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>Michael, why would NASA send a team of untrained drillers into space instead of just training astronauts how to drill?
>...Ben, this was covered in your script you fucking retard. Read it and shut the fuck up.
He’s right you know
>blue collar retards save the human race
Wow they're just like me!
I thought they were geologists?
Hi Ben
It's a mixed team of various specialists.
They already said an asteroid is just loosely put together, blowing it up would just make it come together again.
Because they required very basic skills as astronauts since the ship was going to be crewed with proper astronauts.
However they needed highly specialized skill at drilling + actual experience with potential issues during drilling (an actual move plot point)
This entire "exchange" between Affleck and Bay sounds like bullshit.
The asteroid is unstable and they only have two drill rigs to get the job done. One of them gets blown up when they hit some explosive gas or something. The basic concept actually makes sense, it's just that it's done in an OTT way.
Is it really easier to learn how to drill instead of astronaut? Drillers usually have decades of experience. Astronauts are science nerds that work out for a couple then ride a rocket into space. Seems harder to find the right drill experience.
>implying there's enough atmosphere for a nuke to work
>nukes need oxygen to work

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It was a suicide mission and oil drillers are more expendable than astronauts.
You could tell Ben has never spent a rotation at an oil rig
>put drill where you want to make a hole
>turn the drill on
>wait until the drill makes hole
Affleck is very biased from his years as an astronaut.
If it weren't so hot, you could breathe on the sun.

I always think it’s an interesting Rorschach-type test for people to look at a movie like this, that’s filled with stupid inaccuracies and ludicrous situations, and see which one they have the biggest problem with.
they send both astronauts and drillers, this whole "debate" never made any sense
>Drill just spins forever
Heh, maybe you should hire a professional next time bucko
For me, it's the idea that the government would actually never make them pay taxes again.
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>It was a suicide mission and oil drillers are more expendable than astronauts.
I don't have a Liv so here's an Alicia. Aerosmith's comeback tour.

So if it's the end of the world, end of life, why not send all astronauts? You're not gonna need em if the whole planet is dead.
I can tell you've never spent a rotation at an oil rig
Michael Bay's best movie is Pain and Gain.
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there's no oil rigs in boston, reverse satan
The White Horse?
You mean Coyote Ugly.

And if u disagree, my dick? Is in yo mouf
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it is sad we never got prime alicia nude kino, right from her first movie The Crush it was teased - an entire career of blue balls
Don't be a chud. U know damn well Natasha Leonne and Chloe are only famous because they Weinsteined their way to the top! Natasha isn't even a lesbian! My buddy fucked her.
>Implying astronauts are not some of the smartest people in society.
>Most are doctors, engineers, or scientists.
>Many have had long and successful careers before joining the astronaut program.
>Most oil drillers are alcoholics, addicted to pain killers, whose highest level of education is high school.
my question is why wasn't this a global effort? why only send TWO shuttles up?
Damn all that and they still don't know how to operate a drill
That, and NASA stole Harry's design for a drill for a mars project and fucked it up so bad they needed him to fix it and operate it.
Via ablation maybe though you wouldn't drill into it probably, would detonate it it some distance away.
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But then why do only guys from Boston work on rigs? Either that or they're fishermen.

My man! Idk what happened to her BTS. I think she fucked a lot, did a lot of drugs, got fat, rejected Hollywood, had a kid, fed him milk from her tit till he was 16, and then is starting to do B-Movies again.
Russian astronaut. American astronaut. ALL TRAINED IN TAWIAN.
Americans are the best oil drillers on the planet
So you're saying you can teach the astronaut skill set to the smartest 0.1% of drillers but you can't give the years of drilling experience to astronauts?
There is an ounce of truth to this. Offshore drilling is probably nearly as complicated as being an astronaut. And that job would take a certain kind of lunatic to attempt. And oil and gas workers are top tier lunatics
My best friend is an underwater welder. You're full of shit!
plus the drillers dont need to learn how to be astronauts. they just got some basic courses on being in space. they had astronauts with them
So the biggest lunatic of all of them then
Don't they all die at like 50?
Don't care about your irl cope, the movie addressed that:
>the smart astronauts actually assambled the drill backwards
>ywn go space crazy and fire a space chain gun on a space APC with your space friends in space
Why do I always think that was by Diablo Cody?
>What are you doing with a gun in space
Is my all time favorite line from a movie
He died in his early 30s, unrelated. But to your point, he didn't give AF about life. Before his dad went to prison, he told us a story about setting up a carnival and not getting all the money he promised. He beat up and raped this lady. Horrifying. Said she liked it too.
everyone who goes into underwater welding thinks they're the guy who's gonna make 500 big ones a year
I mix the two as well.
He was just doing his bank manager duties
Yeah man
Neither could do it alone but in the time allowed it was easier to send talented drillers into space with talented astronauts than try and train astronauts to be talented drillers
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>This entire "exchange" between Affleck and Bay sounds like bullshit.
Does it?
Someone had too much Dunkin
We need Professional Skateboarders for Mars!
They need to be able to do half-pipes and Ollie's in low gravity!

Let's review Armageddon as a logical man would. You have a short amount of time to achieve a goal, these PROFESSIONALS in their field have the muscle, the skills, the group coordination, and the intent to achieve a goal they're familiar with, but they cannot fly a spacecraft.

Let's switch tactics, Weightlifters are needed in space, are you going to get wimpy masonic Weirdo astronauts to bulk up and magically get hundreds of pounds of muscle in a weekend? How about other professions which take decades to master? Which is easier, get some random dudes space ready while retaining their years of skills while some Masonic retard drives the spacecraft or getting teams of Astronauts to master deep water oil rig drilling in a weekend?

Granted it was a stupid worthless movie, but skills take time to master along with the muscles to exercise those skills.

Note the retarded Plothole Bonanza in the DARK KNIGHT RISES. When at the ending "John Blake" is given the Batcave with no training, no muscles exercised to survive the rigors of vigilante grappling gun swinging, no money to repair damaged or lost equipment, no connections to people that can build more equipment, no safety warnings for the explosive wrist blade ejectors (which can cut heads and limbs off) on Batman's super suit. And all this while living under a rebuilt mansion full of bored poor orphans and having a time-consuming day job as a police detective.

Sure... he's gonna be THE NEW BATMAN... like the retarded gaunt smug infantile-IQ lesbians that followed later could survive one night of crime fighting as "BATWOMAN".
You’d send a boy to do a man’s job, son?
civilians should keep their mouths shut about things they don't know shit about.
None of that shit matters because you cannot train someone to have decades of experience in something.
Also most astronauts by that time were retards with little experience on anything except simulators, the ubermensch astronaut you're thinking of were already a thing of the past by the 90s
The only honors you guys get is cancer.
DUMB STICK-INSECT LESBIAN tries to be BATWOMAN, gets emotionally and physically exhausted trying to lift a 20-pound box.

Tries to swing on grappling gun line (spindle-thin zero muscle shoulders get ripped out of socket joints in arms). Tries to run down escaping bad guy, gets winded after 15 feet of jogging. Tries to capture a 7-year-old criminal, he out muscles her and pins her to the ground in 30 seconds. 91-pound wimp cuntoid tries to do judo moves on on a 180-pound unfit man with zero prior exercise, he effortlessly sits on her, until her lungs run out of air, she dies.

Unskilled morons lacking muscle and lacking training will always lose against untrained morons with genetically superior muscle and zero training. And that's not even covering "Skill Issues" such as Maximizing Calorie Reserves for hours only intense labor, how to prevent psychological boredom, how to master hand eye coordination.

Almost nobody goes from untrained newbie as a piano player to grandmaster piano genius in 5 minutes with no training. Likewise, you don't get Karate Master skills just by 5 minutes of watching others do the routines. But ACTORS think they can roleplay anyone's life because a support team will fake up the skill tree holes with special effects and audio dubbing and montages.
Worst take I have ever seen
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I think about that film every time I play DRG.
no, benny is a cunt

drilling is harder than being in space, you're just being in space, existing in space

astronauts are the biggest psyop in the history, the real heroes are the ones who actually build the rockets, yet amerikkka celebrates idiots who rode them into space
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puts some PBUH on Bin Al Fleck's name
You want them to celebrate their nazi scientists? Ok....
This is absolutely true.
But the nuance missing is astronauts have to do the absolutely correct thing every time where as, I work around offshore people and I have seen a lot of cocaine related dereliction of duty or flat out negligence
But that's all they have to do. Easy job

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