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why does /tv/ think media depictions of panic attacks are "woke"?
Op doesn’t know what woke means lol
Never thought they were woke, but they're definitely overused and not done accurately because the fags writing them have a millennial's idea of what trauma is.
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They shouldn't. There's no stigmata these days.
why would i want to see something very uncomfortable and unpleasant like that in a kids movie
Why are grown men obsessively posting cartoons of 12 year-old Girl
The plot leading up to the panic attack was a little contrived. I didn't like the hockey angle even in 1 desu. Not a lot of kids could relate to being a serious enough athlete in fucking middle school to already be thinking about making high school teams and getting scholarships and shit. Then there was also the breaking into the teacher's office to steal her notes like what fucking kid would do that?

If they really wanted the climactic moment to be a panic attack desu it should've been more grounded. Hockey camp was fun but at the last day she gets hit with the realization this is the last time she'll see her middle school buddies. Forcing herself to take placement exams at an elite high school her friends got into and she's trying to punch way above her intellectual level and chokes during the test, idk.
woke is anti straight white male, this isn't woke
based and carminepilled
Kids get exposed to this trash you childless spinster loser.
a black female coach playing hockey? is this part of the multiverse?
panic attacks literally aren't a real thing
its for attention and if they are hyperventilating they did it on purpose
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Anxiety, depression and autism aren't real, those are just signs of being a weak bitch and retard.
die pedo
anxiety attacks are way worse
it's a very real thing. They are just depicted very poorly. Majority of panic attack sufferers like myself do our best to hide them because of the stigma
Because the people that obsess over panic attacks and glorify mental illnesses are the same that are into LGBT shit. It's not that complicated.
Panic attacks are actually iron deficiency because for some reason America’s arable land is running out of iron
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Why is this board suddenly obsessed with panic attacks?
>why does /tv/ think media depictions of panic attacks are "woke"?
because all wokes are mentally ill. normalizing mental illness in children is woke
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I exist in a 24/7 state of panic and stress, always anxious about what will happen next and dreading all possible bad scenarios. What is a "panic attack" to Riley, and lasts a couple minutes, is my day-to-day. You learn to live with the pain, even as your hair falls out before 30.
how did she manage it so well though? by the time her penalty was over she was fine.
I had a panic attacks for a while. Then I was like "wow, wtf is this?" Then I looked it up and went to go see my doctor and he was like yeh these are panic attacks. And then I went "oh, it's psychological, literally a problem I create for myself" and then I never had one again.

If you experience a delusion that you *know* is a delusion and you keep believing it, you're legit low iq.
kids care more about sports in the us than school. and in the movie it seemed like they get assigned to high schools so they didn't have a choice
all mental health issues has been gentrificated by they/thems on twitter
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>letting THIS emotion ruin your life
Why do those Hollywood types think mental issues are good character writing?
At least the fake self-diagnosed ones.
i find the fact that a zoomer's idea of representation is a character having a panic attack over any minor social faux pas both hilarious and depressing. can't wait for all these neurotic fucks to be my only choice of cashier or bank teller two decades from now.
Woke just means antiwhite. Hypochondria is a vector to attack white women, because they have family that cares and listens rather than just beats that shit out of them.
Anyone that's ever experienced a legitimate full blown panic attack would never talk about them so lightly. It sounds like maybe you had some mild anxiety and cognitive distortions.
Genuine panic attacks feel like you're on the edge of death and being dragged through the depths of hell simultaenously. 10 seconds can feel like 10 minutes. You lose all motor function. All rational thought becomes impossible. It's essentially tripping your brains "pre death" switch.

If you haven't experienced it, I can see why the idea of "panic attacks" can seem extremely trivial. Because once upon a time I would have thought the same thing. It's a irrational disorder. That's why it's called...a mental illness.
I've had severe anxiety since I was a little kid and after years of therapy, trying different meds etc I ended up turning to God and Prayer just as literally a last resort and it's almost completely cured my anxiety and depression.

I now believe the current mode of psychology and "self help" mechanisms are actually part of the problem. Because they essentially tell you that you are entirely responsible and it's up to you to be able to find an answer. Humans are not wired to operate like this. The human spirit relies on faith and belief. It's impossible to have faith in yourself because you know how fallible you are.
Because people on the opposite side of the political spectrum don't get Twitter PTSD.
this guy knows. Panic attacks are literal trips to hell.
So like what causes them? I've been robbed with a gun to my head and once I went deep sea fishing and the water got really rough and I was certain that I would die out there in the ocean. Both times I was scared; really scared, but I sort of accepted my fate and strangely became very calm. I've known people that have told me that panic attacks are so bad they wouldn't wish them on their worst enemy, and that even talking about them could trigger one. I just don't understand it. What is it that makes you panic? Why just not panic and just be like "hey we all gotta go sometime" or I don't know what. My heart really does go out to people that suffer from this, and it bothers me that I can't understand, so therefore I can't help. I'm in the mortuary business and have seen people have breakdowns when they see their kid in a casket or/and when it's being lowered into the ground, and there's never a "right" thing to say, but I sure would like to help them. One lady popped a handful of xanax, but then she needed help walking, so that can't be the answer.
Only woketards have them
you're thinking too literal in what causes them and some people may never experience them.

Im not sure what triggered mine. I fell into this self induced anxiety loop and it spiraled downwards. I was aware of it all and even worse was I could tell in a right state of mind I could pull myself out...but it kept getting worse and I kept feeding it....idk
I've only had 1 really bad one and yeah it was like a super intense feeling of impending doom. I legitimately thought I was going to have a heart attack and die or something.

Went to the hospital like a retard after cuz I didn't know what it was.
Not all panic attacks are the same fucking retard.

But Ive had what you described. Currently addicted to benzos it sucks. Also I meant to click on another board I dont know why Im here. Also I hate jews and the pharmacuetical industry oops I said the same thing twice
Non of that contradicts his point that it's purely a you problen, that you created yourself
Being irrational means that you are stupid, not that you are ill
We don't like things.
For me it was just years of repressed emotion suddenly boiling over. Excessive drinking kicked it off.
Oh anon I'm so sorry. Were you able to fix this ailment? What's the cure? Is there a chance that maybe you're allergic to something that you don't know about and accidentally ingested it? My nephew was having really bad crying fits (he's 6) and no one knew what to do; he'd pull out his hair and start throwing up and saying he was going to die....I was like, 6 year olds shouldn't even have a concept of what death is, so anyway, my sister in-law took him to a bunch of doctors until one placed him on an elimination diet and then slowly started adding foods. It turned out he was allergic to beans, and I mean like he can't even touch them...and being Mexican, naturally his mom was feeding him beans on a regular basis, but since she found out she stopped serving him beans and he's okay now. Could it be that? Sorry if I sound stupid or insensitive.
I used to suffer panic attacks but for some reason I was completely calm the one time I had a gun to my head
I was coming down from alcohol and had a seizure infront on my family. it was close to a panic attack but not quite.
>Excessive drinking kicked it off
Oh, do you think maybe it was alcohol withdrawal after a binge? Because I've had that when I used to be a drunk; as soon as I quit drinking (like completely) I never felt like that again.
It’s part of the mental illness and therapy craze.
theres a difference from normal human drinking to addict drinking. what youre saying is addict level.
the idea he drinks a 12 pack every night isnt correct.
he started at a 12 pack, then he bought a fifth...then it goes on
There’s this and worse things being posted on social media. People are proudly mentally ill.
At the time I was just getting wrecked every weekend, Friday and Saturday binge drinking. I was never a daily drinker. Panic attack happened when I was super hungover one morning.
Women are hilarious. They'll rant and rave about how they're just like men and "female hysterics" aren't real and then turn around and re-label it a "panic attack" and insist it's super cereal and we all need to get educated on it. Get back in your fucking daycare and leave serious society alone.
Panic attacks aren’t real
Anxiety isn’t it’s own emotion, it’s just fear
Ive never had a seizure before. Sounds fucking rough to deal with.
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This is what happened to me. I had a couple panic attacks years ago due to stresses at home. After hiding in a closet at work until the attack went away I thought of pic related. I laughed and the feeling left and I've never had another one.

Pic related really does help.
the worst part was realizing why it happened

it uhh...wasnt nice...my whole body convulsed into this position I couldnt stop ot or change it. Its just the way my muscles contorted. it was maybe worse than a panic attack because of how humiliatating.
>What is it that makes you panic? Why just not panic and just be like "hey we all gotta go sometime" or I don't know what

It's not just your thoughts its a fight or flight response triggered from deep primordial instincts. It could jusr be luck.

Post traumatic stress disorder is basically an extreme anxiety thing right? But not all soldiers will get it despite going through the same things. Some people are just fucking unlucky.

I really don't want to die. It drove us as cavemen to fuck and kill for thousands of years and drives everything we do. In modern society where we dont have to fight dinosaurs like turok it got all fucked up because we still have caveman brains.
>Just relentless gaslighting and psyops with no way to combat it.

The word gaslighting is a psyop you zoomer glownigger

Yeah people don't do well with losing control but no ones going to judge you for having a fucking seizure so there's no reason to feel embarrassed.
You'll need a therapist after talking to this insufferable faggot
Mine have never been triggered by any real life physical threat. I've been in house fires, almost been hit by cars, died other ways, not once did I feel anything close to a panic attack in those situations. If anything in those situations I'm oddly cool.

However if you tell me I have to get up in front of 20 people and talk for 3 minutes I will instantly have a full blown panic attack. Mine have always been related to social anxiety/ situations where I might embarrass myself to the point of social death.
And this isn't entirely unfounded. Because a few times in high school I had panic attacks in these exact situations and after that everybody in the class basically treated me like I was an invalid/ subhuman.
It's called a cliché you bulging hemorrhoid.
h*ck yeah, fellow women respecter
*high five*
I'm not even a woman but I still felt my ovaries shrivel and dry up.
same fag poster.
I lived a normal fucking life. and I got robbed and other fuckey shit happened but you dont see me doing what you're doing.
Panic attacks in almost all cases look like heart attacks minus the dying. So what you're saying is that you're having a constant heart attack you can't die of? Get the fuck out of there and just say you have bad anxiety, something that doesn't involve you gasping for air like a fucking fish and grasping at your chest cause your heart is about to beat itself out of your chest. You fucking self-diagnosing larper.
Incels stay incelling
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>do cute shit
>Anxiety doesn't exist
>Anxiety is fear
So fear doesnt exist?
Well that's understandable. I've had to translate eulogies at funerals. Those are the days I don't drink coffee.
No it's actually deficiency in selenium and zinc, which are abundant in the spine aka central nervous system and 99.9% of people lack it in their diet. Men being coomers doesn't help since the nut is mostly made up of selenium and zinc every time you nut you're basically spilling out your brains.
yes but the people who made OP and their kind are glorifiers of mental illness and wouldn't even want to be cured of their mental illness cause they'd lose victim points
>aww I'd totally fall for that but I already have a bf teehee
yeah... so seething right now
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>doesn't like cops
I don’t. I just think it’s an insincere attempt to ape puss in boots.
That said, if their artistic bankruptcy leads them to stop shoving fucking quips into dramatic moments then bring on Hackery I say.
The worst way I was ever rejected by a girl was that she pretended to have severe anxiety and couldn't go out in public as a way of getting out of going on a date. I even gave her multiple outs if she just wasn't interested but she kept the whole charade up. She fabricated the whole thing and was totally normal. Had no idea people could be as garbage as that. The way she did it too was so effortless and shameless. Couldn't trust people for a year after that.
>Listen to woman
This is the real reason it's so hard to make connections nowadays
Everyone is fake as fuck
nigger how brown are you
I'm usually the pest person in any given room. But what does that have to do with you being retarded?
it's a psyop, put this stuff in kids media to normalize the behaviour and in turn encourage it in those who are mentally pliable.
Everyone was always fake as fuck althoughbeit
Not really.
Maybe you're older than me. I was born in 1990. People have always seemed fake and I don't see any difference other than social media giving fake people more of a platform to show off.
Human nature is shitty. It's always been hard to trust anyone. Never truly know what people are thinking and so often people say one thing and do another to look good because humans value social status
I notice that it's always people who have never had a heart attack assuring everyone else that their super serious panic attacks feel EXACTLY like a heart attack.
Ask Hollywood
Heart attacker here, genocide on panic attackers when?
People who have had heart attacks have described the feeling of having an elephant sitting sitting in their chest. I have felt like that once although I have never had a heart attack.
Right, because it's never YOUR fault.
Because anyone who says they have anxiety and mental health issues is usually just a leftist looking for attention or an excuse for why they suck at life. Everyone gets anxiety, deal with it.
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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Panic Attacks Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Calm Down Like Nigga Don't Worry About It Haha
because ive never heard of or seen someone at the start of puberty having a full blown panic attack, and pretending this is normal will act as a social contagion on our youth
Naw you’re just a soft bitch. Suck it up. You’d shit yourself under any real pressure.
white people think being scared for a moment is a medical condition lmao
They’re weak
Not everyone learns coping mechanism and some people develop it worse than others. I used to panic and throw up a lot. Eventually I got on benzos which helped at first. Eventually is got so bad that not only would I want t to puke if feel so panicky I was going to shit myself lol. In the end I had to learn coping mechanisms to deal with it. Some people are more anxious than others and require a tremendous amount of concentration to push away the racing thoughts. Not all people are equal.
One of my biggest coping mechanism was learning I could turn my panic into energy to work out which would in turn lower my anxiety.
/tv/ doesnt think that
I have a panic disorder that causes frequent panic attacks if I'm not medicated. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

I think it's ridiculous to see it start to pop up everywhere in children's media. It's good that it's being normalized in the right context so if a young person experiences one they have a point of reference, but do we really need to see Puss In Boots and fucking Spiderman? Inside out I give a pass because the whole movie is about handling emotions, but puss in boots is a bit ridiculous

I've never had a heart attack, but I understand where the misconception comes from because it's not really a fear thing, it feels like you are spontaneously dying, which the only point of reference people have for is having a heart attack.
Ole fish lips himself.
Fucking beautiful.
Had you ever heard of kids going through mandatory isolation until the covid lockdowns? Probably not. Isolation fucked up a whole generation
knowing how cartoons and visual media basically created a bunch of fetishes this worries me. hate to be a handwringing prude but it looks like fucking fetish shit.
It's millennial writing.
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/tv/ has been infested with /pol/tards ever since 2015-2016. They see everything through the lens of "muh culture war" and obsessively group things into "things they like" and "things we like" even if it makes zero sense.
I would give anything on god's green earth to go back to 2013 /tv/.

There was a time when we were the funniest board
hey there enlightened fence-sitter who has a totally rational obsession with /pol/
They are real, what isn’t real is the movie depicting them as a quirky feature of being human that could happen to anyone, like when the hockey game is just too darn stressful!
That’s a lie, they happen to fucked up people who had something bad happen to them.
You got really angry just because people correctly pegged you out just because you drink ear wax 'beer'.
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the biggest psyop since barbenheimer
First bad boys was a good movie. I haven't seen this one though. Chances are you haven't either.
Because panic attacks don't exist and anyone who claims to have had one is a "snowflake."
first Bad Boys was okay
second was pure Baykino, hate it or love it
third was ass
heard this one is better, but that isn't saying much
>panic attacks
more made up bullshit to create victimhood out of white girls
It's weakness enabling/normalizing, ergo progressive.
It's usually men though
I have epilepsy and anxiety/panic/fear is the hallmark of an aura or partial seizure preceding full blown convulsions
They're real
why do only white women experience panic attacks?
i used to get anxiety attacks from smoking weed, they were rare but always a possibility, it is when flight or fight response is triggered
feels like you aren't breathing, and then your vision goes blurry and feel light-headed

orange juice always helped, and eating food

I also got one on the train one time when it was really busy and I had to stand up, (i had gotten a tattoo earlier) and must have been because I was tired

they're rare but really can happen to anyone
Well, yeah, if you have epilepsy that's probably a real enough thing. But anyone wanking to Puss in Boots 2 or Inside Out 2 is faking it for brownie points.
Just saw the movie last night. I didn't mind the panic attack scene or even most of the movie. What broke my immersion completely was the hockey teams. They just had to throw in all the ethnicities they could even though hockey is 99% white and will always be that way. I damn near laughed out loud when I saw that the fucking dune coon with a hijab on her head. That shit was fucking stupid.
>I wish I had a guy like you
lmao don't tell me you take this shit seriously
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It's primarily white women.
idk, bambi saw her mom get capped and he seemed pretty on the ball. are you admitting to being a bigger pussy than a deer, anon?
>Primarily women
How does the picture you posted support your argument in any way?
I didn't make Inside Out 2
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I assure you I drink only the beers/wines with the best price/alcohol ratio.
You said it yourself, you're not actually going to die of a "panic attack", the way you put it is just colorful wording: "your heart is about to beat out of your chest" is poetry, not reality. A panic attack is just your social/mental/emotional weakness physically manifesting itself because you're too much of a pussy to withstand a little bit of anxiety. Heart attacks kill you no matter what you do. Panic attacks only come for the weak willed. The true root of "panic attacks" is just anxiety.
Women are two to three times more likely to have anxiety related disorders than men. It's heavily skewed towards white women.
In other words, it's white women pretending they are experiencing a hardship and are seeking attention since they lost the victimhood olympics by being white.
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Balloons coming through.
Making Hollywood movies?
...Yeah, that pretty much IS NEVER our fault because we don't make Hollywood movies. Hollywood does.

Real Galaxy-Brain statement there, fag.
Were you trying to court George Costanza?

I'm the world's biggest mysoginist, but maybe you should forgive her. People lie for retarded reasons sometimes and she probably just didn't want to offend you by telling you she wasn't interested. Women are just natural liars, but once I figured out they're more like children than adults I lost some of the contempt I had for them
I want to have sex with it
Panic attacks aren't caused by panicking. They're caused by an overly sensitive vagus nerve. Doctors are to blame for naming them incorrectly, allowing leftists to diagnose themselves with panic attacks when their heart rate hasn't risen above 100 yet they feel anxious about something.
>Yes goy, your children are having panic attacks, that's why they're clutching their chest and hyper ventilating, no other reason, certainly not something you can sue pfizer over.
You can have panic attacks without being an attention whore, in a matter of fact most real panic attacks are not noticed.
damn you're right we should fuck them up further by infecting them with a new social contagion. we already did it with gender confusion, fuck it, lets throw panic attacks in there too.
the sensitivity makes you panic, retard
This is all just an opening gambit for kids who have panic attacks should be started on puberty blockers in case it's gender related.
i don't understand why they're so common in media

never seen one in my life, no one in my family ever had one

seems like a cheap plot device at this point
people who smoke a lot of weed get panic attacks

writers probably smoke a LOT of weed
The "villain" being depression or anxiety is such a stupid trend.
>AHHHHHH I'm so heckin nervous
Just don't be. Only women and fags like this stuff.
Is inside out the most female Disney movie ever?

>it's a movie about feelings
>that's it, it's feelings, this is very deep and interesting trust me
yeah how much weed did riley smoke?
dont mean to meme but
I don't know. There's this idea of capitalizing on your own emotions that can be barely separated from the movie itself, something that feels personal but is universal and you just want to pat the writers on their back for getting you.
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Reminds me of this meme

male disorders:
>ADHD: world beating entrepreneur businessman
>depression: brilliant novelist
>autism: genius inventor
>schizo: societal watchdog
>bipolar: famous artist

female disorders:
>ADHD: dumb bitch
>depression: dumb bitch
>autism: dumb bitch
>schizo: dumb bitch
>bipolar: dumb bitch
Women are inclined to talk about their ailments no matter what while men can only do so when they're complete in life, otherwise their insecurity would eat them away. It's very simple.
I disagree on (truly) autistic women, as their minds are basically male.
There was that one who made the cow hugging machine, which was pretty based.
Why don't movie heroes get explosive diarrhoea, facial disfigurement, or a stroke? It's always some gay shit that doesn't have any real effect beyond character development for its own sake.
von stauffenberg

It's possible that in evolution these kinds of "disorders" were really just sorts of specialization niches intended for men and their natural thirst for ambition/adventure, and that the effect is simply lost on women who giddily settle for mediocrity and intrasocial life. To men a little superpower, to women more of an annoyance and topic of conversation.
No she saw the cow hugging and made one for autismos so parents can waste their money on a hopless black hole of resources, happiness, and life goals.
It is pretty weird how this shit is "normal" for kids now. It's almost like psychological warfare to normalize your kids being emotionally and mentally stunted.
What is pain? To prick your finger on a pin? Or to have it severed by a tablesaw?
You're reductive thoughts are the product of reduced experience
neither of those are all that painful probably
that film is cheap ideology and fucking dangerous because many retards will fall for it, althusser was right
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YOU are the ones obsessing over panic attacks with countless threads about it, and over 50 mentions in threads about movies where they appear. How the fuck is that Hollywood's fault? Just because they showed panic attacks in a couple of movies?

Nah I've seen the Facebook single mommy circuit going on about how "this is important" with this gay flick
They've run out of BRAVE demographics to shoehorn in for articlebait, so they have to do mental illness now.
I can't seem to find this post
I occasionally get panic attacks which I initially misattributed to actual physical ailments then after doing a mix of online searching and actually going to the doctor I realised I was perfectly fine physically and it helps me cope whenever they come around.

I feel like they were caused by my dad's illness, latent claustrophobia and usually happen during the summer. I have a bit of allergy problems too so it probably all mixes up into this feeling of intense dread that lasts about 10 minutes, plus another hour to fully calm down after they've passed.

That said, about two years ago I was at work and went to grab some sandwiches nearby. It was winter but nothing outstanding. I shivered so bad I couldn't wait outside for the guy to finish making the sandwiches but had to enter inside where there was a billion people. Afterwards I returned to the office and felt like crap, then I had to meet some people at a nearby town hall and on the way there I had to enter a cafe and a shopping mall to heat up because I felt I was gonna pass out and freeze to death. I entered the town hall and immediately hugged one of the heaters, sitting there for like 20 minutes, coat buttoned up and everything, even though the place is like a billion degrees and I always think they crank up the heat way too much in the winter. Wonder what tf that was, some chemical imbalance or some shit, never had it happen again.
Only like 1% of men with mental disorders will be anything other than a dumb bitch
No, retard. Not knowing what causes the increased heart rate is what causes patients to panic and phone 911. The panic doesn't cause the increased heart rate.
back in my day we'd just tough it out
That's not what delusion is, retard.
>autism isn't real
Nigga, have we been posting on the same board?
I don't think young children should know about anxiety.
i've not seen her film but i've seen the webms of her doing terrible things
yup, I'm thinking he's based
Based! Based! Based! also This!
most people live like this retard, aside from retards who don't really think and other super-confident people, but they're a small minority. Why do you think most people live swallowing pills, alcohol and any other type of drug.
pretending to have mentall issues and social anxiety is like a medal to retarded leftists that they make light of the illness and spit on the actual victims by treating it like a fashion accesiors never enters these narcissits minds.
Because whites WILL be a minority in the us by 2035.
I know a 60 year old meth head who looks like this
There's definitely different degrees of panic attack. For many people it's not even really emotional. You get triggered by a small setback you could otherwise rationally shrug off but your body says no it's time to throw up now.

There's also confusion around panic disorder and autism. I've come to realize my panic disorder was really just autistic meltdowns, they just look like panic attacks as an adult. Not really due to emotion so much as over stimulation, even though negative emotions can be an overstimulating trigger.

It makes therapy almost useless. The therapist tries to get you to talk about the emotion and you're like, I literally don't feel anything except a sudden unexpected wave of heat, nausea, and shaking and heart racing.

But it goes away if I stop participating in life and stay in bed. Because I'm just overstimulated and need a recovery period, after which almost nothing will trigger anything and I'll be pretty tough for a week or so.

This isn't an acceptable answer. Taking a long break from work is a nonstarter. Insurance does not cover that form of treatment. Xanax and cbt for social anxiety there you go we fixed it.
Uhhh based department? You're gonna wanna hear this
Anxiety, as in panic attacks themselves, isn't an emotion, it's a physical response. It's confusing because being anxiety and panic are emotions, but you can have panic attacks without them. You can be nervous but have no idea what you're nervous about. Brains don't always cooperate with your soul.

There's not a lot you can do for panic attacks except try really hard to identify the triggers and avoid them if you're tired and confront them when you have more strength to do so. Also have more positive things going on in life.

I think a lot of it is that life is set up now so there's less free time. People are working harder and there's so little that's in your control that you can't really take a break or condition yourself for anything. There's a lot of drudgery. It makes your brain go hypervigilant and it opens you up to panic responses.
>Tony Soprano passing out
>Those are the days I don't drink coffee.
That's another problem. A lot of people need stimulants to function normally, and your amygdala goes fuck yeah we're functioning bleurghh.
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based and God is real
Shit this took too long for someone to post
Millennials and Zoomers are so weak they have random panic attacks just leaving the house. While big dick boomers were having orgies at woodstock while plotting to kill politicians. The fuck kind of generation is this.
how can a not real thing be a sign of anything?
have you tried thinking about something else? and not the shit thats giving you anxiety? lmao like go take a walk or something
Panic attacks are for females. Period. Stop being a pussy. Men control their emotions, not allow their emotions to control them.
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I was hipnotized by based dilbertman into not having panic attacks anymore
the method is this
>start feeling anxoius
>simply stop what you are doing say out loud or think it:
>then just walk outside or to another room / restroom etc
your brain will reset the anxiety loop and you'll be in the clear
95% of the time it works 100% of the time
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Crunchberries? Like the colorful pieces of captain crunch? Is this some made up slop word?
>(((Hollywood))) makes obvious social engineering propaganda aimed, with laser-like specificity, at children
>Minds rebel as (((Hollywood))) has figured out the titration yet
>Parents, rightfully, worry about their kids psychology / what they’re seeing in film and television
>This faggot: how does that affect you personally?
They always make that face
This anon is correct. 4chan /tv/ is very influential in Hollywood. Jewish studio executives listen to our every word and we are the reason panic attacks are a new obsession among woke California movie writers.
Literally nobody has said this. What in the fuck are you talking about?
don't know who this riley kid is but he looks like the son of "fix it felix"
>Would somebody PLEASE think of the children!!!
This board acting like moralfags is the funniest shit I ever see.
you have ptsd
oh no cindy with 2 parents is gonna have a heart attack. lmao fuck you.
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oh my science is that a biblically accurate panic attack ? I can't wait to take my heckin xanaxerino
Inside Out 2 is a good second installment. Something rare in the animation film industry.
This. I don't event think The Sopranos does an accurate job of depicting a panic attack. And I've had two that were 10/10s.
The first time I knew I was having a heart attack and seconds away from dying in a crowded auditorium. I had to make a decision, did I signal for help to security that I was dying and ruin the event, did I try to call 911 and ruin the event, or did I decided to die.
My heart was thumping slowly and so loudly it was like a horror soundtrack. I couldn't move, my arms and legs were numb but almost separated from me, my vision was tunneled and fading. It was like having your nervous system severed and everything was cutting out. The worst fear ever including airplane turbulence and car accidents.
You really do apologize to God when you think you're about to die and promise to reverse any bad choices. I knew I'd never see my family. I knew people would speculate on drugs being why I had a heart attack when I didn't do any. But big city and everything.
I remember looking at the generic lounge carpet and realizing that was the last thing I would see when I hit the floor. And that I was in the most soulless skyscraper and environment and that this was it.

I don't think children have can real panic attacks. They can freeze up and have meltdowns and traumatic lock ups. Panic attacks require an understanding of what death is. It took me five years to get over it and I never spoke of it. I didn't know what it was. Only that I escaped death. It was like Final Destination. It weirded me out to the extreme. I hadn't seen Sopranos either. For years I was convinced I had survived a huge heart attack. I had a mini way on the plane home, thinking it would happen again in coach. As horrific as dying on shitty lounge carpet. Anxiety destroyed my life.
thought that said "gun worship" at first
Nobody in Hollywood know how is really a Panic Attack. Nobody want fact-checking asking to people in healthcare
The misconception is that panic attacks are triggered by scary or life threatening events. No, a panic attack is like death randomly choosing to kill you. That's why people often believe they are dying for real. A panic attack is like being ripped from the fabric of reality halfway into death world. It's like being pulled down a well only your surroundings aren't falling away, you are.
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Yes retard, that's what I experienced. It feels like you're 100% going to die. And then, guess what? You don't fucking die! Which should be your first clue that the perception that you're going to die is delusional, so that the next time you feel an attack coming on you don't give in to it because you *know* that it's a delusion.
For me, the delusion exploited a potential for it being a heart problem or something to crowbar its way past my defences an assume control. So I just went and had my heart checked out, and it was in perfect condition, which removed the delusion's ability to exploit that fear.

If you have panic attacks and you can't be fucking bothered to identify the source of your delusion and overcome it, I'm not gonna take you seriously when you blow hot smoke about how horrible it is when you lie on the floor and hurt yourself with your own mind for sympathy from others. Which *is* what it is. It's a fancy nocebo. You *want* sympathy from others. But you can't bring yourself to lie to get it. So your subconscious or whatever it is generates a delusion for you, to give you something to whine about that you actually believe yourself. So that when you go to bitch and moan about your FAKE problem, you don't "know" that it's fake, and so you're not wracked with the guilt that you should be wracked with for bullshtting people and exploiting their sympathy for your own sake. Which *is* what you're doing, by the way.

Panic attacks, even at their most intense and extreme, are fucking nothing, man. I spent years in hospital as a kid for various reasons, and the shit people with actual physical illnesses have to go through makes this petty shit on its worst day look like a gentle reprieve. Which is why I'm perfectly comfortable "talking about [it] so lightly", because it IS fucking "light".
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Anxiety Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Think About Stress Like Nigga Do Something Else Haha
I'm glad mods got rid of all the pedos. This movie would have been impossible to discuss a few years back.
Gun ownership and worship is more in line with pagan thought than Christianity
Autism = stuff
Anxiety = stuff
Weak_bitch = autism
Retard = anxiety
What now?
Few weeks ago i woke up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe for almost 15 seconds, i wasn't paralyzed, i sat down, it was horrifying.
afterwards my heart and chest were in pain for almost two days.
i researched it and found out that it was nocturnal panic attack, did this happen to anybody else?
I get a panic attack every time I pop a fresh nicotine pouch. It' no big deal.
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I once threw out my back from a bad dream
>Deny, deflect, distract, discredit.
>I'm weak
>then stop being weak
>ok how?
>become le strong
>I can't
>you can't because you are weak
>ok how
>just do it, like me, I choose to be strong, you choose to be weak
You have to have kids first to understand what they go through, it relates less to what a panic attack is and more of how your life changes once you hold your baby in your arms.
neuro divergency is woke. Pay for a shrink, and stop trying to drag other people into your group therapy
>pay to get gaslit by some jew on a sofa for an hour
my issue is that panic attacks are lame and boring and I don't want to watch someone go through one
Got to a licensed psychiatrist, not just a therapist. A fucking psychiatrist. Those are the only people who can diagnose mental problems. Quit self-diagnosing yourself. This is the reason so many stupid mental issues pop up in the media and among millennials and zoomers. 90% of people just experience psychosomatic symptoms and think they have something complex. Most "panic attacks" in normies are bullshit.
I'm not the same species of animal as those people.
>Just will your way past brain damage
Based. And there are still dumbfucks out there that still don't understand this

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