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>Tfw a bunch of zoomers are starting to find out that the people who made the heckin chungus funny time show are actually edgy chuds who’ve been ragging on progressivism for a decade

TOP KEK wonder what’s gonna happen when they realize OneyPlays loves Sam Hyde too
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>all of these meme words
Please take a break from the internet for your own sake.

Why doesn't HBO Max have million dollar extreme?
Kathleen Kennedy
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a toast! to noticing
I’d rather vote for Trump than be pro-trans, pro-illegals, pro-crime, etc
Bidensissies vote against their own ethnic interests
Voting for trump is voting for a criminal tho, you're pro-crime when it suits you
Are you even from the United States?
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Why wouldn’t I be? Was this some kind of retort?
Are you nigga?
take this with a grain of salt, but I spoke with one Sam Hyde's exes and apparently he used to have hardcore cp on his computer.
Most of /pol/ appears to consist of foreigners that can’t vote in our elections.
I’m just wondering if Max can survive the backlash from hiring actual nazis
Kind of like the ones that the faggot you voted for let en masse into the country for the census huh
I mean, JonTron outed himself as a total ethnonationalist and is still super popular.

I don't think leftists care as much as you guys think they do.
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>farts big green hair out of ass
>makes old youtube video reference
People are literally malding on reddit becuase Zach vocally stuck up for JonTron

Obv not all crimes are the same, which is why there are different kinds of punishments. Although, i dont expect you to understand
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These Smiling Friends troll posts HAVE to be either Zach or Michael taking the piss. Also this nigga just linked a RESET ERA ARTICLE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
idk what this shit is but it's a poorly drawn cartoon and thus druggie coded and not based nor chud enough for my tastes. If you've ever even considered viewing this slop it means you are a crust apologist and need to get your testosterone checked asap.
zomg no way!
Reddit is gonna freak!
>a bunch of zoomers
where? where do you see this?
like 5 retards on twitter?

>currently in hot water
If Obama can get away with drone striking an American citizen I reallt don’t care about whatever mundane shit Trump did. See you in November!
Wow I guess two wrongs do make a right
If you’re not from the United States, nothing you’ve ever posted here or on any other board matters.
Just anecdotal here but ever insta post of the show has some retards talking about how the sleepycabin stuff is problematic. I googled it further and people are indeed bringing it up on reddit and tiktok and shit
JonTr*n literally never recovered. Anyone who still supports him is intentionally keeping their head in the sand
Please be joking
Some of us have friends
>Losing argument
>Well actually *completely makes something up*

Obfuscation is gay, anon, just say you have nothing poignant to say and move on, I’ll be voting for Trump come November
>>>/co/mblr tranny thread
go back faggots
smoke weed and watch cartoons anon surely life will just work itself out for you good luck
What I said is accurate. You’re not from here but you definitely pretend to be on 4chan. Flags on all boards.
He was right, no population should be forced to accept their obvious intended replacement quietly and blacks do commit more crimes.
He gets over a million views per upload, he's doing pretty good.

I'm convinced nobody who complains about leftists here actually knows many leftists. You guys are stuck in some 2014-era bubble where your impression of left wingers is that one red headed feminist freaking out at a protest.

does this defeat the narrative that they cancelled Sam Hyde cause he was racist? Sam pissed off the wrong jews is what he did.
Again, you have nothing to actually say, yet keep on bumping the thread and giving me those sweet delicious yous. What are you gonna do when Trump wins?
The season was like 90 minutes total
Flags on all boards so you worms can’t hide anymore.
Sleepycast was ALWAYS right leaning. People finding this out are zoomers who thought Smiling Friends was their new queer hugbox and draw shit like

Sam was a little bitch and annoying to work with and made enemies left and right at Adult Swim. Pissing off that one buzzfeed jew just gave them the excuse they needed to axe his primadonna
Irl leftists are passive aggressive egoists who use social justice as a bludgeon to advance their class interests (getting paid more to work less)
Keep going, this is fun. Answer the question about what you’re gonna do when he wins.
>Sleepycast was ALWAYS right leaning
Like the episode where the Jew and his wife discuss their favorite porn subscriptions? Or the one with the Swiss loli porn artist? Or all the episodes with Corey who draws furry porn for a living? Or the stories about getting blackout drunk and vomiting everywhere?
That's why Charls blamed Sam for the cancellation
Yeah right leaning people never drink or watch porn.
I’ll repeat: If you aren’t from the United States, nothing you do or say matters. Boot all foreigners from 4chan. I think Trump would agree with me.
Yeah? What do any of those things have to do with not being right leaning? Lmfao
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I’ll repeat: I’m a US citizen that will be voting for Trump. He will win. What will you do? Answer the question!
Right wingers want to ban porn and promote conservative social values like temperance and religiosity

Stop acting dumb, obviously a pedophile porn artist and a tranny dating furry obsessed gooner aren't right wing.
I would encourage him to buy 4chan and kick all the disgusting foreigners out. You know who you are.
I'm right wing and drunk currently.
Right wing mutts drink constantly have you never been to a Nascar event, they're all alcoholics, working class and blue collar right wingers are the heaviest drinking people you will ever meet.
So you are pro billionaire bootlicker and anti working class?
>2 people from a podcast (one being a two time guest) have non-right behaviour so that means every one else is a leftist!!!

You people really are retarded
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Zoomer leftists and /co/ trannies really hate this show huh? Thanks! I will watch it
Bots, and nazis. Worthless views.
You thing trans people and illegals are good things?
Man. Ron Paul memes were great.
>They're actually right wing even though they hang out with degenerate porn artists, criminals, and trannies
This is so funny, you have literally 0 arguments for why they're right btw
Food is almost double the price of what it was under Trump, will you not be satisfied until we're waiting in bread lines?
Charls was absolutely right to. Sam is way too much of a loose cannon and just sabotaged the whole project. Can't shut the fuck up for two seconds to not step on your own foot.
I'm pretty left wing and I enjoy it
Better than being a billionaire bootlicker. Immigrants and trans don’t bother me
I know you haven’t actually watched sleepycast or oneyplays but you can be friends with other artists (newgrounds crew was massive) and still disagree with them politically. There’s a video of Zach saying nigger in this very thread.
I don't know you but I'm going to guess you're not actually right wing, you just got kicked out of left wing politics when social justice shit took over. That also describes sleepy cabin. They don't become right by virtue of rejecting the mainstream left.
Same, nothing in the actual show itself that I’ve seen screams alt-right. From what I’ve gleaned, it’s mostly the weirdo parasocial fanbase wanting their e-friends to be on their team.
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This scene really made me uncomfortable, I don't like how this show pushes propaganda like this.
Most likely because you yourself don’t live in a large American city effected by these things
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
>i am a 30-something-loser who feels smug that I know more autistic eceleb lore than high schoolers
Biden inherited Trumpflation I don’t blame Biden
I second this. I tell myself it’s ai generated to try and save a shred of hope for humanity but the reality is we have created a generation of retards who’s only knowledge of the outside world comes from the internet. I actually discard the opinion of anyone who types like OP online.
I haven't been leftist since I was 15, Trump converted me from Bernie through meme magic in 2016
I will never watch this regardless of its politics. It seems reddit.
Bill Nye the science guy was electrocuted to death and the government is run by “worms”, that racist spanish caricature, the show saying catholicism was correct, ect ect.. You’re doing the very thing you’re describing by ignoring the humor on display.
Maybe housing and groceries will be cheaper if we have 50 million more brown migrants come over in the next 10 years.
I have watched both, I just don't think political affiliation begins and ends with saying no-no words.
I think you’re reading too much into it. Like I said, this show has an obsessive parasocial fanbase full of weirdos.
>>Tfw a bunch of zoomers are starting to find out that the people who made the heckin chungus funny time show are actually edgy chuds who’ve been ragging on progressivism for a decade

Holy buzzword salad, worse than ebonics
Lol do you think it was leftists that got mad at Dylan Mulvaney for being on a Bud Lite can? Most right wingers are blue collar types that drink all the fucking time.
Yeah…weirdos that think the show is a leftist cutesy cartoon made be fellow progressives. The creator of the show said nigger on a podcast hundreds of times lmao you are not who he cares about entertaining
It's anti laziness, anti cancel culture, anti nihilism. These are basically all leftism is
That’s right, keep your head in the sand, chancellor. We’ll be out here doing the right thing.
How many more billionaire tax cuts do we need to go through ?
Prices didn't go up until spring of 2021, they were actually at their lowest during Trump's covid tenure
I had a lefty acquaintance start shrieking at me once because I brought some chick fil a to a game night lol
See, you’re exactly the type of person I’m talking about. Someone that’s spent countless hours listening to podcasts and have latched onto these strangers.
I had to live with a guy that watched the show nonstop so much I cant even watch it anymore. He'd rewatch the episodes over and over then pull out his phone and watch clips of it. I liked the show until I had to live with that dude.
Refer to >>200776752
>Know who creators of something are by listening to them
>See, you think you know the type of people they are

Is mental gymnastics a leftist thing exclusively? What the FUCK are you even saying
Charlie crossdressed and there is overall just kind of a homoerotic vibe to the series at times.
That and Mr Frog (Most likely the Trump Analogue) was not exactly shown to be in a good light

so maybe they are right-wing but probably not 4chan approved
I'm an alcoholic atheist pedophile porn addict and as right wing as it gets
You have no idea what you're talking about you nigger retard
Just pointing out that this show appears to have the same type of 4chan creepy weirdo fanbase as Cum Town and MDE/Sam Hyde.
I had a similar experience desu but I went back left after a few years. I don't really like the mainstream movements of either side though. Both seem to stand for increasing centralization.
How are these comparable problems?
The government spends tax dollars of killing foreigners, paying off political favors and infringing our rights. Its not a big concern of mine that the government has less money than it could
They're like vultures. He's not even overtly political so they really have to go dig in order to go after someone for assumed thought crimes. I hate leftists so fucking much.
imagine if they find out what Tomar made zach do
>Bill Nye the science guy was electrocuted to death
In Family Guy, Lois beats up a strong woman feminist type and encourages Peter to be more masculine
>and the government is run by “worms”
That's a riff on a common conspiracy theory, not political
>that racist spanish caricature
Family Guy also does this
>the show saying catholicism was correct
Yeah again, Family Guy shows god and Jesus as real, but I wouldn't call FG or McFarlene right wing
Let me guess, you're in favour of mass-immigration of specifically brown 3rd worlders and you believe you're pro working class?
Pretty sure there's a sleepycabin episode where Zach literally calls himself a leftist
Sounds like beta simp behavior to advocate for billionaire economic interests while the middle class is extinct
So you're pro-crack-smoking and little-girl-raping?
Leftists don't realize how many enemies they're making.
They're so far up their own asses with propaganda that they're totally divorced from the reality of the world. If trans rights and poopy butt sex is the hill they want to die on okay, but its a strange hill to pick. The thing is they think niggers and Hispanics would be their faithful soldier servants in any civil war scenario.
>this guy literally wearing a nazi uniform said he’s a leftist, so I guess he’s not a nazi
That’s what you sound like
>weirdos that think the show is a leftist cutesy cartoon made be fellow progressives
Lmao, who thinks this? Anyone who knows Psychicpebbles doesn't think this for one nano-second.
Are they right leaning or just normal millennials that grew up in an early internet culture with edgy memes and don't really do they overly sensitive leftoid thing of being crybabies at every perceived offense?
>this guy is right wing because he said nigger
That's what you sound like
>Mr Frog
>trump analogue
Boy you're stupid. The Mr Frog episode was explicitly about cancel culture, it had nothing to do with Trump. Mr Frog is a stand-in for a character/actor that everyone loved for decades, then said/did one morally questionable thing and became persona-non-grata.
I'm a leftist. We should vote Trump to accelerate things
By todays standards yes, ragging of leftism makes you somewhere adjacent to the right
He did though, if his views have suffered it's because his uploads are very infrequent. Nobody gives a shit about the Destiny debate except for terminally online leftists that look for things to complain about.
There are no words to describe the backwardness of your perception of reality.
Trump is pro pedo and pro Zionist vote since he was best friends with Epistein
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People trying to coopt youthful rebelliousness for their political factions are really fucking gay.
you're a gormless limp wristed cunt for propagating this poison
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>since he was best friends with epstein

Meanwhile we have Biden's daughter's diary saying that he molested her in the shower, lmao. Cope and seethe shitlib, and get in front of poopy-pants Joe so he can rail you after doing a line of adderal off a 10 year old girls naked pussy, you fuckin degen-muppet kike.
Ok sick chud freak

I'm a leftist and I think the ultimate goal should be to achieve a decentralized anarchic society like the early internet, where groups and membership are fluid, constantly forming and dissolving based on people's needs. I don't really see either candidate allowing that kind of world. Both will massively support intelligence agencies and permit corporate consolidation.
hey man, we care about you
get your alcoholism and porn addiction under control
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Come up with another insult, preferably one that actually sounds insulting, instead of a limp-tongued insult that only a cucked faggot dickless loser would say, "chud", lmao.
u mad
You're boring.
you cannot tell me that they werent at least referencing trump there eh
>total ethnonationalist
You mean like Israel?
>intentionally keeping their head in the sand
I support him.

>but don't you care about what he said
No, because I think the same exact thing. So what?
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>loving your country, God and friends is BAD
Is this meant to be an own? I don't like Israeli politics one bit
No, they really weren't. They try to be non-political as possible. Even in the presidential episode this season they barely made any references to Trump or Biden.
Isn’t Bill Nye a pretty dated target? His short-lived Netflix show was like seven years ago.
So you support the dissolution of the state of Israel?
All he does is eat the bug
He was forced upon children by lazy science teachers in the education system
It's amazing how spot-on this post is.
Zach Hadel is like a decade too young to have been watching Bill Nye when it was current.
Yeah. I think modern states are kind of retarded to begin with and Israel's just a good example of why.
Sounds like I struck a nerve with this chuddie lol
The teacher that played him the most when I was in middle school got fired for watching porn on his school computer
Would you seriously ever say that word irl
He's ironically shitposting.
I say incel instead of chud in irl conversations
I started saying it to my right wing friends as a joke and now I can't stop
So you admit chud is a silly word
How could anon have responded without sounding like an angry chud?
How did they miss it? That's all he does professionally, is be offensive and shocking. I'm shocked he got a show in the first place.
Zach cucked yet?
No reason to unless you poke the hornets nest like Hyde
Ah, so words mean nothing to you.
That whole ironic anti-humor era of adult swim had pretty much run its course by the time MDE came along anyway. It felt dated.
I agree but it got decent ratings and would have been renewed if Sam wasn't a drama queen douchebag, it was like the heir apparent to Tim and Eric though many others tried to be.
JonTron is a literal Aryan
He's persian for fucks sake
of course he's ethnonationalist
he is also fat
that doesn't hurt either
Charls is a retard who needs to learn how to spell his own fucking name
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>be American
>don't have a criminal record
It's like you don't even, like, get freedom. Y'know?
Gadsby was a book that didn't carry any E's in it.
Why should Charls?
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>about a week ago
>talking with friend about funny JonTron bits
>one friend just blurts out, "He's racist!" like he's Kanye during Katrina
>conversation is dead silent, awkward silence
>buddy suddenly blurts out, "I don't like 'em! I don't like goblins! OOOOOOHHHH!
>I lol
>buddy lol's
>JonTron hating buddy logs off
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The amount of Abrahamic references in this episode is insane.
I'm more left leaning idealistically, but realistically more right leaning. I wish we had a homogenous society like the Scandinavian countries where we can have equal sharing in society but the USA is so big everything just goes to ungrateful niggers.
>banned for dismissing concerns of white supremacist thought

What the fuck does this even mean LMAO
Get the fuck off discord, anon.
No. Our server is just for irl friends. We game and watch kino together. Seethe moar
zach remains unfathomably based
>mfw my lazy science teachers were based and would play Eye Witness episodes and other actual scientific documentaries
You know you can scale economies according to population size? Muh homogenous society is a very weak right wing talking point against universal healthcare
beakmans world better anywho
I'm willing to learn. How does a scaling society ensure leeches don't get anything?
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Obama's going to end up being the only person I ever vote for.
You could always write in Hitler
what are you even saying
Absolute unit
>S1 youtube Allen compilation tries to label him as gay
>S2 Allen episode starts with him waking up in a bed with a woman(female) telling him how good he was last night
You'd be hard-pressed to find a millennial who didn't watch him as a kid. He's up there with Wishbone in terms of 90s kid edutainment icons. I'd imagine many early zoomers were exposed to him, too. Hell, now that millennials are teachers, they probably show him to Gen Alpha kids.
He used to be very admired but then his return defending modern gender politics has made people hate him.
>be named "the science guy"
>defending troons
Loses all credibility
Not surprising, his original run was meant to teach science to kids in a fun, and engaging way, while his return was to be le heckin' comfy nostalgia blanket for redditors in their 30s
>first run
>science is so cool!
>second run
>suck the girl cock bigot
>Hey kids, this is how chromosomes work!
Ten years later
>no, cut all that, cut it all out, science changed somehow and gender doesn't exist except for when you change yours
I guess he must've grown an extra chromosome over the break.
>logs off
The kids' show he was in was the only thing fondly remembered about him. He was notoriously a dick IRL and the Netflix show was gay as hell.
He literally isn't.
t. almost as old as him
>He was notoriously a dick IRL
Give us some stories.
why is everyone talking about this show now? isn't this that shitty cartoon mike did a voice for ages ago?
If you insist.
>teacher puts on bill nye and then leaves the room
>retarded kid starts convulsing in his seat because he loves bill nye so much
>other kids notice and start laughing, it only encourages him
>he gets out of his seat and dances a jig to the theme song
>his phat retard cock is flopping around, all the guys are cheering him on like a football game
>his dick actually flops out of his sweatpants, the girls start screaming and generally ruining the atmosphere
>the guys are giving him a standing ovation
>im laughing so hard I almost throw up
>the teacher comes running into this mess that happened in the course of 2 minutes
>no movies for the rest of the year
How are you proud of that? Kill yourself. He is literally the root of all evil.
Second season just ended recently, slowpoke.
I don't think that's what the other anon was asking for, lol
Fucking christ
i won't watch it, too ugly
i don't know why americans decided at some point in the late 90s/early 2000s that if something is a cartoon it must be ugly as shit and full of deformed monstrosities
Americans should be hanged for being a plague on the world
Along with Chinks, niggers, pajeets and Brits. Kikes too.
american website
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>JonTron is a literal Aryan
>He's persian for fucks sake
Higher caste Indians (Like Nikki Haley) are actually more Aryan then Persians.
>t. Low test chud
I don't he's jewish so your insult doesn't make much sense.
You should kill yourself
Far right chuds struggle with being emasculated and using far right ideology to cope with having a baby dick
You won't get anywhere in life watching cartoons instead of filling your belly with diet soda and playing burnout revenge on the ps2.
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cool it with the antisemitism, anon
The stupidity of what you believe is baffling.
You deserve nothing good nor rights and i hope your brain stops being retarded
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It's a start I give them another 5-7 years in the light. See they do this thing where they treat you really well and let you have a buddy. Well over time they build you up you make a billion dollar ip and a nice sum for yourself no royalties these days though all digital and shit so you better not blow it. Anyway then they hit you everything you've done ever they've been building a case building you up like you're an animal in a slaughter house on the staircase then you're fucking nothing. Many cartoonist go this way you take a bow and work on someone else's shit after already doing that for years and years to become a show runner then lose it or you're someone who knows something or someone. Maybe your tied to Baskin Robins like your favorite meme or maybe you're like the guy who made sneed right place right time saw the right thing it's just how it works sometimes those people are blessed and cursed maybe losing your place in the world isn't so bad when youre not in as deep as those people. There's benefits to being a little fish in a big pond sometimes sure sometimes you get eaten like some I mentioned but sometimes you slip through the cracks and live a comfy life with lots of food and space. Even if you're Jewish it's not always easy do you think every white was a W.A S.P when they ruled. Just some thought I really like film and television and think they are great mediums to discuss the history and philosophy of our wonderful world. What are your favorite movies. Fren
Do these people never go outside and interact with anyone?
More than you, that's why they don't tolerate bigotry, is because they have to deal with real people and you don't
Honestly niggers are fucking shit sometimes and everyone knows it but nigger behavior is not always a color thing and I hate the people who run the bank. Simple as. I can tolerate most other people. My spic uber driver the other day was a real cunt but the Egyptian one was based live and learn
Target of what?
They didn't really make fun of him or anything about him personally, just the fact that there is no scientific explanation of death that is actually comforting to people who are going to die.
It's cute that you lighter shades of brown think you're not niggers. Stop fighting roosters and get better music la puta
>there is no scientific explanation of death that is actually comforting to people who are going to die.
You mean being done with the shitshow of life isn't comfort enough for you?
Obviously not for you or you would have already made yourself done.
These libtarded cancelfags love to say people are "in trouble" but very often it is just them who give a shit
I got obligations, man. Just because I look forward to being done doesn't mean I'm a cunt who doesn't understand that certain things need me right now.
>They didn't really make fun of him or anything about him personally,
But they made fun of him anyway and that's crime enough these days.
>forgets gina carano
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Sometimes they revive you and the gun method doesn't always work so it is a horrifying concept. NTA not my experiences I don't even exist I'm not even posting right now. Seriously though it's a pain in the ass to sow yourself up you're gonna do that or go to a mental ward. People used to regularly cut themselves open on /b/ like the bitch with the smiley stomach who played with her guts. Don't take a bunch of shit unless you're gonna go somewhere no one can find you and leave a will if you love atleast one person. Ideally though don't be a cunt and just work on yourself you're here for a reason just work with it you're just slowing down the process for everyone and killing yourself is years of progress wasted. It's not hard to fix your life if you just look at it like your favorite media and role models would and actually do it instead of sit on ass post on 4chan neet leech. If you have nightmare parents learn to rizz fuck a girl who has a car dip don't be fucking picky about some things only if the ship is stable cause getting away from your parents in current year is hard and most of you are socially retarded cause you had the most selfish fucking parents on this earth. Not all of you some of you this doesn't apply to but I know it does to alot of you. Btw causes are stupid unless they make real immediate change even if incremental and stay proactive this kinda thing in this pic is forgotten in an instant where as people like Killdozer and Sky king live in the hearts of crazy people. Look all im saying is if you wanna die maybe you should try living for once faggot and let's say it doesn't work out how much of a bitch are you to go out like one. You got a choice there most people don't the world's yours buddy. Good luck hope you find a nice partner something that brings you joy and don't feel so down.
>This is a board for film and television sars
No, you aren't actually obligated to do anything except that and you clearly don't look forward to it too much if you keep procrastinating and putting other things ahead of it.
You don't sound very comforted by your inevitable death at all, that ugly block of text is quintessential death anxiety.
>dude just abandon your family n' sheeit, be the selfish bastard you were always born to be
Hold on, anon, I'll die in good time, don't worry, but until then I've got shit to do even if you haven't.
>one morally questionable thing
Anon I think you might be retarded
No, they made fun of the fact that science and science explainers can't actually help people deal with their mortality, not of him specifically.
God you're such a faggot. I don't have a problem with it my time is my time I've had many encounters with death and have lost many. Such nigger behavior can't read and just bitches get the fuck off my board you actually should kill yourself why not you can't even write a 4chan post and are so fucking sorry you can't read. Goodbye pissant. I hope if there is an after life we can meet so I can bitch slap you cause you can't afford to go where I do if not at least my cemetery will have a gate and keep niggers like you out my plots paid for get enough bitches on your dick to have a say and a will lil nig
With that attitude, you will always have shit you would like to do instead of rotting and die which is why you will never actually be comfortable with dying.
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Leaving forever is nigger behavior.
Leaving to grow and returning is hero behavior.
For people so young and stupid I am shocked you haven't played Grand theft auto San Andreas or seen Boys in the hood for the film reference. Maybe Citizen Kane but that's to high class for you I forget this is a thread for adult swim that isn't the venture brothers.
You leave and don't come back you'll always wish you did if you're not just hanging on by a thread. Any man of worth will have things that can't be replaced. I know alot of you are too poor in body mind spirit and wealth to get that but it is what it is.
Worst episode of the OP this season was Boss gets married season 1 was better as a whole
>I can't cope with death so no one can
Don't fear the reaper, anon. Make friends with some old people, most of them are pretty cool with the idea of not hurting every time you wake up.
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whites think some false dichotomy means shit, proclaiming manufactured ideals created in some think tanks and served to the mindless public as a paradigm the cattle can operate in

its not left, its not right, youre the problem, npcs avataring the kali yuga parasting and terraforming the dark age , gtfo along with your self righteous bullshit proclaiming shit in spite of itself
Do you wanna play Russian roulette on a live stream? No cheating have to show barrel etc? I am really sick of people like you who treat death like it's something that is a huge concept. It happens like shitting. So if you are so interested do you want to play with me or are you too young to own such toys? God fucking teenagers I swear underage
Exactly, you are so scared of death you have to start talking about afterlife like a retarded child.
People only watch this show because of Oneyplays, right? No one just happened to stumble across it and like it.
>Prove you aren't afraid of death by staying alive as long as possible.
Ok retard.
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You're strong and you're brave you're a big woman for you
>I am really sick of people like you who treat death like it's something that is a huge concept.
You're the only one here who's implying that. The other guys seem pretty okay with accepting it as part of life.
If you were just as fearless of letting yourself die as you were of letting your retarded argument die, you would already be as dead as your dead retarded argument.
Lol okay retard. Have a nice summer I hope your new clothes from box lunch fit now that you're off the SSRI and are into hanging around graveyards. Pick up smoking at least when you give head you'll have something to roll of the tongue ring
Kanye is based though
Shhh, he's having an episode.
No, still clearly too scared to actually face it head on in a simple game of life and death.
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Why do perma-online tards care so much about the political leaning of everyone? God forbid you consume some content made by someone who doesn't vote the same as you, the horror!
i got this vibe when i saw the halloween episode. one character not wanting to dress up for halloween because he thinks everything will be considered offensive. not wanting to think or engage with why some costumes have been considered offensive. that might not be enough on its own, but later on in the episode when a monster that has been chasing arrives at the halloween party is mistaken for someone dressing up in blackface (because it's apparently so easy to do by mistake) and is angrily attacked and killed by the crowd
Thanks anon but that kids to young to even own a gun much less drive. He's honestly beneath me but sometimes it's fun to engage with teenagers they say what they think even if they're fucking stupid lol. Better than the weird stars and symbols people you deal with as an adult if you aren't a loser less cryptic. Anyway have a good night I think it's clear this is the same little kid who posts about this show on /co/ or just the little shit from new grounds shilling himself God I am old
Saw this too kek. Idk if it is a permanent badge for something he previously posted or if that badge means that post currently has him banned for 2 weeks becuase they think thst post is handwaving what someone else has posted which coukd be interpreted as white supremacist thought. Literally makes no sense
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Yes and now you can make content for you're epic 4chan meme compilations cause you're all creatively bankrupt. Make some fucking OC you parasites.
Seriously though glad to make you laugh laughter is a good thing and we need more of it be a family guy a big guy and make something funny on this board today.
Everyone laughs til he builds God's temple and sees glow in the darks. Then he's a folk hero once he's gone. No wonder you people killed Jesus.
>Remember our job is to make people smile!
>All this yapping because leftists can’t accept Zach is a chud

Just move on, he’s been saying nigger and faggot for years on camera, it’s over it’s not for you
Damn nigga quit yapping with those dick sucking lips. You move them lips for nothing but dick and it still don't make yo momma love you. Biatch
Make sure you vote Trump!
Bro I fucking love Israel so much I circumcised your dick you have no idea
That slump when he dies gave me flashbacks to all the fucked up shit I've seen on /gif/
They could have took it further and had him shit himself when he fell out really don't see why Bill Nye the Science guy got so mad about a biological function. He fucking trusts the science
The billionaires all vote Dem now, and the working class all votes Republican. Your talking points are from party coalitions that existed 20 years ago, a lot has changed in the meantime.
that honestly sounds better than being a paid shill on 4chan.reddit.com/r/televisonandfilm trying to drum up a culture war around said cartoons.
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Kek first time on Reetardera?
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You two act like any of this shit matters. God even the funny worm cartoon told you this. Who gives a fucking shit unless you're willing to go to these people's residence and discuss with them why they are raping and robbing you you really don't care and once you figure it out usually you just join the winning team cause the losers are retards like you who shit everything up thinking any of that shit matters when you get a president who isn't a bitch they actually get him out like Nixon or blow his head off successfully like Lincoln and Kennedy. Sometimes you get to be the guy who makes the order and you and one of your kids gets to be president. Hey Zach you stupid fuck if you're here shilling your dumb recycled lets play ideas maybe put down the green juice and get retired dude cause you're here looking for an that's baaad brother.
>Charlie's Uncle takes Allan on a fishing trip and Charlie doesn't know what the fuck is going on ft Dr monster
There you hack let's see what you recycle next season!
>Anyway I just wanted to let you know I was just wondering if you wanted to smoke weed and fill our bellies with diet soda and play BURNOUT Revenge...2 for the P.S.2?
Literal schizo

Nobody watches Smiling Friends besides newgrounds refugee millenials who think Zach is their friend
Crime is COOL!
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You don't understand anon he lied to me on a Skype call years ago! He was my virtual friend simulator! I just fucking love oney plays so much I have a tattoo of Tomar god I fucking sucked off JohnnyUtah in a bar once for a front page feature.
>I agree shit posting aside
post your art anon
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Who isn't a fucking crook these days people look at you weird for caring or being nice. Isn't that a goddamn shame anon? I'm glad you get it though follow the trend and be a GANGSTAR
I had no idea who any of them were and I like the show. Therefore I don't care about them as people or their pasts or that they said mean words on the internet in 2007 or whatever.
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I went to cal arts
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this is what I hate. One of the best jokes in the series and it went right over their heads.
It's honestly annoying how they bury their work and we live in times of such self censorship because industry is controlled by so few a simple statement can cut off many prospects. Hotdiggedydemons best short is the Pulp Fiction one featuring a high tech storage facility but it's relegated to reuploads and my hard drive cause people are such pussys. It's a fucking cartoon you can do anything. It is really nice to see stuff like Unicorn War coming out though (not the Genndy one Americans) that really has something to say and does it well. We don't have autor anymore we have committees that lack grace much like our forums for discussions such as these boards. The vision of the individual is dampened in the noise of garbage a never ending trash heap compacting in itself.
>Fuck you nigger if you have time to reply you have time read
I might be schizophrenic but does anyone else feel like there are tons of writers for every episode?

>Charlie, do you still have that uncle?
>Cut to Bill Nye
>Sounds nothing like him
>”Uhm…. Im Bill Nye man, the… uhhh… science guy”
>implication being that he is Charlie’s uncle
But later
>I can’t believe we saw Bill Nye die
Wait so was it his uncle or the actual Bill Nye? Or was the implication that his uncle could hire Bill through his connections? If so it is phrased very weirdly
When narcissists get made fun of they just act like they don't remember things then deflect by getting mad at something else. I wouldn't worry much about what that board thinks. Zach's got a few more years in the business if he doesn't really fuck up. They give you a few years before your back to bitch work that's how animation works atleast you suck less cock than being an actor
The joke is that in the original video he slaps it with a bible
Bill Nye just was a thing that happens you're not schizo it was a family guy tier joke and shows how their writing is getting worse when they have to make new material. That said fuck Bill Nye Charlie's Uncle sounds like a cool guy likes his pills likes his cars yes. Charlie really loves him wish he was my uncle then I'd have a fantastic robot.
What original video?
The tussian egg homunculus video
Look man I don't know how you know that or what you're up to but you just cut it out right now okay. Mr Hadels connections to the Church are not anything weird okay it's just like a normal thing man. Don't sweat it you don't sweat every star you see do you? God you're so fucking silly. You're such a kidder. You're crazy. You're a fucking schizo. Don't fucking reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>. Zach's got a few more years in the business if he doesn't really fuck up.
I hope so, SF was refreshing compared the most western animation, if it gets cut short because of a few angry internet people I'll be upset.
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>He gets over a million views per upload, he's doing pretty good.
You don't understand, the retard said he never recovered. That settles it. They are probably only bots too, take my word on it. It's not like a have evidence on it.
You tell them girl! You totally pass, btw.
>something weird happens
>Uhhh Pim, did that thing * gulp* actually happen?
>Yes Charlie, that mildly unusual thing did actually happen!
What is this shit Family guy
I know Royal crackers is ugly to look at but I enjoy it's joke writing. Smiling friends and Crackers are two winners in my book but they need some other stuff to keep you coming back. I'm surprised I haven't started seeing smiling friends bongs and grinders in Paki smoke shops yet when I do I know it's the beginning of the end. They shouldn't have shit canned venture brothers but Warner brothers has been ran by retards for the last decade
Smiling friends is satanic you want a real Christian cartoon that would be more your speed
Paw and tales
The bear has David Bowie eyes
Want another good one Bing and Bong
If this bit isn't funny to you this is what Zach Hadels Christian shtick looks like to everyone else including people who are devout.
I don't see why it's stupid. Decentralized systems give us more power and freedom not just in how we live as individuals but in the communities we form. Centralizers always argue that things will be safer or more equal, but they're only ever equally shit as you cede more and more power to the people that dominate you.
Trading freedom for safety is a balancing act. Cities have a purpose production and consumption. I like to keep an apartment in my favorite ones but my property is always in the countryside if it isn't of some importance to my work. Make it work for you and stand up for what's right when you can
Enjoying things to excess which are best enjoyed in moderation is a problem, yes. But believing in things that aren't there is psychotic.
two more weeks
>calling a thread an article
someone shoot this zoomer in the brain right now
Sure because you totally ran that by your leader before posting it.
Do you not believe in points and math since none of that actually exists anywhere?
Your undead spokesperson endorsed a kindergarten shooter.
people today can't handle opposing worldviews so they surround themselves with whoever aligns with them, expecting a rightwinger to have leftist friends is unrealistic
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>smiling friends
>sam hyde
face/off 2: starring tranny and chud
Sure that is why you are here because everyone is so agreeable and there is such a consistent worldview.
>ends with chud stabbing tranny to death after a thrilling boat chase
>chud screaming DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!
Could be kino.
I forgive white crimes. Fucking nigger and spic crimes have their own countries to be committed in.
What does it take for universal healthcare to work? Taxes or money printer and budget restructuring. When you have niggers and spics in your country who are a massive net drain on resources, you need to tax white ppl more or make money printer print more, which will cause massive inflation if not counteracted by budget restructuring, which is essentially manpower/employment restructuring. The only reason Scandinavian countries have universal healthcare in the first place is because they have a higher percentage of white ppl than America, therefore more tax cattle to pay for it, and, through NATO alliances, end up not having their own military nor national sovereignty over their own borders because it's in America's interest to be the hegemon in world affairs and not other countries.
Listening to Oneyplays and they don't sound like mean spirited assholes like Sam Hyde or you're average chud, I'm pretty sure one of them is Jewish and they just sound like normal centrist who shit on both sides
Why the fuck would anyone use this site? You can't say anything even remotely out of line without getting banned.
Why doesn’t the federal government just reduce spending? How are they able to get into so much debt that they need to strong arm people into giving their hard earned money for 80,000 dollar missiles to shoot at goat farmers in countries I can’t even find on a map? Doesn’t make sense to me.
they always try to cancel other shows while shilling their own pilots
His opinion only aligned 98% with that of the mob (he committed the horrible crime of waiting to see more evidence before calling Zach a white supremacist)
Companies like Ratheon and Lockheed Martin can charge literally a y price for anything they sell to the US, and our government won't bat an eye
>$700 for a disposable pen?
>if that's what it costs to keep us free
I seriously hate the fucking military and the retards who worship it
Hiring bicflame was definitely the turning point
Pim says "do you still have that uncle that knows..." implying that Bill Nye was a friend of his uncle's, who called in a favor for Charlie.
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Would you be okay with it tho
Bill Nye the Science Guy originally aired from 1993 to 1999. It was made for kids born in the early to mid 80s.
With the single schizo diaperfur who's been trying to cancel the show for years because Zach said scat fetish is gross.
Glep is a nigger....
I've seen enough electrocution videos to have found it funny
But jontron was literally correct about everything. Just because you don't like the truth doesn't mean the guy revealing it is evil.
Introspecting a lot recently and realizing that I don’t need to be scared of death because death isn’t the end of your existence and you’ll eventually just come back to life as something else down the line has made it very clear to me why Smiling Friends mocks people for being okay with it.
What you need to realize is that Sam is a bitter, unlikable, gay, entitled nerd who went to school for fucking GRAPHIC DESIGN like a faggot.
Oney crew is full of bros shitposting on newgrounds and having fun and not taking things too seriously
why does all zoomer art look like this

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