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what is grandpa doing
Superman can blow up the earth. Why does he always look like he's putting in effort?
Yeah, those portable tables aren’t even heavy.
In the Justice League cartoons he's a weak bitch.
Maybe it's like that
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this is what kino really looks like
In the Justice League cartoon he's always holding back
No, he's actually significantly weaker and he needs to oxygen to survive, he almost gets choked out half a dozen times
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>muted colors
>fucking built-in abs in the suit
Baffling that anyone thought this was a good design.
It is and we loved it. Good luck with whatever's in the op.
baffling that some random nobody anon thinks he knows what makes for good design
>It is and we loved it.
You and your buddies at the scam call center don't count, Ranjeep.
holy shit he said the meme LMFAO i'm pissing myself right now
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What a downgrade
>muh color!
Looks like a cheap Halloween costume that would shred on its first flight
Try again, WB shill.
I like how there's literally a Supes storyline about him finally applying himself for real for the first time because he has krypton aids or some shit and will die in a week, and in that time he achieves world peace, cures cancer and makes a pill so everyone can temporarily have his powers
Snyder makes Cavill look a million times more heroic and sexy than the new guy. His muscles more defined and his bulge looks way better.
Everything derived from Nu52 is dogshit. I can't name a single design from that mess that was good.
>and his bulge looks way better.
It looks smaller
>and makes a pill so everyone can temporarily have his powers
That sounds very irresponsible
If only Cavill actually did anything heroic and didn't just snap necks and be edgy. Couldn't even manage a good scene with Lois.
More "dynamic".
Always liked All Star Superman because it avoided that.
>finished shot from the film with time and money put into it
BTS pic taken with a fucking phone camera
>Looks like a cheap Halloween costume
I think it's supposed to. Seems like they're going with his mom making it and only the cape being from Krypton
Cavill did heroic things but he looked like he wanted to kill himself while doing them.
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>no muscles is...LE BAD!
It's Superman, he doesn't need muscles to look strong.
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Even Snyders BTS shots looked better than Gunns BTS shots. Gunn has no excuse.
But he doesn't look strong, so what's the point?
>Cavill did heroic things but he looked like he wanted to kill himself while doing them.
Just like me watching his shitty movie.
It so heavily influenced by TDK. Why was it so fucking dark?
Serving as president of the United States.
that logo sucks so fucking bad. i dont care if its from kingdom come.
It really would look better without the lines
What portable tables?
Because of you need contrast and dark moody colors to make things look cool.
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The Superman on the right has muscles THOUGH
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>movie's called Man Of Steel
>he's not Superman
It's a movie not a cmyk comic book
it is, and the worst part is he gives it to Lois and she immediately starts flirting with outer super powered beings and Clark just takes it
Well he only gave it to Lois I think
the James Gunn one is New 52 inspired, not the Snyder one you retard
Isn't his head too big?
It would’ve been cool if they would’ve made it look exactly like the Reeves suit but instead it looks like they went halfway between that and the Snyder version so it looks sorta weird.
Amazing because I remember when MoS was coming out and people said it was New 52 inspired because it didn't have the trunks
>The Superman on the right has muscles THOUGH
But you only know that because youve already experienced the media i.e. read the comic. You havent seen the movie yet so by your own logic we do t know if the new superman has muscles or not.
You were surrounded with retards.
We can see, dude. There are BTS photos from the set. Even marketed costume reveals. Not a single muscle in any of them.
I'll concede on the collar but everything else resembles the Snyder suit.
It was here
superman has that butthole mouth
>Not a single muscle in any of them.
There's a bulging bicep in the OP. And we've already seen Corenswet's post-workout body.
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>let's adapt one of the most kino Superman pages
>but make the girl a black trans man instead
Just wait
Gunn had every chance to pull something like this in the GOTG movies but didn't. I trust him to show restraint again.
neither of these suits look right. The moment the suit insinuates armor you lost it. Supes outfit is simple because it acts like a bright colorful beacon for those in need to look up and see. He's like the red and blue sirens of a police car. Threat to some - welcomed by others. The real power isn't the suit, but the figure inside it. You should have a simple design but a very well defined muscular man wearing it. I needn't be spandex but at least form fitting and not begging for attention. Use subtle CGI to enhance musculature and tendons stressing but the rest is all in the body.
Call me crazy but that looks more like Snyder's Superman costume than Gunn's. Gunn's looks more like All Star. The only thing New 52 about is the collar and even that isn't anywhere close to as high
Goku would kick Superman's ass. I don't see the appeal of this movie.
You're pissing on the floor? Can't even use a river anymore.
Swamp Thing would one shot UI Goku
Would it have killed them to give him the S insignia? Because that's not really an S anymore
Check your eyes. It's not just the colar. The random lines follow exactly the same pattern. Be it on the costume or the boots. Snyder's suit doesn't even have them.
"ChatGPT, re-write this paragraph, but even faggier."
That's a pretty shit take honestly. He is SUPERman, the Ubermensch. He of course should look like the perfect specimen. not some lol TRUSTMEGUIZEHESCRAZYSTRONGDUDESman
What's with the bulge pads in both suits anyway
Dunno but Cavill's looks moulded. I can't imagine it was a comfortable costume
Guys dicks and balls make a noticeable bulge. Mine goes partway down my left trouser leg.
Until Superman needs a certain level of strength, it is basically being kept "locked off". He burns solar energy to use super-strength, but not always at the same level. When lifting a mountain he is using all of his currently-available strength. Then to lift something heavier he "unlocks" a greater level of strength by converting more solar energy. It is actually similar to Goku's transformations to different levels of Super Saiyan, only without the outward changes. Superman is moving up to a new level of power when he needs to, but until he does that, he is straining to make use of the level he is at.
It's there for the same reason those quad enhancing inserts are there on the Cavill costume. It breaks up what otherwise would be a flat formless portion of the costume. It just looks better with it. Middling quality cosplay often forgets about adding definition this way to break up flat smooth areas and it's one of the major reasons it ends up looking weird and amateurish.
It should be a standalone Superman story. No one fucking cares about Darkseid or the Justice League
It's a good logo in Kingdom Come because it's gigantic and has meaning behind it. This one is just a member berry for the audience.
Good thing he wore his rain boots!
I would be fine with this costume if they just made it fabric. I really don't understand this obsession with these padded biker jackets they put everyone in
Sorry WB but you literally couldn’t even pay me to watch your hackneyed Superman starring a Jewish mockery replacement of one of the prime Norman genetic specimens of our age. The average normie might be tricked at first glance but even they will be able to tell something is immediately off with this kike in the pretend role of a kind hearted white ubermensch compared to Reeves/Cavill
Clark's the nice guy type, especially towards Lois. Dude was trying to get with Lous for the longest but Batman fucked her the first day he met her.
>muted colors
>fucking built-in abs in the suit
>Baffling that anyone thought this was a good design.
You offended the faggot-ass Indians with their shit views.
Did you forget about the Peacemaker show where it had all that gay shit?
I really think he's going to get the classic S by the end of the movie.
Gunn wants to end his universe with Kingdom Come so no.
>Try again, WB shill.
Isn't that what you guys were before 2017?
Wait a minute, this image gave me an idea.
A found footage style superhero movie!
Chronicle exists and it's kino
If Gunn was smart he'd hired Snyder as a special consultant to help guide him in the right direction
That's more like AKIRA.
Still a superhero movie, even its wiki page says so
You're right
Snyder Cuck
>that bulge
>hired Snyder
Isn't he currently busy with his own epic cinematic franchise?
It is a metaphor for letting his powers get to his head. Nothing is without meaning/ purpose in a Snyder kino
I member!
>Did you forget about the Peacemaker show where it had all that gay shit?
Peacemaker literally made fun of Vigilante for having a gay dad and never apologized for it.
>Source: my ass
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(Verse 1)
Neither of these suits really look right,
The moment you rockin' armor, you outta sight.
Supes keeps it simple, bright like the day,
A colorful beacon showin' folks the way.

Red and blue like the sirens in the night,
Threat to the bad, but to the good, he's a light.
It ain't the suit, it's the figure within,
Simple design, let the real man win.

(Verse 2)
You need a fit that’s snug but not screamin’ for views,
Form-fitting style, not flashy hues.
Subtle CGI, muscles poppin’ on screen,
The rest is all body, keep it lean and mean.

Red and blue like the sirens in the night,
Threat to the bad, but to the good, he's a light.
It ain't the suit, it's the figure within,
Simple design, let the real man win.

No spandex needed, just a touch of class,
Real power's in the hero, not the mask.
Tendons flex, muscles stressin' tight,
Keep it all real, the look just right.

Red and blue like the sirens in the night,
Threat to the bad, but to the good, he's a light.
It ain't the suit, it's the figure within,
Simple design, let the real man win.

So, keep it simple, keep it tight,
Real power's in the man, not the suit's might.
In the end, it's the hero we see,
Strong and defined, like he’s meant to be.
>why doesn't the production still look like a finished product??!!
I should be surprised by how dumb some of the posts in this thread are but it is by Snyderfags so I guess I'm not surprised
>right direction
>for Superman
Nope, it's also obvious that the LAST thing they want is to be associated with the DCEU.
If Superman was real, he would stil, probably wear a really durable and tough suit that doesn't rip really easily and he might have hesitation to show off his body all the time, what's the deal with showing off your physique? Why is everyone so attached to Superheroes wearing unrealistically for fitting closing? It's just a drawing technique that is utilized because it makes the figures more interesting to look at in comic books, but having your abs show through your suit is not possible, seriously how do you get abdomen buldge? They actually gave Cavill fake abdomens in his suit, do you really need to see that?
snyder and cavill fags are unironic homosexuals
Are you forgetting bout the fat black dyke? And the white bitch?
If Superman were real no fabric would survive what he puts it through. It's like Dragonball where Goku's shirt always comes off but his pants are indestructible
Snyder wanted to turn Superman into an actual Cuck. I can understand wanting to bring back Cavill but not Snyder
Everything here looks like shit and fake
Are you fucking retarded?
I'd prefer if he wore something like this sans cape.
The in-universe explanation is that his invulnerable aura extends to skin-tight fabric too. Goku I can't explain though. But both will have their clothes damaged with enough force applied.
Battle damage looks cool though.
>totally not like superdman irl
The effort is holding himself back. Imagine picking up a cube of jello without damaging it, and it is also almost lighter than air. That's Supes with everything, he's constantly exerting effort to keep himself disciplined and prevent the steel door/train/airplane/brunette he's lifting from at once disintegrating around his hands and being flung into orbit.
It's not his actual bulge. It's a mould in the suit
Funnily enough we already know Gunn's suit will have battle damage
How does he fuck Lois?
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>Superman can blow up the earth.
He literally can't and he never did so in comics. Darkseid is like the only being in the DC universe who can destroy planets.
>The in-universe explanation is that his invulnerable aura extends to skin-tight fabric too
Fucking retarded. Just have his suit get fucked up. Having it be clean and rip free after a battle is lame
The thing this movie could do to make it a better Superman movie than we've had in decade is to fill out Superman's Metropolis supporting cast. Seems like Gunn is doing that with the Daily Planet staff, would be cool if Maggie Sawyer and Dan Turpin from the Special Crimes Unit showed up as well.
he does in the titans show and it looks like a guy thats a fan of superman instead of super boy
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How about this?
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>He literally can't and he never did so in comics.
Superman blew away a galaxy with a sneeze. But if you want a recent example of Superman destroying a planet here it is. Comics, especially Superman comics, are inconsistent
Sorry, wrong file.
That's one thing I never liked about MoS. Superman never looks hurt. When he's fighting Zod he should be spitting blood, getting a swollen eye or something to help show how desperate they is for him fighting a guy who is out of his league. As it is they both look like indestructible bricks
SDCC is less than 4 weeks away, they've got to have enough for a teaser by now.
Reminder Snyder did the 2nd most successful Superman movie only losing to the first one with Reeves.
All his movie needed was something for Superman to fight
Nah surely not if we're only just getting these photos
This scene is preachy. Also Superman writers never let him fail.

normies are gradually degenerating, sometime in the future, they`re not even able to write or read anymore, they just make farting noises and lay on the ground
lmao, they fucked up and coloured the girls legs blue in the second panel.
>Also Superman writers never let him fail.
That's pretty standard for superheroes. They always win in the end
Wasn't a planet by visual proportions nor was it destroyed
It literally says "The planet behind him shatters"
But during the journey he's never allowed to fail. Which is why Superman killing Zod made so many fans butthurt, they wanted Superman to win without committing a sacrifice.
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Will we get chud flash in this?
You've never read any Superman stories have you ?
Presumably they were filming on soundstages before this. The film is about a year away, they're definitely going to release something in Hall H.
I did, they all sucked.
Yeah ok anon. I believe you
Superman is a boring gary-stu. This is why nobody cares about him with the exception of his small fanbase.
One of the most kino moments in Superman history is Reeves' Superman failing to save Lois Lane. Sure it gets undone in a rather bullshit way but he did fail.
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I'm pretty sure Supes tries to save his dad when he has a heart attack but he can't get back to Smallville fast enough because he was too busy saving other people
Or in Superman Returns where he fails to stop Luthor and is beaten half to death
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That's what a colorless overCGIed sad sack looks like.
It's dead for a reason
brilliant shot i love this very much
>It's dead for a reason

many reasons, none of them really Snyder's fault
Colors are goo. Eyes are mede to see them.
Also the trunks are good design, and always will be.
Go watch some other characters
You keep posting snydershit to compare, but it all looks bad
>It's dead for a reason
WB's incompetence?
>none of them really Snyder's fault
Literally everything people meme on BvS for were Snyder's ideas like sperg Lex and his jar of piss
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This is what Superman should look like
a kinomatic landmark
Do you Snyderfags ever rest?
Please don't use Reeve and sad sack Cavill in the same phrase
Yeah, lat's make more unprofitable stuff that people don't like and don't want
>nu52 shit
And he cratered the IP, making it unprofitable during the capeshit fad, when competitors could make money out of literally everything
I like Morrisons New 52 Action Comics
Then leave it alone
Why would any real life human being defend the hideous BMX jacket looking suit?
Being snydershit. WB's bad call was hiring im and then not firing him at the first opportunity
Gay, shit and unrecognizable?
Doesn't make it good, or Superman.
New 52 Superman was so hated that they kicked him out of continuity
Why can't you fucking parasites just like a character for what it is or just find a cahracter that suits your tastes more?
His hands would rip through the space thing like butter. 30000 psi of pressure on such a small surface.
This always bothered me about superamn, there was a similar scene in Returns when he stopped the plane and his hands broke through the nose as he slowly descended.
At least the gay pedo director bothered to add a touch of scientific realism to this comictoon adaptation.
When you can pick up heavy stuff it still feels heavy, being strong doesn't mean you no longer put in effort.
Think of Superman's extreme limits of strength more akin to the same way we humans can be expotentially stronger during high adrenaline spikes. Supes isn't always moving mountains.
Another point is that it can come down to how much UV he's taken in or how old he is.
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The writing was good but a lot of the art on that run was bad.
>New 52 Superman was so hated that they kicked him out of continuity
That was because of how brash and cocky he was on Superman and Justice League. Morrison didn't write him like that
This. Heavy shit's still heavy, he just has no risk of hurting himself, and the effort just keeps paying dividends.
This is the most retarded, thoughtless explanation I've ever read.
>screenshot from a movie vs backstage photo
fucking RETARD
Stupid logic.
If Supes can move a 100,000,000,000,000 tons mountain but struggles with a 700 kg steel door, it'd be like a man overhead pressing 100kg but struggling to lift a 0,000000001 gram object.
He wouldn't even feel it.
Like lifting air.
refute it instead of posting a petty, sassy comment
Have any actual equivalent examples?
Are you two fucking brain dead? Something that is "heavy" for a small child could be something you could lift effortlessly.
Superman can lift thousands of tonnes. The problem he has is controlling his power
>Superman is nearly 100 years old
>people still don't have a clue how he works
JFYI, the 0,000000001 gram object is actually lighter than air itself, by all means it would feel like pushing in a vaccuum.

Any fictional being that can, through physical strength, move objects that weight in the order of thousands or millions or billions of tons is by default ridiculous.

More so than magical character I'd say.

Because you can't really understand or conceptualize how magic works, it's fucking magic. But we know how force and mass work which is why ultra strong characters -especially those living in a regular, human environment- feel so dumb.

Like the amount of self control a being like Superman or Thor or Goku would need to have to not cause an atomic explosion by clapping hands would make Buddha feel envious.
The fact that people are still compulsively sucking off Cavill to this day is hilarious. Eternal reminder that Reeves IS Superman. Imagine caring about an edgy, brooding sociopath in an awful basketball-texture suit with grey, muted colors to complete the "aesthetic". Incredibly embarrassing.
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Regardless of if you like Snyders idea for the suit being kryptonian, it still looked fantastic on set.
Stopped reading there. I don't speak reddit-spacing faggot
It doesn't look right with all of the other lines on the suit. It makes it look like over design.
The same symbol on the cape in the OP, on its own, looks good
He wrote a less mongoloid version of that, sure. But it was still an awful take
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Superman = based
Homelander, Omniman, etc = cringe + gay
That's a kike
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Reddit lives rent free in your head.
Hope for the rope.
>no trunks
Looked like shit in and out of the set
>he stopped reddit spacing when told
What a pussy
Kino. The composition's very nice
Context-spacing =/= redditspacing.
Get that through your fucking skull.

It just shows how much of a clueless newfaggot you are.
Lemme guess, election tourist? Covid tourist? Post-2022 smegma male tourist?
Holding up the sewer lines that fell so mom can poop and get it out of the house. It's a dirty job, but some bodys gotta do it.
hey you fucking shrimp dick retard, it's a movie not real life
>Context-spacing =/= redditspacing.
Finally somebody saying this.
So tired of faggots using the plebbit spaycin' buzzword.
They can't help it.
It never made any sense though. If you were going to actually follow through on this idea that it's a kryptonian made suit then why is it red and blue and yellow? Should have had him wear a black + silver initially and then in the last third or even final scene of MoS, have him wear something like your picture but actually bright and colorful. No longer the Man of Steel, he's now Superman. Even have color grading shifts to note his change and move away from the gritty nolan aesthetic
Go back tranny
Thanks for the upvote faggot
>le composition
>it's just a shitty looking videogame cutscene
Not worth the effort. Taht shit was unsalvageable
>Darkseid is like the only being in the DC universe who can destroy planets.
Holy plebbe. Superman can destroy planet sized objects with an FTL punch, Dr Fate moved a planet into the sun by thinking about it, the Spectre can destroy a planet by thinking about it, Marian Manhunter can do it, Green Lantern can do it, the list goes on.
Why are you weirdos so hung up on the trunks? Super heroes work better without them
>and he never did so in comic
Silver Age Superman literally sneezed galaxies away.
You're thinking of N52 Superman who is the weakest aside from Golden Age.
And he can still bench press the weight of the Earth for days on end.
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wasn't house El blue with red? I haven't seen it in a while but I'm sure russel crow had those colours under his armour - albeit very muted because snyder.
Atleast the suit being kryptonian gives it a good reason as to why it doesn't break at all, otherwise the fights that Cavil got into would have had him butt naked by the end of it if he was wearing spandex.
I do like the spandex however, it does give superman a more wholesome vibe.
I feel like I'm the only actual superman fan on the planet. I can't stand how people cry at every little thing and can't accept criticisms. I'm happy as long as it's some fucking iteration of comic superman but people increasingly want some head canon based off of a half remember donner film. MoS was fucking kino. Superman Returns was meandering but a little hype. I'm terrified for what Gunn has planned because he doesn't at all seem to have an understanding of Supergirl and really nothing in the Superman mythos is remotely MCU tier except maybe Lobo. Even clumsy clark kent is more serious than anything Gunn has made. I don't know why anyone would be convinced this will be a good superman movie but I wont condemn it until I see it.
Pathetically sad samefag
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on your scan Supes destroyed a moon, not a planet and he got knocked out afterwards
>Dr Fate moved a planet into the sun by thinking about it
lifting =/= striking
>the Spectre can destroy a planet by thinking about it
post scan
>Marian Manhunter can do it, Green Lantern can do it, the list goes on
post scans
again, lifting =/= striking
I can lift 150 pounds, doesn't mean I can shatter a barbell with my fists
Oh and N52 Supes needed help to move the moon
>MoS was fucking kino
Superman barely does any Superman stuff in it, and Clark Kent does zero Clark Kent stuff.
I have no idea what you mean because Birthright was literally him tearing through shit like MoS. He didn't do any All Star shit because Returns was essentially that plus some super family and no one gave a fuck. Most arguments against Snyder can be dismissed by the fact 99% of his haters aren't even aware Returns exists and was a giant flop.
>I have no idea what you mean because Birthright was literally him tearing through shit like MoS
Clark was a journalist in that, I don't know why Clark couldn't have been a roving reporter in MoS instead of an anonymous drifter. In all the Snyder movies Superman never articulates a point of view, he just exists for other characters to project onto. Lois knowing his identity from the get-go was dumb too, they never had any workplace romance or chemistry.
>wasn't house El blue with red? I haven't seen it in a while but I'm sure russel crow had those colours under his armour
I haven't seen it in a while but I'm also sure that it was black and silver like all the other kryptonian armor and I will NOT be googling to verify

There's already an explanation why Superman's suits don't tear. Or why he can punch a low level thug and they just go flying through the air like a cartoon, or why he can pick up an air plane or other massive object with his comparatively tiny body and actually lift the whole thing without it breaking. Or how he can hold someones hand and they can suddenly fly too. Superman has a constant forcefield around him and he can also project it outwards. He's kind of psychic in that way
Modern standardized lettering is so lame.
total orbital disintegration
keep gargling snyder cum you retard
>stop throwing things brainiac
>they never had any workplace romance or chemistry.
They rarely fucking do. Probably the only time they did was Lois and Clark and that shit hardly had any canon stuff in it. I'm not judging off of snapshots. MoS had Krypton which by default makes it more Superman than most IPs. Yeah Lois sucks, she usually does. The Planet is an afterthought in almost every comic for the past few decades as is Clark other than origin setup. Superman hasn't been about a superior being pretending/attempting to be a regular human for a long time. That's more Supergirl territory at this point.
Kys, retard.
No they don't.
Lol, you aren't a Superman fan
Wow way to run out of talking points

I'm looking forward to this new superman.

Henry Cavill is ok, but I can't Snyder dark, sad, and gloomy superman - enough of this shit

Those who keep demanding Snyder to return and make more of those dumb dark movies are retarded. Somehow they think dark = serious and "adult"

Superman is a hopeful character. He's basically a powerful god, but thanks to his midwestern humble upbringing - he's a good man and a country boy at heart.

I hope we'll get to see some of that smallville values in him in this new movie.
I can't tell what's satire and what's genuine on this site anymore. Your post reads like it was written by a chat bot.
>They rarely fucking do.
What? Do you even read comics?
>MoS had Krypton which by default makes it more Superman than most IPs
Every Superman adaptation has Krypton in it so they don't get extra points for that.
>The Planet is an afterthought in almost every comic for the past few decades as is Clark other than origin setup
And that's why the modern comics fucking suck.
what's satirical about it? It only appears satirical to those who have been gargling Zack Snyder's diarrhea
>Your post reads like it was written by a chat bot.
Nta. No it doesn't
>post a scan indicating a being that is literally God's Vengeance personified can destroy something as insignificant as a planet
Dr Fate and the Spectre threatened the universe when they fought.
As for Superman, he can destroy a planet based on his feats and the aforementioned infinite mass punch.
This is the modern version of him. There are other Supermen who can end galaxies, so if you consider those canon that's way more than just a planet.
That isn't even an S, it's the no symbol in a diamond.
source + dl link

pls + ty
>MoS had Krypton which by default makes it more Superman than most IPs.
Faggot what the fuck are you talking about? Reeve's film opens with Krypton, the animated series first episode is entirely Krypton, there was a shiw literally called Krypton, fucking SUPER PETS opens with Krypton.
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Actually moving the planet is not feasible because he'd sink into it. You need Green Lantern constructs to move it securely. I know there's cases where it has happened regularly, but it's not as logical as the constructs.
All-Star Superman
All Star Superman by Morrison. There's also an animated adaptation but I haven't seen it.
thank you!
>actual download link
youre too good for 4chan anon. go be amongst your neighbors and help create a vibrant community.
You already made all the points I needed to prove it. No need to waste more digits
Superman literally got BTFO doing that.
The planet is such an afterthought in BvS Snyder and Terrio don't even know how a newspaper works.
>"Kent you're on sports"
Fucking what sport Perry you fuck? They have dedicated sport journalists
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The only thing I did like about this movies was the fight scenes. Felt like a Dragon Ball movie.

>*Superman hovers above*

What are you Gunnfags talking about in here?
If this new movie shows Clark/Superman actually doing newspaper stuff, gaslighting Lois, and saving normal people then it'll be the best Superman movie in decades by default.
Hello, Hideo Kojima!
Superman! Look! Your Batman is about to fuck Lois Lane!
This is the shit I don't like. There's a flood going on. Stop with god complex and get down and help Clark you cunt
Easily, but that's not really a feat
The shot in the OP is from him saving a kid
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>he saves a dog in this one
Bros...I can't fucking believe it...CHADperman is back...
>People will actually be mad about this
OK that's funny gunn. That's it

This is what comicfags consider good inspirational writing? Something straight out of a 90's PSA?
So their package doesn't get squished in the tight suit
>and Clark just takes it
Bullshit, he plays their stupid game and mops the floor with them, proving himself to be both stronger and smarter than them.
But Lois really way a fucking bitch, literally the "is this the best man I can get?" meme.
isn't the cape cgi?
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Probs only for fight scenes. Gunn isn't doing CGI just for the sake of it so another point to him there.
Fuck sake. I've got to stop phone posting
The only real problem with superman is inconsistent writing. In order to be “relatable” to us, he has to struggle. He couldn’t be relatable to us if he really existed, but we wouldn’t read his stories if they weren’t manufactured in such a dishonest was that he was.

In order to make him so, one issue he’ll lift a car off someone and the next he might stop a skyscraper collapsing. This is the problem with multiple writers having access to the same character for so long and having to churn out different stories, while also refusing to allow the character to evolve.

Superman has to tell the same story every issue, but it can’t actually be the same story because no one will buy that, even though it’s what they want, to feel the same way they felt last time. Add in the fact that people are still writing about this character, despite the original writers being dead, and there you go. Things will vary wildly.

If you don’t like it, you don’t like superman comics, or superman movies. Or to be more precise. You don’t like all of them. If you’re having this argument, you like one version of him and not the others.

This distinction is pointless though. You just read or watched that version at the right time and you haven’t been able to let it, and all the other things that hold similar emotional value to you go, because if you did, you’d realise you propped yourself up with nonsense as a distraction.

None of this matters though, because just like the men who first wrote the character, you are going to die. Everything ends. Superman may be able to outrun a speeding bullet, but even he will have a last issue published, a last time his stories are read, and the last breath drawn by anyone who remembers them. These things may have to happen all at once as life on earth becomes impossible, but even if superman fights the good fight and lasts that long, and demands that much of reality to kill the idea of him, reality will win.
Based chatGPT anon
it's more like super cancer, delivered to him by a massive boost of solar radiation at the hands of Leuthor that amplifies his powers, including his supersmarts.

and the Superman-powers elixir is only made for Lois Lane for one day as a brerfday preezee. Then Luthor gets his hands on some, but Supes gets the last of it at the end of the story. Only Leo Quintum, director of P.R.O.J.E.C.T. might have any more, since he's trying to create Superman Secondus to watch over Earth while Clark fixes the sun.

James Gunn's controversy centers around a series of tweets he made between 2008 and 2012, which resurfaced in July 2018. These tweets included jokes about sensitive and inappropriate topics such as pedophilia and rape. The tweets were intended to be provocative humor but were widely criticized as offensive and distasteful.

Key Points of the Controversy:

Content of the Tweets:

The tweets contained jokes about pedophilia, rape, and other sensitive subjects. They were widely criticized for their insensitivity and inappropriate nature.

Disney's Reaction:

In response to the controversy, Disney, which owns Marvel Studios, decided to sever ties with Gunn. He was fired from his role as the director of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" in July 2018.

James Gunn's Apology:

Gunn issued a public apology, stating that the tweets were made during a time when he was trying to be provocative but that he regretted them. He emphasized that his past humor did not reflect his current values and expressed deep remorse for the hurt caused by his words.
Only homosexuals like seeing a man in super skin tight costumes.
Kek exactly my thoughts
Snyder's Superman is a god.

Gunn's Superman is a clown.
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>Only homosexuals like seeing a man in super skin tight costumes.
It's Superman, not a porno you sick fuck.
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Plot leaked.
The justice league?
>Snyder's Superman is a god.
And that's why it's trash
This has been known for awhile
Not in this
Actual shill post.

Supergirl sucks. She should have never been created and Gunn is retarded for adding her into his universe. All she does is steal Superman's thunder. So we're going to have two incredibly powerful beings with identical power-sets and costumes flying around?

Gunn must have an 80 IQ.

Is the last half of the movie going to be Superman getting cucked by his 'superfriends' so he can learn the value of diversity and teamwork?

Fuck this shit.
>Everything ends
This nigga didn't read Watchmen very closely
>Is the last half of the movie going to be Superman getting cucked by his 'superfriends' so he can learn the value of diversity and teamwork?
No. It's clear his influence inspires them to be better

I said the last half. Learn how to read dipshit.
You're just so wrapped in cynicism that you've forgotten the sight of someone passionate or optimistic. Very sad. Touch grass soon.
Tactile telekinetic aura ftw
I know what you said. You're just wrong

Are you braindead?

Superman is going to be solo in the beginning, kicking ass, making people jealous, and inspiring other super heroes to become better. Later on the heroes who were jealous of him will team up with him, forming the superfags. The last half or third of the movie will have Superman getting cucked by the Superfags and especially by the black and female variety. "You can't go it alone, Superman! Everybody needs help!"

At the end of Superman's cuckoldry, Supergirl will appear to steal even more of Superman's thunder.

What previous works from Gunn make you think this would be the case?
GotG and TSS were very balanced team movies.
>new superman film
>everyone are superheroes
Yeah, they really do have supersoldier actors in films. I mean, they will in the future in military.
>look at how good i am at drawing anatomy mom!
being gay and korean must be awful
>has so little muscle costume slides off of him

Bring back Cavill and stop trying to sell us that weakling.
He flew through one of Pluto's moons in Superman/Batman after hearing Lex won the election.
Holy shit your condition sounds serious. You need nut bra
tell that to zods snapped neck/
snider faggots cannot go a single second without thinking about a ugly movie
i think he should just wear an american flag banana hammock and have the S tattooed on his chest.
they were also bad
Yeah bring back unprofitable shit nobody liked
Watchmen as a self contained story ending with the poignant message that humanity is doomed to repeat the same mistakes isn’t the same thing as fans of serial comics being doomed to endlessly read the same story beats.
>enhanced screenshot
Jesus Snyderfags are desperate.
Even when unfinished the Gunn suit trumps poojabi Supaarman.
God it looks so good.
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>First Superman movie in Gunn's new universe
>Starring: Superman, Green Lantern, Metamorpho, Hawk Girl, Mr. Terrific, Supergirl, and the entire roster of Create Commando.
>Oh, and Superman, Lois, Jimmy, Luthor, and Perry are in there too somewhere.
I don't want to hear any bitching when it flops.
All superhero movies should be fully animated

live action just doesn't have the same charm
>I don't want to hear any bitching when it flops.
All I will say will be : "at lreast it was better than snydershit" someone will say: "well, that's not really a feat"
Why can't studios just make a movie about a single hero?
The funniest thing is that some chuds like you unironically think, they know how the market works and how to make successful movies. Think about it. He's sitting kissless in his basement, """knowing""" how to make Hollywood work again, while he can't even get his room cleaned up.

Don't reply, I stopped watching comic book movies 10 years ago.
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I will bet you anything that Gunn's movie won't have even an ounce of this SOVL (even tho Supes is CGI here)
Spy Kids 3?
loox basssed
Good morning sir
Then why add a filter to your photo?
Because the capeshit fad is over.
Marvelshit wants to recapture some of its hype poiring entire multiverses in every single pos movie.
The others are so late to the party that they hot to get some kind of traction with any side character.
Both are throwing shit at the wall hoping something will stick
You are jsut made because your woke shit keep bombing
Wizards with shotguns
Snyder's heroes are a lot more high concept.
very carefully
Go back to /co/, manchildren.
Gay audience inclusion.
This is the lamest stillshot they could produce.
Why is the "S" squished like that? who the fuck designed this?
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>luthor avoids prison and runs for president
How likely is it that they make Lex into a trump figure?
isn't the new actor that plays superman a jew?
Fucking A.
You could say he is a superjew now.
Tactile telekinesis. That’s the canon explanation for him doing impossible things like this. It’s also why he can take extreme impacts without moving if he’s expecting them. In my opinion, it’s his coolest(and most zen) power. He’s not just standing in a spot, he’s “being” in a spot, whether on the ground or hovering.
I'm a white aryan from India btw
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Casuals. All of you
Still looks cheap. Why not go with the real S?
This scene is a literal revelation. It opened my eyes to all the imagery I’d overlooked in both this and MoS. Fully understanding it is the key to unlocking what the imagery is actually there to convey.
That's not the same at all, look at the top of the S. It's a lot thicker than new design.
Sometimes he can sometimes he can't. Don't know why Superman fans in particular are insecure about his power level
Sir respectfully don't estimate my power, bitch. You are better Star walking on the egg shells mother fucker!! Do better to listen to this men
zip it, ranjeet
Hey What you are saying to me bastered!! You are the bitch lasagna arent you one? haha arent you
Madar chood
>That was because of how brash and cocky he was
It made him flawed IE more interesting and more human.
If you're going to do DBZ-level shit, actually have them get really fucked up at the end of it.
>New 52 Superman was so hated that they kicked him out of continuity
He was hated by old fuck nerds who refused to allow Superman to have flaws like anyone else. He was very human while still being a good guy overall.
Already happened in the DCAU. Superman tries to get with Lois for the entirety of STAS, but Batman fucks her the very day he meets her. Nice guys finish last.
He still undid it with zero consequences. And it's not like he can't reverse time again whenever.
2011 Network TV SFX.
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>i am forgotten
Seething Britisher. Suck your mum, American pig.
I just want a clever Superman movie with an actual shapeshifting/holographic Brainiac.

I will never get my wish
It was liked by edgy teen retards who never liked DC characters
Go change your hobby, invader, and stay away from what people already like as it is
Orders of magnitude better than snydershit
Like, comics, DCAU went to shit with flashpoint
And this is why comics don't sell for shit and why normal people think it's all lame nerd crap.
>DCAU went to shit with flashpoint
Batman cucking Superman happened in the 90s Superman cartoon.
Kingdom Come S only works because people already know Superman and know his symbol is an "S". It doesn't look like an S at all without that context.
No it because they became dogshit, expensive and woke, on top of being reboot prone.
Reminder that there wasn't enough audience for dogshit flawed supertard, both in comics and movie. That's why nu52 debooted and Snydershit failed and now snyder is stuck making fake starshit on nigflix
You headcanon is so easy to debunk

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