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Apparently, this was the biggest box office bomb of all time until The Marvels. What went wrong? I thought it was pretty good.
Bad title. Bad marketing. Lead was a nobody.
>biggest box office bomb
I dont believe those numbers anyway.
I was just flicking through the wiki page for biggest bomb and its all BS.
Like they had tome cruise mummy be like 195 mil production cost 410 gross yet lost 75-118 mil.

As for this movie this>>200787716
there was some shit where jews didn't want to call it john carter "of mars" as it would sound too sci fi, despite being a sci fi movie so they just called it john carter.
Like who the fuck goes and watches a movie with a name that nobody knows.
"yeah lets go watch dave smith, that will be a good movie"
As for the movie itself its really good but most of the actors are or were B tier english actors and while I like taylor kitch, I think he has screen presence, obviously others think he is a charisma drain and he constantly bombs movies.
It's sort of how Water World was the biggest box office loser for a long time. It's not that the movie was bad or even that good. It's just the studios were stupid enough to way overspend so the movies were doomed from the start. John Carter, for instance, apparently cost over $300 million in made up Hollywood bucks when Pirates of the Caribbean cost around $100 million. Who the fuck in their right mind would sign off on that shit?
Undeserved, the film is so fucking kino I was remembering to re-watch it this week.
Mars needs moms just flopped and disney said they will take mars out of title because it might flop
Im pretty sure John Conner
must die released about the same time but the must die was way smaller letters so people maybe confused it for some dumb comedy
I secretly assume an opposing studio did this to troll them, but am too lazy to confirm
Both made by Disney.. kek
Yeah and the marvels just cost 237 mil I think.
I have not watched it so cant say if it has great sets but seeing other capeshit I bet it was a CGI fest all done on cheap green screen.
imo this is money laundering. Jews intentionally fuck their movies in some sort of insurance scam or ESG bux scam.
Some shady shit is going on behind the scenes for shit made movies to cost so much, and then bomb.
Disney is printing money at this point anyway, they could release flop after flop and not lose any money. If anything it means less tax on revenue per year.
>literal studio shills fucking with the numbers
Yeah I and I assume you too are not dumb. Wiki is just a glance at general knowledge. The real figures, well it will all be hidden in jewish accounting and they are never gonna let that shit go public regardless.
Yeah it's just hollywood being hollywood, all a fucking joke and scam.
Because nobody knows who John Carter is, on top of everything it's an incredibly boring name. Even the poster is terrible, it's a bunch of people riding... something sluggish? You can barely make out the faces on it. This is a perfect lesson on how to not market an expensive movie.
>Biden keeps bailing them out
He keeps forgetting about their debt.
I watched it not so long ago. I liked it. I thought the worst thing was probably McNaulty
>way overspend
xir doesn't know about Hollywood accounting
Tbf I think if anything their inflation adjustments for John Carter and Lone Ranger are vast underestimations. I think we have far exceeded 20% since 2012.

John Tucker Must Die. Also kino.
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The Marvels won't be the biggest bomb for long.
Crazy that they cast this chick as the "Princess of Mars" in this flick when she was already in her early thirties at the time.
Poor marketing. It was a good film, Disney couldnt sell it to the audience.
He went on to play the gay guy in True Detective: 2nd season. So he did alright.
Disney happened.
They wanted the first pulp sci-fi serial to be less sexy and less sci-fi and didn’t even use the name Barsoom or John Carter of mars while expecting that it had name recognition with people under 50 at the time.

It was a boomer property that was based on sex, violence and an average man becoming a great legend in a new world. All things Disney finds problematic to its brand.
It wasn’t a good movie.
Jesus Christ this thread is ESL as fuck
I didn't like it cuz the leading lady in it was fat & old
Shut up disgusting fatbody.
>Michael Moore sued Bob and Harvey Weinstein, of Miramax Films, in February 2011, claiming that they had used creative accounting to deprive him of his share of profits for the film Fahrenheit 9/11
Just when I thought Harvey couldn't be any more based.
>entire movie is a flashback, framed as an obscenely ugly kid reading a journal of an insanely wealthy confederate soldier who was also a traitor and also stumbled upon a magic cave that sends him to mars
>oh and also here's some stuff he couldn't have known about
Iirc, it was a pixar or disney animated directors first time dealing with a live action film and this lead to a bunch of reshoots and general overspending.
She was so fucking hot in that movie. I wanted a sequel just to see more of her.
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