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>Bacon flavored cereal.
>Eating blue-rare steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
>Supporting immigration.
>Respecting women.
>Using Dude Wipes.
Never post again. You're too much of a loser with nothing to say.
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Ron would never eat cereal.
>Using beard oils.
>Having sex with other men.
>Bacon flavored anal lube.
>Using PrEP.
>respecting women is le bad
I wonder how you faggots treat your mom and sister(s)
I treat your mom in ways your dad never could
I like those dude wipes. I hardly ever shower so they really come in handy. I have a problem with regular wet wipes drying out before I get through the package and these come individually wrapped so they stay moist. Don't give a shit about the branding but the individual part is why I get them. My store doesn't have other brands packaged like that.
>I hardly ever shower
Would be absolutely hysterical seeing an athletic black man kicking your fucking ass.
Because I'm disgusting.
>I am le fiscally conservative
*raises glass of non-alcoholic craft beer*
To our wives' son!...
If you're black how do you even know what your dad looks like?
>a high ball glass of small batch whisky, neat
>a well trimmed beard and coiffed hair
>my favorite flannel
>r/Libertarian on the computer and NPR on the radio (I like to stay balanced)
>enormous wealth
>stoic woodsman
>the facial hair

He’s basically Iron John, where my Jung boys at?
Which part of the OP post is about you?
Answe my question coward
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>both sides are just too crazy for me
>those Republicans though, they're way overboard, we need more common sense in this country. They're running a convicted felon now, and I've heard he has the morals of an alley cat? I think we need to stick with Joe for now.
I'm not black.
They all look the same it's not that difficult to get a rough estimate.
Isn't this the /crust/man?
my mom's a cunt and my sister's my bangmaid, faggot
One of them.
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We should respect all women, which means disregarding their individual identities and basing our treatment of them solely on their biology and/or gender identity.
>Bourbon scented shampoo+conditioner
>Bourbon scented shaving foam
>Bourbon flavored BBQ sauce
>Bourbon glass with a howling wolf on it
>Bourbon distillery hat and/or t-shirt
>Shot glass with a fake bullet in the side
>Backlighting bourbon bottles on shelves at home
>no nonsense
I don't get it
What don't you get?
pussy lmaoooooo
It can't last more than one generation for obvious reasons.
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What the heck is that?
Kek, I remember when this guy with that mustache was memed as "macho" and "an old school man" some time ago. Look how the tables have turned
>Voting blue.
>Supporting margnialized groups.
>Triggering the "lunk alarm" at Planet Fitness if somebody is making noise.
He is Reddit's idea of what a "macho man" is.
Hollywood's examples of non-toxic masculinity and acceptable conservatism
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>being a nasty woman
>grabbing that felon by his pussy
>eating my wife's leftovers from her date
>Ron would never eat cereal.
Ron had zero integrity. About anything.
>hates the government and their meddling in everything
>presents as Republican
>his entire purpose within government is to make it so nothing gets done
>spends well into five figures just renting buses, vans, whatever so his psychotic Democrat friend who thinks the government is the best thing ever and should be involved in everything can run an extremely excessive city council campaign
>weeps in gratitude as his psychotic Democrat friend assigns him to another, more involved government position
Lol okay
>plasters photographs of himself to a poster board which existed only to self-agrandize himself in front of children
To be fair, the entire show became a caricature of itself from S03E01 onward, but Ron was a complete and utter bitch.
Literally a manliness minstrel.
I wish I could fuck his ass while his wife watched. I bet they would both like it (I'd love it too)
Get a grip.
He literally calls Biden a moron in S5 when his assistant asks if he plans to meet with the President.
Its crustin time
Epic bacon time.
Says who?
This freak again lol
that thread killed the shitty series more than Costner
Crust status?
>that black fella would be the perfect match for our white ranch hand. Democrats are the REAL racists, after all.
>Using Dude Wipes.
literally what is wrong with wiping your ass with dude wipes?
it's gay
They are incompatible. Economic and social policies don't exist in two separate vacuums. Your social attitudes define your economic beliefs as well.
You can't be an economic conservashit who supports small government and de-regulation while being a social libshit who wants the government to criminalize and enforce no-no meanie thoughts.
Literally this, only fags use these to clean out their bumbum, everyone knows this. Even your shittiest Walmart toilet paper is decently soft enough to get the job done.
Sounds like a chud issue. Try expanding your horizions.
It was deliberately left vague which president he meant. We know S5 is supposed to take place in 2020/early 21 since the Montana gubernatorial election occurred in November 2020, which means it should be Biden. However, the show makes no mention of a new president being elected at that same time, which would be relevant considering the season is about politics. John being a new governor and working with an equally new president/administration should have been mentioned if that was the case.

More importantly, Sheridan publicly expressed his TDS more than once. I believe he wanted to virtue signal his hate for orange man in his show, but took too long to get to S5, so he wrote the universe as though the incumbent president was re-elected in 2020.
I used to listen to NPR in the mindset of "I need to understand my enemy and their talking points so I am better equipped to fight them" a la Sun Tzu Art of War style. Then I realized they love gulping down retarded non sequitur propaganda and don't respond to rational talking points, or inconsistencies within their own sources or worldview. I cannot stand to listen to one more second of that drivel. This was in 2016ish because I wanted to hear legitimate discussion surrounding the election. How naive I was.
Sounds like a really faggoty show
Toilet paper isn't wet.
Social issues require big state funding, when Trump shut the government down all the woke shit disappeared for a week and feminist marches got cancelled.

There's a reason most woke people call themselves communist, they're reliant on the state. Hell even gay marriage needed the state to intervene on religious issues, something libertarians are strongly against.
>dickriding Trump
Grow up.
All libertarians will be voting Trump you dumb shitskin
MF got booed at the Libertarian Convention
Was booed by republicans in 2016 as well.
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>morals of an alley cat

Is there a witty comeback for this?
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I am cursed by God to look like this crusty faggot in the eyes of normys. I was born to frown, forced to be juxtaposed.

Was Yellowstone one of those shows that actually started off based but then got cucked to hell once it got popular or was it always posted?

All of my police and conservative friends liked the show
is an outdoor housecat in any way more morally rich than an alley cat
It's the opposite for me.
The crust must flow
And cheered, the boos were coming from women and faggots though
Everyone who liked the character before rightos needed to meme on him for not opening hating gays off the show.
>t. Dick rides Biden, Democrats, and the left, and their institution machine
>t. Supports open borders and drag queen story hour
>fat short feminine woketard is manly
Did reddit tell you that?
>t. Kneeling for BLM trannie
>whatsamatta chuds, dont like open borders, unending waves of illegal I mean asylum seekers, you must care about Israel and Ukraine's borders, drag queen story hour, firey but mostly peaceful BLM riots, blackwashing, pronouns, slowly being disarmed, government colliding with Big Tech to censor you, child drag shows, inflation to idk stop Putin, White hatred, owning nothing and being happy and not eating meat to idk fight climate change, WW3, you have to call men women now, super deadly pandemic lockdowns that only blm protests can slow the spread, children transitioning, Antifa, globalist world police, having your history and culture destroyed, media that will only ever be leftwing establishment propaganda, having masculinity attacked and shamed, climate lockdowns, statues of your country’s founders being torn down, fat positivity, degenerancy is praised, you have to celebrate homosexuality, Democrat tyranny

>and none of this is happening but I fully support it and think you are a bad person for not but you are a conspiracy theorist for saying this happening but it's a good thing anyway
I've been watching excerpts from this show lately on www.youtube.com and I have some problems with it.

Ron is the funniest regular character but he is written inconsistently and played for laughs, he's a "dumb blonde" equivalent and yet is also treated with respect. He is also far more interesting than anyone else despite being humiliated frequently for no good reason.

I would like to discuss this show boards.4chan.org/tv but I do not know how to make a topic. If someone would do that for me they might appreciate my observations on this television show.

Thank you.
Hey friend! Try reddit.com!
dogs are friends not food

He's the "adult in the room" character that everyone else plays off of, the writer's smug self insert. I want to say his office equivalent is Jim.
Things like Rip settling for trashy used goods psychopaths is truth in television, that's what rednecks and low income trashy cowboy hat wearing violent dipshits usually do where I live. Most of them reside in trailer parks and marry single moms but they're typically like 6'3 as well and not weak or anything. A lot of them marry loser white women with kids from prior relationships that don't want to work and sit in the park all day. I've had multiple dudes like that tell me they do it because it's easy and they think the woman won't cheat because they're toting a kid around.
The writers room was probably mostly women and with Ron it shows. He is like what a woman thinks an older stereotypical manly man is like. He's a caricature in the extreme like everybody else. He goes to a gay barber, he marries a single mom with 2 kids, he acts like he's the lucky one in that arrangement, his masculine traits are how women perceive them like his mustache and his wood working and tradesmen skills and his barbecuing and the attitude he has around them have a very obvious female slant to them.

It's another product written for people that the creators hate. So they have to make it just on point enough for the audience to ingest and enjoy, but load it with lots of subliminal leftist nonsense and polish it up to urban acceptability. Classic white savior, oppressed PoC shit.
>wow he's just like the father I hated

Or a feminine man at least, I thought it was Michael Schur? Basically a simp trying to write a manly man.
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>biblically accurate angels
>liminal spaces
>occams razor
>rokos basilisk
>logical fallacy
>schrodingers cat
>mutually exclusive
>god cannot be all powerful and good
>misinformation spreads quicker than real information
>x movie and z movie occurred in the same universe
>Starship Troopers is a satire of fascism
>the vagina is elastic
>the meat flaps or gaping hole in her vagina is not indicidative of how many men she has slept with
>homphobic incels praise ancient europeans without realizing the ancient greeks and roman men used to fuck eachother. it was considered manly back then
>prison is for rehabilitation of violent offenders back into society, not for punishing them
>hes catholic and he doesnt see the problem with saying he loves children? Lol.
>ah, a catholic priest dinosaur with views from the middle ages is lecturing us on womens health rights. surprised he has time for this between all the child rape.
>pro life christians are only pro birth. they literally dont give a shit about the baby once its born, especially if its brown (unless if its a boy, then they can fiddle them). Fuck priests and fuck the catholic church.
>the christian dark ages
>water is not a lubricant
>antarctica is technically the driest desert on earth. Yes, its covered in snow and ice, but technically it doesnt rain so it is a desert (and the driest one on earth, yes, even drier than the sahara)
>jesus was not white
>ah yes, the story of the zombie jew who was both his own father and son at the same time and commands you to eat his flesh, yes that old cult
>there have been thousands of 'gods' in human history, tell me how your jew on a stick was any different?
>ban all religions (in response to a muslim terror attack)
>mercator projection makes european countries look bigger than they actually are in real life
>you cannot compare apples & oranges
>if an asteroid or rock the size of a football field hit earth, it would kill all life on the planet.
>rogue waves
Ayn Rand and you are on welfare and food stamps
Do you often think about athletic black males?
No, I love all of those things. Here's a pic of me btw sorry its slightly obscured
makes no sense for this thread
In the instance of them delievering a beating to chuds? Absolutely.
it was a light-hearted comedy
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>Crust flavored cereal.
>Eating blue-rare crust for crustfast, crunch, and crinner.
>Supporting crustration.
>Recrusting women.
>Using Crust Wipes.
>blue-rare crust
So based...
It prevents crust buildup.
His love life is extremely pozzed.

Why is dating broken down crazy women? He should have a family. He's the type who would wife up a 4 if he thats what he could get and have kids.

His weird sex life is very fake and gay and obviously a projection based on female sexuality norms.
No I’m not lol. I’m not voting.
> inb4 that’s a vote for Biden!!
Ya and a libtard would say it’s a vote for Trump. So I guess I’m somehow voting for both
>adult men using wet wipes
What are you, an actual baby?
Can’t have both
It’s called being a (real) libertarian now mind your own business stay out of my shed.
Toilet paper aint cleaning it properly and bidet water can make you gay. So I guess baby wipes are the only manly alternative
I spit in the toilet paper and then wipe. If there’s a sink nearby I’ll just wet the paper with the faucet tho.
Yeah your political views suck
They get you cleaner.

Nothing to do with being manly. You guys are the only ones who think that.
That’s gross and toilet paper dissolves in water so you’re probably leaving behind bits of tp.
I say this and look like this
>dude wipes
:for when he doesn't

I’m not and how is it grosser then your skidmarking ass? Spit is less gross than shit.
Medieval lurking hat
It was pretty obvious in Parks that Ron was a parody of modern pop masculinity
He basically invented it zoom zoom.
That's so annoying I'm posting it everywhere
What skidmarks? I use wipes and toilet paper.
That's hot as fuck
was a meme long before Parks came out.
>I’ll just wet the paper with the faucet

Don't tell them there's a sink next to the toilet and you can even put a little hand soap on the toilet paper!
>using hand soap on your asshole after you just busted it open taking a man sized shit
>toilet paper dissolves in water
It doesn't. I'm not trying to argue with you I'm saying this to be helpful. Unless you're getting a low quality toilet paper brand, a few folds hold a little soap and water nicely. The next wipe can be water only to remove the soap. Third wipe is to dry. Pieces of toilet paper should not be left behind by those second two wipes unless you have barbed wire velcro hair down there.
This is the gayest sentence you've ever typed on 4chan.org/tv
Yeah I forgot all about that shit. Only women would write something like that.
Maybe I should get better tp but I don’t get the cheap stuff either. I just noticed it happening from using it to clean up spills, it would start to shred once it got wet so I assume it does that on assholes too. I’m pretty happy with the wet wipes I don’t know why everyone is trying to get me to stop using them.
I listened to NPR podcasts during college walking to class.
I learned stuff during those idle times, but I always thought they talked too fast, the info was written poorly, and there was too much inferred info.

Talking too fast is self-explanatory. By written poorly, I mean the sentences were too flowery. Writing to inform is different than writing to entertain. The written copy should be concise. Especially if it's factual stuff and not nuanced politics. I cringed hearing stuff like:

>"Being a deep rooting plant, and an early to late summer flowering plant, and already a favorite among apartment dwellers due to rising rent prices in major cities across the United States, the Manitoba tomato, a close relative of the Patio Red, is an indeterminate breed, which is different from a determinate breed in both potential size, potential yield, care requirements, and space requirements."

It's easy to read, but imagine hearing it spoken at 100mph and not previously knowing anything about the topic. I couldn't absorb anything. I would leave the podcast having learned maybe one thing.
>not just shitting down the shower plughole
are you niggers serious? just take the little grate thing out and shit straight down there
then you've got soap and water ready to go
I just live in the ocean and shit whenever I feel the need.
No I mean you can’t have both . One destroys the other
You can WANT both
But you can’t have both
If you take corporate news outlets at their word, you're going to be more disinformed than informed anyway
Seethe you limp wristed dork
Oh look a totally not racist liberal revealing his thoughts about black people people violent silverbacks. Will you soon let slip your fetishization of black men as sex crazed beasts?
>everyone claps, cries, hugs and pledges allegiance to the white and blue
He's a literal cuck who raises another man's children.
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He's just the modern version of this.
>le based character
>backtracks on beliefs
They all designed to bait people in so progressive ideas can conditioned in bit by bit
He's saying more than you
>bacon flavored bourbon
>man crate
>dollar shave club
>black rifle coffee
The part where I respect women.

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