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What went wrong?
the women talked too much
torrent hosters kept uploading this movie without audio, it was funny the first time
it says right there
>women talking
too scary of a title for the average moviegoer
the pointless ftm character
>"Women Talking?"
>"Sounds like the scariest horror movie evah. Amirite, or amirite?"
Why were all mentions of the budget deleted from the internet? I think it used to be $135 million without marketing but now there's articles saying it was more like $10-15 million.
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What man wouldn't be immediately fascinated by watching two hours or more of a film titled like that? Personally, the hours of talking women I have each day never seem enough.
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How was this in any way different than the 'Vagina Monologues'?
FWIW figure was always an internet rumor. Can’t see how it could be that high.
I remember seeing a performance of that in college.
It's the female version of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, but bad (obviously) and made for neoliberal women.
A film by Sarah Polley? Wasn't she the little girl in Baron Munchausen and the lead in the Dawn of the Dead remake?
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>Women Talking
>Women are 51% of the population
>Women make movie about women
>Nobody goes to see it, especially women

Every single time. They can't get behind their own shit. Why should men?
Notice how patriarchy is not in effect for things like women outnumbering men in higher education, women getting preferential treatment in court, men doing all the high-risk jobs, being more likely to be homeless or commit suicide etc. etc.
if they wanted viewers they should have named it women sucking and fucking
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It started with the title
Name a less appealing title.
Only men know how to Chuck properly.
Women talking 2 (you)
I'm pretty sure snyder fucked with her
It was a massive flop and articles about it getting "traction" after a disastrous opening weekend were obviously damage control
Black Women Yapping For 90 Minutes (2025)
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I couldn't hear it
nobody listened, which is what I would do
>What went wrong?
Women. Talking.
women should not talk
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WOMEN NOT TALKING would be a blockbuster.
Scariest movie of the decade
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Here's that wholesome Christian community I was telling you about
men not listening
not even women went to see the movie
they had Muslims in Bolivia as well?
There isn't a great difference between mudslimes and christcucks
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>I'd rather wait for the sequel "Women Cooking"
Nothing. It won an Oscar.
Sounds like a hentai plot. The edgy kind one of those unpleasant artists like Shind0l would do
That they were allowed to talk at all in the first place.
Underrated gem.
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>Women listening
My dad knew Rodney Dangerfield, and I always felt bad for the guy. Every man needs to feel wanted, but all the stories he told were about people being completely disrespectful to him. Poor guy.
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>women talking
all jewish lies
This is the last straw. I could firgive Putin for the War in Ukraine but shushing a woman is too much.
That's the one
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They talked.
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Movies are supposed to be entertaining.
might as well called it "gay men having sex"
Bravest man on earth
one of the biggest box office flops in history

the movie cost 150 million dollars but liberals are trying to hide that
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>Women Leaving
maybe putin isn't such a bad guy
All white female cast when it's Jewish, anti-Christian propaganda meant to lead White women away from traditionalism and Christianity.
Quite literally, this movie is just women talking. And most of the time, they're talking about stuff that would shock or upset most normies.
It's not exactly a movie for casual audiences and it deals with themes of sexual abuse, faith vs. practicality, stockholm syndrome, etc. Not only that, but it takes place pretty much entirely from the perspective of women, meaning that I don't think anyone except for one or two retards would have ever thought it would appeal to most people on here or within the general public. It was always going to be a niche product that was preaching to the choir because it amounts to (fairly well shot, acted and written, desu) misery porn. No one wants to sit through two hours of that when there are frankly more entertaining movies to watch.
Anyway, the topic of the movie isn't a surprise to anyone who spent time around Mennonites. Their communities are awful.
>>200780583 >>200780616 this and the obvious solution >>200780612 >>200780616
>Women Talking
>Men writing
Sounds about true and kino
It's OK.

It was just ant-religious Hollywood hate dressed up as an art movie. I'm sure bad stuff goes down in isolated communities, but probably no worse than what happens in Hollywood.
>women talking
>volume: []------------------
Women talked but nobody listened and that is what nobody did.
I'm sorry but after being falsely accused of sexual assault by women twice I no longer believe anything any of them say about being abused. They all do it for attention.
It's not even really anti-religious considering how positively the emphasis on their total pacifism, even in the face of inflicted suffering, as dictated by their faith is spun. If anything, it's more anti-male than overtly anti-religious.
The patriarchy is so incompetent you'd think women would be behind it.
You forget that South Americans are no different than niggers
also similar number of deaths are from breast cancer and testicular cancer, but the research for curing breast cancer is founded by five times more money
Why can't women make an actual movie that tackles themes, instead of just yapping about them for two hours?

Why not make a documentary at that point anyway?
The Mennonites are no better than gypsies honestly. They've been exiled from every place they've ever attempted to colonize because they're useless and inbred, they contribute very little save for shitty summer sausage in run down malls all around the hinterland of Canada and the US, they got zero drip and also absorb a decent amount of social aid in places where they've attempted to integrate into modern life but have failed. They fail because their garbage lifestyle teaches them nothing about living outside their little potemkin village and their parents have nothing to teach them.
That's what this film is. It isn't just scenes of women talking about what happened documentary-style. It is a movie, just one with a lot of dialogue and deliberation as the main driver of the action.
The reason for this is to emphasize their relative lack of power to organize within the community on their own terms during normal circumstances. But the period showj in the film is a period of turmoil where they are able to seize power briefly and then discuss their intentions, giving them a rare opportunity to have their voices heard.
Except the writer stripped everything worth talking about out, by changing all of the details. There is nothing factual here to discuss, it's just setup for her anger. People get angry, that's ok, but when you have changed all of the facts to match your agenda, there are aren't any facts left. Feminist cinema in a nutshell.
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none of them are cute high schoolers
kek, it's an insane screed against a strawman that doesn't exist, they literally call male children pure evil rapists and shame the guy sympathizing with them repeatedly. the film is pure fucking evil, if someone made a similar film where men talk the same about women it literally couldn't be made. the closest is something like american psycho, which is a satire with the protagonist being unambiguously pure evil.
And what do they say?

Women (and liberals) conflate being a victim with being a good person. The more a victim you are the more your voice needs to be heard. But really if you're just a passive entity to your own suffering then you really have nothing of worth to say. Everything you have to say ends up being some "woe is me". I dont care how bad youve actually had it, youre not worth listening to and no one owes you any time. This is something that hopefully all men learn throughout their lives. The world doesn't care how bad of a hand they were dealt. No one's is going to take pity on them. No one is going to make your life easier because life has been hard to you. Women think they deserve to be heard because they think of themselves as victims, but they don't realize that doesn't mean they have anything meaningful or insightful to share beyond "woe is me".

Again, make a documentary at that point. I'm quite sure this movie is as preachy as it sounds, and hides behind the cover of violence to shield itself from criticism. It's the height of arrogance.
I didn't know anything about any details being changed and, frankly, don't care too much because the movie doesn't occupy a lot of space in my mind (or the mind of others judging by the performance lol). What details were changed and what did you think was worth talking about that wasn't in there?
The movie really is more of a feminist power fantasy than anything of course, there's no disputing that. I didn't say it was historically accurate.

You sound extremely triggered which is funny, and you're not exactly wrong, but their attitudes make sense given the context. They're a bunch of women who got raped and who finally have an opportunity to talk as much shit as they want to without consequences. They even get to punch down on men and boys for once. Of course they're going to act like a bunch of kids in a candy shop for the first time.
Judging by how much you love to whine and yap insufferably, you might actually like this kino
McDormand has a face for Radio
Men Walking
What's you fucking deal man? This fence sitting "I don't care about the movie but I'm gonna defend it" attitude is transparent and it's gonna take a much smarter man to seel me on it. That guy doesn't sound triggered at all, it's just applying the same standards for women as they have for men. He's right that this movie would get made if the genders were reversed. He's right that the movie is going for what anyone sane enough would classify as "evil".

Why are you defending it and pretending you're not? Just to troll?
It was actually a very good movie, with an excellent screenplay, acting and direction … but the low IQ comments are pretty much what I’d expect from faghots that think capeshit and YouTubers are kino. This has become an absolute trash board.
I'm sorry. I though that you had something to say beyond being a contrarian so I gave you something to work with. My mistake. I should know better than to expect any sort of dialogue from someone who not only defends trash, but cowardly makes it seem like he's not defending it.

It's really sad this is the final form for leftists and the like. That they have to pretend not to care about the shit they obviously care a shit ton about in order to not come off as completely insane. "This movie is incoherent feminist screeching, but you're triggered for pointing that out". Like ha e some backbone man.
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>What went wrong?
Bitches wouldn't shut the fuck up.
>I'm not triggered!!!!
>Proceeds to post the most triggered response known to man
anyway, I'm not defending shit. I was laying out the themes and explaining that it wasn't a documentary. I said myself in an earlier post that this movie is a whiny feminist power fantasy that amounts to little more than misery porn at the end of the day. I enjoyed some of the production value, but otherwise it was boring and self righteous.
sorry if I don't whine and cry incessantly like you to virtue signal and prove to everyone that I didn't actually like the movie. it's just that it's extremely gay behaviour, anon. I didn't really like the movie, but it has themes and a context. understanding those helps to explain why the movie is the way that it is (i.e. mostly just women talking and shitting on men).
I was just about to say. Holy shit look at that PUSS.
>naming your movie “Hoes Yapping” and expecting anyone to be interested
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bolivians are literally oompa loompas
I’m automatically more interested a movie called “hoes yapping.”

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