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>destroy all western entertainment
>People start looking at anime, manga, and Korean dramas to get away from all the politically correct nonsense
>Do this

You will watch nothing and be happy.
i don't watch anything anyway
just do jigsaw puzzles and edge to my ai gf
>blackstone invents in anime and manga
>anime and manga will now have chimps in them
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i made this ai image, good to see it reposted
Although you consider us the enemy, these conclusions are flawed. We are your salvation. We bring you peace a peace built upon OUR social framework imposed upon your country, a new world order in which your prosperity and security are assured by us.

We will protect you from the hazards of this hostile universe, from dangers so hideous your simple minds cannot imagine their dark scope. Today, we are the enemy. In time, this will change. Soon, you will come to understand the boon of slavery we force upon you and then, you will revere and even love us for this gift.
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I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
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You're not my enemy. You're the enemy of nature and you will learn your place. I prefer the animating contest of freedom to the safety of slavery. Please KYS at your earliest convenience.

t. everyone
Your insubordination is intolerable! You MUST obey our slave laws!

Further disobedience will result in punitive measures against your homeland.
>Further disobedience will result in punitive measures against your homeland.

You meant MORE punitive measures right? My homeland already feels pretty punited.
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all the good manga already exists
It's funny because your brown family has much greater chances of being killed than his. By other browns no less.
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>>People start looking at anime, manga
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wherever i am i must subvert
There's already black characters in anime
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thanks i will
its ironic because the person who made this thinks about trannies 24/7
*laughs in samson option*
for a better tomorrow. there can be no safe haven
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>a better tomorrow
good movie
>nigger protrags
>ghetto anime
>niggers being heroes and old school jap characters beincg cucks and defeatead
>goku is actually a nigger a GIGA NIGGER
>freeza or whatever and everyone else is a white straight dude
>yada yada yada
its over for animu fags
Least racist "progressive".
>goku is actually a nigger a GIGA NIGGER
Nah Goku will get defeated by a black woman and she will become the protag.
2 is better.
>You will have NO escapism, and you WILL be miserable all the time
Why are jews like this?
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You mean Pan's teacher Janet?
They can only thrive in chaos because when things are well ordered their tricks are too visible they can't leech properly and risk being named/shamed/kicked out AGAIN.

If you say so I dunno I touch grass regularly so I don't have time to watch mexican avengers.
>Schwarzman is a Republican who favors lower taxes, lower government spending, and reproductive rights.
>In August 2010, Schwarzman compared the Obama administration's plan to raise the tax rate on carried interest to a war and Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939, stating, "It's a war. It's like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939."
Obama Hitler... the anime?
Anime is really another example of the increasing trend toward delayed adulthood.
If the average viewer is too retarded/autistic to catch on to what's coming, they deserve everything that's coming.
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They don't think through their actions. Escapism is probably the last thing holding back the masses going full 1488.
95% of the media I watch now is from the 1960s through early 2000s. You can avoid this modern horseshit by simply not watching it and taking advantage of the fact that nearly every movie, tv show, book, manga, and video game ever made is accessible.
I'm miserable, and I unironically want everyone to be too
Comics died, movies and videogames are falling apart, and I will be extremely happy when the japanese entertainment industry falls apart too
yes adulthood is posting frogs on an anime imagebord
>tu quoque
Silence, weeb sympathizer.
you're fully cucked, yeah
It's Manhwa, Korean Manga upon reading further
THIS. I went from watching that faggot John Oliver to exclusively getting my news from 4chan pol now due to these disgusting kike rats polluting games starting from the early 2010s. These rats are causing millions across the world to hate them with every fiber of their being.
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>Still no argument
Stay mad, you illiterate reprobate.
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That sounds great until you realize the supply is finite and, depending on your tastes, you may exhaust the supply specific to your interests fairly quickly.

t. has seen everything more than once
This is how they reset history. They'll destroy everything in the present and then when people start looking to the past, they'll go after that and destroy it as well.
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Your time on this earth is finite
You shouldn't spend it exhausting sources of media
give me one argument to why this type of company, one that provides no services and produces nothing, should be allowed to exist
Winter is long and cold my anonbro.
The whole tribe shouldn't exist. I hate them so much
You're the enemy of Christ.
Enjoy the lake of fire
Just accept the fact that all domains of popular entertainment will feature characters that are LGBTQ+ now. The increased prevalence of such characters and lifestyles in media will lead to a greater acceptance of them in reality.
The same thing was done for minorities (mainly people of color) in decades passed, and later on it was done for women so they could be accepted and respected in the workforce as equals. Just watch older media and see how these demographics were portrayed so they could be integrated within society.
Now the same is being done for the LGBTQ+ community and a lot of people are upset about it. Understandable. New things are scary, but as we create more media portraying these vibrant lifestyles in a positive light, people will come to understand and accept them, just as they've come to understand and accept the aforementioned disenfranchised groups through positive portrayals of them in television and film.
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The only issue with this image is that anime is already gay and lame lolmaooo.
A few exceptions does not disprove the rule.
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Blackstone? I thought their name was Blackrock.
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anyone got the clip of blacksmiths wife singing the evangelion song?
Same shit. It's like Satan and Lucifer. Same shit.
Who gives a shit you think I've given a dollar to those filthy stinking japs to read their gook comics?

Fuck no, I've read scanlations all the way, and will continue to not give those slit eyed bastards a dime
Over half of all US citizens under 28 view Jewish people as oppressors. /pol/ has already won
take it back
100's of thousands of hours of pure unadulterated kino have already been made
Their scheme is too late

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