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I thought this movie was titled Mandela. is that a Mandingo Effect?
>black slaves bred for work
>gee why are black guys bigger than little ole whitey
I had two friends that were black and they said they hated the bbc meme because they had regular peni. It’s kinda like getting accused of white privilege when you’re just some working class nobody
even before Amerigoy breeding program Africans had larger muscles (filled with water)
Imagine your body producing more creatine
Doesn't make you stronger, but show muscles
See Rocky III for instance, both Sylvester and Dolph were heavily roided to get their physique while Carl was 100% natty
yakub created white people so white people can create Black demigods through eugenics
What is it about this pairing that makes it so visually iconic? WMBF or any other type of interracial coupling doesn't come close at invoking the sense of erotica and arousal that this one does by pure visual contrast. Is it just evolutionary coded in us to find the dark male and light female hot or something.
estrogen makes your skin whiter so yeah it literally is
uh-oh /pol/ wont like this one bros
Zesty black men with AIDS and coalburners with AIDS :the movie
imagine your son that you raised and loved grows up to spam 4channel with negro porn. grim. black excellence on full display
It's the closest thing to bestiality since negro is barely human.
fuck you
cool it with the impotent /pol/ rage

i fail to see how you're more advanced in any way shape or form
You literally have AIDS
Stop posting BMWF you subhuman pajeet.
>t. seething /pol/cel
It’s fucking embarassing
why are europeans so obsessed with racemixing?
You are a hiv positive homosexual zoomer with aids lol
keep giving me more (You)s kek
keep bumping the thread making more /pol/tards seethe
You got fucked in the ass zoomie.
moar (You)s plox
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>moar (You)s plox
Asian women fuck big white cocks
>A tall, shirtless, muscular black man towering over a young and angelic white woman in an intimidating manner
Why does imagery of this paring always make my penis convulse and leak fluid? I don't even watch cuck shit.
because you're european and brown
I'm white as a snow
shitted-on snow lmao
because they're constantly bombarded with American media.
but you people tell me no one cares about and consumes american media?
black men are shorter than whites
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strong pajeet energy from this thread
Posting in a cuck thread.
does women openly preferring BWC in real life dating cause the butthurt of online trolls to post their cope online?
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>this guy
>the data shows women preferring BWC
>hey here is a meme that tells ur wrong

lmao, what a cope
and yet eurobulls are bigger than both kek
Probably. This is the only place on the internet where they can vent out their frustrations through larp without getting banned because our jannies are useless
you mean arabs?
No matter how many shitty memes you make in MS paint white women still won't fuck you
imagine the tranny that made this pic lmao
arabs are incels the only sex they get is rape and prostitution
their women do get run through though before they settle for little muhamed
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this guy's crush must have been pumped full by one or more white men
White men are bigger, blacks were buckbred to pick cotton. Cotton isn't heavy
Reminds of that story about that anon in the movie store in Japan.
Reminder that humans have an in-group preference when it comes to dating.

Only porn addicts and desperate brown virgins push race mixing
>It's da azeaaaaaaan!!!

White insecurity at finest
So the BBC is just a myth?
Youre so insecure you spam other men having sex
Mandingo is unironically a good movie, if somewhat cheesy and obviously an exploitation film. I think it explores the weird spectrum of fascination-revulsion that seems to define white Americans' interactions with black people, although I wouldn't say it was necessarily accurate (for example, the idea of a white widower purchasing a prime buck slave for sexual purposes and that being considered normal likely wasn't the case). I think the most accurate parts of it were the family dynamics between the slavers and their cousins.
>55 replies in 2 hours
You guys are obsessed lmao
I reported the original post two hours yet it’s still up. Jannies are actual cucks

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