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top 5 MV ever
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something about a beaver
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>me and the boys on our way to gang rape your wife
Just realized they’re red white and blue with July 4th coming up
Something about this always scared me. If I saw this in real life I’d scream and run away
God bless
Primus sucks ass. Le based bassman can't fucking sing.
>Primus sucks
Uhhhhh yeah, what’s your point?
If you were that close to them in real life you'd already have been brained by the .45s out of their plastic revolvers.
Is /mu/ full or something? Why all the music threads over here?
t. the heckler
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I also made a Beck thread a few days ago lol. Actually I post most music threads here because /tv/ always generates better discussion than /mu/. Idk why, threads here get 100+ replies while the same shit would get 5 replies there
/mu/ is for 19 year olds to wank themselves off over how good their taste someone told them to have is.
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Dont worry anon. Les Claypool cant hurt you
/mu/ has been absolute dogshit ever since mods cracked down on any and all funposting while simultaneously giving kpop posters carte blanche
Now the only things that get any replies are only the most basic Drake/Taylor Swift/Top40 pop threads or the endless kpop threads
Ding ding ding
This is one of the biggest reasons why /mu/ has been absolute dogshit since the mid 2010s. I used to be huge poster there back between 2009 and 2013 and I found so much awesome stuff there that I still listen to to this day but once I sensed the changes coming I dropped that shit board and never looked back. Thank fucking goodness.
Primus sucks
I got banned twice for the same thread on there recently. One banned me from /mu/ and then like six hours later they banned me from all the boards. It was a non nude of a musician in their underwear
nah bitch he belted out the climax of cygnus x1 like a mother fucker live
I fucking hate kpop and bugspammers.

This song has a unique effect upon women ;)
the only forced meme i like
t. shakes hands with beef
/mu/ probably had the biggest decline out of all the media boards. Just about every big name in the internet music nerd-sphere were /mu/tants and now /mu/ is a ghost town with one half being kpop autism and the other quarters being rymteens shilling fotm meme albums as voice of a generation masterpieces and shitposters
They were deleting my Unkle Adams threads when it was on topic and there was a clear demand for them, with threads hitting the bump limit. /mu/ jannies need to be replaced with people who have a sense of humor.
My wife
My name is CHUD
Bitch gives handjobs with her feet.
/mu/ mods and jannys are straight up aids cancer, I tried to make a share thread like four years ago and explicitly in the OP I said NO KPOP WHATSOEVER, and I got banned for telling someone to stop spamming the thread full of kpop because I said the no-no word I called them a faggot and come to think of it, the mod who banned me was probably the tranny who was spamming that shit. It got to the point where it was like 90% of the thread
So glad I stopped going there regularly in 2014, sometimes I’ll drop by as a tourist every couple months but holy fuck is it beyond grim on that board these days.
cant even make /dark/ "generals" cause its just waifu shit. I just wanna talk about EBM and Industrial
tho technically all generals everywhere are waifushit so eh
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Love Nat.
I actually made a thread about him a month or two back cuz I haven’t kept up with his antics for 5 years and of course it got like 6 replies
fishtank: bloodgames reference
Novelty/Meme band.
They're all excellent musicians, no question, but they write complete garbage and the vocals are just atrocious.

What happened to their drummer Brain? He was fucking incredible.
>I also made a Beck thread a few days ago
Oh that was you? You have a thing with awful 90s music don't you. You seem to love this "lol they're bad on purpose" stuff.
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The original drummer was born 15 minutes from my hometown in the middle of nowhere. Random as FUCK
Why do women hate Primus so much. On the Primus episode of the Bandsplain podcast, the producer/assistant refused to listen to any songs.
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Also imagine getting filtered by Beck lmao
they're too good
Tim Alexander was a better drummer than Brian Mantia.
Why if you make a thread like this on /mu/ you get 0 replies but do it on /tv/ and get 48.
Herb was a Neal Peart wannabe
Brain was a John Bonham wannabe

But both are good things to want to be, I guess.
People love off topic threads and /mu/ is dead
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Because believe it or not, /tv/ is the best board on here.
>Now the only things that get any replies are only the most basic Drake/Taylor Swift/Top40 pop threads or the endless kpop threads
or their /guitar/general which is full of people that don't even play guitar but only shit on brazillians and the few people that actually own/play any instruments. /mu/ is truly the most obnoxious board on here.
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Pic related
For me? It's Mr. Krinkle
This is how every board operates. You don't actually go to /mu/ to discuss music, or /sp/ to discuss sports, etc.
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Primus is based and blue pilled
For me, it’s Professor Nutbutter’s House of Treats
>Novelty/Meme band.
This is like people saying Predator is just a good action movie. Just surface level shit.
>I'm putting together a team
Is Wynona Ryder's beaver really big and brown?
For me, it's Spegetti Western.
I go to /sp/ to discuss sports when theyre on. Those ae some of the best threads like old /b/ levels of action and fun.
This band is such a waste of talent. If only they found a good front man and songrighter they would've been among the greats. Just a prove that being good musicians is not enough. These retards are known, sure, but it's just 10% of their potential. They needed either someone like Jimmy Pop to write witty comedic shit and be charismatic af or someone who would rite some more seemingly "deeper" shit that teenagers would love to sing drunk. Otherwise it's just retarded mumblings of a talented bass player
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Les Claypool is such a pretentious sperglord lol.
>Dem toes

Gonna need a name
Somehow people managed to make a far worse version of demotivationals in that they attach text that is completely unrelated to the image
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Get the 80s cock dislodged from your mouth, faggot. You aren’t fooling anyone
Based little nell poster
/sp/ is the best board on the site during the Olympics and World Cup
Crazy voice, even crazier legs
Good god, kill yourself immediately
This is unironically 100% true and factual
It’s crazy how different /mu/ was back in 2013 when Death Grips were at peak popularity
No, but she is having Mojo Nixon's two headed love child.
WBBB is quite possibly one of the greatest musical compositions ever composed
most iconic walk of all time
That's factually incorrect. Herb, The Ginseng Drummer is on-par with a lot of technical alternative guys from the 90's, but Brain is far more versatile and a master of 4-way coordination. He has something most drummers never will and closer to Vinnie Colaiuta or Manu Katche. Why else do you think Buckethead chooses him for almost every project and G&R had no problem with that?

I love Tim Alexander but he's limited.
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speak for yourself soisodomite lol.
I'm going to see primus live next week

What should I expect?
To have your mind blown
A really good show but they're touring with Coheed and Cambria so that'll dampen things
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I've seen Primus and Claypool adjacent projects 13 times now since 2010
wtf why will it dampen things?
Tim is the best. Jay Lane is my personal favorite. He has a hop to his rhythm that is unparalleled. He makes love to the hi-hat.
I personally hate them but to each their own
They are amazing live. They always nail their songs and have interesting surprises in their concerts.
/mu/ is nothing but "fun"posting anymore. the board died when sharethreads died, which was like 10 years ago.
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>song: good
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Based. Favorite concert moments?
3D tour was kino.
Really enjoyed the Rainbow Goblins tour too.
Favorite concert moment is when Les called out my buddy for sitting down most of the concert while we were in the third row in a seated venue (He had really bad sunburn/sun poisoning). The recording is actually up on Toasterland.com at the Charleston 2022 show
the lyrics fit the instruments - fun and goofy
damn blue collar tweakers has darker lyrics but also has instruments to match
Brown Album has the best lyrics.
for me its the huge ass lady appearing in the music video

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