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Head popping is a hugely op ability. Why does she feel threatened by anything?
I, too, can remove acne.
Because there are plenty of supes who she would struggle to do it to who could punch her head off, you stupid fuck.
>Victoria, the New Man
her head gets popped in the next episode
>Neuman versus no u man
What would you do if you had the power to give explosive head?
does it have to be exclusively head popping? what are the specifics of her powers?
Blood manipulation
>try ability on 3000 supes
>recruit the 2500 supes with nose bleeds
>threaten to pop their heads if they don't kill the other 500
1. She's gotta sleep sometime.
2. Too much head popping will put her on cooldown eventually.
3. Supes are discriminated against. She fights for equality.
4. Some supes could defeat her with the right conditions; Cate could walk up and shake her hand, A-Train could tackle her, Homelander could laser-snipe or stomp her from orbit.
5. Her daughter isn't as powerful as she is.
6. Enough assailants might be able to overwhelm her.
7. Powerful women sometimes feel irrationally threatened.
She was taught from a young age to hide and to fear her powers and never show them.
She also knows just how fucking dangerous her powers truly are and doesn't want to get caught using them (despite the plot having her popping heads in places that would 100% have camers multiple times but plot)
Mia Khalifa
i get excited when i get a pimple because they are so fun to pop
it is deeply psychically comforting
>give explosive head
Does the dick explode in my mouth hard enough to hurt me?
In Gen V, Marie the moon cricket with the same powers as neuman exploded rufus' cock head.
My dad has this website bookmarked on his computer, i come here and this is the type of shit i see? How do you old fucks even view it? Its literally impossible to browse it, scroll like 2 times and then you already need to click to get to the next page. What is so special about this place?
So she could just as easily order all the blood to leave their bodies through their eyes or whatever
or overload the heart and cause it to fail
or just freeze the blood in the veins and let the supe pass out. presumably supes need oxygen like everything else.
Blood mages can remove blood, put it back in, all kinds of shit, a supe on similar level to homelander could legit just hold him for a little bit and its joever.
I'm more confused than I was when I thought anon was just making a blowjob joke.
your dad probably spends most of his time on >>>/gif/ and >>>/d/
easily the most popular boards
this is his bookmark bar
Your dad has /tv/ specifically bookmarked? Or he has 4chan's front page bookmarked and you clicked the "Television and Film" link?
she's gonna get overpowered by the black queen that has the same abilities
Assuming this isn't bait: if you checked /tv/ first and it was shocking to you, you're in for a ride when you check out /pol/.
i posted the screen shot above you
i went to both, the first one is full on trans titles, war titles and happening titles. At least here i can somewhat understand why people are chatting about the topics.
>How do you old fucks even view it?
just use the catalog, then you can see all threads on a grid and open the ones that interest you on a new tab
She can take whatever the boys can do to her but not her kid. She is terrified of Homelander because the moment he senses his head is about to explode he can either fly far away fast or shoot her with lasers once he figures out where she is and also about something bad happening to her kid

It's weird how they could take Soulja Boy and make him dormant again just like the soviets did but haven't tried the same on Homelander
hahaha but thank you
you want to use the catalog function to browse threads
I'd pop inside her
how do i check whats filtered?
Yeah welcome to the boys. Girls get it done btw.
never mind i found it lol wtf is this
It means he is straight and dislikes all that
ok but you guys talk about all that here? Why?
dad is based
No, it's general filtering so it's most likely useful in porn boards such as /gif/, in here it's just tv shows and movies.
oki thank you!
if someone were to just cover her eyes could she be raped without one's head getting blown off? asking for a friend haha
Ok m8. The joke was funny at first, stop milking it.
LOL do you think that OP would mind if I saved that image?
kind of an unrelated question but in season 4, neuman was shot point blank and drenched with acid and shrugged it off like it was nothing. are all supes basically immune to conventional weapons and attacks? have they always been?

I thought one of the reasons maeve was so powerful was because she had homelander-tier resistance to damage but now it seems that all supes have those powers. I feel like that wasn't always the case, that supes had a variety of specific powers instead of across-the-board super powers.
No, just like water bending and then blood bending she can sense where blood is so you would be dead
Best chance is to use an aerosol anesthetic to knock her out
what's would be the point if I can't look into her eyes while doing it?
what about a really stinky fart
its wildly inconsistent anon, but all superhero slop is like that
Supes are generally stronger than the average human but no its because she can legit move blood around and harden it for weapons or defense.
Its supe to supe but generally they are tougher than humans.
it's unclear, translucent was basically invulnerable and they had to put a bomb inside him to kill him, but even someone weak like firecracker managed to endure starlight's wipping with minimal damage. That said kimiko gets fucked by conventional weapons but she can regenerate. It's a mess
>its because she can legit move blood around and harden it for weapons or defense.
was this highlighted elsewhere in the series? I don't remember there being a lantern on that technique but I also don't remember much specifics from previous seasons because they're so far apart. kind of sounds like an asspull otherwise
Homelander kills her and every supe stupid enough to side with her.
Marie in Gen V shows how blood mages can whip it around, make it into knives, etc. She talks to Neuman and she talks about how Marie has no clue how strong she is. They are basically glass cannons like Everquest wizards. Long cooldown big nukes.
>but even someone weak like firecracker managed to endure starlight's wipping
thats actually another point of confusion I had in the same vein. did starlight always have super strength? I thought I remember in earlier seasons that she needed to use her power for combat but she launched firecracker across the room with a blow
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Homelander couldn't catch a guy crawling around in a vent.
>did starlight always have super strength?
She did. In episode 1 she was punching through a brick wall and overhead pressing a car.
Firecracker is tough as fuck, she's taken beatings from kumiko and starbog now. She may not be tough powerwise but she can take damage.
Kill yourself reddit
>no gay sex with hats on
At least make it habeebable
>glass cannons
Neuman is unfazed by acid and getting shot point-blank in the head with a revolver
Marie survived Homelander's laser blast
downvoted. I hope that this will teach you how to behave like an adutl
She couldn't even head pop those fucking Super Sheep. I assume they were too fast or some shit. Like she needs the target to be still or easily followable with her eyes.
I thought it was the most retarded shit that she couldn't deal with them immediately. She was gonna pop that bull but then suddenly the Super Sheep came and she just didn't bother even though her father was in danger and that other faggot Samir.
homelander can just slap her to death
supes with enough durability are resistant to the head pops, homelander being completely immune
>glass cannons
>immune to damage
which is it? but I guess there's at least consistency between neuman being very damage resistant and marie eating a homelander laser (which I thought was confusing too honestly)

oh ok. I didn't remember that

they make her out to be very weak, so its kinda awkward that she's starlights main nemesis
I'm saying for a supe, Someone like Sam or homelander can tank damage no problem but she would get her fucking head crushed no problem by a strong supe like them. Marie survived because he wanted her to.
For supes. Marie and Neuman can't run around fighting like starlight, sam, homelander, butcher when v'd up, maeve, soldier boy. They are not that type of supe. While more resistant and with channeling they can protect themselves, they are setup and fire artillery, nukes, etc. Not infantry.
>Marie survived because he wanted her to.
what do you base this take on?
They've cucked him more each season. No one could touch him in the first. Even cucked homelander couldn't be defeated by soldier boy, butcher and hughie combined.
Her and the others being alive.
If she made it even slightly possible in Homelander's mind that she could pop him he'd laser her brain in a millisecond.
So she's always got to lay low as long as he is lurking out there. She's got to let heavy hitter supers with speed and range advantages over her think she can't pop them. Otherwise she's toast.
Its stupid but it is established he can't see through zinc. Because lol superman joke. No I'm not kidding.
this sounds like head-cannon and not anything that was communicated through the screen

>They've cucked him more each season
the character arc they set up in s4 is him getting older. every episode has some allusion or comment to him aging. its possible his powers are getting weaker as a result

there was nothing to suggest why they're alive though. maybe cate mindfucked him, maybe some other supe pulled off some trickery, who knows. all kinds of bullshit goes in superhero stories so we can't really assume stuff that hasn't been communicated within the production
Your dad is a fucking chud bro. Imagine being so fucking scare you need to filter all that out
did you miss the part where they threw acid in her face and shot her in the head at point blank range and took absolutely zero damage? when they shot her in the head she literally kept talking casually like nothing happened. she has super durability in addition to head popping. probably has enhanced strength, too.
>this sounds like head-cannon and not anything that was communicated through the screen
Except every seen involving neuman and marie and their powers, their own words, the plot of Gen V, last season of the boys, etc. But ok cool.
>there was nothing to suggest why they're alive though.
They are alive because the jew writers want them to be, unlike that dumb moon cricket that tried to fast and the furious himself into the next dimension. But seriously why would you think he would want to kill them instead of "fix" them. Supes are worth compassion, humans aren't.
is starlander stronger than homelight
Does she have any remorse whatsoever for killing people?
boglight is not even as strong as ryan at this point more than likely.
>Marie survived Homelander's laser blast
Homelander can regulate the strength of his lasers
>Marie survived because he wanted her to.
I doubt that homie would give a fuck, imo he just blasted her and didn't bother to check if he had killed her or just hurt her. He had no reason to attack the others, he only got angry at Marie because he caught her hurting another supe
why was the timid asian assistant girl totally cool with beating a guy half to death? it seemed pretty out of character for him to wail on weinstein endlessly
It's more likely they're just trying to make him less cool because they hate that he's by far the most popular character.
He clearly did because the plot wanted him to. I find it funny people don't get that homelander wants as many supes on side as he can get. He showed that last episode of the main show. If he can "rehab" them he's going to.
Starlight was shot multiple times too and maeve.
She can tank a bullet to the head from one inch a way as well as having a face full of acid thrown in her face. Neither left a scratch.

I don't think Homelander can laser her to death in a millisecond. He might be able to kill her with that method but it wouldn't be instantaneous.
By making him way more likeable this season. Bold strategy. Ryan 'omelander and butcher are the only cunts worth watching on the show besides firecracker's cunt.
>Except every seen involving neuman and marie and their powers
we see them eat damage but why they can and what their relative power is was never communicated, hence my line of questioning. its all pretty murky
>their own words
which words specifically are you referring? if you mean neuman saying "you dont know how powerful you are", thats just as easily a throwaway line by the writers to make the character seem more important
>the plot of Gen V
what do you mean specifically?
>last season of the boys
what do you mean specifically?
Why were here powers not working?
According to the leaks she's got a magical doppleganger kek
They were stored in her buccal fat
I guess he might have held back on purpose just to teach her a lesson, I doubt he'll get the loyalty of any of the guys that ended gen v trapped in the room though they are more likely to get freed by the boys and help them instead
This is actually fucking hilarious because starlight has electrical based powers. Bogachu I choose you!
>He might be able to kill her with that method but it wouldn't be instantaneous.
Ryan cut through storm front like butter. Homelander can do the same to any of them.
>they hate that he's by far the most popular character
this sounds like a baseless conspiracy theory. the whole point of his character is that he's the strongest person in the world but plagued with all kinds of deeply human flaws. if they wanted him to be unlikable, they wouldn't spend have the series humanizing him.
I'm going out on a limb and guessing the facility they are in is where marie was going to be sent before she got into god u and they "work on" supes to make them complaint and use them for things. With homelander being in charge now you can do the math.
>magical doppleganger kek
So is the one in the the real or fake boglight?
>probably has enhanced strength, too.
This is implied during her alley fight.
if homelander's driving purpose is to make a world for supes, would he lobotomize supes to do his bidding? seems rather antithetical to his motivations
>an Irish lass that can take a pounding
Bloimey, be still me beatin' heart!
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Apparently "real"
>show creators make the fake starlight look like original starlight to drive home the joke they've been playing on her all season of teasing her skeletor face
bravo kripke
imagine if the bogging was the most elaborate prank every pulled and they were just doing CGI edits of her entire life for several years just to unbog her in the season finale
I don't think he would want to... but he has Cate now so... don't even need to do a bunch of experiments or anything beyond jacking her powers up even more.
we already know cate's powers are time-limited and have diminishing returns over time. it would be a very ineffective mode of control overall
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I would stand up and clap in my house.
I couldn't believe this scene made it out the door. the whole production is intentionally fucking with her, right?
Were* time limited. Her powers aren't the same post finale. We actually have 0 clue what she can do now. She was hearing thoughts without focusing just sitting next to them, easily pushing sam, etc.
She already made them forget whole days of time and it wasn't wearing off until she wanted it to. For multiple supes.
Not a single thing in this series makes sense, their main objective and biggest threat at the farm was Neuman and they had many chances to kill her and no reason to not do so but they didn't beause uuuuhhh, I'm just glad I just have to stand 1 more season of this shit.
by the way why where there so few decent supes when they were selecting for new members of the seven? We've seen that god u was filled with incredibly powerful supes, it's hard to believe that the previous generation was so lacking instead. Sure, the boys killed a few and others are fucked up for other reasons, but still you'd think they would have some decent candidates left (I know that writing-wise it's to make space for Cate and Sam)
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100% have to be.
>We actually have 0 clue what she can do now
I guess thats true but that also translates to "now she can do whatever is convenient for the plot" which is gonna feel lazy if they tap her like that
She seemed to understand the situation. Doing anything less might have gotten her in the same position for "cowering before justice", or whatever bullshit Homelander could come up with.
>are all supes basically immune to conventional weapons and attacks?
sure, until the plot requires them not to be, like with stormfront who could tank HL laser and then gets stabbed in the eye by a middle aged woman
I think its less "decent supes" and more ones that fit the bill. Starlight fit because she was used to doing what she was told, had a good powerset, etc.
they never went for sage despite her powerset because she's not a good media fit.
I think Homelander will find more Sam and Cate's as time goes on now that they aren't just looking for who is good on social media.
Of course but I just wanted to point out that when you say time limited before she was off the drugs she made everyone forget whole days of time, including giant emma. Thats quite a push.
but they didn't betray her as hesitant or scared. she was empowered. but that empowerment wouldn't have naturally bridged into homicidal rage
Ryan is that big of a chad. His smile got her going.
>I think Homelander will find more Sam and Cate's as time goes on now that they aren't just looking for who is good on social media.
that would be cool
I just assumed that her eyes were her weak spot. More egregious to me was when Maeve stabbed Homelander in the ear with a regular metal straw.
Well God U is still going. I could easily see him putting someone like ashley there to keep recruiting supes HE wants. retooling shit like the crime and arts programs, and so on.
..that actually would make for an interesting s2 of Gen V.
Did you miss the reeeeing from creators media and shills about it? You're probably one of the shills yourself, reddit nigger.
I couldn't get through Gen V because of the constant nigger music
I'll be happy if he does anything to be more proactive now that he has supposedly freed himslef from his crippling need for affection
Where's the other one and why is it messing up her powers?
Not them but while they have indeed been crying about people liking homelander since season 2 they continue to make him the most human character on the show. Especially now with Ryan.
You can really tell how bad the brain rot in some people is when they think Homelander is trying to maliciously manipulate and abuse ryan instead of... raise him the best way his fucked up brain knows how.
That is why I like the Ryan stuff so much, it seems to be freeing him up as well just by the nature of him taking the shackles off his kid.
with all the zoomzooms blasting that shit on the streets my brain automatically filters it out at this point, the only rap song I remember in the series was one that said something like "bad bitches also have bad days" because it was so silly
>I just assumed that her eyes were her weak spot
doesn't really make sense considering she can fly
I think it was a callback to the comics but not really well thought out
>More egregious to me was when Maeve stabbed Homelander in the ear with a regular metal straw
they nerfed him a lot that season
you could give temp V to a dozen hobos and they'd take down homelander considering what they've shown
I said "seemed" for a reason. I'm trying to backfill a stupid scene.
>blood bender
>bullet proof
>acid proof
What’s next for Neuman?
That one guy from her past who tried to grab her had super strength or something?
She will eventually figure out that bloodbending can be used to force people to do what you want, a la Avatar: The Kids Show.
This but unironically when Marie tells her about blowing up rufus' cock and they find out they can give random guys boners using an AOE ability.
>blind her
>she can't use her powers
Starlight might actually be useful for once
>they can give random guys boners using an AOE ability.
Didn't save Madelyn Stillwell.
she spammed it
shit bait mate
>what's so special about this place
gave it away. laid on too thick.
But he has super hearing and smell
He should've been able to smell Hughie in the vent before he sweat on him
He should've been able to hear him in the vents
It's a bad show
wait are vents seriously made of zinc?
i thought that line was just making fun of the whole thing
can you and the other retards just kill yourselves already. unfunny try hard nigger
What does x-ray vision have to do with anything? Any one of us could follow a guy through a vent, it's not a maze. That and he gets out of the vent and starts banging on a door.
He also has the "smartest person on the planet" next to him that could just tell him to fly for 2 seconds and catch him. Or laser the whole vent in a straight line, where is he gonna go anyway?
>homelander can crash a plane withou giving a fuck but not laser all the vents to kill Hue-e
showrunners are hacks and retards
Homelander knows A-Train's the guy, right? He can hear heartbeats.
We've seen Homelander smash a lot of supes that also have more durability
>survives acid and gunshot to the head with 0 problems
>can cut her skin with a regular ass knife to show how hecking cool her blood bending abilities are
homelander is king of the supes strength wise, that's why they needed soldier boy to vaporize him - soldier boy neutralizes compound V coz it was made from his blood originally.
the show is following the comics storyline where compound V's powerup gets stronger when passed along through bloodline so homelander is the strongest rn since he's the only 2nd generation.
completely forgot she liderally has the same powers from that chick in the spin off lol
the whole point is homelander is really just trying to spend time with his son in a meaningful way, without all the distracitons

he half assed the entire hughie shit like you'd shoo off a rat.
It takes a while to use the ability and she needs to maintain eye contact to do it. Her power isn't popping heads, it's popping whatever she's looking at, she usually does the head because it's an instant kill, but it seems to take two or three seconds of unbroken eye contact to pop. She's tough to kill, but if she can be taken by surprise, she could probably be gassed and then killed like Translucent was.
why can she make people's nose bleed without being in the room or even in vision
When did she do that? She's pretty much always present for every pop she does.
Scientology guy
She was outside his house, looking in through the window from the street
wouldnt it be more fun though if in the end something just happened to her eyes

taking away her ability to see?
What do you think the odds are between Homelander doing it with his thumbs or his heat vision?
>hurr how can we show the audience that she is invulnerable
>I know well have everyone act stupid and out of character again
That scene was so contrived.
Almost as bad as Homelander not being able to kill Hughie.
The Deep can defeat her
>smartest person in the world is a fat niggress

Lmao I’m done with this kike shit show
they built the pyramids you know
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Sounds familiar
How do you manage to be more of a normie than your dad?
That's because he's Homelander you dumb cunt
You're telling me black people enslaved thousands of hebrews and worked most of them to death to stack a pile of rocks? Man they're based.
Do, do you guys think her husband asks her to nearly pop his head applying more pressure leading up to climax? Or do they turn the lights off.
yeah that scene was massively stupid, they put hughie in a situation from which it was impossible for him to realistically get away
If they're kinky (she's a supe, of course they are), they probably did. Like making him light-headed when he cums or increasing the blood flow to his dick.
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How would the Seinfeld cast react in the boys world?
Would George be a homelander fan?
Kramer absolutely hates black noir
I wish she would pop my head

You secular Jews really want another World War, huh?
Wtf are you talking about?
You made half that shit up
Would this be relationship George or independent George?

Those are similar to the websites I regularly use, those and Reddit. At least you Dad isn't a regular on /b/.
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I liked the part where she doesn’t actually use the power on a main character ever. Even though they threaten her. Just like Homolander.
She did a little, what are you talking about?

You should really step away from the computer and go outside and touch grass. If you stay here, you'll be like the rest of us and we'll be telling you "Welcome to /pol/, you are here forever."
Yeah nosebleeds. Very scary.
Well, they all know what happens after. It was a credible threat.
if he kills any of them whoever survives (in the case of the last episode hughie since he wasn't present) publishes the files that compromise her whole plan. More importantly we don't know if she could actually kill starlight and kimiko, Marie has successfully used the same powers to explode body parts of two supes but they were not two physically strong ones
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I was going to correct you with the word, "physically" but then thought, "you know what? That nigga's right. It IS psychically comforting."
It's the blackmailing deal, again. It's overused, but it kinda makes sense as far as I remember. Still shit though.
The boys have a deadman switch on her that if she kills any of them it automatically spreads her crimes and superpower around. Her main goal is to create a world where he daughter can grow up safely so being exposed is the worst thing you can do to her.
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Has Gumchum been introduced yet?
>Muh safe world for me and my daughter
>Scanner headpopper with hundreds of innocents killed and her Las Plagas daughter who is also racking up a casual body count

Nah fuck both cunts, hope they both die painfully.
she could have just not injected v into her daughter and fucked off somewhere remote while not using her powers, instead she had to go and enact some intricate and high-risk plan to reach her goal while killing a bunch of people
he solos the entire cast so I don't think he's gonna be in
now post his internet history
It's weird how /gif/'s mods let it go to absolute shit.
Trannies there not only spam all that shit but have stopped using those keywords specifically to evade filters.
Still no response from the mods.
yeah obviously who tf watches this lame shit show.
everything i know about it is from promos lmao fucking dork lore police wannabe retard.
More like head bobbing
eh just shift click close and hide the annoying stuff.
only problem is i ended up seeing too much scat coz fuckers keep putting the money shot in the thumbnail so i had to whip up an AI chrome extension to auto hide the futa/scat stuff.
Anon they type shit like dark_skinned-male, dark-skinned__male, etc for their BBC fetish threads specifically to evade your filters.

They've been doing this for years and the mods do absolutely nothing so they must love it
>compromise her whole plan
What plan?
honestly I don't even remember, the story is too shit so my brain refuses to memorize half of what happens in this show. All I know is that she REALLY wants her status as a supe to remain hidden from the public

my mates been here forever
she literally goes dumb for bwc
our girl and based
she also seems completely amoral
You can say NIGGER without some FAGGOT reddit mod banning you
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this is all megyn kelly's fault
>Climbing the political ladder and getting ever closer to president
Her plan is as dastardly and evil as any politician's. She wants to be the President of the United States of America.
Don't forget Starlight can throw a car but Neuman tanked a roundhouse sucker punch to the nose from her with zero injury, she is one of the physically tougher characters on the show.
What's bnwo?
Galvanized steel.
He tried, he couldn't, he instead shot wide lasers in a rage rather than calmly killing him. Almost like Homelander has more ego than sense or something when it comes to someone he doesn't like being near him. Weird.
She can beat Starlight, who was in the Seven and took down on speedster so A Train is no issue either, if she can take those two then she can take anyone who isn't Homelander.
Holy shit what did they do to her nose?
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s-she's pretty and perfect anon!
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Holy shit you're a dumb fucking nigger lol kill yourself as soon as possible you huge fucking faggot
She kinda looks like her hair's starting to thin out as well, christ.
Considering they probably filmed everything last year and she posted selfies pretty recently, she's even more bogged now than she is in the show right now. Imagine season 5.
I can't imagine what the creators are going to write next season given "pretty and perfect" this season...
unironically looks like she's being holocausted
she knows
The Seven hires based on profitability/marketing, not raw power.
i guess they never miss huh
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literal humiliation ritual
this is just like the "my wife's son" line
there's no way its not intentional
so what did they mean by this
I thought she was telekinetic. She's a blood bender?
Its either intentional and tongue in cheek and she's in on it or its the fucking cruelest thing I've seen on jewslop in awhile man.
[spoilers]Leakers who've been right about everything else so far keep insisting that there's some shit going on with Starlight being impersonated by a clone or shapeshifter, so there's non-zero chance they did it on purpose to foreshadow that something isn't quite right with the Starlight we're watching.[/spoiler]
will it be revealed that she was swapped in the hospital and actually have a baby? i hate shapeshifter stories.
Epic spoiler fail. Press ctrl + s next time.
Whats fucked is its actually the opposite. She's the "normal" one kek
>Born with amazing looking face and body
>pays money to turn herself into a ghoul
Woman moment.
I'm pretty sure that's just a fakeout. Why would they spoil that in the preview?
fucking hell, thanks for the newfag tip
I never watch previews but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess cate mindfucked her or she's havin bad dreams.
It'll be like Homelander lasering an entire crowd, a cutaway of an imagined event.
Michael Jackson a legit handsome black man before he paid a bunch of surgeons to butcher his face.
This is what a mountain of money and zero philosophy can lead to.
>This is what a mountain of money and zero philosophy can lead to.
very stojik of you
I don't know what that means.
All I'm saying is, if you don't know how to think, how to organize your thoughts, then you cannot act in a rational manner. Thinking precedes action.
Actors seem especially prone to this. The smart ones are probably getting regularly therapy. I doubt they're reading Aristotle, but they're not self-destructing either.
Not as bad as Butcher not killing homelander last season
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>don't bog you'r face
- Marcus Aerola
I'm not a stoic, but there is a lot of value in stoicism.
>Assuming this isn't bait:
It's very likely bait, but my mother was a big Q person and browses /pol/ while I do not, so I know /pol/ is genuinely popular among politically aware boomers; ironically she calls /pol/ tame compared to the current state of twitter, which I care about even less.
based dad
ask your mom
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her real superpower is her incredibly fat ass
that's DMC not the boys lmaooo you confused the media bro
Yeah but the whole thing is that she's afraid of Homelander
I legit hope redditors die of brain cancer
i'd believe a boomer dad browses /pol/, but there's zero chance that a boomer dad, with an apparently completely naive offspring who's allegedly never heard of 4chan, uses an extension to filter 4chan and uses that specific set of filters
"black new world order" i think. basically closeted homosexual cuckold men (mostly jews) who worship african penises and spread racemixing propaganda as a fetish.
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Man this is gonna be 3 seasons of headpopper dragged out only for her to finally try to pop Homelander's head and find out she can't
You forgot
>and then marie walks up and neuman and marie pop the evil white man's skull while sam holds him down.
If you don't think they will have a black woman an an indian tag team a white guy in the finale as another white holds him down I'm not sure what show you're watching.
She also has the ability to make my dick explode if you catch my drift.
I think they're gonna go with Butcher crowbaring Homelander's head open like in the comics
im 20 dog
Not even .1% chance of that happening. Butcher probably won't make it to the final fight. His tumor might though.
Yar, shut up.
So what's the rule for what she needs to pop a head? Could you black bag her and keep her as a fuckdoll if she doesn't quite know where your head is?
stop excusing poor writing
Idk if she can pop Homelander's head and even if she could then it would probably take a while and he could track her down and kill her before she could do any real damage.
She needs to be able to see the thing she's popping. Which is not restricted to heads; remember the guy she murdered in an alley by popping his jaw, THEN his head.
Idk if she has to see you since she can sense blood but you do have to be in range and she has to be focused.
I'm not, theres tons of shit to pick on but not being able to understand how homelander's bipolar animal ego works at this point is on you. Garbage writing is plentiful, have fun with it.
Him not just immediately lasering Hughie (if he needs to focus, at least after the sweat droplet falls) since he can see through fucking walls is plot armor-ish, yeah. It's not the worst thing but when something like that happens every time it's an issue.
He can't see through zinc. This was established before. Its stupid yes but he couldn't see hughie in the galvanized steel ducts. Thats why he rage lasered.
Don't compare her to that disgusting whore.
Why are you acting like a dumb fucking ape as if you don't know how cape shit works? Of course it's plot armor otherwise he'd just fucking laser the entire fucking world and roll credits. It's the same reason why Batman doesn't just snap Joker's neck and go about his day...because then he wouldn't have episode after episode after episode playing cat and mouse with this mentally ill faggot. Just like all other capeshit. Jesus you are one dumb mouthbreathing faggot.
While you're not wrong, in this case he genuinely can't see through the vents because of the zinc. You see because superman joke.
he can hear the guy's fucking nerves firing with how op his super hearing is, it's impossible to hide from homelander. or should be.
I keep forgetting the shortcut, thanks for reminding me
Yes, he tries to focus in on him and the sounds he's making, and rage lasers around trying to hit him. He wasn't hiding he was fleeing for his fucking life.
Its stupid but it 100% makes sense how hughie got away. Homelander is legit a bipolar angry ragebro when he gets mad right now. He needs some relaxation time with the kid at the mall. dude is stressed.
I don’t watch this show anymore but if she can control blood can’t she just stop his blood flow?
You pass out pretty much immediately from blood starvation and you don’t even realize it’s happening. If she just holds it for like 2 minutes all his organs would shut down. It’s not even a durability thing, it’s a lack of flow thing.

Maybe you could say his heart is pumping too strong or something, but that feels a bit silly.
It's possible they just do an ass pull where Homelander doesn't need flowing blood to live. It would be retarded, but it's something they might do.
He would notice and kill her. Thats the whole point. Its a stalemate. Homelander isn't sure but is pretty sure she could pop him given the opportunity/time. She knows he could rip her apart.
Its why he'll be held down while yas queen slay marie and neuman pop his head.
incredibly based filterlist
>huhhh yeah the V vial fell out of your jacket so I decided to inject your dad with it
what kind of fucking plotline is this
he's too based for this show. what's a bit surprising is they haven't introduced some variant of the super duper team
Why don't they get the shapeshifter guy to become Madelyn Stillwell again and distract Homelander by sucking his dick, preferably with full nudity?
i'll buy that he couldn't pin him down because of the ongoing rehearsal, those PAs are loud and you can hear the music in nearly the entire venue
>the super duper team
that sounds problematic
They are going to have Ryan throw the titty milk on the ground and yell at homelander.
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could be, desu. they're pretty much the special needs supes that didn't qualify into the other teams. and they're probably the only bona fide good supes in the whole story
>Starlight walks in with a bottle full of milk
>Tells Homelander it's the last bottle of Madelyn's milk
>Dumps it on the ground
>Homelander cries out, throws himself on the floor, starts licking it up, taking his clothes off to reveal a boner
>Starlight, Neuman, Kimiko, and Maeve just stand over him shaking their heads.
>As Homelander starts jizzing, Neuman rolls her eyes and bursts his head, killing him
>"Girls do get it done."
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ye I know, but I very much doubt they could pull off the mentally disabled supes played for laughs scenario
also team titanic seemed pretty chill

Claudia is so cute, bros.
>some of the milk splashed onto Neuman's feet
>Homelander is literally sucking on her toes and calling her mommy before she kills him
Watch it happen.
>Wait how'd you get her milk starlight?
>"oh that was just the almond milk leftover at the office, it was spoiled."
>*all the ladies laugh together*

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