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What are your favorite Canadian films?
Bajrangi Bhaijaan
I like the one where the prime minister legalizes weed to make everyone retarded and complacent and then sells out his own country
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peanut butter solution

the last casino
weed usage didnt change a tick with legalization
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Every fiom starring the beloved and acclaimed Canadian actress Sarah Gadon of course.
Mad Max 2
lol if you think weed has anything to do with our problems, I have a bridge to sell you
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Actually kino
Plus has similar comfy 00s Toronto vibes as Kenny vs Spenny
Have you ever smoked weed in your entire life?
This. It was trivial to get weed when I was a teen. When reliable sources weren't available, I could just ask strangers at the bus stop. Every other shitty kid had a backpack full of weed ready to sell on the spot.
eglington gives me 00 Toronto vibes.
Okay no but seriously how fucked is Trudeau? Imagine losing the election in the most liberal part of the country
you are naive. weed absolutely does make people complacent, especially the turbo high THC% shit that they breed for sale now. it makes you comfortable in your stupor. they legalized it as their first act to get everybody hooked before they gutted the country, so you would all be too stoned to get off your ass and do anything but whine on the internet.
they knew exactly what they were doing and we fell for it hook, line and sinker.

t. daily stoner.
the weed that you bought on the street 15 years ago is nothing like the legal weed that is bred to have absurd amounts of THC. the shit you can buy in stores now is so strong that it would put your most seasoned woodstock hippy on the floor. and it's sold in extremely concentrated forms that are more convenient than ever to smoke. you CANNOT compare it to the gutter weed of the past. sorry.
doesn't sound like you ever smoked in your entire life.
Except it’s much cheaper now. Also: Strange Brew
Weed usage was rampant before, yes which is why Canadians were already retarded and complacent. Legalization has enabled people who wouldn't smoke it otherwise such as elderly folk or people paranoid about getting caught and so on. There's now weed shops on every corner who will sell you a disposable pen full of concentrate for about $50 that will knock you on your ass after 3 tokes, all of this makes it easier for shithead little teenagers to completely fry their brains before they hit adulthood
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Absolute kino, right before Altman hit it big.
Good. I smoke everyday but don’t enjoy concentrates. Makes me like the one eyed man in the land of the blind
you fucked up! what a terrible tribute, you don't love someone when you can't pay attention to detail.
>put your most seasoned woodstock hippy on the floor
Boomers used to tell us this in the 80s.
Did they ever make a movie out of this?
Trailer Park Boys The Movie
>the weed that you bought on the street 15 years ago is nothing like the legal weed that is bred to have absurd amounts of THC.
Nah, I've been smoking on and off the whole time. You are right that it was 15 years ago. Maybe it's because I grew up in BC where weed has always been strong, I have not noticed a difference in potency.
Ok so you just confirmed you're not even Canadian.
>There's now weed shops on every corner
In almost every province they're being sold through the liquor corporations which are mostly all crown corporations.
>disposable pen full of concentrate for about $50
Those things cost next to nothing, wtf are you talking about $50???????
Imagine being an expert on smoking weed
>be me, visiting Amsterdam like 20 years ago
>figure I’ll try a coffee shop
>middle eastern guy working the counter warns my that my selection is very strong before asking where I’m from
>I tell him BC
>he grins and says I’ll be fine
Was ok, maybe 8/10. Fuckin’ expensive tho
Jackie Chan
In BC there are dope shops on every corner. Idk where tf you’re from buddy
Trudeaus father sold this country out 50 years ago. Weed has nothing to do with it. At the end of the day this country was always doomed. Such a small population spread out of such a large geographical area. Anti -American attitudes play a large role. People will let every other country on earth rape our country so long as they aren't American.
there exists 1 store for every 12000 people and they all have to be approved by LCRB
It predates Pierre. Canada has always been based on the plantation/resource extraction economic model. Canada was founded by people too weak or crooked to throw off the British crown and very little has changed
90% of films nowadays are shot in canada now

it's a fact. every film is canadian film.
>live in small interior town, pop <5k, two dope stores
>head to the next small town over, pop <5k, three dope stores
that's A LOT
How many vape stores tho
literally not at all, he was born with a $20M trust fund and when he loses he can rejoin the Trudeau foundation and cash out the giant donations the CCP gave them
I didn't realize Blacked and Blacked Raw was a Canadian production
Yeah, it’s oversupplied and I know it’s regulated somehow, I’m just calling it as I see it. I’m not complaining, it’s like half the price it was before
>concentrate for about $50
buddy you're getting absolutely ripped off
Just one as far as I know, and it’s a horrible place. It smells like the soap aisle in some women’s store
>it’s like half the price it was before
what are you talking about? legal weed is more expensive than pre-legalization.
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>t. daily stoner
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Sarah Gadon doesn't do that kind of acting.
No, it’s not. Once again I’m only speaking from my experience, ymmv, and there’s plenty of grey market shit out there that’s even cheaper
nta but I agree for the most part, but there are still deals to be had if you know what you are doing. I buy ounces of decent weed that work out to about 3-4 bucks a gram. but you have to know which companies to avoid otherwise it's shit.
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I can think of a lot of fun canadian/collab TV shows that I like, but I can't think of any distinctly canadian movies. I even looked up "famous canadian movies" but that didn't help either and I'd never heard of any of them.
It absolutely is more expensive, that's the entire point.
>grey market shit
We're not talking about grey market shit, are we?
I try to find this book all the time at VV. still haven't found it.

I think it wasn't weed that made people this way. I smoke weed at night and watch a movie.

I'd say im a pretty successful person in my personal life. could I be better? probably. but I don't think removing weed will do that.
Kissed is good
The stores around me have 1g vapes for $40 before tax
Also was going to mention this
Back in the day, like when I was in high school, $200/oz was a decent price. I can now pick up the same quantity at a dope store for ~$130. Factoring in inflation, that’s around a 50% discount. I probably have underwear older than you
That is called stage acting. Sarah Gadon is an acclaimed stage actress too.
Weed like most other things only fucks up your life if you let it.
If you're a stoner fag that loves to wake and bake every morning then yeah, you're a worthless sack of shit. If you just, as you said, smoke weed at night and watch a movie or even just as a sleep aid that's fine. It's called using responsibly.
You can smoke meth and not be full blown junkie.
Yeah no shit it's going to cost less when you're buying in bulk. A gram of store weed is still $10-12 + tax, more if you want actual quality stuff.
yah I don't get the smoke weed all day thing. Maybe if its a fucking rainy sunday but its boring and just makes me want to crash.
>boomer dad bitched at me this morning because I can't find a job in this pajeet-riddled hellhole of an economy and don't spend every hour of the day taking care of his fucking lawn
I'm going to be so glad when the clot shot finally kills him.
Does fargo count
Way to move the goalposts buddy. I gave you an apples to apples comparison
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Strange Brew is the only Canadian film and it is brilliant.
Thank you, Canada. Thank you!
I think BC had a brand reputation kind of thing back then. Here it was just $10 a gram and it was strong as fuck for me, always high after a couple of tokes.
I mean, I can admit I'm addicted. Same thing with nicotine, alcohol, slop food, and unprotected sex with women off dating apps. But out of all those vices, THC seems to be the least disruptive or harmful to me. If I could keep one and magically drop the others, I'd keep my DUDEWEED
Imagine a scenario with a thriving black market weed industry undercutting legal sales and the average mid quality gram still costs the same $10 it did back in 2008.
We did, that was kinda the joke. Some of the strongest shit they had was like a slightly above average version of what I’d get in high school, albeit at something like 20 euros/g …
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>Turn on MuchMusic in 1999
>"Sucks To Be You" by Prozzak starts playing
>We're not talking about grey market shit, are we?
"Grey market" (really just black market, but the government doesn't want to admit they lost) feeds into the legal market. There's stuff you can buy online now that was simply not available pre-legalization, like high potency edibles and extracts, not to mention just regular weed. I get your point but legalization significantly boosted the illicit trade.
I thought we weren’t discussing grey market shit anon. Are there any goalposts you’re not willing to move to try and win an anonymous internet argument?
>feeds into the legal market.
illegal market*
I'm not, I'm just making the point that the grey market still isn't even enough to drop prices, and legal weed absolutely is not half of what weed was pre-legalization, which is what you previously claimed while using a bulk purchase as proof. $50-$60 for a quarter ounce was the norm back then.
mmusa was kino and they shouldn't have changed to fuse
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Maybe you had better connections than I did. Retail for me at low quantities was $70/a quarter. I bought a half ounce a few days ago for a little over $70 at the dope store, ergo 50% off. I submit that you’re just retarded. Maybe lay off the dope for a bit, eh?
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Mike Myers is Canadian, some of his stuff is funny
Harper is the one who sold out the country to China. Trudeau just appoints incompetent yesmen like his finance minister who has never worked in finance and has a philosophy degree.
Anon I understand it's possible to get a deal at a legal store in bulk. I'm not confused over that. I'm not confused that this "deal weed" when broken down is still $10+ dollar for a gram and $30+ for 3.5.
I don't watch Bollywood trash
Im in Ontario snd there's private weed stores everywhere. Town has a population of 200k and easily has over 20 weed stores. I dont know how they all stay in business
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The only good Michael Moore movie.
I’ve always tried to avoid buying by the gram since I was a teen because it’s a ripoff. Once again, and for the last time, based on my observations as a degenerate dope smoker, prices are down (significantly) since legalization, to say nothing of the fact that I can grow half a dozen plants of my own without legal repercussions. Six plants worth is plenty of dope, even for a habitual user
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At least Harper understood you need to provide tax incentives to businesses to grow your economy and that a budget cannot "balance itself".
I for one have completely checked out. I fled the city for a little hick town and have structured my income in such a way as to never have to pay income tax. I’m more than happy to let the browns and yellows (many of whom came in under Harper: read up on the laughable results of his foreign investor’s program) do the heavy lifting from now on
I thought it was Israeli?
this, both of them. The first is good because it's very cinematic and a fitting introduction to the big screen. The second one is like an extended episode, which is good because it makes it more grounded and adds to the hilarity of the ensuing chaos.

SGTTBG was also good but it was more of a special than a movie, also it pisses me off how the plot of it completely ruins the ending of Season 7 which, in my mind, is the true ending of the show and the final resting place of those characters forever.

What a based series.
Sarah Gadon is pure and wholesome. She wouldn't do that.
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I don't even think about Can-wait was this thread about again?
not in Canada. maybe if you lived in the 80s in New Mexico

20yr ago you could find bud around 20% THC easily or seeds that will reach those levels in spite of you. sure most weed in a gov store is 22-26% now but its not a major increase
>that the grey market still isn't even enough to drop prices, and legal weed absolutely is not half of what weed was pre-legalization
wat? its still $10/g even though lead money is worthless now
also most black market weed dealers are doing fine still. a chunk of their normie customers are gone for good but the committed weedheads are largely still hooked up illegaly and scoff at government products like swill light beer
nigger I was puffing dank kush in 2009 and I wasn't even in high school yet, gtfo buddy
I love Canada.
It was kino.
>Orca (1977)
>Death Hunt (1981)
>The Bear (1988)
Off top my head
Still better than Trump although I don’t envy the Canadian economy.
Does lealfland have a hollywood?
no leafs just go to Hollywood
it works pretty well sometimes
No, but they will proudly list off all the Canadians that got successful in American media.
>did you know all the actors in the Barbie movie are Canadian!?
it counts
Margot Robbie is Australian tho
I thought Margot Robbie was a woman.
Well I haven't put my dick in her pusy so I cannot confirm that she is a woman

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