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>incredibly boring, moved at a glacial pace
>wasted storyline on breaking bad characters nobody cares about anymore like Gus just to get ratings
>style over substance during every episode
>took forever to turn into Saul and then didn't even let the audience enjoy Saul in full Saul form
>anticlimatic ending in the most drawn out black and white way possible
>most beloved character of Kim ultimately goes nowhere
>didn't raise the stakes for any of the characters and the show got even worse when somebody died
>got accolades for doing things like spending 4 min having Mike take apart a car
This was only made because it was riding from the success of Breaking Bad and didn't even pay off in the end.
It will be forgotten while Breaking Bad will be rewatched for decades to come even though Season 5 of Breaking Bad was utter shit.
Why didn’t they just make it like it was in breaking bad? Because they needed to add a girl (who ruined the entire thing)
chicanery. Simple as. Also didn't read lol
1 episode from 6 seasons kek
First three seasons are great, the Vince left and nobody was there to tard wrangle Peter Gould anymore. He couldn't help but insert his own shitty Gus vs. Lalo fanfic which ruined the entire latter half of the show.
Is there any in-universe why Kim couldn't have stayed as Saul's wife in Breaking Bad.
It would have been just offscreen.
>First three seasons are great
Not really. The entire show was a giant bore with mediocre storylines that never went anywhere except to show how long they can draw shit out.
Kim was the female writer's response to everybody hating Skyler. Nothing more.
>got accolades for doing things like spending 4 min having Mike take apart a car
I agree this is gay. I can picture high artniggers cooming over this scene
What they should have done is make Kim Jimmy's imagination.
My Dad watched the whole show but couldn’t finish one episode of Breaking Bad. Like I legit asked him what he didn’t like and he said it spoiled the ending of the show and I couldn’t get through to him that that’s just the ending of the first episode and nothing happens. He drives me crazy with his blazoned ignorance
Vince left? How the fuck does that happen? I thought this was his show and his project to work on. He just decided to leave?
The show died with the tinfoil autist
BCS was always Peter Gould's idea. Vince was involved heavily for the first 3 seasons but fucked off to work on El Camino.
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The ending was kino. Saul went out his own way, regained his humanity, and restored the potential for happiness for his true love and best friend in the world.
The chuck stuff was kino and I liked Howard too but all of the cartel shit was really fucking lame
Ah OK. I always assumed BCS was Vince's brain child. So was it Vince or Peter who was in love with Kim's actress and wrote the ending to make sure her and Jimmy didn't end up together?
he wasn't even that interesting to begin with
It was good until the final season. And that final episode was beyond putrid.
when my mom died it reminded me of the scene when Saul's mom died. It helped take out the trauma of loss and made me accept everyone attempting to be normal despite what had just happened.
Breaking Bad is the best show

Better Call Saul is the second best show.

Trannys are faggots with bad opinions on everything.
Watching the series I was hoping it was going to be more about him being a defense attorney, rather than someone fucking over every hand someone extended to him. The series definitely got weaker after his brother died, with both Saul and Kim being irrationally angry with Howard despite Saul having defended a cartel murder. My last hope for Kim was when she offered to take the more violent criminal offenders, which would have taken the series in a more interesting direction of a defense attorney upholding their oath while dealing with the worst of humanity. But no that went no where I they found Saul safe and sound.
>It was le even better than Breaking Bad!
All your points are valid, but there's still a lot to like about the show. The biggest problem is how old Saul looks, they took too long and the actor deteriorated.
Kino show. The last episode is perfect and filters subhuman morbidly obese wheelchair bound balding manlet homosexuals like this retard piece of shit >>200771466
waaaaah it’s boring
go back to watching breaking bad. you’ve been filtered. now leave
I was beyond bored the entire 6 seasons
I will never not be angry about how hard they fumbled his little black book. Instead of contacts cultivated over a career of being sketchy, someone just fucking hands it to him. And not once did anyone in the book ask who the fuck he is and how he got their number? The series should have been about him filling in the book.
lalo was the only interesting thing in the last couple seasons, gus and mike were always shit characters and were only interesting during their first few appearances in BB because they were mysterious. Once their characters got fleshed out they became insanely dull.

>gus is le-gay!
>mike is le-grandpa!
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Turn the show off after the court sequence between Chuck and Saul...and you have a quality tv drama. Any season after that is puff pastry bull shit.
Season 3 was the culmination of the Chuck arc but S4 was just as important as an epilogue to all that, and it also had the Werner subplot which was by far the most interesting cartel shit in the whole show. Season 5 is when the cracks really began to show and it just became Better Call Lalo.
>spending 4 min having Mike take apart a car
Oh boy wait till you see French Connection
>Breaking Bad will be rewatched for decades to come
I see kids posting in youtube comments who don't even know what breaking bad is. It's going to fade in to obscurity pretty quickly.
Stick to capeshit, OP
yes she could have been the person running "ice station zebra associates" or whatever off screen behind the scenes managing money or whatever, people even speculated on that being a possibility

instead she's ugly af and walled hard with her brown hair and YUP'd by some fucking 90IQ schlub
Not everything is for everyone, we all die in the end people won't remember us, what actually matters is we mattered once.
>The last episode is perfect
Guy takes 87 years in jail when he could take 7.....
he's better call saul! *drinks watermelon juice*
better... call... saul...
better... CALL... SAUL! *eats fried chicken*
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Vince couldn't land the ending in either show. Both went on too long. Breaking Bad should have ended soon after Gus died, Better Call Saul should have ended soon after Chuck died. Instead we get
>a long, boring season 5 that involves le Nazis
>Walt is now a badass because he just is ok
>finale consists of Walt rigging a large machine gun to pop up out a trunk when he pushes the button on the remote and for the gun to start firing and rotating in order to get a wide spread of fire
>"b-but Walt is a chemist, he could totally do that!" No way. The amount of engineering skill required to do this would be insane.
>Walt just magically knows where the meeting with the nazis will be, where to park the car to have the perfect firing angle, etc. It was fucking stupid
>don't care about Lydia, don't care that she died.
>5 seasons of "Walt has cancer" and he doesn't die of cancer
>Jimmy really isn't a schemer like Saul, Kim is more the schemer
>Jimmy and Kim want revenge on Howard....for some reason. I still don't know why, nor do I care
>The Gene stuff turned out to be a big fucking dud
>Jimmy takes 80 years in jail over 7 (probably out in 4 with good behavior), which is something that would never, ever happen
>Vince couldn't land the ending in either show.
>style over substance during every episode
It works for this show https://youtu.be/Uka17JlB81E?t=17
See also
The ending was such a Reddit tier wet fart, fucking killed the legitimacy of the storytelling

Mike memes are the only thing that will survive the show
the worst part was when redditors acted like this show was one of the best shows of all time and that the ending was the single best ending ever.
>most beloved character of Kim ultimately goes nowhere
I personally couldn't stand here desu
She just sounds like a man too much and nothing that comes out of her mouth is the least bit interesting
Also my god does this show have characters you seriously don't give a shit about and are more of a hinderance to meager plot than anything
Mainly talking about Saul's hateful brother and his weird fucking mental illness we have to endure for 3 bloody seasons
I really didn't enjoy the show after it was over and it felt like a complete waste of time. BRAVO VINCE
I remember watching the show thinking it would pay off but by season 4 I knew it wasn't going anywhere and I was right. A total complete waste of time.
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lol. It was moralfag retardation for sóy-guzzling redditors.
Who cares. It was decent enough to watch.
Not really. It was a very dissatisfying show that didn't need to exist
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They should have wrapped it up in 4 seasons instead of descending into constant cartel bullshit. The Jimmy/Chuck dynamic was the core of the show anyway and losing him should have sent him on a spiral that destroyed his relationship with Kim (and what remained with Howard) and made him go full Saul.
>it was decent enough slop anon!
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He's never going to see Kim again, but it was worth it for him to see her just that once more
Breaking Bad is capeshit, BCS has actual depth
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It was one of those shows that was funny while it was airing but left zero impact after
>no cultural impact
stopped reading there. art only serves itself you stupid fucking muppet. if you want to be programmed go read a bible.
The memes will be all we remember from this trash show.
BCS is over. Any updates on "Say Hola to Lalo"?
Breaking Bad really got worse the longer it went on. I really don't care about the original show, BCS or El Camino at all now I have no desire to watch them again or recommend them to anyone
Y'all talk about media like marbles to be collected. Which sounds insane to me. Get a real hobby if you're so desperate for memories.
>took forever to turn into Saul and then didn't even let the audience enjoy Saul in full Saul form
Jimmy was always "Saul" lmao. He just wore a facade that he dropped after he realized Chuck would always resent him (and that doing questionable shit made Kim's pussy wet).
>anticlimatic ending in the most drawn out black and white way possible
How do you think it should've ended? He shoots himself in the head? Mexicans beat him to death? He kills the old lady and goes on the run?
I hated that Kim got away with it and that Saul cucked in.

Lalo's death was stupid as fuck. He was hyped up immensely, he was shown as being basically superhuman, only to die like an idiot. It also makes no sense why wouldn't they shown proof to Jimmy that Lalo was actually dead for real, like a photo or something.
>I hated that Kim got away with it
with what? that dumb scheme to get Hamlin booted? who cares?
BB and BCS both suffered from being written one season at a time. When they wrote the first half of BB S5 the writers didn't even know what Walter was buying the guns for.
Lalo turned out pointless, after Saul initially helps him get off, they had no idea what to do with him. Ultimately, the only reason Saul was scared of Lalo in BB was because Mike never bothered to say "we received unreliable reports of his death before, but this time I've seen his body with my own eyes"
>Lalo turned out pointless
Nope. You're supposed to watch Breaking Bad after the timeline catches up. Which greatly improves the Fring vs Heisenberg arc because Walter parallels a lot of Gus' traits and arc. Nacho does the same for Jesse.
The only "point" of fiction is to entertain an audience, you're a complete midwit if you think otherwise.
I guess only thing going against it is that Saul has a throwaway line where he mentions his third wife. But I don't know the context, I just rewatched Breaking Bad and somehow missed it.
>Jimmy is a lawyer
>Saul is criminal lawyer
>Gene is just a criminal
When Gene was caught, he turned back into Saul.
However, his humanity for Kim made him turn back to Jimmy, because he did the right thing.
>Walt just magically knows where the meeting with the nazis will be, where to park the car to have the perfect firing angle, etc. It was fucking stupid

In season 5 episode 13 he went to the Nazis compound and had a meeting in the meeting room. That’s how he knew the meeting would be in there
the mexican crime drama was pretty good but kim was just such unlikeable cunt that vast segments of the show are skippable
>I hated that Kim got away with it
with what? that dumb scheme to get Hamlin booted? who cares?>>200782233
>the mexican crime drama was pretty good
it was the most boring part
>I have the attention span of a sea sponge
>this is a TV shows fault
you should have been aborted
uh, completely wrong. She's perhaps the only good female character ever written (outside of Japan).
Breaking bad was the greatest show of all time up until better call saul came out. I really hate basedfags who say "x season was the best. Stop watching after this scene!!". Season 5 isn't the best season, but the entire thing is good from beginning to end.

Kill yourself, kpopnigger
Your life should have never been made.
First three seasons of BCS is prolly the best seasons of tv ever made you cuck.
True. They should've just ended after season 4 doesn't get any better than first 3 seasons which were peak kino the rest cartel shit, well...
OP is a faggot brain dead piss drinking fart sniffing poop gargling vomit smelling piece of shit who has no understanding of kino. I bet he's also a nigger and gay. Why don't you just kys OP you fucking oxygen thief.
Ending ruined it because the writers hate it when characters win in the end.
>First three seasons of BCS is prolly the best seasons of tv ever made you cuck.
Man, /tv/ has shit taste.
With being complicit in concealing his body and concealing Jimmy's dealings with the cartel.
Season 1 is pure kino on its own
>fill me up chandler
>billboard stunt
>Mike's very own episode
>I want to secede from the United States
>Jimmy and Marco adventure hour
>asshole Howard kino
>Mike trolling the Kettlemans with an RC car while the porno music plays
>B I N C E purposely didn't do a cliffhanger finale cause they didn't know if there'd be a second season

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