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what's with Hollywood producers fascination with making everything that shouldn't be dark and depressing?
the suits are objectively better looking
also the peace sign logo is iconic
fuck you mike
What the fuck is dark or depressing about Ghostbusters II
It was dumb how they had broken up between 1 and 2. It was also stupid to give Sigourney Weaver that hideous infant.
Is that a serious question?
Who's kid is it?
"Whose" retard
Yes retard
I've read this sentence several times and I still can't figure out what you're trying to ask.
>story about trapping lost souls in some technological hell
>why is this dark?
Gr8 b8
It was especially dark and depressing for studio execs that year.
Unironically what is the point of the black guy. He does nothing
He's the average joe out of the group of weirdo nerds
They retconned that. He was once a nuclear physicist before becoming unemployed and joining the Busters.
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He was never the 'average joe'. In the original script they go through his resume and it's crazy impressive
I dont know. I dont watch anything post 2008. And things are very optimistic and good for the soul to watch. An anon recommend it to me and I do not regret it
this is a good movie btw

Winston doesn't do nothing. Their business was exploding, they were desparate for help, they hired him on the spot and he turned out to be a good hire. He is usually depicted as the driver, and they gave him a basic training and he pulls his weight with the practical stuff. He just didn't invent/finance the tech. He's an employee, not an owner, and that's fine.

Winston is portrayed throughout the first two movies as a decent, sensible guy who also knows to look out for himself. When things are looking bad in the first movie, he says "you guys do your own thing but I'm gonna get my own lawyer on this one". He's politely letting them know that he's not going to throw in with whatever legal defense they may use for themselves, and he'll get his own. He also has good insight during the drive with Ray (a very important scene) why they're so busy. "Loving Jesus' style" isn't a bad thing to believe in when you're dealing with ghosts and the undead on a daily basis. This scene also develops the friendship between Ray and Winston specifically, which is shown again in a (much worse) early scene in the second movie. Winston also saves Ray and Egon's lives in the middle of the second movie, when the pictures catch on fire.

IIRC they were considering Eddie Murphy for the role but they didn't want him competing with the others, they wanted an understated performance for the token black guy so as not to outshine the others. Ernie Hudson did a great job playing a down-to-earth, normal, non-annoying black guy.
It's the definition of mediocre. Not terrible, not good.
>tfw Ghostbusters 3 would've tied the river of slime to Shandor
>tfw it eventually did when it was reworked into the game
It was nice to see that circle close.
Fuck you, you parrotting fucking RT faggot. It was good.
Thing is he was down to earth despite his skills. You can be smart and talented and also be a normie.
No actually you're right. It was total shit.
>"It was good."
>"I agree. It was bad."
You are literally too stupid to read words on a screen.
I agree with you the movie was trash
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The average Ghostbusters 2 hater, everybody.
They make more money if a movie flops via Hollywood accounting.
Terrible movies tend to do that
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But enough about Ghostbusters 2016
>makes more than double its budget in box office returns, even factoring in advertising
>kikes called it a flop because it didn't win hard enough
Jesus Christ.
Hey now! That kid was no retarded! He was just a kinda fugly baby. I don't know whomst was the father tho.
>movie about dealing with ghosts and the afterlife and ancient eldrich gods
>not expecting it to be somewhat dark and depressing, even as a comedy
I don't get how Ghostbusters II was any more dark and depressing than the first one. It was always a mix of comedy and horror. Even the kids cartoon had a surprising amount of horror in them. I was pleasantly surprised watching them again as an adult.
I dunno but once you hit 30 you begin to question the motivations of directors older than you who wallow in depicting America as a washed out hell on earth not worth saving. It takes so much work and energy to make a film and yet so many films want to assault or dull you.
Ghostbusters had a funny joke that made you laugh about once every 3 minutes
Ghostbusters II had 0 jokes
I didn't think that. I liked it because then I could imagine Sighorney's pussy better and bigger. Spread em hotty.
love him in the crow.
felt bad for him in hand that rocks the cradle. arguably the most racist depiction of a mentally challenged nigger in the 20th century.
hyperbolic boomer post
Wait i thought everyonenhere was mad about everything being light heaeted and quipy? WHICH IS IT?
John Belushi was supposed to be a GB but he was murdered. Slimer is a tribute to Belushi.
Would you watch a deaged Ghostbusters 3 using that original script? I would.
Wasn't he supposed to be Venkman?
that's global box office. barely made $100m domestically if that.
Venkman's Jewish
Whoa a character written by a Jew is Jewish? Wow I didn't know that. You're telling me now for the first time.
>I didn't think that. I liked it because then I could imagine Sighorney's pussy better and bigger. Spread em hotty.
Hi Maddox.
Anon, that's not a complete, grammatical sentence. You've left something out, it doesn't make any sense.
Well Belushi couldn't play Venkman because Belushi isn't Jewish was the point, pinhead.
Neither is Bill Murray, retard.

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