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Is it true Disney had to teach Japs how to draw and animate because they were dogshit at it?
I don't there's probably some complicated history. Japanese animation goes back to the 30s. Look up spider and the tulip.
But what's true is that Japan in the 80s-90s is peak animation by a longshot, probably even peak cinema or peak artistic movement.
I like the way anime looks.
more detailed =//= better
I don't know why they would do that. It was essentially industry secrets. Why would you give that to competition even if it's on other side of the world. It's more like japs started copying them.
Tezuka made some disney inspired manga in 50s like pinocchio and bambi, but I think bambi one was actually licensed
Western animators have zero talent these days.
Where are the western animators now?
Ironically the only time you see western animators do good is while working on anime.
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Maybe, but Japan has definitely surpassed western animation a while ago
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>But what's true is that Japan in the 80s-90s is peak animation by a longshot, probably even peak cinema or peak artistic movement.
>weebs actually believe this
it's true.
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nice cartoons lil bro
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They are indeed very nice
japs are usually shit at things until a superior culture teaches them how to do it then they autistically perfect it
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>Japs were painting like this in the fucking 19TH CENTURY because they wanted to bro, look at that SOVL, they could have painted with fidelity if they had wanted to
I wouldn't go that far. You probably don't watch too many movies if you genuinely think this
I do watch many movies. Perhaps you don't watch enough anime.
>thing, Japan
>Perhaps you don't watch enough anime.
Only actual man babies watch anime in their adult years. no wonder you're gonna die alone
didnt the astro-boy guy coin the term anime because it was too stiff to be called proper animation.
Have you watched much anime? can you only engage with reality through memes? it's you whose ignorant and stupid here not me.

I watch everything. Try to give everything a fair chance from Kubrick to Tarkovsky to Xena Warrior Princess to anime.
I am much more literate in art and cultural matters than you or most people.
>calling another man a manbaby
>on 4chan
kek, let's see your refined taste in film and television programs then mr well adjusted adult
Weebs get too hung on regions and semantics. A movie from a top animation studio that takes multiple years to make tend to look good regardless of region. A cheap tv show that is pumped out looks bad regardless of region.
Japs do have a better comic industry but some weebs will cry if you dont call them manga despite the panel and speech bubble format being taken directly from western comics
>A movie from a top animation studio that takes multiple years to make tend to look good regardless of region. A cheap tv show that is pumped out looks bad regardless of region

No, No Japanese animation and animators mogs western ones by large margin and it's not even close. Nips are the only people to have come close to tapping the potential of animation.
This is the kind of take that sounds reasonable if you don't know enough about the subject.
Yes, and they still suck at animating with few exceptions.
no, thanks for proving my point
Let us see what Americans were painting in the 1950s... yeah.
Urashima Taro, 1918
japan's animation has been getting worse, it's just that western animation has been getting worser faster
you're wrong you know
What is this
This looks like absolute shit
kny went to shit from that arc forward the entire ending battle and muh shifting organs was lame as hell
>Japan in the 80s-90s is peak animation by a longshot, probably even peak cinema or peak artistic movement

this is so pathetic. yeah there was soviet montage, italian neorealism, the french wave, and then who could forget, 90s anime. you are a fucking child.
Yes, Battleship Potemkin , Bicycle Thieves and 400 Blows can't touch Akira.
Fantasia is the greatest animated movie ever made. Most anime doesn't even come close so stfu before you say something stupid
>There are retards on this board that actually believe this
Some of you have awful taste in movies

Lmao. Doesn't even crack the top 100 anime. Robot Carnival, Genuis Party and Neo Tokyo mog.
You're just narrowminded you haven't given anime a proper chance. You need film critics to tell you what's good and interesting.
Lol, even slowing it down, you can't see what is happening, it's just flashing colors.
Most Japanese animators were influenced primarily by Soviet animation.
cartoons are for virgins and fags. grow up and get a job
That looks like dogshit.
I don't even hate anime you autistic manchild
Then, this is beyond kino
Then what's the issue?
I'd imagine it was the artists communicating of their own volition, not the corporations
The 80s/90s anime boom is easily one of the great movements of film/television, but it's objectively foolish to call it, or any of those aforementioned "the best", you clown.
And people wonder why everything looks like shit now lol
I'm pretty sure it's as simple as Disney being a massive influence on anime. I mean if memory serves me correct they were quit popular over there, And Osamu Tezuka was an incredibly big Disney fan himself. Infact, didn't Tezuka meet Carl Barks? The man who created the Donald Duck comics?
>get a job
>that's what adults do
>monkey see, monkey does

Real sign of adulthood and enlightenment is appreciating good art. Most people just eat, drink, sleep and reproduce like they did when they're teenagers, they're no better than animals.
Guys why do we continue to have these shitty west over east debates? Classic Disney is awesome. Early Anime is awesome. Animation...IS AWESOME! Both sides (used) to do incredible things that made them stand out.
Mind if I effortpost about the history and trends of the anime industry? This could take a while but I'd love to put these words to the thread given /tv/ has far better threads and discussion about anime than nearly anywhere else online, minus the occasional weird seething boomer.
How old are you? Genuine question
I am all for appreciating all good animation but we won't move forward until people admit Japanese animation mogged all other countries by a large margin.
I mean Germany can have a cinema Industry they are proud of but they have to admit, America mogs them on all fronts.
Japan just copies everyone. That's what they do. It's built into their blood and bones, they even have a second alphabet they use solely for writing words that they steal from other countries.
Japans animation has never been as good as the wests. Even during their peak during the bubble era, they did decent animation but it wasn't as good as american animation.
After the bubble era, it's just been utter garbage and they've just been doubling down on wacky plots coz they know they can't keep up with the technical aspect.
Japanese art and media has never been about realism. That's the whole point. Out of respect for reality and the world - they don't dare imitate it.
>But what's true is that Japan in the 80s-90s is peak animation by a longshot, probably even peak cinema or peak artistic movement.
It was peak JAPANESE animation but it still didn't hold a candle to western stuff.
And to call it "peak cinema" is fucking absurd when it was mostly just childish action/horror schlock.

I love that era of anime, i also love shitty b movies too, but come on, it's just entertaining/guilty pleasure trash. It's not actually good.
you see we can't mover forward as long as we have losers like this >>201398705 who believe this nonsense.
Sylvain Chomet, Richard Williams, Don Bluth have all gone on record stating the superiority of Japanese animation, but /co/mblr retards who watched the Lion King as kids still can't take a hint.
Effort post, go ahead. I am interested.
>Let's see what one subversive Jew was making in the 1950s
>Let's see what every single Japanese was making in the 19th century

You see how disingenuous this is, right?
Saying one's region's industry is better then the other is incredibly pointless in the long run. For example: Japan definitely has the upper hand in the animation industry compared to the U.S. right now. But then again, the U.S. had Japan beat in animation for literal decades before. A country's entertainment sphere is always going to have its ups and downs. At that point you would have to compare these countries history with Animation as a whole to each other, which is insane because both have such different ways of approaching the medium.
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The Nine Old Men taught everyone to animate, they were just that good.
I like how "flashy colors","0,5 second cuts" and "aftet effects, effects" are """animation""" now
Japan even mogs the west in their own approach to animation, look up The Last Unicorn, Little Nemo, Belladonna of Sadness.
The idea that America could even stand toe to toe with Japan in animation comes from ignorance. Japan completely mogs in depth and variety.
Al ot of NYC animators and a lot in California that I have worked with HATED the Japanese then of course they hated their animation and films. My Animation teacher from my art school in NJ hated Anime no matter what was shone, but then again he also hated warner brothers shorts too. He was impossible to please, a great artist, hard teacher.
Those are three films compared to decades worth of other western flicks. Granted, all three of those movies are amazing, but at that point your not helping with the claim that Japan Ultimately copies other countries ways of creating film.

I'm not gonna force you to like one thing over the other, but you need to understand that anime as you know it now would never exist if it weren't for American studios like Fleischer or Disney.
Well what about America copying anime with The Last Airbender?
After Japan already copied America?
You could have picked any example but instead picked an obnoxious Shonen battle scene?
>I'm not gonna force you to like one thing over the other,

It's not a matter of opinion or liking, it's a stone cold fact. I bet you didn't even see any of those films mentioned.
Japan sucks at animation and always has. When you retarded weebs talk about "good animation" you're without fail talking about nice stills.
>weeb when they see a Disney movie
>"eerrrrmmm the mouse is SOOO unoriginal!! All they do is take fairy tales and make them less dark!!!

>weeb when he sees an anime do the same thing
>"OMG it's so original! [Insert random Japanese artist here] really did take this in a new direction!!!"

You know I really thought the "it's ok when Japan does it" meme was silly. But uhh....
Disney was mogged hard by Dreamworks, Prince of Egypt mogs all Disney, it's the only non anime worth comparing with anime.
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what are the chances that due to modern technology people will forget how did we animated all those classic movies like sleeping beauty and we'll lost this art?
is classic animation still teached?
It's true, by far.
>Prince of Egypt mogs all Disney, it's the only non anime worth comparing with anime.

What an original opinion, truly haven't seen that on this board before
it's already lost. Anime was the last bastion and it hasn't been good in years, anime died with Kon, R.I.P/
Yes...I fucking have. I just said I love all three of those films. Little Nemo has amazing animation, and genuinely does match the whimsy of classic Disney at times. The Last Unicorn is an incredibly novel attempt at portraying the original books tale, and manages to tackle the themes of mortality and permanence wonderfully. Belladonna of Sadness has very interesting visuals compared to most other contemporaries at the time, and truly pushed the limits of what an animated movie could show.

>Disney was mogged hard by Dreamworks, Prince of Egypt mogs all Disney, it's the only non anime worth comparing with anime

Prince of Egypt is a fantastic movie but this is so disingenuous. I mean let's be frank here, ignore whatever problems you have with Disney as a company; Disney does have more good films under their belt then DreamWorks does in all of its lifespan. This just seems purposely contrarian, for the sake of being contrarian.
It's a correct opinion. It doesn't have to be original. Watch more anime, you'll eventually get it or you might not perhaps you're not ready.
warner bros cartoons>>>disney slop and pseudo disney slop (dreamworks)
How old are you?
>It's a correct opinion.

Yes. Cuz you do infact have the power to tell others what is and what isn't the right opinion. Yoy go girl!
There both great though. I mean I guess you could say Warner Brothers may be funnier then most Disney content, and may have more edge, but both have Stellar animation quality. Plus, Both were the masters of gag humor, along with Fleischer.
Western animation is dead.
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Go ahead, effort posts are always great.
>guys Loony Tunes mogs everything literally ever!!!!!!!
>did I forget to tell you that capeshit is high art!!!!!!

Wrong board dude. /co/ is just next store.
So is anime. It's nothing but moetrash and Isekai now.
This. Mainstream animation right now is deas.
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Disneychads have a family, children, and gainful employment. Animetroons are jobless, stinky, and have to dilate every day so they don’t lose depth.
this is the end of times. all beauty is dead, and not in an old guy screaming at cloud way, it's really over this time.
Lovely family, I hope them nothing but happiness, anime still mogs.
independent animation is having something of a resurgence now
Majority of anime is still drawn by hand.
You still haven't answered my question about how old you are
lol, gay tumblr shit and high budget newground stuff, nothing serious.
did you watch Scavengers Reign? at least studios are taking a chance on this sort of new stuff
I'm not impressed
I've heard of it. We get the occasional attempt every now and then, some better than others i.e Primal but it's not anything that would manifest into a revival of animation
How about this, does this impress you? fast barrage of cuts is a good way to give an idea of the level of variety and kino that was going on and that's just the tip of the iceberg
Animation is demonic goyslop, trying to obfuscate reality and bend it to one's ultimate will is babylonian and leads to shit like transgenderism and furryism
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Shut up Moloch!
>Tell me you have no imagination without telling me
If you're not baiting your sad
Little Dark Age edits are kinda gay and also I've seen more 80s and 90s Anime OVAs than you'd care to think.
>I've seen more 80s and 90s Anime OVAs than you'd care to think
then you should know.
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Wrong. Japs could never.
It's not Japan's fault that Disney has been dog shit for 70 years
Japs don't think there's a rivalry between /a/ and /co/
Japs are too humble for their own good.
You guys can't actually be serious?
I'm waiting
So what this thread has proven to me is that Anime fans are narrow minded children who refuse to have any nuance for anything...Oh...Wait. that's just like the rest of 4chan!

You guys are right! 4chan is an Anime website!
why was clip of Pokemon included there?
I thought the point was to highlight how good the animation was back then, when Pokemon (the show) looked like shit, that clip isn't even from the movie that did look great.
Why has Disney sucked for the last 70 years?
Pollock wasn't a jew
We have nuance. Admit Jpanimation mogs the west and then we can have we nuanced conversation.
Admit western civilization mogs African civilization and then we can gave a nuanced discussion about Timbuktu empire or whatnot.
>and then we can have we nuanced conversation.

Wonderful sentence anon. Truly a master of writing as an art form.

And no, you guys do lack nuance. Because simply saying "admit this thing sucks" isn't in any way comparable to being fair or reasonable. You simply dont want have a real conversation until I, or someone else caves in and half heartedly agrees with you. Having nuance would imply that you have any ounce of subtlety and detail in your cleary subjective, bias driven opinion.

At this point I'm convinced your just bait, because no normal adult would be so childish to unironically talk the way you do.
Sorry but this is still inferior the gif I posted was done not only without cels and camera pans. It's not even rotoscoped which makes it even more insane. It's all on paper, just pure old master draftsmanship.
>It's not even rotoscoped
Neither was the video.
this is a good example of the folly of western animation, in particular old American animators stuck on ancient principles.
Yes it's fluid. It's realistic. It's very skilled.
But it's boring. I don't care, no one really cares except animation geeks. It's aesthetically vapid.
Richard William's style has no appeal. It's a shame to say because he's brilliant and dedicated, but whether it's this or his Thief and the Cobbler, it's just not pleasant to look at.
>"admit this thing sucks

I didn't say it sucks, it's great and wonderful and a lot of masters and masterpieces from Snow White to Treasure Planet and thrown in Heavy Metal and Fantastic Planet along the way, but Japanimation still mogs, people have to admit to this before a civil conversation can be had.
Ok, let me ask a geinuen question then. WHY does Japanese animation mog western animation?
That top medieval scene is so unbelievable. Why are there so many bright colors? Fucking ridiculous.
the variety and number of masterpiece, the higher highs, the elevation and experimentation with the medium.
Well, it's not supposed to be a film retard let alone a story. So no fucking shit it's as you claim"aesthetically vapid". It's equivalent to a game demo dumb ass. But regardless it's still technically superior to anything a Jap has ever done and by far the most impressive show of pure animation mastery. It's nearly equivalent to if Leonardo Da Vinci's sketchbook were put in motion.
Anime as an industry has a really fascinating and very recent history compared to other movements in film/animation. Anime largely emerged in the period after WWII, in tandem with the popularity of the burgeoning Manga industry. And because of the episodic nature of manga, it became very ripe material for adaptation into radio and TV, which it did. This remained for the most part the bread and butter of the anime industry until the 1980s: animation studios in Japan adapting this material and receiving budgets depending on the popularity of those said series from the NHK(Japan's postwar equivalent of BBC, which to this day has a uniquely powerful stranglehold on Japanese media and entertainment). The only real exception to this rule was that of Toei, which as other anons have mentioned attempted early on with some success to take influence, inspiration, and training from Disney to get off the ground. They made some successful movies adapting Chinese and Japanese folk stories, and later Western and Middle Eastern classic stories into kid-friendly Disney-type musicals, most famously Panda And The Magic Serpent(picrel,one of Miyazaki's favorite movies that he admits to fapping to), Journey To The West, Sarutobi Sasuke, and Horus(Takahata's directorial debut, yes he was that fucking old) in the late 50s and 1960s.
And so there was this very strong divide between the manga adaptations that were meant for radio/tv while theatrical was largely a domain for kid's stuff and classic stroies, much like the divide in animation in the West.
But this changed dramatically in the 1980s. The canary in the coal mine for the 80s anime boom was Golgo 13: The Professional in 1983. The first theatrical anime adaptation of the very famous, culturally revered and hugely influential manga character(widely considered to be the inspriation for and predecessor of similar Western hitmen characters like The Punisher and John Wick), it was a huge, big-budget affair (p1)
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Calling the Thief and the Cobbler "not pleasant to look at" is the most bull shit statement I have ever heard. It just makes zero sense. That movies praise comes from it's Immaculate animation and visual style. Most animators could only dream of sccomplishing the feats that Richard Williams has achieved.

This just seems incredibly immature. I can't fathom what's "boring" from looking at the gif you included in your post for example. The way the animatior managed to properly puppeteer The well constructed and accurate body is something to behold. And this isn't coming from a guy who's some animation nerd or anything, this is genuine art. Seeing every pencil storke that went into creating this scene is a marvel. The brilliantly subtle lighting on the man's face shown here --> >>201401097 is nothing short but stylistically masterful.
That's what it possessed but that's not the real reason why.
Money. It's because it was avidly funded and sincerely respected as an artistic medium rather than seen as a childish form of entertainment. This is the real reason in a nutshell.
This is such a nothing burgers answer. I could say the same thing for western animation. And western animators have experimented with the medium countless times. Infact the west fucking made animation. This isn't convincing me of anything, and I've already saidd countless times that I love Anime.
>It's because it was avidly funded and sincerely respected as an artistic medium rather than seen as a childish form of entertainment.

This is a much better answer then this fucking guy --> >>201402765

I am a little mixes though.

On the one hand, it is true that Japanese animation isn't afraid to fund risky or out there concepts. The craft is much more respected. But on the other hand, I don't think anime has really ever left the "childish" notion. Most people see it more as a "genre" that nerds and teenagers cling on to, which sounds worse in retrospect. Because that really doesn't give any more respect to anime. Besides Ghibli perhaps, I don't see general audiences taking Japanese animation all that seriously. Atleast American animation has been an Important facet of a lot of people's childhoods. Anime can come of as strange and silly. I'm not saying that this is fully true, but if we're going with the mindset of maturity, I'd argue Anime doesn't really surpass western animation in any way.
>respected as an artistic medium rather than seen as a childish form of entertainment

That's what I mean by elevating the medium. No one could have Imagined an adult Cyberpunk animation with that level of quality before Akira drop.
Akira didn't just redefine animation, it redefined Cyberpunk. Darren Aronofsky ripped Perfect Blue not once but twice,

But that's just one part of it. Japanese excellence in animation goes beyond way just it's being "adult".
It just doesn't feel like more than a party trick. Very empty and boring.
based af make those amerisharts seethe
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i like some of pollocks stuff. as far as post modern "art" goes he's pretty cool
Not a weeb, I almost never watch anime. But just wanna point out : dismissing things that you perceive as "childish" is a sign of wanting to be mature instead of actually being mature.
>Japanese animation goes back to the 30s.
Japanese animation bankrolled by the Imperial Government to become propaganda pieces resembled Disney animation though.
>>Let's see what one subversive Jew
Excuse me but your entire society and government runned by "one subversive jew".
same nonsense a brony would say about getting laughed out for liking the baby shit they do. nice try though, freud.

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I know you're being contemptuous because you know there is no Jap with that level of mastery and skill but I'll say it again. It's equivalent to a demo a very impressive, masterful, and one-of-a-kind demo. It's more an exercise in dexterity and craft than a film. The same as pic-related which I imagine you'd say the same thing.
This looks like absolute dog shit
>le epic satire for furfaggs
Fuck yeah I love mobile suits.
>is classic animation still teached?
it is but its irrelevant whether or not it is because without a commercial industry that develops people's skills past school you're not going to ever get anything remotely on the level of the past. That's how actual skill in how to do things die.
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And? The student unquestionably became the master.
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Oh sweet irony
>muh die alone
we all do

btw, no one is impressed that you settled for a bodycount mid for fear of being alone. You're basically cattle
>Saying one's region's industry is better then the other is incredibly pointless in the long run
Most people are comparing because they want the industry to improve, American companies have no excuse for losing except bullheadedness. It's pathetic that even Manga has completely eclipsed American comics domestically, and there hasn't been any real response from the publishers.
This style is amazing though?
>But it's boring. I don't care, no one really cares except animation geeks. It's aesthetically vapid.
>Richard William's style has no appeal

I agree.

I think it was maybe some type of autism- driven approach. It worked out for tv commercials in the days where options were limited, where budgets were high, they would be seen many times, and every second counts. For feature films it was self defeating to animate everything on 'ones'. His design sensibility suffered for it. It was a real dead end, and one he encouraged the rest of the industry down.

And now look where they are.
Oh there’s been a response, it’s doubling down
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you just don't get it
>Calling the Thief and the Cobbler "not pleasant to look at" is the most bull shit statement I have ever heard. It just makes zero sense. That movies praise comes from it's Immaculate animation and visual style. Most animators could only dream of sccomplishing the feats that Richard Williams has achieved.

It's visual gimmickery, impressive mostly because the amount of labor involved makes it so cost prohibitive that we rarely see the like of it.

But he can't hold a candle to the work being done at the Walt Disney studio in the 1930s, 40s and 50s.
classical, medieval, renaissance, baroque, neo gothic, pre raphealite, impressionist, surrealist, and of course, 90s anime
what anime is this
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that is now famous for being the first animated film to utilize CG. It proved to be a big hit in Japan, and to this day is considered an 80s action movie classic there comparable to Rambo or Die Hard. This as a result got a lot of entertainment and media executives in Japan interested in the potential for more long-form formats and theatrical releases for anime, taking the medium more seriously than before.
But 1984 was the year the boom truly started. After several years in the wilderness after his Lupin film flopped in 1979 doing some key animation work on various shows and working on his hit manga series of the same name, Hayao Miyazaki released Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind, a full-length theatrical film adaptation of the manga. It was a low-budget passion project with a troubled production that Miyazaki pretty much staked his reputation on, and luckily it rose to the occasion. It was a huge hit in Japan, and regarding critical and cultural status it became an instant classic that to this day casts a long shadow over animation, sci-fi, and film in general for several reasons. Furthermore that year, you also had Macross: Do You Remember Love? Which was also a big hit at the box office and grossly overperformed it's middling budget.
With Golgo turning heads and the performances of Nausicaa and Macross near-singlehandedly breathing new life into Japan's then-sagging film industry, a surge of investment resulted in new companies being created, and anime becoming an entirely different beast. Later in 1985, you had Vampire Hunter D come out, which was a shorter, big-budget film that pioneered the OVA format of high-budget direct to video and TV movies and miniseries(popularized in Japan in tandem with the miniseries format in the West booming at a similar time). And regarding TV, all this trickled down to the traditional medium of anime too. Gone were the sub-Hanna-Barbera stilted anime of the 60s and 70s, now all the old studios were flush with(p2)
>And now look where they are
He had nothing to do with that at all.
Lol you clearly have no idea what you're even talking about.
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>WHY does Japanese animation mog western animation?
Because it's still opened to much bigger variety of genres and direction, while western animation culled off all creativity in favour of building up conveyor of sanitised sitcoms
This has nothing to do with what I said.
>being different is bad
>everything should just look the same
>there hasn't been any real response from the publishers
There's been plenty of responses, all of them resulted in failure. Manga and anime, for whatever reason, simply taps into some cultural zeitgeist that is relevant across most of the world with all age groups. American comics used to have this kind of relevance but doesn't anymore.
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Why dies this fact make so many seeth?

Top 6: soulless
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>being different is bad
>everything should just look the same
>He had nothing to do with that at all

I studied animation in the 1990s. I was given photocopied pages of his notes. This was before he published his ironically titled book. He was giving expensive 'masterclasses' to Disney and Dreamworks animators and anyone who could afford it. His influence was massive. Everyone aspired to that polished fluid look.

It bloated their budgets massively, and the ship was sunk. Look at the difference between feature animation budgets in the 80s vs the 90s and early 2000s.
This is actually not great animation, it's just really smart key frames. This entire clip is probably 16 drawings, coloring and lighting are good though.
Robot on the Road. its on youtube


If I wanted an overdone photograph I would just take one
Disney was one of the company responsible for removing all nuances from western animation in order to applease sockermoms and their offsprings
I should also mention that visual clarity is really poor, I've watched this like 5 times now and it's hard to tell what's even happening in the clip.
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>What Americans were painting in the 1950s
>Ignores most popular American artist at the time
Hey I wonder why you did that, could it be because his art looked like this?
We need unity! Unity I declare!
It's dead because studio execs don't think it makes money. 3D animation is cheaper and quicker, traditional animation takes much longer, is more expensive, requires more training per artist, and is just really fucking hard. Disney made the princess and the frog to see if audiences still cared about traditional animation, the movie didn't do well and Disney has written it off. In the last few years the animation industry has had massive layoffs, particularly in the cable show division (where traditional animation continued to live on). Now Cartoon Network is dead, Nickelodeon and Disney have pivoted into live action and CGI, a movie like Snow White will never get made again.
the more colors that are on screen the better the animation is!
Fired. The industry is in dire straights right now because Disney and Warner Brothers are closing animation studios left and right. Basically no animators have work and are now getting other jobs.
Anon slow down! You've disproven that whole argument!!!
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Almost every anime looks identical, there are a handful of outliers, but western animation is much more varied and experimental in styles.
>Number of masterpieces
Lol, lmao. Like what, K-on?
Last time I hyped for an anime fight.

Even though their win is kinda an asspull
Technically it was the fault of audiences from so many years ago. All the retards back in the 40's didn't want movies pike Fantasia or Bambi. And people gave them money for shit like the renaissance. We really have no one to blame but thr common man.
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>But what's true is that Japan in the 80s-90s is peak animation by a longshot, probably even peak cinema or peak artistic movement.
>Peak artistic movement
peak animation is looney tunes
Peak animation is Disney and Tom and Jerry.
Actually almost nearly hits that Mickey Mouse vibe 10 years early.
The Japanese animation and manga industry post-WW2 was most definitely inspired by both Disney cartoons and comics. The animator Sakai Shichima worked with Osamu Tezuka to develop the comic style which would create the foundation for Japanese manga/anime as we know it. Sakai was a devout disciple of the Disney style of art and his work with Tezuka, Shin Takarajima, literally copied Disney panels and design language.

Western animation in the early 20th century was king but by the 1960s the industry had plummeted into pure shit. It's so sad. Japan's animation industry really started to pick up steam in the 1970s and by the 80s/90s they reached a zenith of animation that hasn't been surpassed since. Similarly the artistry of western comics hit a decline in the 60s as Japanese manga started to reach new heights. Even today manga is incredibly advanced compared to the primitive paneling and design language of western comics.

Probably the two biggest contributing factors was the animator's strike of 1941 and the Comics Code Authority of 1951. Don Bluth said that when he started working at Disney he would often ask the older animators how they achieved various effects in older productions and they literally told him that no one knew because it was never written down. Those techniques are still lost to this day. Peak Disney animation is quite literally a lost art.
Nah Japs have always had a strong culture of art, aesthetics and craftsmanship. There's a lot of mutual admiration between Japan and the West for these reasons - e.g. western artists drawing from Jap art and vice versa. A lot of complaints about the decline in animation quality can be blamed on economics too, like the west offshoring and outsourcing animation to favouring CGI to Japan having to find ways to be efficient and reduce costs and salaries while maintaining high outputs (hence the very limited animation of seasonal anime). You can easily find examples of good animation from Japan and the west going back a few decades
This is thr mlst reasonable and logical anon in the entire thread.
>Technically it was the fault of audiences from so many years ago.
Nope it wasn't. Because audience gladly accepted changes brought by anime
>. We really have no one to blame but thr common man.
It's not a common man who made the content or established official; and unofficial rules of content-making it was producers and managers.
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Maybe you should beg the Japanese to teach you instead. Since you are clearly eating dogshit in every department.
It's all digital
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Why did japan suddenly start regressing in the 21st century when it comes to art?
>Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Is it worth watching is I've already watched the series?
Good posts btw
>Maybe you should beg the Japanese to teach you instead.
Cannopt be done. Americans will rather blame Japan for killing american animation like they did with car-industry
not him but if anything, it should be specifically for people who watched the series. it makes for a poor substitute but a fine alternate take on things. kind of like the original Gundam where the show is great and the movies are more to supplement it with redone, superior animated sequences
/pol/tard nationalists don't like the idea of a non-white people doing anything better than white people.
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But even white people despised Disney
>I recognize his talent, but it has always seemed to me hopelessly corrupted. Though in most of the ‘pictures’ proceeding from his studios there are admirable or charming passages, the effect of all of them to me is disgusting. Some have given me nausea.
Because you're cherry picking anime made for mass appeal

Still, I'd rather watch Frieren, konosuba, bocchi, or kobayashi than 99% of western slop. At least I can have a show that's cute or wholesome without a fat nigger shoved down my throat.
Tolkien was an annoying brit who felt he owned fairy tales. There's no way in hell he would have not talked shit about the globally popular Disney productions.
>Tolkien was an annoying brit who felt he owned fairy tales.
He never claimed any kind of ownership over fairy tales, he just thought that retarded salesman shouldn't touch culture and folklore, and turns out he had a good point
>globally popular
Oh yeah one millions of fliess cannot be wrong.
Btw, western animation, shapped and standartised by Disney now is completely dead
It's not about owning fairy tales (which he did as a native European) but about fairy tales being important stories with cultural ties that were totally severed so some American businessman could market and distribute them around the world.
what recent anime is not digital?
NTA but what is this supposed to prove? Millions of people loved older Disney content. They wouldn't be here if they weren't successful. Who the fuck cares of Tolkien said he didn't like Disney? What, am I supposed to take his word as gospel? It's like if some rando claimed that anime was bad. Who cares?
Is this the latest /co/ troon cope for their failing industry lmao?
Anime is still drawn by hand.
I think we can all agree that animation has gotten worse on both sides of the world.
You act as if Japan haven't done the same thing. And besides, these films were adaptations. Not direct one to one retelling's of their original counterparts.
Walt Disney created incredible animation stories. You can seethe and cope but that reality will never change no matter how much contrarians like you and that coward Tolkien cry about it.
>Sauron's man
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Too much modern anime feels like all the departments are trying to outdo each other. The animator wants to show off, the coloring department wants to show off, the special effects animator wants to show off, the editor in charge of camera movement wants to show off-- it's just too much and ends up being a visual explosion of nonsense. I get it: people think its hype when THE ACTION GOES CRAAAAZY AND THERE'S TONS OF SPARKS MOVING AROUND AND SWIPES AND THE CHARACTERS GET REALLY CLOSE TO THE CAMERA WoOOoAAHH, but just slowing down the action a little bit so its readable doesn't kill the hype. People fell in love with DBZ action scenes when they were on a limited budget.

This type of animation just makes me think a newer generation of animators is going to heavily misunderstand what makes for a good fight scene and we're just going to degrade into more visual nonsense as classic teachings slowly die off.
>Millions of people loved older Disney content.
And few wise people seen it's terminal flaws
Modern Japanese animators can't make a sequence like you posted. It may not look as flashy but that highly sophisticated sense of weight, perspective and anatomy is worlds beyond anything being done anywhere on Earth today. I'd say the biggest thing modern day artists are missing today is a strong foundation in anatomy and motion. This article really nails it >>201407671.
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Lol same delusional bbc cucks as usual

>verification not required
I can't think of any Japanese fairy tale or story that people don't immediately associate with Japan itself. Even Disney's Mulan is obviously Chinese. But do you think the average person associates Snow White with Germany?
>Walt Disney created incredible animation stories.
And what exactly made them "incredible"? Except of the pioneering the animation in general.
It's like saying Ford made incredible cars
Reading the original fairy tales made me realize how much better Disney's writers made them. Like cutting a diamond.
>b-b-but what about...
cool transitions
People fell in love with DBZ action scenes because they were young and it's easy to hype kids up. Kids today get the same rush from watching skibidi toilet.
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So I've noticed this with the Disney thread from yesterday and in this thread that there's an incredibly strange; almost polarizing reaction to Disney films.

There's two kinds of people:

There's the first guy, who believes that Disney was the one and only messiah of animation and film as a whole.

Then there's the second guy, who believes that Disney was quite literally one of the worst things to happen to Hollywood.

I dunno, personally I feel that Disney as a studio had a lot of high highs, but a lot of low lows. I think they were less consistent than their contemporaries, but when they hit it, they hit it better then anyone. I think the major problem with the big D is that they did so much good, and yet so much bad for the move industry in general (and I'm talking about pre 2010 Disney here). On the one hand I can understand the complaint that Disney has bastardized a lot of classic fairy tale stories. But at the same time, they ARE more or less, their own versions of the stories. I don't think Disney early on was planning on making these films the de facto versions of these tales. Ultimately, if we're going to look at this in a non bias, neutral way, Disney objectively did alot for animation, and we wouldn't be here if it weren't for Disney's craftsmanship. I think a lot of their films can be meh, but some of them truly do stand out as some of the best animated movies in history. I'm sure alot of the hate Disney gets now may unfairly be from modern Disney's misdeeds and wrong doings. I don't think it's fair to dismiss their whole catalog because of the company they became.

When it comes to the anime side of things, I don't see whats wrong with the east taking notes form the Western film industry. If anything, I would take that as a compliment. My only problem is honestly anime fans. I feel a lot of them are incredibly quick to write of alot of western animation, which seems like such a waste. But there are alot of amazing anime out there.
>Modern Japanese animators can't make a sequence like you posted
Yes they can.
>Disneychads have a family, children, and gainful employment.
And how many of these kids are going to ruin their lives with HRT because Disney, Amazon, Google, Microsoft (aka Federal government) can overstep parents?
Cool way to dodge my response.
>I dunno, personally I feel that Disney as a studio had a lot of high highs, but a lot of low lows.
The issue is not with underestimating Disney's contribution, but rather with policy it's always was establishing of corporative totalitarism
Post it
And a few wise people have seen the flaws in anime too. I won't deny the amazing stuff that has come out of Japan, but like all good things, that will come to end. And there's a myriad of flaws. What's the writing that a lot of anime have, and alot of flaws that moder. Anime posses now.
Everyone here is talking about pre-war and immediate post-war Disney. If you think anyone was consistently on their level in that time period then you're a fucking idiot. There were some good studios like Fleischer but to say they were consistently as good or even reached the same heights is bullshit plain and simple.
Looks like another movie when they cut to the prince lmao. They put a lot of effort into the witch and forgot the fella on the horse.
>I don't think Disney early on was planning on making these films the de facto versions of these tales
Probably not but when your goal is to mass market and distribute things, you can't be surprised when your voice ends up much louder than that of the "competition" who are mostly small scale.
It's hard to put it into words because nobody has any conception of these Disney tales as anything but Disney anymore. But imagine if a French company made a bunch of films about the moon landing, to the point where the next generation of people were genuinely surprised to learn that Americans landed on the moon. Imagine if everyone knew "this is one small step for man..." but in French, even though the original was in English. It would obviously feel very strange, like some important cultural relic had been warped carelessly by a people who don't care because it's not their culture.
It's already happened and it will happen more in the future.
>Even the Nine Old Men had “forgotten” much of what went into Disney’s older films, said animator John Pomeroy. Speaking to the press in the ‘70s, Bluth described this unsettling moment:

>I was watching The Sorcerer’s Apprentice part of Fantasia recently and I marveled to Ken Anderson, one of the veterans, about the water. It was so transparent. So wet. I asked Ken how they did it. 
 The man who created that water is long gone, Ken told me, and no one ever did get around to writing the process down. “Nice, isn’t it?” he said. “We’ve never gotten it that way again.”
reminder miyazaki never stopped being shitter shattered about fantasia despite disney being the biggest competitor that pushed the demand for quality in japanese animation for propaganda purposes
that's just how dumbasses understand things in general, they swing between total paradigm acceptance and total paradigm rejection, no nuance or deeper appreciation.
Less than 1% of anime looks like this unfortunately.
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Weeb bros...not like this!
>Blackstone’s head of Japanese acquisitions is focused on creating more original content that they might be able to bring to modern American audiences. “The more original content we have, we can monetize that intellectual property over time,” he said. “We can create animation or merchandising around that, which is going to be the potential opportunity in the midterm.“
>modern American audiences
RIP Anime. Well it was good while lasted. Japs are about to get a taste of what we've had to deal with over the last few years. It's time for the Land of the Rising Sun to bring those ESG scores up!
>classic animation still taught?
richard williams animator's survival kit is still the curriculum for 2d animation programs in canada
That guy is known for being a pretentious asshole. Coming from an anime fan, he's is a negative piece of shit. He makes great films, but I usually don't take what he says seriously.
Anime is great and getting better. Generic shounen slop is finally fucking off. Once One Piece dies we'll be in an actual renaissance.
Are you sure about that? >>201409525
>He makes great films
I can't even agree with that.
What’s that from?
Dumb nigger hates everything. Especially things not from Japan.
the Brits went over and taught the Japs how to build cars. there's a quote from a Japanese guy saying how great British cars are, and they hope to some day make cars as good as them
it seems ridiculous in retrospect
Manga doesn't have a high entry cost though. You can't equate it to American TV where you need millions in funding just for a pilot episode.
Will there be some gross america-centric nigslop? Probably yeah. But there's always going to be more niche and interesting works too and that's where the value is.
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No lie detected.
Blackstone is not Blackrock.
>And a few wise people have seen the flaws in anime too.
Anime flaws so far didn't killed any industry
>the absolute cope
You're an idiot.
>i really really really need you to believe anime is dead and buried even though nothing has actually happened
Why are you like this?
"Disney adults" are a joke. You're delusional as fuck
So are anime weebs.
>le cartoon commentator
Not in much of a position to judge anyone else if you watch that shit.
Man this video got me real nostalgic, straight out of the mid 00s when people were hating on emos.
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LOL. You can keep coping but Japan is about to make Stephen A. Schwarzman-San very happy. This is just only the beginning my friend. You thought your shit was safe.
Unironically it will be safe, because Japan beyond American laws and omnipowerful lobbyists
Delusional /co/cksucker.
Wings of Mayonnaise
Happy endings are trite
Boku no Nasa
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Thanks, I'm still cooking.
cash, while virtually any new studio or auteur could get shitloads of easy money given both the attention and praise being lavished on the industry by media companies combined with Japan's explosive economy.
As a result, this created a very positive feedback loop that benefitted virtually everyone working in the industry, whether they be investors, auteurs, manga authors, or all three. Throughout the 1980s, a bumper crop of auteurs of various ages with tons of different styles and personalities emerged, pushing the genre's limits with every release of theirs.It's hard to even compare it to any other moment in film history given the genres and styles of these people varied so much, it's very much like the emergence of New Hollywood. You had Miyazaki and Takahata, the resident oldfags of the group who wanted to basically make the same stuff they were making for Toei but with mostly original stories, complete creative control, and inifinite budget. You had Oshii, a near-unparalleled sci-fi wizard whose works revolutionized science fiction in film and animation for decades whose influence is immense to this day. You had Anno, an apprentice of Miyazaki originally making his name doing great big-budget 80s schlock who in the 90s made EVA and many other kinos, anime and not after losing his mind. Toriyama, a shitposty manga artist with a talent for animating who soon became a household name for creating Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump, which pretty much made the template for all Shonen to come. Otomo, who created Akira, which was credited with breaking anime through to America and Canada. Kawajiri, the cofounder of Madhous and resident horror edgelord who wanted to make the edgiest, coolest shit possible with the most technically proficient animation you've ever seen. With so many incredibly creative and technically virtuosic people across so many studios by the end of the decade, (pt3)
Eternal reminder:
its over
Thanks. It was actually already in my watchlist. I didn’t know Ryuchi Sakamoto did the music so now I’ll have to check it out.
>/co/ troon feels joy at the idea of pozzing a better industry
This is so wrong it's depressing. I know if I try to pick apart every falsehood in your posts we'll be here for hours with me having to hold your hand through it all. I mean you actually think big budget theatrical anime works didn't catch on until 1983. Your dunning kruger is pretty obvious with how you skip over the entirety of the 70s. Depressing.
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Realistic men are way more difficult to animate. It's why the Prince only had a few scenes in Snow White.
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Dumb niggers. I fucking love Disney. Classic Disney fucks. But anime is objectively the better one right now.
>>everything should just look the same
You mean like anime?
Because Americans aren't dicks. I know you like to glom onto that "AMERIBAD" meme that reddit loves but it's never been the truth.
As opposed to eastern animators?
That looks like absolute shit. It's choppy and it isn't nice to look at in the slightest.
>not dying alone = high bodycount

what kind of leap in logic is this? Go watch some naruto onions
Will /co/mblr ever stop seething over anime lmao?
Why? japs still don't make great cars. They USED to make cars that lasted 30 years. Didn't make them great and they don't even do it anymore.
(I'm barely scratching the surface, the list of names who created awesome shit during this time period in the Japanese animation industry is nearly endless), anime really became a robust machine quicker than almost any other film industry. This streak continued well into the 1990s, with new creatives like the postmodernist radical Satoshi Kon or the existentialist aestheticism of Shinichiro Watanabe rising to prominence in the middle to later part of this decade as the 80s auteurs continued plugging away at better and better stuff. Those pioneers and masters from the 80s came of age in this decade, making a lot of their best or most lasting work. All the while the tide of the industry kept rising and rising in both quality and most ominously, quantity.
So the question then becomes, what happened? How did the anime go from routinely producing some of the most important filmmakers and works of the late 20th century to producing almost nothing but commercial slop as quickly as it rose? The answer is multifaceted and fascinating, but also obvious to me as an external observer. The most glaring fact is the collapse of the Japanese economy in the mid-1990s. The easy money for new auteurs in the industry completely dried up, and all the studios soon conslidated, making it near-impossible for new studios to start up whil all the small studios either died or were bought out, which is a process that is escalating to this day(Gainax, the studio that made EVA and many other big anime in the 80s-00s went under recently). You also had digitization, which made it VERY easy to cut corners in animation and save on costs amidst the ecnomic downturn paired with exponentially increasing demand, which much like in the West has created a vicious cycle killing off traditional animation as an art. (pt. 4)
It's more about the level of detail and use of colour. Everyone except Japan takes actual talent. Japan looks like it's made ny a downie
Reminder Kimetsu No Yaiba alone sells more volumes in the west than the entirety of western comics combined.
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Heck yes anime sister. I love our kawaii uguu characters lmao
How? Still frames and then choppy ones with flashy lights is better?
You're merely proving that anime isn't all kawaii uguu girls, so thanks I guess?
>nuked twice

gee I wonder
Japan got nuked in the 21st century?
An offhand joke example isn't proof of anything. It does stop you in your tracks because it isn't the same face different hairstyle you're used to.
So you agree anime is pretty ugly when it isn't the "same face, different hairstyle" shit you're used to it. Glad we agree.
I literally never said anything about that, but keep pulling random statements out of your ass lmao
>big budget theatrical anime works didn't catch on until 1983.
Because for the most part they didn't? I mean you definitely had exceptions like Go Nagai or Leiji Matsumoto, but for the most part the 1970s was very similar to the 60s and 50s up until the tail end.
There was very clearly a paradigm shift in anime as a medium in the mid-80s that led to the rise of it's most important and consequential auteurs throughout the decade and into the 90s.
It'd be like losing your mind over somebody for largely glossing over the 1950s in American film history and largely lumping it in with the 40s, because they were very similar decades in film history.
These people are worse than /co/, they're boomers.
Almots all Western animation is made by Eastern animators and has been for some time lol
You literally were defending anime. This isn't up for debate. Try again.
This is gay slop
>Almots all Western animation is made by Eastern animators and has been for some time lol
Do you think this is some kind of own? If you say western animation is shit than it's eastern animators fault your moron lmao
And? When did I ever say anime is ugly when it's not kawaii? Pinpoint exactly where in my post I said that. Lol dumb retard.
American and Asian toys are made in the same factory yet Asian toys are better quality.
>Japan in the 80s-90s is peak animation
Arguably true
>probably even peak cinema
>or peak artistic movement
Complete derangement
>When did I ever say anime is ugly when it's not kawaii?
That's something neither of us said you esl retard. anime is ugly period but you were defending it. Kick and scream all you want.
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To bad its over. But what I am looking forward to is the future "original" content that will replace it. It's about time the Japs got a taste of the societal attitudes of modern American audiences. The manga industry could use a good ol' Merican touch.
>yet Asian toys are better quality
they are the generation that was born from the nuked ones. which is why they are so fucked in the head. almost like radiation has lasting side effects across generations. wild huh?
>Japans animation has never been as good as the wests. Even during their peak during the bubble era, they did decent animation but it wasn't as good as american animation.
Retard contrarian
animations is made by eastern animators these days and modern animation is shit. There's literally nothing you can do about it. It's fact.
In what way is that contrarian especially on this site? You trannies suck jap dick all day long
Not to mention their "men" and their dwindling T-levels. Just nation of absolute coomers and cucks now.
oh no no no
>thing, asian
>moving goalposts when he literally said >>201411158
You're disingenuous as fuck lmao
Take a break buddy, you're barely coherent
You'd think they'd come up for air once in a while with how much they're sucking them off.
hes right tho. asian "animation" is more like power point slides
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Yes. Design aesthetics go a long way. Every shot in the best anime are more interesting than modern disney sloppa.
I think uhhh....I think the uhh west...and the east, are erm - pretty cool.
And then there's offshoring. Much like FX and animation in the West, during the 00s onward Japanese studios began outsourcing to SEA for work, resulting in obviously inferior stuff slapped together in Adobe such as >>201393077 being the industry standard now.
Interestingly, a lot of the existential problems facing anime parallel those of Hollywood: the consolidation, the cost-cutting, the outsourcing, the cannibalizing of IP after IP, the death of the auteurs. But there are two exceptions that function as a double eged sword: the anime industry doesn't have the political element to it's problems like Hollywood, nor is it in commercial decline. So who knows what will happen, but expect the slop to keep flowing, especially with 3D and CG shit starting to boom over there.
It's from the Entertainment District Arc of Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer). The white-haired GigaChad on the left is a ninja who slays demons. The one on the right is a demon. The animation is very good, but as another anon pointed out, it's more key frames and deft cutting than truly good "animation".
They didn't. It's just American cope that another nation did something better than them, so they revise history to say "we totally taught you bro".
In reality it probably happened more like this:
The entire initiative for DEI and woke values are probably because the US realized the existing culture was creating a reverse brain drain, where foreigners who come to the US to learn, end up disgruntled at the US culture and return to their own countries with their knowledge that eventually end up surpassing the US.

If you watch Adam Curtis documentary The Power of Nightmares, it's similar to how Sayyid Qutb went to the US, hated what he saw, and went back to enact Egyptian reforms that resisted the US:

Japan still makes the best cars in the world last I checked (excluding premium Chinese brands). What brand/country do you consider make them better?
What AI model is this? Can I run it locally?
haven't read the thread, but whatever it's said it can't be true because Americans are dogshit at animating today so they couldn't have been good in the past, must be a myth
What if I told you literally everything animated Western and not you like since the 60s has been outsourced from Asia
Oh it's called paper hand-drawn animation. Unfortunately you need about 60 years of experience and mastery to replicate it. So good luck.
I'm largely on animes side but this just isn't how that works.
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You're embrassing yourself please see yourself out.
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For me, it's Japanese animation studios offshoring to Korea:
I'm a anime fan who's doing a Disney marathon at the moment. I've gotten to the Rescuers. Disney's kino.

Anime fans, how do you feel about Disney?
Old Disney is great but I don't care for their CGI shit.
>Because Americans aren't dicks.
>oooga boooga Germany must pay for making cars better than us
>oooga boooga Taiwan must pay for making seminconductors better than us
>Japan just copies everyone. That's what they do. It's built into their blood and bones, they even have a second alphabet they use solely for writing words that they steal from other countries.
They copy everyone else that they like and add their own flair to it, unlike the Chinese who just make shitty carbon copies and assert that it's better simply because it's Chinese. Also, katakana is a syllabary primarily used for non-native, non-kanji Japanese words, not an alphabet. The alphabet is rōmaji. Japanese has four writing systems it uses simultaneously.
>Japans animation has never been as good as the wests. Even during their peak during the bubble era, they did decent animation but it wasn't as good as american animation.
HARD disagree. The mid-80s-late 90s (and arguably the early 00s) were peak and besides peak Disney it's difficult for Western animation to have that level of quality.
>After the bubble era, it's just been utter garbage and they've just been doubling down on wacky plots coz they know they can't keep up with the technical aspect.
I agree with this but only marginally because modern Western animation sucks so much worse by comparison.
>Japanese art and media has never been about realism. That's the whole point. Out of respect for reality and the world - they don't dare imitate it.
Holy fucking shit, watch some Ozu.
>It was peak JAPANESE animation but it still didn't hold a candle to western stuff.
And to call it "peak cinema" is fucking absurd when it was mostly just childish action/horror schlock.
Again, hard disagree. It definitely was up there in terms of technical and artistic skill with the best of the West.
>I love that era of anime, i also love shitty b movies too, but come on, it's just entertaining/guilty pleasure trash. It's not actually good.
Depends on the anime, just like some Disney films are schlock and many are masterpieces, so too is Japanese animation.
What anime is this? Also, got any anime recommendations? Judging by your clip, it seems like yoy might have seen some kino.
Nta. It's from Wicked City.

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