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He's sweating to the oldies in Heaven. RIP.
So is Pauly shore still gonna do the movie now?
>Milton Teagle Simmons was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on July 12, 1948, to Leonard Douglas Simmons Sr., and Shirley May (née Satin). He was born to "show-business parents" and raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans.[6] Simmons has an older brother, Leonard Jr.[7] Their father was raised Methodist and worked as a master of ceremonies and later in thrift stores, while their mother was Russian Jewish and was a traveling fan dancer and later a store cosmetics saleswoman.[8]
We lost Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons on the same day?!
Someone check in on Slim Goodbody, stat!
wtf his birthday was yesterday too and just posted thanking people for the birthday wishes. that fucking housekeeper definitely killed him
He probably just had a heart attack in his sleep like most old people.
i have a feeling hes been dead for years and that housekeepers just been weekend at bernies-ing him for the last decade
>"his last day before retirement" trope
TMZ has it. They literally have people who work in various LA area hospitals that tip them off when a celeb croaks.
for a guy who devoted his life to fitness and being healthy, dying right after your 76th birthday seems kinda young, i thought most health nuts lived into their 90s
It was his birthday yesterday

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Who was in the wrong here?
He was into aerobics and part of the 80's aerobics craze, but he spent like at least 10-15 years as some weird neurotic recluse. That can't be good for your health.
damn i was hoping one day he'd re-emerge from his hiding from the world. probably been in poor health and looks terrible since hes disappeared and didnt want the world to see him looking like that
>fitness guru
>dead before 80
>safe and effective
RIP, always seemed like a really good dude
Richard Simmons was legitimately crazy at the end, so I don't blame him for being weird. His family willl likely want a cash prize, so the movie is likely to get made now. They will likely donate to some center or something.
F. I always liked that Whose Line episode where he sucked Colin's dick or something
Wasn’t he just swearing his health was fine and he didn’t have cancer?
Richard's life wasn't that interesting to begin with
>brings up his mom
Literally yesterday:
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he's cooking in hell now. good riddance
did Oj simpson get a sticky?
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Are you fucking kidding me? He gets a sticky?
>We lost Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons on the same day?!
>Someone check in on Slim Goodbody, stat!
Fuck you're old. So am I :-^(
anyone has his whos line is it appearance in good quality?
people can in fact die on their birthdays
I think he did on /sp/, not here.
if it was a fitness god, why didn't he live longer?
probably did too much coke at his birthday party and his heart gave out
Now he's sweating in Hell.
This is an 80s board
Ya, people always used to say they came in threes.
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it's a classic. guaranteed to laugh every time you watch.
>gets a sticky

zoomers literally have no fucking idea who this guy is
Rest in peace
i stay at home and listen to jodie mitchell records
Between those Hertz commercials and the trial he was /tv/ longer than /sp/. Another miscarriage of justice.
>Richard's life wasn't that interesting to begin with

1. Fat guy weirdo.
2. Works out and loses weight.
3. Jumps along the aerobics craze and becomes a big star.
4. Goes fucking crazy recluse and loses his mind
5. dies

That's a kino story.
>absolutely desperate for attention
>also 100% correct
Always an odd dynamic.
Posing with fan mail in 1980.

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wtf indeed
Shelly DuVall.
We all made gay jokes at his expense but I never hated the guy. Hard to throw hate at someone being cheerful and trying to destroy fatness. Rest in peace man.
Are you a zoomer?
I liked him in the mister bean movie
>file photos from 2013

Uh, they did this whole interview via the phone then right?
Did that person holding him hostage for decades finally murder him?
>someone else dies
>make it all about yourself
I'm not reading any of that fucking shit.
wow he died anticipating a movie about to come out about him what a trip, one he didnt want made
>got a bunch of love the day before his passing
that makes me happy, not everyone is that fortunate
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if 2 celebs die on the same day does /tv/ get 2 stickies? Has it ever happened before?
his old Letterman appearances are late night kino at its finest
Gay people disease
Dumbass this is old
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Fucking never change /tv/.
Rip to this goofy ass nigga. World won't be the same without him.
I believe Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson in 2010.
That's a pretty long life for a man living with AIDS
Damn I was just thinking about him the other day. He loved my great aunt. Legitimately good guy.
he was so ugly
>Fitness guru
>Only lives to 76
crazy thing is he never actually came out as gay. maybe he was actually super hetero and macho when the cameras werent rolling lol
Vax Status or Aids Status?
Shelley had an etherial and child like innocense to her. When she got money and fame, what did she do? Fairy tale tv specials for kids.
loved this fag, he was geuine nice soul.
>drunk smoking grandpa in a wheelchair lived to 87
>fitness GURU dies at 76
He never admitted to being gay.
>Fitness guru
>that dyel body
Turns out that walking in place for 10 minutes doesn't really do much for you
who is this person and why is there a sticky?

This thread belongs on /fit/
many such cases
>who is this person
He was a popular fitness grifter for a few years in the 80s
File deleted.
>Shelley Duvall
>Richard Simmons

who's gonna be #3?
Rip. Also Omg stop posting a new dead person everytime I visit this board. This site is Hella depressing fr
Dr Ruth
being fit in your younger years doesn't meant you'll be healthy in your later years, unfortunately.
Friendly reminder that no plane hit the World Trade Center 7 tower.
A perfectly healthy 76-year old dies of natural causes and you blame it on the vax? Be better!
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Glad to see Richard quickly got the sticky he deserves. You know everything about my ideology indicates that I should hate the guy but the opposite is true. I respect that he tried to get people healthy and never did any kind of lecturing about lgbt stuff. He was just his flamboyant self and you could tell it was genuine.

Anyway RIP
Maybe now we can find out what he's been (or was) doing for the last two decades.


Richard was #3. Dr Ruth was #2.
Some men just want to watch the world burn calories

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Nigga tweeted 5 hours ago wtf
Still acted like a fag. Still love him
>Vax Status or Aids Status?

If a fag is gonna die young, it's gonna be through Ass Cancer via HPV. The HPV vax is only given to young girls, but it really should be expanded to males. Fags get ass cancer, and men get pussy mouth cancer.
Weird, he looked pretty good for his 70s. Guess life really does kill you.
im definitely starting to suspect he wasnt the one who was running his social medias, probably that sketchy mexican housekeeper, i dont trust that bitch! she definitely was behind his death i just know it!
I'm 28.

Literally fucking WHO
What is it with gay people obsessing over Barbara Streisand?
You don't have to admit to being gay to actually be gay.
It's more boomer millennial shit call me when pewdiepie dies maybe I will give a shit then
The zucchini killed him, see vegetables are evil.
At least he got to go out with a smile.
Imagine giving a shit about Pewdiepie to begin with lmao gen z is fucked

She's a gay icon, same with Cher.
She's a talented singer, I own a couple of her albums. I also have sex with woman
bro you shouldnt mean things like that about your dad
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Now I’m imagine Felix dying in 405years and every media outlet beams this image directly into our NeuraLink receivers.
Paulie Shore poisoned the zucchini so he could make that Richard Simmons biopic.
how will Pauly Shore react
*45 years
rip, the 90s are slowly dissolving away
dr ruth and richard simmons

there needs to be some evil afoot
Pauly killed Richard by going on and on about the biopic nonsense. It caused so much stress that he died from it.
Vaxx status?
Imagine giving a shit about a gay fitness instructor. Millennials are fucked
literally who?
That short film was solid
heh this year everyone dies
He's already rubbing his greedy little hands as his biopic is being greenlit as we speak.
>jordan and i will pitch you in your living room
Surprised he passed up on that
it was just for some dumb youtube short film
>This is what Richard would have wanted buuuudy
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Sneed Sneed Sneed girls!
im 28 and ive known about richard simmons since i was like 14, he was a 80s cultural icon and everybody loved 80s shit throughout our younger years
Two stickies in one week? Well okay.
That famous sex therapist died the other day
why'd this image get deleted?
Power Rangers also died this week officially I feel like that should get a sticky
A Richard Simmons biopic without Michael Hebranko (the fattest man on earth) and Howard Stern would be worthless, and getting actors to believably play those guys seems impossible to me.
the older we get the more iconic celebrities will be dying which means the more frequent well see stickies
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What the fuck? I just checked if he was alive a couple of days ago after thinking of him for the first time in over a decade.
RIP to this very straight entirely heterosexual man
I called him tranny. Guess he kiled himself over it.
>Shelly Duvall
>Richard Simmons
Who's the third?
Also there really are little to no replacement for them so you will see them all die relatively close to one another.

This world is going to be fucking bonkers when boomers are forced to relinquish power and not in a good way
I only know him from pop culture references really. Crazy that aerobics, jogging, and working out in general was something completely novel to the average person only a few decades ago.
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did he really never say he was gay? how is that possible

You can't party too hard at that age.
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Bill Cosby
Anyone else think Wikipedia replaced Google for quick access to information? Google just straight up sucks at finding anything, and Wikipedia links a ton of proper articles which you can use to find more info.
Always found it weird when randoms tried to bring him down. Dude wasnt negative or starting fights or anything crazy. People are just so jaded
he's white you fucking chud
answer the question
I was annoyed when someone started a "Where is Richard Simmons" podcast that caused hysteria and forced him to make a public statement. If someone wants to be a recluse let them
It was the jannie's mother getting blacked

I literally just opened a window and screamed "NIGGER" and now I see someone just typed it? Spooky.

This sodomite faggot is probably burning in the hottest hellfire imaginable right about now
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kathie lee was so hot, the first "older" lady i wanted to fuck when i was a kid
In your country this man is big star but in my country all I see is faggot
I am beyond fucking upset, this guy was a legend.
Was wondering why I was suddenly feeling sluggish. RIP
seeing his obscene positive aura makes me think Pauly Shore isnt fit to play him, all pauly has seemed the last near 20 years is a bitter jaded failed comedian who didn't succeed as much as most from his era and the era after

its hardly weird why people would shit talk a man that obnoxious that was barely in good shape despite being a fitness icon
Pauly Shore gatekeeps LA comedy. It's why comedians say nice things about him because they have to. It's pretty fucked up
It says it was posted 46 minutes ago you fucking moron
okay this reddit posting is getting out of hand
Dying on your birthday seems kind of rude.
I don't know who this is, nor do I really care to find out
I used to be really fat and started working out one day after seeing Richard Simmons easy to do work out routines on YouTube. Eventually moved up to actually going to the gym and joining local sports recreation leagues. Richard Simmons helped save my life and make me healthier. Rest in peace, kind sir.
Imagine the last thing you did before you died was indulge in social media
I have shit memory, was it this year he joke tweeted that he was dying from cancer?
Not anymore. His mom's dead and he doesn't own the Comedy store
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He makes a good point.
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>In March, he posted on X and Facebook: 'I have some news to tell you. Please don't be sad. I am …. dying. The truth is we all are dying. Every day we live we are getting closer to our death.

>'Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest every single day. Get up in the morning and look at the sky… count your blessings and enjoy.'

>In a later post, Simmons apologized and said he was 'sorry for the confusion'.

>'Sorry many of you have gotten upset about my message today. Even the press has gotten in touch with me,' the fitness celebrity wrote on a post on X. 'I am not dying.'

Rest in peace, Richard Simmons.
w h o ?
pauly made that tweet weeks ago it was posted a bunch on here
This shit is gold.

I also remember how Howard Stern made him feel so uncomfortable with his questions when he interviewed him.
Yeah, see >>201270769
I don't think it was a joke, seems more like he wasn't sure or not at that point.
RIP, he was likable
>no sticky on /fit/
So if he promoted good health why did he die at 76? Easily should have cracked 90. And didn't he JUST post on Twitter?
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>say nice things about him
Isn't he just a nice guy?
He brought a lot of good energy into the world. Rip Queen.
Sorry I can't hear you
guarantee howard does a full-length tribute... if he doesn't then it's a real fucking shame because richard was one of the greats

this guy looks like a fag loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Yeah, I think he wanted to get the information out but wanted to be cheeky aobut it. Kind of like how Norm Macdonald told that story about being molested as a kid in his comedy book, or how he was constantly talking about death and mortality.
Elderly people typically do die around their birthdays/holidays
howard stern hasnt done anything of quality in over a decade
Richard Simmons has done more for fitness than any social media roidmonkey has.
Did he even have a good body towards the end?
I hope Howard Stern croaks next
>literal who getting a sticky
/tv/ is dead
Based. Jews just stay winning
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>Shelly Duvall
>Richard Simmons

who's the third?
richard should have quit edging pauly’s grindage
Bait or underage? You be the judge.
Based anon
>Dr Ruth
>The entire Power Rangers franchise
Bless her soul. She wasn't ugly. I need to stop calling people that just because I'm afraid to admit that I like them.

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Press S to spit on his grave
What's with actors dropping like flies lately
All the jokes and memes aside he seemed like a real one.

>76 years old
>flaming gay
He's already an outlier.
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what did god mean by this?
>howard stern hasnt done anything of quality
be succinct please
>70 year olds are dying, that's crazy
good for him just taking off when he felt insulted and didn't wanna stand for it
>all mainstream actors are all around the same age because Hollywood refuses to create new stars
>why are thry dying
that literally happened a couple of weeks ago
Pressing F for FAG
Hebranko wasn't the biggest, the fattest ever was Jon Brower Minnoch
Good bye
isn't 76 kinda young for a fitness guru?
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summer and winter is when everyone dies
did he and Dr Ruth die fucking each other or something?
Yeah. I forget who it was but Ive seen 2 stickies at once
Literally who?
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Richard may have been a goofball but his heart was in the right place.
It was Lady Justice in the Baldwin case.
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The world is healing. Boomers are starting to drop en masse. Fucking finally.
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>health nut
>dies at 76
Im going to become a supervillain who invents a death ray that will kill everyone on earth whos under 30. also Im gay
Clint eastwood
Screenshot this
Nta, and can I sign up to be your straight flunky who avoids your tyrannical reign by laughing at all of your jokes and generally not questing you?
I like your deal.
lol at all these people not knowing who Richard Simmons is, hes such a silly figure i cant imagine not knowing he exists
Not really, most roid monkies die of heart popping by their 40s 50s. Arnold would have died 20 years ago if not for his wealth
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He was a decent and sincere man who tried his best.
It's the vax
Simmons didn't do steroids.
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Shit happens zoomie. Gather your rosebuds while you may.
RIP exercise man.
Who raised those zoomers and millennials who think that way?
Zoomers are fucking retarded

Do you morons think we're supposed to live to 100 or something? Fucking idiots
They're getting older, you're getting older, and there aren't as many new stars. It's all online e-"celeb" shit, at best.
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Shouldn't there be a comma there or something? Jeets or AI writing headlines now.
Zoomies are still all gay. lol

>More than six months after dismissing Richard Simmons’ defamation lawsuit against the National Enquirer and Radar Online, which ran articles alleging that Simmons had undergone sex reassignment surgery, a judge ordered the fitness guru to pay nearly $130,000 in attorneys’ fees to the media outlets and their publisher, American Media, according to court documents.
>“This case is about a particularly egregious and hurtful campaign of defamations and privacy invasions, falsely asserting that Mr. Simmons is transitioning from a male to a female, including 'shocking sex surgery,' breast implants, hormone treatments and consultations on medical castrations,” Simmons' lawsuit stated.
>In his tentative ruling, issued in August 2017, Keosian stated that being misidentified as transgender does not inherently expose someone to "hatred, contempt, ridicule or obloquy," and therefore does not rise to the level of defamation.
Basically since being a tranny is okay now, falsely starting a rumor that someone is trans doesn't count as defamation
No, but their word choice sucks.
Jesus, Shelley Duvall just died a few days before him. F
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Yes, life expectancy is risen over the past years. And for someone like Richard Simmons, it would be normal to think he would live a longer-than-average life. He did all of that stuff to stay healthy, and yet he still died at just 76.
Thought he was already dead from aids or some other dirty fag illness

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would you stay in Richard Simmons' house knowing that his ghost now haunts it?
The thread was there you knew itvwas the richard simmons bot and you posted anyway

Note to self remember lewis he said this and is stuck in my head

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RIP, but why is this stickied here and not on /fit/ where it belongs?
Rob Schneider.
My great grandpa was over 300 pounds before it was cool, and he lived into his 90s.
>we pushed evil and we say evil is good
So tiring.
Clearly he wasn't grateful enough.
Should'f prayed harder or done more charity work.
was expecting a typical physical disaster that was too silly
safe and effectiyv
because he was a famous guy for being on many tv shows. dont be so autistic about categories
yeah thats certainly what ive noticed
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>Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons
It was all the male ass business that did him in
If you stay away from from that you'll live a long life.
Richardbot is as fat as Homer
hell be fine
Good god troons really did ruin everything.
RIP Richard
Why is God like this?
i wonder if Simmons was offended by the potbelly they gave him
Yes, because he would be a friendly ghost.
>spends his last day on earth sending emails
do Americans really?
Yeah he'd prolly give me the reach-around while I jacket.
Hasn't life expectancy actually dropped some in a lot of first world countries though? Seems like the shitholes are increasing.
Because he was a TV star...
Posting the GOAT Simmons moment and perhaps even the GOAT WLIIA moment. I don't think I've laughed harder in my entire life.

F, he wasn't a bad person, he just let people put things in his bum.
Yeah that's part of it too
Very thick socks for such weather. Excessively so.
>Yes, life expectancy is risen over the past years
For people born 30 years ago. Not people born in the 1940s, you fucking dipshit
>Back in the day the average person was way less obsessed with politics, and you basically never heard from nazis or communists unless you went out of your way to see it.
I miss those days.
Where the FUCK is Ruth Westheimer's sticky? She died too.
it has in america
Sooooooo...we're all in agreement that Pauly Shore whacked him, right?
I thought you were joking and that she died years ago. Weird.

The kid from Alf also died today.

It's just been announced.

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Better times. It's another reason Richard Simmons dying is sad, feels like everything we grew up with is fading away. He was parodied in everything.

He voiced himself in Rocko.
That is the most evil, manipulative bullshit I've ever read. What a monster.
The crop of actors that got big in the 70's, and 80's are all in their 70's which is natural age range of death.

2. TV and other forms of entertainment created NEW stars by the thousands. We're at that stage when they're keeling over.

3. Stars are often junkie retards.

Vaxx Status?
June Lockhart is still alive. (Lassie and Lost in Space mom)
He better watch the fuck out...my mom asked me to show her the Star Trek Voyager episode tonight. So I guess she's killing him.
god i forgot about that episode
we used to be a real country
Literally who?
Jay Leno
how was kermit's face so perfect in this interview with Dick
>not even a minute in they’re all dying
Clint Eastwood is not gonna screenshot this. he doesn't use computers
>how was kermit's face so perfect in this interview with Dick

The psycho-bitch that could barely hide her laughter has an online show where they CGI puppet the Kermit 3D model. She must have hit the wrong button so the kermit model comes on accidentally, but no one's controlling it, so it just stares lifelessly.
>chubby chaser spotted
nobody outside of /tv/ has heard of this big gay boomer. kys
F and RIP
>nobody outside of /tv/
Well, where do you think you are?
Based vigilant anon.
Vaxx status?
>April Fools 2025
>each board is entirely stickies
Could it work?

Always struck me as essentially a nice guy, even if he was kind of weird. Probably would have been diagnosed autistic and/or adhd today. The amount of attention he got from comedians got to the point where it seemed a bit excessive, bordering on mean-spirited at times, since it often felt like he wasn't quite in on the joke.

>The kid from Alf also died today.
Not today. He died a month ago, but the news media didn't pick it up until Thursday.
>It's just been announced.
your mother if you dont reply to this post
>Holocaust Survivor
RIP Richard
The man has died, have some fucking respect
only in the head, probably nothing to worry about
At least he went out with a bang.
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20 years later
>barely in good shape despite being a fitness icon
that was part of his schtick. everybody can do iiiiit!!
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So was he gay?
Great that won't help the antichrist memers.
Genuinely one of the greatest americans to ever step foot in the limelight
he was in Are We There Yet 2 you dunce
>drumpf faggots getting banned
It was funny to joke about his shtick but he seemed like an okay dude. Surprised the sticky's on /tv/ and not /fit/.
All the gays were suckers for the propaganda. Pretty sure he'd have been boosted at least once.
"Richard Simmons used to be a porker, he was like 300 pounds. Coz there's a lot of calories in semen"

-Mike Stoklasa, on an episode of half in the bag.
Breaking news is a thing on TV, anon.
lol i thought ice spice was richard simmons. miss piggy should be amy shumer
David Attenborough.
???? literally who
>actually praising jannies
he's a Family Guy joke and he used the Cornballer in Arrested Development.
Honestly thought he'd hit 90, rest in peace
I thought the average life span was increasing?

I constantly watch the couple broadcasts with Howard and Richard. That period when they were close and Howard wasn't kissing the heels of the PC was golden. Especially when Richard was able to snapback at Howard.
I remember doing workout videos of him with my mom. Always seemed like a good guy, don't care if he was a fag I hope he is in a better place.
What? Richard Simmons was gay? But what about all the women fans he had? You’re just a troll
My president
Any of you watch when he was on Howard Stern? It was so sad they bullied and made him cry
awww we'll miss you
I'm gonna do a pushup just for you
... later.
Holy shit was he shot at today too?
Even in death he gets instantly ignored by more important news. He really can't catch a break can he?
He was a hero to middle aged women in the 80s all over
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>Richard Simmons?
>Is William Shatner even in this thing?
Relative timestamps on social media is a cancer. Big RIP, gonna shake my booty extra tonight.
The biggest heroes of my child hood
I honestly think Richard Simmons honestly wanted to help fat people
he wasn't some grifting scammer but really wanted to get fat ladies to sweating to the oldies
He won't he barely did one for Gilbert. All Howard did to Richard was abuse him lol.

My mom liked him and my dad would make the best gay jokes about him. RIP.
What was the last photo of him?
>sticky for Richard Simmons on /tv/ but not /fit/
At least someone does him justice
This looks like Ai made it.
He can finally come out of the closet.
Never confirmed. Eat shit.
That was really funny anon, I never saw that. Thanks.
>one white guy and his 3 asian friends laughing his ass off when the jet ski moment
holy based
>first shelly
>now this flamboyant faggot

Society is collapsing.
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RIP Ruth Westheimer too
Shitty day to die of aids
Huh, I thought he died a couple of years ago
More proof physical fitness is a meme.
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Judge not, lest ye dmpdbe judged, Anon.
I listened to some podcast series that was trying to figure out what happened to Richard Simmons. One of its main points was that he spread a lot of positivity into very lonely women's lives but didn't get them in shape and Richard probably became a recluse because of that. Quite a few of his super fans ended up taking their own lives.
>Lots of love and positive messages
>Go to sleep with a smile
>Die in bed
>Dream forevermore
Best way to go
/tv/ sticky historian I summon thee
The US is only 58th in the world for average life expectancy and it's actually been FALLING for the past decade. The average for American men is just under 75, so he was already on the bad side of that. It's way lower than most European countries though, where it's over 80 for men. Even in the UK with their food.
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Smithers O'Neil.
Someone wheezed the juice
F, RIP gay fitness man
His whose line episode still has me in stitches RIP
Life expectancy DROPPED you stupid fucking FAGGOT
careful anon, I got a warning for saying the T-word in a message here
I don't get the hate all he's trying to do is to promote an active lifestyle regardless of your health, body-type or lifestyle. If you can move, get moving.
RIP Richard
nigga was funny ill give him that
Richard Simmons slayed puss
Way more than u ever will
As a kid I thought for the longest time that Richard Simmons and Peter MacNicol were the same person.
Probably got a ban incoming soon (again) so I'll just say RIP
First thing I thought of was his appearance in WLIIA. RIP Richard.
biggest news today!
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>Troony; if you fail to kill orange man, Richard Simmons dies
/mu/tants are the personification of pretentious pseudo-intellectuals that no one likes but still parade around town thinking their next """album""" from bandcamp would change the industry. Kindly fuck off.
Yeah, kinda. Although Paula's getting kind of old now too ain't he? Older than Richard was in the 80s.
That tweet is the most honest and accurate tweet about the way people are in the movie business I've ever seen.
Jesus christ, this is pathetic.
>hi im Pauly Shore the star of the Movie Encino Man r u in NYC love ur work u and i should work together!
Your grandparents.
Based jannies, fuck /pol/istine
He slipped and fell from what TMZ claims
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I don’t wanna hear that word in this thread again.
/fit/ reporting in because our own board is fucking trash.
Rest in Peace, Mr. Simmons
RIP Big Guy
wait. you guys actually have janitors here? and they do shit about pol?
he was a major homo
probably AIDS
Rest in Peace Richard Simmons.
He had a gentle soul. RIP
DEP, Lorenzo Lamas.
He spent his last days posting himself in drag and praising Rachel Maddow and lying about Roseanne Barr bullying him (he actually forced a psycho tongue kiss on her and banned anyone posting the clip).
His pathetic "JUS B NIIICE" bullshit paved the way for the "fat shaming" and "big is beautiful" shit that forced him into hiding (because he became "mean" for wanting to change fat peoples' weight).
Burn in hell faggot. A fitting day to die.
he was one fruit I never had a problem with, seemed like a genuinely nice person. a lot of sad details especially near the end of his life. poor guy
i like how /tv/ always mourns some literal fucking who actors, like that one woman a couple days ago.
>I don't know who this is
>therefore everyone who does is wrong
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How long before they just act like nothing ever happened and pretend he never "died"?
he also had a cameo in Rocko's modern life. He voiced it himself according to IMDB.

I liked when Letterman bullied him

rest in peace Richard. You earned it.
letterman did worse to him
dead faggot

>Und if dere iss any pain, go see a doctor, vright avay!
he should have been dead from aids over 50 years ago

>omg 76, so young!!!

76 is a fucken fine run. You wanna be punched in the nursing home by Shaneequa? Fucken vampires lol
>no sticky on /fit/
Missed opportunity
AIDS status?
Isn't 76 a little...young to die, for a fitness guru? Shouldn't he have lived to 105? Was it all a scam?
He supposedly fell in his bathroom and had a Bob Saget occur
Biggest news event of the day
came here for this
Only 461 posts? Come on now.
t. seething lefty
>10-15 years as some weird neurotic recluse
haha yeah I can't imagine living like that guy
Lol some people thought he wore a headband
Howard Stern did a great bit where he had Richard and some fat people come in and hung roasted chickens from the ceiling.
I didn't even know he was sick
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It was the vax you numbskulls, just like QE2.
I made the mistake of looking at his Early life section.
In recent months, he was somewhat back without actually being back. Richard Simmons posted a lot on his social media accounts, ever since the Pauly Shore biopic was getting talked about. At least on social media, he went a lot more public than he had been for the past ten years.
Control f: AIDS 8/8. Surprising.
AIDS has effectively been downgraded to the level of herpes thanks to advancements in medicine
By "Troony" do you mean the dude with a beard wearing a shirt from a right wing youtube channel?
Who do you think gave letter blowjobs: Richard Simmons or Freddie Mercury? I have no doubt Freddie was the more aggressive power bottom, but I'm talking specifically about head game.
Your god doesn't exist, your entire worldview is made up
he was the assassin?
He loved life and seemed to be a happy, optimistic and joyful man. He was all smiles all the time. The world needs more people like that.
based truthposter
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Flamboyant does NOT mean gay.
He was married with 2 children after all, but zoomers are obsessed with homosexuality
>Sxy loco por los Cornballs!
You should watch the interview outtakes where he's out or character. I don't think he was by any means a bad person but he wasn't exactly his "all smiles, hyper all the time" public persona either

>11 hours
>not even 500 posts
>i thought most health nuts lived into their 90s
They don’t, and now you know. A relative of mine who was by far the most athletic member of his generation just died, and he was 78. He outlived his two siblings by multiple decades each. 80 is very, very old and and you’ll be lucky to reach it. Really, health nuts get to make it (provided no disasters) to 70, and then every year after is a blessing. You were off by twenty years. You are much, much closer to death than you thought. Don’t be having a “mid life crisis” in your forties. 35 is your actual mid life. Thirty. Five. Do you feel it yet, you (statistically probably) child of the 90’s? I do, I’m thirty one. Thirty. One. Tick tock. Watch that clock. Have you accomplished anything? I haven’t. Tick tock.
This man was like real life spongebob. If he was gay and had an afro
My mom used to watch some of his exercise videos and work out to them.

RIP Lorenzo Lamas
How much time do we have?
yeah, but pauly shore has never made one, good movie. has he? i mean, i saw his yt short, but i thought it was a bit forced and sappy, like late 80's spielberg lol
Smithers finally took him out
I don't know about you guys but when I go I would prefer it to be like this. I always feel bad for the folks who die a week before their 70 something or 80 something birthday. Even if I was suffering in hospice or whatever if I'm a couple weeks our from my 83rd birthday, I'm gonna stick it out, otherwise I'm gonna feel gipped.
Cancer is a such a miserable way to die but somehow he still made it kino
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I was just recently at an 80th birthday, for a man who died (of bowel cancer), a month and a half later. He didn’t have much fun at the party, and left well before it was over because he was too tired and overwhelmed. It was bad enough that in the end I was glad to hear he’d gone to sleep and not woken up. For his sake.
RIP to a real one. What a delight. Everyone have fun in his honor
Don't get me wrong, I wish for everyone's sake they go the way of Lemmy, where they're strong and healthy, and partying right until they die, I'd just feel ripped off to not get to have at least one more birthday. But then maybe I'll feel differently when I'm older.
i wonder how much his trademark headband will go for on the auction block
I just want to say that he was really a nice guy. Whether he was acting a part or not, he became the role, so that really was him all along during his fitness career. It was nice of him to reach out on social media more often, recently, too. Had he not died, he might have been open to revealing what he looks like, more recently, than just posting pictures from a long time ago up to 2014 throughout his decades spanning career.
I don't get the guy was half wasp and half Jew
I already miss him. The world is a lonelier place without him.

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