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vaxx status?
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posting in a sticky
another boomer. Call me when pewdiepie dies then maybe I will care.
Moo Goo
Goo Goo
This is why the elderly shouldn’t take up skydiving
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lived to 94. good run.
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RIP to a real one.

That sucks. He was one of the last comedy geniuses from that generation left. RIP
damn nigga
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Just saw the news. Very sad.

It's kind of weird that a standup comedian won the first Grammy for Album of the Year. It is a great album though.
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Holy shit. RIP Bob, you were a great one
He was ninety-fuckin-four.
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Newhart was a really funny guy. He practically invented modern standup comedy.
The driving school bit is great. I'm partial to the Mrs. Grace L Ferguson Airline and Storm Door Company.
Literally fucking who??
Literal who?
I honestly have no idea who this is.
>zoom zoom
he was great in the librarian
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WhooooOOOOoooOOOoooo the fuck is Bob Newhart? I know Bob Hope and Bob Pineapplecompany, but this guy's some nevahööd hoosier motherfucker
He was the car kid from those zoom zoom commercials?
He roasted Don Rickles pretty good
A lot of /tv/ stickies the last couple of weeks. Anyway, F.
you don't have to give a sticky to every boomer celeb that dies, you know...Shelly Duvall and Richard Simmons. really???
no, he was the fluffer for the kid
RIP Bernard. I always wanted to be you as a kid so I could kiss Bianca.
Unironically who?
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>he coulda used a new heart if you catch my drift
Just another dead woke actor.
Who? I never saw Career Retrospective.
I hope he and Rickles are making each other laugh in heaven now.
I understand Duvall because of The Shining, but Simmons seemed a bit too much.
everyone is dying, RIP
lou dobbs just died
I thought he died decades ago. RIP in peace
.... Who?
Is there a pattern to all the celebrity deaths? I remember a year ago celebrities were dropping like flies. Every single day a new celebrity dead and a sticky for them, sometimes so many died that many of them didn't get a sticky. And then nothing. They just stopped dying. Now every fucking week some celebrity is dying and they're pretty big ones like Richard Simmons and Shelley Duvall.
Is it like a summer thing or something?
Shut up zoomer fags
Damn I thought you were joking. I guess there's one more.....

These anons already know it, but for those who don't... Don Rickles and Bob Newart were good friends for decades. Them and their wives took vacations together all over the world; and were always having playful jabs at each other
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One of my favorite MadTV sketches was Bob Newhart as a therapist
RIP DJ Qualls
dropping like flies
rip in pieces dude
>lou dobbs just died
Mr. T is rumored to be in the hospital about to pass
>Hollywood boomers live longer than Zoomers
>Sucking jew cock is their legacy
These roasts are hilarious. We don't have iconic celebrities like these anymore. There was some real talent up on that stage.
t. millennial who feels like a boomer
Newhart telling the story of that ending:
Rest In Peace, you absolute legend.

Thank you for all the laughs.
He voiced Bernard in The Rescuers Down Under
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fucking christ what is going on this is practically a sticky a day at this point
Bob Newhart told my all time favorite roast joke to Johnny Carson
>Johnny's first wife's name was Jody. His second wife's name was Joanne. His third wife's name is Joanna. The man just won't go for new towels.
Literally fucking whomst?
imagine thinking i caring who to know who this is
I don't care.
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I remember seeing that one, anon. I need to find some of these full-length roasts. I love all these guys from back then. Real entertainers.

I liked him in the Rescuers Down Under
>He wakes up
>He woke up in heaven
why were old roasts actually funny and not the mean spirited venom filled swear fests we have now?
A legend.
in every way possible, he was legend.
That dry wit and deadpan demeanor was lightyears ahead of it’s time.
RIP Beautiful Bob
the old dean martin roasts were great
Literally who?
Shut the fuck up boomfilth seethe harder
>So ah
>He's uh
>He's dead
Safe and effective
Holy shit

Just a fuckin kid
Goddamn I thought he died for a while already
Newhart is one of the comfiest sitcoms ever. R.I.P.
Was just looking up pictures of him a couple days ago wondering how the hell he was still alive
Big F
Cause of death
Literally who? I don't even think he was alive when films were made.
>another literal who getting a sticky for the third time in the past two months
god i fucking hate nu/tv/ so fucking much
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We eating good Carter bros!
>Mr. T just died
At least Larry, Darryl and Darryl are all alive and well.
No, really, literally who?
>be Mr. T
>get T-Cell Lymphoma
I guess the T stands for Thymus
I started my career several years before Krusty so…I could never really learn anything directly from him. Still, I think in a very meaningful way that I, uh, all of us have learned from him…that is, by being a clown on television for…for so many years…even though many of us…we didn’t watch his show.
the era of TV where somebody could have a long running successful series simply based on their real name astounds me
For me it’s Tom Poston off Newhart. RIP Bob
Maybe the greatest MadTV sketch, the only thing that comes close is My White Mama
Zoomers should respect that this is the dude who invented the artificial heart. Whenever someone wanted a new heart they say HEY NEWHART HEY NEWHART so he just changed his name to Newhart because it was catchier spelling than Newheart. Its one of those wacky boomer things.
thought he died 10 years ago.
Damn I was just wiki'ing his name the other day, and I was surprised it said he was alive.
Somebody post the Series Finale of Newhart.
He was still alive?! I thought he had died years ago! I guess Dick Van Dyke is next.
>Classic Newhart!
God damn Boomers taste in everything suck. This shit is terrible.
Took me a second. Good joke.
You live on the internet all day everyday lmao
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Christ, this is like 8 in one week now
beat me to it
He did. Disney imagineers kept him going with servos, muppet technology, and electroshock. Then CGI and body doubles became cheaper, and they retired him.
>Married to the same woman for 62 years.
>Actually lived his faith.
What a guy.
i don't get it
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Story time with the zoomeranon.
My Mom really loves Bob Newhart. Her big brother introduced him to her when she was a little kid, and ever since their mutual love of Bob Newhart has been something that has united them(despite them being semi-estranged and having a complicated relationship).

She started watching this series again during a very long, cold fall sometime in the late 2010s(I think it was 2018-19, might be earlier or later). I wrote it off initially as another Boomer sitcom similar to Bewitched or Green Acres. But after I lurked around when she was watching an episode, I fell in love almost immediately with the late 60s/early 70s aesthetic, the dynamic and perfect music that reminded me of Vince Guaraldi, the dry and awkward, but subtle and mature humor that was well-ahead of its time, and surprisingly engaging characters and world that never jumped the shark and remained very consistent. Living in MN it was pretty much the perfect winter show given it was always a gray, cold day and everybody was always wearing coats and jackets and eating hot meals with coffee, cocoa, hot toddies, and buttered rum. It's the ultimate comfy Midwest show that I'd say is pretty unparalleled in capturing that feeling. Of course, it got me into his excellent and pioneering standup as well as his surprisingly good followup series Newhart(even though it jumped the shark HARD). I'd say he's also influenced my speech patterns and fashion more than any other character in /tv/ history.

Rest in peace Bob. You were one of the very best.
Can't not cry at this scene.

/pol/ is that way ——>
Even before I knew who this was this bit was always hilarious to me
he was so young...
Based Bob. R-R-RIP
Rest In Peace Beautiful Bob.
Your influence is as everlasting, as ot was timeless. His deadpan delivery was truly ahead of its time.
It’s amazing how you can be so talented, yet so humble.
We could all learn from that.
Rest In Peace Bob
And Bob had 2 of them, a decade apart
F to a big legend. His 80s show was the gateway for me and later saw how talented this guy was by just being himself.
RIP Bob you were amazing.
litterally who
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F. The face of this man would regularly haunt me in my dreams the past few years. I wonder if that'll be over now.
I liked him in Elf
They quite literally don't make them like that anymore.
(((American Diplomat)))

Pretty sure I watched Bob Newhart on Nick At Night or whatever 90s thing it was called when they played Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke but I do not remember a single thing from it and probably didn't like it and avoided watching it.
Aye, laddie.
How the hell is Jimmy Carter still alive? They put him in hospice care like 2 years ago!
Bob is timeless.
Bob is a legend….
Rest In Peace Bob.
Don’t feed the trolls, they hate themselves.
instead, just Love Bob.
Do you boomer redditors even understand what site you are on? This isn't Facebook
Friendly reminder to kys
WHO roasted literally WHO
Don’t feed the trolls.
Just love Bob.
(They sit around on Discord discussing anime, and video games)
Bob was a bigger influence on their pop culture than anyone they can possible admire.

Rest In Peace to the legend Bob Newhart
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hell is for heros is my favorite WW2 movie because of bob
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This nigga is going crazy
Rest In Peace Bob
Your influence will never end.
Deadpan Delivery lives on.
We are getting to you boomer lol. Thanks for confirming
RIP to a real one, but they must’ve forgotten to let him out

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dead? i didn't even knewhart he was sick!
NTA. He's right, you're an asshole, and RIP to a legend.
NTA but you should kys tourist
Bob Newhart influenced the likes of Larry David, Norm McDonald, and countless others.
That’s what you call being a legend.
RIP To a man that will be remembered for decades and will live on through his timeless work.
Bob was the final boss of dry comedy.
RIP Legend.
Anon these people are pre-boomer, Bob fought ini fucking Korea.
No more good standups combined with the way TV has changed so everything has to be an 8 episode season of premium television with 3 years inbetween seasons leads to the death of sitcoms.
literally who
The people that watched him were boomers anon.
A peanut heavy diet
From what I can tell he appealed to the parents of Boomers the most given he made adult-oriented sitcoms in the 70s and 80s.
2016 is when the boomer celebs started getting kinda old, so the first wave of those who had illnesses/poor lifestyles were wiped out, now boomers are getting really fucking old so old age is starting to kill them off
Underrated. Based and Newhartpilled.
The crop was good this year.
When his peanuts go sour, however...
Reminder that Carter has the same eligibility to run for President as Biden does
>No more good standups combine
No he had shows that were on when boomers were watching TV anon.
Amazing how it's supposed to be a joke but actually real practical advice.
Why would it be over? Now that he's been released from his earthly container he's free to roam the realms of consciousness and dreaming, unfettered by time and physical bonds. Over? Oh no, it's only just started.
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F Love his Driving Instructor bit
i didn't even know he was sick.
I know, I'm just saying Boomers weren't the people who like him the most nor were they the demographic he aimed for. Boomers at that time were losing their shit over Richard Pryor and George Carlin, Newhart was popular with the silent gen and WWII generation.
I like the man who looked like Hitler
>I know, I'm just saying Boomers weren't the people who like him the most
Yes there were in terms of people who give a shit about him the most today
Can we not? The dude was in his 90s and we all know it’s stupid but he had a justifiable reason to be spooked by covid
This is so toxic OMG
I've met far more Xers than Boomers who like his shit, hell I've even met the rare fellow zoomer who stumbled upon him like I did.
you can't post that without a source
I've met only boomers that care about him. It's mostly boomers
F. Your TV wife was insanely hot.
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guess what
Rest in peace, Professor Proton...
Literally WHO. Stop posting these thread you moron nobody knows who this chud was
in what
I'm 40 and literally who?
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RIP Bernhard
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Back when I sill watched TV, this was the only news anchor I could stand. Sorry to see him go.
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Wouldn't want to be a celebrity right now
Why is everyobdy dying?
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>He doesn't know Papa Elf.
Simulation is running out of RAM.
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The sun made them too hot and uncomfortable
whats with all the stickies about some literally whos, that not even google can find?

is this some late april fools joke or what?
no refunds
Bob was as healthy as an ox. The vax did him in.
>We so wisely chopped down all the goddamned trees.
>So we can enrich the canopy merchant
it's that old guy from Big Bang Theory
professor proton or something
It's a part of growing up, sadly
I believe this. He was going to make to 100 easily.
I'm kinda in the same boat. I recognize the game, but can't really say anything about him.

And I'm a 40-something boomer. So kinda surprising to see him get a sticky.
Literally who?
Hell is for Heroes! Great role.
Who? Looks like some boomer pedo
Who the fuck is Bob newheart0
"HI, BOB!"

Always cracked me up. Completely threw him under the bus.
big F
his postal worker performance review bit is legendary
Great finale, but only makes sense if you watched the original anime.
He woke up dead
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Bye, Bob.
hi bob
Damn, I loved him. He was really funny
They actually knew each other unlike now when they hire random C-list "comedians" to mock actual celebrities who they probably envy
Baby boomers are old and there are a lot of them.
racist sexist piece of shit
he was the silent generation
So you don't know
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It couldve been worse if he werent vaxxed
I may sound callous but it's about time literal Baby Boomers shamble off into the abyss. They held on for far too long and fucked up the economy for the young uns.
t. Gen X.
Why didn't you fucks tell me he played Papa Elf? Now I know who he is.
Yea he may have lived longer
based & kek'd
Newhart isn't at all a Boomer, he's core silent gen. He even fought in Korea.
I don't see how anyone under the age of 60 or 70 would care.
Everyone who is anyone on 4chan has seen Elf and therefore cares.
Rest in peace, Bob. Thanks for all the laughs.
F moment
July has been absolutely brutal for y'all white ass muhfuggas. I almost feel bad. Almost.
hi bob.
It’s not stupid
damn rip. probably the nicest voice in show biz
Awwwwwwww rest in peace Bob Newhart. You old so-and-so. You goofy kooky guy. You king of industry. You champion of nobility. You sweet... Wait who am I thinking of
Silent generation. And a funny guy. Silent generation's the best, btw. Most zoomers who would get a sticky are already dead inside.
Bob newhart 2qs 16 when world War two ended
I remember my parents playing the inn show
I never new the Chicago personal
Because Men attended and not vile lefty hollyweird man-babbies.
Literally who
One of the funniest men ever. rip Bob
I gotta admit with Newhart (now stopped heart) it was like with Abe Vigoda, I forgot he was alive. Also like him, both lived to 94 and died before their birthdays for that year. He always looked older than his age easily, but then grew into it, like Huey Lewis.

I remember watching Newhart reruns as a kid, but don't really remember much after that. He was on ER I think and BBT.
I remember a few years ago I thought about all the born in 1920s and 30s personalities I grew up watching, and I wondered who is gonna be the last one standing. Mel Brooks is still here, Dick Van Dyke...but slowly, they all fade away.
He was in Elf and Mad TV.
Have you ever seen the Bob Newhart show? It's a megakino classic sitcom.
The 70s sitcom? No, I watched the 80s one.
How fucking fast do news outlets have fully typed articles about this guy?
The 80s one is very good but definitely inferior to the 70s one.
The 70s one is widely considered one of the most influential sitcoms of all time.
my sides!
Huh, wonder why it only lasted six years.
Didn't the 1980s one end the last episode that the entire series as a dream? Fucking kek.
It’s fitting you know… the entertainment industry is now ran by boardroom meetings that pump out souless content.. Bob Newhart was a true pioneer and visionary that paved for the Golden Age of The Television Landscape.

The industry is resting with Beautiful Bob now.
An abso fucking lute legend.
That was him??
Yes. Beautiful Bob was woven in the confines of all pop culture americana
Imagine watching this live when it aired and you were a fan of both shows.
They use AI now.
NO, I just found out, I watched his old show from the 70s a couple of years ago, I even bought an old comedy album of his and played it on my record player like a year ago. RIP Bob.
RIP professor, you made sheldon very happy you're alright in my book
>Huh, wonder why it only lasted six years.
All the people involved had other opportunities and stuff going on.
I think it's great because it ended when it ended.
>Didn't the 1980s one end the last episode that the entire series as a dream? Fucking kek.
Yup, it's one of the most famous/infamous series finales ever.
Couldn't get to it myself sadly because Newhart jumps the shark VERY hard.
>Laughter and noises much louder than the characters
How tf did boomers watch this shit
Is this why they all going deaf?
Newhart has a lot of whacky plots and characters coming out of the wood work… but hey, it was all a dream LMAO
Open /tv, see this/

Sleep well Bob, thx for all the laughs.
Is anyone who was even vaguely associated with the rat pack still alive
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more like Bob Oldfart LOL

Goodbye, Bob! Congrats on the amazing and long lived life!
When you read it in Bob's voice you know it's good
Men of culture in this thread.
What does Bob Newhart have to do with culture?
You're not funny.
Didn’t Sinatra Junior passed away not too long ago?
Don't brag about your ignorance.
Literally who?
everyone getting old. health complications get crazy post age 70. Bob Newhart was really lucky to see 94
They won
My name is Bob and I'm 26.
fuck Bob. he was never funny. he blinked awkwardly and he had no comedic timing at all. that was his whole schtick.

if he had been gross, he would have been on adult swim with the rest of anti-humor faggots

t. Gen X
It's common practice to have obits on file for older celebrities
>1 of 13 matches
The OG Librarian
They did it again for the ending of the late Late show didn't they?
>Newhart was an early home-computer hobbyist, purchasing the Commodore PET after its 1977 introduction. In 2001, he wrote "Later, I moved up to the 64 KB model and thought that was silly because it was more memory than I would ever possibly need."
everyone is dying these days
Didn't Bob Newhart appear on St. Elsewhere as a guest? Just how many TV shows are really part of some autistic kid's dream?
all of them
Technically the entire G4tv takeover of old Tech TV was a bad nightmare by an autistic grown man.
eating ravioli for bjorn newheart, literally crying rn
RIP Professor Proton
He went to a lot of gay parties
For anyone that really appreciates Bob Newhart there is a statue at the end of Navy Pier in Chicago
At what age does that start? Someone could drop dead at 50.

That a real couch coated in something so it doesn't rot? If not and real stone, that thing would weigh a ton.
Someone should drop off flowers there. Or write this on a card >>201432545
And leave it there.
He was the head elf in Elf
i’ll visit this and take a picture.
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I sat in it (not me in picture here).....it is a bronze couch. Probably doesn't weigh that much
>common /tv/ poster
Came here to post this, still makes me laugh today, great taste anon

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F, had a long life
Literal who
Mods are old as fuck bitter boomers confirmed
Did they have Corolla say that to MacDonald?
He was nearly 100 had he been under 50 maybe even 60 you would have had a point
how much did Rabbi Scheckelberg pay you to say that
seriously. old people are the ONLY ones who had to worry about it.
I just watched the Librarian
This hurt more than Lou Dobbs.
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Mods are Gods
Rest in peace, you good man.
Most in Hollywood are lucky to act in, much less star in, one hit TV show. He starred in two.
Rest in Peace Bob Newhart.
Newhart is one of the comfiest shows ever. I can't believe he's gone. RIP Bob.
3 technically if you include BBT
Rest in peace in peace?

Fuck you, retard!

You young morons really need to misuse 'literally' more.
RIP Bob Newhart
I almost included that, damned close to 3, which is incredible.
And you literally need to go fuck yourself more.
Greatest television series ending of all time.
Fuck the haters
Bob was a good sitcom

The only funny thing ever on The Big Bang Theory
Redpill me on Bob. Was it basically the predecessor to Out Of Jimmy's Head or was it something else.
>Hi, Bob is a drinking game in which players watch The Bob Newhart Show and consume alcohol whenever a character utters the phrase "Hi, Bob". Believed to have originated on American university campuses in the 1980s, it is thought to be the first documented instance of a drinking game using prompts from a television show to initiate player action.
More like Slob Poofart
The last day of 5th grade my class went on a field trip to some stupid pond. My Dad showed up. Someone dared me to jump into the pond. I did. My dad became very embarrassed because this was a disgusting pond, a dirty pond, chock full of duck shit and god knows what else. I smelled of shit the rest of the day. Even after bathing.
He was a retired silver age comic artist that was making a come back in the edgy (image) era 90s. This was the brief period where comics were selling a ton because of the speculator market.
It was your basic office comedy but the cast was pretty good
Somewhere a negro is taking turns wiping his ass and punching him for rambling incoherently.
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F even though I only knew him from the two Rescuers movies
The guy who plays the stuttering old man with one foot in the grave finally put his other one in as well
Sounds fun, is it anywhere on streaming or is it on YT like Newhart; or is it off tp the high seas?
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before the vaxx, people were immortal. Everyone knows that. I give it two more weeks, then the mass die off starts.
Also RIP whoever Bob Newhart was
Vaxxers are so defensive. What is it like having experimental shit running through your veins that is literally killing people?
LITERALLY fucking who?
old white people love they monogrammed towels
Fucking zoomers pretending they've never heard of bob newhart kek. Could you BE any less funny?
One of the most influential comedians of all time. If you think you have a good sense of humour, Bob Newhart has his finger prints on it. Big rips
George and Leo anyone?
Never saw either of his sitcoms but my 70yo parents loved him so I'll be sad about this with them
>8 hours
>348 posts
>5 posters in this thread even knew who this was
>this deserves a sticky
Shelly Duvall didn't deserve a sticky either. none of the people in the past couple weeks deserved a sticky. dead board is dead
Imagine if it had been a hit, he would have had a hit sitcom in the 70s, 80s and 90s, all with his name
>the bob newhart show

I guess shortening the name too much doomed it lol.
I don't know. But I do know that being shocked that a 90+ yo man died and suspecting it was from something else than old age is mental illness or bait
I genuinely don't get this meme. What even is the joke here? Is he supposed to have died from covid because he didn't get vaxxed?
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>Bob Newhart has his finger prints on it.
Did he now?
literal who?
Do you zoomer NPCs even know how to construct original sentences? You live in the fucking information age instead of trying to be clever and disrespecting a dead legend why not go to a fucking search engine and look the dude up. Ignorance in this age is literally by choice.

As a kid growing up in Vermont in the '80s I always enjoyed Newhart. Came to appreciate his earlier work, too.

I marked out when Craig Ferguson chose to incorporate him in his final Late Late Show.

Zoomer brainlet.

I'm 41 and its Bob Fucking Newhart!
Before the execs dicked with it and ruined.
The joke is poking fun of the absurdity of the 'Dr. /pol/chud M.D.' archetype whose go-to reasoning for any death is that the recently deceased must have passed away from complications of the Covid-19 vaccination, even if the person was extremely old and probably died of something completely unrelated. It's disrespectful, but there is humor there.
hi I’m Anon, this is my brother Anonymous and this is my other brother Anonymous.

he’s a fucking funny guy and obviously i’m not like celebrating his death or anything but 94 is pretty impressive so i find it weird that some people outside his family are posting things like 'wow what a loss!’ i’m more like “94? damn that’s a good run take your rest”
Kek. Worthless fuck couldn't even get his sticky to 500 posts. Fucking pathetic.
Im about to be 40 and i couldn't give a fucking shit about Bob Jewheart. Fuck that dead stupid fuck lol
I hope you die a bald virgin.

My curses work by the way.
But i have hair, don't give a fuck if i go bald and i've had way more sex then I had any right to. So your curse means nothing to me.

Oh and fuck Bob Jewhart. I bet he's sucking nigger dick in hell because he's such a fucking faggot lol
You're the jew heart
He had a 3rd sitcom in the early 90's that wasn't successful. He played a comic book writer, a couple of years before gen x began the Stan Lee idolatry.
(Lisa Kudrow was in a few of the late s01 episodes)
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He was in one of the best MadTV skits too
Full series is on YT.
>this literal who gets a sticky
>Shannen Doherty doesnt
speaking of which
...but she did I was there, I hoped she made it to the big scare tactics in the sky
F He was one of the good ones
Shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.
>not even 400 posts
I guess most of you boomers are dead who know this guy.
Zoomers and sóylennials are jealous because none of the entertainers their age will get a sticky when they croak lol

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