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For me, it's the episode where Buffy turns into a cavewoman.
imagine the smell
Sexbot Buffy is kino too
That'll put marzipan in your pieplate, bingo.
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>The Buffybot was a robotic replica of Buffy Summers created by Warren Mears at the request of Spike for use as a sex toy.
What the FUCK
This desu senpai
underrated episode in an underrated season
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>Do you belieeeeve in life after love?
That is kind of a wild plot for a ya show. I do think she looked the best in season 4. It’s probably my favorite season
There was ep where a swim coach threw her into a tank with his genetically modified swim team and it was implied they needed to use her for sexual release
She was at her skinniest in season 4, personally I think she peaked in S2 after going full blonde and losing a bit of the S1 babyfat, but not too much. Also she wore miniskirts in every episode something that sadly disappeared after season 2. By S4 she's dressing like a mormon.
I liked the babyfat.
>P U F F Y V U L V A
featuring the artist rasputina playing their hit single transylvanian concubine.
For me, it's the episode where the gang has to hide at Xander's home and he keeps trying to hide his huge collection of Buffy underwear that he stole over the years.
For me, it's the movie.
that scene always confused me.
Are you in a Buffy thread without having watched Buffy?
you can't do this to me. this episode is one of my favorites. its so comfy. cher makes me nostalgic as fuck.
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hey whatcha doin there?
Annoying Kathy by drinking her milk. Annoying her further by spilling most of it.
>I can feeeel somethiiiiing insiiiide me say, I really don't think you're strong enough, nooo
we need to go back
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>"Planet of the Apes"
>"Can I finish?"
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I learned about Stretch Princess from the Buffy Season where she is a freshman in college

>sometimes, in the back of my mind, i look for you
really letting that jewish neanderthal DNA come out
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I don't know if its an age thing or what but just reading it makes me teary eyed. I found myself crying watching Community lately too. maybe I'm becoming a faggot tho who knows
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Ethan Rayne was a very underrated character.
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thread music

classic joss whedon
Watch the fucking show
Thought it was Shakira from the thumbnail. Love that sexy look.
Turning Giles into a demon was peak Ethan.
>"What can I say? I'm the world's best actor."
>"... second best."
Ironic given David Boreanaz is a terrible actor.
Did they???
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How is she so perfect bros?
Plebs don't understand the Janus references.
>Ironic given David Boreanaz is a terrible actor.

I think he gets really good once Angelus is unleashed. Also there are many scenes in Angel that gives me chills with David's acting, such as smothering Wesley or the time they thought they banished Angelus but he was still there.
Reminder that Willow is secretly best girl
I don't know how to explain this but I always had this feeling that Sarah-Michelle Gellar looked so... american. Whenever I think the words "american" and "woman" I instantly think of her. If the US was a woman it'd look like her.
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"We're not supposed to move the body"
ACKSHUALLY it's the gypsy technopagan computer teacher
California was full of women like her once. Alas, they are all but extinct.
Buffy Summers is not Jewish you retard.
I thought he was incredibly bad as Angelus on Buffy when he's trying to be oh-so-myterious hide in the shadow evil cringelord. He's significantly better at it on Angel when Angelus is just an unhinged maniac.
Willow is the worst person on the entire show.
Exotic meats taste best.
>Alas, they are all but extinct.
Transmogrification mostly. The land...changed them....
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>Willow is the worst person on the entire show.

Reminder that Buffy ended with S5. S6 and S7 are not canon.
built for BGC (Big Goyish Cock)
It's because she's a JAP
No, not that kind of Jap.
The only good Hollywood couple. They actually won so hard.
Willow started being shit in season 3.
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>Willow is the worst person on the entire show.
Okay, correction then:
Alyson Hannigan is secretly best girl
His delivery of the word "Ripper" probably inspired 90% of the gay slash in Buffy
S6 + 7 are shit overall, but there's just about enough good single episodes for me to still think there's some worth to them both.
>Make the most based character in the cast
>Hate the character's popularity
What exactly was Whedon's problem?
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for me its the humbled and grown Cordelia becoming the mother hen in LA. we were so close to greatness if Joss didn't fuck everything up and destroyed her character.

We will never have post S5 interaction between Cordy and Buffy and the gang.
Bones and leather. The sword of Damocles.
Season 6 is great except for the Anya stuff. Objectively worst character on the show.
Oz is pretty bad too
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If you think Buffy would have sex with Spike out of all people in the motherfucking Bronz while watching her friends downstairs you really need to reevaluate your life my friend. She would never do that, because its wrong.
Cordelia was the worst character in Angel. Also while she was barely believable as a high school student in Buffy, after she cut her hair in S2 of Angel she looked like a middle aged soccer mom, and she's supposed to be 19-20 years old LMAO
he is a self sabotaging idiot.
Was Passion the most kino episode?
I find it funny that Joss was petty enough to actively creatively sabotage his own shows like that.
It's like how he came up with the Buffy/Spike causal sex plotline and eventually the attempted rape scene largely just because he hated how Spike's popularity (which he somehow didn't understand) meant he had to keep using the character
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forgot pic
It's in the top five, but I wouldn't rank it above Band Candy or The Zeppo
Season 7 has some of the best episodes of the entire series. Selfless, Convos with Dead People, and Lies My Parents Told Me are all certified kino. Shame the rest of it is so bad. Especially the potential stuff. Jesus Christ I can't believe they actually greenlit that crap.
I really like the grown-up Dawn in S7 as well. I wish in S7 Buffy trained her instead of the stupid potentials.
They put Oz in the show to placate schoolgirls with a beast fetish. I can forgive him.
Worst character in Angel.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. no. worst character is Jasmine
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Her supernatural encounters aged her beyond her years :(
Oz is very small. 5'4
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Luckily it backfired, and the fans liked Spike even more, for being so flawed.
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The only one I would argue is among the best episodes of the show is Conversations with Dead People. Also not only are the potentials obnoxious but Principal Wood is a retarded character that was only added because Joss was going through a BBC phase at the time
Like a household dog....
Oz has his moments. Buffy reading his mind and having absolutely no fucking idea what she's hearing just for him to go "Huh", is pretty good.
Dawn was significantly less annoying than I remember the last time I rewatched. She really mellowed out after the locking-everyone-in-the-house incident.
>Lies My Parents Told Me
I was genuinely surprised at how kino this one was when I watched the show. Came out of nowhere after the repetitive slog of the midseason episodes.
>more Spike backstory
>manipulative Giles
>Spike beating the fuck out of Principal Wood
>the JUSTing of Wood overall which more or less makes up for how lame and superfluous he'd otherwise been
NOPE. why couldnt they have a sexy werewolf? The Vampire Diaries did
Principal Wood was alright once the "he's doing evil-seeming stuff" stuff was out of the way. He should not have been a potential love interest though.
You left out the best part.
Buffy telling Wood she'll let Spike kill him if he pulls his bullshit again.
The attempted rape was still pretty retarded.
But it will always be funny how Joss just didn't understand why viewers liked Spike so much, and how all the plot beats and character moments that Joss intended to make Spike more "evil" completely backfired.
remember that time 3 nerds created the greatest robot and A.I. known to man?
Damon Salvatore was just better than Spike. Damon Salvatore would have gotten the Slayer naked and pole dancing after one date.
me want unga bunga
Dawn and Spike were the stars of Season 7. Everyone else was tired and boring and you could tell the actors wanted to move on. Marsters and Trachtenberg were the only ones who still felt they had to prove something and brought their A-game
its fine. its sunnydale effect.
>3 nerds
Jonathan and Tucker's Brother didn't do that. It was Warren by himself.
I count that as part of the JUSTing of Wood, but you're right that it should be singled out
Very satisfying ending desu, especially with Buffy's final line repeating Wood's mom's old line. I'm a real sucker for moments like that
>shilling vampire slopperies
>came out well after buffy but totally forgotten in comparison
Both Microsoft and Apple started in garages desu.
I'd like to request a Faithbot, with the optional futa upgrade
How much would something like this cost I wonder....
>totally forgotten
cope. Damon is unforgettable. Elena is forgettable however
>it's a Riley episode
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I'll take a fat Michellebot.
He wasn't satisfied being her pet, I would've been fine with it. Though I guess eventually she'd cheat on you unless you had super powers and a dark tragic backstory
Oh boy, time for Riley's weekly existential crisis.
Buffy was canonically made for BVC
Everything after the High School seasons was dogshit.
Felt like bad fanfiction.
Angel stayed more-or-less solid through, though, and had a better intro theme.
Damon is the baddest bad boy to ever go bad on bad street :shiver:

TVD/TO is definitely underrated. As a CW slopper myself its best exceeds Buffy/Angels average but when these shows are good, they aren't particularly close. They just feel like different shows too. TVD/TO kind of ran into the shonen issue where they kept making the villain and the stakes so insane that you just start running out of actual possible villains. Supernatural did the same thing, but slower.
Like doesn't TVD ultimately end with the final villain being Satan?
Also Bonnie was surrounded by actual retards.
Cordelia becoming a half-demon super healer, going to heaven, coming back possessed and then fucking her love interest's son was some pretty bad fanfiction imo
Let me tell you why.
They killed off the true main character.
Sunnydale High.
I never got my Buffy / Damon crossover show and this upsets me
no. he was the villain of the 6th or 7th season. lol.

Based and Snyderpilled
holy kek. it's been so long and it all bleeds together.
that said Damon was based and the Damon / Alaric brohood was hyper based.
I said "more-or-less solid".
Illyria was also kind of shit.
I can agree with that.
College wasn't as fun.
Depressed Buffy working in a fast food place wasn't fun at.
PTSD Buffy coming back from Heaven wasn't fun.
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>Depressed Buffy working in a fast food place wasn't fun at.
>PTSD Buffy coming back from Heaven wasn't fun.

Not enough quips?
I wish they didn't turn Snyder into Mayor's lackey
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>Illyria was also kind of shit.
Don't talk that way about my wife
I don't think that's what they were going for.
Tonally different from the original seasons, which were better because the setting allowed for more fun interactions.
Wagie The Vampire Slayer doesn't hit the same notes, and you know it.
I liked fast food Buffy, because SMG looked real cute in the uniform with that lipstick and I enjoyed the episode where she ends up investigating the fast food place only to find out it's mostly just regular weird, instead of supernaturally weird.

spicy. this is a Buffy / TVD crossover thread
I do think the High School years were the best but I think there's still plenty to love about the later seasons, especially 4 and 5. It never reached a point where I wasn't entertained.
The best thing the character did was comfort a dying Wesley by pretending to be his dead girlfriend that it bodysnatched

these short crossover vids are intense. tru Vampire fans onry
A cavewoman would not make a mess like that. Primitive people were probably very conservative with resources.
Did she also get turned into a retard?
that's a different episode, she's purposely drinking her roommate's milk like a slob to piss her off
He's not really a lackey. He's an semi-independent party that's also very aware of the town's spookiness and most likely one of many employed to try and keep a lid on it.
He's pissed at the Mayor when they make the exchange in the school and he's even more pissed at him for wrecking graduation.
Illyria would have been better if Acker's delivery of her lines wasn't community theatre tier.
The transition from Fred to Illyria mid-punching through Vail's face was chef's kiss.
thats a different episode and you are the retard.
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cheesecake kino.
Yeah that rated a holyfuck/10 the first time I saw it. Hilarious episode, also top rate fan service. Now post the Willow clip.
That's one of the funniest gags.
what's this from? some kind of promo?
did she fuck the bbc principal?
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>here's your 800lbs of tits and ass anon
Almost, but no. The ending of the finale episode implies that Faith is going to though
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i dont think a single one of my teen spanks has held up
Compared to how she looks now, she was a goddess when she was a plumper.
let's see
>pamela anderson
>carmen electra
>erika eleniak
>sarah michelle gellar
>eliza dushku
>christina aguilera
i feel you man, time is a cruel mistress
Dushku held on for a very long time, she was still smoking hot in the 2010s, maybe even hotter than she was on Buffy. She has hit the wall recently though
The wall takes all.
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ok i might have found one
could just be filters though
also i would be curious to see how SMG would look if she didn't bog herself
>if she didn't bog herself
Hear me out. I don't think she did. I think the combination of Jewish genes (it gets all of them) and refusing to weigh more than 110lbs did all the damage.
>That episode where Faith and Buffy bodyswapped
Eliza Dushku is a much better actor than SMG because in every Faith (Buffy) scene in seeing Buffy trapped in Faith's body, but every Buffy (Faith) scene I'm seeing Buffy acting weird.
you guys did this to her.
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>>Make the most based character in the cast
>>Hate the character's popularity
Many such cases
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Why did I have to grow up? Why did the world have to change? Why couldn't the year 1999 go on forever?
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>right there with ya
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>be young kid
>see shows like this
>wow cute older people haha
>grow up and see show again
>realize id be considered a creep if i hit on her now because shes too young for me
terrible feeling
Still would. shes hot af, i dont care gimmie that granny pussy
Jew sorcery
>he's still preoccupied
i wasnt an adult in the 90s but when i look back on shows like this and friends i always wonder if people really did hang out in coffee shops/diners that much, or if it's just a convenient narrative device
for starters how the fuck could anyone afford it, and also public places are full of the wrong kind of people
Diners yeah. Mostly because they were one of the last places you could suck down a pack of cigarettes with your friends.
i'm familiar with the concept
i just don't remember my parents or anyone else really hanging out in those kinds of places
and by the time i got to college age in the mid-00s people would sometimes hang out at starbucks i guess, but that got old quick and it's too expensive now anyway
The writer's thinly disguised fetish strikes again!
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Only a couple of mine have. One an actress and the other an amateur porn "Star" that only did porn with her husband and still does some shit decades later. Both either didn't get any work done or minimal amounts since they both look like older women now but that continuity of fapping makes it hotter to me. Might be because I was never big on wanking to super models anyway so I had a few that avoided being bogged
Diners and coffee shops are just convenient substitutes for bars and nightclubs, because think of the advertisers
popular/hot people do it so they can meet other hot people and fuck. Chads do it until they have a harem of girls they can speed dial for booty calls.
lol based
i just discovered a few days ago that Sexxy Brandon is still out there and hot as ever
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>Furiously fap to Jenni Lee as a teen
>Find out she now lives in a storm drain
Don't do drugs.
The local pizza place and the mall were the places where people would hang out the most in the mid 90's. Late 90's and 2000's and after is when party and club culture took over big time.
i miss being able to dress in an oversized lumberjack shirt, a white t-shirt, jeans and some shitty shoes and look good, 90s fashion was good to slobs like me, just don't be fat
that's what i miss the most, people are so fucking fat now
Maybe it's for the best that Firefly was just one season, a movie and a bunch of comic books no one read before it turned into something like this.
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More people have seen Buffy in a faux Vampirella corset than know who Vampirella is.
damn does she? is it true, can i pick jenni lee up from a storm drain?
how did she coast through Hollywood without doing a nude scene, bros?
inside every skinny actress is a fat one waiting to bulge out
It's actually a wonderful blessing it was only one season. A fantastic anti-government, pro-gun show that will last forever without being ruined by the creators trying to ram further and further degeneracy into it.
oh hell yeah.... unfortunately this is four years old and she's probably dead now, but it gives me hope i can troll the gutters for all of my favorite stars!

I know this feeling. What’s really weird is hearing people say you’re creepy for having had a crush on an actor, when you were younger, who was significantly younger than your current age. It’s a whole new level of white knighting.
>The ep where buffy turns invisible and Xander walks in on Spike fucking her & Spike plays it off he's doing pushups
>Starts giving him head when he tells her to leave
Funny how the show almost immediately became a sexfest the moment a woman took over.
i keep telling people women are more degenerate than men, or at least more horny
A poorly written piece of shit series of books about BDSM sold over 150 million copies globally. Men weren't buying that.
ahead of its time
Blond Jewish chicks?
for me it's yenta Buffy
Illyria was a fun concept and imo her scenes and subplots mostly work thanks to being carried by whoever she was paired with in a given episode. Angel, Spike, and Wesley all got a lot more mileage out of interacting with her than they ever did with Fred. The writers should have toned down the big words though because Acker couldn't really handle them, kek.
The hottest actress of my entire fucking life and I'm 35
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It wasn't implied, it was stated
They could have at least done something to her voice. It's pretty fucking hard to take her seriously as some ancient all powerful godthing when she just sounds like Acker being overly dramatic.
Also Spike hard-carries all of their scenes.
my entire dad LOVES this show
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What episode and season isthis you speak of?
Illyria's presentation was crippled by budget constraints. She needed a better costume, better makeup, better voice, etc. but they weren't about to do all that for a character who only shows up for the last few episodes of the last season of a cheap tv show.
It really bummed me out when I realised she was stuffing the shit out of her bras.
Beer Bad, S4E5.
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it's incredible she never did nudes

perhaps the main reason her career died off
No, the reason her career died off was not being able to be seen as anyone but Buffy. Long-running TV shows with iconic leads kill tons of careers.
So what she turns into a sex crazed cave woman? lol
If it was a season 6 episode that probably would have been the plot.
Dude you know what show this reminds me of, Angel. I used to watch that late at night at like 1 or 2 am it came on. This was years and years ago. but it was actually a good show, then i started dling it off pir@teb@y. I should re-watch that show too.
>Dude you know what show this reminds me of, Angel.
There's a reason for that, anon...
I have no idea what your babbling about. I watched this show in the 90s when it came out but that was 20 plus years ago. I wonder what sarah michelle gellar or w/e her name was is up too now days.
yeah I know man, it was a continuation of buffy.
btw I am watching this s4e05 cavewoman or w/e the fuck u called it episode right now. My god I forgot how freaking hot this actress was, I used to watch this show when I was a kid/teen. The band camp girl from American Pie isn't that bad either. But Buffy was HOTT.
no it's not

it takes place in a different universe where Angel is not actually a vampire but a cop that ages and gets fat
One of my first boners.
lol so wait whats about to happen? Did these guys make some kinda magical beer to turn women into sex slaves or what? I'm still watching it.
not nearly skinny enough but nice try
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Have to force myself to not bingewatch this show, it's too good and came out right at the perfect era for the style and writing to work.
I wish I was that milk :(
this guy was piccolo in the dragon ball live action movie. He was the second best performance behind chow yun fat as master roshi.
Liz hurley’s still got it
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For me, it's the Doublemeat Palace.
For her son only.
Will never understand the obsession so many had with this show.
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it was Star Trek for girls
yeah, until he blew his brains out
Anon, there's no implication about it. Faith fucks Wood on screen in the penultimate just because she wanted some before the apocalypse
MILF Anya, nice
IIRC Marsters is a big fan of DBZ and actively fought to get the role. Then he showed up on set and realised the shitshow he'd gotten into.
How could anyone not realize what was going to happen with that shit
>not being able to be seen as anyone but Buffy
Didn't she star in a bunch of slasher movies?
Buffy and Ash vs Freddy and Jason
My favorite part was seeing Buffy's sister sleep with the Buffy sexbot.
Wow back when rolling stone didn't just talk about nigger music
Comfort is a strange thing.
Hell naw
That scene in the mirror where she repeats "because its wrooooong"
Smg could definitely act well
kek I still fap every now and then to her, same with Kagney
He was a VA for Dragonball Super as well to redeem himself, he was that genocidal Kai iirc
Buffy S2
Buffy S3
Angel S2
Angel S5
Buffy S1
Buffy S5
Angel S1
Buffy S4
Buffy S6
Angel S3
Buffy S7
Angel S4
Tara's right there

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