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This is important. This is everything.
i stg shills focus on the weirdest things
Did he get called the n word
>tfw not enough BWC
This. So much this.
I was watching Bad Boys: Ride or Die a few days ago and Will Smith's characters character arch is that he starts having panic attacks. Writers seriously need to stop hanging out with one another, makes their work seem so damn homogenous and sterile.

AI doesn't have childhood trauma chuddie. Do better.
Why is this the new thing for animation? Why having "le realistic panic attack" is suddenly something every animated film that's shooting for acclaim tries to have?
Wasn't that Iron Man's character arc in Iron Man 3
Missing trans Gwen's shaft probably
Trump won
I've had panic attacks ever since I was like 4 years old and didn't even understand they were panic attacks until like 2 years ago. I've been trying a lot of different meds and they start fine but then stop working after a while. I'm fine if I can just stay at home though.
>puss in boots 2 has puss facing his final life and fighting the literal personification of death, leading to him having a sense of panic for the first time in his life, something he is unable to control after a lifetime of swashbuckling and laissez-faire attitude
>he learns to embrace death as a part of life, overcoming his newfound fear and tackling death head-on
>riley is... le SAD!!!!
>miles is... le SAD!!!
awful. Awful, awful stupid and bad trope that will ruin every animated film for the next 10 years.
I think they're trying to get the kids understand what they might be going through. Nobody told me I was having a panic attack, I was told it was normal.
Puss 2 did it perfectly, and with purpose narratively, we can stop trying to make it a 'thing' now.
Puss 2 did it so perfectly that hack writers are throwing it in trying to add depth to their shit tier characters.
How is it that Dreamworks has always and will forever mog and obliterate Disney?
because disney keeps pushing out talented people to hire cocksuckers like pete docter or diversity hires, so the talent trickles to dreamworks.

Shrek 5 is gonna make 2 billies.
>panic attack
What the fuck is this?
Some new zoomer fad?
Dont forget how he has a hero moment at the end and manages to best death, knowing that he can never truly defeat him but to stave him off for another day and accepts it as part of life. Death understands that Puss has learnt his lesson of mocking death and backs off.

Seeing other cartoons throwing in panic attacks without the same hero moment as Puss is just lame and shit.
>The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee.
Trying to make the next generation even more useless.
People aren't emotionally intelligent enough to process what's happening in real human expression or emotion, especially nowadays when most kids were raised watching screens which forego many nuances micro emotions (generally)

The animation makes it easier to see because it's and oversimplification of nonverbal expression.

People have been using media to educate children in basic social custom and educated them about life for a long time

It's just that the average person is much stupider now

Modern westerners are trained only with knowledge that helps them navigate the specific western framework (how to find therapy, how to find a doctor, how to find a club) but they aren't actually trained in universal things

So they don't really know how to read emotion, just texts and emails.
The animations are because people are getting stupider
>Puss has a panic attack dealing with his own mortality and having literal death come hunt him
>Riley has a panic attack because of hockey

Why are writers so retarded?
I have panic attacks when I go into a car. And I know it's stupid but it still happens.
Millennial writers discover the sopranos
Stop being antisemitic. Pol is that way
This is what people who have panic attacks think they look like. I thought the same. Then I saw a vid of myself having one. It was more like Sheldon having an autistic meltdown and forcing people to enable my weird wants and fears like some self-centered douchebag.
One thing taking vids is good for, I guess. Now I have a better understanding of my condition and am a little less ME ME ME.
And I get them less now. I still get them, but I know to just wait it out and not involve other people in my shit. Makes them pass quicker too.
People who say you need to express them and talk about them know shit. You do, but not while they are happening. It's the opposite.
I've never seen a good representation of a panic attack in media. It's always too over the top.
It can work if it's in the POV of the one having the attack, I guess.
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Look. I don't watch things with negroes in it, anymore. I just don't. You had your chance to resist the lure put out by your jew masters, and you blew it. Now you're paying the price at the box-office.
Surely nothing can go wrong with teaching kids that having a temper tantrum will make everyone supersympathetic to them and get them lots of attention.
Yeah same.
It was good in Puss in Boots.
Inside Out had a clever visual metaphor for it.
Is ever children's movie going to thrown in panic attacks now?
I think better question is why are you watching kids films lol
Is a panic attack when you shake uncontrollably (especially your arms and legs) and your heart starts beating really fast?
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So what? Tony Soprano had panic attacks and everyone loves that character. Same with >>200787637
Tony had real panic attacks that made him pass out and could have caused serious issues such as while driving.
He wasnt just worried that people could think he isnt that good at hockey and that made him slightly anxious or whatever the fuck they're trying to pass of as a panic attack there.
Normalizing panic attacks, as people are getting increasingly more insane living in a jewish society
Kids replicate what they see in movies. The writers literally want your kids to be mentally unstable because it's their lived experience and they can't envision life any other way.
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Because millenials are a worthless generation of little bitches who have troubles breathing everytime society won't provide with everything they want at any given moment.
>I am little cunt on meds
Of course.
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Reminder gen x and boomers ruined society by doing everything the TV told them to do. Now millenials are fixing it with based subversive tactics and boomers and xers are crying and shitting their pants about it.
Millenials can neither fight nor flight, so they literally just turn into mouthbreathers.
i did not care for the sopranos
>fixing anything
Binge watching Sex in the City isn't actually solving anything you know.
Go have a panic attack. Have two.
Yeah how will the boomers ever compete against the zoomers crying in a corner guerilla warfare.
I never in my life met someone who had a panic attack, is it that common?
Ex dreamworks staff say the studio is going down the shutter, kung fu panda 3 was slop and they’re apparently coming out with a fucking Cocomelon movie soon. Its over.
Completely off the mark you Instagram using little bitch.
Panic attacks are a made up problem which only exists in USA.
Miles realised he was dating a tranny.
I used to get these. Right after my first kid was born, I was also taking care of my sick mother at home and had a new job. Would occasionally just pass the fuck out. Got a CAT scan, thought I might have diabetes, nope, just anxiety shutting my brain off. They stopped though, and I never took any drugs even after diagnosed.
American is basically an open air insane asylum
>American is basically an open air insane asylum


America isn't the media. Americans (aka Whites) aren't characters in the media.
Kinda bullshit. I was kidnapped by mexican psychos and never fought or fled. There was a moment where I considered going down fighting, but weighed the options and decided to pray instead
Can relate. Got major PTSD after almost getting executed, and it comes out in weird ways. One time I was having an after party and this gay guy just refused to leave when everyone else did. I panicked and told him I was seconds away from snapping his neck
>after almost getting execut
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>it's a character talks about their wholesome pharma stack as a subtle nod to Pfizer their resistance of capitalism
kino, I'll be sure to buy a subscription for each of my wife's children
It's just a way for them to make people think it's a very common thing
>See?? I told you I wasn't making it up! I really am suffering here. Drugs please!
I failed my master for the last time, but then the trap door leading to the shark tank malfunctioned and didn't open
It's increasing because expectations on children have never been higher, and oppurtunities are decreasing more than ever. The insanity of this world that cultivates isolation and lonliness rather than close relationships is driving people to the brink as well. People are unable to cope. We were not evolved for this.
People grow to the level of responsibility their brains can handle. A grown man fears the spectre of death. A teenage girl fears for her social life and future success. A mentally challenged man fears he won't get his favorite flavor of ice cream. A president fears he'll start a war.
Glad you got a second chance, Anon. Go heist that bank!
>let me just gulp down all these meds with 1500 kCal caffeine drink

Gee I wonder why do I have le mood swings and muh depression.
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the biggest psyop in hollywood since barbenheimer
Panic attack is a psyop created by lazy doctors
>Doc, my chest hurts
>It's a panic attack, son
>Doc, I can't breath
>It's a panic attack, son
>Doc, My arms hurt
>It's a panic attack, son
>Doc, I h-ACK
>used to be an anxious teenager that had panic attacks
>started seeing this shit everywhere
>"Damn these losers are lame as shit, I need to stop being like that this is fucking gay"
>cure myself of anxiety
Unironically best treatment for it I've ever had lol
Enjoy your cellar, nigga


Young and stupid at vacation in Cancun. Wantered into the jungle, happened upon a group of Cartel Members. They filed me, had me strip naked and bend down to the ground, as they held a machete over my neck. For 5 hours they debated whether to cut my head or let me go.

Thanks to the papers in my backpack from a US university, and a call one of them had with some higher up, I was let go.

All this to say, panic attacks don’t happen in real danger. I was sharp, clear, reasonable - though crying my eyes out & begging ofc.

The panic comes after. When you’re alone, or at the bus, or anxious to lose your friends. When someone says a word or sentence wrong, and your own mind becomes the most dangerous foe you’ll ever face
does anybody have the webm with the bitches paying thousands of dollars to go in a forest to scream and break sticks?
Laughed my ass off The truth ain’t far off
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Addicted to Xanadu maybe.
The fight or flight thing is always incomplete, it's fight, flight or freeze
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I have debilitating OCD and various other mental disorders and I've never once had a panic attack. I feel immense anxiety pretty much every second of the day but it always stays bottled up. I never really understood the whole "panic attack" thing and why it just so happens to be the "mental health issue" that's getting pushed so heavily these days.
or fuck
Dang, that is a heck of a story. Hope you recover mentally and emotionally.
>1500 kCal caffeine drink
What Starbucks drink has that many calories?
w2c this helmet
I will feel bad for millennials because every generation united against them but not yet my friends... not yet. Not this day.
this is the new thing now, right? I saw a couple of movies with this already
Mental illness is a fad to neolibs, right now having anxiety attacks is the cool thing.

They don't care about people with actual anxiety disorders, just like they didn't care about real people with PTSD or gender dysphoria
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Panic attacks are probably the most extreme mental anguish that a normal person can imagine. Diving into OCD would try to make the audience empathize with a weird unlikable character with autistic rituals like that cunt from Better Call Saul.
WHAT? Why?
Third worlder moment
when are we going to see more vertiligo blacks like we're getting in gayming?
>look this character is having a pussy panic attack about things they can't control
>but they just "got over it" and suddenly they can control these things or whatever because this is fiction
>why the fuck can't you do the same? get to work and start paying taxes, you whiner
Spiderman has people shooting at him, world ending events, etc but yeah whatever helps you feel better for your retarded takes and shitposting.
Man. I watched BB3 the other day and the whole “villain is actually related to mc” thing was so played out it took me out of the movie. Don’t even want to see 4, what’s the point
Peter Parker copes with trauma and anxiety by quipping and telling jokes. He diffuses the danger of a villain attack by mocking them. It helps him cope, while also angering the villain and throwing them off their game. That's how Spider-Man deals with stress. He doesn't have panic attacks. Miles will never be Spider-Man
1., miles isn't spider-man
2., panic attacks are for oversocialized people whose deep emotional structure knows that they can always abandon responsibility and have a hysterical fit because somebody else will always solve their problem for them, which is anathema to being a hero, heroes are literally defined by being the opposite of that, they're the ones who show up to bail out your ass while you're having your hysterical breakdown
Evangelion already did this 28 years ago.
Yeah and everybody told shinji to stfu and stop being a little bitch and get in the robot.
which is the right thing to do
Left wingers worship weakness.
Buck status?
>The fact that panic attacks are trending in Western animation
This is a metaphor for the current state of its industry.
At least when Shinji and Asuka have a panic attack, their giant mothers try to help them.
what the hell is a panic attack anyway? I've had anxiety so bad I was literally shaking and I never felt like I was having a panic attack.
it's when you're a little bitch and won't do anything because you're paralyzed by your own weakness
That's a normal day in the hood but I don't see niggas huffing and puffing on street corners.

Some people don't have that mature adult thing where they're able to push through or ignore an overwhelming state of anxiety/fear, they think they're just supposed to give in to it and curl up into a ball
>Mental illness is a fad to neolibs
progs and socialist too
I'm still not even sure what anxiety is
when you're afraid of things you shouldn't be

think "princess and the pea". the princess is a real princess because she can feel the pea under a hundred mattresses. anxiety is like that. you're so cowardly that even the slightest twinge of danger makes you uncomfortable. it means you're a dainty little princess who never faces anything difficult in your life. that's why leftists use it as a badge of pride, to label themselves as princesses.
ikr? i stg panic attacks need to be normalized especially in cultures oppressed by white supremacy.
yaaaassss more heroes crying and shitting their pants and getting therapy and oh oh they should talk about their love language too
kek when everyone was saying "realistic" panic attacks were going to get big after Puss in Boots I thought they were full of shit. Guess these writers really are that creatively bankrupt.
agreed, puss in boots it felt warranted. Honestly I dont know if Id even want really young kids seeing the film, it can be very intense and is essentially about confronting death. though its all abstracted enough to be fine

meanwhile inside out is teaching little girls next week at their swim meet they might just freak the fuck out for no reason and thats totally normal :)
>Honestly I dont know if Id even want really young kids seeing the film
You did not have a panic attack at the start of puberty lol
no that's not even close
it's when you get very selfconscious to the point where it interferes with your ability to conduct yourself
like when you had to give a book report at school and you keep thinking "fuck why am I sweating so much I hope nobody can see my pitstains" and shit like that instead of focussing on the report
or when you have children of your own to support and have to go into a meeting that determines if you'll be able to send them to higher education or not, like being overly aware of the immense weight of the importance of what you're doing for the future
but this is normal, people just feel this way sometimes
it becomes a panic attack when you cant (or dont want to) snap out of it and force yourself to stop being so anxious
its people being taught to live inside their own heads. turns out pathologizing everything and being hyperaware of everything isnt actually good for your brain. there needs to be some study for this shit but i can almost guarantee that if we had some way for people to wake up and see their
"anxiety score" at the start of the day, it would result in cyclical long term furthered anxiety.
I think very detailed panic attacks plus the idea of confronting death may be heavy for a young child
man the fuck up
aka. >>200795379
somehow i feel like people have less panic attacks when they arent told about panic attacks
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>millenials are fixing it
Yeah, great. I'm really looking forward to every dumbass Marvel superhero having panic attacks on screen.
just like bambi, lion king, land before time, etc., are all inappropriate for children

children should just watch minions and other movies with loud sounds and no messages until they grown up into dribbling retards who couldn't tell death from life
This desu, and I'm tired of philosemetic conservatives pretending otherwise
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>millenials are fixing it
Because of shit Europe invented & pushed?
Superheroes on ssri's. Who watches the watchmen? Big Pharma in the hhheeezey!
wasn't that the entire Hulk arc up untill Endgame

This is how men have done it for millenia, this is the essence of black humor, gallows humor, dry humor. To balance the natural feeling of dread out with an acknowledgement of the cosmic hilarity of it, in that we get so serious about something so transient as what we're doing here and temporarily struggling with, it's a strength. Your feelings are real, and yet they're also not, that's positive masculinity, that sentiment is all but dead in modern hyperfeminized culture. Mastery of self through the trivialization of your own base nature.
It's a very, very very very safe quirky mental illness to have, that kids can copy/tribe into it
When you are doing bad ass bad boy shit you dont have time for panic attacks.
As a kid I used to copy cringe shit from anime. I daren't imagine the abomination I would have become if I grew up absorbing trannies and panic attacks.
Unironically do better, we've all heard this before. You're not even thinking youre just signaling allegiance at this point. This is a board for discussing film?
I'm sorry the literal childrens' cartoons aren't exploring this aspect of humanity in a way you find intellectually stimulating, have you tried shutting the fuck up and saying something useful?
im okay with abstracted death being shown and explained to kids in animation or with softened language ("they went away"), we do this all the time, we soften things for kids. HOWEVER for me, detailed panic attacks being shown to happen to kids as if its normal, is over the line for me. Losing a family member is something they WILL experience at some point, so teaching them about that seems realistic and fine, especially if its abstracted, but anxiety and panic is something you can instill in them especially if its made to be relatable.

puss is boots is mostly fine because it seems abstracted enough
>They filed me
this is schizo appropriation
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>realistic depiction of a panic attack spammed in every children's movie
>the meme is becoming reality
i dont know how we got here, but adults in stressful modern situations having panic attacks seems fine, especially when the character in question has therapy as part of their story (which btw wasnt used as a mouthpiece in sopranoes to try to get everyone watching into therapy, it written that way because the idea of a mob boss in therapy was absurd and therefore interesting).

I guess the complaint is that they are becoming too numerous so if anything, Tony was based for being a very early example of this. Makes me appreciate him even more as a character. He wasnt some modern millennial faggot writer cashing in on recent le mental helth discussions, they were a person who took a unique lens to something, utilizing a very heavily masculine character (violent, emotionally closed-off) to contrast with a more typically feminine topic (feelings, therapy)

These were just seizures, he literally straight passed out
Are panic-att-acks being normalized?
Are they related to strokes?
Fuck this nigga and what they did to Spider. Peter Parker is the true Spider. Fuck this nigga. Changing race like that should be a crime.

I will never watch or buy anything related with this nigga not because I'm a racist but because this is pure manipulation, social engineering at its best.

Next thing Gwen will be a trans and Miles will date her. I don't doubt.

Fuck this shit. I have not been retarded down to the point of consoooming this shit.
It's the same reason why Acolyte has a Witch Coven ritual, the writers can only talk about themselves. We allowed legitimate psychopaths to gaslight society.
Did he finally find Gwen's peter?
It's just fear but internalized. Normally when you are afraid you can just use that energy to run away or whatever but there's no external threat with anxiety so there isn't anything to do and some people can't handle that.
>has a panic attack in his workplace parking lot
"He's just like meeee!"

Soiboi propagandists admitting they're cracking up under the pressure of being on the wrong side of history.
Panic attacks and true PTSD are caused by traumatic life or death situations. The vast majority of what people call panic attacks and PTSD are just people being drama queen pussies.
Panic attacks are for females. Period. Stop being a pussy. Men control their emotions, not allow their emotions to control them.
What's a "panic attack"? I don't know a single person or anyone who knows someone who ever had a "panic attack".

Is it like a purely american thing like anxiety and ADHD and trans stuff?
It’s not writers hanging out with each other it’s existing on and continued exposure to in the same social media sphere 9hrs a say is literally shaping their grey matter.

It’s like how women sync up on their periods.
he got an honest job offer
Look it up, you fucking retard.
Do leftists often have panic attacks for this to be a recurring theme in their writing?
If you can't explain a concept in 1-2 sentences it's a fugazi, it's fake and it doesn’t exist.
Thread theme (if this thread wasn't gay)
Predictive programming for what is to come.
>Panic attacks are everything and are totally valid 100%fr
>Post-Racism Traumatic Attacks (PRTA)s justify black people knifing and raping white people whenever they want and wherever they want
>its slavery and something
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>One movie shows a panic attack
>"Ok, cool"
>A few more movies show panic attacks
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The only guy I know that has experienced panic attacks irl is gay and is extremely progressive politically. He's also obsessed with Trump despite not even being American.

What is the correlation there?
Narratively speaking, WTF even is a panic attack? Is it even potentially deadly? It’s, what, an ultra low stakes man v. nature thing?
>Stop noticing the Indistry retardly buying into trends
You and your fucking "noticing" argument lmao.
>my green flags are... THERAPY


Panic attacks are so hot right now
>people not realizing that journalists are in on the bit and write these to get easy views by memers.
Mental illnesses are trendy, so long as they're one of the "acceptable" ones. Panic Attacks are perfect for young adults because it instantly makes you a victim worthy of sympathy and pity with problems beyond your control, but simultaneously you are strong and inspiring for enduring it. And the idea of a panic attack is based off a universal experience. Some people legitimately get it bad enough to be crippled, but EVERYBODY has at least had some moment of feeling scared and overwhelmed, which makes it very easy for anyone to co-opt the mental illness through self-diagnosis. And as we all know, modern young adult audiences LOVE to see "relatable" characters in fiction, so they eat it up when a character faces the same "disability" that they have. Especially in animation, a medium which has traditionally avoided more mature subject matter and thus subverts expectations by addressing more adult problems.

I like it in Puss in Boots though. Build-up made it feel warranted, execution was strong without being overplayed, and it worked nicely with both character's arcs. Felt sincere rather than just chasing a fad.
And then, suddenly, 13yo girls all across America started pretending having panic attacks because being "non-binary" was now out of date, just like cutting has been for 20 years
Last of Us had Joel have a panic attack too. Why are they putting this shit everything?

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