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It’s so bad…
I know right. This and Fury Road I just don't understand why people who normally have good taste rate these movies so highly. They're not terrible, but they're also not good.
I thought chris hemsworth quit acting because he had alzheimers or something
He forgot
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There's only one man that can save the Mad Max franchise....
Enough enough
fuck you
it was 45 years ago bro let it go
Based Mel has one more Mad Max KINO in him, i'm sure of it
i know disney ruined the last indiana jones but i cant imagine a world even without studio interference where old mel works
anya looked great in it
Indian movie
It was better than Thunderdome.
how long was the stowaway action scene? felt so long to me but a lot happened. wasn't at all boring unlike john wick
It's a prequel to an already subpar/mediocre movie. What did you expect.
All the astroturfing is fake obviously, but I don't understand the hype for FR. It was so boring. And orange.
>it was 45 years ago bro let it go
Tell that to the retards trying to milk the name of the cahracter these days
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She doesn't look great (or good, or even passable) in anything
mad max is supposed to be the next james bond but miller is retarded
In a way it is, judging by how bad things went for Bond
I just got done watching Fury Road, and Furiosa is objectively better. OBJECTIVELY I watched them both this week.
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it was good. you fags would bitch about anything for no reason.
that said:
>wonky cgi in many scenes
>overall the movie never reaches the same levels of adrenaline of fury road's first 30 minutes.
>weird plot holes (immortan joe doesn't notice his cunny disappears? no questions on where the new driver chick comes from? etc.)
>similarly, some plot points feel rushed (the war is a fucking slideshow?)
>laughable ending
how the fuck they managed to rush the second half of a nearly three hours long movie, I don't know. still overall a solid 7.
weirdly enough, this movie only stresses even more how immortan joe was the lesser evil in that context and that furiosa was an ungrateful cunt
It hasn't been explained yet why joe is powerful, right
You could say the same for whoever is in charge of Gas Town or Bullet Farm etc. Right time right place.
what do you mean? as in why he's the leader of the citadel? no, they didn't, unless you want another fucking prequel. come to think, another very weird issue I have with it is that no one looks the age they should. supposedly 15 years pass between the beginning of furiosa and its ending (and I guess it implies fury roads begins shortly after?) but you wouldn't tell by looking at anyone other than furiosa and dementus
I'm just joking. I know it sucks, guys.
Besides the obvious power, and cool mask who the fuck is joe was what I thought after furiosa. Im pretty sure he goes back to the original mad max
>Look up his acting in the last 15 years
>Starred in 15 movies in the last 4 years
wtf, didn't know he became a Steven Segal/Bruce Willis type, must be getting all the personal funds he can for Passion 2
Furiosa ends where Fury road starts but anya didn't age 20 years
Fury Road was subpar, therefore there is no neet to watch an overcgied prequel starring an uglier actress, even if I cared about the FR noncharacters
>you fags would bitch about anything for no reason.
No, it's shills who loke it for no reason
I'll ask for the 20th time (still no answer) - name a better action movie released the past two years
you suck, /tv/
Silent night
Actually you reminded me of one of my problems with the movie. It only had two really good action scenes and then the movie kind of limps along to the end after they're over.
nice movie, but not the same scope
Out of everything you could've picked, you pick Silent fucking Night?
>mu arbitrary time frame
All modern movies are bad, and this is no exception.
Name a classic action movie that doesn't shits on this movie from the literal heavens. You can't
I'm not even going to bother finding a picture of someone rolling their eyes for a post this stupid
>It’s so bad…
If you're a schlanger.
>deflcting this hard
Because you have no argument
>All the astroturfing is fake obviously
Keep telling yourself that, the only thing i agree is that FR was too orange, there is one tiny scene in FR where it seems like it was skipped in the colour grading, and it looked perfect.

Nothing will ever beat the Road Warrior though.
Joe was a general during the water wars, him and his men captured and held onto the citidel, which is a water pump facility etc during the collapse I guess, it was something along those lines anyway.
There is another time skip that people miss. Once she confronts dementus by himself etc and the history man explains what might have happened, there is a passage of time there too.
Notice when she finally leaves with the wives, when she looks back, it's charlize therons face in that last scene.
So, there is a gap, she doesn't beat dementus and then go straight back to grab the wives and leave...there was enough time passed between that scene and the ending itself for a new war rig to be built too so it's pretty clear more time has passed.
>Keep telling yourself that
I do, because it's true
Well, fury road at least is a technical masterpiece. It merges real stunts and cgi so excellently, it cant be overlooked.
Furiosa on the other hand, lacks the visuals and the artistry Fury Road has, and the plot is a net negative because it gets stupid lots of times.
>I just don't understand why people who normally have good taste rate these movies so highly
Mad Max 2 was a cult classic hit. Fury Road as well.
I guess most of them who praised Furiosa, gaslighted themselves to think that this movie might look a bit rough, but it has what it takes to become another cult classic like the other Mad Max films, because they are pop culture worshiping npcs who think Miller cant do no wrong.
It truly means that they are a) paid shills or b) not confident on their judgement because they are afraid of losing their credibility as "professional reviewers" and went with the most safe, most npc view about Furiosa
More than cult classic, Mad Max was a phenomenon, dude, there was an entire subgenre of just ripping it off in the 80s. First Mad Max was the most profitable movie of all time for 20 years until Blair Witch came out.
>It merges real stunts and cgi so excellently, it cant be overlooked.
An then it slaps an awful filter over it. A pity
The real probel is that the parts that make something a movie and not a collection of images was completely missing
>Fury Road as well.
Absolutely not
>it's true
Yes, it's real in your mind dear.
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An then it slaps an awful filter over it. A pity
>Download the 2k blu ray version
>Use Pot Player's settings
>Decrease saturation
Unless you are a streamfag, you can see Fury Road the way you want.
>Absolutely not
Yes. The whole Mad Max saga up to Fury Road is a cult classic. Just like >>200785368 said, Mad Max 1+2 were more than cult classics, and people were trying to copy their style in the 80s-90s. On the other hand, I cant see Furiosa becoming a cult classic. At best, people will consider it the black sheep of the franchise. At worst, it will be completely memoryholed
filtered. it was a perfectly fine mad max film. not better than fury road or road warrior but beats the fuck out of thunderdome and mad max.
>Mad Max 2 was a cult classic hit. Fury Road as well.
This, never understood the 180 on this shithole board of people suddenly hating Fury Road, to me it just shows how fucking retarded they are, hate the story sure, but anyone that denies how impressive Fury Road was as a technical movie etc needs their head looking at.
This but the complete opposite
That looks a whole lot better, looks closer to the original three in your screenshot.
>At best, people will consider it the black sheep of the franchise
that would be mad max 1. that shit had nothing to do with road warrior or thunder dome, was just some aussie dude driving around while the warriors from the movie the warriors did punk shit.
>the 180 on this shithole board of people suddenly hating Fury Road
i always know something is going to be good or shit by taking the opposite opinion of all the /tv/ threads. fallout was just fine, the fall guy a perfectly good film, furiosa wasn't shit, the boys has been garbage since day 1.
benny hill frame rate
way too on the nose kike villain
>because I said so
kek ok
That's nice. Can I see a version with actual mad max, characters, a minimal story, dialogue and action that's not repetitive (and then they turn around and repeat)?
> The whole Mad Max trilogy is a cult classic.
Or maybe you can hear the real voices after hypetards and shills leave the building to jup on the next hypetrain
Well, Mad Max 1 is not a bad movie; it only has aged poorly because its a minimalistic revenge story with cars/motorbike chases. It doest have a post apocalyptic theme behind it to back it up. Plot wise, compared to Furiosa, Mad Max 1 is better.
>subpar/mediocre movie
get filtered so hard
>that shit had nothing to do with road warrior or thunder dome
What? Society is collapsing in the first movie, the coastal towns which were generally safe are now starting to succumb to the anarchy that is spreading and the lack of law. At the end of the first film, Max wanders out into the wastelands, where things have gone to shit more so, the intro to the road warrior literally explains everything in a matter of minutes, how does it have nothing to do with the others?
if i pull that off, would you die?
>Can I see a version with actual mad max
You did, it's called Fury Road you spacko, or are you one of these "max did nothing" types...if so, what a pleb, try paying attention when watching a film lol.
>because I said so
Ah right, putting words in my mouth, same could be said for your point lol.
>(and then they turn around and repeat)
Ah right, yeah you're one of those, say no more, you're retarded.
Ah the meme popularized by snydertards
>it actually hat those things that didn't had
Condescension is not a replacement for arguments, anon.
And getting angry and dismissive counts as a concession
Well thats not possible, because this place is full of retards that scream shill at everything others like that they don't you see, even in a few months, if people make threads on Furiosa and say they enjoyed it, you'll still have retards yelling "shill!" constantly.
Right, can't counter any points, ok.
this dude gets it
>virtual fist bump
>it was good
>shits on movie
how can you be old enough to know who benny hill is but not realize that sped up shit has been used through the mad max series? you dumb cunt
Lmao your seethe is hilarious NTA btw
>Y-You mad
It's not an argument
it wasn't meant to be it was an observation, you're kinda dumb eh?
>all you arguments are ad hominems when called out for liking bad movies
that was my first post in this thread you seething chucklefuck
Not everyone pointing out your retardation is me, others notice it too.
>benny hill frame rate
Cheers for pointing out how new to Mad Max you are I guess.
>NTA btw
Umhm, I guess you're also just "pretending" to be retarded too?
If you're not that anon, then maybe YOU can answer the stuff he couldn't, but probably not, perhaps you're another one of those in the massive crowd of idiots that think Max in Fury Road does nothing, or isn't in the film...
hot take: fury road was bad too, the trailer just hyped people too much
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There's a very brief scene of the mad max character, on a height overlooking the goings on, observing the furiosa escaping from dementus after cutting off her arm.
He looks identical to how max is portrayed at the start of fury road. This gives the impression of the movie 'furiosa' blending into the start of 'fury road'.
The narrative is as jarring as the events of 'revenge of the sith' tying in with the start of the original 'star wars' movie.
lol i'm just here to laugh at your intense butthurt, its hilarious, good movie btw
He is too old, let it go. It will be sad like Harrison Ford in the latest Indiana Jones movies.
Max has shorter hair in the cameo scene, and the interceptor also has it's lower front concord fairing, which was missing in Fury Road, showing that stuff has happened between, as the interceptor is less damaged than it was in the opening of Fury Road.
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>Fury Road is hailed as a masterpiece of practical effects and stunts
>the prequel is a cgi mess of PS2 graphics
Did Miller just get lazy or something? Fury Road was carried almost entirely upon the back of its stunts and practical effects and this is just....this.
So that's a no then.
the game is set inbetween furiosa and fury road, he kills rectus in it, thats why he wasn't in fury road
>Did Miller just get lazy or something?
He is pushing 80s, and execs didnt trust him to waste more money with his prequel because Fury Road was a flop as well. Also, Unreal Engine is easy to use and make changes in real time
how desperate for interaction are you? is that all this is? you just are so so lonely you are being a total spergy faggot just so someone will talk to you even its just to call you a retard over and over? thats pretty pathetic m8
>it only has aged poorly because its a minimalistic revenge story with cars/motorbike chases
That and it has influenced so much it feels done to death.
The ending where he doesnt stay hero and instead turns into amoral wasteland elite killer was a huge scene. Now it barely registers with the world of brutal anti-heroes available.
Not at all, just pointing out that you put way more effort into avoiding answering some simple points, than just answering those points, then you fly off the handle for some reason, odd really.
i'm not awoding I think every one of your "points" are retarded and see no reason to address them other anons have done a fine job doing that, you are simply a contrain faggot who outright rejects everything and reverts back to
>nuh uh its bad because...because I said so YOUR ALL SHILLS!
you are a lolcow that is all, please continue
Yeah did they pay off the critics. This movie deserved the flop.
Fuck are you even on about at this point, I'm defending the movie you retard, you've got your wires crossed, you got so mad you lost who the hell you're even arguing with or what you are even on about.
are you? eh fair enough meant to reply to the anon spamming astroturfing with every post, not paying much attention to this thread tbqh
>spastic anon can't read for shit
Aye, follow it back and re-read, I'm defending these movies, I love all the mad max movies. I'm moaning about not being able to discuss them without people like the guy you probably meant to reply to calling people like me a shill. He asked for a version of Fury Road with max in it...which we got, people forget all the important stuff max did in FR and how he moves the plot along etc as I see so many "Max did nothing in FR" posts which is what he was doing, but then started dodging when I called him out as one of those types, as in "max did nothing in FR" ...when really, max did pretty much everything.
I just watched, it was pretty good. Anya actually becomes Furiosa at the end, bitch can act I give you that. It was pretty entertaining, there is more story here while Fury Road was a big action sequence. Two things two, it felt a bit too long and the CGI was bad in some parts, specially the damn dogs.

Oh and I hate that midge.

And if I get that correctly, it was Max that takes Furiosa to the maggot grandma. This explains that moment in Fury Road when Furiosa looks funny at Max and ask if they met before.
yea I just did realized I missed part of the chain and jumped in on the wrong comment my bad I basically agree with you on all points
>Max did nothing in FR
Is not that great of an argument since after one he always do little, he just a guy passing by, people try to drag him to their problems, he want it out but always sacrifice a little of himself to help people and is left alone in the end.
No worries.
>And if I get that correctly, it was Max that takes Furiosa to the maggot grandma.
I got that impression that was the case, he might have dropped her near enough to be found by them, but not close enough to the citidel itself to get chased down etc.
Why is it bad though, anon?
just to take things a tad darker maybe he traded her to them for some maggot mince
>must be getting all the personal funds he can for Passion 2
Unironically he’s stated that’s why he’s taken all of these roles lol
Godzilla Minus One
Top Gun Maverick
Even the Batman was better than this shitheap, and I love every single other Mad Max with a passion except Thunderdome
great movie actually but you have no taste
Because it had a bad box office.
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furiosa is the exact precise opposite of woke, and infact reinforces the absolute fucking necessity (and timeless beauty) of toxic masculinity
Furiosa™ (2024) is one of the best movies to come out in theatres in YEARS

Dementus is furiosa's father
Dementus literally saves little-D multiple times, while teaching her hard, uncomfortable truths about the wasteland
by being a toxically male badass, which little-D learns in time, is how you survive
Furiosas (((mother))) was some random lesbian cultist,
irreparably damaging her life with the vulvulini shit
The teddy bear is furiosas bear, and changes as she grows up. at the end of the movie, the bear only has one arm, like little-D
>(the bear is a SYMBOL OF HOPE, for Dementus, the memory of Little-D).
pretorian-dipshit is the step-dad/boyfriend
at the end, Dementus recognizes her as "little-D" when she tearfully re-takes the bear, seeing that Dementus had *HOPE* all along
lastly, it is directly implied Dementus was the healthy "stag" who was impregnating joes wives
>(joes sons were 'pale genetic abominations, who produced nuke-ruined 3 legged offspring)
Dementus = chad white toxic masculinity (tan, vibrant, long hair, beard, charisma, muscles, height, big-D)
Immortan joe = "immortal jew" (flanked by literal jew, and shabbos goy henchmen)
know the difference^
great movie = 7,5 or 8/10 btw
this guy is on the money, movie feels stretched out, some scenes would be extremely annoying if you rewatch it - and CGI is overused a tad
Only 5 minutes in and a gang of men pedos kidnap a little girl from an idyllic green oasis and two lesbian lovers go after them to rescue the girl
sounds like a 10/10 movie, but its only a 7.5/10
why do you think their lesbians?
Should have had more scenes of Furiosa trying to urinate in secret to keep her gender hidden.
>Now it barely registers with the world of brutal anti-heroes available.

lol such as?
capeshit doesnt count
Escape from New York
are you retarded?
he said mad max inspired anti-hero movies and they are readily avaialble now
a movie from 1999 obviously doesnt count lmfao
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I said it, and why wouldnt it? Every movie I mentioned came after Mad Max and featured brutal anti-heroes.
It was an influential movie. There werent too many anti-hero movies before it. Dollars Trilogy, Death Wish, and maybe Dirty Dozen.
And except for Dollars most of those are rogue law enforcement, not apathetic opportunist anti-heroes.
gay letterboxd joke
A lot of the action also felt very "video gamey" in context; characters often delivered expository dialog identifying their objectives in the same way that missions in vidya start.
>gotta open that gate
>follow me through this hostile zone
>go flip that switch
Meanwhile in reality he's doing VOD with 50 cent.
Which bits? Don't remember anything like that other than her yelling at the bommyknocker midget.
There's no room to criticize this film for exposition when so much of the narrative is conveyed visually.
Its good actually.
by the end Chris Hemsworth accent was starting to annoy me. Also there are a few scenes where they speed up the shot and it looks very silly if you notice it.
Its awful. Glad i didn't pay for a ticket or pay any taxes to the corrupt government that subsidised the film. Fuck the australian government and fuck every redditor that defends the practice.
>>weird plot holes (immortan joe doesn't notice his cunny disappears? no questions on where the new driver chick comes from? etc.)
honestly feels like a lot of scenes were deleted
>It merges real stunts and cgi so excellently,
>dat final crash of the rig
dont care about the technical aspects. otherwise is was a solid 7/10
the 70s were the decade of anti-heroes tho
>lastly, it is directly implied Dementus was the healthy "stag" who was impregnating joes wives
the sped up shots have been in mad max since the first one, also thats just what chris hemsworth sounds like irl
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they. destroyed. the car
this movie was just one big humiliation ritual
nah it sounded like he was doing a Johnny Depp impression and it got really annoying
>There werent too many anti-hero movies before it.
damn you just made a bunch of shit up in your head and now you actually believe it, incredible
and before you even consider trying to contradict me, lucas created star wars explicitly because he wanted to go against the anti-hero grain that was prevalent at the time
nope he sounded nothing like johnny depp americans literally can't do an australian accent they don't have the muscle for it, this is true btw its why australians and british can do american accents and not the other way around, a certain throat muscle is stretched out allowing burgers to do the american drawl but makiing them incapable of doing anything else, its why they always suck at trying to do accents
isnt that /pol/'s MO
I wouldn't know you tell me I don't go their
Yet the comparison was made.
>thats why he wasn't in fury road
what? the big guy? he was in fury road.
lol meant scrotus his brother the little guy
but everything that anon said is nonsense he made up, you already posted this in the other thread you tard
Such as?
what the fuck are you talking about? did you have any examples?
or for instance every single mad max film
Did Immortan Joe never say “Hey, whatever happened to my child bride?”
it was funny.
Yes, you'll just have to wait until "Immortan Loses It For a Few Days: A Mad Max Saga"
kino taste wish we got mad max 5 instead of this prequel bs
No, it was not.
2020 Texas Gladiators is my personal favorite.
>dat final crash of the rig
That scene was deliberately made like this, you stupid lemming
yes it absolutely was
nah this was good too 4 out of 5 is pretty damn good, shame the 1/2 of thunderdome sucks ass
This. That was back when 3D was still the craze.
>nah this was good too 4 out of 5 is pretty damn good, shame the 1/2 of thunderdome sucks ass
shame 1/1 of furiosa sucks ass bad ue5 cgi bad compositing bad score bad acting bad casting badly written badly made

id take another thunderdome over this shit
Nothing wrong with that other than the steering wheel flying towards the screen (which was real but looks very cgi)
never thought people would be filtered by a mad max movie of all things but here we are
you do that then, furiosa was great btw literally everything you said was wrong, great casting great acting great score great compositing great cgi great story, absolutly hilarious you keep trying to find something to critizize and then just get btfo out again
uh feminist
>nope heres why...
uh cgi
>no that was practical
>uh speed up scenes
thats in every mad max, you are a lolcow
To be fair to Fury Road it's like
One of the most ambitious practical effects movies of all time. You have to admire the insane stunts people pulled off with it, even if you find the story itself weak.
the miller is a retard it's absolute shit
Fucking kek.
>one of the best directors ever
>a retard
lmfao you are genuinely the fumiest sperg i've encountered in a while, you are so deadset on hating this movie you say the dumbest shit over and over
Here you go: https://bt4gprx.com/magnet/tX9OqeZbTOhKFWNqeNKiAhqrRP5MAzVHC

It should be a 100%... at least for the moment. :)
I wish jack didn't die
>you do that then, furiosa was great btw literally everything you said was wrong, great casting great acting great score great compositing great cgi great story, absolutly hilarious you keep trying to find something to critizize and then just get btfo out again
get yo shit checkd movie was god aweful i know because i watched it twice back to back everyone hated it
>I watched it twice back to back everyone hated it
oh you're doing a bit, got it, glad you aren't quite as retarded as you seemed
Gave the ones I know, and why I think they are a different sort.
Go ahead and make your case instead of just googling.
Good to know you are already considering ways your argument fails, and trying to defeat yourself pre-emptively.
Wasnt my argument at all.
See what I said, and try to respond.
Still waiting for examples, Mad Max has always been a visual series.
Post examples of whatever the fuck it is you are on about, because it seems like you're chatting shite.
This is why I can't ever get into Fury Road or this one. I cannot watch a series that doesn't have a consistent timeline. Furiosa was around 10 or so when she was kidnapped and it took over 20 years for her to return. And she lived in the world after the collapse.

And so we are to believe that Max who looks like in his 30s is supposed to have been alive in a world where there were working law enforcement, hospitals, trains, tv, radio and people would still consider taking holidays. Max should really be slightly younger than Immortan Joe really.
this perfect timeline autisim is so stupid it already broke down between 1 and 2
Life is a big humiliation ritual.
>I cannot watch a series that doesn't have a consistent timeline
That's on you then, Mad Max has never been a series with an absolute timeline, and it's widely known that each film is almost like a campfire story told by different people.
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The pedophiles weren't joking, young furiosa was kino and the best part of the movie, after her part the movie fell apart.
Kid, how come you're like this? Did a single mom raise you?
Awwwwwww is a little bitch really worthless? A little bitch is a poverty bitch and really overweight? Awwwww how sad but not my problem.
It was a nice shot of her butt
the absolute state of this board jesus
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How long will you try and force this meme?
Which one did you prefer? The one where she was getting carried out of the safe, or the one where's climbing up the stairs? I prefer the stairs one, the fabric outlining her butt was beautiful and sexy.
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>pay no mind, just posting the most GOATED car
Boneyard is better than any big budget Hollywood movie made in the last decade.
The stairs one, for the same reasons. She looked so graceful.
v8 sand rails are cool
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>tfw your retard brother fumbles the baddie
i was wondering how she got this car
i swear she showed up to the war driving some piece of shit with 3 wheels then the next scene she's in the bad ass car?
jesus chirst get off you fucking phone, she shows up and they strip the parts of her piece of shit 3 wheeler and put in on this car that scrotus and rectus are arguing about whos driving it and she jumps in an legs it, ffs, I hate zoom zooms so much its unreal
>the war is a fucking slideshow?
The war isn't that important to Furiosa's story. We don't need to see massive battles for the point to get across.
i was tired at the end of the movie because the fucking cinema played 30 minutes of adverts before the movie started and it was a late show ok
lmao, come on dude
i like the part when some retard says they should just let gas town be destroyed and they will rebuild it lmao
>movie has a slightly higher budget than Fury Road
>looks significantly cheaper

Think their first mistake was casting Anya, she is not a Box-office draw, no matter how determined Hollywood is to make her A-star
Who would you have cast?
Huge mistake was also using sovless jeetshit AI throughout most of the film.
you mean the stuff that was never used and only in your imagination?
These are the type of people shitting on this film and saying stuff makes no sense or the movie is full of plot holes.
Holy fuck, pay attention.
Yes, seeing as the movie is about her.
Can it possibly get worse? Yes, yes it can.

The lava at the bullet farm was ps2 tier. Same with any time Dementus' truck climbs anything or drives around.
The framing also made it obvious as to how much ISN'T there. Like the actor would take up 60% of the screen in many action shots in order to distract and cover up the other 40% of the screen that looked like Twisted Metal for the PS2.
who says he has to star dumb ass
I want him to direct mad max more than anything
lol wut? Literally most everyone is griping about the shit ass CGI in this.
>Same with any time Dementus' truck climbs anything or drives around
You know those were real practical scenes right? I hope you're not the same guy that claimed Dementus truck was fully cgi in one of the other threads...
>cast Anya Taylor Whore
>go through the trouble of cgi-ing her face into a cunny
>still use a scene from Fury Road featuring Charlize Theron

I used to think it was so cool that Miller was an old man making a movie like Fury Road but now I think he should retire like every other 80 year old filmmaker still working today
How the fuck do you get that fucking fat in an apocalype timeline, thats what gets me rustled over everything else.
>still use a scene from Fury Road featuring Charlize Theron
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>Find place with abundant food resources
>completely abuse it
nope that just you and a few other absolute retards who don't realize how much was practical
that was a practical effect you moron
Accurate representation of women
fucking hell you are dumb
>that was a practical effect you moron
The lava?
>The lava at the bullet farm was ps2 tier
Never seen a molten slag dumping before? Looked damn close, do you even remember what PS2 cutscenes looked like?
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dementus truck you absolute retard
How in the FUCK did Dementus just get his guys killed every time then respawn them?
Allison Brie
seething faggot detected
did you see how many guys he's got and literally the second scenario with him showing how he recruits more? were you dropped on your head as a child?
People watch movies for stories, not CGI
You can't read.
>I was completely wrong and talked absolute bullshit
>better say he's seething that means I wasn't wrong
fucking idiot
>The lava at the bullet farm was ps2 tier. Same with any time Dementus' truck climbs anything or drives around
>that was practical effects you moron
>the lava
>dementus truck you fucking retard
you can't even keep track of your own posts
Imagine her and mermaid chick could conceive a child and then that child grew up to marry that droopy banana tit right wing darling and within two generations of inbreeding they looked like hammerhead sharks
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Could have been good. Though she's less believable as a young Charleze than Anya is.
>Dementus' truck climbs anything or drives around
How do you read this and get "truk is fake"
Wow talk about walled
the climbing and driving around wasn't fake you fucking idiot
I should've known that the WASTELAND is just full of new recruits. BRAVO GEORGE
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>T-This movie is good guys. J-Just trust me.
oh so you didn't pay any attention to any of the movies since madmax 1 and are now surprised their are roving gangs not affiliated with any major group? damn maybe you should just stop posting about this film its clear you have no fucking clue what you are talking about
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damn that scene was great
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1 hour 41 minutes in. Looks fake. Especially how the truck levels off at the top of the hill.
Got watch it yourself, brown retard. I'm not making a webm.
this was the best action scene in the movie it was awesome lol
fuck your dumb
>looks fake
but it isn't you should check out behind the scenes trying to call me a sithskin doesn't change you being a fucking idiot
To be fair that's probably the worst looking part CGI wise, and I didn't mind it. The scene itself was cool.
Yikes that is bad.
lmfao you really are grasping at any straw you can eh? this is pathetic
>behind the scenes
Are there more shots of young Furiosa in that white dress?
>Looks fake.
Like a lot of things that are actually practical.
They already have the truck built, why the hell do you think for something as simple as driving, that they'd cgi it instead of using the very real functional truck they already have?
>I'm not making a webm.
Because it would prove you wrong.
You're seeing cgi where there isn't, it levels out because it's fairly flut up past that bit as it's joining up onto a dirt road.
Well it's got more creatvitiy in it than the last near decade of cinema at the very least, so I personally can forgive the odd dodgy green screen effect here and there.
shut up fatty
>fairly flut
The fuck kind of bongspeak is that
The truck in that shot doesn't move with the weight of a real truck and it looks fake.
I'm half assed typing trying not to scare a baby rabbit I rescued with my clickety clackity keyboard.
On topic though, there you go again, "looks fake".

Looks, but isn't. Remember the steering wheel from the war rig crash in FR? Same shit, looked fake as fuck, but wasn't.
>It’s so bad…
Your entire existence? Yeah we can tell.
>1 hour 41 minutes in. Looks fake. Especially how the truck levels off at the top of the hill.
You made me go and check, what the fuck are you on about, nothing wrong with that bit whatsoever.
>The truck in that shot doesn't move with the weight of a real truck
Well no, it moves in the way a custom truck with lifted suspension and six monster truck size wheels would move, and given the size of the engine, the wheels and the amount of torque, as well as the fact the truck has had bits stripped off it, not exactly far fetched.
You're in a thread about about a Mad Max movie, and your issue is with how a truck looks cgi (it isn't) and doesn't seem to move like a real truck? (it does).
the very end of the film where Dementus is the "tree of life" giving fruit to the wives

rictus produces genetic abomities, Dementus calls him out for it
Imortan joe KNOWS Dementus is the "last healthy virile man"
>the weight of a real truck
It's a modified Mack DM800, used to be used as a dump truck, a truck designed to cary very hefty loads, as >>200798477 is sorta saying, it's got the majority of its weight stripped off of it so the engine has even less of a struggle than it usually would.
Id hope that fellas existence isn't as bad as Flopiosa. Whoa.
You niggers are the ones who see those videos of RC cars and think they are real monster trucks
WTF was that shit. You have literal dystopian desert world with no fucking food and this bitch is fucking 600lbs?????
You sound like somebody who has no clue about engines or anything. I fix motorcycles for a living.
DM800, bucket loads of torque, raised suspension, chuck on those wheels, not exactly a tricky feat for it to climb up that incline you know, especially as the truck itself is missing a whole load of it's weight.
It has more food than Joe's place which is full of fat women.
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and what of Green Dementus?
>make a shitty cgislop scene
They were literal cows
Told you guys.
yeah? cows eat a lot man.
>I cant see Furiosa becoming a cult classic
lmao what kind of retarded shit is this. You can't make a cult classic with a huge Hollywood budget in a franchise that is already considered part of a cult classic's legacy. Jesus you people are stupid. kek. Saying that, Furiosa is plastic, but it's better than FR.
No no remember, we're all shills.
>He looks identical to how max is portrayed at the start of fury road
Nah he looks identical to Max in the first movie.
Wish they had cast another woman besides Anya Taylor Joy, she looked like she hated every second of it while Chris Hemsworth looked like he was having the time of his life
>It’s so bad…
That you are unable to formulate 3-4 cohesive phrases on why "It’s so bad…"
Basically you're an idiot, anon
>People love my good movies
George the Pleb Killer Miller
Where is the music? Ist he movie unfinished?
the war rig scene was better than anything in Feminist Road

this whole chase part was kino - when the giant octopus kite thing came flying over i was like 'ohhhh thats why hes called that, noice'

it was a solid 7/10

no need for timeskips though, cunny road would have been just fine
>she looked like she hated every second of it
Yeah she should have been smiling and laughing the whole time, that really would have fit her character. Fucking retard. She nailed Theron's voice and demeanour
She barely did okay with her extremely limited range of emotion and was outclassed by everyone around her. I'm sure you can relate, what with your extreme autism. It's not too late anon, I recommend some psychotherapy ASAP. You can still be a human. Good luck.
>two different actors play two different characters
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Imagine calling anyone autistic when you type like that kek
This fucking social media grifting midget nigger took me out of the scene.
C-can I do the bommyknocker SHUT THE FUCK UP
When the little mutant dies and bleeds onto all the produce I laughed. Throw him off the fucking truck ffs.
No seriously use a fucking ACTOR not write an obvious social media bait scene.
>And so we are to believe that Max who looks like in his 30s is supposed to have been alive in a world where there were working law enforcement, hospitals, trains, tv, radio and people would still consider taking holidays. Max should really be slightly younger than Immortan Joe really.
max is literally a cop in the first movie
A pretty big disappointment compared to fury road
hopefully the cgi in the rest of the movie was better cos this is dogshit
It definitely was
i like both this and fury road
most movies i like, nobody else likes
the chariot vehicle thing was regarded
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>Fury Road is hailed as a masterpiece of practical effects and stunts
Fury Road was full of CGI, it was just done better.

Aye, highly regarded, it was a cool machine!
He only finished it a week before release and one anon said his music guy said fuck off
Are you saying Hemsworth can't do the australian accent? Because he is australian. I agree with the rest tho, americans are pretty bad at accents.

Also soundtrack was nice but nothing stands like Fury Road.
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anyone got a map ?
I haven't stopped regarding it since I saw the film.
They should have called it Fury Road -1,
its as much Dementus story as Furiosas backstory
white dementus
red dementus
dementus the great
dark dementus
This map makes no sense, it makes too easy to spot the Green Place.
This movie has reignited the Mad Max Franchise on this board for the past month
Extraction 2
God damn you people are fucking stupid.
It looks like woke slop at first so it sparked discussion, but it actually pretty good (but not perfect) so the threads have a lot to discuss. It makes me sad that this flopped, this movie expands Fury Road world quite nicely and makes me want to watch The Wastelands, but this will never happen now.
one week to do the music is insane. i'd also tell him to fuck off
They could try to shoot The Wasteland on a smaller budget. The movies just don't have a broad appeal for 100 million+ budgets.
Sure but if they can waste money with Snyder, Alien, Terminator, why not give a little more to Miller? Flop or not man made legit kino, I blame the last ten years of shitty woke garbage and girl boss movies for the box office.
Starring and Directed by...
Furiosa was giant disappointment and I can't believe people are defending it
The action scenes are awesome
George Miller should direct more action films but let someone else write the script
Cause the action is great
it would kill in 3D
Totally agree
Sopranos stink. No country for old men is unwatchable, marvel cinematic universe is fun. Star wars prequels are horrific. Chernobyl sucks. etc.
I'm not joking by the way.
I liked it

>There's only one man that can save the Mad Max franchise....

There is ONE OTHER...
(Unfurls Duct Tape)

But he's gonna have to be given writing duties to fit his humor sensibilities. And a decent budget.
Rick and morty is better than the simpsons, poltergeist is one of the best horrors made
>Wingardium Furiousa...

Shemoanee: "Stop it Ron... Stop..."

Wingardium Leviosa (Harry Potter Parody Animation) - Oney Cartoons
she's the wet nurse

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