always been woke" acceleration all the way up through 2015 ish.

Real threat or conspiracy or both, the Trump campaign marked a rally in globohomo in programming and media of all kinds. As Obama was lame ducking he changed certain rules for how propaganda and information sharing work for alphabet soup groups and Trump never undid it, and movies, tv, and many other things have not been the same since.

I just watch old stuff. A lifetime of stuff was produced within a lifetime that ended in the late 2000's/early 2010's. I can just watch that. Combined, sleep and tv add to a stupid % of my life where there is no modern injection.

There are about a million things I dig about previous propaganda vs current. It had feminism and black, so wonder, was the old vision such a bad deal for the guys who were already on top? Why did they have to push so many people away by shitterizing perfectly good, perfectly reasonable propaganda that everybody loved and everybody was on board with?

The answer is simply that Trump might have been a genuine threat, that online hubs of counterculture made a genuine impact, and they made a genuine power move response, and TPTB really would rather have strung you along with gentle post 90's boomer debtslave style propaganda til you died, but instead they felt they had to made a change to respond to a shift in the tide.

Now it is all a mess and they are just doing the best they can because no one can put the cat back in the bag. It will develop into real cultural revolution killing tier propaganda eventually not because that was the intention in, like, 2002, but because of game theory involving rational actors leading to continued escalation responses.
thats cool but you aren't following the money
BlackRock owns trillions of dollars in assets, mostly in company shares of strong businesses. If your largest shareholder says your business needs more gay niggers, you get the blackest, ugliest, faggiest retard jigaboos on board and you say thank you sir anything else I can help you with?
People like you who are mentally weak and childish are why things will never change. You deserve this world. You truly do. Enjoy it.
That's what I do but back then I used to be like, "what if I didn't stamp it out properly and tossed it while still slightly lit?"
I never said there are fewer blacks or that there arent particular systems involved. Investment blackmail and esg style scale tipping are just a few tools in the belt of just a few organozations. Blackrock operates publically- you know their name. It's a million times worse than blackrock. But I think the "how" is a moot point in regard to the post you replied to.
I'm a certified chud but I do have a softspot for the old school token black characters that were just regular parts of the main characters' friend group and they were chill.
then stop being racist and go suck a black dick and die of aids or sniff gasoline with abos
Keanu reeves chinese man had leading roles in kino. Good times.
90’s and 00’s media was ‘we have more in common than we have differences’ and was fundamentally optimistic.
Then throughout the 00’s people started acting this way and the subject turned to ‘now we’re escaping racism on an individual level, why are we all still underpaid while the rich get richer?’
Then Occupy happened and the wealthy needed us at each other’s throats again so out came CRT, DEI, 1619 Project and all the other cancerous social engineering projects that drove division by emphasizing past injustice and unprovable ‘structural racism’.
You see the same shit in Star Trek TOS and TNG vs. Discovery. TOS and TNG are optimistic views of the future in which modern-day IDPOL is as dead as Stalin. Discovery is pessimistic and full of callbacks to present-day grievances and identity theories, implying that even thousands of years in the future we’re still squabbling over past butthurt and punishing children for rthe sins of the father.

Take me back to when media gave us examples to aspire to instead of toxic, divisive race propaganda designed to keep us from taking back our fortunes from the elites.
The US lost its hegemony in the interim. Everything in US media post 9/11 has reflected this. Chinese media is very optimistic

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