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This is such a weird movie. Only 4 years after Watergate. Imagine if a covid movie was made today.
They really hated nixon, huh.
He was the first one to make serious attempts at ending the cold war, of course they hated him.
I watched this trash 3 weeks ago
Nixon and Reagan both colluded with foreign powers to stop peace in order to win their elections
>openly leftist actors shit on the best President the US had had up to that point simply because he was republican. Meanwhile Jimmy Carter was crashing the economy with no survivors
Especially now that Nixon has been exonerated, completely and thoroughly.
>Liberals are insane for thinking illegal actions taken by the president would be allowed, he could never have a rival assassinated
>Also Nixon is vindicated
Which is it? Also is getting a blowjob in the Oval Office and lying about it an official act? Or Iran-Contra?
Yes, journalists found out years later after trying to break out a story of Justin Trudeau doing even worse that the Watergate journalists didn't win awards for exposing corruption, they earned an award for forcing a right-wing leader out, you can't win journalistic awards for exposing corruption done by a left-wing leader.
A fuckton of kino also came out during his term though (1977-81).
Kino president with Pat Buchanan as his aide.
>Who cares about corruption
>Gas is more expensive and I don't like it
>is getting a blow job and lying about it an official act.

Yes, he was in office when it happened and committed perjury when asked about it, which is a crime
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>They really hated nixon, huh.
yeah, it all goes back to Alger Hiss
>Hiss chamber
Sounds sexy
The more things change...
this "everything bad in history was actually good" thing you guys do is getting really old.
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I'm saying this as honestly and unironically as one can in this site, but I actually did make the thread hoping for some actual insight.
All presidents are shady motherfuckers. It's an open secret. I've heard people say nixon's crime was being caught, but that still doesn't explain the contemporary pop culture hate he gets when nobody really gave a shit about how big of a cunt, say, Reagan was until way after he was out of office.
But was the lie told in an official capacity?
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rightly so, Nixon had the morals of an alley cat
Imagine all the movies about Trump in the near future. Liberal Hollywood can't wait to portray him as the bad guy.
>They really hated nixon, huh.

he dared to notice, he was a bad goy.
For Nixon it was a case of wrong place wrong time. He was president during a particular shitty era in US politics, the people were already starting to realize just how much the government was lying to them so seeing watergate unfold didn't help matters. The way he blatantly lied despite how obvious it was just made him look that much worse. As for Reagan he kept Iraq, Iran and Libya in a state of chaos so no shit he's going to get his dick sucked until the end of time.
It's been nearly a decade since he became a political entity and there's been nothing, really.
They had more than enough time under Biden.
>Takes the dollar off the gold standard
He was the best goy.
That’s assuming Hollywood still exists by then
>muh heckin blowjob

remember when bill clinton started the 2nd iraq war. no, of course you dont. You're the same kind of person who thinks obama had 8 years of 0 contraversies.

>my side: good, angels, do no wrong
>your side: evil, demons, everything they did was wrong

universal sufferage was a mistake
hollywood has been putting out democrat party propaganda for a long time. you can always tell its a grift based on how much they venerate the journalists
Barrack Hussain Obambo bugged Trump's office and no one gave a shit. Curious.

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