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What are his worst movies.
Hardmode: no non horror
Maximum Overdrive
The Dark Half
any Children of the Corn except the original
The Dark Half was ok. Carrie (2013), Shining tv miniseries and especially The Dark Tower were worse adaptations.
Maximum Overdrive is definetly the worstbecause its just fucking boring and it sucks because it was his first time as a director
Maximum Overdrive/Trucks basically Disney's Cars in a horror movie
whichever one where the kids die
Lawnmower man was pretty fucking bad. Not only in the "nothing like the short story" way, but in itself.
Lawnmower Man is definitely up there, yeah. It's bad enough that people are always surprised when they find out it was Stephen King at all.
it wasn't, really. the studio had some techno thriller written by some guy but also had the rights to a 20 page king story and frankensteined them together. the story has nothing to do with anything that's in the movie and he sued and won to get his name taken off. BUT the studio decided to just eat the daily fine to keep his name on the posters instead of changing them because it was more profitable to.
Holy unibrow, Batman.
King trying to be le spooky warped man irl was so cringe.
That is hilarious, but in that case I'm not sure if it really counts for the thread question then. I honestly haven't seen enough of his stuff to have a solid answer, but I can say The Mist is at least my favorite.
was Cell a Stephen King joint?
Unironically I hate It. And I think Misery is just King sniffing his own farts.
nobody got it?
no. should show you how lame Misery actually is. You can literally say "cockadoodie car" and no one won't.
This is equal to $20,000 in current year
Dude looks like a Gameboy camera error screen
You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
Please apologize
I think Stephen King SUCKS
i think the 80's suck
That's easy mode. His best movies were non-horror.
Under the Dome is okay
>back of the book points out that King doesn't own a cell phone
>only a few years later he writes a short story shilling an iphone
Can't remember if it was him or some other pulp writer (Koontz, Crichton) who repeatedly had a character say "Fuck a duck" in some book. Literally no one has ever said that irl
What are his good movies? That's a better question with a much shorter answer
>The Stand miniseries (1994)
>Thinner (1996)
>The Shining (1980)
That would be it
>Stand miniseries
Actual shit and poorly cast.
Nobody remembers
So departed from the source material that it ended up being a backhanded biopic surrounding King's abusive tendencies. That was Kubrick, not King.
>Actual shit
Just like your taste in film!
>Nobody remembers
Pepperidge Farms remembers
>departed from the source material
That's why it's good
Misery, Carrie, Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, Christine
>Just like your taste in film!
Stand miniseries was TV, not film. Make an effort for Chrissakes.
Silver Bullet
>who is the werewolf
>is it the priest who has an eyepatch on right after we hit the werewolf in the eye with a rocket?
Also nobody in this thread said The Langoliers so I’m guessing this is a zoomer majority thread
Made for television movie shot on 16mm film. Consider walking in front of a van like your boy
His best movies weren't horror, Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile.
I'm lukewarm about Shawshank and Misery but I really liked Christine. It deserves to be on the list too ngl
The Langoliers is in the so bad it circles around and becomes good again category.
>Made for television movie
Wrong again, it was a miniseries.
Same shit.
Which ones?
So weird how much this got parodied during the time for such a flash in the pan thing. The Simpsons movie, and Regular Show had a full season parody of it for some fucking reason.
I already said that but we'll say you have shit taste in miniseries as well as film and call it a day
Shawshank Redemption was based on a King story.
>Fuck a duck
Silver Bullet is Busey and Haim kino, you filtered faggot.
Apt Pupil
Stand By Me
Cell is definitely top 3 worst.

1. Secret Window
2. Cell

The Night Flyer is top 3 best btw.
It’s a good low budget horror movie and Busey is his normal self
That was dreamcatcher and I think it was”fuck a dee, fuck a doo” which is equally stupid.
>Busey is his normal self
1. The Night Flyer
2. The Raft (Creepshow 2, short story)
3. Stand By Me (The Body short story)
4. Pet Semetery (captures the fugue state dread of the book, and the King "look")
5. The Shining (points reduced for deviation; miniseries is shitty though)
6. Misery (same director as Stand By Me, Rob Reiner, equally detestable politically)

Stormy of the Century miniseries has quite a little following now. Thinner is underrated. The Langoliers and The Lawnmower Man have their 90s CGI charm, even if LM is simply in name only.
Carrie is great aesthetically but is tonally distant, whereas Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness would be a top 5 King work had it been King.
The Night Flyer is so fucking underrated.
It's one of the cases in which the movie is better than the tale.
The Langoliers is like a hotel I plan to die in. So comfy. So much endless sprawl.
creepshow, the shining, the deadzone.
The Dreamcatcher is horrible.
I remember going to watch it with my then GF (I was a wee lad) and we weren't even bored or disappointed we were MAD.
nobody mentioning the deadzone as one of the best is criminal.
The myst is good.
If you disagree, remember King said that he preferred the movie ending to his book's.
Count as >>200770916
>It's one of the cases in which the movie is better than the tale.
I presume.
>The Night Flyer
What the fuck is 'no bounce, no play' even supposed to mean? Stephen King puts retarded boomer shit like that in his movies far too often. In what fucking world does he think that a world-ending disease would be called "captain tripps" because a single reporter was a Greatful Dead fan?
It really is. One of the few adaptations where King gave input. They even nailed the settings. The director is still gunning to make another King movie. He directed a slasher with a moto-themed killer a few years ago that is pretty cool, great third act.

The Night Flyer is on YT for any anons who have neglected it, link:
What makes Deadzone so good?
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I dare you to watch this all in one sitting.
The first episode of Nightmares & Dreamscapes miniseries, based on the story Battleground is really good and underrated. Stars William Hurt and the entire episode is done without any dialog. Watch it for free on Youtube: https://youtu.be/MHzA2s46fUs
that's kind of a loaded question. You got the "so bad it's good movies" on one side, then you got the movies mst3k would call "deep hurting". Deep hurting movies were not only bad but there was nothing going on to make fun of. So it was the equivalent of watching paint dry. But now a days you got a lot of redditors making self aware "bad" movies, crowding out the poor end film makers trying to take their art seriously.
Excellent advertisement for Shake Shack
Martin Sheen and Walken are really good in it
Guys we have to vote for WW3 to save democracy!
kill yourself
This but unironically. Democracy doesn't work with too many people or too many different "interest groups."
>Busey is his normal self
So pure, unadulterated kino.
This guy is such a boring normie fucking idiot
is a degen in drugs n just being a lazy jackass but that's it. beyond that he is so fucking boring and nothing then gets on social media after such a career of being the top dog in horror and one of the best in writing period and says the shit he does. Can write so much then shows such a genuine desperation for others to like him and agree with him
Goddamn what a weak son of a bitch. Fucking loser from beginning to end
Don't do drugs. don't drink. drink water, eat tasty shit that's good for you. Run and lift weights at least once a week or so, assuming you don't life when you work. be a real caring intelligent person who matters. Guys like Stephen King aren't that
Yes, the one with Cusack.
Democracy has always been a failed system. Its crazy how it suddenly became le most important government in the history of forever in Western societies since the 1700s. Heck Western societies aren't even truly Democratic seeing as how each country basically has a militant aparatus that maintains the status quo so no real change is possible

This will all end with one side on the throne once and for all
>Democracy has always been a failed system.
NTA but I don't care about your turd worlder opinions. We are talking about movies inspired by Stephen King's books.
Now shut the fuck up retard.
Yeah, I'm starting to think some kind of monarchism is the best form of government. The only problem is that it needs some sort of failsafe for when someone truly fucking insane gets the throne. Though I'm not sure how often that kind of thing actually happened through history in the long term.
He only directed one, and it was bad
so anon you RECOMMEND this one, right?
Busey is kino distilled down into its purest form
The Quicksilver Highway is honestly one of the worst things i've ever seen in my 44 years of existence.
Most monarchs actually had a pretty boring reign but people seem to think it's some sort of a coin flip between a tyrant and a hero because the exceptional ones stand out. Like for instance, people know who Louis XIV was, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who could tell me a single thing about the 15 other Louises who ruled France.
Busey was sort of an aspirational figure to me as a kid, being incredibly ugly. Seeing him being successful kept me through the worst of it, gave me a broader view of life. Seeing him so old scares me in a way I can't articulate right.
>any king miniseries
The movies are pretty hit or miss but the shows are almost uniformly garbage
Salem's Lot and It were good.
what was the one with the Cat aliens who tried to be humans?
Ohhh I thought it was the Vince Vaugn/JLaw one
Aside from the coke how does he churn out so much shit that he has to make several pseudonyms just to get his shit published? I've been to Maine. Things aren't nearly as lit there as he wants you to think.
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There was a book series I read back in high schoolvthat took Under the Dome to a completely better level by making all the Dome inhabitants kids and turning half of them into mutants. It was written by the same lady who wrote the Animorphs books and her husband if i recall. And it had some violent shit for a young adult book series.

Already mentioned but next to The Dead Zone, Christine is great (because Carpenter), maybe Shawshank as well.
yeah that movie shouldn't have been done from the cat alien's perspective. I don't think you should show the villain if you can help it.
movies made by females who has no clue what they're doing and no idea/story/concept they follow

Aint into misogyny, just speaking from experience,
Sleepwalkers is like some AI shit. it's hard to believe humans made it.

it gave us this though

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