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Damn, it's a shame his parents didn't buy him a chemistry set for Christmas, other-wise he might've been doing something actually important and useful in his life instead of creating little soundtracks for movies.
>could've gone on to making some shit meme game zoomies eat up and made billions and became a household name

too bad. instead he'll fade to obscurity shortly after this, if he hasn't already.
Is he autistic, or is he simply unaware of the fact that you can do more than just play video games, or do music?
Meanwhile there are award winning conposers making video game music...
post this to /v/ for free yous
Chemistry is a solved science.
video games and movies are in the same regressive shit bucket, this isn't even punching down or up, it's like slamming yourself in the face with a pie

My parents bought me a chemistry set one year and all I did was make weak little bombs and weak rockets.

Are you one of those people who thinks that anyone who doesn't do what you do is a useless eater?
>this much lack of awareness
The only chemist I know personally was a degenerate and I thought he was a retard up until he went to college. He was actually incredibly intelligent the whole time but didn't have anywhere to apply it. My point is, I guess, that we shouldn't have to worry about any of that as being a poster here means you are certifiably retarded and couldn't achieve anything great anyways
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This. The only worthwhile arts are music (that isn't movie soundtracks, for fuck's sake) and novels. The rest are garbage that are not worth existing.
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I didn't go to video game school. I went to video games.
i liked his work on Community
How would you go about proving that you aren't trolling?
There are unironically more experimental vidya devs than experimental movie directors nowadays its embarrassing
Nobody has the willpower to even try anything risky because the whole industry is predicated around moneybag producers approving movies that can sell the most tickets
I agree with music being a worthwhile arts medoum since people are still encouraged to experiment since there's a community willing to listen what's cutting edge today
Novels are on the dying side because of the confines of the medium, its a shame since a novel is still the most efficient medium when it comes to long form storytelling
>important or useful
Chemists invented covid to kill off old people and niggers. That's pretty useful.
Damn, he is absolutely right and I'll be damned. It's just that both the movie and the soundtrack suck a fucking dick. I genuinely cannot differentiate between Oppenheimer's OST and those of any other generic hollywood blockbusters. They all sound like Hans Zimmer or Popul Vuh or whatever.
The scene where he recites Buddha or Gandhi during sex is the most embarassing shit I've seen since youtube essay videos.
>There are unironically more experimental vidya devs than experimental movie directors nowadays its embarrassing
That's only because to create a game, you need a budget and a publisher and programming skills and artists and what the fuck else, the project is simply larger and this is reflected in anything that resembles its marketing.
Thousands of experimental movies come out, but they're played out I think. There's only so much of watching weird or subversive stuff for the sake of doing so.
It's a lot simpler resources wise for an indie game dev vs. a film director
You literally need a camera and that's it. Just record shit on your iPhone 6 and there you have it, a video. And if you call that video a movie, it's a movie.
What is your movie about an empty room? You need people. People are usually expensive, especially now. You need sets and props and lighting and special effects sometimes too. The Florida Project cost $2 million to make despite being shot on a phone
isn't this the guy who stole the boba fett song from a swedish cartoon and got fired
Music is by far the lowest tier of art.
>To my parents, thank you for giving me the unabridged works of Edmund Husserl, in the original German, instead of Steven Pinker.
This is the first I am hearing of this, just listened to both back to back and he stole it lol.
That is actually kind of based though considering he just ripped yidsney off
You do not need people to make a movie, excluding yourself of course.
The Florida Project, aside from its cast, is just a gimmick movie, same with crap like its spiritual predecessor Tangerine or the now forgotten Unsane. Movies, but on phone, to prove that you can record stuff on your phone. Sorry, iPhone, because the existence of those movies was validated by being glorified Apple commercials.
>just a gimmick movie
I would consider a movie with no actors to be a gimmick too, I genuinely am trying to follow you here but am struggling. Agreed Florida project is ultimately a gimmick though
I seem to recall a lot of career musicians having no problem with both video games and guitars.
Lots of musicians are avid gamers.
Tbh movie soundtracks >>>>> modern "music" because modern music is absolute trash - at least the mainstream shit.
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Well, I'm implying that trying to limit the medium to the necessity of having actors, standard filming equipment and an actual budget is just baseless.
I mean yeah that is a good decision to make for your child
It's the opposite. It's not a science at all. All of ochem and synthetic chemistry is just throwing shit at the wall until a reaction works and then doing a post-hoc rationalization.

These are the retards who grew up being yelled at by their parents and bullied by their peers for spending too much time on videogames, it's an unresolved trauma from childhood, now videogames are the most important thing in the world and don't dare insult them.

Same thing happened with comic books
>nepotism hire says some shit to impress the goyim baby boomers that still watch the Oscars
John Carpenter made entire movies including the OST and he plays video games all day and all of his movies are better than modern Oscar bait goyslop.
/v/fags absolutely seething
I wish my parents beat me like a damned dog.
Novels have been obsolete for over a century now
The novel is far too limited an expressive medium to convey information. There are so many details in a single scene of a film. Architecture, background characters, posture and gestures of the characters in the scene, point of view presentation, etc. To convey that kind of information in the written medium requires walls and walls of bloodless shitty description that quite literally kills pacing. Writing is truly the weakest and worst medium in existence.

t. Writer with over 1,000,000 words to paper before I had an epiphany how unbelievably inferior writing is as a medium comparatively. Live performance expressions stay winning.
Imagine saying something this stupid, unironically, and thinking it's profound. I feel embarrassed FOR you.
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or you're just a horrible writer
You know that acetaminophen you take for headaches? Guess who invented it, retard.
literally git gud you talentless phag
>Admitting to reading in 2024
His music score for a video game was rejected, wasn't it?
>drum machines
He would have been better of with video games. Wasting time with those is better than contributing to the death of music.
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Goransson? More like Croissant
It's another "nepotard pretends to have achieved recognition on his own".
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Then don't play video games for 12 hours a day?

It's kind of a nonsensical response. Like saying, "I'm glad my parents bought me a bike instead of the Lion King special edition". Like what? He sounds like a sniveling retarded autist who doesn't know you're allowed to have a hobby. Makes alphas such as me just raise my eyebrow, while I go back to playing vidya, fucking my wife, and working.

Now it's starting to make sense why I see so much worse shitposting on /tv/ compared to other boards.
creative hobbies are superior to video games, especially as they lean towards just being cash grab microtransaction BS the more time passes
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Creative hobbies are nothing but busy-work to make you feel like you're being productive while actually producing nothing. At least a quality video game can help exercise the most important muscle in your body; your mind.
>being able to write three notes and adding a "repeat infinitely" mark equals getting an oscar

badada dada dam dam
Ba badadadadada daa
(Boba Fett)

baDUMM badum...badum...
ba dada da dadaaa dadadaaaa dadadadaaaa (repeat endlessly)
Went with a girl to school who turned into a nationally famous chemist/scientistTM edu-tainer.
bought her book because why not
literally a ME-show
and a ton of bullying her friends unashamedly in the book and the editor still greenlit it.
her main audience is the woke hard left, so of course the book is nothing but narcissism and bullying others
he is scandinavian (aka autistic) he didn't realize this would upset people and thought it was humor.
He makes movie soundtracks for a living. He offended nobody, honestly desu.
As we speak there's a Chinese scientist concocting a brand new version of fentanyl that's 600 times more potent than the last one, and he'll do it again tomorrow
sorry but that's just acceleration, not creation
Novels are trash. Nonfiction works are what you should be reading, retard.
composed for metal gear solid V

also kino Tenet
he did >>200768934
also Death Stranding, i think
You sound like an annoying nigger who has no friends and is very stupid.
That was Ludvig Forssell, not Ludwig Goransson.
You sound like your book sales are going through the roof.
he's clearly talking about the problem of kids who are glued to their phones and computers who do nothing but play games all play and don't develop any kind of skill or talent, not people who play games in moderation.
Based example. Prey was kino
thanks, i feel incredibly retarded now
And that's just semantics, not an argument
Writing erotica does not make you a writer. Please do everyone a favor and end it all. Tonight.
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Only on /tv/ will you find a man whose not even written a thesis in his life make such a bullshit claim. Meds now crossdresser.
>The novel is far too limited an expressive medium to convey information.
I stopped reading right here
Why are video game babies so sensitive?
He'll never escape being asian.
>video feels like its building to something but instead of a conclusion, the video just stops.
>quits video game addiction
>immediately larps as andrew tate to shit on everyone he was playing with 5 min ago
I have never seen a 2 hour documentary that would give me more information than reading a book on the same topic for 2 hours. You must be fucking stupid.
Okay chinaman, can you provide some input besides stating the obvious? I thought asians were supposed to be smart.
Because of this >>200763836
>Thank you, money
I think music can have the lowest lows and highest highs. Definitely mogs other forms of art
What annoyed me about this guy is that he was basically bragging that his parents could afford tens of thousands of dollars in musical equipment and tuition.
Smug cunt.
Stemcels are the most pathetic petty people on the earth lmao
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>Damn, it's a shame his parents didn't buy him a chemistry set for Christmas, other-wise he might've been doing something actually important and useful in his life instead of creating little soundtracks for movies.
Nigger has the audacity of calling composing "unimportant" and not "useful" because he's pissed he threw shade at gamers.
"Hurr but movies"
Nothing new, we've been creating music to be accompanied by images for centuries. Operas, tone poems, theater, etc. Movies are just the most recent addition to this. You really going to tell John Williams, who made some of the most iconic compositions of the last century, useless and unimportant?
/v/tards are something else.
>write me a description of every object you can currently see
>take a picture
I wonder which one will be faster to absorb and provide greater detail.

Cope and seethe writer tards. Writing is a uniquely dead medium, but that also makes it the farthest from life. Writing is piss poor at conveying experiences compared to the competition. It's uniquely suited for exploring abstractions, paradoxes, and impossibilities. To utilize it to depict potentialities--even fantasy with internal logic--is a poor choice. Its true domain is purely theoretical. At least the theoretical domain from the perspective of a 4D sensing creature. Our limitations create the borders that writing exists to explore beyond. But it needs to be truly outside the realm of potentiality which is tall fucking ask when you factor in stacked multiverses and infinite singularity repetition. Shit like TLotR, Star Trek, and the Bible is not outside the scope of potentiality and therefore not an appropriate use case.
seething soundcel who is going to be replaced by AI just like every other medium. illustrators already tried doing this "b-but its important to culture!" shit, try something new
I was throwing shade at Ludwgi being a shit composer, not composing being shit.
>seething soundcel
Not a real word, faggot. Kek. I don't make music but you don't have to see the thinly veiled autism behind your original post.
>Going to be replaced by AI
You're the kind of retard who would call Mozart and Beethoven corner stones of Western culture but seethe and sperg over rap music as if it erases or replaces it. AI music doesn't erase past music or trivialize composers, their music isn't going away. Beethoven isn't going to be forgotten because someone can write a prompt in Suno. But again, I can tell you're a retard that believes our culture is being Jewified and Negrofied but makes statements like denouncing culture. Just because you're a mentally ill /v/tard.

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