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Here's your roman gladiator bro
Ehh... This one actually works. Pedro does look Greek.
>Pedro does look Greek
what fucking drugs are you taking?
He's ethnically vague enough to work.
>romans were white
When is this meme going to end?
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So true sis
>*sigh* somehow Commodus has returned
>Pedro does look Greek.
Siiii senor. Nostros era Greeks y mierda, ese.
He doesn't look like ancient Greeks, who were white, but he does look like the mutts who took the island over.
Romans were not white, they were MENA just like the Greeks at that point.
The ancient Greeks were as much white as modern balkan people. Now they were probably better looking because they didn’t have the added Slavic and middle eastern admixture but those two admixtures cancelled each other out when it comes what colour the balkans ended up with.
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Remember the time Ridley cast Oscar Isaac as King John? He was the only minority in the movie so it actually felt a little racist which was fun.

>now that the king is dead, the crown passes to his younger, inexplicably brown brother
He's a perfectly fine choice. Even if he's not 100% Med, he looks it.

The only thing that bothers me is Denzel Washington playing Macrinus (because Hollyjews will use Macrinus being born in modern day Algeria as an excuse as to why he has to be black, although he statues depict him having no black features whatsoever), who then obviously will go on to become the Emperor of Rome. The movie with be, as typical, another we wuz fantasy with black man worship where the black character is always made to look good.
Actually based, the costume looks very faithful to the first movie.
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I never saw a mexican, maybe that's why but op pic does work i'll say.
Wrong beaner, holmes. LMFAO
>romans were not white
Why must you lie, shlomo.
No idea what this movie is but the costume looks great and it works with Pedro.
>Even if he's not 100% Med, he looks it.
He looks 100% Mex
He looks Caucasian, you burgers are insane.
>shill not even attempting to be subtle
Back in my days you scum used to put some effort for your 2 cents.
He hardly looks native and most Mexicans are short, stubby, top-heavy Mestizos.
His eyes are definitely Spanish and he even looks whiter than some Sicilians and Andalusian.
Oscar and Pedro fucking snatched up all the white male roles in the last couple of years

>Moon Knight
>Mr Fantastic
>Joel in TLOU
>Solid Snake
>Duke Leto
>Gomez Addams (voice)
>Maxwell Lord
Buenos dias senor. Siii Pedro is blanco, ese. Very Caucasian, holmes.
Back in muh days you burgers weren't retarded. KEK
Op pic looks like OG GoW.
Pedro looks like shit. Kys shill
Im not wasting any more time on you, pretty lame.
you know absolutely fuck all about history and when slavs arrived and what a slav even is
Pedro Pascal is essentially how the barbarians that invaded the roman empire looked like
all look the same to me ese
So mad and jealous, kek, you need to calm down, ok?
Taco Taco Burrito
>north americans don't get Latinos
yeah, moron, they are different cultures
he looks like hes from the new world it doesnt work for old world antiquity drama
They were. Too many retards confuse Sicilians with Northern Italians
Absolute non-white cope
since when are Slavs ugly? assuming you're american, you have british/irish genes, some of the ugliest people in the planet
Well, im not a big history guy to be fair. Op pic reminded me of Spartacus: Blood and Sand, ill take it. Pedro is not a bad actor.
Slavs arrived around 500 ad. Tollense men have different sublineages than modern Slavs. And the more advanced army in that battle came from the south around Austria while the northern army were more primitive and used clubs and arrowheads made from bones. I know a lot actually.
Looks Mediterranean to me, the beard is probably too modern though.
Hair too fancy? Yeah, maybe. But how many "historical" shows are representational? Probably none.
Slav men are fucking ugly. It’s why the balkans is more dysgenic looking than in the past. Also mena (mostly female oriented genes) made the balkans more ugly as well. It’s grim.
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why do I read this in some weird fucking jonah hill voice
Nothing wrong with this, except probably his swordsmanship.
that's a completely different facial structure?
pedro looks like an inbred chigger
Stfu burrito boy.
Kek Based.
Give me a sec, ill overlay it.
who you tryna get crazy with ese? donchu know I'm loco
Taco Taco Burrito
Stfu burger boy.
Even worse is his boring monotone voice with that hint of a hispanic accent
I honestly don't understand the chimping out.
Russell Crowe also didn't look Med/Italian in Gladiator I. He looks very Scottish to me.
If anything, Pedro Pascal, who has predominantly Spanish & Basque ancestral DNA, looks more fitting for this role than Russell Crowe did for his.

Why no chimping out about Macrinus being black? THAT is actually a problem.
Makes sense. But Ridley slop makes phantasies, and Denzel is respected by a lot to race swap roles due to stature
lol, just compare an average crowd photo from the balkans and in america, i'm sure we all know who's coming out in top there
what you just said is closer to how the romans spoke than english THOUGH
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Pretty close, more than 65% for sure.
Damn, this burrito jumps to conclusions faster than his abuela jumped over the border. BUENOS DIAS SENOR. OLLLAAAA
>Russell Crowe
>chimping out.
Now the fake right wing wannabees feel urge to be offended like the lefties they are.
>Why no chimping out about Macrinus being black? THAT is actually a problem.
So is picrel woke or not? What movie is this, is it a tv show?
it's the mexican moustache that fucks up the look
of course, if he shaved, it would expose his weird upper lip
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Hell i underplayed it, take 77 and above.
Wait few minutes i got you.
If his hair was curly he’d look more Mediterranean.
Latinx are so desperate they want to claim "Nostros era Romans y mierda" now.
Real ghetto type behaviour, ese
meds be like
>i dont look like this!
There is nothing Mexican about fucking Pedro Pascal, guy is 25% french and 75% basque, aside from having a shitty beard due his onions gay addiction, he is pre-Indo-European Iberian as fuck, give him a txapela hat he could be scamming tourists by selling them overpriced gernika peppers
>no features align
huffing your own farts here
Burgers dont know shit about race, they are all mutts, racial realism and scientific racism isn't a thing anymore among zoomers.
He is, I'm not actually complaining about him being cast in Gladiator. So long as someone of European heritage is used for the role of a European, it usually works.
It would be the same as if you were to use a Nigerian to play Mansa Musa or an Iraqi to play a Moroccan.

>So is picrel woke or not?
What do you mean? I would stay apprehensive about the movie being "woke" or not. I don't like Macrinus being played by Denzel. It's like when Netflix made Cleopatra black, because they could use Egypt being in the Continent of Africa as a lazy excuse to do so.
Might still be enjoyable despite that. Any more race-swapping or any explicit message-pushing would ruin the movie, though.
this is not convincing in the slightest, you are actually face blind
nah I'm a White landowner with 3 White kids, homo. Gayreeks and Meds are not White and haven't been for a long, long time.
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he looks more "roman" than russel crowe
Post one that's convincing then.
just a factual observation friend
They had colonies in Spain. What’s the problem? The gladiators were often from provinces and so were legionaries (depending on the exact era).

The main problem here is they’re making Gladiator 2 for some reason. He died. His family died. In what fucking way is this a sequel? Just make a new movie about gladiators you cowards.
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He looks like Caracalla.
>White landowner with 3 White kids,
Squatting on a gringos lawn you work on with your taco anchor babies doesn't make you either white or a landover, Pablo.
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I clearly did. Should i warp it? Thought so, that's why it isn't a 100 you burger monkey.
Oppie.... Rome occupied Spain for at least half a millennium. From the Punic wars right up to the collapse.
In my instagram i saw comments of people laughing because while Pedro looks Basque and apparently is ethnically basque, the basque famous for not being latinized by the romans. Is like hiring a Sammi actor to play a Viking. Is fine and seeing a med playing a med is indeed an improvement, but is still wrong.
he was so good in this
>Might still be enjoyable despite that. Any more race-swapping or any explicit message-pushing would ruin the movie, though.
Got it.
>He is, I'm not actually complaining about him being cast in Gladiator. So long as someone of European heritage is used for the role of a European, it usually works.
Don't you get it, chud? Whites are supposed to understand all cultures and cater to every one of their unique aspects. And to not do so means you're literally hitler.
Lmaooooooooooooo. He looks like that girl from hereditary
I really did him dirty with this one... Can someone fix the jaw. Here is a real photo.
Wow, this looks awful despite looking exactly like the first one. It must mean that the new one will be bad, not that the original was also garbage.
Kek, no, no... I just fucked up here...Aahahhahahaaaaaaa. Here is another photo but he was younger and skinnier there.
So true, fellow chud. Russel Crowe, on the other hand, looked like a Trvu Roman.
The first one was great, broccoli head.
Not, it's typical Ridley Scott garbage. He has exactly 4 good movies. All before Gladiator, "broccoli head".
Name 4 movies
Is he playing a young Cicero?
The Duellists
Thelma and Louise
Blade Runner
Is Last duel any good tho?
>He has exactly 4 good movies.
Gladiator being one of them. Go back to school, lil broccoli head
Those are the only ones I really like. There are others I like with reservations but The Last Duel is not one of them. Boring grey slop like Napoleon.

Okay, zoomie.
>broccoli head's only response is n-no u
Such a waste of space and oxygen for that generation. Not to mention the absolutely awful taste in movies
>Such a waste of space and oxygen for that generation.
>Not to mention the absolutely awful taste in movies
Don't stuff it into whole generation tho.
Carcalla always wore a blond wig to larp as a Barbarian
It's not a coincidence. You get a mostly white actor while also securing diversity cover. It's tactically sound.
Y'all are retarded. A lot of roman leaders and warriors came from Spain late in the empires history. The idea that Rome was ethnocentric is insane, it was entirely based around the city of Rome (there was no unified Italian identity) and really all you had to do to be considered the highest class of Roman was live in Rome.
>thinks gladiator and the last duel are good and calls anyone else a waste of space
Let me guess, you love Nolan and Villeneuve too? The Green Knight and Master and Commander as well, I bet? You're so original.
Who cares? Pedro looks good in op pic and he is a good actor, as simple.
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The worst kind......
Why does nobody in the industry ever point out that this faggot never changes his look, he always looks the exact same in everything he’s in
i hate people like you
Elaborate. Your reply was from a historical stand point yet still was arguing in my opinion favour. Why?
Is that ai?
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And? It fits him. How many actors do change their looks now?
You're retarded. Look up descriptions of ancient Greeks before the sand nigger Muslims invaded. Alexander had raid hair, Cleopatra had red hair
Most of them, nigger. He doesn’t change his appearance for any role, actors have always been charlatan faggots but not even putting in effort to portray a new character in a new movie is peak laziness
How about you take his cock out of your mouth
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>Most of them
Name 10
How about you act not like a 5th grader living in da hood. Yeah, the West has fallen >>200793506
They were all white Europeans regardless aside from the few from the middle east and even then, most people from the middle east look like this
Nic cage, Jonah hill, Ethan hawke, guy Pearce, Colin Farrell, Brad Pitt, Shia lebouf, Gary oldman, willem dafoe. put a gun in your mouth faggot
Im waiting for you to come up with an excuse at least btw. You are troon btw.
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>Nic cage
Oh, that's you, one of the faggots in that other thread... AHAHAHAHA!!!!
Is the whole list a sarcasm? Put a brain in your head, calm down btw.
An excuse for what? Pointing out that every role Pedro’s in he looks the fucking same? What’s wrong with you gay sycophants on this board
I like Dafoe and Cage tho but even they LOOK the same in each movie. Maybe you are that dumb that you confused the words looked and acted?
I literally just responded with actors off the top of my head that apply to the request. You people in this thread are fucking retarded assclowns
OH NO, you actually confused the words... Im sorry anon i didn't knew about your disability. Sorry.
not great
not terrible
kind of too old though
Nic cage in dream scenario vs nic cage in rentals vs nic cage in raising Arizona vs nic cage in long legs
>literally just responded with actors off the top of my head
>doesn’t change his appearance for any role
And yet again im sorry, you poor thing.
I hear will smith is going to star in jada pinkett's new "julius caesar" film for Nat Geo
You’re actually fucking retarded, take it to your discord
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What a thread, man.
It has to be some faggots in a discord or something this is insane
>My last defense
>You’re actually fucking retarded, take it to your discord
>Don't stuff it into whole generation tho.
4 simple steps
1. Watch better movies. And I don't mean clips on tiktok
2. Get better taste and don't be retarded
3. Get a haircut. No one wants to see that mess your gen calls a hairstyle
4. Get rid of the negro speak and revert to simplified English
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Yes, it is. I don't know why im replying to brainless commies. That's my guilty pleasure... A bad habit for sure.
The old world was more Med. There was a recent study about very rich Celtic graves from South Germany. They all genetically resembled Spaniards or North Italians.
Looks fine. The most offensive thing is the moustache. Show me a single Roman statue of someone wearing a moustache.
I'm talking only about Gladiator specifically. Don't shift the discussion to other movies you ADHD riddled zoomer.
And oh wow! A broccoli head retard hating on gladiator, such a stunning and brave opinion. Upboated kind sir!
>Here we present genomic and isotope data from 31 individuals from this context in southern Germany, dating between 616 and 200BCE. We identify multiple biologically related groups spanning three elite burials as far as 100km apart, supported by trans-regional individual mobility inferred from isotope data.

>These include a close biological relationship between two of the richest burial mounds of the Hallstatt culture.

>While the Hallstatt population showed highest genetic affinity to present-day French, Spanish and Belgians, the early medieval (Alemannic and Bavarian) populations of southern Germany47,48 exhibit closest resemblance to present-day Danish, northern Germans, Dutch and Scandinavians (Supplementary Fig. 5.4) and are genetically indistinguishable from Iron Age and Medieval groups in northern Germany and Scandinavia (Supplementary Table 2.10).

>Most present-day Germans can be modelled as three-way admixture between SGermany_EIA (54.5±2%), NGermany_Roman (33.8±2.5%) and a third, northeastern European source (here Latvia_BA, 11.7±1.2%) representing further admixture introduced after the initial admixture event, potentially connected to Slavic-speaking populations migrating into eastern Germany during the Middle Ages54
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romans were swarthy. noble roman women didnt want wear light-colored wigs since blonde hair was associated with slaves and whores (aka germans, brits).
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Never, the nordics went full we wuz african tier and bought their bullshit. Pic related is as bullshit as the darkies in Numenor, he looks like one of these german/brits tourist that get red as a lobster when going to the beach
>We're Disney agency talent
>Of course we get casted to roles we shouldn't play
>Don't forget to get our new shiny exclusive inclusive FOMO popcorn bucket
doesnt look any darker than rowan atkinson
>there are spics ITT insisting that Pedro is white
No wonder it smells like tapatio and guacamole in here.
>movie preview shots
>immediately talk about race
how far has media fallen
>amerimongrel being ignorant about race
Real gladiators were naked
No one cares, Pablo Gonzales. Uno burrito por favor
the confusion is probably because compared to mutts he does indeed look white
not compared to a real european though
>Is that ai?
no its a Gaul
None, moustaches were popular among celtic tribes, and Pedro could well be a celtiberi, but is probably intended to be seen as a poorly groomed beard, but Baseddro cant grow a beard.
Sanctus bleu, Asterix!
Oscar Isaac is a Jewish French that happened to born in Guatemala. It's like saying Bruce Lee is an all-American hero
Caesar's generation and the slightly younger ones were mocked by older patricians for growing beards in the style of the gauls. But not necessarily what you want on your bust.
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My ancestor..
>the Romans used the term candidus, a neutral term for white, to refer to themselves. Romans would also use the term albus, which referred to the physical phenomenon of whiteness, to refer to their skin colour. Vitruvius used candidus in his description for populations of northern Europe that "have huge bodies and are white in colour".
MENA mutt so it checks out tbqh
Is he going to be a bloated fuck as Mr Fantastic lmao
Yes, this is the controversial casting. Not Denzel, african americans were great traders in roman times.
Wondering if he'll shave that pornstache when he plays mr. Fantaspic
I mean, yeah, that's something where he actually looks the part.

"White" is the most diverse race, ranging from blond/ginger vikings to schlubby bohemians and schwarty spaniards.
>White means brown
No one has ever though this way, people recognize differences in other people. See >>200796014
Keep drooling, retard.
I know that if we were all suddenly and instantly transported into the same room, we would see that 90% of you faggots are brown. Every time, and I mean every single time, someone on this piece of shit website gets doxxed it turns out to be some brown faggot. It happened not long on /a/ with some dude who got doxxed in the JJK general and it turned out he was some flavor of poojeet. And the other day some faggot on /v/ was shilling his Youtube channel, which showed his face in some videos and he openly revealed he was a half Nicaraguan and half Mexican living in Texas. And there are countless other examples, yet you brown losers with your inferiority complex always come out of the woodwork to attack your fellow browns.
We have ancient DNA. Ancient Romans were closest to modern Spaniards and North Italians. This genetic profile was quite wide-spread in the past. It was also common in the Balkans.
Pretty based ngl
I miss 4chan before widespread internet access
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Not a soul would look at this and think it looks like Pedro.
Cope Seethe burger kid
I literally posted the sculpture cause it was looking like Pedro, im that same guy.
The eyes do overlay funny tho.
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>gladiator 2
>gladiator 2
OH! That's what the op pic supposed to be?!
I shan't be watching
Hollywood is beyond pathetic now.
Now? Where have you been the last decade man?
you fags wont make me think this doesnt look cool
OK Pedro
It was bad 10 years ago. Today it's.... I literally have no words. It's like that whole place is run by sub-80 IQ dumbfucks. There's not a single smart person left. It's just unbelievable .
That's what communism does.
Ok Burger
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germanics are orange though
everyone germanic used to be tan as fuck from being outside naked in 22 hours of sunlight a day a summer
Posts himself, thought so.
No idea what yfw means, im not terminally online.
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romans wouldve lookd more like island spics like puerto ricans, venezuals, colombians etc
>america is white
>when will this end?
By 2035.

frizzy hair being the biggest indicator, romans were largely mutts but a specific type of mutt, not a new wolrd mutt, a relatively recent phenomonom that didnt exist in aniquity
Hadrian built a wall and killed jews. Definitely the best emperor

whites arent real americans, never were
That's an Egyptian you disengenious faggot
The US literally has more white people than whatever foreign shithole you come from
>trump built half a wall and gave up and he worships jews
>he is definitely the best president
Future minorities really think like this.
More browns too. Minority by 2035 btw
>Le indian
I actually agree, all burgers including you should kys to gain Le Indians forgivness.
Makes sense brother, hell yeah! Now that's the real freedom brother!
Based, and more muslims.
But you keep voting wrong wing.
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paldementium cape indicative of a roman legionaire, the picture also showcases the gradients of muttism

the old world had one type of mutt, mulattoes
phenotypes were less diverse
Looks alright to me. Gladiators were from a lot of places.
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This one is from Boston.
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>No idea what yfw means, im not terminally online
Yeah, and?
>duke leto
>Pedro Pascal is essentially how the barbarians that invaded the roman empire looked like
those were germans...he doesn't look german, he looks med
Not looking it up anyway, is it a /pol thing. Why are you posting yourself btw? I won't add you on discortd, i don't use it.
Romans were played by the British because for the longest time, they were the only country that gave a shit about that civilization enough to preserve historical artifacts and history while the rest of the world was content to let the past crumble and rot forgotten under the mud.
Are you retarded? Egypt was a Roman province when that painting was made, hence the Roman clothing.
German barbarians were Spaniards mixed with South Americans?
If he wasn't called Pedro most of you amerilards would't even notice
Lookin' good
wealthy(white) people use higher status forms of social media like twitter

poorer(black) people go to imageboards where things are easier and you don't have to verify your drivers license to post

romans residing within empire that naturally included egytpt, same circumstances as cleopatra

good job
Well, yeah. What the fuck was he supposed to look like, Australian? You fucking /pol/troon pieces of shit get dumber by the hour.
They weren't Roman though you fucking idiot, they lived under Roman rule. Two different things

incorrect, they were romans occupying roman territory

romans werent white, whites were used as concubine, that was the extent of their

picture showcasing black patriarchal dynamic, with mutts thrown into the mix
You all look like this, Dimitris. Don't bullshit me I've been to Greece several times.
those are egyptians you lying faggot. roman ruled egypt but egypt nonetheless.

anyway, I know this is shocking to poltards but Roman Romans looked like modern Romans for the most part, Roman Greeks looked like modern Greeks, Roman Egyptians looked like modern Egyptians etc.
they are romans, secondly meds dont exist outside of misgenation, its not a real racial category, similar to mexicans, they are a end product not proper identity of itself

pic related very much related

whites are recessive so cry about perceived purity since they cant play ball but muttism isnt a new phenonmonim, they world would be alot more homogenous in absense of it

the world would be alot more homognous*
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>is literally Spanish
>is literally in the Castillan-Basque Aristocracy
>is the only ethnic Mediterranean in the cast
>is the only one facing backlash
>not the nigger senators or Denzel decked in bling, but the only Med playing a Roman
>come to /tv/, it's another case of pretending GrecoRomans were transparent blonde snow-skinned people despite drawing themselves as tanned and swarthy as wood in every single piece of art, but then they got niggered by the rape of other Meds from across the coast, but then they got white again to do the Renaissance, then they got back to being niggers
Never change /tv/...
not germans
huns were very swarthy...
The us will be minority white by 2035. Will this be portrayed in a realistic manner by historical works?
huns were early turks so more asiatic/yellow than dark skinned
Moon Knight's a schizophrenic jew
you fags do realize pedro is in everything because he is literally the nephew of a communist dictator and his brother is a tranny right?
he doesn't have an oz of mexican in him. his family were part of some upper class directly from spain aristocracy and his one uncle was a communist dictator and another was a communist revolutionary
Do Americans really don't know what a tan is
Crowe played a spainard which would have made him a Visigoth at the time. NIGGER
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Those rascally Nordics, with their deep, dark tans, curly black hair and aquiline noses! Truly, it is evident that these are the Nordics who built everything and then left, for reasons unknown, to the Far North, to fuck around in Mudhuts!
Why can't any Hollywood production get Roman armor right? Every time with this garbage fantasy shit
it makes me uncomfortable seeing him, he always looks like he was alcohol and food bloat.
Pedro looks Medd
Im sicilian, I have pale as fuck skin with dark eyes and hair. And my family has lived in Sicily for 500 years
>subhuman anglos want to claim medchads as one of them without even knowing what medchads look like
Pedro & Pascal

When I watched Narcos the first thing I thought was "why is this DEA agent Latino?

t. Colombian
judging by the concept art, ye lol

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