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>vote Brexit to get rid of immigrants
>Tories let in more immigrants than ever
>Tories get blown out
>Labour lets in more immigrants than ever

what was the point in the end?
Did Britain really do this
>this old meme
Explain why it's just as bad in the EU then?
the classic
>ruled by jews
>vote the jews out
>no choice but to vote in a different bunch of jews

Yes, Brexit was stupid
Yes goyim Jew #1 was clearly the better choice than Jew #2
Because whatever small hope you might have of controlling immigration and your own laws when your sovereignty isn't delegated to some supranational bureaucracy, there is literally zero when you're beholden to said bureaucracy's labyrinthine rules and statutes.
That's why.
Not the Brits' fault that the Tories repeatedly knifed them in the back over immigration when their electoral system only allows for two flavours of the same betrayal every half decade.
>vote Brexit to get rid of immigrants
If the Brits had wanted less immigration they should have demanded a vote about immigration.
Instead they voted about and for Brexit and then received it so they got what they voted for and should be happy about it (at least those who voted for it, remainers being bitter is understandable).
The lesson is that if you want to achieve political aim X you should demand X, not demand dubiously adjacent political aim Y and after getting Y complain that you didn't get X.

They never would have allowed an immigration vote. They only allowed a Brexit vote because they were sure they'd win at first.
Poland and Hungary had voters decide they want less immigration and were repeatedly punished by Germany and the EU.
If I watch this will I instantly understand politics?
>being cucks to the EU
At least our shoddy border situation isn't imposed on us by a European power lmalo
Ireland had a referendum on Birthright Citizenship at the turn of the century which resulted in an unambiguous rejection of the concept. Guess what the government has gone out of its way to legislate around?
Opposition to Replacement Migration is not permitted.
brexit was just one step. the first step. brexit was not going to fix all problems, but it did remove an entire regulatory body out from over the British system

that way in order for anything positive to get done, they only had to worry about their nation's government, and not the international government as well.
If a supposedly democratic political establishment (whether a domestic national one or a supranational body like EU) fails to comply to the will of the people to a significant degree on a matter that the people consider truly important, the people must reassert themselves by all legal means available and by illegal ones if the legal ones fail.
The fact that various Western peoples fail to do so regarding replacement migration means that either they consider the matter superfluous or in the very least not something worth breaking societal norms or especially laws over, or that they've ceased to function as a capable sovereign (which the people by definition are in a democratic system) which is able to check the abuses of elected officials and bureaucrats.
Whichever the case at some point complaining about elections, politicians and rulings has to make way for direct political action of some kind if the people truly wish to achieve something that the establishment won't otherwise give them.
If the people remain passive and continue to play by rules that are so obviously rigged against them then they really can't blame anyone but themselves as things continue to go south. Those incapable or unwilling to govern themselves will be invariably governed by others.
OR that everyone knows there's a thin veil of proceduralism over raw force and if they try anything they'll get their bank accounts frozen and get thrown in solitary confinement for a year before a show trial
If you mean to imply that the political establishment is silencing the will of the people with threats of raw force then what you describe is this;
>they've ceased to function as a capable sovereign

that democracy is a sham and we're living in a de facto neo-left dictatorship in the west today.

if progressives dont get what they want it's not democracy, dont ya know
Rome wasn't built in a day faggot, it was a good step
Yes I agree, after that though you make a moral claim
>If the people remain passive and continue to play by rules that are so obviously rigged against them then they really can't blame anyone but themselves as things continue to go south
Westerners are no more able to challenge western governments than Chinese dissidents are able to challenge their own. Both are totalitarian systems, one just wears a dress. If you weld a man in a cage you can't blame him for not being strong enough to break the bars.
it has been forever impossible to function as a capable sovereign, as you have defined the term
even during the era where the US was most free, most capable, and most sovereign, the whiskey rebellion still happened and it was put down
"just overthrow the government bro" is such a sham of a response
>brexit: complete
>tories: about to be killed
>Farage: about to enter parliament

The plan is proceeding as expected
EU has freedom of movement so as part of the EU they can literally do nothing about immigration

And no eastern europeans were also undesirables here despite all the cope from them about how it was just browns

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