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>Captain America (Sam Wilson)
>Falcon (Joaquin Torres)
>Black Panther (Shuri)
>Captain Marvel
>Ms. Marvel
>Doctor Strange
>America Chavez
>Kate Bishop
>Moon Knight

at least they got moonknight and daredevil on it
who cares
I hope this is true, because a pile of unappealing women and minorities might just kill marvel for good.
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>America Chavez
>Half of the cast are now diversity hires like American Chavez, Ironheart, or Valkyrie
>imagine being even a shred invested in any of this cultural rot
>no frank castle,blade,ghost rider

I hope they keep this characters outside of their shitty multiverse thing
Jesus is Marvel stupid? Avengers 1 had 7 members. It gave us ample time to understand their dynamics. They don’t have the good will or history with many of these characters for audiences to have a good grasp on each relationship, or have the screen time to let relationships play out. They need to cut this to 8 at most. Let me make a suggestions, and I’ll be considering Disney’s desire for diversity when I make this list
> Captain America (the leader who has to live up to the mantle of his predecessor)
> Spider-Man (the conflicted loner now that everyone has forgotten him
> Thor (the cocky veteran who constantly downplays the new team in favor of his old friends (who he actually misses like crazy now that his family is all dead))
> she-hulk (the insecure hot head who has to prove she’s better than her cousin)
> Moon-Knight (the crazy one who acts as their magic/exposition dump)
> Daredevil (the fish out of water having to keep up, he’s the most calm and collected. He sees the most out of the team’s potential, cause he’s blind)
> Ms. Marvel (the fan girl who has a lot of growing up to do).
> Shang-Chi (honestly I barely remember this character. But he’s tied to magic too and does cool moves so throw him in there and give him something cool to do).
There, each character has something going on and we can see where tension might arise in the team. I thought about throwing Strange in there for him having tension with spider-man but I liked Thor being somewhat alone here. He hasn’t really hung out with Spidey or Falcon so I think it still counts.
>Each character has something going on
>Spiderman, Daredevil and Shang-chi basically all filling the same role
>She hulk, the series that was so trash it was canceled
>Moon Knight, the series that was so trash it was canceled
>Captain Falcon, the series that was so trash it was canceled
>This anon, actually, really truly believes that bringing 3 MCs from canceled series, is going to make this good
I’m going to add a list of potential conflicts to see how this can play out
> Thor is somewhat antagonistic toward everyone, but especially She-Hulk and Captain America
> She-Hulk and Daredevil could be angry at each other because they broke up or just didn’t call each other
> Spider-Man is feeling alone and is generally uncomfortable around magic users like Moon-Knight and Shang Chi
> Spider-Man is also annoyed at Ms. Marvel with her fangirling, considering that was him 10 years ago and his life fell apart
> Ms. Marvel gets on everyone’s nerves
> Moon-Knight gets on everyone’s nerves, or at least one of his personalities does
> Sam is an overbearing leader initially
See? Lots of potential for drama. And we can also make some friends
> Daredevil and Spider-Man are close friends. Or you can make them more antagonistic, with Daredevil wanting to mentor Spidey but Pete being standoffish and blowing him off. I’d prefer the former
> Captain America eventually gets Thor’s respect as a leader. Same with She-Hulk.
> Ms. Marvel can prove she’s worthy of being an Avengers and put Pete at ease for his life choices
> Daredevil and Shang-chi can have a bromance over their love for martial arts
Having 30 characters will make this movie a shitshow. Endgame can get away with it because it’s an event built up over 15 years. Most people are completely unaware of the new movies and shows.
no body's care
I’m writing based on where conflict and interesting dynamics can arise, the powers are secondary (except Shang-Chi admittedly).
>> >Spiderman, Daredevil and Shang-chi basically all filling the same role
No. Spider-Man is in a very different place emotionally from Daredevil. Daredevil can help guide Spider-Man back to being his friendly neighborhood self. And their powers are distinct enough, much more so than Hawkeye and Black Widow. Admittedly, Shang-Chi is similar to Daredevil, but I threw him in for diversity and no one else really seemed to have much going on.
>> She hulk, the series that was so trash it was canceled
>>Moon Knight, the series that was so trash it was canceled
>>Captain Falcon, the series that was so trash it was canceled
>> >This anon, actually, really truly believes that bringing 3 MCs from canceled series, is going to make this good
That’s pretty much all the shows lol. Even the new movies aren’t preforming well. I’m working with what they gave me not with what I wish they had done. Who else would we throw in? Did anyone see the new BP? Doctor strange was panned too, and no one liked America. But, Doctor Strange is still viable, but I wanted to make Thor isolated. Ant-Man bombed so take away him and Wasp. We could throw Hulk back in, but what can we do with him? His arc was finished (offscreen). Same with Hawkeye, he’s retired plus the actor broke his penis so he probably isn’t down. Kate could be a good pick but I already had one mantle wearer so why add another? Do you want Loki? I could imagine him as an ally but I don’t think he’d want to dick around on earth. Wong would be the new Nick Fury.
Blade will set up Midnight Sons apparently which will be way more interesting than the next shitty bloated Avengers lineup
They're still doing Kang Dynasty? He wasn't built up well at all and then the actor got fired.
Doom will be revealed as a Kang variant
When this comes out and an Avengers movie fails to hit a billion dollars, will Marvel Studios spontaneously combust?
no they will blame it on racist white men and get pity buys from r3dditors
>Thor (the cocky veteran who constantly downplays the new team in favor of his old friends (who he actually misses like crazy now that his family is all dead))
I rather prefer Thor still being a cocky veteran but taking more of a warrior poet angle, and helping the newbies to get their footing. He can be their wise yet un-humbled mentor.
but enough about tranime
>Blacktain America
I shan't be watching
I like him better than Captain Marvel
I'm buying tickets for both of us
>This turd is better than the others, it doesn't smell as bad
yes, that's how comparing things work
Poor Thor-guy

Miller and (((Waititi)))) really did a number on him. He sits square in a cast of rejects
Enjoy your meal, saar
>instinctively talks about
>the other guy is the poojeet

sure buddy
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My God you retard, Marvel comics has been diversity central for fucking decades, nit just recently. Comics were the first mainstream medium to extensively feature nonwhite characters on a regular basis
>Stanning for Brie
Bro I can smell the curry from here
I could see that too, maybe Thor is just hard of the rest of the team to toughen them up
what the fuck are you talking about.
No Bucky and Pugh?
They're with the Thunderbolts now.
That's incredibly retarded
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>Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther have all been killed off then replaced
>Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have also been killed off
>Ant-Man and the Wasp got replaced in their first movie, and their replacements were going to in Quantamania
>No-one likes Captain Marvel or She-Hulk
At least they still have Spider-Man, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye Thor, and Hulk. Everyone else in this movie is a D-lister.
Couldn't care less. MCU ended years ago.
just do a last upbeat, self-contained Spider-Man story without any other established superheroes and call it a day.
Gay black Thor when?
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She was underage in Multiverse of Madness you SICK FUCK.
That didn't stop Raimi from loading up the movie with ass shots but still.
They want to do an "Infinity War" style thing where there's all these separate teams doing their own thing that have to come together to defeat the threat. The issue is that due to various movies flopping and shitting writing, a lot of people don't care about the new cast, and the lack of sequels means that a lot of characters that could've gained a fanbase haven't had a chance to grow one due to Feige's gambling that the MCU was too big to fail.
Wasp Actress quit

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