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>the west will never produce anything near the quality of NGE, HxH, FMA, JoJo, or OPM
Why do all western cartoons have to be zany and so randumb? Can't they produce anything more serious and thought provoking?
>what are videogames for 100 alec
Anime causes transgenderism.
Go watch Primal.
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It's because cartoons and comics are made by kikes.
>Why do all western cartoons have to be zany and so randumb?
All that shit you listed seems zany and random to non-weebs like me. Jojo looks like pure autism.
Half the faces in the bottom panel don't even look alike, lmao.

Name a western animation with a scene this kino

>Half the faces in the bottom panel don't even look alike, lmao.
lol cope
that bottom pic made me realise how girly a lot of generic anime guy faces are
top row "peak" of western animation
bottom row garbage of eastern animation

Your desperation is showing. Sadly apart from adaptions of European comics. Western animations sucks dick and it's because burgers.
Combination of greed, laziness, no skill and no creativity.
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Well actually superjail was fun, but nobody gave a shit about it so ACK
That anime list feels like it was taken from twitter or something. At least you didnt mention evangelion

>When will be western animation be le good
Depends what do you mean by that. Ignoring story aspects, many good animated series from the west were either animated in Asian countries (Mook era of Scooby Doo, PPG, The Looney Tunes Show) or partially animated in Asian countries (Transformers Animated), but some stuff like the ones Disney have been produced entirely in the US. Also idk if you would count Australia as "western" but Flying Bark Productions has pulled some impressive stuff with TMNT and that Lego Monkie Kid series
How old are you and why do you still watch anime?

Transgenderism only became a thing thanks to social media and its proliferation.
If anime was actually responsible for making people into trannys they would be forcing your kids to watch it in school.
Anime has less niggers than western cartoon slop, making it infinitely superior
Better animated and looking than any of the weebslop coming out around it.
I firmly believe this is the last good western animated film. Dreamworks cucked out immediately after this.
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I dislike both, but it's also easy to find good examples for anime and hard to find good examples for Western cartoons
>the west will never produce anything near the quality of NGE, HxH, FMA, JoJo, or OPM
Tron Uprising, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, X-Men The Animated Series, X-Men 97, Spectacular Spider-Man, 90s Spider-Man The Animated Series, Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Batman The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Samurai Jack, Thunderbolts 2011, Generator Rex, Ben 10 (original series), Teen Titans 2005, Young Justice etc.
>Why do all western cartoons have to be zany and so randumb?
They aren't. Only the comedies and sitcoms are.
Most modern anime is poorly animated, digital made lazy artists out of mediocre artists.
There are still good animators both in the east and west. That Unicorn show from Gendy was very well animated.
Most of those were animated in Korea who copies Japan like a religion, and half of those are anime inspired.
Why are we pretending like those western shows are anywhere near as good as those anime
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>Why are we pretending like those western shows are anywhere near as good as those anime
rick and morty mogs 99% of anime

it's not as intellectual as, say, naruto shippuden, but it's hilarious and has some clever plots
rick and morty is ugly and reddit. there is nothing good about it at all
Because Ben 10 solos anime.
Even the reboot has its moments with the seasons finales
Hosoda is a furry hack
Those shows aren't the peak of Western 2d animation. The peak is Golden Age Disney or Richard Williams.
>no skill and no creativity
Anime probably doesn't exist without Disney. Japanese 2d animation is superior because 3d took over in the U.S. and all of the good animators died or retired.
You are either biased or have unbelievably bad taste
>X-Men 97
Generic tranime slop #52442
Universally praised kino
japs work 20 hours a day
thing that looks good
thing that looks like shit
Why are faggots clinging onto this walmart brand movie so hard instead of the actual brand it tries to ape, Spiderverse?
Don't care about anime, but this girl here is probably one of the best looking women ever. Never found asians attractive, but this character just stole my heart & mind. Sayano Saiko, played by Rumi. The actress never really had any other roles, one of the greatest shames ever.
Also, only 2D animation powerhouse in the west eas disney, and they stopped 2D animations after releasing 2 of their greatest films: Treasure Planet and Atlantis.
>Bargain bin, throwaway Western film has more soul and better animation than the "best" tranime
Weeb subhumans on suicide watch
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Forgot pic.
It's nothing like niggerverse
Spidershit is godawful and if you think it's good you are a brain damaged hypetard
They literally brought on the spiderverse director to give them advice on how to make is more like spiderverse after being in production hell for like 10 years and it only then did it finally come out. Seethe for eternity.
what the fuck are you on about?
And that is bad because spidershit was doghsit?
Can you even read, troon?
I think you lost the plot somewhere along the way.
Top kek, npcs really do be repeating phrases at any opportunity regardless of context. I wonder that the next epic word they will install in you turn out to be.
when you'll fail to detransition I'll call you detroon.
This is the same as saying my bones are made of green dust. It's completely nonsensical and has zero effect on me since it doesn't apply at all. Insults only work when it has a speck of truth to it and can hit me personally. It just continues to make you look foolish.
If that is true, then transgenderism is the natural state of men and you are defying nature and god by fighting it.
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>Generic tranime slop #52442
Boy and the beast is one of the most kino movies, kino stories ever put to film you pleb tier shit eating mongrel.
You are just showing your lack of knowledge of pure kino.
There's a reason that /co/ threads constantly make mention of anime, whereas no one on /a/ ever talks about western cartoons.
I thought they were girls.
No, you didn't.
The west is stuck in this ironic culture which is why we can't produce anything serious and good
i dont entirely disagree but there are some gems out there like Pantheon which was outstanding and way smarter than it had any right to be.

I have 0 idea what's going on. Who's L and why would you call your kid that?
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False flag anime supporters made this, there's no other explanation.
April Story, is it decent?
You sound interested. Watch the first few episodes of the dub without being weirdly critical like you're being now and then you can decide for yourself if you like it or not.
Women and leftists took our media over entirely. So, zany and dumb.
>Jojo looks like pure autism.
That's what makes it good.
>top row "peak" of western animation
zoom zoom
>Watch the first few episodes of the dub
rumao even
The Death Note dub is excellent.
Sylvain Chomet's animated films are better than what Japan is producing.
>Western animations sucks dick and it's because burgers.
Just wait until this nigga learns that Anime eyes literally stem from Japs copying Disney eyes back in the day
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>putting HxH and Jojo alongside NGE
Is this bait? Jojo is the definition of zany and randumb bullshit. It's literally all "OOOOOO MAI STANDO IS TO UUHHH FUKU IN DEE ASSU HOHO *INSERT 1970S BAND NAME*"
sadly but true
Phantom blood, battle tendency and steel ball run are good
Even the better Japanese animations are bound by the tropes of the genre. You might have a point if Ops examples were distinct from the criticism but they’re not
Do you think modern 2D animation is still drawn on paper and scanned or something? It’s ALL “cgislop” or none of it is. Stop letting memewords shape your perspective on reality.
american cartoons from the 30s mog all tranime
I watched an episode once and it was just random gore and gross-out stuff
It's a pseudonym he's a Sherlock Holmes style genius detective but the public doesn't know his real name and face
>I was filtered once
I guess you couldn't figure out that Superjail is hell, and prisoners getting killed because of plot shenanigans is a running gag.
only tranime does, manime grows hair on your chest and heart
The USA has no culture, no history. And no, money is not a culture. And yet everything you do is for money. Don't add Europe and the USA together in this meaningless notion of "West". Europe is made up of countries, each with its own culture, several thousand years old.
okay? So I'm supposed to sit through the copious amounts of gore and gross out shit just because there's a weak plot behind it?
You'll enjoy it more if you're an underemployed stoner watching TV at 3am on a weeknight
>Europe is made up of countries,
Europe is a single country - EU.
>each with its own culture
Yes, culture exported by Americans.

Now seethe at me in language that isn't native or official in any of your 'countries'.
why are Americans always so insecure about only knowing one language?
Here you are seething at me in my own language, while I will never, EVER gonna need a single word from your entire 'language'.
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>Europe is a single country - EU.
>Yes, culture exported by Americans.

American education
LD&R showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can produce beautiful animation when we want to. Or Arcane for that matter. But when everything gets farmed out to the lowest bidder there's no room for art. Anime only exists because the average Japanese person combines skill, meekness and willingness to work for pennies in a combination that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world.
retard alert
literally who are you quoting
I gloat about it. Feels good knowing how the whole world has to accommodate the American financial and military hegemony. I can't imagine learning your faggy first language.
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EU is a single country, made up of several vassal states ruled over by a comittee.
Don't know why does that make you angry, you voted for it.
You are like some schizo who claims that Alabama is a sovereign country.
And yes, your entire culture is American culture.
We're not federalised.
Splitting hairs is definitely a sign of the EU
lol arcane mogged all eastern animation for decades to come, infact its very mention on this board sends weebs into a seething foaming frenzy
You niggaz only think in black and white terms don’t you?
Japanese people don't have this issue. Only Westerners (already deranged) do this.
you watch cartoons for the story?
Oh you mean that show made decade ago by one guy who no longer works in the industy?

Stupid faggot
Season 1 of Superjail was great but 2 just fell flat.
Americans hate animation and see it as for children.
because the west still sees animation as for children and toddlers instead of a medium to express themselves through
>p please just like kosher animation goyim
Jews cant into art
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nice fucking try you steven universe fag
>gives examples from across 4 fucking decades

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