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>scientifically accurate
>"i spent billions in research and we couldn't acquire a viable blood sample no matter how much we searched or tried. so we built animatronics instead. welcome to jurassic park"
>all we got was frogs, welcome to Jurassic Pond
Another one?
The people who think feathered dinos are woke are the same tards who think God out fossils in the earth to test our faith
>Make movie based off retarded premise
>Crank out sequels until the retarded premise begins to fall apart at the seams and becomes too ridiculous to take seriously
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lotsa different dinosaurs
>The people who think feathered dinos are woke are the same tards who think God out fossils in the earth to test our faith
Based hylic conflating all his imaginary opponents into one strawman
>scientifically accurate
Yeah because these arms DEFINTELY belong on this animal. It's obvious some retard got the bones mixed up or put them in the worng box and non of them wanted to adnit their mistake.
>see dinosaur thread
>patiently await the unrestrained autistic rants that happen every time
I need to save the mating dance webm
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They were evolving into armless creatures. Basically jaws on legs.
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>Scientifically Accurate
aka: Lame
aka: Gay

JP is Pulp Sci-Fi, and I wish we could go back to that.
You got some balls posting Becky my friend
the whole point of the "Dinosaurs" are they are not true dinosaurs they are genetically spliced monsters

Are the new people retarded or something
>black and white people
>no Mexicans, Asians, Middle Eastern, Russian, Icelandic, etc....
When has Jurassic Park not been diverse?
JP was scientifically accurate for the time. Spielberg hired the top scientists and paleontologists of the day to work on his dinosaur designs. These new "accurate" designs will be just as ridiculed 20 years from now. Paleo-retards can't get things right if their life depended on it.
Feathered dinosaurs are gay and not interesting.
it's not like hamond strived for 100% accuracy in the book he wanted something impressive you know so people will want to go to the fucking park
Its actually the Whitest Franchise unless you are super anal about Jews being White but whatever.
Reboot: MC - White Female Love Interest White
Original, MC - White, FLI - White Omega Scientist Guy - Jewish/White

Only diverse guys is Hacker - Samuel Jackson and Asian Scientist in seven movies.
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>the jurassic park premise is retarded
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I hate this gay world
Looking forward to a diverse cast getting ripped apart by giant, hissing chickens
I would like to know who is the anon posting year old ragebait from screenrant (other example: "Jordan Peele New Movie") and who are the anons retarded enough to fall or it every time
they chain d'quan to the fence instead of a goat
What's the gnostic opinion on dino bones? Dead archon babies or something??
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this is good because it will give diverse actors more opportunities
>That doesn't look very scary. More like a six-foot turkey.
>That's actually a scientifically accurate description, kid. Well done.
Its based on a book by Michael Crichton who prided himself on being thoroughly well researched on all matters scientific.
Only raptors had feathers. Everyone else had scales.
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I don't believe dinosaurs ever existed.


Fuck off.

>Scientifically accurate

Fuck off. Jurassic Park is a film franchise that has truly run its course. Really, it should've just been the first film. Hollywood is morally and creatively bankrupt.
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Btw did'n anyone find it funny that in the book Ian Malcolm was bitten by a Tyrannosaurus in the legs and managed somehow to survive? A biteforce of T Rex was 45 000 Newton, enough to crush metal and pulverize bones, but Dr Malcolm was only slightly injured
makes sense, also checked
Let the extrapolation begin!
Anything but that Pratt rat faced faggot I hate that disgusting filth
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>find 4 small bone-shaped rocks
>create an entire 8 ft tall dragon out of it
Atheists actually believe this shit
I don’t believe gorillas exist either because they’re never mentioned at all in the Bible
What possible evolutionary advantage would a creature have by NOT having arms.
>A biteforce of T Rex was 45 000 Newton
Is this still scientifically accurate in 2024 a.d. tho?
Not too long ago they thought the Earth was just 6k years old
>>scientifically accurate
so no dinosaurs then because they never existed
180 million years
>all dinosaurs HAD FEATHERS
wrong chud
some might've
some didn'tve
Robot dinosaurs running amock would just be fusing Crichton's Westworld novel with his Jurassic Park novel anyway.
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Dinosores are gay and reddit. Where are the based gorgonopsids?
Why do you need them if all you do is bite through other dinosaurs, eat their meat, sleep, and fuck pretty lady dinosaurs? Getting up off the ground? Probably it could roll on its side and then position its legs under its center of gravity and just stand up.
I hope they have a car full of a loud black family eating popeyes when the fence's electricity goes out and the t-rex eye is next to the window
is this nigger in the webm from "Dinosaurs" (1991)?
Look at ostriches, rheas, emus and cassowaries and ask yourself that again.
This will be the 4th Chris Pratt Jurassic Park movie? I'd fire my agent at this point
>diverse actors
how can an actor be diverse? a group of actors can be diverse (racially i presume) but how can an individual be?
Balance, getting up, fending off attackers, attracting mates, holding your food still while you tear off pieces, etc.
>look at these creatures with wings (arms) and ask the question again
Holy fuck, you're retarded. Just because they can't fly doesn't mean they don't have and use their wings.
that isn't what happened though
I like how "Diverse" is given top billing over "Scientifically Accurate"

It sure is fun living in current year.
you are an actual retard
>Featherless dinosaurs are just big lizards
>Feathered dinosaurs are just big birds... with big fucking teeth!

Besides being scientifically accurate, it makes dinos infinitely more interesting and frightening.
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Oh no I'm terrified
He was very seriously injured. He was in the hospital for a long time and took years to get better. Even in the second book, he walked with the aid of a cane.
Size doesn't matter bro
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So we're just never gonna get anything neat like a frilled Dilophosaurus or a chameleon Carnotaurus anymore? Test tube dinosaurs were always part of Jurassic Park's appeal, why change that?
I hate paleonerds for making everything unfun. MUH ACCURACY.
Stupid fucks don't realize that Jurassic Park's dinosaurs might as well be the real thing since we're only ever going to be able to guess what they look like. Except for Borealopelta.
actually there wasn't a Westworld novel.
what about now

The Giant Chicken people won.
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not white = diverse
It's overblown bullshit. Some dinosaurs had primitive feathers, and some skeletons might not be arranged 100% accurately, but there were dinosaurs for 600 million years, there's an endless variety of them and most of the reddit gotchas are misunderstood bullshit.
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>scientifically accurate
>black scientists
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I love this lil crowlizard nigga like you wouldn't believe.
I watched The Beekeeper last night and that fat FBI chick ruined the entire movie in the first 5 minutes. But yeah, go ahead with your forced diversity.
specifically black. I work in media and that's the literal code. If they want asians or latinx they will request that and they do frequently (almost everthing has a latinx market version now) but diversity always means black. I've had edits sent back with nothing but mexicans and asians and been told it lacks diversity, add a nigger and they approve it.
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how many boosters are you on?
Nobody understands anymore that JP dinos are designed to be aesthetically ideal, almost toyetic.
Paleofags think they can just pick out generic, feathered dinosaur designs from the first result of Google Images and they'll fit seamlessly into the universe.
>The people who think feathered dinos are woke
They are, it's not based in science, it's speculative biology using an unreliable hypothesis based on a very small sample size of hollow boned mini raptors and then applying it to dense boned terrestrial lizards
You can't just make a T-Rex look and act like a bird of paradise and then expect normal people to take you seriously, none of it was based in reality, it's fanfiction tier, it's your imagined subversive truth, it's woke
poor man's nargacuga
reddit picture
Reminder that feathered dinosaurs are a fantasy that relies on "evidence" created by one single CCP scientist (Xu Xing) that was enthusiastically slurped up by a western scientific community out of contrarianism.
It's a Chinese park, so the dinosaurs are just ethnic minority prisoners who have been experimented on to look vaguely like raptors and other dinos, and also some monitor lizards and shit.
>and scientifically accurate
Erm... DNA doesn't last 66 million years without completely degrading.
le accurate dinos is bullshit simply bc we dont know what they looked like. it makes sense to make them look like lizards since they use frog dna to bioengineer them. they were never supposed to be accurate
In the reboot, will some niggers get electrocuted stealing the copper wire of the electric fence holding in the TRex?
says who?
Did anyone ever make a knockoff story about ice age predators in a park in Alaska or Siberia?
He died in the first book and was retconned to being okay in the 2nd
It wouldn't need arms to balance, it uses its tail.
>getting up
It wouldn't need arms to get up, so long as it can position its legs under its center of gravity while on the ground.
>fending off attackers
If you evolve a giant head you don't need claws anymore, and it would be inefficient to keep the extra weight of long arms when you already have a massive head to bite attackers.
>attracting mates
Why would you assume arms are needed for that?
>holding your food still while you tear off pieces
Not necessary, because T-rex has feet claws. If it killed something with its crushing bite, it could knock it over, then step on it before pulling off bits.
>scientifically accurate
>all the dinosaurs are dead
sounds like a shit film desu
A pitbull is that size and it can maul you to death.
Except the Bible literally describes a dinosaur. Job, behemoth.
>new reboot
>scientifically accurate
>turning some vestigial feathers into a full on chicken
I hate the midwit I fucking love science people so much it's unreal
>A pitbull is that size and it can -ACK!
Ah, yes, John Boyega's awaited comeback
I have found almost zero confirmed details about this movie aside from shooting location. Is this article speculative bullshit for the reddit types?
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>retarded premise
what a furry dinosaur
The dinosaurs were never scientifically accurate. They were abominations made to look like dinosaurs using frog/snake/crocodile/etc DNA.
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I love becky
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nature has many mysteries anon
Hollywood should just fucking kill themselves. Some of the worst people on Earth.
there's four orders of magnitude between 10 thousand and a 100 million years
I wouldn't call it woke because it's less about identity politics and more just retarded redditors latching onto something to be seen as the cool smart people who know more than those loser normal people. It's more midwittery than woke. Dunning-Kruger.
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:) don't listen to the party poopers anon
>picrel, a scientifically accurate dino
>scientifically accurate
tyrannosaurus almost certainly had lips to prevent the teeth from drying out like other terrestrial animals
its spelled mammoth
Good post.
Do retarded athiests think the Old Testament Genesis is literal?
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>lol sure
>ALL dinosaurs had feathers
Literally nobody is saying this. But some of them definitely did.
No you're thinking of retarded Christians
Jews and 7th day eventists are pretty much the only ones that take the old testament literally, AFAIK.
Everything we hypothesize about dinosaurs is speculative beyond their bone structure and some handfuls of skin textures. We just extrapolate things like form, diet, and behavior from existing life forms today.
scientists believe that their arms were vestigial.
it doesn't use its arms for anything. it bites onto other dinos and then eats them.
it doesn't need to grab anything with arms when its jaws and teeth are fucking massive
Grow up, racists
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The two arent that different.
>ha, bet you didn’t know the rapist third worlder is a scientist or doctor
>ha, bet you didn’t know that drag queen reading stories to your children at the publicly funded library is actually a woman with a feminine dick
>ha, bet you thought 2+2=4 is correct and not racist
It’s all the same bullshit. Contrarianism just to browbeat normal people to make themselves look superior intellectually
NTA but you are completely broken.
answer the question, chud
To my understanding, you are the chud bro.
But seriously. You are completely mind broken.
Whoever did this to you, they own you.
>dinosaurs in the USA are mostly found in the Trump loving mid-western states
>4chan keyboard warriors pretend they are all fake
never makes fails to make me laugh

t. someone that earns his money preparing dinosaur bones
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I've come to realize Jurassic Park died the moment Spielberg forced Crichton to make TLW. Fucking sucks.
This should have been the coolest franchise ever but it died in the crib and now it's too late to get anything actually cool out of it because featherfags and paleotards can't keep it in their pants.
how do i get a cozy gig like that?
in the first book it's stated that the Tyrannosaur had a weak bite, which was inaccurate, and Malcolm stated that he didn't think he had it's full attention. Even then, he technically died at the end of the first book and was retconned into having been narrowly saved by Costa Rican doctors in the second.
I am kinda doing damage control HOWEVER
TLW the movie allowed to show some parts and ideas skipped in the movie for time, space and money reasons, like the flying pteros
I've never seen something so retarded in my life.
Back then none got mad by the retcon because when you read it as a kid you are sad Malcolm dies.
Now I kind of regret it.
Volunteering and lots of luck. Have a natural history museum nearby? Volunteer! Go fossil hunting by yourself, it's great
It's not a matter of it being an advantage to not have arms.
It's a matter of not having arms being no disadvantage.
Its the same reason humans evolved worse sense of smell. It got evolved away, because it wasn't being passed on ( or 'selected') , because it stopped offering an advantage.
>scientifically accurate
>DNA has a half life of 400-500k years, even if perfectly frozen and preserved
>DNA from the VERY END of the Cretaceous period would have decayed 130+ times, much less stuff from 150M years ago
You'd get more intact Dinosaur DNA from a fucking banana at that point.
No one called him that but you. You're the real racist here.
>why do snakes have those little stubs where legs should be, obviously some retard put them there and was too afraid to admit his mistake

What about your tailbone, you fucking retard, Rex probably didn’t have feathers but the arms belong.
Welcome, to Nigersaurus Park
>So we're just never gonna get anything neat like a frilled Dilophosaurus or a chameleon Carnotaurus anymore?
actual dilophosaurs were insanely more terrifying than the babies in JP/JW. 8 feet tall, 23 feet long, probably the apex predator of it's time since it was so much bigger than everything else in the early jurassic. You can still keep the venomous spit and even give it a venomous bite like in the book, since there's no way to actually prove if they could do that or not. Also the movies didn't even give us a chameleon Carnotaurus, they treated it like a bitch.
Did the same retard find ALL the trex skeletons then smartass?
It's also the fact that retards in charge are blatantly incompetent.
>have arm
>it gets ripped off
>bleed to death
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Oh yeah, you could totally get away with sizing them up accurately and nobody would have a problem with it.
I've always wanted to see a big JP Dilophosaurus as the "main" dino antagonist for a film or something.
>welcome to Alaska park
it's been all I've wanted, but they'll never give my favorite dino its due. I want them to give it the little notch on the upper jaw that it has, too.
Which one of those are young earth creationists?
I never understood the people that got butthurt over dinosaurs having feathers. I really don't get it. Kinda gay
Welp, looks like I’ll still only be watching the original movie if I want to see a Jurassic Park movie.
i hope you die you disingenuous pig.
>find bones with obvious cow-like features
>claim the unknown animal must have looked a bit like a cow
this is what you sound like
In other words it will be lame
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>here's your trex bro
He seems pretty fuckin cool I'll be honest. I'd run from that big chicken.
they've always stealth admitted the dinos are genetic engineering, but here I bet it means "with feathers".
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from dinosaurs right?
So, velociraptors are gonna be like 2 feet tall?
Nobody cares as long as that "speculation" is cool. Feathers, at least the way they tend to be implemented, are the furthest thing from cool.
utahraptors are huge
The dinosaurs are trans and black now too
>DEI hires destroy fledgling theme park
I'm thinking this could be a good movie
>what are muscle attachments
>what are ossified tendons
>what are articulated specimens
good job
Trannysaurus Rex
Based, would watch robo-dinos
there are black scientists alive and working today dumbass
>just choke a pitbull while it's busy mauling someone else, bro!
Well, what are they?
kinda sus that they conveniently discovered a big raptor the same exact month as the movie that popularized them released.
You wouldn't know haha, owned and rekt
He has a permanent limp in the 2nd book.
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They probably looked more like kangaroos. They were muscly menaces.
Acting like anyone wants this
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Fresh, huh? Okay. Try to imagine yourself in the megaplex. You get your first look at this "fresh" take as you enter the theater. It looks like an original story, all of the characters are new -- and you stay and watch 'cause you think that maybe this will play out like Fury Road, a soft reboot done right -- but no, not Jurassic World 4. You stare at the screen, and the mediocrity stares right back. And that's when the disappointment comes not from the front, but from the side, *shhwoop*, from the shameless Lost World ripoff you didn't even know was there. Because studio executives are hacks. They use focus groups and algorithms as a substitute for creative talent, and they are out in force today. They don't bother to kill your franchise with any dignity, no, no. The fill it with woke dialogue or political talking points, or maybe cut up the continuity, spilling your canon.

The point is... you are alive when they take your money.
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>MFW a feather fan tries to spread his lies
t. Classic dinosaur ENJOYER

>diverse and scientifically accurate

Translation: it will have a bunch of niggers and trannies, the dinosaurs will be stupid looking and trans and they will somehow look more fake than the originals because retards make movies these days
Haha funny joke anon
can a trex identify as a stegosaurus?
"Dinosaurs stomped around for 160 million years and didn't even invent an iPhone" --Max Tegmark
Lol what about sphere and all the chaos theory bs
two weeks

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