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Tay ruined the show
S2 fags are gonna dogpile on jon then letty
fucking hate these s2 faggots jimmy and tayleigh
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Post these two to break the minds of Jimmycels and Tayjeets. They can't handle seeing two people find the true, innocent love that they've always longed for. They spent months trying to paint TJ as a pervert, but it was Jimmy (Abagantamos / pingas bomb) who was the zoophile and tranny chaser all along. They spent months trying to paint Taylor as a whore, but it was Tayleigh who sold her filthy pussy for $50. They spent months projecting their own deviance and insecurity because they couldn't handle watching two people succeed where they constantly fail. They are so lonely, coombrained, and blackpilled that they don't even know what love looks like. Post these two to break the minds of Jimmycels and Tayjeets.
what are they thinking right now?
Jimmy and Jon alliance is great. I hope they destroy those other turds.
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The cowboy shirt and hat with basketball shorts and skate shoes is fucking hilarious
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im invisible
>The two nontent bitches go after the content king
A tale as old as time.
tj is a tranny gooner freak that never fucked taylor because hes too busy gooning to cartoon porn
Fuck Tay. Stupid bitch
Couldn't Jimmy just refuse to use any more revives on Jon for the rest of the show if he wanted to?
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999IQ play
>Jimmy and Jon alliance is great. I hope they destroy those other turds.
I hate tayleigh because she won't have sex with me.
>Jon understands RP rules better than Vance and Tay
>no time limit on downed state
seriously, Jet? so we get to sit around some more, great!
slit your wrists like letty if it makes you that mad
based CCGG poster and season 2 fag hater
>tay gone
>amazing day
>tay back
>hours of retards doing nothing
he shouldn't be invisible he drank the potion after getting shot, he should've gone down first
the fact that jimmy told jon about the plan is the funniest shit all season. he's so incredibly retarded.
About making a baby later >:) !!
These girls fuck hard
Dont you mean like tayleigh lol you dumb cuck
>TJ shows up
>we get the best day so far
>Tay comes back
>get the worst day so far
Apologize and say “TJ won” IMMEDIATELY
>I'm so glad we both won
She did lol.
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sad day
I hope Jon sits there for hours out of tard spite
>caring this much about another mans relationship
youre a faggot and a cuck. mindbroken freak immediately coming to a thread to post shit about people he doesnt like.
He only had an hour to think about this while the fish planned it on camera, go easy on Mr neptune
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When and why did this start today?
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>makes fun of her own fanbase, FAFO
>throws fit and tries to ruin show, runs away crying
>moment she leaves everything is awesome and the vibes are immaculate
>comes back and immediately locks the party into the bad ending

she really is the worst
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Have you guys ever had to deal with someone like Jimmy who just makes shit up and doesn't relent?
>there's a grand prize and letty is the real traitor
>what are su-
>nah uh nah uh nah uh

What's it like?
Real thread:


>turns your slop into pure unadulterated chemo
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Can I get a rundown of today after Tay returned? Why are they turning on Jon? I missed all of it
Someone TTS Jimmy tell him go save Jon
He should sit there until night time and get a revive from Jon and ambush Tayleigh while she’s sleeping
If they made an option to shave tay's head for gold jon would do it
Tay is unironically evil and deserves to die (in the show)
Dumbgay is so fucked up
dont give a shit about tayleigh not everyone worships certain characters like you
Vance and Tay tried to assassinate Jon
they fucked up because they didnt learn the rules
fuck off idiot
Yep. She needs her comeuppance
why are you posting the same exact image and simping for that pedo freak?
someone please clip the pan to taylor waving
The one on the left can go fuck herself, Vance gets credit for at least planning all of it
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tj is a gooner freak who fucked taylor and won fifty thousand dollars
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>You told Jon?
It'd be funny if it was anybody else but that seething dyke Tayleigh.
Anyone else bored of 2.5 and all the gay larp shit
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>women are attracted to this
>people try to convince me this is an attractive man
>taylor is allegedly attracted to this
I mean she does have fetal alcohol syndrome so it makes sense, she's retarded
Jon immediately accused Tay of stealing (he was correct) and almost made her cry so now she wants Jon off the show and the rest have nothing else to do.
Wonderful post
>thinks I worship characters because I hate your s2 slop
Yes when my friends and I would run around and play made up games in the woods in like third grade, it was annoying then and it's insane that there's adults that still act like that
>Now hold on Sheriff, he’s got a wife with big knockers right over there
>Can I get a rundown of today after Tay returned? Why are they turning on Jon? I missed all of it
He got annoying again and betrayed the team while whining about Tay handing the crystal over. He scuttled Tai's election chances. Nobody fucks with Mr President so they're assassinating Jon.
this is like when they told Jimmy not to tell anyone who the actor was and he immediately told Brian
the man can't keep a secret to save a life
I'm laughing.
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JET make this happen!

I see Ben's been reading the TJ=pedo posts
>brings S2.5 to a screeching halt
thank you tay very cool
It is ironic that the best day was without her being there.
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Why did Jimmy side with Jon??
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irl gmod dark rp sucks shit
Cowboy on the move
>He was ashamed of his vagueness, his nontent, his pretensions of being a cool guy; he was sorry about his cold-bloodedness, his dispassion, his inability to express what he now believed was the case - that he truly regretted killing Jon, that he missed the retard as much as anybody and wished his murder hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated the Schitty he knew that the smiles from NPCs disappeared when he passed by. He received so many menacing TTS messages that he could hear them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to basecamp all day, flipping over Yugioh cards, looking at his destiny in every Exodia piece. There would be no eulogies for Vance, no memes would be made of him, no people would watch his streams, no copypastas would be reposted about him, no one would ever pay twenty five fishbucks to stand in the Fishtank house he did nothing in. The shotgun would ignite, and Tayleigh would basedface, but Vance would only lay on the floor and look at the camera, the light going out of his eyes before he could find the final ‘yeah’.
>Jon waits for them to sleep
>Assassinates them
Jimmy real nigga
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Goblin Attack in HD https://youtu.be/VwSD9z611w8?si=o1AOgUw3aTOW8jkR
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we all know he packs
Why are people saying Letty mindbroke Jimmy? What'd she do?
Tai lost the election because nobody did the quests required to win NPC votes. The NPCs outright said this to the fish.
Nothing says RP like arguing over combat rules for an event that happened with no character interaction or development. They didn't interact with Jon, just suddenly "UR DED" "NUH-UH" "YES HUH"
based letty heal jon
Last i saw she was off the show because she got sp00ped by Xavier being Q and the Goblin-saga
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The fish lost the presidential election to Xavier, who was helped by Jon. Jet said they're on the path the "Xavier ending" which caused the retards to think they should kill Jon.
Chip's the only person that seems to crack up Ben
big truth
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>I have a scroll of healing in my bag
>letty healing Jon

What an odd turn of events
Nigga looks like a billy goat
>planning it
the plan was instead of a dramatic execution to unceremoniously shoot him from far away
and the plan didn't account for any of the rules of the game
Vance is as retarded as Tay and Jimmy and possibly more so
Thank Jet for bringing her back.
Letty healing him would be big kino
He can't stop winning.
Can I get a qrd for today bros?
this is so gay
Jon a better RPer than this clowns. Fuck Tardleigh and Vance's gay little scheme
we need the letty and jon alliance
>jon still trying to find a way to fuck with the game
god damn it man, give it a rest
Where the fuck is tai ? He was part of the hit squad?
>Letty still loves Jon
tay came back. morale lower than ever. possibly the worst day in fishtank history
Jimmy has now become the most important character. His choice will determine who lives and who dies
Team Jimmy, Jon, Xavier
good morning saar
first they shoot jon
then they talk
Tai doesn't give a fuck about any of this
Digging tunnels to finish Jon off.
Didn't read but go watch anime nigger
Vance has become gay and cringe, hate to see it
Swap Letty and Jimmy
This https://x.com/DiscoursesLetty/status/1807860790126633034?t=XBXhZofOP-QHxVp4ApW35A&s=19
this is literally all tayleigh’s fault though
Vance sucks
Tayleigh sucks
Have Jon, Letty, and Jimmy force them out
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jimmy is gonna heal him, isnt he
Where's the lie?
I stand with Jon.
Always has been
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I admit this. He should not have agreed to come back.
Can Larpers here explain why you cant talk when youre invisible? Like pretend to be a ghost?
>picture of a normal looking guy
>not understanding girls like personality and sense of humor most as long as you're not hideous and fat
this post was typed with virgin hands
greg won
Greg is DRUNK
who is the hooded qt in the back
>we as a team decided for you
>Jon drawing lines and starting a open civil war
I hope so
get cranberried
Why are they so pissy about the election?
>greg getting sauced up
gregtent inbound
Tjpedos SEETHING because not everybody cares about some spergs fake and gay relationship
>sense of humor
>implying lubecooch has either of these
stop gaslighting
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Jon is the only one that understands might = right. Good fucking luck taking the crown from him
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I'm proud of my boy
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Tay and Vance are THAT retarded
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They enforce the rules and RP when they want.
he is offended by such betrayal
Seems like you guys have been doing most of the seething lol
The team didnt decide anything without Jon. There was an audience vote and Jon doesnt understand that it wasnt the real election yet, and that Tai winning didnt make him king, just made him frontrunner of fish.
Jon is literally right lmao this is so fucking retarded, they lost because they didn't bother to do quests. It's not like the vote was decide by him
Tay is using that as an excuse to get Jon killed because Jon almost made her cry.
Everyone is unironically in the right
Now they decide to have an RP discussion, in the form of OOC rules bitching.
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>Tay in Jimmy's ear knowing she will listen to whatever she says
Evil fucking bitch
This! Is what we needed, the drama, the games, the backstabbing, good job jet.
only literal fags think tj is attractive. he looks like a 12 year old sped.
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possession is 2/3 of the law. are these fags retarded.
thank you >:)
Tay's the kind of person to backstab her way into a leadership role, then watch the team immediately fall about, and yet she'd somehow find away to push the blame on someone else.
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things that fags think makes fishtank interesting
>wholesome vibes
>friendly pranks

what actually makes fishtank interesting
>mental breakdowns
>substance abuse
>exposing dark secrets
>we did enough
you literally didn’t
Still not done being bitter I see.
So Tay betrays their whole team and she gets zero comeuppance because
then Jon chooses not to side with them in some election bullshit that would have the same outcome regardless and they team kill him?
How is that fair?
i can not fucking believe that jon is only 1 that is correct. how stupid are these people?
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>jimmy suddenly was against the idea all along
yeah he's alwys been a faggot
Even Jon knows they fucked up with the quests kek
Whose the faggot with the leaf blower?
He's so close to straight up decking Greg
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behead tay
how does this bitch have ANY ego left after yesterday
Kill Tayleigh
jon being so based
is it bad that i think jon is right 90% of the time
Getting tense...
Jon is invincible
Tayleigh has ruined everything.
Yeah but why is invisibility including silence in the rules
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vibe status?
Based Greg mogging Jon
>brainstorming a way to blame letty
Elden Ring is gay though
Who would win in a boxing match? Jon or Greg.
Greg was surprisingly solid in Season 2.
>jimmy defusing the tension immediately
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE RELICS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. Now, the kingdom held an ELECTION, the new KING was chosen. XAVIER is now KING. DOCTOR MAURO and MEDIC JIMMY both forgot to vote and threw the election. PALADIN JON also voted for XAVIER because he was offered a REAL GUN and an EXODIA CARD.

>Daily Quests:
The SOLDIER has been granted a RESTRAINING ORDER against XAVIER.
Currently, there is an ASSASSINATION plot, led by THE SOLDIER, to kill THE PALADIN for his perceived loyalty to XAVIER.
The MEDIC opposes the ASSASSINATION because he believes that there is a GRAND PRIZE.

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
>dont get in my face
>greg gets right in his face
I fucking love it
based Jon

I'm team Jon 100%

I hope Jon knocks out both Greg and Tay
i realized most of you only like jon because you act like him in real life kek
it's the inversion of tay's presence
tank is bwoken
iver never agreed with jon more in my life
shit is off the rails right now
He'd look better if he'd just get a haircut. Nigger looks like coconut head.
Even if tayleigh is on camera for 3 seconds she instantly instantly stares at it. If you didn't point it out I wouldn't have noticed, but fuck it's annoying.
>Jon calls out Tay for selling team items without permission
>Almost makes her cry
>Team fails to do enough quests to win the election
>Tay suggests this is Jon's fault and he must die
I fucking hate this bitch
>tay can't stop getting gigamogged by a gay retard with a speech impediment
Jon vs the world
jon going from 100% rage to totally normal discussion is fucking funny
Robert Paulson
no that's what they are thinking
This is frustrating to watch. They were supposed to dispatch Jon honorably but they fucked it up now we have to watch a crippled retarded man defend himself against a gang of dumbasses.
Greg. He surprised me in season 2. He’s a beer belly brawler
it isn't
Jon actually makes sense. This is just Vance being a fag trying not to be nontent.
Jon is in the fucking right here
I'm a fag and TJs retarded ass gives me such an ick that I get the urge to knock his teeth out
not my heckiin cozyvibez
Greg would win since Jon’s leg is currently falling off
They showed it this morning, his foot is blue and he no longer has a discernible ankle
Jon is smarter than rest of the fishes
what the fuck
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i really want a murder mystery fishtank season since it'll create a bunch of moments like this naturally
Greg got his shit rocked by both Shinji and manlet Ben
It's the same guy doing it in pretty much every thread. He has shit grammar and always types exclusively in lowercase while seething so it's easy to notice.
Imagine taking this shit seriously. They're actually upset. And Tayleigh is the worst offender, somehow worse at RP than John is.
>get a load of this guy
lmfao gregg is warming up on me
Yeah, we're doomed.
I love this I dont even care whos right anymore
For fucks sake jet how could you have possibly not known you'll have to come out and adjudicate this. Come out and make a ruling.
Greg can't stop winning
jet needs to turn tts on and let the floodgates of everyone agreeing with jon
Tayleigh realizes she made a mistake, let's move on! We need to focus on piling up on Jon.
Take it easy man
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Actually I’m using secret code to communicate with Jet, that post has nothing to do with dark souls.
Tay sits around writing bullshit all day and shoots jon
this is so fucking stupid and awful
lmao but actually
>I realized I made a mistake
No you sperged out and cried to production and hid away all day
No point without Detective Cole.
I don't feel bad that production has been fucking with Tayleigh anymore.
jon is the main character
>the fish are too retarded to know what playing both sides means while they play both sides
Lmao this is ridiculous
>Tay screaming

Vibes vampire
This is a good idea and way easier to pull off.
>Jonfags itt realizing nobody likes their self insert and henceforth are not liked by their peers either
Jon telling Tay to shut the fuck up any time she opens her mouth is hilarious
I've played this map in the backrooms...
>Jon is the one that makes the most sense in this momment
holy fuck s2 fish are truly abysmal
>people siding with jon
Almost unimaginable how retarded people are yet its on full display.
trips confirm pure trvth
friend simulator faggots go back
I didn't like the pick-me in S2, I despise her in S2.5. I wish they had sent her dyke ass home after she assaulted Xavier.
6 week long ttt would be interestin gbut they'd probably fuck it up real quick.
would need to be like a supernatural thing w/ the entity they drip clues out about and they need to figure out a way to stop it
Vance fucking sucks man. Dude has the personality of cardboard and should still be delivering packages
this is honestly a shitty way to kill Jon. it's taken 10 minutes just shoot him. stop fucking stalling
This is the kind of retardation that happens when there is no leadership at all
Wow I fucking hate Greg now

Stupid White Knight faggot
rent free
Tay’s Mickey Mouse voice is grating, especially when raised
Seethe a bit more about tate lil buddy
Tai's just chilling in the background kek
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they hated jesus because he told them the truth
tayleigh drama vibing
who on fucking earth self inserts as jon
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Jon is right.
PK and ban him admins!
>its xavier vs us
since when? who told letty if xavier wins they lose?
The only way to get an item from another player is by PVPing them. Don't ask them for it. Don't hatch a plan with them. Don't demand it. Don't threaten them. Just PVP your teammate, remove them from the game permanently, and take it.
I love that she just never gets used to it. Every single time you see her face tense up. It's very satisfying
Non of that will be allowed going forward. Such a shame. We will never get anything like season one or two again
shut up dogpiling faggot
Jon is making perfect sense
they lost the election because they didn’t do enough quests, tayleigh got everybody on board to kill jon cause he fucking mogged her this morning
99% of the viewers of season 1
jon is legit smarter than vance
Correct, Cole lives in my head rent-free because I think he put on an amusing performance.
Jon gotta go bro he just gotta go
They will fuck this up so bad and it will be frustrating to watch and they'll walk back everything constantly. They can't even plan basic plot beats
>siding with the funny retard.
Why do you hate content?
>shoot your team mate
>he gets angry and calls you a bitch
>"don't talk to me like that"
Tay is unintentionally hilarious
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based hellhouse appreciators
So Jet telling Jon he cant talk when he is invisible is just making up the rules as they go then
i hope the duke comes in and owns all of these faggots and jon is by his side
Ice Poseidon on the No Jumper podcast namedropped Kai Cenat's hunger games and Sam Hyde's hunger games as "competition" for his hunger games event.

Kai's event is going to be sterile gay nigger twitch influencer shit. And this shit we're watching is not even in the same fucking genre. I bet Ice is clapping and cheering seeing this shit, literally all he has to do for his event to be the most exciting is have it halfway work.
We have to kill jon because we just do okay????
Jimmy didn’t vote, the election is incomplete!

Often, people are arguing about something very different from what they’re saying is the reason

Tay has been seething about Jon since he nearly made her cry on day 2 and also because Jon helped Xavier today
Vance went along with Tay’s stupid plan because he wants to prove he’s not just dead space
fawhe canyon
tayleigh fag you are an idiot
>wanting more moments like this
>retards standing around arguing cause nobody understands how this shit works
i need a QRD what the FUCK is happening rn?
He looks like an actor
I know, what the hell is up with these actual tards.
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I'm afraid my cryptography skills are rusty, what did you mean by LVDS?
vance is too egotistical to seriously engage with anything, jon in his simply can just see obvious truths like this situation
Why do they even want the crown? Are they sure it's one of the relics?
Vance fucking sucks
>tay causes a scene
>walks away

she's gay
>Tay’s stupid plan
It was Vance and Letty's stupid plan.
bathing jon sidequest for betraying him
larp rule lawering
>Jon is about to have one leg in three hours.
>That is also twue.
>kill jon to get crown
>they can't get it since it's xaviers
>killed him for nothing

make it happen
Tayleigh deserves to be mind broken again
this is tays fault THO
>they’re actually debating whether to kick peak jontent
I feel like this is the inflection point on whether the season dies or flourishes
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jimmy constantly talks about standing up for his friends but he stabs his friends in the back every chance he gets
Tay is going to shoot Jon immediately when he gets up
greg askin for it
Yuh huh
>We have to kill our teammate to take his McGuffin because... we just do, okay!?
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Jon is unironically smarter than the rest of them what the fuck
until he dies
thank you, tay should have been removed permanently after her Q meltdown
you are the FUCKING retards here
Realistically Jon's out anyways because of the leg.
Then Jon is allowed to turn tay's head into sausage meat
>Jon is being Jon
>Everyone can't handle it
>Tay especially
>decide to kill him because ??? profit
>kill him, but he doesn't accept
>Jet makes up rules
>everyone argues while Jet decides how to handle it.

Is xavier the good guy or is letty right that It's Xavier vs Duke vs Fish?
So they think killing Jon would mean they can own the crown but that Xavier would take it from them if Jon consensually gave it to them.

Everyone is so fucking retarded how is Jon correct
You can’t damage a downed player and he refuses to stand up
they took too long to fucking kill him fucking reatards
They tried to assassinate Jon to steal his loot. Turns out they can't take off more than one life at a time so now Jon is in limbo until he stands up and is arguing why they shouldn't kill him
Jon was actually 4D chessing the whole time
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Based Xavier
Pretty much

go back to tvtropes faggot
why does greg hate xavier? isn't duke a vampire and the vampires are against xavier?
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I love how that the premise for 2.5 is to force a bunch of faggots to larp whether they like it or not. Now they are more invested and pressed over it than anything else.
IP and Kai’s shit is not comparable to Fishtank. Fishtank is first and foremost a comedy show. The challenges have always been half assed to allow for comedic situations. The other streamer’s “hunger games” projects will be normie streamer events, e.g., no retard kino or larping. I don’t get why people are comparing.
That would be an improvement
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>Jon making 500iq moves and the other fish too dumb to realize it
What fucking timeline are we in?
I love Xaver's theme music

Jimmy made up a ‘grand prize’ in the contract
buffoon, do you think Jon is going the entire fishtank with his fucked up leg?
Greg is going off because of the alcohol hahahaha
dwunk piece of shit
How the fuck did he end up the most reasonable sounding one?
>literal plot armor
I can only imagine to panic in the production room
Giving Jon the crown is possibly the best outcome for this. Tay stays seething
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They have a whole week left. Jon has plenty of time to reveal his true allegiance to the team.
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>jon and xavier hate each other
>battle, argue, lift together, mutual admiration develops
>now bros against the boring onions horde world
unadulterated kino
Xavier is also a vampire.
Greg's glasses also allow him to see people's true forms in-lore so he's well aware. He's all around a vampire-hater, no exceptions.
it’s true kek
Greg is an angry drunk
rofl get fucked retard hit squad
Tay seething
Greg just straight mogging Jon.
looks great here hair is perfect
Only a messenger of Christ is worthy of being king.
Xavier is a dhampir and Greg is way into his role.
Because this was literally called a hunger games style event before it was revealed it's a bunch of larping improv/scripted shit.

Ice's event will not be "normie" shit. Kai's will.
Jon is so deep into the RP he is now taking this shit personally, what a transformation from day 1 and 2
The wiggers are still trying to shill his gay ass. With all his fake endorsements
>vance is dumber than a retard
sam/fishtank twitter literally baited asking if they were copying them
obviously they were just engagement baiting for PR but retards don't realize that
jon is removing the 2nd amendment as his first royal decree
If Greg goes up to Jon one more time he's getting socked in the face
Vance is such a pussy faggot and I love seeing him get bitched out

I hate John too thought lol

Letty should be the queen
greg knows jons a complete pussy.
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Fish irrevocably BTFO
He takes everything personally.
When is she not?
it’s season 2 fish once again… it’s like when they all sided with brian over cole because they made up a bunch of shit about cole
Jon pays attention and understands, he just doesn't care and is too competitive to follow rules and commands.
danye is having the time of his life with these retards lmao.
Officially, it’s a relic
Originally Jimmy won it when the king first arrived because he just asked for it
freedumb fags, your response?
Greg's having a lot of fun with Jon kek
Hail king jon!
KEK fucking love greg man
Greg fist fighting Jon would be peak fishtank and make this season 2.5 shitshow worth it.
Jon just got FARTED ON by Greg
Jon needs to keep wearing the crown while he yells at them
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Kneel for the king
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Greg really was the best thing to come out of season 2, crazy how well he's adapted to the show
>Contestants from S2 got mindbroken to the point they always obey production's orders.
>No further thoughts, no will of their own.
2.5 was made to bring S1 on top by humiliating S2 as a whole through the two most subservient fish. TJ and Taylor tagged along because this is a small honeymoon trip and Trish is an NPC because she actually grew a spine and talked back, in and out of the tank (willing to work for the wiggers for money, NOT for clout).
Dumbasses Jim and Tay shouldn't have come back. They will never be under Sam's good graces, beyond being useful idiots they prod for a laugh; someone has to take Fatty's place there after all.
Jon is so good
Jon seriously wants to throw hands and people in this thread are siding with him lol
Jon has increased his intelligence by 1000x since starting trt. Inject test into every man.
Greg is gonna get LAYED OUT
Yeah, I'm gonna just go ahead and say it, he won.
Xavier's owl laugh is so good for his character
In his defense, he opposed the coup and tried to convince everyone that they couldn’t get his imaginary ‘grand prize’ if they killed Jon
Danye canonically has a 82 iq
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jawn is so fucking kino
Soda Man status?
Jon is right Tay is bitch 24/7
when she shot jon and thought she won the show
jon will make a good tyrant
keep talkin shit lil cunt
can you just unleash the sasquatch (frank hassle) already jet?
Jon is all of us
Go off King Jon! Put that cunt in her place!
how long will this go on for? he has seemingly endless energy for this
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Greg has hands, he'd knock Jon out ez
why is she even here
Yep we want to see people fight
Who has Jon on his stacked furniture throne from S1?
>Tayliegh can't be a bitch 24/7

Lol she really is tho
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jon vs. the world kino
Tay is a bitch 24/7, this is canon.
still based
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>Hate Jon's bitching
>He starts bitching at Tay
>Stop hating it
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Is Greg actually drunk? I could see him being an alcoholic, but he also might just be fat and a good actor
If Jon ends up hitting Tayleigh then he will be my new favorite
Greg is a man with nothing to lose.
yeah and? low t nigga
>Fish trying to come up with a reason they jumped straight to assassination of a teammate
agreed. As long as he gets a nice bed to sleep in at night and a moderate paycheck, dude's down for anything. Greg it up
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King Jon, I kneel.
Fat faggot
Yes he's getting sauced up
Kill him letty this is on brand for you whack that fool!!!
how the fuck are there so many tay stans in chat?
It's weird that this season resembles a reality show more than the other 2

This is exactly how people argue on all those series
Letty is right and there's plenty of time for double agent Jon to betray Xavier
Who weighs more mauro or chris? remember mauro is taller
during the cage pt 1 of season 1 he yelled bible verses for an hour or more, this could go into the night
introduce a second party jet
>blacksmiths wife
>Be Jon on day 1
>Be told about vampires
>”we can kick them in the balls”
>”we can use that hatchet”
>Be Jon on day 6
>RP retardation progresses so much that he gets so immersed in RP that he rages
god I love jon putting tayleigh in her place
>vance you're fucking retarded
Greg is definitely intoxicated, he only comes out of his shell like this when he's drunk.
Get them in gloves and make it happen Jet “Kinochef” Neptune
jon is mogging vance
how is john the one providing me with the most rp immersion
tayleigh was being a cunt to jon all day today
calling him a retard and a faggot nonstop
Why is Tay all the way over there
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eliminate tayleigh ASAP mr jet thank you
>Everyone in the entire cast surrounding and shouting at jon
Gee I wonder who the main character is?
Stay mad fags
he won me over
You know it's bad when the retard calls you retarded lmao
he literally cannot be killed because he refuses to get up
and he WILL commit to staying on the ground for the next week
Nobody can kill him while he's downed
Jet turn tts on so people can cheer jon on and call everyone else retarded
they still would've lost the election if even jon voted for tai the argument vance has makes no sense
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>we killed you because you didnt listen to us
>they didnt do shit to win the crown while he solo'd the objective
these guys are actually retarded
Jon is mogging fucking everyone
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/SATANIC TANK/ is back bros
scawed wittle cunt
>Jon seriously wants to throw hands
>people in this thread are siding with him
Did you miss the entirety of Season 2 with the literal boxing matches?
Vance getting mogged by a retard truly pathetic
the less I see of that goat faced retard TJ the better
I do hope they keep the good freeloaders on call for future seasons. Don't involve the old fishes but i wouldn't mind at all if Greg and Tai continue to make appearances. Also hire Xavier and Sodaman
I like how Tai just refuses to even engage with this because he knows how retarded this all is.
It takes extreme willpower to stand up to everyone in the world, even when you know you're right.
based he deserve to lose that leg IRL.
Why do so many people hate jon? He is the bad guy that create a lot of content
Jon is working the art of the deal and the rest of the fish are working with 1 brain cell.
He filled up the whole potion ball with gin
she got some sympathy after she had a mental breakdown thinking that xavier was Q. some people think production went too far.
More like /retard tank/
>turn tts on so we can't hear the dialogue
anyone else noticed every single poll is massively, massively rigged this season
it always starts off with hundreds of votes for one thing
another classic jet neptune running gag I guess
>He gave you the crown we have to kill you

Vance is retarded
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Jon HEEMing Tay would be the most climactic finish to Fishtank
what the fuck vance lmfao
Jon is such a retard lmao
Jon gonna finesse a gun
kill jon, crown greg
why is jon the smartest one there wtf
>Oh no, did something actually happened on your heckin wholesome 24/7 LARP session?
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All of piss boy's recent stream events have been half assed as shit, and most of the contestants are terrible. It'll probably end up being a shit show like S2.5.
yeah they were pretty good, dumbgay only if he doesn't smoke weed though.

jimmy can kind of be a fun source of chaos as well
Ok, who is this? I demand an answer or I will find you and beat it out of you (in minecraft)
triple buck (broken) vance
The dialogue is over dude. They have been repeating themselves for 5 minutes
>We killed you because you wouldn't listen to us
>Jon, you can't expect us to listen to everything you say
Xavier, Jon and Jimmy should form their own team.
Schitty will henceforth be known as the Retard Reich.
tayleigh better fucking kill him
Vance doesn't get enough hatred in these threads
Why does Vance have the most endorsements right now? Answer: Nu-MDE is fucking retarded.
this is the worst day ever
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My president
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Vance is actually 100% right. The only reason Xavier gave him the crown in the end is because of all the drama they created.
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would if I knew
Now would be a great time for a freakout from her
He's the main character.
So let me get this straight, Jon went from 'getting killed,' to having a crown, becoming immune to further attack, the respect of Xavier and even getting his team mates disarmed. wild
shut the fuck up greg
why is the NIGGER involving itself in this?
they're already giving in to him. they're gonna heal him and he's gonna keep the crown
why are they showing this instead of wholesome tj :(
your a woman
He better kill Tayleigh*
because most of the time you can literally just forget that he even exists
This. I don't blame anyone but tayleigh who acted out of pure spite. Everyone else was just confused.
why are the coddling this fucking faggot so much ffs
jon is the slightly confused good guy
everyone's making a lot of assumptions about the situation and the RP
vance and tayleigh are both nontent snoozefest retards who should get put down
Xavier and Jon are running this Schitty
I didn't realize so many retards here related to 70IQ Jon so much, but I guess I'm not surprised.
Yeah hell yeah we need to hear "AHHHHHH NIGGGAAA HAHAH VERTICAL BAR" OVER and OVER."
Two candidates. Jon sides against his own team member.
Tayleigh is the worst fish in fishtank history
Tay will hold out on bullets
Do something !! you wanna fwow hands??

Lil bitch!
You know it's bad when Jon is the smartest fish.
>Seething Tay reappears
>Show collapses
Vance literally said
>we got the crown from fatty 3 times and production took it back
Why does he think this time would be different?
take her to bucky
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>gets outsmarted by a literal retard
Vance is never going to recover from this
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God imagine how fucking dead this whole thing would be without Xavier
they're fucking retarded
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>He better kill Tayleigh*
get her off the fucking show
Also Vance is the most endorsed kek. no way in hell those numbers are real
He's a chad.
He's like wallpaper - you forget that he exists
you're a troon
this is gay
>vance pussies out and doesn't kill Jon in kino of mice and men shot they set up
>paces around planning how to kill him for an hour
>jimmy tells Jon the plan because he thinks there's prize money for the winner (there's not)
>finally anti-climactically shoot him in the back while Tay runs around soi facing
>Jon has multiple lives
>they sit around arguing like retards
>it's apparent that killing Jon made no sense from the start
pseud tank
Shoutout to the top j
fuck off
tay turned everyone retarded
im a man and tayleigh is a hideous unlikable dyke. go back to /bant/ faggot.
Jon got them the better outcome. The better outcome for the team. He sided with the team against their own stupid idea
Sad music playing while Jon is betrayed. I’m about to weep.
Most of them are from people who end up not watching the show or are voting for who they like the most just on a personal level.
That's another AI kiss.
What did that say?
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NGL, King Jon is making an awful lot of sense. Even if it's all post-hoc
what did letty show
>same incel spamming about vance every thread
get mogged SON
True, but it doesn't matter
Production made it so that Jon was right, which will just fuel his indignant rage
Truly Neptunian
This whole thing was Tayleigh's plan. She's not even defending it she's just complaining about Jon over personal slights.
Tay is dire need of public execution.
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thats the point only /bant/ fags hate her
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JON WON. TEAMS NEED TO BE LETTY x JON x JIMMY vs the treacherous worms
>s2 dogpile didn't die
i'm digging Phantasy Star Online song
we were so close to full on rp kino with tayleigh gone
Vance hides how retarded he is by not speaking
honestly really enjoy the vibe cleanse on director cam
can we have someone on production confirm or deny if this scheme will even work in the first place? didnt work for fatius
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Two gorgeous winners
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imagine simping for tay kek
>Vance is nontent
Yeah, you can't really say that anymore after today since he actually followed through on his whole coup and played the snake while Letty just avoided responsibility situation and Tay followed Vance's lead.
classic tayleigh
even if she tried Jon would just shout "SHUT THE FUCK UP CUNT" kek
i wanna blow jon rn ngl
Stomp Tay Greg and Vance
>tay saying jon is never around
this dumb bitch disappeared for literally an entire day to cry to production
Vance is unironically more retarded than Jon, unbelievable
sex with minion
>we brought you in
They quite literally plotted to kill him within a minute of xavier winning
Two ugly losers
she ruined it for everyone
greg is an annoying drunk
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>josiepedos on suicide watch
Just replace Vance and Tayleigh with them.
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shit bro
Hes a musician
Imagine hating on Tay lyl
fuck off jordan you fucking faggot
>Tayleigh talking
>Swap cams
It's all they know, snake faggots.
oh look the two retards ran back to base camp what a shock
because the season 2 players are there
>last night immaculate vibes
>tay returns
>morale meter all the way down
jimmy and tay are the worst fish in history
kek AND he's right
>walks away to shit talk the show they have ruined
hard for a tard?
Vance can't even out argue retard Jon. He did it, because he knows people find him boring and was desperate to make something happen.
Greg acting tough in a crowd of people lol
stfu pedo greg
hideous freaks
>tay and jimmy running away and hiding
>tay seething about storylines
He was a limp dick about it and was too pussy to pull the trigger on the trail
shut the fuck up tay you fucking CUNT
are they just keeping sfx disabled since the cock buddy/summer was raped tts?
Any good Tay cringe today?
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your a woman

your a woman/ Cole baby
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I guess Dumbgay only works if he is locked in a house with the fishes. At least when one of them capable of shouting with him for hours without saying anything. Need more pagpag munchers
imagine not hating on the ugly dyke
how are websiteniggers so retarded? why aren't they siding with king jon?
They should've payed Cole, Frank, or Shinji to come back instead
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>Vote differently from questing party
>They assassinate you
kek Tayleigh is such a fucking hypocrite
Vance is nontent
>Vance ran all the way to basecamp
Tay and Jimmy are the worst things to happen to fishtank
truth nvke
Fishtank viewers deserve the slop that they get jesus christ
she is the only one willing to stand up to jon, honestly that's a plus for me.
thirdie detected
Fucking this, the world would be so much better.
I hope Tay is on the MDE blacklist now like Cole. She deserves it far more than Cole ever did. Hell, she deserves it more than Summer. At least Summer has the schizo excuse.
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Greg raped and killed me for no reason
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josie would have backed up jon
every moment she's on screen is cringe
>jon tard pouting
>fucking up the entire flow of the show
>people defending this retarded nonsense
Chug bleach faggots.
Production get off your ass and unfuck this shitshow.
God she is so ugly, she is ugly inside and out.
i'm finally seeing letty's cunning ways holy fuck this is wild
Hes useless maimed and a loose canon story wise
should have been jc and shinji there in their place
i hope jon stays there for a straight week and they lose the fucking game. pieces of fucking shit
he's so dumb, i know i could convince him to go for it
cole isn't blacklisted he just wants them to pay him more then they are willing lol
Cole never deserved getting blacklisted
*Vance and Tayleigh
Qrd why? I havent been watching closely
>jon tard pouting
>fucking up the entire flow of the show
Jon is the show
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vance is seriously the worst contestant in fishtanks history, at least people like tay rouse some type of feeling albeit negative. but vance is bitch made and boring through and through
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based josie
she's been disrespecting him since the second he got there completely unprovoked
I've always liked jimmy but he is really a downer this season. Wtf is he even doing? Just being "calm"
tayfags are so gay they have the delusions that everyone who disagrees with them is female wew
>>jon tard pouting
>>fucking up the entire flow of the show
that was tayleigh
I’m sending 10 more gay niggas at your house Jordan
yeah tayleigh returning fucked the whole vibe up
in da toiwet
i miss paul dano tay
she is hands down the best fishtank player of all time. sam has paid her more than the "winner" josie.
yeah shes a cunt and not in the good way like letty
gregs a chad.
Jon is the only one roleplaying you stupid fucking faggot.
>stand up to jon
she ran away multiple times from him lol
Jon is against tay which means i stand with jon
>this shit is gay
>yeah i'm done with it
wow the ones who ruined season 2 are ruining season 2.5? shocking
I just got here can someone give me a QRD on last 48 hours?
>every camera on tay, vance and tranny seething over Jon

fuck off you stupid cunts
kek vance is rousing up a negative feeling in you.
Tayfags are hypocrites just like she is and they're utterly incapable of accountability.
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>leaves for an entire day
i'm seething
yeah he's just yeah
The only thing to solve this is for Duke to come in and offer him a deal
>duke win is jon win. Fully serve duke. Fuck the party
She would have shifted from side to side while smiling to herself like a retard and not have said anything.
Jon is right imo. No else got a card they need do they? He's playing the game, just not how they want to play it lol
Jon will be replacing Vance on production for future seasons
The only statement I can get behind.
you spelled Tay wrong
lol nah
i like greg but I dont like him being an asshole to jon and simping tayleigh when she called him a creep trying to harass her in s2
Jon 100% deserves to be killed since he's been sucking up to the Duke and Xavier. This type of behavior makes it clear he is willing to betray them. Tai on the other hand is reliable considering he played Jet's self insert and killed him.
Imagine how much better this would be if Tayleigh just wandered into the woods and left. No need to acknowledge it.
Tayleigh is a manipulative cunt
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voting fow my pwesident
>wahhhhh i cant see muh tj
team chud quits again
I really wonder how her brain works. That bitch ain't right.
Heavily medicated
Weight gain and suppressed emotions due to SSRI
I accidentally just wiped my mouth off with the paper towel I cummed in earlier
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>Hail King Thaddius!
The crown corrupts men. They turned on Jon because they lust for the crown. It calls to them. And one by one they will betray one another to gain possession over it.
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need this chigga to defend jon
>(in minecraft)
this isnt reddit you can just say youd kill a guy
i literally said i didn't like tay. vance is boring 99% of the time which is worse
he's a fat nerd who has liquid courage from boozing and is being a little giggling Gus antagonizing a guy with a rotting leg
>tayleigh talked shit about jon night one when she thought he was gone but he was actually behind the bunk and heard it all
>she plays victim
After watching this, the only person I would hang out with is Tai. I've watched his livestreams, he seems like a really genuine guy.
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That was Xavier

Roleplay is gay + Jon just yaps loudly

that nigga was DOA
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so true
You mean Tayleigh?
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>Yeah, you can't really say that anymore after today since he actually followed through on his whole coup and played the snake while Letty just avoided responsibility situation and Tay followed Vance's lead.
He only did it because Tayleigh was going to do no matter what and he got forced. Vance is complete nontent 24/7 and is a dead slot.
Chud gang L
Tayleigh lies like you do, anon.
pity party at the house right now, they're all just justifying their shittiness
>jon about to start drinking
more jontent incoming!
>all this retarded justification for betrayal simply because Basedface Dyke doesn't like Jon talking back to her
well yesterday was fun at least. we'll always have the memories
i forgot about that, she has always sucked so much lol
Everything is posted here is fiction
Behold, the lone Taytriot.
Greg is like the anti-Chad.
last i remember they were insulting eachother on twitter
I wish I could have seen that instead I have to look at tay
cole was invited to 2.5 but turned it down
imagine her in the bb house lmao
Remember when TJ was stroking her hair in the dumbest way possible? He's come a long way.
>Assaults Xavier
>Show peaks
>Comes back
>Xavier not allowed near her anymore, Xavier x Tay plotline dropped
>Sells team items
>Jon tells her off and mogs her
>Now she is the reason Jon assassination happened, claiming they lost election due to him (they didn't, they failed to do any npc quests for votes whilst Jon solo'd them all, the NPCs themselves said this)
>Scurries off to complain about the show SHE RUINED
where is this chigger at
They should just make Jon sit there until production saves him.
What did Letty do?
What would you expect from her?
She doesn't play the game, she's there to bitch about real life
I live in the UK
He's busy getting his bummy busted
>Duke is the final boss
>Jon is his right hand hand
Unironically the best direction this show could go.
and she provoked the fight with jon today by calling him a retard over and over for no fucking reason
no alcohol is on site because jon is suicidal.
Jon sold trish and letty into slavery within a couple days of showing up. But he is still right
first thing she did when she came back today was start calling jon gay and retarded and then jon started talking shit about her leaving and she pulled out
>you can only attack women
she can only attack retards
tai was so real for this
The way they want to play it is to sit around and do nothing while ‘planning’ to eventually do nothing
They lost NPC quest based election for this reason

Jon won because he actually acted and was rewarded with the crown and the cards (the whole point of the election)
heads will fall
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Jon is fucking based.
honestly respect for jon for not going down without a fight. If I was in his state I would have called all of them retarded and go home
Dam got mogged by Jon season 1. Dam was scared of that retard lmao
They all had the right idea I can see how people are missing this. Jon went ahead with his plan even though no one else agreed, but it was for a good purpose. Meanwhile, they all plotted to kill him, for good purpose.
She ran away to the basecamp while Vance was arguing with him.
Agreed. Everyone of the fish besides him are either incredibly annoying retards or just boring.
Jet needs to bring back the beef bell and have Jon and Tay Box
anon mauro and evil kevin are drinking every day lmao
this will be the bridge to make them bros
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Based king cole
good lord this is terrible. are they even going to bother with a youtube release of this?
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friendtankbros... we won...
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a holy man betrayed
heavy is the head that wears the crown
greg is also wasted now
What Jon doesnt understand is that is the Fish vs Production is that simple

He is taking productions side like a bootliker faggot
how great would it be if they brought frank in and he took jon's side
Sometimes being retard helps.
Jon won
He BTFO'd everyone
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The Punished King awaits his resurrection...
Jon needs to bring up Q and send Tayleigh into another mind broken spiral
I sincerely hope Jon sits there for a minimum of 2 days. It's just too funny
Josie would have been better than Tayleigh, and I don't even like Josie all that much.
did they just put tay back in or was there an explanation?

t. just woke up
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So we are all on Jon's side, right? Vance and Tayleigh are being fucking cowards.
Jimmy and Letty are wildcards at this point, but Tayleigh has Jimmy's ear and is manipulating him
Vance, Tayleigh, and Jimmy are the worst "people" on earth and should've never been invited back
How can people still not distinguish between creature and minion.
How do we get the Q message to Jon?
Brother he can't even pronounce Q's
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fuck I'm team letty again
no, theyve said many times this is a test season to get tech right for s3
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holy fuck
... Tay has spent the entire competition on team Xavier and only switched up because he trolled her/dissed her yesterday and she thought he was her stalker
The site users are genuinely retarded.
swallowing fat wetawded jawn loads
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polls don't matta
rules don't matta
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I thought the same but then remembered this is friendtank season and they arent supposed to work against eachother or something...
probably not, they're gonna be too busy with season 3 to do edits of this.
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I hate tayleigh
I hate letty
I hate taylor
I hate bex
I hate trish
I hate tj
I hate brian

I LOVE jon, jimmy and fatty
keep crying bitch traitor nigger
Nah tjaylor they deserve to just chill
Chudgang still stacking Ls.
I'm on the side of whatever is funniest at any given moment
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The show may be in shambles rn, but at least Tai endorsers stay winning.
>Tayjeets dumping all their money on a poll
i'm on team greg
>jimmy and tay talking about how they're quitting RP
>jon reciting lore from page 43 of the xavier PDF
jon won, jimmy and tay quit
i got creatures nice titties on the mind that i blanked out
Jon is a dumb retard but they did him dirty
Nah. Someone would have asked her and she'd say "erm I think Jon has a point"
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>day six of the larp
>still no entity
Yeah, Letty is doing what Vance thinks he's doing
She has never stood up to anyone. She talks shit behinds peoples back. when faced with conflict, She starts to namecall them (faggot, bitch, retard, pedophile, etc) until someone else steps in to defuse it allowing her to escape. And now a few times, she will sucker punch someone and physically attack them afterwards.
Jon in undeniably the main character
give him a cigarette under the name AskTayAboutQ
kino shot
No, I don't give a fuck about any of these people. I'm in it for Xavier/the NPC's
They announced over the pa that production. approved it.
All Jon has to do is yell "SHUT THA FUCK UP BITCH" over and over until the other person gives up to win any argument.
Production will block that
what the fuck letty????

two shots?

Vance is actually the real production bootlicker
>I'm a virgin
Tbh I like greg but why is my negga trying to mog Jon? Why would they have beef?
too late now, jons blood has been spilled. tay must be put in her place
it truly is the meta to be as agreeable and nonconfrontational as possible. this is every season
>this is like 2 shots

Jesus letty
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said nina and got cole kicked
Faustian Spirit
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doing gay stuff with sam
looked like jon's ankle is swelling I wonder if he has like a blood clot or something
Tay and Jimmy in shambles
>constantly acts like she doesn't want to be here
>two seasons in a row
>won't leave
the worst
the show was stressing me out then the camera went to tj and i felt a wave of relief and euphoria wash over me like a warm blanket :)
This right here is why no one takes us seriously.
Tay ruined the day again
>Jimmy sits next to Jon
a real meeting of minds!
>TJ: It's lonely at the top
>turns to his smokin hot nubile gf
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intellectual juggernauts
Tayleigh nerfed jimmy he was psyopped into becoming her “best friend” post season
Just admit it

Jon is for physical bits

Maimed he is pathetic and a bad look
Wasn't going to do shit. Vance should actually get credit this once but all the friendtank retards in here are mad we got gameplay.
this is exactly why he's excluded from the game rn
Holy based
The only way to top this day off and make it max kino is with a mallet shattering Letty's skull
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Why was Cole blacklisted?
>S1- liked Jon in an ironic way, but was happy when he left, for the sake of the show
>S2.5- Jon is legitimately the only non-NPC that I support
Crazy how things have changed.
lol fuck jon I love watching him tard seethe on the ground leave him there all night
Jon told him to shut up a bunch of times on different occasions
The first time I saw it was when the Duke cast frenzy on him
I hate them all and watch in hopes they tear each other apart. I’ve never had a tts approved because all I’ve tried to do is get under their skin.
What's she sayin?
>you guys screamed at me for twying to get food
>Now Jon is crying to Jet about the crew yelling at him days ago
You're losing me Jon
he wasn't
Jon and Jet are beefing now
Cole blacklisted himself from life [aspergers]
The show was terrible immediately after Jon left. You dont remember the camping arc
the only source we have for this is cole the cuck.
I told you guys. Jon is prod bootlicker. He wants to be coddled all his shit related to production not the RP
come on. we all knew that was a lie when jet said it. it was just too soon to kill anyone off. he might have even said 'lets not friendly fire each other at least for now' on day 1.
virgins love tj THOUGH
How's your summer break going?
I am, and will always be, team fun feeds. whatever is the most fun outcome. currently it's jon staying in the game and not dying
Now Jon's gonna pout because production scolded him.
>the team undecided
>The team undecided
Good line, Jet
You're up and down every single thread seething over these people like a loser faggot with a shitty life.
Jon is going to tard pout his way into jet giving him free food. Base
>Jon exposing Jet's incompetence
props to them for showing this
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what the FUCK is going on with this dude's head?
Jon is for mental bits. Few realize this
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>The team undecided
not even a Jonfag but they are literally children making up bs, damn I love larptank even on a shit day like this.
Oh I do. Vividly.
That arc was shit because they had literally nothing planned due to the plumbing disaster with the rubber snake.
its blocklisted now
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I think Jon and Vance were both right actually
They should fight
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>jet will coddle content killing dyke instead of content producing retard
Jon is a child in a mans body
infuriating that he's talking down to jon because he knows he's too dumb to know he's actually in the right
>don’t make me look like a faggot, jon
I don’t think he needs to do anything to prove that
Maybe Jet wants to kill fishtank.
This is all Jet's fault. He got one-guy'd by some faggot on twitter so he got Letty to aggro Jimmy for ???
Irreparably killed the vibe and turned Jimmy into a huge retard leading to the current tragedy.
when they were all arguing a little bit ago he randomly said "I need a bath"
>Now he's just crying about every little grievance
Yeah, you lost me Jon
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needs the goran cut
I must have missed the part where the team confronted Jon and said "You betrayed us. Give us the crown or else" and he said "No, I'll never give you the crown" and they said "Final warning, we are going to kill you if you don't give us the crown" and he said "Then I'll go down fighting" and then they had a PVP battle.
Jon should be at home resting
It takes weeks Jet, a simple google search would show this lol
you new here?
For his leg, genius.
kek yeah tay just shot him, that was it. They all voted on friendly fire too and didn't tell him that they decided to turn it off.
They tried to put him down like a stray dog
Has 2.5 made you think differently of the fish?
Used to like Jon, now he's one of my favorites.
Jimmy remains my favorite
Vance remains the same
Letty dropped a little bit
Liked Tay up until she pick-me'd for Frank after getting drugged and molested, started to despise her after 2.5
Tai remains top tier.
Does Jet actually think a hamstring injury with a leg that bruised can possibly heal up in the next week? Lmao how fucking stupid can you be?
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nah, he is just that retarded and didn't plan any detail out. Always take wiggers at face value
Fish failed assassination of Jon, so now jet just has to ask him to leave because of his leg lol
Jon is out for the leg
Jon getting pulled for another hospital visit

Non-virgins, too
He’s so loved
>Jon gets pulled due to fucked up leg
welp shows over i guess
this would be the best thing
kill yourself
bro what the fuck
He can get back up any time, he just has to take a wristband off/ask Jimmy or any NPC for a heal but he's just sulking about a vampire larp game with no stakes
Sorry for talking about the show, my retarded faggot friend.
Well, nontent the rest of the night I guess.
the problem is that as soon as he gets up tay is going to shoot him down again
Poor Jon :(
I like Jon now
Jimmy got way better but he's still a sperg
Letty is more likeable but still scheming
I still like Vance, I just wish he leaned into his rp chops more
Tai is great as always
I hate Tay
there's nothing better than a nice long Jon pouting session.
I didn't even see the event, but tuning afterwards and hearing everything it seems like they all have reasonable points of view but jon was the most reasonable because even if he was "doing his own thing", so were they. They should've asked his plan first before betraying him
Why is everyone in fishtank chat so mad at jon??
You guys are thinking too small with Jon
He has access to his phone
DM him about Jordan and all that shit he'll see it
maybe sprinting around the woods at night was a bad idea
So fucking shoot her/hit her with a sword, it's Tay
the people that voted spent real life money to vote
that tells you all you need to know lmao
>Keeping Tay
>Losing Jon
not looking good jet
Went from:

Jimmy = Like
Jon = Hate
Letty = Neutral
Tai = Like
Tayleigh = Neutral
Vance = Neutral


Jimmy = Like
Jon = Like
Letty = Hate
Tai = Like
Tayleigh = Hate
Vance = Hate
Jon can't use guns and Tayleigh has a gun
It’s fucked they made Jon have to deal with that retarded assassination attempt right before sidelining him due to his leg, which they should have done yesterday.
jon's out. this will cheer tayleigh up.
>pedophile paypigs are mad at entertainment
colour me suprised
This is hell
go back
This is Jet's fault but for letting Tayleigh stay.
And it's Tayleigh, she probably has it pointed at the floor while she's busy staring at a camera/talking bullshit. Jon'd win that exchange.
Jon didn't have his goggles on either they could have shot him in the eye
>Jim-faces excitedly
I hate vance more than I did in s1 where I just didnt care about him
I thought Jimmy was a psycho in s2 and now I see he had a spergout moment and seems to be controlling himself better
Letty is the exact same, cunning and manipulative
I was away when tai showed up in s1, liked him in s2, and think hes great in 2.5, very funny
pretty much noticed tay having a terrible spirit earlier than a lot of people in s2 who were still just simping or superficially calling her a man.

so I guess Jimmy is doing the best by that metric
Like Letty a bit more
Hate Jimmy a lot more
Jon about the same (like him but he can be a bit too much sometimes)
Tayleigh the same (lame)
Vance about the same (indifferent (yeah))
Tai has always been my favorite but I like him even more now
I genuinely don't know how anyone can tolerate Letty. Her voice is so grating. She's always spaced out and saying random irrelevant stuff. The W L shit is cringe because her simps are actually being sincere instead of doing it ironically. They want her to get a W and it just seems kind of desperate
The drama isn't over. Tayleigh will pick a new narc target. Hopefully Letty.
I would personally love to see chudgang implode
I hope so only because Letty would have her quitting in an hour
gtfo bettycord
Mostly the same. I realize now that Letty was just playing as production's puppet in s1. She's pretty boring without instruction. Jon is annoying, but I like him. I think Jimmy is sometimes entertaining, but is a fuckup and full of shit. Vance seems more boring, but it's because he's not trying. He's still a bitch. Tayleigh sucks. Tai is neutral evil, generally funny.
>blacksmith wife still doing NPC animations
Letty will be raped during 2.5. The smell of her smelly fishy pink pants are going to activate primal male urges very shortly.
greg is sloshed
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Is it true that Tayleigh was withdrawing from drugs with all the vomiting and shit
vance's tears are on standby
Yeah, they should go back to sitting on the coach doing nothing all day.
it's pretty good so far. sorry you're not enjoying it. must suck

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