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>lets make the main villain incompetent
He’s actually really competent. He nearly takes over the wasteland.
north korea deliberately starves their people to hold control as do many tin pot dictators.
Did you understand the movie? Dementus goes from leading a pack of roaming lowlives to taking over a fortress and holding it for years, then taking over another. And he would've had the upper hand on Immortan Joe if Furiosa hadn't foiled his plans.
Are you gonna complain that the hero foiled the villain's plans?
yeah but he clearly wasn't running it very well. I think they took over Gastown, cut down the population to size and killed off some of the smarter people who knew how to run the equipment. they're producing less fuel, so they get less food and water, making them produce even less fuel, giving them less food and water and so on. however many years Dementus held Gastown things weren't going well towards the end.
yeah then runs it into the ground due to his incompetency
he was competent tho.
he possesses one of the three qualities needed for great leadership in abundance
Alexander also couldn't manage his conquered territories for shit. He was exceptional at conquering. Was he incompetent?
I mean the guy didn't have much time for administration, did he? He spent it conquering in the east like you said. He didn't administer, not that he couldn't. How was he going to administer Pella or Babylon while he's in India?
He was a conqueror not a good manager, different skillset
He didn't have to go to India. He didn't have to go anywhere but he kept going, so his drive was in the conquering and not in administering what was conquered. Which are the same beats portrayed in Dementus. Yes, gas town goes downhill with him in charge, but you see him time and again gaining the upper hand over his opponents, using clever tactics and his wits to defeat superior forces. Until he couldn't. But, shit, Alexander and Napoleon had the same fate. Can't win'em all.
>runs it into the ground due to his incompetency

I don't know why people think this is the case.
He has been shown to be a trickster multiple times.
He obviously staged the gas town riot so that Joe would be distracted while he took the bullet farm.
He told Joe he would meet them in three days and then goes directly to the bullet farm and takes it over.

His ONLY mistake was thinking he had enough firepower to take Joe in a head to head war and would be able to take the citadel that way. Which he probably would have if Furiosa and Jack didn't blow up the bullet farm accidentally.
His only incompetence was his generosity which he used to maintain his position of power.
The reason gastown started going to shit was because he wasn't leading with an iron fist so they stopped producing as much due to a lack of fear and fair rationing. If he had been more cruel to the workers they would have worked harder to earn their share.
Also his character was well played bringing in a degree of comic relief when needed.
This was a good movie and anyone saying otherwise hasn't seen it because they are lumping it in with the female Ghostbusters or Captain marvel when it doesn't deserve it.
I don't think the riot was staged. He wouldn't have had a falling out with the Octoboss intentionally, I think. I see it simply as Dementus being a brilliant military tactician who is not suited for government.
I 100% believe it was deception. You make Joe worried about gastown so he's not thinking of the bullet farm. Then you go to the bullet farm and take over. It's exactly what Dementus did earlier.

He did fall out with the Octoboss (for killing his guys during the raid on gastown) but the other members of his gang seemed to stick around until the end so this idea that he's hemorrhaging gang members just isn't founded in reality I don't think.
>>This was a good movie
No. Dementus is fun, but three points why this movie sucks:
>visible CGI everywhere
>Anya sucks
>Furiosa is a non-character, she has fewer lines than Max had in Road Warrior
>There too many stupid stuff like how she just teleports to escape from Dementus
I kind of felt meh about the movie walking out of the theatre but the more I rewatch individual scenes the more I like it. I kind of wonder if this movie would've worked better as a miniseries to give people time to breathe between acts.

The long action scene in act 3 is much better on rewatch but when you're watching it in the movie it feels like its dragging on way too long.
Whole lot of people who obviously haven't watched the original film.
Dementus is such a clear adaptation of the toecutter, even the voice is a little reminiscent at times. It's exactly the same arc on a bigger scale, The Toecutter turns out to be a craven shitheel running for his life at the end from Max. This is basically the same story respun for the Furiosa character.
There are so many little references to the original embedded in here and Hemsworth is the strongest thing about the film. It failed because A: it was too long B: it's about a character no one gives a fuck about C: Miller has run out of steam on remaking the same story with a slightly different flavor.
Mad Max 1979 remains the pinnacle of the series, it's a masterpiece.
>be dementus
>is actually sane
who wrote this shit, tolkien
>Named Dementus
>Have Dementia

who wrote this shit?
>character doesn't talk therefore bad
>character is visibly bad and is therefore bad
68 iq nigger
>character woman I can't have so I lash out like a pathetic little pussy
You'll never get laid.
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hey guys what's going on in this thread
weak attempt to reverse.
>character has device to stop them from talking/biting etc
>character has to hide voice because pretending to be opposite gender
You must be one of those retardos who needs the character to constantly talk about what just happened or what is about to happen to understand a basic story.
You are the lowest common denomitator, the rest of the world is glad when things don't cater to you.
it's fine to have mute character, but you need to do visual communication in order to communicate their inner feelings.
No shit, revenge is more complex than that, the story doesn't communicate how much it haunts her (we don't see her waking up from nightmares), and what expect to happen when she gets the revenge.
>I need a loud American voice yapping about everything happening or I don't understand whats happening.
I bet you're one of these people who commentates every basic thing happening when on vacation.
I didn't mind, it kind of emphasized how much society degraded that it allowed a guy like him to thrive. Dementus was charismatic and ambitious, which led to him rising in power a lot. More of a conqueror than a good ruler. It lined up for me.
not what I meant
North Korea is forced to allow black markets to exist because it can't feed its people. It's not a country rich in arable land.
No I'm one of those people who watched the film, thought it was okay, that hemsworth gave the performance of his career, but ultimately like everyone else don't give a single fuck about furiosa as a character.
The only difference is they got my money and most people just stayed home.
Well for a guy criticizing somethings ability to communicate maybe you are shit at it.
There's a scene where she wakes up from a nightmare and thrusts a knife at the one guy she can trust.
What are you asking for? Maybe you wanted Morgan Freeman comentating over everything to tell you the main characters feelings?
Perhaps more familiar tropes you have seen thousands of times.
You're overall demands are to ruin the movie by making it fill your shitty expectations and placate to your stupidity.
>It's not a country rich in arable land.
Yea that's the reason they're starving.
>There's a scene where she wakes up from a nightmare and thrusts a knife at the one guy she can trust.
rule of three, 2 more of that kinda scenes and it would have been fine
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What was running through his mind at this moment?
>the big chase scene is done exactly the same as the one from Fury Road and The Road Warrior
George Miller is really fucking lazy. I was wanting a long intricate chase scene involving the Biker Horde.
if the villain's competency outpaces the protagonist's drive then the villain will win and the hero will lose.
This character was completely useless. Bravo Miller.
He's pretty damn competent. His weakness is resource management compared to the amount of people he allowed to join. He almost took over the entire area.
He was extremely effective as a mobile horde as well. That's why I was a little surprised the 40 day wasteland war went so awry for him. I like to think that his mobile tactics were lacking since the guy with horns on his head defected.
Something I noticed watching Fury Road and Furisoa back to back is that Furiosa uses a lot of wide shots and motion control cameras for its action sequences whereas Fury Road comparatively uses lots of close ups/mediums and shakey cam. I kind of wonder if this contributes a lot to people's criticism of the visuals looking very artificial and CGI.
There is 0 percent chance that a massive kite could hold up that motorcycle, right?
Nah, the FARTINBLOATA movies were sins against calories in a desert. First off, they violate the TROPHIC ENERGY PYRAMID just by existing in huge numbers where fresh water is rare. Secondary, they lack the lower lifeforms to sustain higher lifeforms to feed to the humans. You can make a desert bloom, you can turn a sandy hole into many oasises. But you're going to lose pollinators, simple creatures, and create a caloric deficit for many decades.

Mad Max is generally "possible", especially if they access infrastructure not destroyed in the nuclear apocalypse, but warning over that infrastructure and damaging or destroying it is insanity beyond insanity. Smart useful people are rare enough in civilization these days, but in a desert with no schools, no breeding programs, no cohesive survival goals, it's simply impossible. The only way for long term survival would be to create outposts to the shorelines and import in dried seafood and create stable coastal society powered by desert oil.

Another TV series and movie that's a Calorie Fantasy is SNOWPEIRCER (a nuclear train in a frozen world with no realistic way to maintain it, no realistic way to grow enough simple lifeforms to feed the higher lifeforms, to feed the humans). Even if you packed crates of calorie dense fats and vitamins and dehydrated peanut butter to fill several hundred train cars, that'd be insufficient calories to feed a few dozen humans for a year or two much less several generations.
>Extremely popular leads
>Well-liked IP
>Great reviews
>Financial flop

Literally how did this actually happen?
>first one called Mad Max: Really about Furiosa
>Some people fooled
>Second one called Furiosa: No more fooling
You are a fucking moron. Dementus PRETENDED to be out of his depth and have a mini coup in his ranks to have the Citadel lower their guard and then easily take over, Praetorian Jack and Furiosa figured it out before they could take complete advantage of it and foiled his plan
>I kind of wonder if this contributes a lot to people's criticism of the visuals looking very artificial and CGI.
We know for a fact more CGI was used in Furiosa because they shot the movie in Australia and had to digitally alter much of the landscape to match Fury Road; which was shot in Namibia. They also hired pajeets to do the CGI for Furiosa because I guess it's cheaper and nothing of quality comes from those creatures which is why the CGI looks worse than Fury Road.
No proof
Yeah i don't buy it either. I mean, Immortan has a thousand fanatical War Boys willing to literally blow themselves up for him, not to mention actual allies. Meanwhile, Dementus could barely keep their men rallied under his banner, what with the Octoboss betrayal and such. I thought he would fade as the movie went on to focus on Furiosa x Immortan feud like we fucking expected, but they just kept amping it up on Dementus bullshittery. Also that fucking nose, he did acted well with what he got though
I can't believe people itt are defending Dementus, the guy was a moron, THAT'S HIS WHOLE CHARACTER, being a moron
He wrecks everything he touches
loved the character, loved the movie
Little dialogue is fine, but she has 0 screen presence. it's not a great movie, especially compared to Fury Road.
he was a good politician for his followers but he didn't have competent goverment managers, he was a populist and he failed, the few with brains was the organic mechanic wich was snapped by Immortan and the Octoboss who leave the main gang. The old scribe was just a human memory bank, he doesn't count.
He could have his own origin story where they show him as a good guy before his wife and kids were murdered and raped (probably in that order too) before he simply lost his shit and stopped giving a fuck. At least a comic or something.
I can't believe people are missing this. Dementus is just Evil Max.
indeed, he has the same origin story as Max but he turned out destructive and evil

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