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Why did it fail?
Fuckin Halo is failing everywhere holy shit.
Even Twisted Metal is doing better
rest in piss
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>I've never played the games and want to do my own thing
>WTF? Why do people hate this?
Made Masterchief into a jewish manlet who looks like Zelensky.
It was a decade too late, for one
Xboxbros... we just can't win. I-I don't think I can take the constant losing anymore.
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They accidentally made a Mass Effect show.
It should have ended at 3. Even at Halo 2 they were struggling to continue it.
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Fuck. That's hilarious.
Microsoft's mismanagement of the franchise is fucking criminal. Halo 3 and Reach sold what, 15 million copies each while only being on a single console? Now the franchise is dead and buried.

Infinite was welcomed with open arms, but Microsoft treated what should be their flagship franchise as just a minimum viable product cash shop, as a "live service" game with no content, now it's as good as dead
Master Chief sucked along with the Asian girl. Kate Kennedy is a cute. Hope she makes some action movies next.
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Because it's shit. The producers wanted to make a Mass Effect show but couldn't get the rights, so they decided to turn Halo into their faggy Mass Effect shit.

Not accidental. These people were Mass Effect fanboys from the start.
gaylo has always been shit. babbies first shooty tooty.
>WHO AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>asked MasterChief calmly
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>but ship master, the parasite is only on one thousand square kilometers of Africa
tryhard fag
They should've made a mini-series about the events of Halo CE where for the first half of the season we followed Marines being inspired by Chief and in the second half we followed Chief as all the characters in the first half got Flooded
They gave blind man a grenade launcher.
it was never good. erm its astroturfed from the get go
>Halo 2: Anniversharty screenshot
The first game ripped off Aliens and Starship troopers. That's what the show should have done.
>Excellent news, Shipmaster. We have glassed the entire continent. The flood infestation is contained.
>...FLOOD infestation?
That's crazy lol. The showrunners and everyone involved are a bunch of assholes. You have the Halo IP, which isn't saying much because of how 343 handled it, and you torpedo it into the ground.
Red vs Blue was better
The script was clearly written for Mass Effect
>Aliens and Starship Troopers
But those things aren't gay and retarded like Mass Effect.
Ah yes! Another shitty videogame adaptation to add to my collection
>Halo got funding from Steve Jobs because he was impressed by their in-engine, real time lighting effects
>Joseph Staten said that he always wanted the cutscenes to be in real-time so even when you weren't playing, the cinematics felt grounded in the world you were actually interacting with
>dumbfuck 343i get their mitts on the franchise
>cutscenes are now entirely pre-rendered and turn into an overproduced pixar movie whenever you're not shooting
>dumbfuck fanboys eat it up

I cannot believe anyone is impressed by pre-rendered cutscenes in the 21st century
Could have revitalized interest in the franchise if they would have made a proper adaptation.

A straight up adaptation would be great with minimal changes only for adapting to screen, but would also have loved like a dual timeline perspective structure showing fall of reach mixed with introduction of Master Chief. Then first Halo in S2 with introduction of Flood, ramp it up Season 3 with Halo 2, Halo 3 Season 4 - show complete.
I got called a nigger 10x more on Halo than on COD. The Halo fan base isn't interested in the race swapping bullshit. Sgt. Johnson is a canon nigger, why tf did they have to make Keyes one? Dumb kikes are ruining their own shit and no one wants it.
holy shit this is bad, it's like a soulless version of a syfy original show from 15 years ago
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Zoomers and secondary fans love big dumb fake garbage that bloats install sizes to 60 gigs for a game with a eight hour campaign.

The faggots who created the show are a bunch of fat, retarded Mass Effect fans who think that Mass Effect's CW-tier writing and action is acceptable to anyone that isn't a fat and retarded Mass Effect fan.
Halo 3 IS the end of the story, with ODST being a side-story and Reach a prequel/epilogue made to satisfy Bungie's contract with Microsoft.

Everyone involved with the original trilogy says that Halo 3 is the end of the story and it was never intended to continue past it.
They couldn't even get the fucking hud right.
Female and diversity hire creatives.
>Master Chief without his helmet
>Master Chief being an emo bitch
>Master Chief having sex

Did they just not give a fuck? Why didn't they just a generic Spartan? Why not adapt ODST?
>Master Chief goes on shore leave
>he watches bm/wf couples make out and smiles with approval
The Mandalorian vaporized jewish Master Chief big time.
Hollywood writers think video game adaptations are beneath them even when they have zero talent. They didn't play the games.
Does he smile in that scene? I could of swore he grimaced. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
I don't really like the Mandalorian that much, but it's hilarious that Mando's popularity pretty much flies in the face of Halo show defenders who claim a mostly faceless protagonist who rarely takes off his helmet isn't a character they could market or get people to care about

It's not like people haven't already loved the Master Chief for almost 25 years or anything!!!!
>It's not like people haven't already loved the Master Chief for almost 25 years or anything!
Because the flaming fucking faggots who watch the show don't like the games.
It didn't. Even if Halo is in decline since more than a decade, contamination and denigration of a product enjoyed by straight white males is always a win for them. You know what's gonna happen to everyone involved in this? They will get a new job doing the same exact thing, not similar, the exact same thing in, surprisingly, a franchise or something known for having a straight white male audience.
>But how will our mega superstar show off his nose if he has a helmet???
>Called Halo
>Takes 2 seasons to get to the actual Halo
>Cancelled immediately after
Is that not an albinegro?
thank God
it failed the second master chief took of his fucking helmet. the moment he did that i shouted at my screen "WHO IS THIS SERIES EVEN FOR"
>Paramount Plus
I found the problem
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Dark and gritty ODST show when?
Not enough womyn and nigs.
never watched it. what's wrong with it
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So are we going to see the shows on youtube now that it's officially canned?
So it was written to be like mass effect?

Why not just use the mass effect IP then?
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>Why did it fail?
It's a mystery. After all, it had everything fans of the game would want to see.
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It's over.
>160 views after 13 hours of being up for free
There aren't even words to describe this level of flopping
jews unironically
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Most likely. There's a bunch of pretty obvious references to Mass Effect that have just been renamed and visually altered to be not-ME. The show was doomed way from the start based on that alone.

Holding out that they realize an ODST show in this style could have saved the entire franchise both in game and in media. To have this blueprint and just ignore it is crazy.
Hi, Zach. When's season 3?
are you still seething your crush was getting railed by the chad football quarterback who played halo 3 back in the day?
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Imagine negotiating the contract with this narcissistic prick

>I need 30 minutes of face screen time, I also want people to look at me without armor, gotta show them I'm a delicious hunk of meat, actually I need an episode where I walk around fully naked, I need people to know I'm delicious
>Sir this is Halo
>What is a Halo? Did you annotate the naked part? Do you want see my butt?
You're mentally retarded if you think spic actor man is at fault for the show being garbage. The showrunners were fat faggots who love Mass Effect and Mass Effect is basically the antithesis of Halo.
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Now that the dust has settled, is this the show's peak?
One of the things I haven't seen mentioned but which is important and why Halo can never be made properly now, is that Halo is military worship.

It was under the context of humanity uniting against an alien threat, but it was fundamentally military worship.

Imagine trying to write that today.
I don't blame the actor, but the crazy thing is, he's not even a big name actor at all.
He's best know for two things.
Being Liev Scriber's brother
Playing William Lewis on SVU

That's literally all anyone knows him from. This isn't like Brad Pitt or shit.
>unmask Master Chief
>show him butt naked
>demasculate him constantly
>have the show focus on how the government is corrupt and bad and not the evil zealot aliens
>have the racist zealot aliens have a human on their order
>have no good action
>have bad CGI
It is a mystery
For me, it's being in season 2 of the Wire
>Why did it fail?
Stupid Women In Charge
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It wasn't Halo.
I've never played the games, watched only 1 episode of this slop, and dropped it.
He was great in American Gods as the leprecaun
Hooked me just to cut me loose
I did enjoy the fan payouts with chief being a schizo shouting Cortana as
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Hey, mad sweeney was enjoyable in the show. I also can't spell in regards to how I spelt lep.
My mother loved the show
She is a 55 yo women. That is the audience it got.

She remembered us playing it as kids but knew nothing of the story so checked it out. I really do think that’s the audience
vidya games are vidya games not shows or movies anon
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>Kate Kennedy is a cute. Hope she makes some action movies next.

This nigga knows whats up.
>halo show cancelled
>halo servers are broken as well right now
Msoft doesn't care at all about the franchise that gave them their entire gaming platform.
The primary reason for failure is that the show as dog shit. The secondary reason is that the show wasn't faithful to the IP. The only reason to use an established IP is that it comes with an established fanbase that will give you free word-of-mouth. When you piss on that IP, the people who don't care would have been just as happy with "Ringworld: The Series" and it doesn't matter, but the fans really hate you and tell everyone your show is dog shit.

And the tertiary reason is that it was just too late, as >>201436129 said. There was a time when Halo was an absolute juggernaut, but that was a long time ago. It's like trying to make a Spawn show today.
I think the new owners are just cutting their losses
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This thread is now about Forward Unto Dawn
same reason why the witcher series failed
the people making it hated the source material
The fallout show wasn't faithful to the IP and it was successful
Last of Us was made by people who hated the source material and video games in general and it was successful
It was more faithful than not to the IP, except for in the eyes of mongoloid anon bots who have let rage bait memes and youtubers shit in their brain. Doubly so when you realize it is simply portraying a setting and not retelling an established story.

There's also a hierarchy in what I said. Halo being dog shit is the top reason it failed, disrespect to the IP and resulting fan negativity is secondary. You can overcome a lack of faithfulness in your adaptation if the end result is good, e.g. Starship Troopers. In Halo, the writers wanted to do their own thing, and their own thing turned out to be gay and retarded.
>Doubly so when you realize it is simply portraying a setting and not retelling an established story.
This is literally what Halo is doing thoughbeit
What did you not like about it?
It isn't, they're taking an established story and remixing it, cutting it up, altering it to fit whatever fanfic the writer wanted to script out but couldn't get greenlit, etc. If they were doing what I described, Master Chief wouldn't even be in it.
>No, I don't want cutscenes like that
>I want them to be in game
>I don't want it to be a cinematic and shit

Although I disagree entirely, here's a compromise for you. Real time cutscenes that include multiple camera angles so you can see how stupid you are.
it was forced. Take a guess why the fallout series preformed better.
what the fuck are you even talking about?
great character that one.
also checked
It insists upon itself.
It was ahead of its time. Years from now it will be rediscovered and praised for its genius
This thread made me remember a new halo game came out a few years ago, but 5 was so shit that nobody cared about it. Crazy that they managed to kill Halo.
3 was the perfect ending and they had to go fuck it up.
This has been the case for over a decade when it comes to Halo
because at its core Halo is a war epic. It's not really scifi, it's not really a mystery, it's not really a thiller, it's not whatever 343 keeps trying to make it. It's supposed to be militaristic, patriotic, etc...everything current writers hate. Imagine someone giving you the blueprints to something that is tried and tested and known to work, and you think you know better and change it for who the fuck knows why. That's why it failed.

>spartans defend reach out of armor
literally WHAT THE FUCK
Mainline halo should have ended with three. But they could have kept on pumping games in the same vane as odst and reach. MC doesn't have to be the main character every time, not when there's a shitload of spartans.
I'm so fucking tired of
>hey, this is a show about a video game...lets replicate the video game pov
>Infinite was welcomed with open arms,

lmao even
honestly, the halo shouldn't have even been mentioned until season 3

>season 1: first few episodes establish the fight with innies and the necessity for spartans, followed up by the training of the sparts with the finale being their first proof of concept mission, cliffhanger is harvest getting glassed.
>season 2: starts off with some innies getting their shit pushed in, and then straight into mjolnir creation and testing, some cortana shit, some trying to figure out what the covenant want/are doing, spaces battles, establishing how fucked humanity is and how overwhelming the covenant are and ending with the covenant showing up on reach
>season 3: literally the whole season should be the fall of reach from different perspectives with the finale being everything lost and escaping the planet and the cliffhanger is arriving at alpha halo.
Insurrectionists were stupid even in the games
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2. the writers boasted about how they never played the video game
3. master cheeks
Now, if only the same could happen to TLOU and Fallout...
Arcane's the only series that got it right.
Reminds me of what Disney did to Star Wars desu.
You mean aside from him dying in the first season and taking his helmet off? Those things alone go against the lore so hard.
Because it wasn't Halo at all.
Niggers and checked
Halo is a liberal project and was destined to fail.
You hit the nail on the head. Halo is about humankind waging a total existential war against the biggest threat humanity ever faced.

Its about the details in that war leading to the morally reprehensible creation of the Spartan programme.

I couldnt watch more than 4-5 episodes in the series and it was all about "who am i".
this! make it like starship troopers. not that hard.
Chuds lied about it even though it was an incredible show
they got the cheapest most retarded writers around to do it
This but these are the episodes, not the seasons.
Get off social media and finish your book.
The Last of Us show came out 10 years after the game. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that the creators didn't want to make Halo, they wanted to make their own shit and slap Halo's name on it. That's why TLoU succeeded where this didn't. A lot of producers and creators make the mistake of thinking "We should appeal to the wider audience by making something more generic and less tailored towards the source material. That will get us a bigger audience". But the reverse is actually true. You should make something that appeals to the core audience, the ones who loved the source material, because those people aren't going to shut the fuck up about how fucking good your show is to all their normie friends. They're the ones who'll rope their friends into watching an episode together on the couch with some beers, they're the ones who'll be on social media posting clips that hook people in.

I have no idea why no studio exec seems to understand that having a built-in audience is a freebie that needs to be utilised as marketing and not merely seen as an assumed viewerbase in and of themselves.
Boba Fett has been a fan favourite for like 50 years at this point and he was barely even a character.
because no one gives a flying fuck about halo. they ruined the story, they ruined the multiplayer, they ruined all of the extended universe. frank o conner used the franchise as a vehicle for his shitty sci fi and ignored all of the basic in your face canon that is in the original trilogy - and the show isnt even a part of his universe it's a separate continuity that is even more departed from the original games than the 343 games are so its basically not even halo. you couldnt make a halo show or movie like the original games because it would be too manly and honorable its like making another conan the barbarian you cant fucking do it its impossible now
Microsoft seems to be suffering a competency crisis recently.
gee I wonder
Kiki Wolfkill is not good at Halo

The war on terror had a huge influence on the original games
not with those effects
Nah, I want to build a fondness for characters. When a spartan dies it has to have some impact. When reach falls, we have to feel them losing their home. When a frigate comes upon a covenant ship, we gotta feel that dread. All that needs build up.
The problem was that 343 were in charge and they don't give a shit about story. Bungie's trilogy, telling the story of the Flood, was one sweeping Wagnerian epic in 3 parts (with supplements). Everything feeds into everything else, the narrative is quite tightly written. 343's trilogy, telling the story about Cortana's rebellion I guess, was 3 separate disjointed parts that don't really logically feed into each other. The main stories of 4 and Infinite dovetail on Cortana but they focus on their own pretty much unrelated big bads. Telling a story mattered so little to them that they figured they could just not release 5 on PC, meaning a huge chunk of their audience could just not experience the middle act of the trilogy, and it wouldn't really matter.
They don't get that all the forerunner stuff is just background and setting, not the actual story. And for some stupid reason they have a hard on for humanizing the mythical super soldiers, cutting themselves off at the legs.
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I was just thinking about that this morning when I heard about the show getting canned. You can play through 1-3 and it's all about the Flood and the Forerunners, but at no point does it feel the need to tell you what they are, where they come from or anything about them. And yet the story doesn't feel like it's missing anything.

They made the Halo show into Mass Effect

How? I never watched this schlop so I'm genuinely curious
Kind of looks like an average American to me bro.
>Let's take an IP that's lost its mass-market appeal and make it in such a way that it specifically does not appeal to the small following it still has.
Funny to think these genuises make more money than 99% of people with real jobs ever will.
the writers, directors and producers probably got to fuck pretty, well groomed dumb fuck actors. meanwhile you're sitting behind you're computer complaining about how the series isn't more like your favorite /v/idya gaymes.
He was in 13 hours: Benghazi Soldiers or whatever. He was good in it.
>make it in such a way that it specifically does not appeal to anyone in general
The Last of Us was like one cunt hair away from actively shitting on the game. They rushed the shit out of Joel and Ellie development but dedicated the entire episode to two irrelevant faggots and then didn't even have the balls to show the bottom ACK-ing himself.
Apart from the fag episode, it hit most of the major beats of the game.
Stop blaming Mass Effect for the downfall of your shitty fucking series you stupid fat cunt. Both of those IPs haven't been good for over a decade now.
That's the thing, it was for the most part just a checklist. It was miserable and not in a good way. Everyone were dumbed down and the gay shit took disproportionately more time than in the game.
>just a checklist
That's literally all you need to make a successful franchise based on source material. I'm not discussing the actual quality of the show. I'm simply discussing how to make a success instead of needing to cancel your shit within a year of announcing it like every other adaptation ends up.
They didn't just rush joel they make you wonder why he was allowed to even escort her on his own. In the game he's an absolute monster, an apex predator, in the show he fails to hear traps he just set up himself constantly walks into ambushes gets beaten up and is a ridiculously old man.
As someone who's been a fan since the first reveal at Mac World, it pains me to see the live action Halo we got compared to the movie that was greenlit 11-12 years ago. It had the backing of three major Hollywood studios, Weta Workshop on board and I think both Peter Jackson ans Neal Blomkamp on board.

Absolutely insane to think this show is what we ended up with.
It's the same thing with the live action Cowboy Bebop show all over.
It's very obvious some studio or writer has a generic sci fi story that then gets attached to a popular IP.
The amount of hubris you must have if you honestly think your original idea (that's not related to the IP) is better than the already proven successful story/game/show that's loved by millions of people all over the world.
Instead you go out of your way to piss off the fans of the original and go out of your way to change it as much as possible, so it only resembles the original by name.
Making a live action version of this is the fucking easiest thing in the world to do, yet they insist on fucking it up as hard as possible, while they think they have some artistic/moral high ground.
Absolutely insane hubris.
>We better put a bunch of bags who never played the game in charge of making the show about the game I wonder why this didn't work
>the show is didn't do well because x reason
>yea well....they probably had lots of sexy sex!!!

are you ok? why are you here on /tv/?
He was also a bad actor, looked bloated and disgusting and basically ruined everything about the MC.
Yeah they hated it so much that they made a literal copy of the game... You know what they say, copying is the most sincere form of hatred.
Haha good one anon
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Microsoft has been riding way too high for about 10 years and they're getting stupid sloppy. I literally spend 100% of my time at work fucking with Microsoft garbage. Entra ID, Azure, 365, dynamics, ATP. It's all so fucking trash. And that's their bread and butter. I can't even imagine how retarded their creative departments are.
John Halo. If you still can't figure it out then that's on you.
The show's peak? Perhaps. Live-action Halo peak? Not even close.

Infinite had 300k concurrent players on Steam on its first day. People were excited for a new Halo game that marketed itself as a soft reboot taking it back to the basics. It just turns out the game sucked and had no content and turned out to be just a quick pump n dump with an aggressive cash shop
Halo is not complicated. I was eight years old when Halo 1 came out, and I understood its story and the basic framework of the setting perfectly well without needing half a dozen shitty tie-in novels and three seasons of buildup. Guess I was wrong for being invested in the story because "I didn't know the lore" or what the fuck ever.
Never said the story was complicated or that you needed to read extended lore to understand it. But it exists and for the most part it’s good. It was stupid of them to not use it, and even worse to bastardize what they did use.
It wasn't Halo, it was some random sci-fi script with a huge budget painted in Halo hoping no one would notice
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what an abominable creature
Because Halo is a great story to play but watching it you realize its generic as hell military sci-fi alien invasion guff with ancient alien shit sprinkled on top. Master Chief being a faceless robot man should have told you this shit is not for TV. People will see the same shit happen when they try to do Zelda.
You'd be correct because my mom warched the show too
Nah, fuck off. Halo's cinematic direction is second to none, its music is incredible, and its story is simple but well told and populated by engaging characters.

This but the far superior version with the gay ass in-helmet sections cut out and with actual music from the series.
>Master Chief turns into a cartoon character and does anime shit

cringe. I hate the books so much, it made the Master Chief an anime superhero rather than just a tough Navy SEAL with some fancy armor
>gets 2 seasons
>this is a failure according to /tv/
Yes that is correct, Paramount wasted their money on two seasons of a TV show that nobody liked and everyone stopped watching. It was a failure.
>getting the plug pulled suddenly before it’s over
yeah it was the worst thing ever made, you nasty tranny fuck you freak

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