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Let's hear your autistic "observations". I'm sure it will be good for a chuckle.
This show is faggy feel good shit for the office NPCs
>le we’re le quirky best friends and I love WAFFLESS grrrr =3333 haha lol I baked my bestie cupcakes and we talked about how much we love BACON
I can see how the first 2 seasons were enjoyable when they came out but otherwise this show is METICULOUSLY CRAFTED for fucking FAGGOTS
did you just wake up from 2012?
I want to face fuck Aubrey Plaza
I wish
I would like to hold Rashida Jones' hand.
1. Leslie Knope - watered down Micheal Scott
2. Donna - very watered down Stanley from The Office. Stanley is a well written supporting character. Donna is a void.
3. Jean Rapphio - would be a welcome recurring SNL character. Always good to see him.
4. Ron Swanson - foundation of the show, but written inconsistently. He should be ridiculing them, rather than being played for laughs.
5. Ann - Ann sucks. She's only entertaining when being abused because she's supposed to be lame, but she's a lame character acting lame so it's exponential.
6. April - Good in context, but she's a shallow character and Aubrey's got sanpaku eyes that always give me pause. She's good with Ron though and abusing Ann. The character is thin though and Aubrey's acting palate isnt wide it seems.
9.Tom - Aziz is ok in my book. He brings an authenticity in his scenes that is lacking in most of the others.
10. Jerry - Male equivalent of the Dumb Blonde. A fool who fails upward. What women think a typical man's life is like.
11. Mona Lisa Saperstein - Would spank with much force
12. Ben - Nu male partner for Leslie. The story line repulses me.
13. Andy - Another Dumb Blonde male role reversal. At least they don't marry him off to Ann.
14. Chris - Rob Lowe needed a gig and he got one. He's really good despite the lame writing he's given, e.g. marrying Ann.
>Argues how the subpar castrated and gay Yankee version of the Office is worth anything
Fucking retard
It's entire filming style makes no sense and is never explained. It's just following the fad that The Office made successful. But at least in The Office they at least explained why it's filmed documentary style and rarely does the show ever take place in the characters personal homes. Parks and Recs just is a documentary style show following this particular department because...I guess Leslie is quirky and energetic? OK sure I guess, but then they start following Ann who has no connection to the department besides attending a meeting once, and I guess now it's fine to have a camera crew following her around and filming about her shitty relationship with Andy? And don't even get me started with modern family.
>5. Ann - Ann sucks. She's only entertaining when being abused because she's supposed to be lame, but she's a lame character acting lame so it's exponential.
There has to be an unfunny character to make
In ensemble comedies, there always needs to be one "straight" person who plays seriously, so all the other characters can riff off of them, and she reacts to it.
Other examples would be like Pam or Toby in the Office or Michael Bluth from Arrested Development.
Or shit, even all the way back to Abbot and Costello
I watched the entire show with my girlfriend and only laughed twice - when Andy threw up on that guys shoe and when Ben started crying in the batman suit. I was very surprised to find that it was so well-liked here when this seems like the kind of show /tv/ would hate.
I really liked Ron and April in the earlier seasons when I watched it. Good formulaic sitcom type show. I'm sure it got insufferable with retarded shit like that cunt donna.
I never understood the appeal of Jean Ralphio or Jenny Slate (other than her being insanely hot).
Like what's the joke here? That they sing all their punchlines as a song? It got old really fast for me.
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I never understood the point of this character. He was another quasi-straight man even though Ann exists to fill that roll. I guess that is why he was written out so early.
This show was better when Leslie Knope was an annoying busy body public servant who couldn't convert an empty lot into a public park. It was funny when her happy-go-lucky nievete ran into the harsh realities of bureaucracy.
In the later seasons she becomes a Mary Sue and at the end she just gets an appointment to a cabinet position for no reason.
That would've been a great opportunity to poke fun at many cabinet members being unqualified political appointees, but that would've been too much to ask.
What about that gay dude with the googly eye who came in a few seasons later
One of the best casts of all time. They all clicked and you feel it. Great writing, perfectly balanced. The only guy who didn't work left the show in S2 and everybody else stayed.

Depicts an old-fashioned conservative male as wise, competent and respected.

Stayed strong for seven full seasons and the finale is an all-time classic.

Definitely one of those shows that is difficult to parse if you're socially isolated or cynical, which is made obvious by this thread lol
Yes, but Pam and Toby aren't repulsive. Toby storylines are always fun, and Pam is always pleasant enough, if dull, but has some great moments. Ann is supposed to be a Toby type, but they don't commit. She's too attractive and again: inconsistent writing.
What about Jeremy Jamm
It's almost like this show was made for retards, case in point: >>200804507
It's the same problem with the Office and every other US show that tries to take something from the UK but can't fucking help itself but get chipper and wacky instead of cynical and dry.
I found it weird how he was Benoit'ed. He disappeared and I don't think he was even mentioned in passing ever again. You'd have thought the actor got outed as paedophile or something - it was almost jarring since he was a main character for the first two seasons. I didn't get the hate around him either, I never thought he was that bland or dislikeable.
does it get worse or better after the campaign season?

15. Louis C.K. as a cop - He's Louis C.K. but he's also a cop.
Yeah, completely unnecessary character who was probably added as a chaddy that one of the toasties could have romantic story lines with.
absolutely based character.

Ok but Tom with Ralphio was pretty fun.
The show gets worse pretty steadily until the end.
You know they just wanted it to end at that point because they did a 5 year time skip.
Amy Poehler comes from sketch comedy. The show was modeled on a cross between The Office and 30 Rock. 30 Rock and a wonderful extended cast of wacky characters to spice things up. It also had a stellar cast of comedic actors, down to even supporting characters. Jean Rapphio is great, but his energy outshines most of the main cast.

The show is a leftover casserole, a mix of good and bad things applied inconsistently without a strong concept.
>The show was modeled on a cross between two dogshit shows
No fucking wonder.
I watched every episode of this show in about 9 months and enjoyed it but I haven't thought about it since and can't even remember the characters names. Except
>Ann Perkins
Cos that guy kept saying it.
Both characters commit and lack self awareness, which makes them entertaining together. Neither one winks at the camera or requires sympathy.
>Amy Poehler comes from sketch comedy.
I really liked Upright Citizens Brigade, but I was like 13 when it aired and it definitely has that juvenile sketch comedy vibe like Kids in the Hall. I'm not sure it holds up.
Anytime Ron has to interact with them is golden.
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Tier list time
>ron not in S tier, april in c
ann perkins, you are literally, retarded.
>EVERY YEAR IN PAWNEE WE [random event that's never been mentioned before]
>goes wrong
>Leslie gets upset
>in the end it's all good and they do [random event]
I agree that Nick Kroll should be shot
(in real life)
Tina Fey is objectively funny. The politics of 30 Rock are pretty overt, but Fey doesn't take herself too seriously and does not Mary Sue. Fey's political insertions are more overt and she's winking so they are bearable, especially when she gives us Ceri to drool over once in a while, instead of 50 year old roasties in short dresses. Parks and Rec has a lot more of The Message embedded and neglects the sugar to make it tolerable for people who aren't on board with The Message.
I like this show, I've been watching it with my parents - none of us had seen it before - and we're on season 4 now.
Good show, funny and light hearted. I like the continuity between episodes, that makes it a more fulfilling binge watch than a fully episodic sit com.
It is definitely more suited for streaming than it was for cable

I'm glad they ditched that Mark guy, really boring character who never needed to be there, Ben and Chris are far better substitutes.
Kinda wish they kept Lewis C.K. as a recurring cast member, I liked his character
Men have to earn their laughs. Comedy is the real meritocracy.
show turned to shit around the time they went to DC. vibe completely changed and became too schmaltzy.

also Ann was a terrible character that literally had zero purpose. makes sense the actress left
I think he was there when the show was a full-on clone of the Office, he represented the average man, he was supposed to be there along with Ann as the show's version of Pam and Jim.
But he didn't have a character, nor a good performance.
So later they added a better straight man character with Ben, who has his own personality and a better performance.

Funnily enough the showrunners really wanted him to come back, the actor had quit after season 2 thinking that the show was going to be cancelled.
But the actor refused, he knew that his character was kinda boring and pointless and turned down the money since he knew it would worsen the quality of the show.
Ok well done jews I now kinda wanna throw parks and rec on in the background.
>Kinda wish they kept Lewis C.K. as a recurring cast member, I liked his character
I think his character sucks. Louie's brand of humor just doesn't work as a sitcom in the same way it worked on his own show. It's too self-deprecating.
>A character does something crazy
>Louie: "heh I'm a sad sack loser so I'm not gonna stand up for myself or do anything about this"
>Character takes it too far
>Louis: "alright now that's too far"
>Character gets their feelings hurt
>Louis: "well now I feel bad for saying anything"
>US show that tries to take something from the UK but can't fucking help itself but get chipper and wacky instead of cynical and dry.
Look, us Americans don't like your sad, depressing style of humor.
We like our comedy being cheery and lifting us up, we have no interest in your misery
>the actor refused, he knew that his character was kinda boring and pointless and turned down the money since he knew it would worsen the quality of the show.
If true that's pretty decent of him
The actor was leaving, he thought the show would be canned, and I think even he realized his character was very superfluous.
The show I hear told the actor he could return at any time, but he didn't think his character was relevant enough to show up again
Everything wrong with post-season 2 office multiplied by 100 because it's filled with even more retarded woman comedy. This show genuinely starts off insufferable and ends worse.
What kind of dumb name is Aubrey Plaza. Might as well name a kid Salisbury Gazebo
was this thread in response to someone specific? Or is OP just spergin
It was in response to me. I'm in OPs walls.
yeah, the actor left the show and it must have left a bad taste in someone's mouth because when they brought up ex boyfriends later in the series he wasn't even mentioned at all
>The story line repulses me
He gets like 2 episodes with April where the chemistry is off the charts and it seems accidental and counter to the show. Leslie's face would give me a headache.
I watched the entire show and laughed once
what was the part?
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I don't like the office, but I liked this very much.
My only problem is that at some point they drank their own kool-aid and Leslie suddenly it's the best gov employee ever, when she began as a relateable loser.
This illness infect the whole show, and basically in my opinion the last season can be written off canon. It's great that the last duel of Leslie is agaist Ron, stop there, you did great.
(also Perkins being rewritten as a whore always seemed very strange to me)
No webm?
Is it too much for the file size limit?
He was supposed to be the straight man against the insanity of the rest of the cast, the problem is that the show was being a satire of local government (ie we the viewers are already the straight men).

Yea it made more sense being a local government of version of the office, instead it had this weird "we should make this bigger than it is" idea, primarily around Leslie for some reason (when the main joke is that she's the teachers pet that keeps trying but never gets the memo that some things aren't going to happen, hence the parking lot plot). It would have made more sense if they just did a flash forward and they're all boomers doing what they do, if anything Ron getting further then causing more hold-ups on a more federal level.

It's more annoying because the fact that it was so perfectly done (I know people who are the exact archetypes and half of those do actually work in the council), it makes me think that the person who came up with the idea and those who continued the series beyond S1/S2, are two completely different, especially as I said with Leslie, they seem to not understand the characters and what they were being a parody of.

I had a coworker like her (character's personality), you think the archetype is hot but in reality they're a cunt to work with, nearly quit my last job over her.

Based, her character is too good
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>Parks and Rec has a lot more of The Message embedded and neglects the sugar to make it tolerable for people who aren't on board with The Message.
The blatant soapboxing is curbed by Ron, who's always at least partially right. That said, it's hilarious that the creators were seething when he became the most popular character and people were agreeing with their "strawman" unironically.
Alan Moore moment
>See goys?? Even Ron HECKIN' Swanson respects the government-mandated shutdowns and knows the coof is SRS BSNS
Archie Bunker was supposed to be the butt of the joke. Norman Lear was surprised that he became a hero.
Anytime I see Rashida Jones in something I yell "ANN PERKINS"
> Based, her character is too good
Ann was probably the worst character on the show. She didn’t do shit. They even had an episode where she tried forcing a friendship with April….just because?
Chipper vs cynical is not a value choice, the problem is the characters evolved in ways that made them less funny.
kek. Sad that we'll never see jokes like this on basic cable ever again
The main issue I have with the show is that it couldn't stick with the concept of the government being incapable and inept, so naturally Leslie had to start succeeding so there could be a message of "See! Capable people do rise up in the government!" The fact that she became friends with many notable politicians also just felt like the show telling us there are "good" politicians out there.
>we couldn't get an ugly baboon nigger for our show so here's a shitskin pajeet chinlet instead

Did they do anything substantial or memorable with her? Stanley got some classic moments in The Office. Daryl was so good it didn't even stand out as a diversity hire. Donna just feels like one of those scary sheboons who work government jobs and just exude hostility so no one asks them to do anything. It's realistic, but not funny.
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the prime examples of how every sitcom eventually becomes about the lives of hollywood sitcom writers
>Did they do anything substantial or memorable with her?

No, which is why the episode where everyone decides what kind of dogs they are ended with April going on and on about how cool and interesting Donna is. If you can't show how your character is interesting, why not just have another character talk at the audience to tell you how interesting they are.
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How quickly do you think Harris would've gotten metoo'ed if he didn't OD?
also, mainlined the 'fake mocumentary' where the mockumentary style is used for exposition and punchlines, but the events on the show itself are obviously not being documented and will never be aired
this style has now replaced the use of narrators to set plot and the use of laugh track as the cue for the at-home audience to laugh (see, Modern Family, Abbott Elementary) and

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