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Hollywood is full of objectively bad people: pedos, rapists, abusers, hedonistic degenerates, bullies, con-men, scammers, liars, etc
Even the "good" ones are nihlistic materialists (as in: only care about: status, attention, money, sense pleasure, power)
Worse, the entire place unironically supports the idea of creating dystopian authoritarianism ("Brave new world" type)
So why do these fuckers think they're the good guys?
They don't. It's just a deflection for the brain dead idiots who take anything these overpaid morons seriously. "Global warming bad! Now look over there while I fly out in my private jet to my super yacht where I'll use embezzled studio money to fly out a group of barely 20 year old girls in my private jet where I'll spend the afternoon knuckle deep in emotionally damaged gash."
they're jewish
Projection + their (((overlords))) give them a pay cheque to spew whatever nonsense they tell them to. Actors used to be the lowest rung of society, now they are glorified
Watch this, it explains LA culture:
1)Hollywood culture was create by outcasts of white-anglo-protestant society (in the early 20th century), that is: Jews, feminists, homosexuals, cutlists, socialists, pedophiles, zoophiles, etc.
2)Due to being outsiders they felt extreme bitterness towards anglo-protestant-society, and created a moral system were opposing anglo-protestants values was considered a moral good.
3)Due to the organization neccessay for hollywood movies (and it's expense), Hollywood developed a culture similar to a medieval court (that is ass kissing, group think, etc). This why they're "fake", and make a point of "virtue signaling" (similar to conformist viewa in a medieval court setting)
> Actors used to be the lowest rung of society
And they will be again. Nature always moves to its natural state. Actors are no better then prostitutes. And should be treated as trash. (
they know theyve fucked up by accepting the humiliation ritual. the tiniest spectre of Godness inside of them is letting out a final message before its death, which is to tell people to do good
>pedos, rapists, abusers, hedonistic degenerates, bullies, con-men, scammers, liars, etc
Its funny how all of these describe the 2016-2020 President and everyone who supports him
Biden's a literal pedo. Dude was literally caught on video.
How do you know they're pedophiles?
One has nothing to do with the other, you fucking idiot. How do you know they're pedophiles?
they're jewish (you are)
I might be Jewish, what does that have to do with anyone being a pedophile, bro?
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Cause they aint Christian
That literally is a non-sequitur.
Ah yes, that is why there are so many cars, nature moving towards its natural state.
Trump literally praised a child trafficker while hugging him on camera and talking about how wonderful it was he liked young girls.
Christian are also pedos, though, mary was definitely underage when god raped her out of wedlock.
better than getting lectured by some faggot in an imageboard.
nice get
>digits wasted on normie reddit political takes
It’s over…
Almost everyone in this pic is a piece of shit. Spacey’s a grapist, Pitt’s a child abuser, DeGeneres is a vile bully, Jolie is a narcissist, Streep is a Weinstein defender, Jennifer Lawrence is a literal prostitute, Cooper banned chairs on his set on Maestro, Julia Roberts is a diva and a homewrecker…
because soulless americans treat them like gods
Nah, normies pretend that political leaders aren't compromised pedos under the thumb of intelligence organizations and their front men like Epstein.
So...you hitting those Moscow posting quotas, right? Gotta get those vodka and beet rations, Boris!
You sound like one of those hysterical posters who believes everything that crazy days and nights says, and/or your garden variety misanthrope on twitter. Jennifer Lawrence has dumb political takes but doesn't seem like a bad person to me.
>only Russians hate Hollywood
weird flex
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>So why do these fuckers think they're the good guys?
I've thought about this for a while.

I think it's 4 things:
1. Someone is paying them. No really. It's not their opinion and some billionaire leftist group says we pay you and you get more roles.

2. They're developing a personality or world view outside film and being a shitlib. Because the serious ones, that eventually get knee deep in the politics, usually back off or disappear because they realize what the world is and the more serious factors that have nothing to do with the left or right.

3. Its what the believe, but like most humans have a one tract mind. So they probably don't connect the 2 until after the fact.

4. Money is power and it produces a placebo effect. They think they must have done something right to get all that money and gives some an inflated ego

There's more but I don't feel like writing it all.

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