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Homer was only in his 30s
dead too young
>turn 30 in September
>friends have nearly all married
>parents visibly older
>lonelier by the day
My career is the one I’ve dreamt of and I can outlift everyone, but goddamn does shit suck otherwise.
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>Married with 3 kids, sole bread winner, house in the suburbs and a diet of beer and donuts
I turn 40 in a week and never kissed a girl
>Turn 30 in May
>No friends left
>Eight year old son from previous failed relationship
>No career to speak of

At least I still have hair and I'm not too fat.
>no wife, no kids
>hair is getting whiter by the day
>bigger nephew is now 10 years old
>turn 30 in may 2025
>almost all of my friends haven't married yet
>got married at 28
>2 kids (four year old and three year old)
>bought property right before COVID and got fucked with interest rates
>wife and I both work 50-60h a week
>insane daycare costs
>can only bear to be with the kids for a couple hours before needing a break
>every family trip/outing is a disaster of screaming and stress
>wife and I hate each other
>literally live for tiny moments when I'm not around the wife or kids
>every time the moment ends, it's like I die inside
>still have decades of this left
It's over
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Formerly 20s
a 4 bedroom house costs a million dollars in my city
My nephew will be 10 when I'm 28, dang
Look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car
i'm 40, no wife, girlfriend or kids
i do work a lot, so i have more money than i know what to do with
most people think i'm a loser though
The timeline was always a bit confusing to me. Homer and Marge had Bart shortly after high school, they were in their early 20s I think according to the timeline where Marge as a young teenage was in to The Beatles in 1968, Bart was 10 in 1989 (although there's some references to him being 12-13 now apparently?). So they had Bart at maybe 21-23 making Homer a very sad 31-33.
>2 kids
>Just left the wife
>Work out a bit
>Apparently single dads with a bit of muscle is catnip for mid 20s sloots
>Have my kids 4 days a week, work from home, absolutely plowing my way through the high school graduating class of 2016 on the weekends

Honestly? Not a bad go of it lads
i kind of liked this arc or theme
>homer was in his 20s in 1980s
>homer was in his 20s in 1990s
>homer was in his 20s in 2000s
How am I a scumbag?

Also cool digits
What in the fuck has been going on with modern Simpsons
>3 kids
>living wage
the dream
mr burns the ultimate capitalist
you should be raising your family with your wife not "plowing" women looking for husbands and dangling yourself in front of them like a carrot
>had an amazing job
>a family
decent desu
Trust me, your friends are not happy and there little gay facebook pictures are bullshit.
he didn''t say it like that, you've literally just wrote a fantic on that anon. Are you fucking gay lmao
I hate myself for wasting my 20s.

On one hand I get it. I was depressed and had low self-esteem. But what did I think will happen? Why not work on it while I am young and have the most energy? Why procrastinate it until my 30s when I am old, my body starts to hurt and people have expectations of me to have life experience? How could I let my life go to waste like that? Now I will never catch up. Any job I enter people will have 10+ years of experience to my 0. I am in constant anxiety because everywhere I look I see either young people enjoying life or older people with a family, house, career...
You know the saying: Youth is wasted on the young.
Older people try to warn the younger ones about the same mistakes too.
Doesn't work. Rite of passage.
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life is so dumb

no control over the body you are born in

only few get the life they really want and the privileged take it for granted always seeking higher pleasures

get older so as you become wiser opportunities decrease making your wisdom worthless

passing the wisdom on rarely works because people need to feel before they change

people call it babbys first existential crisis but I can't move on. I can't get immersed in life. its like being forced to play a badly balanced game
But my wife fucking sucks and there's a reason I have majority custody lad
Your problem is that you take life to serious. Roll the dice.
I can't help it in these technological advanced times. It feels like if you really try you could live a life kings in the past couldn't even dream of.
>No married, relationship, kids
>Have a good career and tons of disposable income
My coworkers scoff at me for being childless, but I get to do whatever I want on my days off. And buy anything that catches my fancy.
It’s overrated and you’re pitching a fit like a bitch. Get over it or make a change.
>Get over it or make a change.

i will try but it sucks knowing your life will never be great anymore. just damage control.
This. Not a dad but I lived in fear of hitting 30 and never being able to score with young ass again. Suddenly girls who are so hot I'm too nervous to approach them are going out of their way to talk to me make physical contact, it's so fucking weird.
experience is overrated and you're literally doing the exact same coping mechanism you used to waste your younger life to continue to waste your life now.
>no i can't do anything with my life i'm too young for responsibility
>oops looks like i wasted my youth, now i'm too old and inexperienced to take responsibility
>guess i should continue to live my lazy comfortable life on /tv/ lol
It’s damage control for most and if it isn’t it’s living in fear of it happening. Best and practically only thing you can do is recognize it, move on and try to do better. Then again I’m lashing out so who gives a shit what I say.

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