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>BABES follows inseparable childhood friends Eden (Ilana Glazer) and Dawn (Michelle Buteau), having grown up together in NYC, now firmly in different phases of adulthood. When carefree an single Eden decides to have a baby on her own after a one-night stand, their friendship faces its greatest challenge. BABES delves into the complexities of female friendship with a blend of laughter, tears and labor pains.


does Ilana get out her fat Jewish tits? if not, I'll pass
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Hahaha I'm laughing just thinking about this hilarious premise.
khazar milker status?
downloading rn
if you lied i'll find and rape your ass
that glazer "broad" always looks like she wearing someones skin.
>The entire creative crew are Jewish.
>>The plot revolves around a coalburner becoming a single mother
all according to plan
Look at their frizzy hair. They look like two clowns. If the hair was bright red and green and they had some funny makeup on bang clowns. Imagine being that close to being a clown that it would be that easy
Like that girl in that duke nukem call, make him a faggot.
Hope it least shows vagoo, like in that elizabeth banks scene with seth hehehehehehe can't do movies that has sexual shit and stuff anymore rogan.
But it’s got such glowing reviews from the people who actually wasted two hour of their lives ingesting this poison
Pay me a million dollars and I'll watch this movie.
Bless Ilana and her tits
>1 night stand
Disgusting. Don't show me this shit ever again.
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>>1 night stand
with this. The absolute state of Jewish "men".
well well well
>1 night stand
Super hot. Show me this shit lots again.
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>work at a movie theater
>they have cheap weekly mystery movies
>crowd is always bored boomers
>this shit comes on
>99% of them get up and walk out
same thing when it was some anime movie. boomers are kinda based when it comes down to it
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I love big beaks on girls so much it's ridiculous. Polish, Italian, French, Arab, etc. Even better if they're hairy.
A woman having sex out of wedlock? The west has fallen and I've been genocided
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You know, there's a lot you can criticize Ilana Glazer for, but I'm actually really happy that she's super anti-Israel. When the conflict first started brewing, she outright called it "Israeli apartheid" and got a LOT of shit from other Jews/Hollywood for not bending the knee. No "both sides are in the wrong" bullshit, she's like the most stereotypical New Yawk Jewess ever and she still thinks that.

Also big boobs.
just post her tits
Jesus Maeby really let herself go
that's not a big beak
Nobody cares about her opinion, just her Khazar milkers.
Meanwhile goys get movies about quirky roadtrips to have an abortion across state lines.
Nah, being anti-israel when your not a Muslim is a retard view. Palestinians are brainwashed violent savages that even fellow Arabs don't want in their countries. To be a Westerner or Jew and support that kind of people is fucking dumb.
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I disagree. Also Babs in her youth would get it.
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They did an entire bit about that on the show where Ilana falls in love with a girl played by Alia Shawkat entirely because they look similar
everything on that poster looks or reads so disgustingly
As long as the baby is not black
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I'm afraid I have some very bad news.
>stable marriage to a white guy - STEPFORD WIVES ROSEMARYS BABY BAD
>single mother in NYC sistahood - YES QUEEN LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL GOOD

of course she's married to some kind of big pharma jew creep and enjoys her stable family and affluent lifestyle
What a retarded whore.
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Jesus Christ
Does she show hairy armpits, arms, legs, ass, belly, or nips?
Was hot. Wish they did a porn together
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>she's a women who hates her own tribe, this is based!
Listen, I hate Jews because they're not my tribe. A Jewess who hates her own tribe is the Jewish equivalent to a White women who hates White people, there's nothing keyed about that. That's incredibly locked and a very bad thing. If she'll betray her own race, she's not going to be loyal to you or anyone else. She is damaged beyond repair.
>big boobs

With a face like that her body just doesn’t matter. She is too damn ugly, I’m sorry
Any new arm hair pics?
I don’t love palestinians, that’s not why I want Isreal to stop murdering the civilians. I just think it’s senseless murder, and the kikes should not be long nosed hypocrites, and stop. They just want more land and money, and the palestinians are fucked if they do or don’t fight.
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>directed by Pamela Adlon

that boy aint right
They should just evacuate all of their own Jews out of the are and drop a neutron bomb on Palestine. Just wipe everybody out in one quick swoop and minimize the human suffering. Then when the radiation fades away you’ve got a perfectly good chunk of land with no Palestinians in it. The buildings won’t even be knocked down
>zoomer buzzwords
instant disregard
Which words?
>one night stand with a black guy
>hours of cuddling and pillow talk afterwards
>he completely ghosts her
>you never see him again
>the rest of the movie is nonstop burping, farting, shitting, puking interspersed with "DID YOU KNOW MEDICAL CARE IS AWKWARD?"
>for some reason there's a scene where she's butt ass naked in the shower, but she covers her breasts with her forearm while facing the camera, which is amateurish and fourth wall breaking and frustrating for perverts like me
not watching it
The jew is trolling. There was literally not a single zoomer buzzword unless you count the 2 goddamn emojis.
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>Make sure to edit my nipples out. Our target audience of mothers won't be able to handle seeing a bare breast.
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>Need to make sure the entity watching me from the doorway doesn't see my breasts
why are they so disgusting and degenerate
>roommates with Rachel Bloom
>>whines about the prevalence of white men in comedy spaces >>200776017 while creating exhaustingly Jewish ones
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better colors
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We've already seen her tits. Wonder why they're hiding them now
is the black one the tranny from Orange is the New Black?
She directed the movie she got her tits oout in, but she didn't direct this one. Simple as.
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Dhime to fabp :DDDDD
anti-natalist propaganda : make movies showing 40 year old women getting pregnant accidentally through one night stands in order to make young audiences believe that it's possible to get easily pregnant at that age so they can put off starting a family until later. In reality most women can only get pregnant at age 37+ with spending many 10s of thousands on IVF. and many are unsuccessful even then.
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put them all in one maybe someone can cgi the nipples back
Being a traitor is disgusting.
The only time that disgustingness is offset is when that traitor happens to love whites.

this vile , ugly rat Glazer is a traitor to jews and she hates whites which makes her even more disgusting than a typical anti-white jew.

Infact, probably the only reason that she's a traitor to jews is because hating white people is of such vital importance to her and she realises that being normal, healthy, patriotic jew would hinder her ability to hate white people since she would feel limited by some feeling of hypocrisy if she hated white people as much as she does while still loving and supporting israel.

So no, we should not be celebrating these hyper-lib jews who hate whites and worship niggers and browns so much that they're willing to even betray their fellow jews.
>Infact, probably the only reason that she's a traitor to jews is because hating white people is of such vital importance

yeah many subversive NY jews have to face cognitive dissonance if they support zionist ethnic cleansing while also being anti-white and anti-american. Which they choose reveals the orientaiton of their racism do they hate whites or arabs more ? A privileged jew who grew up in NYC does not have much first hand experience with arabs.
Nah that's bollocks, it's not the issue of getting pregnant for late 30s+ women, it's bringing the pregnancy to term without complications for the baby or mother that's the issue. Obviously the older the woman is, the harder it becomes to get pregnant but you make it sound like it's almost impossible.
Post em
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God I wish that were me making her tits bounce
Ilana Glazer gets on my nerves for some reason. I find her attractive but not conventionally and I kinda just want to punch her in the face, is it jew magic?
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>is it jew magic?
i think so
Something’s wrong with you. That is one ugly ass jewmutt. If this woman is attractive to you then you would probably fuck Richard Pryor if he had big tits.
nice tits
Sex scene in About Time made me laugh when the actress covered her breasts.
>>hates whites

She should look in the mirror. What a coward.
No wonder jews like blacks
They both have nappy hair
possible the most jewish movie poster I've ever seen, that's 11 talmuds out of 10
I don’t follow
What's with Ilana and breeding films
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Looks jewish to me
i think the implication was that jewish people can be white
That's like saying blacks can be White.
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I fuckin love tits, bros...
kek ok this is just trolling at this point
>model white man
Kek yeah and that jew is 100% roman catholic too right?
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>blacks can be White.
>her face is like: "somehow this motherfucker cheated on me to make this baby but I'm not sure how"
She's wants a white man to take her and breed her just like Alia did
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Wow its incredible she managed to make breasts unattractive. That has to be a superpower.
>fat girls with giant nappy hair
>titled Babes

It's just false advertising of the highest order

Just finished, thanks for asking

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