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>this was an unstoppable super criminal according to boomers

underrated kino
>this was an unstoppable super criminal according to boomers
but he's clearly stopped in this picture
It was released in 2001,when Gen X and early Millenials were going to cinema. Did Boomers now become just a generic term for old people? Will Zoomers become Boomers in 20 years?
no shit zoomer is the opposite
Great ending
He got more powerful after every alternate version he killed. I watched Dark Matter and wish it was more like The One.
Jet Li could kick your ass with his hands tied behind his back you fat fuck
>watch this kino for the first time
>unironic let the bodies hit the floor and down with the sickness usage
The One and the english dub of Black Mask are the most kino of movies.
Sven Law
I like Lawless.
For me, it's Boom Law
Unrepentant 30yo boomer here
This movie has 13% on rotten tomatoes and is pure kino
I'd suggest you go watch Black Panther again broccoli head
There were infinite numbers of him so there were was a posibility there would have been a troon law who believe he was a woman
You are mine
That one just takes himself out though
>There were infinite numbers of him
No, there were an infinite number of universes, but fewer than 100 of him between them. We know this because we see his kill count and there are only three of them left at the beginning of the movie.
He is like a 120 lbs. He could not generate enough striking power to stop me from getting my hands on him, and then he'd die. Life isn't a movie. You are not smart.
>Friday night
>sleepover in basement with friends
>double feature of The One and Bulletproof Monk
>halo 2 afterwards
Zoomers will never understand, they'd prolly think they were supposed to have sex with each other
Why has he got that ripped jean fashion?

Has he been skateboarding?
You have never been in a fight in your life you fat neckbeard neet

Any 60kg boxer can knock your chin off and you'll be convulsing on the floor shitting yourself
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I watched a 120lb 65 year old chink knock two roid niggers out. I will always remember that shit.
I love that film. I wish his power level increase with each kill was better defined and shown though, and Good Jet Li too.
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>He is like a 120 lbs. He could not generate enough striking power to stop me from getting my hands on him, and then he'd die. Life isn't a movie. You are not smart.
Something tells me I can easily take on this professional athlete.
New universes were a result of blackhole formation, so there were a finite number, and not all would include an x-Law.

I thought that was a kinda clever little detail specifically so you didn't have infinity x-Laws.
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>Though only a couple dozen black holes have been found so far in the Milky Way, there are thought to be hundreds of millions
>a quantifiable number is infinite
I fought light heavyweight and heavyweight for 4 years golden gloves and college. My semi-pro record was 22 2 and 3. Long said short, shut your stupid fucking cock holster before you are worth my time. In the real world you iron my underwear while I sift through the care packages your mother sent.
nice autistic copypasta fatso
>In the Milky Way galaxy, it's estimated that about one to two stellar mass black holes form per century. This estimate comes from observing the rate of massive star formation and their subsequent evolution into black holes. Therefore, on average, the Milky Way might form approximately 0.01 to 0.02 black holes per year. This number can vary depending on the specifics of star formation rates and the distribution of stellar masses in our galaxy.

There could be many formed before there was life on Earth yes, but no human or x-Law would exist in any of them since they split from that point.

More explanation is required, but you could easily bullshit that when the gravity wave from a distant black hole formation hits Earth millions of years later, that's when you experience that split. I always assumed the concept was based on something like the Gravitation Wave Detection shit, and we don't get an infinite number of those.

>For the Milky Way specifically, since gravitational wave events are detected from distant galaxies and not just within our galaxy, the rate of events detected by LIGO and Virgo doesn't directly correlate to the number occurring within the Milky Way. However, the rate of events across the observable universe gives an idea of the frequency of such events in cosmic terms.
>While precise numbers can vary, we can estimate that several tens to a few hundreds of gravitational wave events (mostly from binary black hole mergers and neutron star mergers) occur per year across the universe based on current observations and models.

Sounds pretty finite to me.
I ain't fat you wishful bitch, but I am old... and very mean. Your delusions do not change shit about my reality.
Statham mentions that one Law is married to a man, but he didn't specify if that version was a woman, gay, or a tranny.
>Statham mentions that one Law is married to a man
>it's presented as a disgusting joke
Dex > Str, fatty
Again for the non-readers... not fat at all. Just big and trained. I do not fear your doubt or Asians. Get over your own short comings. I do not possess them.
>let the bodies hit the floor intensifies
oh hell yeah i love black mask
You're very dedicated to convincing 4chan that you're an impressive man through text.
I enjoy fighting... no shit
Also I would point out this is not only an easy way to explain and expand on how that sci-fi universe operates, since now more people are aware of gravitational astronomy and black hole shit, but it would always have been a great way to create a sequel.

Have more black holes created while Yulaw is in the Stygian prison world, so when he escapes he has to go after multiple versions of himself again. This time maybe all of them expecting him and all versions more based on himself or Gabe.
That way you get two Yulaw's fighting each other to be The One, and maybe multiple Gabe's teaming up to go against him. Maybe have a Gabe version that defects to seize the power for himself. Like part of Gabe's personality is where Yulaw comes from in the first place, so you see him progressively turning from a Gabe to a Yulaw. See the good cop partner that Roedecker talked about become obsesed with power and turn bad in the same way. Maybe part of Gabe is still pissed off about Yulaw killing his woman and wants revenge and this guy is an expression of that.

Also Yulaw has to escape Hades Universe only to have to go to an ever worse version to kill the copy of himself - maybe a weaker one that WAS everybody's bitch. Could start the movie with a fake out that picks up where the other one left off showing that version getting his arse kicked. Only for the real Yulaw to show up later and lay waste showing how much more of a badass the original really is.

Also get to power them back down and then have them progressively gain power with each kill, and Gabe will know it's happening and be called to action from his Utopian universe when he senses it.
The first and last time they had Jason Statham do an American accent.
It wasn't perfect, but he didn't break nearly as much when he's yelling the way most bongs do. Also used a way more appropriate amount of nasal inflection.
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I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once and wished it was more like The One.
Zoomies on suicide watch, but failure already assumed.
Aged like fine wine, still nobody's bitch
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this thread made me realize something. How is /asianmasculinity a thing when they had 50 years of power fantasies ever since bruce lee?
statham's attempted american accent in this is hilarious
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ill never forget those massive rat balls
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dinner and a walk.
Not really the same thing with all the dozens/hundreds of Jason that got duplicated by the box when Jason prime was trying to find his was home
Wait, he did?
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They don't make them how they used to
i remember when they got sucked into the wormhole and i was thinking wow this looks great
How does a person even get a physique like this? Does he just do ab exercises?
My hatred of millenials is unreal
>Did Boomers now become just a generic term for old people?

How new are you?
That would be an interesting spin on a sequel. The villain becomes the protagonist in the sequel. A reverse Terminator 1&2 situation.
>tells all the others they are his bitches
>begins prison raping them
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Would be easy to give it a bit of depth by more closely relating Gabe to Yulaw in a yin-yang kinda way, and easy to explore with multiple slightly different versions. Maybe throw in some quantum bullshit to explain their differences like the universe re-rolls their stats each time.

This movie never getting a sequel is practically a crime against cinema though. Imagine how good it could have been with a bigger budget and/or more modern effects only a few years down the line. Not that the effects in the original didn't have their charm, (one of the few films where turn of the century effects were used in a way that actually has charm).

I know the boxoffice didn't justify it at the time, but we're still talking about it, which is more than I can say for a lot of shit before, concurrent, and since. Definitely has a solid cult following which might've been worth another roll of the dice. Jet Li was great as a totally megalomaniacal bad guy, and was playing distinct characters. I was more surprised by that than anything.

A sequel would have been an opportunity to flesh out the multiverse more, and I would have liked to see some flashbacks to Yulaw turning evil on Rodecker, a bit of Funsch's backstory mabye. Could actually retrospectively make the original movie better at the same time. Just the fact you can bring back alternate versions of any character gives you plenty of freedom.

Like imagine if Funsch has to kill another version of himself at the start of the sequel, he gets to feel what the power surge is like and is battling that like an addiction, so he has some understanding of how Yulaw feels. Also gives him superpowers because he discovers there are less copies of him because they all have shitty lives and wind up dead. The Time Cops are suspicious of him after what happened with Yulaw and want to take him off the job, but he has to help Gabe save the universe. He almost goes off the rails but yet another version of Rodecker sets him straight.
He has super strength
What happens to his girlfriend? The one who helped him escape captivity?
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She became my wife
>"I was in a Marvel movie, you know"
Why do these people go out in public like they just woke up?
Pure early 2000s kino. Perfectly encapsulated not only the culture but also the zeitgeist. Any other movies anons would consider that embody this time?
Jet Li has zero charisma. Every movie he made would have been better with Keanu Reeves or Brad Pitt as the lead.
First scene:
>flashback to the Stygian Colony with Fake Yulaw saying the 'Nobody's bitch' line
>fighting off hundreds of faggots
>but suddenly suffering what we will find out later is an ill-timed power nerf due to a new black hole forming
>so he eventually gets overwhelmed and the shit kicked out of him.
Second scene:
>Funsch has become the best Multiverse Agent on the force
>but he feels like he's hit some unfair glass ceiling and assumes it's some class thing
>he's on his most important case ever, an undercover investigation of a mysterious and illusive multiverse supercriminal
>nobody knows what this reclusive mastermind looks like
>Funsch has successfully infiltrated the criminal organisation and is going to meet the big boss face to face
>it's another version of himself
>so they have of course been onto him the whole time
>they talk
>Yu-Funsch gives him the 'we're not so different you and I' speech
>revealing details about their shared shitty past
>tells him how data about the other versions of himself are being intentionally kept from him by the Cyberpolice
>he has a tragic orphan boo-hoo history, and lost the love of his life or whatever
>so most other versions of him were drunks/junkies
>they lived in the gutter, and died by suicide
Monitor with Statham in a variety of silly wigs this time looking like shit in every one no matter how nice the universe name sounds
>that's the real reason he's getting the side-eye and not being promoted at work >Yu-Funsch wants him to help rule the multiverse
>Funsch actually considers it for a moment
>but realises Yu-Funsch plans to kill him to be The One anyway
>they fight
>Real Funsch™ gets the upper hand
>despite his best efforts to avoid it as per 'procedure' he is forced kill Yu-Funsch

>cut to Gabe living happily ever after in the Rainbows and Lollipops Universe with his chickypoo, gradually nerfed almost back to normal to his delight
>but suddenly he has a bad feeling about this, something feels wrong
>meanwhile back at the Stygian Colony we see that Fake Yulaw has been everybody's bitch for quite some time
>he is in restraints doing bitchwork and suffering daily humiliation.
>the Real Yulaw™ suddenly shows up and kills every motherfucker
>chats with Fake Yulaw
>criticising him for being a pathetic weak cuck faggot bitch
>the real Yulaw got nerfed at the same time, but is just such a fucking badass angry fuck 'driven by hate' he was still victorious and rules the Hades Universe with an iron fist
>where as Cuck-law was 'consumed by fear' when he got nerfed
>Real Yulaw™ didn't kill all the other fags to save Cuck-law as the now begging on his knees Cuck-law hopes
>he's disgusted by him and wanted to tell him in no uncertain terms before killing his yellow faggot arse with his bare hands and spitting on the corpse
>he sees the seeds of the same weakness in himself, despises it, and seeks to eliminate it
>he's had plenty of time to develop a very personal rage-boner for Gabe along similar lines, same reason he killed his own version of T.K.

>Funsch returns to base and faces a lot of questions
>they try to act like it's just 'procedure' but it's practically an interrogation
>he has a few questions of his own now about the organisation he's been devoted to all this time
>they don't go down well and he gets put on leave pending investigation
>he continues to argue, the situation becomes heated and he slams his fist down on the table smashing it, (to his surprise)
>he gets suspended by the obviously fearful Captain and nervously told to turn in badge and weapon
>alarms go off as the breakout of Stygian Colony is detected and unauthorised travel to the Uber-Hades Universe
>Funsch realises Gabe is in danger and begs to be put back on duty
>the Captain wont allow it
>he uses his newfound superpowers to take some guys out and violates 'procedure' by going anyway
>after he's gone the recovering Captain reluctantly issues a multiverse bulletin to shoot on sight
It was also at the height of martial arts Revival in movies and Jet Li was basically the Bruce Lee of the 2000s
The movie ends with him being stopped tho. OP is a faggot again
Saw a scrawny old chink roundhouse a nog that was trying to get crazy at his restaurant. Knocked his ass out cold. Probably the fucking coolest thing I've ever seen in irl ever.
Kiss of the Dragon is such a perfect blend of the HK/Bruce Lee style and the Western Van Damme type of stories from the 90s. Maybe my favorite non tournament fight movie.
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sweet blog post, sweety. please tell us more things you dislike, we're all dying to hear
why do retards still believe in the power of the mystic asian martial art when literally every combat sport is dominated by non asians?
Statham as protag/antag would be the obvious choice for a sequel. Jet Li got communist aids or something that fucked him up and stopped making kinos.
Combat sports are all games. He can't use his true powers since they're too deadly
I was thinking along the same lines. I fucking love Yulaw and would like to see him again, but due to this >>200798003 not being entirely inaccurate, pushing Statham to the forefront wouldn't be the worst decision either, especially after his career got more traction.

They alluded to Funsch's past in the first one so it's the perfect set up. He has an addictive personality, and Rodecker basically saved him from a similar destiny to all the other because he's such a based nigger Obi-Wan motherfucker, but that's why the Cyberpolice made them partners, so Rodecker could keep an eye on him and make sure he didn't go off the rails. They wanted to use him because he was good at the job and had unusual potential, but didn't expect him to get that far after Rodecker was gone, and still had to wonder about him. Kinda like the GATTACA thing, where the multiverse is basically statistical proof he has like a 98% chance of going of the rails and an hero'ing.

You also get to see how he feels about Rodecker in the gas station scene. That's how you could bring an Alt-Rodecker back that is more like the original at the end, (maybe a cop in his universe), to guide him onto the right path one last time though. It's like pottery.
The only plot hole in this movie was that the antagonist supposedly got more intelligent but his quest for dominance is ultimately foolhardy. Being The One won't grant him immortality nor make him ruler of the world. Instead, he should simply be recruiting enough of his copies into a single universe. Imagine having 100 copies of yourself. You'd only have to go to work 3 days a year.
This. The matrix effects were tastefully done. Obviously greatest normie ending of all time. Consistently surprisingly entertaining.
It's a metaphor for China's rise and the West's only recourse to curtail that being to put sanctions on China without being able to actually stop them.
you didnt think that through at all
>China's rise

China is a paper tiger more reliant on US trade than the US is reliant on them. Their economy is more akin to monopoly than our own. They have no blue water navy, thru can't even feed their own people without imports
>China takes Taiwan tomorrow
Then America literally sinks overnight. It's that close.

Also everything you said is wrong, copium rhetoric that pro-US pundits spew but know it's not true.

He starts off with (a bad) one in The Beekeeper but by the middle of the movie it's disappeared
Maybe find out that Roedecker is a based magic negro and good man in a position of responsibility in almost every universe that kinda opposite to the way Funsch is a loser. Except for the one version he had the emotional moment with in the first film that works at a gas station.

Anyway, he gets to have another bigger better more satisfying 'no homo' moment with an Alt-Rodecker, but it's 'more real' and more similar version that he actually works with and helps them bring down the bad guy.

So maybe at the end after he saves the universe and gets promoted, he finally has access to the files of all his own alternates and feels depressed looking at them, taking a swig from a bottle and looking at his gun, but then he wonders and looks up Rodecker's file, realising how many good versions of him there are doing based philanthropic shit.

So Funsch's little arc is going from:
>going against procedure
>Rodecker teaching him to follow procedure
>him learning the importance of procedure
Then in the second one:
>has a successful career due to blind adherence to procedure
>loses faith in procedure again
>going against procedure
>having an internal battle with himself
>Alt-Rodecker turning him back from the edge
>him realising procedure is good but you need the wisdom to know when to violate it sometimes

Ah got it, he's looking through Rodecker's file at the end and sees that the Alt-Rodecker he was working with, has an Alt-Funsch as a normal cop partner in his universe. Like in retrospect he realises when they first met and sci-fi shit was going on Alt-Rodecker thought he WAS Alt-Funsch and their initial conversation was weird in a reverse-pottery way like the he had with the gas station guy, but it quickly became clear he was from another universe so Alt-Rodecker didn't even tell him, but he was able to help him because he already 'knew' him - since he already saved Alt-Funsch from his past and they're happily catching bad guys together in that other universe.
>What happens to his girlfriend? The one who helped him escape captivity?
Went back to her job training mice.
I always liked the little tail antenna. Something just so funny about that. Also that the mouse got blowed up. Yulaw may have killed 123 people but killing a innocent little mouses is just evil.
>woman dressed like that in the room
>nobody looking at her when she's doing mouse shit
I can buy multiverses and wormholes, but come the fuck on.
All the women in that universe dressed like that.
So that's the Utopia universe? Fuck that gay EV universe then.
Not bad. I'd watch it. You can do a lot of things with a story and characters involving multiverse. Even mixing genres. Just not in a shit way the Marvel does it.
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>*split up for literally no reason*
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Thanks. It pretty much writes itself after that, just a matter of filling in more and more granular details, fight scenes, and dialogue which is above my paygrade.

I think a good example of why faggots just denouncing 'multiverses' as a whole is bullshit. I can see what Marvel was trying to do, make it like the way they can do that shit in the comics, and it could work, but the Woke shit intruded, quality dropped, and made people react badly to that it.

The 'What if ... ?" comics are some of the more interesting Marvel comics they ever made. Proof that shit is not inherently bad.
>talks about his space gun for no reason
>China is a paper tiger
Keep saying paper tiger while getting BROWNED and BLACKED.
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Jesus Christ. I work out literally 30 minutes a day and I have a better physique.
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>this was an unstoppable super criminal according to boomers
Don’t mention it. I'm ok with multiverse if it's done right...but, then again I'm ok with whatever as long it's not dumb, cash cow grab or it’s at least cool enough to justify a weak story. Meaning, we aren’t writing a story, we are writing something just to keep going because we getting money for that particular franchise.
You're amazing, you know that?
But I don't want big tits
Fuck off Boomer
I don't recall being called amazing for writing before, so shucks I guess.

I just wish the professional writers that are definitely more 'amazing' than me were being hired by Hollywood these days instead of the fucking soulless morons they obviously are employing for dumb reasons. There's obviously no shortage of writers out there who can 'do better' than have Falcon literally tell people to 'do better'.
There is no sound yet I can hear this webm
I was in my early 20's back then. The first Fast and Furious movie. Scary Movie, Kill Bill, the first Transformers movie, Spiderman 1+2, The Matrix Trilogy. These were the movies my friends and I went to the cinema to see or watched endlessly on vhs/dvd at house parties.
This scene with the music was so cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmiIP2JX9CU
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>its called the kiss of the dragon

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