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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit >>200804168
cool an owl
The owls have arrived. Time for the Twin Peaks arc
The people demand Evil Kevin
tay and creature arguing
when did they switch the smokes to american spirits? them thangs will make even seasoned marlboro red smokers nauseous
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>scaring the owl
Uh oh, the nature spirits will punish you for that.
Why did you make this and why do you keep posting it?
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Filling jars for Creature!
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I love Chinese Letty!
File deleted.
I demand creature to come our dressed like this NOW
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i haven't smoked in 5+ years but the perique blend/black pack are some of the best tasting cigs on the market
>Weight Class: Welterweight
he's probably a heavyweight now
I love spirits but they last too long
i skipped reds and went straight to spirits
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So apparently if you use the site function to clip the last minute, but do it multiple times less than a minute apart, it bugs out and you get a single small clip instead of two overlapping 1-minute clips :/

anons please immediately report any bex sightings
jon would dummy this kwab in a fight
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i skipped all of those and went straight to cigarillos
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Is Vance coming back for s3? I'm assuming Josie has already been replaced by one of the new hires. But is there any point for Vance to come back?
I like fatty
just download a chrome add on
I thought this was Taxcin by the thumb
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anything notable happen today?
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he's so chill
Bex spec'd all her points in cake.
>Trish stuck in her little stall that nobody gives a fuck about
Brian will replace him
Do you mind deleting this?
Post all of thecreature pics
You know the ones
rillos are for blunts and people too poor to buy cigs
>$50 is all it takes to penerate that Pendleton pussy
Sam's is such a sleeper build from all the fat covering his gains.
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uber vance/xavier kino with the blacksmiths wife
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not really
found creature's manyvids account
Probably not. Seems like they've expanded the core team by at least 5 new people
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licking creature crevices
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This happened while I was at work
I missed the kino part of the day
Lots of Xavier kino
fatty needs to make some chicken salad
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
>Mauro is drinking vodka AGAIN
kek, this alcoholic fat fag
He'll burn it
>what about a grown man pretending to be a retarded baby
>make the fish do Chinese accents

Same wrote these bits didn't he
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Looking forward to tonight's goblin encounter
Lmao this mother fucker committed to the role. None of the current fish could pull this off
slayin gargoyles watchin fishtank
Vance isn't the most interesting character, but I think that he was a good help with the production team. They will keep him around.
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Love and Life
Hate and Death
Nah this reeks of jet. He's great at crafting the least interesting situations
The chinese curse happened like a minute before Sam walked outside to box, so yeah
fuckin same
Something is just off with 2.5, I'm not even talking about the quality problems that come with shooting outside. That creative spark isn't popping this time. I think Jet and the gang are worn out, 3 seasons in 14 months is too much desu
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I used to smoke export a green (canada fag) and had spirits a few times and felt like i couldnt even get a proper pull off of them they were shit. maybe they're different in america i dont know
i hope they keep increasing the number of goblins
Living proof that you get the face that you deserve
It’s awesome how this turned into a regular fishtank season where nothing happens besides Chris monologuing for hours until midnight where there’s 40 minutes of action
He's great when he gets into a bit. Him dancing around in the background of the aborted karaoke bit was funny
pretty sure both of these have been done on both seasons already. the difference between these and xavier bits is apparent
I keep seeing this quoted, who said that?
tai barely talks anymore :(
Why didn't they give him a button down shirt or a pre rip? Looks pathetic that he can't tear the shirt off.
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good thoughts
evil thoughts
Why? My adult son wants something like this but unfortunately the only one i can find is sold out :/
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Just woke up. Evil kevin bros wheres our boy? I don't see him on any of the cams
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these things were the reason for my decline in lung health at a very young age
They're packed pretty tight, you've gotta pull on them more than normal cigs for sure. They also last a bit long for my liking. Excellent for spliffs tho
tay absolutely could never
Jet may be incompetent, but he's very consistent at running out of ideas.
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try not to fall in love challenge.
difficulty level: impossible
Oh no no no no no
Sheriff Ben kicked him
and you can't even change the camera, there's no escape
Scott put him in a coma.
Tay's smug arrogant fag new bf got doxxed and had a bunch of gay niggers sent to his grandma's house (he lives with his grandma)
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No Taylor or TJ on screen me no watchie
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I just wanna see this wigger one last time
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He left, supposedly for good, but they already said he got kicked off once and he came back so I don't know if it's real.
oh, so she's a slut?
Knew there was something off on those eyes.
Fucking whore.
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Goblins multiply very fast
I think doing 2 seasons a year is a mistake, they need to do it once a year and have it last like 4-5 weeks instead. Everyone, fish and production, is just totally burnt out by week 6
he's gone, apparently the money he paid ran out
i think it's a bit though idk, he seemed too funny to be an oliver
>this show sucks
is that what jon said?
you must be fucking hideous to like that fat white trash bitch
I wish Shinji didn't KWAB his way out of Fishtank and the wigger crew, him and Xavier would have been unstoppable
This chair sucks, he just talks all retarded
He's reached the point he does every season where he just gets bored with the show. I don't blame him.
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Fatty works so well as a background prop not trying to be the main character
did anyone find out who the brown girl with the nice legs is?
>fall in love with a 6/10 whore
lmao even
Shinji sucks, man
He name dropped Damiel as his friend the first day so he’s just a friend of theirs
Any clips of Xavier shutting up Tayleigh earlier?
kek these pics are so perfect. i mean what are the odds youd get both tay and jimmy making an ugly face in the same boy girl order as tjxtaylor.

you literally cannot script this shit up.
the lady doth protest too much
having xavier fanboy over shinji would be great
shinji cant even speak english
ah yes indeed indeed
how long ago was this
Also unemployed
Fishtank season 1 was a huge success beyond what anyone thought was possible. Jet immediately let that go to his head and thought he was some creative genius. Everything since then has been terrible with diminishing returns so they're getting burnt out and frustrated
Jon is one of the best parts of thia season but only has 800 endorsements which is silly, people need 2 get over how he acted with Sylvia
he quit just like Cole in season 2
It's the syncronicities jet was talking about
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If you hate these two, you're not white. Simple as.
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he's gonna come back tomorrow in a different costume for sure. one of my favorite recurring bits this season desu
Creature's gonna catch shit for sleeping in a bed that isn't made out of damp leaves on the forest floor from the Duke soon
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post more goblins
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should give them some american spirit browns unfiltered
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quite Neptunian
lighting on both is neptunian
one has a holy glow
the other is in the void
nobody would know what the fuck that 9 iron would be trying to say the entire time and it would be disney level cringe. no thanks.
letty just destroyed sam
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this guy gets it
>"Hey you guys are being boring buzzkills. Can you participate in the roleplay please?"
>"Uhhhhh *jimfaces*"
>"Hey do racist accent all day".
>"1488 1488 think it dream it do it Fishtank fans are losers I'm cool and interesting and have a life"
nice projecting jeet. you will never be white and you will never get laid.
im gonna start failRP'ing niggas on sight
Well when the audience does the work for him it's not THAT impressive.
what movie is this?
Why is Jay Leno green?
In a way 2.5 is harder than 2 because you actually have to be funny instead of just withstand torment.
>people acting like these tiktoks are new lol
guess whos here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! creature cam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, he would have been epic. Imagine him screaming OBAMNA IN THE WOODS.
I find it amazing how the friend always looks like a prostitute that was murdered two day ago
whats the tik tok name
yeah and this isn't a regular show either, it's 24/7 for 6 weeks, that's way too much. following this show feels like a chore after week 1
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*hits pipe*
has 2.5 been swatted yet?
airsoft fatty cardiac event soon PLEASE
scott tries way too hard to funny
getting old this shit
have they completed even 1 quest?
lazy retarded faggots
fuck this im going to bed
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Chinese Letty is doing things to me bros...
youre right

surprisingly no
he is funny, you're probably just too young to get it
With her sideways pussy?
this ends poorly for TJ. too naive to know whores dont change. she will get bored and fuck around and blame him for being so passive
What is Sam doing, resistance bands
that's a gnome retard
Reminds me of a picture of my parents. Blessed
what the fuck are you talking about they're the best cigarette on the market

they're smoking them up with luxury
i always wonder if shes ok because she was so normal and subjected herself to this show
Shinji was Don Jolly'd
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Built for Cole
Every since I saw the pictures of her when she was fat and ugly, I can still see the ugly fat nerd no matter what. This transformed orc doesn't fool me
JC just picked up a new friend that trying to do the same thing to her. corrupt whores are the worst
Are the fish
>too lazy
>too stupid
to realize they should be quest farming from the NPCs?
fatty is tired and hungry
way more likely sam has an attack than fatty
TJ just walked. check twitter
Please do not use my gifs to imply that Taylor is a whore, I am better at deadlock than you and Taylor is perfect
cole is a pathetic whiny virgin whose first kiss was trish
cigarette tier list??
someone post the zoom call screencap
The tay and jimmy pic looks like it was taken in hell
I think they tried on previous days and the NPCs had nothing for them
High quality Creature https://gofile.io/d/zNj3Sl
i haven't caught them playing yugioh yet, do they actually know the rules or
whats that fill me in
That's where they're both going
evil thoughts. careful
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Calm down jet
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is this what you mean? kek
The Trader seems to be the resident Yugioh expert
He's trash and I'm older than he is. He's stiff as a board.
Just want to say I hate Fatty, that is all.
>Jet immediately let that go to his head and thought he was some creative genius.
big brother + IP2 = kurbick
Predictions for deer?

My guess either Frank or Bummy.
He likes lights. Should probably put his mouth on a car exhaust
Not clicking that
Cole standing awkwardly while Brian joins a Zoom call with CK, its this>>200807391
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I think xavier is playing the deer. he's at the soda cam right now
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if you download anything posted in this thread you deserve exactly what you get
>creature buttplug
what time does the nursing home make you go to bed?
based, for me it's russian cream bandidos
new favourite image
>annoy everyone all night with stupid sounds so they don't sleep good
>every is tired and boring the next day
Bravo jet
So it's just Jet being a lazy pos again. Got it.
Hope they just rip off the WKUK deer sketch
Status check --
Xavier: successfully turned Jon and TJ, working on Jimmy, gave up on lost cause Tayleigh, neutered by the basement wiggers
Jon: revealed to Letty he's turned, playing spy in camp
Quests status: ignored by all the braindead fish treating this like a Tayleigh stream
Total Tayleigh Annihilation: paused out of concern she will an hero
JC, not CK
or just not really understanding how things would play out in practice
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Lubecooch only has good thoughts about subjecting his daughter to tentacle rape.
Taylor only has good thoughts about big black security guards.

why are they doing nothing and speaking with accents?
If you're a TJ fan and you're not a woman or a homosexual then you need to reevaluate your life.
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It's a gofile link retard
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they can't fool me.
Scott is a charisma void
i hope letty does the chinese voice forever
It's because they're incredibly packed. Roll it between you thumb and index finger. I used to be able to kill one in 4 minutes.
No, not accurate, the Duke personally turned Jon in response to Tay and Vance being retards teamkilling him for no reason. Also gave him "mod powers".
>neutered by the basement wiggers
Xavier was able to use the scroll of undo restraining order so hopefully this means they realized it was a horrible idea to coddle the dyke like this
Jet's lazy and not giving the NPCs quests to give the fishes. Letty was trying to ask for quests about 30 minutes ago but no one had anything.
any ladies in the chat
and trish said she regretted it
Mirrors are kino generators in fishtank. I wish I had my S1 folder, so many good mirror shots with Simmons, Jon, Damiel, and Chris.
bawwy peppa
Tj is Xavier's top dog
Jon is Duke's power bottom
TJ is the average shonen protag. Comic relief who won with the power of friendship, and got the girl.
They should give the NPCs an exclamation mark hat whenever they have a quest available
that deer looks like cole
someone was posting betty content in a passworded archive a few days ago
that was on gofile too
do you trust that?
cole would quit before wearing a deer costume
what is funny about him? please tell
because the nazi dyke ruined the show
betty has content thats disgusting
what's this bittys lubecooch status?
brown chick has nice legs
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>if they invited me back i would take tayleigh's panties and put then on my head
kek based cole
or actually use the notice board in town, having the NPCs put up quest notices after Jet's explained the quest to them and anyone else involved
Someone post that greentext about a guy raping a deer lol
It's not jet fault! We need to all pitch in and hit those donation goals so we can see the fish do more quests! Cmon guys let's really give it our all!!! I'm donating 100 dollars RIGHT NOW
Betty lives inside my computer now
Why are they making Jon chase a deer NPC around the forest when he has a broken hamstring
i love how jon is the one one taking this seriously lol
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>youre too young
>youre too old
unfunny faggot u probably paid for this slop
>Jon rulefagging NPC's
Do you think fail rp will become part of Jon's everyday vocabulary?
yeah you're avoiding the question, fuck you
not clicking your shit
>Jon running through the woods with a fucked up leg
You gotta give it too him, he's A trooper.
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blockhead letty!
>got pushed to the win as a poor excuse for a scripted character building arc by witless Jet and Sam and in the process matchmade and assigned a clout and money hungry e-girl who always needed a place to stay
>is lauded over by redditor fishtank (read: not MDE) fans because daddy sam and uncle goran say so
I hope he impregnates Taylor and she has to leave him because he molests his own daughter
Oh I got mixed up. What's the status of Jon's relationship with Xavier? Is he playing both sides for power?
>Xavier was able to use the scroll of undo restraining order
Thank the spirits. I missed this.
you are the most noble of men
you can tell jon is one of the best fish because they still have him running around with that fucking leg
Faywl Awwpee
I think he's duke's spy
deer clearly has an arrow deflecting shield
Stay mad fag.
why is jon's class Comms, what does he do?
that leg is never going to fucking heal
Who's the deer? Kevin?
dunye is the deer
wow look at that, evil kevin is a deer now
you're talking to Forkbomb, he's the ultimate paypig
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>Ha got you again
>Starts running away
Lmao I think the deer is Evil Kevin
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hes really gonna lose that leg. But its worth it. Shine brightly Jon
he's really good at communicating and speech
Glad you're enjoying your youth sitting hear watching this.

He should have gave the NPCs a bunch of quest scripts. They just dick around in the Schitty cam too much. I get that part of this is just winging it because the chaos is funny but there's still too much down time.
that wasnt me posting the link i was being genuine
probably just take a break for a bit man
20 bucks syas he just sat on the floor holding his breath till they said he could go back on
Looks like it.
Nah he's for real, that nigga for real
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where are they?
they should bring in lilecchigirl to play a succubus character
He's playing both sides to help the team, but both sides know hes trying to play them so they are both just using him and making him look bad. Its working for Jon tho because the rest of the team is retarded.
Cute always
what happened to jon's leg? i've seen how badly it's bruised but how did it happen? did the tard fall out of a tree or something?
Has Tayleigh gotten a single TTS or cigarette today? Lmao she doesn't draw a dime. KWAB
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Fucking at their hotel
Dallas won btw
Isn't hunting deer with a bow real hard? I think most of the time you have to wait for them to bleed out?
Trvth Nvke
Injured by Jimmy
Got me belly laughing
scary eyes
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other posters will call you crazy or gay but they will never call you wrong
She's turning into Cole.
>s2.5 nearly half way over
>50% of cameras still down
bravo goran
Serious question do their lives restore with sleep or how does that work?
there are no hotels they are all shacking up in the 9k sq ft house
arrows will leave a larger wound channel than a bullet will. you can drop animals quicker with a bow
seeing that you guys are gay already i'd say you should install tr00nix to atleast comfort your schizophrenia and paranoia
there are so many rpgs to take inspiration from for an infinite amount of content for something like this and Jet has nothing interesting for us?
why are you cucked virgin niggers like this?
dont be mean to me im a friend
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Pedo Status: Enabled
JonLetty is the OTP
haven't paid a single penny, just been watching recaps and browsing these threads
KEK. hope that never happens though. kids dont deserve to be hurt because of their shit parents.
guys i think creature is hurtin and it hurts me that shes hurtin and im not there to cuddle and grope her juicy titties and secretly finger her in jimmy's bunk
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scrumptious jimmy cuisine
wdym cole was a tts magnet
also why do you keep talking about cole faggot
remember the drone cam
They used up all their stolen twitter ideas
Just one from what I've seen.
How dare you.
hi ~
Gee I wonder why this dude has hemorrhoids
They banned my account for a negative TTS
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Go Jon go
You are the one who wishes he rapes a child
Really taking care of that leg, Jon.
what do you mean?
fucking is great
Is it really torn hamstring? How could he be running around like this with torn hamstring?
Im glad you're out here wasting your life caring. No one else will.
they could've spent an afternoon reading the ad&d dungeon master's guide and filled up every day with stuff I'm so mad
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disgusting coomer freak
Jon is running and jumping with a torn hamstring and ACL lmao
>Jon clawing his ass
fucking kek
why do they always let this negger cook?
Production are STILL mad at cole for BTFOing them and they post in these threads to try and turn us against him
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Have they ever cleaned that cast iron?
pure beauty
hey gurl
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Pretty based
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anyone got the clip of blacksmiths wife singing the evangelion song?
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I've been looking for a low investment chill game to play while playing this that I don't consider super high quality or something I wanna give my full devoted focus and I found it.
Jon just teabagged that deer.
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does sam have aids? why is he constantly coughing
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KEK jon teabagging the deer
are you fucking with me or do you actually think production posts here
What if Jon thinks it’s a real deer and tries to skin it?
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lol was that actually his account though or did he beat the allegations?
Probably just a partial tear. There's no way he could run on a fully torn hamstring.
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Qrd on the goblin? I missed his first appearance but last night he was kino
What was it?

he has asthma
can we recognize the shoes
I'm more worried he'll fuck it
This would be a decent game if it had fast travel.
the deer was the chef
Because the rest are actually worse at cooking than Jimmy.
>pabst blue ribbon
stupid fucking bitch

google tren cough
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i was in it for da kiww
Does anyone else think they'd be entertaining af if they went on fishtank.
it's tren cough, look it up
they look naked kek
Jon's retard strength and pain tolerance will prevent him from healing his leg. He's too stupid for his own good.
what does the brown girl even do besides hang out in town and vape?
im so glad jon is having fun
the common consensus is it was either not his, or it was his where he would shitpost but doesnt want to say that because it would still look bad
watching them sprint past jimmy's bodycam was funny
The consensus is that it was real but TJ denied it and sam decided it would be better for it to be memoryholed so everyone listened and stopped talking about it because daddy sam said so
Is that tayleigh's hand? Jesus christ
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Abu Ghraib
omg! me! oh boy would i be so entertaining as a 4chan boring antisocial anon!!!!!!!
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So Frank isn't coming because of tayleigh, Huh... Fucking kick this bitch
eye candy for people who only watch schitty
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I mean look at this shit. Paying these people to just sit around. They are entertaining themselves.
is it ben?
how do you live to 29 and cant cook look at this shit
Jon has gone legs both times he's had to carry someone now, why is that?
Hey guys Greek food grey goose anon here
I’m thoroughly drunk and just jerked off to girls who don’t shave
Just dmd creature
Probably gonna play remnant 2 or the thaumaturge in a bit
jon has forgot about his leg again
seek help
I would just be a vance in the know. I would bait the others for /tv/ memes
I would be an even more boring version of vance
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Carrying the show, literally
look cute
chef guy
brown girl is sexy, moar?
ill be pissed if true
yes its fucking gross and mannish
kek this. theres a ton of campaign books out there
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It's one of the camera guys/the chef. the guy with the arabic tattoo on his neck. i think they said his name was Justice
Creature is probably sleeping in the camp because they should ask her for something.
You're gonna have a sticky situation at the camp tomorrow.
Like what?
Oh. Yeah.
inb4 PJmaxxers adhom and gaslight you for telling the trvth
you think you would be a vance but you would be a jon or jimmy
why does production keep giving these guys skin tight costumes where you clearly see their dicks
i love it when no one acknowledges my OC and then it gets posted in the next thread kek
>I'ma head out
Vance is allergic to content
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King Jon
i was asked to do an interview for fishtankj but i got scared and said no
No. I have the personality of a brick.
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jon's knees by the end of this
Just got home what did I miss? Did Tai really take creature to bucee?
not gay btw
Its not really fair, Jon has homefield advantage. Hes a mountain man after all
>it was a wise move to be sprinting around right now
i fucking love xavier
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thanks fren
Nah im not that retarded.
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has there ever been a better character than opiate empowered jon?
You can still see the dorkiness. Her hairstyle helps her a ton. She's still cute though, but yeah.
yes i see
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yes but only if you guys give me lists of codewords and a script to go on haha.
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any time
>hail fren
Every interesting fishtank contestant has been autistic. Lesson in there
they pay the mods to keep these threads up, you better believe the wiggers have interns patrolling /ftl/
lol whatever you say pal
Greg won.
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>Jon, Letty and Xavier are the only ones that try
The rest suck desu.
chinese letty is my favorite contestant
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you get to fuck bex but if you don't get dubs you will never be able to pull your dick out for the rest of your life, essentially becoming a conjoined twin with bex
No I would literally respond "yeah" in monotone to everything
Jon probably played a human male paladin in WoW.
I think Xavier is upset
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Fuck Sam, Jan should be the host of all future fishtanks
are you actually jealous, how sad and pathetic.
not all of us are spergs anon
Xavier (any form), Chinese Letty, Jon on opiates, Shapeshifter Kevin, and Vampire Jon are all top tier
Almost everyone here would be a Cole or a Vance
Jon assuming that if he doesn't drink blood he gets stronger is 1000IQ awareness of the usual vampire lore
If you were to get onto s3 doing that, you do realize that is something jimmy would do right. Retard kwab
>No I'm not Chinese I can barely speak English already
not if i had to be a fish but if i could be a freeloader you guys would love me
>I'm not Chinese I can barely speak english already
HAHAHAHAHAH Jon is killing it.
it's ok. he doesn't believe in injuries.
sam looking fat
I'm actually hype for the boss fight against Goremedius
xavier and duke are both brothers so jon receiving dukes blood is same as xaviers blood
Jon wouldn't last a single round against Greg.
How Sam stayed there for?
>The most popular or a content loser
Such a wide margin
I expected Jon to be horrible and he turned out to be one of the best parts. He locked into the RP like no other fish.
>he says as he posts in the obscure 4chan ftl thread
r u cool we could be friends
He fucking is.
>Sam deliberately got a pump on before appearing shirtless
wtf they're going to eat the dude, I mean the deer??
Playing in the woods is what he does all day anyway
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I agree but I don't think they're too concerned with quality or longevity.
I would simp at the cute asian girl and she would be receptive cause I'm handsome and white
Imagine if Tay was there instead of Jon. What would she be doing right now?
you don't know what that means
trvke, they hate on cole and vance here because they see themselves in them
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what happened in the past few hours i took a nap cause it was hot i think last i saw was the singing in town i forget

and now i just watched jon kill the dog and for some reason him and letty are speaking like they got hit by a spell of chinese
Jesas, Sam's breathing is horrible, is it on purpose?
that's not what tren cough is you stupid fucking dyels. He also doesn't use tren.
making faces I guess
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jim faces
Director cam looks great in the twilight hours lighting
i don't think they'll involve her in the main storyline whatsoever at this point
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>when the cams go down mid monologue
Based VapeXier
if you want to get hired by bicflame you should go to r9k and namefag, that's how jet got in
>DUUUUDE WHAT IF I GOT LIKE A "DEAGLE" HUH *jimfaces to the camera with a smug look*
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absolutely ghoulish
>Sam just got mad and left
you wish
I love the bit where the cameras go down whenever Sam is doing his Gormedious character and he gets mad.
the creature is sleeping in jimmy's bed and the brown girl is in town shooting guns
jesus sam is getting fat
Three strikes JET!
jon needs like 10 more pieces of gear to wear. just keep giving him shit
what happened?
What a bizarre thing to say
If you had your dream come true of getting on S3 and tried to do your vance larp that would just make you become the next jimmy
The fact that you can't understand my previous post tells me you're autistic and you'd fit right in
It looks like he’s wearing a fake stomach
oh my gosh cole fumbled so hard JC wanted him bad dude she really liked him
sam was getting into his RP and all the camera feeds went down
>xavier has grown tired of tayleigh
we all are xavier
what is namefag im so stupid
camera man fucked up
Jet will never get paid
I'm so glad Jon got into RPing
im guessing they never got the shit to cure tais blindness yesterday and that they abandoned the gimmck?
It kinda sucks Xavier is in character all day 24/7, even jon is in character now and then sam comes through and drops character in 1 minute.
"Get in the shot"
"Ill get lower"
Like you could still convey that without breaking RP. Xavier is better at this than Sam.
Nigger 25 people post here
>even without dis hat i could pick dem off one by one
love this lil nigga
lurk for at least two years before posting
>Jon correctly sussing out that tayleigh is only using Jimmy
if they do this I will become a jon enjoyer and never call him a retard again.
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kek sam takes tren what a faggot
Hes asian he doesnt know how to do time
sam has been a huge disappointment this season. i cant remember a single memorable bit
nooooo.. noooooooooooooooo......
Why come they don't act like they're in animal crossing
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>Jon understands how Tayleigh works and how she needs Jimmy
Holy shit, he isn't actually retarded.
It's really funny meta comedy you wouldn't get it.
>canyon to wools
they did
Jet and Sam are /r9k/ through and through, they view this entire site through the robot lense. They think the mde fan base is /r9k/. Fishtank is scripted projection directed at us with contempt
over 2k threads in a year. you couldnt come to /tv/ some months without seeing a thread about it. you are dumb
>canyon foh wules
hey... i dont wanna wait
so obvious even a retard can see it
His costume right now is kino, he looks like a powerful Elden ring character
Jokes on you! I was larping KWAB
Jon is the hero
jons greatest strength is his retard speech causing people to underestimate him
Ermm what about the bit when he destroyed stuff?
Jimmy is too big of a Tay simp to turn on her
what did he mean by this
what'd he do
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I don't want to be on this show at all. Did you think I was bragging about being like vance? I was saying that I'm a boring loser
>convincing Jimmy to turn on Tayleigh
good luck
his speech impediment masks his true power
reminder to never let tayleigh live down assaulting xavier
o honestly dont think anyone is safe from jimmy
yes but this is still going to be a funny plot thread
>"Get in the shot"
>"Ill get lower"
this is him doing a bit but it's really not funny
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sam is 40 years old larping with zoomers
why did you tag me in this im confuised
>the winner of the season is whoever can roleplay the best
>s2 cast still stuck in this faggot gameshow mindset of "winning" the game instead of being apart of the game
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He started out strong and then just gave up on day 2 for no reason
Appear weak when strong and all that.
Jon would be pussy slaying fratbro Chad tier if it wasn't for his accent.
autism alliance
Autism Alliance let's fucking go
on a traditional season of fishtank, yes. i would play it like big brother. i've already planned out how i would make alliances based on how the audience likely perceives the other fishes while also bringing the hell house to the fishes from the start before production starts to ramp up the psychological torture. i would try to find the ones that are weak psychologically, find their triggers, and work with the alliances i've made to get the weakest contestants to self eliminate because we'd fuck with them constantly. ideally i would have a rock solid ally in on the plan and we would specifically target the weakest contestant and protect them and try to carry them to the end where we could then turn on the player we picked out as the absolute weakest and then begin the torture on them
The other ones are too lazy. At least Jimmy is doing things even if he is annoying. Letty, Vance and Tay just wants to sit around
Jet, get real. It's the same 25 mentally ill shut ins posting here. You underestimate their dedication.
>Twiangle is the strongest shape out there
What did he mean by this?
we must appeal to Jimmy’s autism
>autism alliance
holy kino
An accident but I have no idea how I'm confused myself lamo
Everything has to be a bit for Sam. Gotta show you aren't sincere!!
yep you are just dumb. got it
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what he sees in the mirror
They got Jon smoking cigs baka
he's retarded for thinking he could somehow get Jimmy to betray Tayleigh
>Just like a famous wrestling stable you see
I love Xavier
the way he put out that ciggy
>the twiangow is the stwongest shape out thewe
anything that comes out of jon's mouth is gold
especially purple ones
hes not 40 and most of them are millennials
Did Jon stomp out a cig with his bare foot what a beast
I honestly think Sam works best with fatty, he is really good at wielding fatty’s comedic potential. Sam making him come up with freestyle poems the other day was great.
>An autism alliance, us three...
>Yes yes indeed.
very on brand, jon
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there are over 300 unique posters in this thread alone, swear to god
backtracking kwab
all of that gay shit aside watching has made me want to be one of those nigs that scares people in the haunted houses around halloween. would be really fun to just be someone who could fuck with people in this setting
s3 needs a bb superfan
Jimmy has been longhoused by Tayleigh and will betray the alliance.
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Xavier is /pw/
Who was that brown beautiful Latina goblinita
Xavier breathing in alot of plastic from that polyester mask, going straight to his balls
A big guy
he wants us to triforce
It makes him sound European
Because zoomers can be exploited and humiliated. Fishtank wouldn't work with people 30+
his name was mauro and he was nontent king
disgusting gay ogre
John's outfit is nuts he's like Shinji last season where he keeps collecting gear
No i'm actually posting from various IP's lmao
promotes blood flow to heal his leg, ancient Chinese medicine
30+ year olds also wouldn't stay up late and usually have careers that they can't drop for six weeks
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Most TJ/Taylor cuck posters are just people that know Taylor and her sister irl.
is he a smark?
can't jon just say xavier's real name and get him to do whatever he wants
he forgot the name didn't he
John didn't suddenly decide to start role playing. This has just become his new reality.
He still looks like an FAS victim. Don't kid yourself.
If I were to bitch about one single thing from this season it would be that the wiggers won't have a camera running on the opposite end of Schitty. Everyone congregates and talks there and you can't sea or hear shit. Totally wasted opportunity over the past week.

They should take the merchant cam and rotate it.
I just remember Jon is 25 years old I thought he was like 21
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S1 fish staying winning. I'm sure the reset that Jet wants to do is 100% because of how shit the s2 fish ended being.
low iq post god damn
He's fully immersed
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it must suck being 40 with no friends
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>rule 1 of life is not to die
It doesn’t work because of his speech impediment
I thought Jon knows Xavier's real name did he forget
>"That being said (looks around) rule one of life is not to die
you have it backwards, taylor looks like she has FAS, jon has none of the facial traits of that
>Rule 1 of life is... not to die
Goddamn, Jon is a fucking GENIUS
he will try and cast spells on women when he gets out
the chainmail is giving him steineresque promo abilities
Jon is a true philosopher.
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Rule 1 Of Life:
-Not to die
like they set them all up to be a party of adventurers and you still have the backstabbing going on and its like these niggas are just rotten to the core
my bad he has trisomy 21
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Crazy that Jon is still bottom of endorsements. He's carrying the show on his back right now
he is 39
I want ghostly josie toppy
Jon is the main chawactew
Lmao Jon is happy he sprinted on his bad leg with pain. This retard does not understand healing an injury at all
How the fuck is Jon so kino this season?
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Jon going Shirou mode.
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LOL they added a trader profile picture to the site and no other NPCs
Jon now believes in the power of the rules above all else
Cope more jet
Jon is too kino at the moment what is everyone else doing
He's really gotten into the roleplaying.
keep buying jon cigs and he'll start to like them
There are some 30+ people it'll work on, but then fishtank would be extra cringe depressing and not that funny. Think about the few 30+ people you know who wouldn't mind ruining their future prospects and can take 2 months off work to get on this show. Shit would be bleak af
god damnit imagine being jimmy and having creature in your bed but you're too scared to do anything because everyone knows you're a mallet woman crushing psychopath
Extremelly blessed
wrong, goblin, sex haver and sex haver gold
Creature let him hit it because he goofy
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how my flip wife looks at me while I watch fishtank for the 8th day in a row.
Jon is the only fish keeping this show going.
the paypigs are literal retards. they made shinji the most endorsed
anyone have dreams of this shit after watching it? i have a reoccurring dream that i hear the tts sound then wake up. losing my mind
Always has been
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Jon is so effortlessly kino
It's true. She said she wasn't cool with him
Can they just sacrifice taypee tonight but for real
Tai is 36 and he’s one of the coolest guys I’ve ever seen
>Shit would be bleak af
34 year old neet here, literally me
You were the one fantasizing about going on fishtank thinking you'd be like self insert vance lmao kwab get a reality check
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Is AI-bro still here?
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People also called TJ retarded but remember on the day where they started the cell, before that, they interviewed the fish one by one to ask their analysis of the game and TJ had the most accurate perception of what was going on
Never dismiss the outwardly retarded

>everyone knows you're a mallet woman crushing psychopath
creature is probably into that
It would be complaining about backpain tank
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what would one do in that situation to fuck the creature? it/she is extremley erotic
Jon Xavier alliance will save the season.
He's been made a mod. Makes sense.
Why don't the fish get actual gear besides guns or weapons?
Tai should get a cowboy hat. Vance should be more decked up in something, Tayleigh could have some bullet sash, and Letty could be in a robe or something. I don't know, make them look like they're RP characters.
He thrives in the outdoors
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Yes that is the show retard
i thought tay was bottom now? and the only person to actually lose endorsements
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did I miss anything today?
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found this in my downloads
Jimmy would be scared even if it wasn't for that
He doesn't know how to approach women
His competition was Tayleigh and TJ. It wasn't a hard race
Answering a question is not fantasy. what are you a nigger?
Wow is Sam doing the destroy stuff bit again? Absolutely laugh out loud every time i freaking love feeshtank
You're right, I just checked. Good, it's where she belongs
id be fingerbanging her under the blanket
Like Tai but he's immune to mental breakdowns
fucking kek sam
>tries another le epic destruction bit
>bike breaks
bravo sam
Blame tayleigh and her meth addiction.
I don't particularly want to see frank
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Jon and Xavier attempting to make a Autistic Triangle Alliance with Jimmy to deal with the Foul Pup Xayleigh
bike is done
Sam broke his dirt bike
the duke's steed had died!
fuel line bwoken
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If you were to place a bet on who would get raped first during this season, who would you put your money on?
>tay has a lit cig as she moves the bike
please tayleigh blow up in a gasoline fire please pleaee
this really is a strong motivator isn't it? considering her actions after
Tier List
S: Xavier, Blacksmith, Blacksmith's Wife, Duke
A: Sherrif Ben, Deputy Brian, Trapper, Trader/s, Vamps, Highwaymen, Jimmy, Tai, DJ, Nightmare, Greg
B: King Fatty, Soda Man, Goblin, Racoon, Bear, Yu-Gi-Oh, TrollSec (if they come back)
C: IFunny, Zipp, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Greaser, Taylor, Bex, Vance
D: Letty, Xahleigh, Cripple Jon, Production, Mauro, Scott, Creature, Mama-Juju
F: Random Asian Girl, Tayleigh, Jon, SteFatty, Pedo Kenny, Blacksmith's Baby
hate this balding bloated head orge
>smoking on the bike that she thinks is leaking gasoline
retarded fucking dyke
>gas leak
>ask tayleigh who is holding a lit cig to move it
>she's in his bed (probably didn't even know it was his), that means she wants sex

porn brain
tren cough is only after injection. nobody has any idea what tren cough is lol
>Doing this with a lit cigarette
We might see Tayleigh burn to death
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Thoughts on Mr. Chocolate Ice Cream?
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>mr chocolate ice cream
i love this ice cream gag!
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>Silly Sam time
>da iceqeem
Jesus Sam....
Nigger it wasn't the most accurate analysis, it was a kindergartener's analysis. He barely even said anything kys tj cuck
tj was the clear choice. from being blackout drunk to getting beat up constantly. shinji was simply japanese
This new Mr. Chocolate Ice Cream character is great
>everyone hates tay just because sam doesn't like her
Sam this is too zesty run that back
This nigger sam is just mad and taking it out on shit
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I cant believe Mr. Chocolate Ice Cweam showed up.
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its me mr chocolate ice cream
reminds me of that filthy frank chocolate video
unfunniest moment all season
jesus christ youre a fucking moron
>cockwate flavowed ice cweam
Jan is really proving who the real mind behind MDE this season
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Gay porn
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jenis ice cream is so good
Tayleigh is a cuddled buzzkill
Jimmy is boring unless they piss him off
Vance, yeah
Tai was great before he got bored
Letty is better than the rest since she's RPing but still boring
mr. chocolate ice cream is one of the best characters sam has ever portrayed.
No no, I hate her on her own merits.
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>Jimmy ruins it fast
>Sam immediately bolts
Jimmy needs to shut the fuck up permanently
>can only resort to using slurs
i think jet's funnier than sam at this point
>just because sam doesn't like her
You couldn't be more wrong
vance wept
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Ice cream status: Officially in this joint
Interesting. Thanks
>she was raped and vance wept
i enjoy this character
Then watch what the others said dumfuck
do you really think this
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gay ai bait
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two men one cup.
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>sam and vance being funny
>camera pans to jimmy being an annoying reddit faggot
This is the part where production gets really mad that the show isn't going how they planned
I hate Sam too
Shirtless Vance makes my thing twitch
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TJ was a boring faggot who couldn't speak a sentence without stuttering 40 times
>jimmy ruins the bit
>sam immediately leaves
someone needs to tell jimmy that the only time he's funny is when he's not trying to be funny
I don't like him but he definitely has a bit of natural comedy, but when he tries, he's just a fucking cringelord
yep, its a nigger. the low IQ is a dead giveaway
>cant understand hypotheticals
>cant understand self reflection
shut up nigger
haha i love when sam breaks stuff and talks like a sesame street character this is awesome
Yes kek. It's meth for gods sake
i wasn't payin attention. how did he ruin it?
and shinji was....japanese
This show isn't for you kid. Go and watch ishowspeed or something
Sam deserves it for that shit bit
Why is jimmy taking like simon?
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What went wrong?
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Just got back, why was Vance getting fed cockwhip ice cream?
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Would you take Summer to get some ice cream?
talking in his idea of a chinese accent just because he heard letty doing it
All I see is a pedophile degenerate and an uncle tom cuck
he said "cocklet ice cream" instead of chocolate XD
Would be funny if someone threw a lit cig on that gasoline spill on the bunks.
>Did you swallow, Vance?
jimmy's redditry torpedoed a shitty bit
Taibros... he's completely checked out.
Season 3 better not have any vibe killing fish
stfu jimmy christ
sam tired of 2.5 already and is starting to lose his shit
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typical 39 year old theater kid antics
Unhealthy man abusing steroids and growth hormone needs his gas station ice cream with a plastic spoon or he will snap
Xavier mogged the ever loving piss out of him. Wouldn't be surprised if they never do NPCs again.
jimmy christ
>pedophile degenerate
yeah fuck tj
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>alright i did my usual bits, can i get paid now?
Why is Jimmy still breathing? Why is this allowed?
kys tjcuck, hate me all you want but I'm not wrong
Jimmy has one of the worst personalities possible. I'd rather see him in a murderous rage than happy
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Sam is getting upstaged by one of his writers hardcore. That's why.
Remember when they took away all the food in S2 and how retarded everything became
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Mr Chocolate Ice Cream finally showed up and when that happens you just know he's feeding someone some chocolate ice cream
alt-right dogwhistle
If Jimmy isn't having a melt down I don't want him on my screen. He fucking sucks.
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how much money have you given sam hyde?
>this nigga is almost 40
tbf the bit was dead on arrival
I'm surprised it took this long
i hope mr chocolate ice cream comes back
>tayleigh I trust you enough to go near my asshole
some people dont understand. we hate jimmy. the only times we like him is when he's in a battle against a lady
What a loser.
oh now its based. bravo sam
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>hey jet i fucked up the campsite and made a mess of everything the team worked so hard on but i did a funny voice while doing it
>can i get paid now?
fishtank bwoke tai
Tai checked out, Sam increasingly frustrated, Tayleigh still here. Ship is sinking, Jet.
Strike three?
is this how sam plays with his kids?
I hate her because she's a kill joy and Sam likes her.
>exploded hamstring Jon is the only fish with the heart to chase down the deer
>one of his writers
don't you know he just goes on twitter for ideas?
Man Jon's leg is fucked
I did it bros
I came out to my family
Im Bexsexual
need her feet
>Force a group of retards in their early 20s to only eat eggs and grits for 2 weeks.
Wow, why are the fish this season so lethargic and unentertaining!?
I understand those things. He is just backtracking from fantasizing about what he'd do if he was on S3.
cry more chimp
yeah that's the only reason
Not a mondocorder but what's the big deal? I buy a coat once every two years at around this price
Insider here, Sam is furious that the camera cut out during his rp earlier. Jet is officially on strike 3 and Sam is destroying production hq with his dirt bike. Xavier tried to talk him down but Sam choked slammed him into a table and screamed “IM THE CHOCLATE ICE CREAM MAN!”
>Im Bexsexual
>not Bexual
ya blew it
his fucked up leg can't stop him from having fun
Sam sperging out and slowly becoming a lolcow is my favorite part of Fishtank
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yours is worse
LOL broke you with one reply. Go and gossip on your gay little troon board kiwi fag
Based Creature
Is it really necessary for jimmy to whisper like that to the creature
wow bitch, you live like this?
is jimmy the only one who smokes the cigs sent to him?
Someone needs to tell Jimmy that he isn't that funny
why is creature in jimmy's bed lol
I mean how could you not love Bex?
lets throw creature in the fire
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>you spilt gasoline in the area they cook and smoke cigs?
jimmy got flustered when creature told him to get away. good, jimmy. feel the rage
I just like being able to say bex and sex each time
Indian-coded response
People who say stuff like this are the ones who would be the next jimmy character if they got on fishtank
Gotta love the Creature
You think that would stop him?
Brother did you miss the phone call where he screamed at tim heidecker because he can't get health insurance? Sounded like he was on the verge of tears kek
Creature only enjoys the most disgusting and foul places to rest
Shes giving fuck me signals but Jimmy is as lost as TJ
he owns her. she's his property
worst sam bit of all time
im sure plenty of people have. doubling down on his comedy is his cope
Sam is beating Jet's blob of a body into a bloody mush.
No but it might make him feel sad for a few minutes and I like it when he's sad
>creature sleeping on fish's bed
you cant say this and not post the most recent appearance...
She want to be bred by his 8 incher, but he's too stupid to understand.
What you're saying is low iq and you're a loser. I'm just trying to enjoy this show.
Split her head open with a croquet mallet
Tayleigh is now lower in endorsements than Jon. KWAB
during the trauma dump contest you could see summers feet but it was very low resolution
>fuck off faggot don't touch me
>yeah, she wants me
you and jimbo share a brain
keep at it ape. keep shucking and jiving for me, boy
Long term booking. Just watch it play out
make jimmy perform stand up comedy and watch him bomb for 40 minutes

Canonically more powerful than Duke and Xavier
>slowly becoming
Sam has been a lolcow for years kwab he has his own kiwifarms thread
Insider here. Sam has doused Jet in gasoline and keeps saying "Where's the strike three at in this joint?" while fiddling with a book of matches.
but tell only the girls to heckle him
switching to schitty cam bc watching people hang out from a wide angle with awful audio is infinitely more palatable than jimmy trying to do a bit
He already does that every time he talks.
not again man
he did that on season 2
It's called playing hard to get. Unless she pulls out the mace it's not over
how hard did he bomb?
her tits were out at one point when she was rushing getting changed
Of course Letty is with her boyfriend, the Trader.
>kiwifarms thread
those people are worse than the people they mock. its sad they dont get that
Ok trailer trash
we already saw that
I just want to see her soles
I’m mutuals with bex, I can confirm this. I also heard he’s making Vance film the whole thing and, you guessed it - he’s crying.
make jimmy do a set at the laugh factory
i think he got some pity laughs
All Kiwi Farm posters deserve the rope
is that just a ball of hamburger meat? wtf is going on with the food situation there. just beans for lunch and a ball of meat for dinner.
Tay is scared of Sam lol
again nignog, better this time. really dig deep into that room temp IQ
>who is that
>The Duke doesn't even recognise her anymore
>sam starts to rp with fish
Camera failure incoming
The Jimmy special.
they give them ingredients but jimmy has declared himself the camp chef and he doesn't know how to cook
i would watch this
He’s moved on, he’s with minion now

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