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I tried rewatching star wars for the first time as an adult (i'm 32) and holy shit. It's fucking ridiculous how bad this shit is. First 5 minutes and i'm already cringing like a motherfucker. Felt legit like a spoof. But i decided to push through and what i got wasn't better. Absolutely retarded dialogue - they don't talk like human beings at all, they just deliver you info about the plot, all in a comically heavy handed manner. C-3PO is fucking cheesy and annoying. If this was 2024 you would call him reddit. Scenes are poorly arranged - no smoothness to them at all. Lightsaber fight between Obi and Darth Vader is school play tier bad. Darth Vader in general is unbelievable. When i was a kid he seemed like an otherwordly demonic force - but now i realize he's just a random guy in a cheesy halloween costume. Not imposing at all, again, feels like a parody. And yeah, there are aliens playing jazz on alien instruments in a bar for aliens

anyway, i didn't even finish it and i don't understand how you can be an adult human being and enjoy this fucking crap for little kids
>that dialogue and acting
>those moves
i feel like i'm being gaslighted into thinking this is not total shit
self bump
Wow, congrats OP, you had an original thought. Welcome to the Adult Party. Maybe don't let social media think for you anymore?
>calling something reddit
You fags have the most pathetic superiority complex.
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I've always said that the "concept" of Star Wars is better than the actual movies. There's legit 1 good movie in the whole franchise and that's episode V. People love the jedi,sith, lightsabers and space ships...not the actual movies. The first Star Wars blew boomers minds in 77 and rightfully so. No one has ever seen shit like that. Creativity required for that is insane.
this is spot on
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Reminder that this is the official Star Wars tier-list for /tv/ and if you disagree with it you don't belong here.
The second one is good. The ending of the first one is good.
Having read real science fiction now I don't even like the concept of star wars.
star wars isn't science fiction. How is that related
That's what I said, dyslexic anon.
You won't accept this but Acolyte is much better made, cinematographically speaking, than this
No you didn't. You were upset that Star Wars is science fiction.
Well said, but your just explaining "new and novel" with more words. Humanity is fucked.
Shill spotted
>Star Wars is science fiction.
Now you're just contradicting yourself.
>self bump
Beyond pathetic.
it's just an objective fact. Compare dialogue and swordfighting from last episode with this crap >>200760169 . Yes, acolyte is better but it doesn't take much to be better than something like that
NPC spotted
Star wars is a fairytale in space you fucking idiot.
>objective fact

Ah yes, the go-to word of shills when they're flailing and seething
You contradicted yourself when you claimed you read science fiction
Reminder all nu wars is faggot shit
In other words, not real science fiction.
science fiction = fairy tales in space
any idiot knows that
>when they're flailing and seething
where? And have you seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kpHK4YIwY4 [Embed]
i'm posting it once more so you won't ignore it
You're the only one arguing that it's science fiction you fucking idiot.
>more flailing and seething about A New Hope
>l-look at this clip, i'm gonna post it more because I have no argument

lol, shills are getting desperate again
The only thing I have repeatedly said that it is NOT science fiction.
Apparently that's either making several people mad, or one person extremely mad.
lol Star Wars is fantasy you massive jackass.
I accept your concession. Thanks for complimenting my post about how there's only 1 legit good movie in the franchise, reddit doomer
So... not real science fiction.
Again, what is your point?
Why do you keep insulting me with ad hominems if you agree?
Not really. I rewatched it recently and normies are right, Empire is the best part.
It looks the best, it has the entire Dagobah section which is the best part of Star Wars by far, it has the best scene in Star Wars history - Yoda pulling out the spaceship from the swamp.
It's not a perfect movie, but it's better than others. A New Hope just looks cheap. It's also pretty boring. The entire middle part inside the Death Star is really dull.
Return of the Jedi is just bad. I think I liked the opening with Jabba and then the ending with the Emperor, but everything between is boring as fuck. It's not just Ewoks. It's Luke doing nothing, it's Lando being boring, it's the shitty ending.
so you are ignoring it
>The only thing I have repeatedly said that it is NOT science fiction by saying it is science fiction

>implying you're not one of them
>Felt legit like a spoof
Spaceballs is unironically better.
>NPC resorts to a wall of text to fail to prove he's not an NPC

>i’m le crinjin
Fuck you faggots that say “I cringed”. Stupid retarded inbred dog fucking shit stained abortions.
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Fantasy is all made up. Science fiction takes real science and adds some creative liberty. Two different categories. Go ask a librarian.
Everyone is ignoring the Acoylte anyway so it's not like it matters
You're 32, but you write like a faggot zoomer.
well, you took the bait.
So it is Science Fiction according to you.
Yes, that's a way to explain the differences.
So again, we seem to agree, Star Wars is fantasy and therefore not real science fiction.
What is your first language anyway, I'm thinking, it can't be anything western.
Ok. I'm done here. 4chan is as brain dead as Instagram.
that's because i'm ESL. I learned english from faggot zoomers
you're doing it again. You can't even acknowledge the existence of that scene because you know how weak it is
>Star Wars is not real science fiction

But you were claiming that it's bad because it's real science fiction.
Nu Wars is faggot shit made by faggots.

Full stop.
so are you saying dialogue and fighting in the last ep of acolyte are worse than this clip from New Hope?
>shill going into copium mode

Got em again
Literally no one was saying that.
Yes, i said it here: >>200762765
You were literally saying that.
The only post containing those words is the one I replied to.
But >>200762963 says
>You were literally saying that.
It doesn't say anything about Star Wars or science fiction
what copium? That doesn't even make sense
That one Zorro movie from the 40s had an infinitely better sword fighting scene. https://youtu.be/p_hlyLvlqy8?si=CHpr3kBYixRrgFUG
Your copium of claiming Star Wars is science fiction.
If I were referring to that post I would have used the words "the one I'm replying to" - present tense and past tense are different in english.
>No replies to post
>better make two replies changing my phone IP, that'll surely make them think the Star Wars duel is bad

Star Wars is Space Fantasy. It's like Lord of the Rings, but in space and not as good.
Different anon, dude.
But >>200763055
only says

>But >>200762963 (You) says
>You were literally saying that.
>It doesn't say anything about Star Wars or science fiction

That's the only time that post brings up Star Wars and science fiction.
Do you even know how to read or write English?
> star wars for the first time
>as an adult (i'm 32)
my dude your the cringe here. these movies have been around for ages, even the most die hard star wars fan has done all his watching at least a decade ago by now

> i realize he's just a random guy in a cheesy halloween costume
some scenes aged a little, but even the stop motion ones were revolutionary at the time they came out kys

there are plenty of scenes that still hold up
the original star wars movies are many hrs long, so ofc you can nitpick second long shit in there kys kys kys

>but Acolyte is much better made
>changing phone IPs make me a different anon, dude

Already addressed, not my problem anymore.
>but in space and not as good.
So it's science fiction.
Nigga, I'm on my computer. Take your meds.
huh? You're mistaking me with a different anon
The best star wars movie is the Shadows of the Empire multimedia experience
I accept your concession that Star Wars is not science fiction
do you understand the word "rewatching"?
it's clear you don't
>There's legit 1 good movie in the whole franchise and that's episode V.

Ahhh, the typical Star Wars claim that an NPC redditor always makes
>but even the stop motion ones were revolutionary at the time they came out kys
Only nerds care about that historical shit. Normal people looking for solid entertainment don't.
Science Fiction:

Star Wars
2001 A Space Odyssey

Science Fantasy:

Blade Runner 2049
Dune Part 2
Normal people looking for solid entertainment like the Original Trilogy though

Nerds pretending they're normies are the ones who always seethe about any film in that trilogy
you literally posted a scene from a different movie than the one i was talking about.
>nitpick second long shit
two minutes very important scene and i could post basically 3/4 of new hope. It's full of shit like that
>you literally posted a scene from a different movie than the one i was talking about.

Don't deflect.
That's the whole point, they're movies exclusively produced for children.
They're made to make you go "Holy shit that's amazing, I've never seen anything like that."
If you've ever seen anything like that before, they're not that impressive.

Case in point, people who grew up with Ep 1 think it's awesome, whoever grew up with 4-6 think Ep 1 is cringe.
but you were the one doing the deflecting. OP is about New Hope and to prove New Hope is not shit, you posted a scene from a different movie, fucking lol
I didn't post that.
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The obi-wan vs vader fight sucked then and it sucked now.
I will die on this hill that people who defend it are mindless fanboys
compare it to any other fantasy/sci-fi in the same era. same shit. cheesy costumes, clunky dialogue, obvious matte paintings, uninspired but perfectly servicable cinematography
Star Wars is a dead franchise
Mindless fanboys are the ones who said it's bad.
Nerds are the ones who put the originals on a pedestal. Normal people ain't into it like that. Normal youth think that shit's lame and their parents are lame for introducing it to them.
only mindless fan can enjoy something this bad. You're fucking retarded
That's what nerds desperately trying to pretend to be normies claim.

In real life if that were true the movies would've done poorly if the only people who liked it were the Star Wars nerds who put it on a pedastal
this gem
>And yeah, there are aliens playing jazz on alien instruments in a bar for aliens

It’s called jizz. They’re jizzing.
how can you watch this and not scream KINO?
No one cares, shill
>Prequelfags trying SO hard
I know you're joking, but the fight scenes aren't even half bad
If it's between this and the lightsaber fights of the first trilogy, it's no contest.
Unfortunately I can already tell the writing is gonna be ultimate garbage as always, what a shame.
>I know you're joking
i am not. ep5 of acolyte is pure kino imo
I fell asleep last time I watched this.
That's because you didn't watch it
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>Only nerds care about that historical shit
why would you watch decades old movies if not for historical reasons?

>Normal people looking for solid entertainment don't.
if you watched it at the time the movies came out, you watched, you had a good time, you were probably impressed by it; if you didn't, your loss, things will never be the same again.
why would you want to check ancient movies, unless they were actually part of your childhood or adulthood? would you give Fatty Arbuckle unironic watches too, and also expect top tier entertainment just because he was really famous at some point, no right? his entire medium is outdated by todays standards.
i can admire what he did with the tools at his disposal, but his movies really do nothing to my brain. same thing with star wars, but i actually lived through the 90s, so i have that baggage.

all star wars movies have scenes that look fantastic

you can tell that those are miniatures, that they are wearing costumes, etc... but back then this looked fresh
American Graffiti is George's best movie. You can't prove me wrong, because this is an objective fact.
>back then this looked fresh
>back then
LOL. If you have to make excuses you're literally admitting it's bad
depends, if a movie heavily relies on special effects, that will age badly
but watch 12 angry men for example, it's still a great entertaining movie, even more so by today's standards
yes. i'm pretty sure even the makers knew that a stop motion scene would probably look bad in the coming years, but those were the tools that they had to depict the things that they wanted. it is what it is.
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Since when did Brian De Palma visit /tv/

Anyway Hi Brian
Older films understood that it was a good idea to spend a lot of time getting to know the characters so you would care about them when it was time to do so. Plus they didnt have massive budgets or the technology to fill time with cgi bing bing wahoo so the characters needed to fill time. The time spent doing this is pretty dull, but necessary.
You get a peak at the beginning when lots of things are being introduced and a peak at the end when everything is resolving which is fairly in line with your experiences.
You should try watching older movies more often, they are often fairly dull but they know how to pay it off. You've been too accustomed to modern movies where they cannot ever have any downtime and have to constantly wave in your face because you might get bored and realize the movie is shit.
You mean like you've been doing?
but you can't create a world like the one depicted in star wars without using special effects. the alternative would be actually building a spaceship to zap across the galaxy, woke disney surely hasn't done that. their garbage movies will age the same as technology evolves (that will probably come at an even faster rate now with the explosion AI), + everyone will cringe, and die inside, looking at the DEI crap. at least the originals were beloved by everyone.
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Yeah... I agree with you. The first movie is pretty lame. I think that's why Empire Strikes Back is most people's favorite of the original trilogy. ESB is just such a huge step up from the first movie. It's almost like there was an entirely different studio that developed it.
It also doesn't help that the story is apparently a long time before humanity and in our same galaxy, yet somehow all characters are either humans or humanoids.
Your logic can be aplied to 99% of everything that comes out from Hollywood.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but movies are a waste of time. When we watch movies we are wasting out precious time.
Science fiction makes up plenty of bullshit nonsense that compels people to try and make it real. The first robot in fiction was a Wizard of Oz character.
All true but that's part of the B-movie charm. Vader and everything else is much more menacing and impactful in the two follow up movies.

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