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>Here's your Nami, nakama
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Reminder: don't watch Netflixs adaptation, they're woke trash who hate fanservice and don't have the balls to sexualize female characters, theyll censor every Nami outfit, theyll censor every Robin outfit, theyll remove any and all lewd fanservice scenes, don't support woke trash or theyll keep making trash without female nudity nor female lewdness
Get a life.
Get some standards
This post broke the Odadrones
why did they style her hair to look like hay?
I don't think the wig is styled yet.
Are you ready for SJWs to simultaneously argue that Robin should be brown because the early anime fucked up and now everyone remembers her as being so and that Vivi should be brown because of where she comes from?
Oda said that Robin was Russian, so I hope he doesn't put up with that bullshit. Getting mutt Luffy was already bad enough.
Is Sanji's actor French?
They already said they want a hispanic woman/latina for Robin, you can calm down with your ragebaiting.
So because they're already brownwashing Robin, I shouldn't point out that they're going to brownwash Robin?
Go outside.
>Stop noticing things.
thats my wife
>source material is fan made cosplay not actual official source material
fucking retard
she looks like she sucks at giving blowjobs
I don't watch shows for the fanservice, coomer.
i wish she'd look at my little penis with disdain before giving me one
Regardless adaptations for Netflix will be bad but it sounds like shallow points to hate the show.
stop seething over pointless shit
>whitewashing bad! wypipo rayciss reeeeeeee
>brownwashing is whatever lol get over it
>speaks spanish in all her attack names and is an archaeologist
>wtf why is her casting latina!?!
>vivi literally from a place thats a mix of Egypt and india
>wtf why would she be brown?!?
Every single person in anime and manga is white or Japanese.
her attacks are a mix of Spanish, French and English
you'd know this if you actually read the manga
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>>speaks spanish in all her attack names
Spanish comes from Spain and she also uses French in her attacks - unless you're going to try to tell us "fleur" is Spanish.
>is an archaeologist
...yeah? Are Amerindians famous for being archaeologists or something? What the fuck was this point?

Here are the things you missed:
1. She canonically has fair skin.
2. Oda said if she was from the real world, she'd be from Russia.
3. It is old news among One Piece fans that most characters are caricatures of celebrities and Robin and Crocodile are Uma Thurman and John Travolta respectively from Pulp Fiction.

>>vivi literally from a place thats a mix of Egypt and india
It's more Egypt. It has "Arab" in the name, it has two divine protestor animals which are clearly Horus and Anubis, and her name is fucking Nefertari.
>>wtf why would she be brown?!?
1. You could cast her to actually look like the character. Is she brown in canon? No.
2. Fine. Have it your way: let me just find a random Eygptian actor to compare her to.

Okay, pic related is how she should look. Agreed?
Leave the retard alone.
The point is cosplayers can do a better job than Wokeflix
I don't watch shows that censor the source material, SJW
Is the SJW in the room with you right now?
Robin and Vivi should be pale skinned because that is literally how they are in the manga aka the fucking source material. I don't give a fuck what mental hoops you want to jump through to justify brownifying the characters, everyone with eyes knows what they are supposed to look like.
lmfao, the "source material" is black and white you absolute mongoloid.
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Thats already happening, they don't care about the source material, the Wokeflix show is by and for SJWs
When I watch a live action adaptation I expect the actors to resemble the characters from the source material as accurately as possible yet they refuse to do so cause they want those DEI/ESG funds, don't support Wokeflix
If it's pointless then why change it?
Oda confirmed Robin would be Russian and Russians are white, Vivi is white in the manga therefore they should cast a white actress
So they should also be literal 2D images made of pencil?
Nigger, you need to stop quoting people multiple times. We get it, you suffer from schizophrenia.
Oda colors the spreads and Vivi is clearly white in the spreads you absolute mongoloid
I didnt quote anyone dumbass
Retards like you don't know that manga get official full color spreads from time to time since you haven't actually read the manga.
You are such a dumb motherfucker you genuinely think that Zoro should be fucking white too. Unironically kill yourself.
A newfag on top of being mentally ill? Colour me surprised.
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>tfw no zombie gf to tear my flesh off bit by bite
Oda already stated in an SBS that Zoro would be Japanese
This nigger is having a meltdown over all his anime being white people and japs
Replying isnt quoting newfag
Nuh uh. He's white.
No he isnt, Oda said so
Nope, he's white. See the colour of his skin in that spread!
>Japs can't be pale
Dumb brownoid.
Get mad at Oda, not me.
Doesnt apply since Oda gave us the answer on an SBS, Vivi has no Oda confirmed nationality therefore we conclude she's white due to her skin color and face, fuck Wokeflix
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only one word is french which is pronounce the same in Spanish phonetically how its spelled in katakana
shes speaking mainly spanish
you'd know this if you could actually read
Nope. Zoro is white.
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the katakana pronunciation of fleur is the same as the spanish word
Spanish is a latin language
she canonical has any skin
she has different eye color in the manga from anime, brown in manga, blue in anime
no, that was random places he associates with them because the secret assassin spy = russia to him, same as chopper being a reindeer = canada to him or brook being a violinist and musician = austrian to him, even though brook is clearly brown with an afro

Alabasta comes from Alabaster stone
not Arab the word you fucking retard
And Oda confirmed Alubarna is based on India and thats where Vivi is from
Oda said he named her Nefertari without knowing what it meant or its significance irl, it was a random name he liked, and he said vivi being the princess of alabasta was a last minute change and wasn't planned

people don't have blue hair irl naturally
vivi ethnically would have brown skin because she's from a place based on india
>posts a light skinned Egyptian MALE actor

Fucking retard
but those cosplays look less like nami than emily does in opla
>all this cope because he wants to make a white character brown
You can literally see Vivi in your picture, what color is she?
Are you just retarded
i bet you think one piece isn't political

The manga is black and white guess the show should be black and white oh what a genius fucking observation
What was changed

>oda said
That he associates robin with russia because secret assassin spy = russian to him
he never said robin is actually russian
vivi is ethnically from an arab/middle east coded place she is not caucasian
robin looks latina here not russian

Russians have light hair and bright eyes

robin has black hair like latina and brown eyes like latina
We have pictures of Vivi, drawn by Oda. We know what she looks like.
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Not really
Will that be your justification when some repulsive goblin with skin the color of diarrhea is hired to play her?
You're never gonna convince the schizo, anon. He just wants to see a white girl playing Vivi, he doesn't give a fuck about following the actual stort.
So? Robin is white in the manga and would be Russian IRL, Russians are white
Oda never said zoro was Japanese
he associates him with Japan because hes a swordsmen using katana

oda said sanji is based on steve buscemi then later said he associated sanji with france
that doesn't mean sanji is french it means he associated him with French because of cooking being heavily associated with France
Yeah, in the manga. I guess we just need to hire a girl with natural blue hair and the cast will feel authentic this time around.
no one shared more pics of this goddess... sad
Vivi has been brown coded the entire time bro you don't need to cope
>Vivi having blue hair means we need to cast a shitskin to play her
Do you even think about the shit you write before you post it?
retarded amerisharts should be skinned alive in public
I'm just following your own piece of advice.
And he purposely miscolors her
toriyama draws goku brown as fuck guess goku is brown
Answer my question, what color is she in that picture?
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Robin is latina
stop coping
>no, the artist who created the character is wrong, she's actually brown
Holy shit, the cope here is unreal.
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Why didn't they cast Steve Buscemi for Sanji? Are they stupid?
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
Of course it doesnt mean they're are those nationalities, our world doesnt exist in One Piece, however Oda said those would their nationalities IRL for the very same reasons you stated and it's not just stuff like that but also their appearance is based of people from those places therefore both Robin and Vivi should be played by white actresses
Bro they should just hire someone with natural blue hair thats the only way to be true to the manga
Bro, why are you still coping? Stop making excuses for Wokeflix
Zoro is white and they casted a Japanese actor for it, stop coping
Still waiting for how they'll ruin Robin tho
>Why didn't they cast Steve Buscemi for Sanji?
Because Reservoir Dogs came out thirty years ago?
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>Here's your season 2 cast bro
Only burgerclaps act like one piece isn't political

oda draws ussop light skin not brown, even though he said ussop is african
>they didn't cast somebody with grey hair for Smoker
>they didn't cast somebody with purple hair and a natural metal chin for Wapol
emily looks better

latina irl
she has black hair and brown eyes and speaks mainly Spanish in her attacks
thats latina more than anything
If this thread is any indication they're going to cast some brownoid from the depths of the Amazonian jungle as Robin then claim that's how the character was all along, despite all the fucking evidence proving otherwise.
Unironically they should have cast the Tashigi lady as Robin.
same color as ussop who is canonically african
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Except for Robin and Vivi cause they're going to get raceswapped but dont want to confirm it yet
They already raceswapped Zoro
We knew it was coming, bro
I'll allow you to use a Middle Eastern actor to portray Ussop, that seems like it would fit canonically.
Emilys outfit will be censored
>latina irl
>she has black hair and brown eyes and speaks mainly Spanish in her attacks
>thats latina more than anything
Bullshit, Robin is very clearly white and Oda confirmed she would be Russian in an SBS, Robin is white
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>an actual human playing dalton instead of a bison-man

fuck this
wtf those damn wokes not casting steve buscemi as sanji even though oda said he's steve buscemi...

if they cared theyd hire 60yo steve buscemi to play the 19yo
It is quite clearly Egypt
If they won't cast a racoon for Chopper, I'll be so f*cking PISSED OFF

>Amazonian jungle

>character who never once appears after arlong park
who cares
wtf they didn't cast a man who can transform into a Bison? have they gone woke?
>white trash American thinks all hispanic people come from the Amazon Jungle
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There's more casting I just grabbed that. They're revealing them in 4's. I think they're saving Robin, Vivi, Chopper and Crocodile for last.
emilys outfits are based on the cover pages and they ADDED a boob window in one of them that didn't have one in the manga
>Mrs. Valentine's actress has blue eyes instead of black
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That was hot. Also her ass looked extra fat in the Kuro episode with those baggy pants.
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Why was he laughing?
Who's going to be responsible for gently caressing her breasts over time to make them large enough for the post Marineford time skip?
He didn't say she is russian he said he associates her with russia because of the assassin spy shit
same as brook to Austria with the vilion and music shit even though when he was alive he had brown skin and has an afro
and he said STEVE BUSCEMI is sanjis basis, steve isn't french
He only associates sanji with france because of cooking
He only associates zoro with Japan because of being a katana swordsman
He only associated chopper with canada because snowy place with reindeer
He only associated franky with USA because he likes burgers and cola even though he's from Water7 the equivalent of VENICE

robin speaks spanish aka a latin language, she has never said another Russian even once
And no, I'm not Oda. My name is Orihciie Ado.
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Turns out we were wrong and they didn't cut Little Garden though if you're up to date on the manga that's not surprising
Imagine reaching the ending line and the staff says that you are too early so you're now disqualified.
Because he can see where the One Piece is from the execution platform and they're all going the wrong way
wtf they didn't cast real giants? netflix more like WOKEFLIX
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everyone was rightfully content with the mr. 3 casting but to me, they totally nailed crocus
wtf they didn't cast the real pirate king as the pirate king? have they gone WOKE
any spics here love girls like this as much as i do?
based knower
I think every hetero male should like a girl like Emily.
Not a spic but yeah man me too
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wtf see look steve can totally still play 19 years old
netflix went WOKE by not RIGHTFULLY casting him as sanji
I'm wondering if they got Jaime Lee Curtis
shes currently doing freaky friday 2 so probably not because of scheduling
some anons said that since they started to film season 2 now, there might be some scheduling conflicts but who knows, really
>shes currently doing freaky friday 2
Supposedly playing Vivi
So by this logic, the Northern Water Tribe in Avatar: The Last Airbender should be white, too, right? Because their nation is inspired by Venice.

Also, Robin should be white since her island is full of people wearing cowboy hats and cowboys are white.

>Spanish is a latin language
Yes, from Europe, which has nothing to do with Latinas.
>she canonical has any skin
She canonically has fair skin.
>brown in manga
White people have brown eyes, too, and what do you mean "brown in manga"? She's also white in the manga, dipshit.
>that was random places
1. He said that's where they'd be from if they were real people. Now they're casting real people to play them. There is zero argument for casting someone not from those places. Where was this argument when they cast a Japanese guy to play Zoro? CLEARLY, HE SAID JAPAN BECAUSE KATANA, AND ANYONE CAN USE A KATANA! That's what you sound like, you wretched cunt.
2. There are tan-skinned people with afros in Europe. Brook is inspired by Slash who people often think is Jewish, though he denies it. But what do you mean Brook is brown? How do you know that? You claim Vivi and Robin don't have canonical skin colors, so why does Brook? I'm beginning to think you're not being 100% honest, anon.
>Alabasta comes from Alabaster stone
Which is from Egypt and the Middle East.
>And Oda confirmed Alubarna is based on India
1. "Official" databooks are not Oda.
2. He also confirmed Robin's Russian.

Your ass is so fat I need two posts to lynch you.
Shit, the rest of the casting is so good though
Bro stop they already made Zoro japanese
Wasnt this thread supposed to be about Nami?
Be patient with the autist.
>ass is so fat
looks fine
Is she younger than Emily?
>Oda said he named her Nefertari without knowing what it meant
You think he pulled Nefertari out of his ass? He knows it's Egyptian.
>irl, it was a random name he liked, and he said vivi being the princess of alabasta was a last minute change and wasn't planned
Anon, that literally means nothing. Alabasta has pyramids and hieroglyphics and worships a black jackal. You are literally reaching for ANYTHING YOU POSSIBLY CAN to make characters black as coal while selectively ignoring the massive wall of evidence to suggest otherwise. You have a problem. You need to get the nigger dick out of your ass and stop ruining /tv/.
>people don't have blue hair irl naturally
Powerful argument.
>vivi ethnically would have brown skin because she's from a place based on india
Alright. Let's play your game. I'm going to use YOUR SOURCE. Let's take a look!

>According to Rurubu One Piece, Foosha Village was inspired by villages in England. It shares this distinction with Syrup Village and Ohara.

Anon...what's going on, big guy? Luffy, Usopp and Robin are from England? Luffy and Usopp's actors don't look English. Will Robin's?

>>posts a light skinned
Yes. Like Vivi.
Yes. Like Vivi.
Wait, why did you emphasize this part out of everything? That's the part that debunks you the hardest, but you're acting like it's a weak point or something?

You...DO know that men have darker skin than women, right? All over the world. Everywhere. Without question. The fact I posted a light-skinned Egyptian man means even lighter skinned Egyptian women exist. And I didn't have to go searching for Rami Malek, he's like the one Egyptian everyone on /tv/ knows.

So...what was your plan here?
Why do you keep replying twice?
cute! i approve
Anyone want to take a crack at shopping her with blue hair?
>spanish women aren't latina
oda colors ussop light even though he's canonically african
doesn't matter
she's same as ussop or luffy who are canonically brown
he said those are places he associates with them
luffy actor is Mexican not brazillian
nami actor isn't swedish she's american
sanji actor isn't french or steve buscemi
no other people are using a Japanese weapon to become a swordsman other than a Japanese person
brook had brown skin you blind tranny
vivi is the same as ussop and ussop is canonically black
official data books are run by oda
Alubarna is based on india
He also said steve buscemi is sanji
her being russian is never stated, he only associates russia with her because of the spy assassin shit
she speaks spanish not russian
>have to cast the main characters
>every single one is Jewish or brown despite them not looking that way in the source material
>have to cast tertiary characters
>suddenly every actor they get is a dead ringer for the character
Downright peculiar...

They're all one race, the genetic difference between Native Americans in the US and Peruvians is almost non-existent.
Stop fucking your cousin.
No he doesn't, he just saw it in a book and thought it sounded nice, he had no idea who Nefertari irl was
lower areas of alabasta are based on cairo, Alubarna is based on india and specifically the city of jodhpur in India
also she'd still be brown if she was egyptian/arab you retard

well it easily destroys you

Why isnt sanji steve buscemi? that alone debunks you
Give and inch theyll take a mile, now theyre raceswapping Robin and Vivi
They also added naked Helmeppo and shirtless Sanji, it's looking grim
The characteristics and appearance Oda chose to give them was based of said nationalities, theyre meant to loosely resemble people from said countries, Robin is white not latina
Kill yourself.
luffy is latino according to oda, he is latino in the show
ussop is black according to oda, he is black in the show
sanji and nami are white according to oda, they are white in the show
zoro is Japanese according to oda, he is Japanese in the show
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Vivi is white not a sand negress
The actress is Indian, you backward retard.
Robin is latina
vivi is supposed to be arab/middle eastern

>helmeppo gag
>shirtless sanji
this is bad because....?

no it wasn't
those nationalities were picked based on their personalities and story details/what they like which was established first

robin being russian is from the spy assassin shit, not from anything else

oda said sanji is based on steve buscemi
years later he said he assisted him with france because cooking
So why'd they cast a Japanese guy to play Zoro? Because his attacks are in Japanese? So are Usopp's and Luffy's. Why'd they cast a black guy to play Usopp and a Latino to play Luffy? It's pretty coincidental that they line up with the SBS answers, don't you think?
>robin speaks spanish aka a latin language
Yup, from Spain.
>she has never said another Russian even once
Blackbeard has never spoken Somalian, so I guess he won't be black, right? They wouldn't make him black, that'd go against what you're saying here, right?

Did you know Brook's attacks are in French? So he'll look like Sanji, right?
she's literally from op equivalent of egypt/middle east
because japanese sword user = Japanese person is the most likely person to become that

Robin incorporates spanish aka latin language into her attacks, blackbeard is somalian because theyre pirates irl

brooks moves all use musical terms you tard
I don't know what you mean by that.

>>spanish women aren't latina
Yeah, they aren't. Are you retarded?
>oda colors ussop light even though he's canonically african
There are light-skinned people in Africa, so that's irrelevant. I would agree that Usopp's supposed to be half black, because I'm not a disingenuous anti-white propagandist like you and the showrunners are.
>she's same as ussop or luffy who are canonically brown
Luffy has never, ever been colored brown by anyone ever anywhere and the only time Robin was was by accident and it was later fixed. They are not canonically brown.
>he said those are places he associates with them
Because that's where they'd be from.
>luffy actor is Mexican not brazillian
Same race.
>nami actor isn't swedish she's american
Same race. Except they refused to cast a full white person in the main cast, they cast a Jew. Can't have those pesky white people taking white roles!
>sanji actor isn't french or steve buscemi
Same as above, except MENA instead of Jew.
>no other people are using a Japanese weapon to become a swordsman other than a Japanese person
So everyone with a katana is Japanese? Brook also uses a Japanese weapon. Did you know that? So you should be arguing he's Japanese, too.
>brook had brown skin
WHERE? IN THE ANIME? WHERE ROBIN AND VIVI ARE WHITE? You ONLY use sources that justify characters being as BLACK as possible, you're literally just ignoring EVERYTHING else.
>luffy actor is Mexican not brazillian
>Same race.
No, it's not.
>vivi is the same as ussop and ussop is canonically black
Since when is Usopp canonically black? You don't have a source for that. And no, you can't use the way he looks, because then Vivi isn't Indian; and no, you can't use his village, because his village is based on England; and no, you can't use the names of his attacks, because they're Japanese; and no, you can't use the SBS, because then Robin is Russian.

So...tell the class how you figured out Usopp is black without using all the stuff that debunks Vivi and Robin being brown. The stage is yours.

>her being russian is never stated, he only associates russia with her because of the spy assassin shit
He never said that.
>she speaks spanish not russian
Luffy doesn't speak Spanish he speaks Japanese.
>Robin is latina
Robin is white in the manga and Oda already confirmed she would be Russian IRL, Robin is white

>vivi is supposed to be arab/middle eastern
Headcannon, although Alabasta is based of Egypt Vivi is very clearly white in the manga

>this is bad because....?
Double standards, they will censor Nami and Robins outfits but have no problem with sexualizing men

>no it wasn't
>those nationalities were picked based on their personalities and story details/what they like which was established first
Bullshit, those nationalities were picked based on their personalities/story details and appearance

>robin being russian is from the spy assassin shit, not from anything else
Robin being Russian is from the spy assassin shit and appearance

>oda said sanji is based on steve buscemi
>years later he said he assisted him with france because cooking
Ok, doesnt change that Sanji would be french and white IRL as stated by Oda
>Luffy doesn't speak Spanish he speaks Japanese.
Actually he speaks English.
Yet drawn white in the manga so they should cast a white actress
This also recast Zoro as a white man
She wore a skirt on the show, any upskirt shots?
No but she some nice leg shots.
>No he doesn't, he just saw it in a book and thought it sounded nice
So why'd he put pyramids, Anubis and hieroglyphics in Alubarna?
>lower areas of alabasta are based on cairo, Alubarna is based on india and specifically the city of jodhpur in India
Egyptians and Indians aren't that different from each other. You can cast someone who could realistically be either. To do so, you have one objective: don't cast someone black as night. There are fairly light-skinned Indians. Did they succeed or fail at this task, anon?
>also she'd still be brown if she was egyptian/arab
Yeah, like Rami Malek.
>well it easily destroys you
>Why isnt sanji steve buscemi? that alone debunks you
Because Steve Buscemi is like 80 and Netflix wouldn't be able to afford the people Oda made caricatures of to begin with. I don't think it's in good taste, either.
Damn... All those panty shots being thrown away....
Eh, they would have been hard to frame.
>Egyptians and Indians aren't that different from each other.
>luffy is latino according to oda
Where was this said?
>ussop is black according to oda
Where was this said?
>sanji and nami are white according to oda
Where was this said?
>zoro is Japanese according to oda
Where was this said?

The SBS? Okay. Robin's white then.

>Robin is latina
There is almost nothing to support this. I don't think there even exists Latinas that tall.
>vivi is supposed to be arab/middle eastern
Why? Because she's from a place based on those places? Robin's from a place based on England. So what now?
>this is bad because....?
41% yourself.
>robin being russian is from the spy assassin shit, not from anything else
So every Straw Hat is going to be from a similar country to the one their personality and profession are associated with EXCEPT Robin because..?
>I don't think there even exists Latinas that tall.
They do, are you serious? Do you get all your latin culture from the shitty ass telenovelas that get broadcasted over your shitty house?
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Nice timestamp.
>because japanese sword user = Japanese person
Why isn't Tashigi Japanese? Also, Brook uses a Japanese sword, too, you realize.
>Robin incorporates spanish aka latin language into her attacks
Does Luffy incorporate Mexican?
>blackbeard is somalian because theyre pirates irl
Right, just like how Oda associates spies with Russia, but since Robin isn't Russian, Blackbeard shouldn't be black. Correct?
>brooks moves all use musical terms you tard
They aren't all music terms and they're in a specific language, they didn't fall out of the sky.

>>luffy actor is Mexican not brazillian
>>Same race.
>No, it's not.
Yes they are, what planet are you from?
1997 so yes
>what planet are you from?
Earth, what are you? Burgerlandia?
bruh I'm a fag and this bitch turned me on
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These attack names are English? Ain't no English I ever seen.

They're not, most analyses of human genetic subgroups lump them together.
Ah yeah pistol, the classic japanese word for gun.
No, I get it from the US which is being invaded by them like pests.

How are they not the same race? To separate them from each other, you'd have to separate humans into like 100 different subgroups. Nobody does that. Who the fuck does that?
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That means youre not a fag, I'm glad you recovered
You're right, I concede!
So, Luffy's actor is English, right?
Meh Robin.
>No, I get it from the US which is being invaded by them like pests.
The kind of backwards whitetrash ass Burger who is scared that their precious waifu who was tanned in a cartoon might have dark skin irl lol.
Better than spic Wokeflix Robin
Where's Roncinante?
Corazon? He doesnt appear till Dressrosa

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