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Dark Taylor EDITION

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200792636
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>Mogs your chuds
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Letty fart cam is what I need
Wish Letty would cast fart magic on me. Haha just kidding... Unless?
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Tayleigh is a rat
>Love and Life
>Hate and Death
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Have Taylor and Jimmy interacted yet today?
Beyond good and EviL
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Shot of the season, for me
Positive mental attitude vs negative mental attitude
jesus kek
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>did you say BEANS?
is she going to appear today?
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Reminder we will never see Tayleigh again after the "lore reset"
T-pose confusion magic is OP and needs to be nerfed
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make her an animal taming druid
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BEN make it happen!

love the cinematography of this.
TJ doesn't have positive mental attitude, he doesn't have mental anything.
Bloodborne ass fit
1488 tayleigh is outraged that Fatty could have written some nonsense about Hitler on the bunk but will she win the black vote or the love of the anti racists?
God I hope so
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He beat her (unknowingly) last night
Rank the fish based off their value to the team
>1. Jimmy
>2. Tayleigh (bitch but actually good in combat)
>3. Jon (wildcard)
>4. Letty
>5. Tai (has been moping for like 3 days now and keeps getting his ass kicked)
>6. Vance
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beans = random
The bottomless chasm.
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TJ has the best mental attitude! LOVETANK
better than whatever’s going with “chud gang”
Can we just have a TJ and Taylor cam already. I'm watching a fart truck because it's better than watching Tay talk.
good lord
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sex with xavier.
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can tranleigh leave already
white folx be like deez BEANZ be SPICY hooooweee
>Jimmy, tayleigh and brian shitting on stephen king
God i hate these s2fags so much
He certainly lacks the seething mentality so prevalent in these threads
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How is she so disgusting with her glasses on but so pretty without them?
definitive proof that ugly people are evil
what exactly did jimmy hit taylor with?
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i could go for some bush's
What the fuck did you niggers expect to happen? Fucking faggots sam and jet bring a fucking stalker on and they hope evertyhing will be okay? Fucking dumn niggers deserve their show to go to shit.
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The only people in these threads that deserve any respect are Creature & Minion fans.
Everyone else is a raging fag.
She only comes in the evening and night I think
HOLY SHIT L00000000000000000000000000000L
Muscle memory
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tayleigh is a retard, i doubt the iq tests from s2 were real.
Why would someone make this?
wypipo dun wash they beans
>Jimmy and Tayleigh daring to call something degenerate
One fucks trannies and the other is a meth head
his 8.27 inch cock
you need to go back
I know this is bait but Xavier is parkourdude91, he's not the stalker
Tayleigh's hands are so fucked
so is greg drunk again? dude is a straight up alcoholic.
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Favorite Scott Sullivan catchphrase?
Letty continuing to confirm she has a foot fetish.
Let me guess, because he's a "pedo" and a liberal?
Based Letty standing up for us footchads.
Production is an abortion but the /bant/ ex taytriots are no joke the same as Redditors
well yeah he is
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>Hey dickhead
it’s very informative
i just wish he would die already, he sucks ass at everything, especially being funny
ewwwwww look at tayleighs man hands. you could say that was jimmys hand on her face and id believe it. fucking gross!
Shut up Scott
His stupid fucking sword whip. Idk why he was banned from hitting people with the foam end of a sword, but allowed to whip people with the PVC hilt of a sword.
she has been there during the day in the minion get up. she becomes goblina at night
>what if i don't like feet but the girl i'm dating i like her feet?
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i completely forgot he was getting hammered every day on s2 and not in a fun way lol, nigga might be an alcoholic
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Facts dont matter imbecile is the implication he was behind the Q character you fucking idiot
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Vance should have been a cameraman
/bant/ ex taytriots have proven themselves as a serious force. They derailed the show.
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evil kevin on life support
scott just did the look into the camera thing and it was infinitely more funny than any of the times tay has done it
I hope Jon starts yelling at Tay again soon
Vance is so gay
Bro thinks he's from Trailer Park Boys
why is that dumb cunt tay still there
he said sorry for like a second on jons camera in the morning
He would definitely agree with you
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nooooooo get well soon evil kevin
>there's a black guy like that in my town
this is a man in his 20s BTW
this is coddletank and friendtank
>foot fetishes aren't degen
>you should enjoy every part of the girl
very base
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i thought he was a football player
why does scott make you guys seethe so hard?
just beans for lunch? wtf
Which is insane becase without the show they would have nothing but their mothers to look up to

Fucking white people man, drive me insane
xavier has yet to miss
uh ... yeah
Kek, based Xavier
Jimmy is the most terminally online motherfucker I've seen in my life lmao
>Facts dont matter
Average tayfag
dont question the goran logic, chud incel
Letty rises up in my ranking.
word on the street is he likes to beat his wife after he married her
chud gang yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lets go impress daddy sam YEAAAAAAHH WISH IT WANT IT DO IT
Xavier is the shit
that lobster feast the other day broke the budget
kys nigger
Letty sneak dissing Sylvia with the pregnant talk
he literally has the same deep set alligator eyes phenotype that Sam rags on as subhuman and untrustworthy all the time, and he's a charisma vacuum who is constantly posturing himself as le super serious jujitsu man who is 5 seconds from giving you a stern talking to

it's insufferable
the terminally online nerds hate people like vance and scott because they're normal people living normal lives

Im worried about the show you fucking muffin top having redditor
These people are psychotic
An improvised sword whip flail
somehow still better than tay and brian
Re-stating this for fags like these:
If you ogle over taylor while women like Minion exist on the same show you should snip your balls off
It does make me aware of how IDIOTIC it is to bring up pol talking points IRL desu.
I like beans
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jon is finally cosplaying
seethe newfag
jon went from slumping backwards to slumping forward

someone go throw a glass of zipp in his face
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things that fags think makes fishtank interesting
>wholesome vibes
>friendly pranks

what actually makes fishtank interesting
>mental breakdowns
>substance abuse
>exposing dark secrets
Yeah and josie deserved to win season one. What the heck is going on
Do people really like beans
Big poopie pump
He doesn't produce anything of value. Cheap litslop factory.
im worried about you being a faggot
simp gets mad at another simp for doing it wrong
you read in in his voice, didnt you anon
posters like >>200796280 >>200796219 are literally women or trannies they're not ogling taylor they're ogling this retarded annoying fishtank matchmade relationship
i want to creature sex NOW
I like guys like scott. wanting to fight a person because you know you have a lot more skill than the other person, injuring them, and then claiming respect.
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Some people just can't grasp his intelligence, nihilism, and wicked sense of humor
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bitty bitty bitty bitty bitty bitty bitty bitty bitty bitty bitty
is scott younger than jimmy?
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Care about this:
White people and Mexicans do
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says the redditor, bro your chubby
Say 10 christian holidays without looking up
why are you so mad. she's a milktruck you fucking retard
why did they bring in these new guys to run the operate the cams?
yup lol
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Why did Jet tell Fatty over the loud speaker that he wouldn't have time to duel Xavier even though they barely did anything yesterday?
Ahh, this camera angle, it's like my final glance back on this rotten world, before being unbirthed into the warm, moist womb of my mommy queen Letty forever.
he needs his percs badly
>i feel how sam tells me how to feel
pathetic tbqh
It's simping only if a woman has you in a relationship (e.g a stream, or an OF)
If you appreciate beauty it's called being straight, not that you'd know anything about that.
letty is a disgusting jew piss rat
Jimmy adult baby diaper fetish
what what?
ong no cap?
Yeah I clearly can't relate
>t. tajik
>Jon still seething and moping
Jon incoming to slay these fools
s2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The rest
Jon's looking good today <3333
blacksmiths wife is practicing her npc moves
A sword tied to a rope that he was swinging around like a flail
actually I instinctively don't like the guy from looking at his face and prior experience with guys who look like that being pieces of shit, sam just happens to be right on that subject and it applies to scott
second this
>Jon does not know what a mod is or what he can do
check my karma
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Actually kino.
>newfag pretending to be an oldfag
classic shill response
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>we wewe thewe to fight communusm but all we found wewe wice farmews defending theiw homes
he is
the only good looking one there is taylor. boring circus freak that doesn't do anything in the upper left does not apply
Love and Life versus Hate and Death
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perfect princess
updooted friend
i lived with a couple of tajik migrants, you niggas pray and shower like 10 times a day not to mention the laundry
Shut the mouth troontroon
Good job

Fuck around and find out, dickhead
Jimmy fucking sucks at larping. all he does is copy how the person who last talked to him speaks. Him Tay and Vance are such wastes of contestant spots
Jon x Letty
Fellas is it reddit to be a good and positive person instead of a black hole of misery
imagine being a tay simp paypig
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So no fucking quests today?
Just sitting around and chilling?
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I almost wish I had twitter just to follow xavier
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kek cope they're looksmatched
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newfag cope
who would you have replace them? don't say Betty you nigger
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Most useless fucking cast member in all three seasons. Boxing challenge needs to be brought back so someone can knock this clown out again.
>letty: porn is degenerate but foot fetish isnt degenerate because its normal
Holy projection, you just know she's an ex porn gooner but still a footfag lol
god I fucking hate TJsimps, whether they're faggots or roasties, absolutely disgusting and insufferable
TJ wanted to be raped by Niggers and Tay was a party girl (youre a casual if youre unaware)

Jimbo and Tay are saints
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Looks like Bjork
me (or literally anyone else)
total chud death
CK, JC, simmons, mauro, ella, octavius
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I can't imagine a woman footfag but everything exists so
Based TTS keeping Jon mad
Rule34 and Twitch vs Funnyjunk and iFunny
Letty calls porn "degen" but I guess this nasty bitch has a top 10 gangbang videos and has noted timestamps
Absolutely right, that's why I'm not watching this with the fishtank mentality, like BG is ok but it hasn't been my cup of tea tbqh
porn IS degenerate and simply being attracted to a woman's feet, let alone YOUR woman's feet, is not degenerate and is normal

the fuck are you talking about you pornbrained retard subhuman, go jerk off to lisa simpson porn with lubecooch
Pic is the textbook definition of inceldom.

Bro please go back to bant
Antonio Prola mogs every one of these nobodies
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Saw this on twitter and thought of you guys and Tai
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kinda want to go camping but scotland doesn't have much forestry in the north
dumbgay would be enough to replace all of them
jon is still seething lmao
He is like steven seagal but ginger and even less credibility
All he does is whine and try to have his own way, he won't entertain bthe idea of actually larping. I'm amazed Jon picked it up before him
Soda Man lives rent free in Jon's retarded brain
She probably makes guys suck on her feet or something
I'm beggin ya to take a shower
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They're foids who shit up these threads because they're sour, disgusting and retarded.
Imagine a scenario where Tayleigh is not a contestant, but rather a recurrent poster here. She would definitely be a TJsimper. It's that bad.
I knew one and they were eerily similar to Letty, they would even talk through their teeth like she does
>videos of her nasty snatch
>pictures of her sucking toes
>videos of her slurping down her own juices
>has the audacity to call porn degen
I agree with her but she has lost all right to complain when she does what she does.
You're a cuck. Seek help.
Put some respect on that name
Jimmy is next
tayleigh raped me by getting a boyfriend
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>Bex it up!
woman footfags are deeply into their feet being the subject of desire/lust/worship, not male feet

while male footfags are into the woman's feet

and yes letty is absolutely a woman footfag in that sense
I would be too. Everyone tried to take him out yesterday and he hung on through sheer willpower
it really is pathetic. the black hole of a personality that he has is only acceptable in attractive women, and he has freakish physiognomy. Just look at season 2 when he couldn't hide behind Taylor's skirt for more than 5 minutes
why do women root for tj so much, the amount of female simps he had online is abnormal
If my bitch halal, I take her to Bucee's
Letty thinks porn is degenerate but men having prostate orgasms is completely straight and natural
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her videos show her sucking both her own toes and her ex bf's
Bex wishes her tits were like that LOL
he's a natural
Sexo con Bexo
You bite the hand that feed you idiot
missed the opportunity to make a cross on his face with the black
Based. Kiwifarms of all places would disagree with you. I fucking hate moralfaggery.
Found the ugly female lol
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TJ? Has a cute girlfriend. You? Jerkoff to blacked.
>You will never have Bex gently caress your face with a soft brush.

Is Jon a vampire? What's with the make up?
Twink power
According to Letty:
>Men having pleasure: immoral
>Men being demoralized: fine
theres just certain physical features of a man they are into + hes not fat + they have the approval of other women who desire him so now they want him too
I'd like to purchase this thang. Buc it up!
bant is all ex taysimps, I've always hated that bitch, retard
based philposter
Duke turned him last night
QRD on today?
jon is so cool
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Why didn't you get off your lazy ass and hit the gym this morning anon?
a lot of his simps are homosexual men
Im not Cole
Duke vamp'd him out last night.
open your eyes grandpa
putting makeup on jon is fucking great
Who else here /bucky/maxxing?
Gay or vampiwe
When are Letty and the Trader gonna fuck? They are clearly into each other. They flirt every day.
Every girl I've met who has this urge to talk negatively about porn every chance she has is a huge degen
his absolutely gormless braindead retardation and lack of any willpower or drive makes him "little boy coded" to borrow their parlance, they're lowkey exploitive pedophiles who hate men so want a twinky/effeminate man-boy

when he had long hair he was an individual they could fantasize about feminizing and when he cut his hair he looked like a little retarded boy

really he just looks like a 13 year old sped and behaves like one too which is disarming; on top of that he also has social clout now as the winner, and some measure of financial clout too since he not only was chosen, but was chosen to win $50k (Taylor literally moved in with him and this was her and her sister's plan all along)
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Has it dawned on Jon that as a vampire he can't be near holy things, like the Bible or crosses?
youre akin to a nigga complaining about racism

just shut the fuck up and put in work
He's a hack with TDS, not to mention a pedo.
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already did.
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no, but you are gay
if that bitch bad then I take her to buc-ees
100% projection
For e-girls he is the ideal boyfriend.
If that dude's gay I take him to Jon's
I always do it in the afternoon. It's how I end all my chores and then I can be a lazy shit the rest of the day.
So you're saying male Josie attracts the female equivalent of josiecels
The winged eye makeup looks good on her.
checked for bucky
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If that bitch blind then I take her to bucky
I roon at sunset, but my back's fucked.
he’s got mod powers don’t worry about it
everyone that talks about porn addiction is a secret coomer feeling guilty. normal people don't give a fuck
Does Jon even fully know what a vampire is?
Bunch of retards that call for total X death but also pretend to be better than any other forum because they discourage calling doordash to people's houses
The social validation plays a big role.
god I wish that was me.
what are you even talking about?
>tay can't stop talking about drugs
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Went at 10 am. Feels good.
Hearing people argue triggers my own adrenal system and I start to get angry in response. Watching this show has given me training to keep my own emotions in check if someone like Jon is ever irrationally yelling at me.
Traps are NOT gay
cute girldick is WHOLESOME
I ship Creature and Vance
Try harder with your bait
I was fucking dying while Jimmy was yapping to a silent Vance and the cam would just pan to this
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Because he's attainable. They cannot ever attain an alpha as their bf if they're subhuman.
TJ becomes their ideal partner because they can subdue him freely, rebelling against their father by being the alpha on their own and taking control.
Similar to Taytriots in a way, who are caught in the exact inverse relationship. In their stead they want to BE the father she never had and lead her to the right path.
i dont keep it a secret, my mind is wired for porn and i dont want more falling into the jewish trap
he's a holy diver
About you and how you moan about tay.
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not surprised
Same, I wish I could be like greg
How is there still people simping for that beat dyke?
Im not a TJsimp but this nigga just dropped a real TRVKE!
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If im blind ima need a bitch to help me get to bucky
has xavier showed up today?
TJ is irredeemable garbage
pretty thoughts vs ugly thoughts

The archives are there
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He has a horse cock so all of your points are invalid
sunk cost fallacy
some dudes have dumped thousands on her
>I do alot
Lmao sure Letty
Jimmy quit
You? Project yourself homosexually on to an ugly fag
I'm not supposed to do any strenuous activities until I get results from my blood test on Thursday. If I get the all clear I'm buying a membership and going every day
fr lil nigga spittin straight FAX fo sho
we need a new one for Jon against Tay

woman love goofy dick
simp for creature or minion instead, tayfags
Is that tayleigh
>Stop talking about ftl contestants in the ftl thread
We get Fatty wheezing and yapping about some bullshit instead of Xavier now, thanks Tay
Hes infected with something
that affects vampires
and what??
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does he look like slater in true romance or am i crazy
This haircut and this video make him look like he's from the mob because his family's from the mob he's just soft
Unironically because he isn't a bitter resentful loser like you and some of the others in this thread. It is quite literally that simple.
Jon absolutely mogs Tayleigh, it's not a symmetric relationship by any means.
>TJ is hardly even on camera
>Still dominates the discussion
He can't stop winning

Sis you are a woman, please search for a husband this shit is for men.

yeah contestants, plural
*tents fingers*
Trish is so fucking bad as an actor, it's kind of amazing. Feed her more Arby's please, Jet
It really is just this
what are your top 10 favorite TJ moments this season?
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I ogle over Taylor because she looks young
>simping this hard
trisha is great, and intelligent!
Mama Juju DESERVES to gain hundreds of pounds.
I feel proud of fatty for losing weight, but god damn I miss fatty fatty roaming around naked
That's a great boat
He has rich buddies, another TJ W
i;m thinking about thos beans
You seen where she lives? shes a product of suburbia, most fish are :/
She is great
When he proposed to Taylor at the end of the show
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> Trish trying to say the simplest sentence
why not abi then
blackhearted retards hate this one simple trick
Trish and Brian are complete opposites. Trish was a good fish but is horrible at RP, but Brian was a terrible fish and is great at RP.
the next one and the next one
him and jon meeting each other was all i needed
Something about the music cutting in and out is still funny to me
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to all the TJ seethers wondering why your bullshit redpill shit doesnt apply IRL
see pic related
when he made anons seethe 10 times over
I would pay 500 bucks for her used toilet paper.
1. the amount of pure seethe he causes Jimmy
2-9. see point 1
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Why are there no clips of the female goblin? Clippers are so retarded.
>Trish was a good fish
I'm going to have to stop you right there
>green texting

based anon epic
suburbia? she lives in nowhere, cali (somehow)
It's so fucking funny.
trish was shit as a fish too
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I can smell Letty through the screen
Stop talking about the thread topic or I'll get upset
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Too skinny
Women suppress their pedophilic urges because they are highly programmable via social norms, and so they get extra wet for men who look like kids and are innocent
That time he was standing around saying nothing
He has the face of early 90s actors
Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?
Only works if you are good looking
If you are ugly you are just a creep or “nice”
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i can think of two giant reasons
New ost track they just played was good, very sentimental
Onions Bump
did someone screenshot that? she looks so fucking BEAT
TJ is gonna go beat Taylor some more after snorting that.
dude that looks like freakin COCAINE thats so epic its just caffeine tho dont worry but it looks like epic cocaine but its just a silly bit that he does
erm newfag?
>another snorting caffeine bit
If this is truly a send off for the season 1 and 2 cast then I’m gonna miss a lot of these guys but I’m glad I won’t ever have to watch Tayleigh again
the T pose has a calming effect on jon
Love my box of rocks handicapped flip-wife
who's jon yelling at now lol
>but but im following the rules im a good boy

Evil Kevin was raped in the sweltering hot summer of 2024
When he beat up Taylor and broke her wrist
>Only works if you are good looking
nope, even ugly people get laid lil bro. ive seen fat guys with normal weight people. try not being so dark in the heart and you can find someone too.
Truly art. Well done Jet
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experienced methfreak
You will never have a beautiful goblin wife clean cocaine off your mustache.
I miss the days of the letty-jon alliance in season 1 :'(
when are they gonna let letty do couples counseling with tj+taylor and the blacksmiths
>watch fishtank, a show made by maladjusted social outcasts for maladjusted social outcasts
>go on the /tv/ board of 4chan, a site known for hosting maladjusted social outcasts
>fling shit at everyone for being bitter/resentful/incel/loser anyways
i dont get it. trolls? bots? its not just here, other boards and other social media sites have this thing. why would any "normal" person do this?
your loss, i would topple kingdoms for her and creature. petite coochie grips and creatures bosoms are ripe for milking.
Anyone snorting powder from Jimmy deserves to OD
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work on your rizz, bitchass
>taylor inspecting whatever the fuck tj just snorted
Did Jimmy's drug test result ever come back?
People really get circuit bent when TJ is appreciated huh
He's goofy, average height, good looking and skinny, is it really a mystery to why women like him?
Provide proof of your point or it's pure headcanon.
>the Neptunian power couple Vs. The Goranian chudgang
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Oh Tayleigh's there! Surely her and Vance have done something today that I need to know about...!
uhhh that never happened! prove it!
>4chan, a site known for hosting maladjusted social outcasts
You didn't actually fall for the meme, did you anon?
Next you're going to say everyone's an evil hacker.
I didnt even say porn isnt degenerate you highly strung freak lol. I think porn is degenerate, but i was highlighting how seethrough and obvious letty's comments were, how she was projecting and pouring forth all her insecurities
tay is the worst
It's called projection brother
>the kratom incident v2
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>I miss the days of the l-ACK
yes but jimmy should be the last one, watching as tay fades into a seizure as he cackles away
Thanks bro. I just dont even know where to look anyways
None uses bills to do stims you do bumps
Just because you're a retarded loser doesn't mean we all are
JET! GET TRISH BACK IN THAT WHEELCHAIR NOW! Also order her some Doordash slop
does he really have to go UAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YAAAAAAAAAAA every time he snorts it. he thinks anyone gives a fuck he chooses caffeine in the most retarded form
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delete this
free delaney
I shake in anger whenever Tayleigh is on-screen.
Taylor has already snorted the caffeine powder multiple times before TJ even showed up.
not true
most people are infected with a mind virus that makes them want to be negative and destroy
Don't have the clip but last night at the fire he walked up and Jimmy made a disgusted seetheface
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I think the theories of Sam hating this and that fish, freeloader and production member are all wrong, and Sam loves all of them.

He's just another lost, lovestarved millennial who just wants to feel community and belonging, but also wants to be the cool older brother.

Also he still loves Tim Heidecker, he still loves Ian, he still loves Ethan Klein, he even loves Hasan, Lena Dunham and Don Jolly. All his hatred and trolling is just veiled hurt and rejection.
Fatty's shorts are already soaked lmao
>no coif
enjoy the hair loss
it makes me scrunch up my face I don't even think about it, it just happens
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mirin them booba
does fatty keep pissing himself or what. he had the same wet stain on his pants last night
I dislike TJ, but you really can't put any of this on him unless he actively made something bad. Redo this post with Vance.
>the lasting remaining tayleigh simp who seethes about tj and greentexting for some reason
what's his endgame?
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prezzadiss = prejudice
the couple that snorts together….
Kiss my ass, Sam
I just think the show is funny.
implying I workout to get women instead of self-improvement.
People here will call you an incel for saying porn addiction is bad or giving money to an egirl is pathetic, it's projection obviously that's why the most common insult here is autist
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Only one thing comes to mind when the water horn sound comes
I miss him so much bros
my elven queen, i kneel
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do you look like this after ?
When's Xavier coming. Do they have schedules now or are they still special needs at this
He's fat as fuck and it's hot and humid, he's just sweating like crazy. I have no idea how Greg can wear his full outfit in that heat.
imagine the meth sex
vance is just as boring but people suck TJ's balls for some reason. I think it's because they hate that fag Jimmy but TJfags stink of reddit
he’ll be back for Letty
What the fuck is TJ's end goal with that hair?
Xavier's pretty random as to when he first shows up.
Yeah he's just a big huggable bear with a heart of gold, that's why he completely ruined Simmons life. Out of love.
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Nope, try having cystic acne into your 30's or some facial deformity. Women aren't going for that no matter how "goofy" you are.
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surely someone must have clipped, right?
where are the vods at anyway? the flowstream twitch vod thing got banned
That’s fair
I think you're right but I don't think he likes Don Jolly at all
He's probably growing it long again.
did anyone screenshot trish's upskirt just then
I get that this this being an anon image board makes people act different than usual but there's no way these guys aren't absolutely miserable to be around IRL. They're in every single thread day in and day out seething over this guy and his girlfriend and past a certain point it stops seeming like a joke and is obviously just resentment.
Do you think TJ is the kind of guy to think ahead at all. It's amazing he realizes hair grows.
Tayleigh getting hair mogged, they shaved their heads around the same time
Wow great video edit idea jimmy ill get right on that
This is a business, they obviously dislike staff and contestants who aren't entertaining but it's not personal. You sound like the type to form parasocial relationships over the show
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It's because they're women, clear as day
He has the perfect role this season desu. Working under some autist when he himself is an awkward autist that can make you uncomfortable just talking normally.

Cant really complain at his performance this season, think he's more in his element.
A lot of people here are just having fun, I don't think any of this should be taken seriously
He nearly severed her hand and she has nerve damage now.
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Lubecooch defense
"Restraining Order" is Tayleigh's spirit animal
My Favorite TJ moment is whenever Tay and Jimmy REFUSE to interact with him in any shape way or form. Fucking sore losers lmao
The golden age of PGL now we're stuck with retard Chris Lynch
the awkward phase when you grow your hair out
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Did that bard ever show up?
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TJ looks fucked
i only watch sunny lane. she's never done interracial with a nigger
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TJ: you guys, uhhh... you think we could have some fun today...?
Him staying in character as Xavier's sidekick as Tayleigh spazzed the fuck out and assaulted him was pretty funny.
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honestly? a lil bit, it's like encountering a bad smell
there's variations though, sometimes it's too soul sucking and has me looking like picrel
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He looks like a charming young adult from 1960s London
Lmao they all gathered to troll Jon
It makes me sad sometimes but they choose to live a life of solitude and bitterness
... they're literally interacting with him on stream RIGHT NOW
tj being sent out to get the xavier story back on track
tj looks like a retarded member of the beatles with that hair cut
get that nigga a skinfade
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you can tell they still hate each other and are just holding it in
Bigger than Bex's chest
TJ just sucks, man. I don't get any entertainment value from watching him in any capacity.
what’s going on at the soda man’s tent
Besides the fact he has looking like a wal-mart brand James Franco going for him as well, this is absolutely correct.
she looks elven as fuck
somerset altmer ethnicity
god i fucking hate it so much
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what do they have planned
gay chemsex with older men
TJ's hair grows fast.
Vance is an actual contestant though, TJ isn't.
>wins 50k
>works at a grocery store
well it keeps the lights on I guess
Ngl I'm tired of Chris, he adds nothing to the show and always sidetracks the conversations to show something nobody is interested on
taytriot here, i've started halperting at imaginary cameras when something ludicrous happens on the 'tank
What an insane projection, such extreme malice towards an innocent question and you think you can call anyone else a bitter loser. TJ and Taylor would hate most of the vitriolic dark hearted people who defend them in these threads
yeah we know, you tell us multiple times in every single thread
another take a test bit
I was one of the retards that shaved my head last season for -2 Tayleigh points. My hair grew out to about his length but I trimmed the sides so it didn't look fucked like his.
damn it trish get your fat arbys ass out of the shot
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i wish shed do a frieren cosplay
jon looks like a decomposed drowned corpse here
i feel like he's getting more comfortable in his role, they should feed him some booze then he'll be set
oldass pic
This looks like one of those century-old gravestone portraits.

Or like a chechen martyr.
At least he's just a background character. Vance is just as boring and he's a contestant
jimmy ruining another bit who couldve seen this coming
Trish's ass is going wild
Taytriot here as well I watch this same cuck porn video with a shaved head girl and imagine its jordan an tay
Jon Vs the traitors
Based I sometimes ask the audience(air) if they know an answer to a question
a chechen in fishtank would end in disaster lmfao
I wanna jizz on her chest tats
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>tfw tai will never take you to buc-ees
That was so painful. I’m really trying to like them both too.
>Jet literally begging Jon
Does this show have a good wiki?
Joeyy was so fucking funny man, you just know Sam misses having him around for an entry level salary
what a legend
If you're annoyed every time a contestant ruins something production is trying to do then you're watching the wrong show
Get owned jet. Jon rules
why is jon walking around if he's a vampire
I thought Jimmy couldn't use swords anymore and had to use his jimmy shouts?
jon once again ruining the kino
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party status?
Where's his microphone
Why is Jon pissed again?
maybe hes in the porta potty
The parasocials are for example the ones who made it their life goal to harass and destroy contestants they don't like.
He's the first one to admit he's a boring person with boring hobbies. He just signed up for Fishtank to win the money (he knows he's male Josie), not for fame.
Jon is the kino
i think the huge amount of people present on set stifles even more extroverted contestants, everyone seems slightly subdued compared to the tank
He's gay
why is jon walking around if his leg is literally rotting
>Jon walks in
He is a mod the game pauses around him
They've been failing the questline so vampires can walk around during the day
>Joeyy was so fucking funny man, you just know Sam misses having him around for an entry level salary
yeah joey was peak on early pgl.
Vance should kill Jon a second time
You think he would've flipped that money in 5 months and made millions by now eh?
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he’s also a mod
He's an alpha
I hate tayleigh
did they go through with assassinating him?
He's too retarded to understand how to take care of an injury and just powers through it.
Do you think the Blacksmith's Wife ever lets out a subtle brap as she walks around Schitty?
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It’s funny how little he complains or even brings it up
>jon is still confused by the t-posing incident
kinooo, manifesting this
A chink's life is worth like 0.2 white people lives.

If Sam unfairly accused like five chinaman at the same time then yeah, I'd be kinda peeved.
Do (YOU) remember the magic words that fatty said to Jimmy?
Deputy brian and TJ are currently describing a terrible dog mom who leaves their dog in a cage 12 hours a day and never trains it as a supplement for a child. They are describing my downstairs neighbor
an alpha that will end up crippled for life if he keeps agitating it
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I see some guy walking down the street with a clear head. You know the type, he's always fuckin' whistling, like the happy fucking wanderer. I just want to go up to him and rip his throat open. I want to fucking grab him and pummel him for no reason.
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If you ever wonder why people say early S1 was so much better it's because the threads were comfy and people weren't constantly telling eachother to kill themselves over which retard playing wigger reality games they liked better. I hate you fags so much
What is hoarderman?
ost kind of good :)
imagine getting lost in the woods with trish
true romance <3
The norwood...
He's a dhampir the day means nothing
Why nobody takes him to the hospital? If not for legal reasons at least for a bit of humanity
it took him about 4 months to just buy a pc anon don't expect that kike bastard to be spending that money any time soon
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Jon is the custom character in a cutscene
>shitting on stephen king
As they should. Get better taste in fiction writers, faggot.
I like this sentimental relaxing ost while Trish is leading the party thru the forest. Kino cutscene.
Shut the fuck up you retarded lying faggot you literally just wrote a bunch of bullshit either intentional or rosetinted
Kys faggot
>because the threads were comfy and people weren't constantly telling eachother to kill themselves over
Yes they were, you revisionist faggot.
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s1 was way better than 2 but let's not pretend that the waifu war shitflinging in s1 wasn't awful
tjs hair looks like he was a sensitive boy in the 13th century that wanted to be a poet but his parents wanted him to be a town guard
All I remember is what they’re saying isn’t what Fatty said
They brought him to the emergency room but he heemed one of the nurses and threatened jet until he was allowed back
Having Joeyy around for 1.5k usd/month is like buying one thousand bitcoin in 2009 and wasting it with pizza
Yeah but when he was down they had to take him back to the hospital cause Jet was worried about his leg.
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>yeah so uh im not gonna hurt any girls this season letty you don’t have to worry about me
Vampires can come out in the day now due to the duke's power increasing
This has been established in canon
unironic neptunian kino
i wish tay wasn't so fucking butthurt for some reason, i liked her and tj chilling together
any recommendations? ive never read stephen king and im bored of non fiction
any xavier kino today?
it’s weird they haven’t given them all cooler outfits and gear yet
watch season 2
AI generated btw
His parents (both phds) handle his finances
Trish is so bad at RP but damn she delish
Not trying to defend Tay but do you think Xavier needed a break regardless? And they took the drama as an opportunity
The one where he wrote about the guy walking around trumply
>im bored of non fiction
ready to fag it up huh?
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>if i wanted to i would have done it already
it shocks me that they still hate him
>One fucks trannies and the other is a meth head
I can't tell which one is which.
Sorry buddy but you're probably just a bit of a shitty person and not that much fun to be around
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Oh she’s fucking retarded
hope you're getting some delish trish screencaps boys
i will astral project to fight the demiurge in order make this a reality. give me strength for it brother.
I liked her, period. But she's too embarrassed by her behavior to interact with Xavier. So..
Being a retard?
Trish is like the retarded little sister that wants to play along and everyone lets her because she's fun and cute but she's bad at everything
imagine trish saying abracadabra at your penis while it’s getting hard and moving itself
It's the faustian spirit. A nursoid could never understand
>the only thing trish can think for her spell is saying ghetto abra cadabra
why is trish completely incapable of forming coherent sentences or speaking with any kind of fluency?
tay’s mental has been fucked up this whole season. unrecognizable compared to the girl who crocheted on s2
Was Trish this fat during S2?
>someone posted an idea the other day of trish casting a spell but they have to defend her while she channels
they are doing it! they love us and take our ideas and not the paypigs which take too long to fund
>1. Jimmy (makes food)
>2. Jon (chaos)
>3. Letty (tries to larp and bring story together)
>4. Vance (didn't reduce Xayvier screen time)
>5. Tayleigh (reduced Xayvier screen time by being a cunt)
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i've had an urge to play might and magic 6 since watching 2.5
>Letty: Hehe, why did you throw a mallet, Jimmy :)
>Starts crying and playing victim hours later
They let their more annoying fans dictate how they should think too much.
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i see it
trish is a retard but she seems fun
he is.
>"And now for the "smoking meth in kentucky" challenge, Tay is exempt from this one"
can jon convert back to jesus and leave vampirism behind?
I think that would be kino storyline
Jimmy getting mad because he takes its too serious and hurts people lol
sounds retarded, no thanks
>He laced the caffeine powder with ricin
>Everyone gets the flu then dies a day after filming ends
Jimmy wins again
The battle scenes are so dead without the intense music
you're only now figuring this out?
The first three days of s1 were amazing in here, then all went to shit because people started focusing too much on Jet's incompetence and Josie, they felt cucked when everything shut down and the cucking increased with the pizza parties, cameras from downstairs being shut down for the night, etc
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the official bloodgames ost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNOP2t9FObw
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what the fuuck....

that's jon?!!
I think thats the point
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i'll listen to first chapter of an audio book before i actually buy a hard copy because it's hard for me to get into anything fiction. maybe search around and try that
Jimmy was too strong with the throwing sword fun things always get nerfed
Now they over corrected and he's borderline useless
Was the music when they were walking from a game?
read something good, not stephen king lol
same exact person. nasty bitch, I have no idea what you s2 simps saw in that.
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I'm with you anon o7
Production actually took the Willy Wonka finale from a /ftl/ poster
this would be awesome
Jimmy seethening
None of the fish give a shit
Tai half assing it
Jon not even fighting
Trish stopped saying the incantation
Jimmy apologized to her twice, Letty manipulated him and won.
im trying to play The Colossal Cave but theres a giant snake and I killed the bird. i think I needed to put the bird in the cage.
loling at jimmy's shouts being completely useless because none of the enemies know what they are
>people started focusing too much on Jet's incompetence
bro he fumbled the data plan for an online show
Good maybe he'll freak out and get kicked
You don't look down on them for shitting on Stephen King. You look down on them for thinking that shitting on Stephen King makes them look smart. He's too easy of a target to even bother talking about.
Jimmy failing to RP and treating the combat like a 9-5 is both hilarious and annoying
What did she win, though
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That was after week 4 and stop being gay please. Before you hit send on a post imagine what your mom or the girl you like would think if she read it, is that what kind of person you are? Maybe you should think about that /ftl/
Cap (that means lie)
This guy's probably right. If you were jacked/normal personality/steady job (any of the three,) your face wouldn't be a problem. Also, you should have gone to the doctor if you can't fix it with shit from the store by now.
This is redpilled as fuck
jimmy's tiny cum jar?
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god damn wtf they need to have her do twerking lessons again
actually a good idea
>any recommendations?
>read something good
As a chudster i saw her as a chuddina but by s2 day 3 i knew….
>They all wait their turn to get killed
It really is just like a videogame
KEK no retard she was even worse in S2 she punched Trish in the head for no reason and tried to stab Frank with scissors. Went off on fatty and told him he was a joke that was being exploited by production. Shes always been a vile and nasty person
i didn’t like her in s2 but she’s extra fucked this time around. spending a day in the prod house and coming back without addressing it was nuts
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After watching this do you guys have high hopes for s3? Kind of excited to see a fresh cast and new memes
Vance is so fucking boring. They all just seem dead inside
If they're actually doing all new people and no more Fatty/Frank/Stein then I'm excited
That aggression and confidence in her twerk lead me to believe that she's taken miles of dick
Another manipulated fish in her accolades
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>jimmy finds a way to tie in the hollocaust into everything
Remember during week one of S2 when TJ had a crush on Tayleigh?
Voodoo mama has a nice costume
>why are people angry at seeing boring people in a internet show about bombastic retards
I bet you thought you had something by saying this.
Where is the music
it could be good if they managed to put together a great cast. that's really all they need to fix at this point besides the tech stuff
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That's his go to excuse every time, how does he not realize by this point how bad it comes across lol?
Only if Xavier, Soda Man and the Blacksmith's wife make an appearance
not the fact that her ex husband let his friends gangbang her?
Twintail letty is CUTE!
S3 will be counting rice/boxing again
Jet is mindless
I've read Cell from him.

Finishing it I haven't felt so much regret, outside of watching Mirai Nikki.
>jon hobbling around on his fucked up leg
he said he was having tons of fun yesterday and i was shocked
There is like a 100% chance AirsoftFatty is returning
no but its gives me high hopes for s3.5 if they do something like this again but better
cry about it
She literally nailed Fatty into a crawl space while he was asleep. How could I have known she'd be so fucking lame with only two weeks and specific direction?
Show ended on Lobster night. This is just the air escaping a balloon now. Two weeks was a little optimistic
oh shit
also loling because it's pissing him off exactly as much as you'd expect it to
Yeah having a live director’s cam for a normal season will be cool
He's boring and exists to provide shitty boxing filler that nobody likes but you knew this already.
>Jimmy got his assault sword back
Yeah what was that about ??? Lobster I mean
He is an undersocialized retarded manchild
>Went off on fatty and told him he was a joke that was being exploited by production
the funniest part was that she kept bringing up his dead parents and told him that he was the laughing stock without realizing that she too was brought onto the show to be laughed at. thats the entire point of fishtank.
The guy is terminally online. Yesterday during the Letty argument he started freaking out about Indian CEOs and everyone just stared at him
Oh right she was doing the army wife thing - yeah. Make that light years of dick.
It makes it a lot more reasonable to show friends clips.
That picture is old anyways, people were posting it with rare tjs while S2 was live.
im ready for new people. im sick of all the current fish and guests like chris
Get over it, homo.
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why do people hate tay so much I think she's cute
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No, I'm done with fishtank, I'm only back for 2.5 because of the returning cast. I have had enough of Sam and his artist guy shit. Its actually been quite pleasant having ifunny sponsor the show because Sam can't do his normal fucking jew degenerate shit, Jet rushed out and berated Sam when he tried getting Jimmy to vomit.
nah you can't beat the voyeuristic look and feel of the cctv cameras from the first two seasons. if they have good camera placements they don't really need a handheld camera for a house setting
The Stand, It, half of the Dark Tower series, and Revival are all good.
more like a TJ wife
fucking latents
Prevents Xavierkino
ur a troon
>wholesome vibes
>friendly pranks

"People" don't actually want this, right? Do they even know who Sam Hyde is?
Freaking out is an exaggeration
>can I have it….
they really need people who aren't young loser fans on psyche meds. it's amazing how easily one of them can fuck up and derail weeks worth of effort, season 2 was a total mess and the only entertaining bits were wondering if jimmy was going to kill himself or if tay was going to break and cut someone which is funny but not sustainable. they need people who can play along without falling victim to their own personal delusions.
I like how after turning to vampire jon got some nice drip
even fake tits can't make up for that beat face
She's a fucking meth head
Mr and Ms blacksmith kissing while TJ and Taylor do their hug in the back. Real Schitty cam kino
If you think Chris isn’t going to be shoehorned in every season you don’t know the producers of this shit
Jimmy now has assault sword AND jimmy shouts. He's OP af.
same reason they like double d, it's more of a fantasy of having a innocent shy boy next door boyfriend

in reality, they would quickly get bored of him unless she's brown
that's fuckin LOVE right there ladies and gentlemen
okay nerd
because she had sex

even tho she had dropped hints she was a party chick before the show
If they learn from this season then yes. The tech issues are a worry but i guess a lot of it has been because of signal loss due to longer distances. They also need like 30 powerbanks on rotation so that they can keep the bodycams on. The lack of bodycams after like the first day has been disappointing.
Jimmy really doesn't know when he is not funny lol
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missed it
>no homo
I assume the live director’s cam will be for big stuff like when Sam shows up so we’ll still have the static cams on the walls at all times to watch too
She did stuff that made me laugh so that's automatically better. If you're paid a flat rate to go on fishtank a 2nd time, and you can't do anything good, you have to be WAY more fucked in the head.
>I think she's cute
yes because youre retarded
After I took a dump, I looked down into the bowl and I swear to god it looked exactly like Tayleigh.
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Skull bowling > Whatever the fish are doing
ROMANCETANK, next up is Letty and the Trader
A truly normie friendly show would do wonders for Sam's career - Shane Gillis could actually promote it.
except sam did vomit play with Fatty and they just zoomed into to all the shit and piss in the porta potty earlier..
she's ugly
simple as
How she never leaves home
I thought Scott was like 37 years old. OOF
Jimmy and Jon tension
Even better is when he said that if you don't start shit then you won't have anything to worry about, when for him, "starting shit" is breaking a toy phone.
Hating Jimmy and watching this must be like torture. He's been the center of attention throughout the entire show
>no xavier
did tay really ruin everything
yeah because you edited a nice pair of tits on her boyish body
>chef a cameraman
what a schit show
this is what Civil War should've been like
I don't think he even knows when he is
Jon DESERVES the crown
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Josiepedos fucking hate every contestant on the show, Tay was just the only one doing shit aside from Jimmy for Season 2.
nigga clip??????
No, that doesn't sound like something Tayleigh would do
He Jon flexxed her yesterday at camp kek
Jimmy and Tay is meant to be cock buddy. Just let it be
holy fucking jimmy is dropping ALL TIME TRVTHNVKES
Oh god Kevin is in another outfit
Larping is gay.
that was brutal.
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jimmy debilitating medical event NOW
We love Jon here
We love Vance here
We love Letty here
We love Tai here
We love Jimmy here
We love Tayleigh here
Jimmy and Tayleigh cringe
unsubscribe unfollow stop watching
Is Tay production?
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>I fucking hate moralfaggery.
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Jimmy is based.
>We HATE Tayleigh here
Fixed it for you, good sir :)
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Jet fix the vibes
>jimmy can't even get a job at walmart
holy shit kek
jimmy sucks
Where’s all the hate for Evil Kevin? That guy sucks
of course not
hes a felon
did xavier fucking quit?
where is he?
If they actually do get an oblivious cast i would want to see their reaction to fatty
Fatty spotted with a gun in the DOWNS
Restraining order! Restraining order!
stay poor goy
>hurr durr
Easy on the f word bud. ifunny is watching
I can't believe he's responsible for a boiler
Jimmy's autistically monotone voice is starting to annoy me again
Doordash and Walmart conspiring against Jimmy in his job search
Tay said she'd walk if he wasn't fired so he was let go
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When I turned 18 I applied for a job Walmart and never heard back.
He's having a threesome with Creature and Minion to make the Duke seethe
Jet PLEASE get abi on to smash that toy mic

Why jimmy love children's toys too?
The Judge don't budge
yeah well
They learned about his past and are gonna hire him but only to deliver to mormon households
Wow he's just like me
fuck jet #6000000
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where can i buy one of these?
Jet made a good decision bringing Vance in but he should have put him behind the camera not in front.
Okay, it's a little too much Jimmy time right now. Jet, repair the vibes.
When did you first realise you wanted to be a woman?
does anyone have a link to jimmy's store he sells his hoarderman junk on?
anon that's foursome
I own my own small business because no one would employ me.
Blacksmith's Wife with the strike!
Is he looking at minion's thigh gap?
>TJ reveal
>Reaction to Taylor being kidnapped
>Dancing to la bambo until he dry heaves
>Awkward conversation with Jon
>Awkward conversation with Letty
>Telling Jon he doesn't believe in equal rights, followed by Taylor scolding him
>Xavier shilling
>Implications of domestic abuse
>All the cute Taylor x TJ content
>All the TJseethe
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>The fucking Jew Mormon faggots made me get a DUI now I can’t even fucking make money at door dash
>Jimmy can't pronounce Usury
Man the vibes have been off since yesterday this is just off.
Reminds me off the last week of s2
she said she doesnt want to bc jimmy would melt down at the sight of her, i love her isnt she great?
I've worked at 2 walmarts. haha get rekt
That fucking manchild Xav hasnt apologizes to Tay

Bro is gimmick to be a cunt. Just talk to her IRL and move the fuck on. I know youre in here you fucking curl bro
I blame Tayleigh
Tay and Jimmy are a black hole
>another season of jimmy playing with baby toys
Blacksmiths wife is stuck in an animation loop until someone interacts with her
its everyone's fault except jimmy's
That cat looks like Taylor
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well chris clearly had a mouth of water or something so it wasn't real vomit
what? really?
it's not even a meme anymore tay has to have some kind of dirt on production or is teasing the idea of suing them
Xavier is 31
Sam breaking his ribs.
Lol faggot
his twitter fanbase are manchildren like him
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I haven't watched the fish since Jon got T-posed on.
>You're playing an NPC in Schitty
>The Blacksmith's Wife bends down in front of you to pick something up
>She lets out a huge fart
>She giggles and goes 'Sorry! I must have indulged too much in the merchant's baked beans!'

What do you do?
why what?
Jimmy is so bad with women what the fuck
why dont the fish ever notice what the helll
Taytriots assemble! We need to figure out a way to fuck with Xavier. He's a borderline rapist for what he did to Tay
>>All the cute Taylor x TJ content
>>All the TJseethe
whole lotta nothing then
vibe killerzzz
actually hidden this post because of how fucking foul it is
shinji not taking advantage of that during the final fight proves hes retarded btw
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>loves toys for children.
Theyre all trash
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where bex
Why is Letty eyeing down Jon so hard
lulz it does >:3
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You are talking to ghosts
blame a certain someone
Explain why his body count is 30+ then.
what happened with creatura just now
This is a 10/10 on Fishtank Live
>can you pull it up
letty is horny
shut up hoe
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you're godamn right
Thats one swollen leg
Jimmy freakout
Rubbing dirt into an open wound. Kevin is actually trying to kill Jon
Kevin really is india, he knows of the dirt medicine
shes been chatting up Vance and this nigger sandbags her so much bro is a dud
Brother what the fuck is wrong with this niggers legs
Why is Jimmy always raging around his bunk?
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Give Jimmy an eyepatch, it will make him look cooler.
the fuck is going on with jimmy the retard
holy sperg out
jimmy got green gas in it
being a retard
I thought Jan was 35
fuck i missed it what happened to jimmy??
Her tits are 10/10 in real life
Jimmy and Tay always killing the mood to make it about themselves
It'd be top tier Jontent if he lost a leg
vile fucking woman. the sad state of the modern man where you fuckers make these type of goblins feel attractive.
Jimmy is the coolest, I just know we would be great friends
Jimbo has been crying about the glass for ages what happened there was he raped?
this is your woman moment
Fatty won
Gas in the eye
Wish they could atleast be entertaining while doing it
i want to sleep on them
He got the green gas that they use on the guns in his eye
There's no eliminations for this season right?
Jimmy spiral continues.
Letty just ripped a massive fart in Jimmy's face, like a total cunt
Wait you broke glass all over their beds??? Fatty?
Anyone have a clip?
production knew what they were doing.
I don't get it, why doesn't he just clean it up
we need a new thread save me ctrl+c ctrl+v
my true struggle in life is finding a woman like this who isnt a whore who posts lewds on tumblr
i think the vibes just wont ever recover
based fatty making content
I would literally cut both of my nuts off to smell her breath as I try to kiss her and she pulls away in a teasing manner.
New thread motherfrickers I wanna post funnee image
theres silicone in green gas too, so jimmy will lose his eyes.
its kinda fun knowing bex knows we say sexo con bexo and oggle her micro-titties whenever she appears
Are we truly ready for the forbidden goblin femboy arc?
Tetanus isn't that big of a deal. It's usually non-fatal.
He'd cut himself because he has the tard motor skills of a toddler.
the glass is mormon
Fucking finally some Xavier kino
back to kiwifarms with you, tranny
Requesting the fatty glass clip
bex doesn’t use 4chan
jimmy no take responsibility
Xavier spotted plotting with DJ.
How did he get gas in his eye. Was he looking into the bottle?
He's doing fine
It has never been Jimmy's fault for anything
He is terrified of getting a shard in lodged in his skin.
Jimmy trying to clean glass would just end in a bunch of blood
Why is Letty wearing eye make-up?
goblins are catholic we dont support
>best npc undoubtably

Bex here, it's creepy so stop it. How would you like it if I had sex with you?
she doesnt have to. all of production knows us
This is true. I don't.
part of the package unfortunately
just do it
I guarantee you thats what him mom tells him constantly
nice defence you daft cunt
Who is sleeping below Letty? I haven't watched this season that much
He was trying to fix Tay's shotgun which has been broken for days. The gas has been an issue for a while.
cuz she fugly
feed this nigga TJ some fucking BOOZE finally and get him goin
no eliminations
Letty diplomacy with Jon
Jon has declared Vance and Tayleigh the enemy
watching shittycam > directorcam
based Xavier and TJ kino
I never thought of it like that. I'm sorry.
So where the fuck is the music
Jon, though he randomly sleeps in other places a lot.
The events from last week feel like it was a month ago
my name doesnt rhyme with sexo
bros are we getting the xavier wins ending???
Haven't tuned in in a bit, HOLY SHIT IS THAT TJ?!
Captcha 2TJV
I wanna see Xav dressed in white and with flowers like a bride
Lol, where? They're in middle of the woods
We’re so back
around the world around the wooorld around the world around the wooorld
In the middle of his woods, in his Jon Tent.
why is there an extra bed anyway?
anon, do you want to marry Xavier?
brooo you missed so much tjtaylor
he has a tent somewhere
>just like chris dorner
can't corner the dorner mentioned
He has slept out in the woods away from camp for parts of the night
>sometimes good guys have to do bad things just like chris dorner
The mistake Jimmy and Tay keep making is getting visibly upset at any kind of minor discomfort. To do good in fishtank you need to become unbothered.
>jon and letty pillowtalk
This is so 2023
The women's portapotty
>Like Chris Dorner
fucking kek.
TJ's face when he tries to act is hilarious
>just like chris dorner
fucking kek
"Sometimes good guys have to do bad things."
"Yes, just like Chris Dorner."
Jeremy kamikazed this union
its reference to beloved mexican boxer Maromero Paez
cute letty on yon cam
love this lil retard
so what interesting happened since Day/Night 1?
i was waiting for tj and xavier to wreak havoc but i guess it was just a cutscene. sad!
because hes cute! :)
i like awkward dorks

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