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Imagine doing this during exam
Good morning sirs
Greatest magitian ever! Love from Bangalore Sir.

Best regarts,

while stupid as fuck, the special effects were well done
my gf loves this movie

hello sir please sned copy of this film with hindi subs to bangledesh I will receive it thank you
now see me card scene download.mp3
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This is why I stopped going to the movies
you live in India?
how does they do it??
Imagine just shitting, right in the middle of the street, in full view of everyone
this video is from toronto
i chit on exam like this
I legitimately don't believe you
how clueless can you be? do you even know what happened in Canada? only indians live there
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>i will teach them
>feels like Gotham City
A Batman remake but all the villains are jeets and when he talks about "clearing up the city" Batman uses a pooperscooper
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You have no idea how bad things are here
Imagine a drive by
What the fuck do these cretins know about wine or spirits? If you heard a French or Scottish accent, sure, they're in the know. But that of a darkie? Nah mate
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Saar, watch thi-ACK!
for me, it's Abdullah FATAHU
Wow India men are so talented
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I must have a pajeeta gf
why do indians love this scene?
It's a self insert for them.
those two girls look the exact same
Because we don't lack taste in art
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>indians can't produce kin-
He's bullshitting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtNwHdCsAg0
best robbari
>poonime can't be ki-
If a jacked white guy moves to India, is he treated like a king or treated like garbage?
It's like they made some random taxi driver the star of their movie
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the former I'd assume
I'm shocked that isn't just a sea of [deleted] and [this comment has been removed by a moderate] and red thumbs. Are things getting so bad that even Reddit is telling the truth?
Is that a black guy?
It's a good morning for a best robbari
they should get the guy who made RRR make a DBZ movie. would be kino.
This is cool to watch once or twice, but I imagine you'd get exhausted very quickly if every movie was like this.
Not if you have the average IQ of a retarded child
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There used to be a jeetplex near me. Guess what happened to it?
amaze! please sir i must download please full hd hindi sub download
Me on the first day of highschool
Very good point. Bollywood makes a lot more sense now, yeah.
Why do you think they worship cows?
you have to at least admire their deep appreciation of kino. At least they are littering the kinoplex collectively as a celebration.
I had never actually watched this scene, but now I can completely understand why jeets are obsessed with it. Incredibly retarded.
That one's actually pretty interesting to think about. They use cows as pack animals and field work animals, and they use cow manure as fuel and fertilizer and a few other things. They go through lots of famine, but they're too fucking retarded to realize that if they eat the cow, it will only make things worse because then they will have no cows to breed or work the fields. Eating the cow will stop you from starving now, but then next year, everyone in the village will starve as the fields all fail without cows.

They have to worship cows and avoid eating them entirely because they're too stupid to learn self control. A lot of religious beliefs like that have real reasons behind them when you start digging.
I think there is something to be said about the recent decline in film quality. Before they mostly stayed in their own country, consuming their own media. But now with literally tens of millions of them (mostly lonely men) coming to the western world they will naturally consume the media here. In turn, studios are starting to realise they have on their hands the greatest and most loyal slop adherents and simply don't have to even pretend to try anymore.
I was just going to say because cows are smarter beings but sure, yours makes sense as well.
Years ago, in my viewing of Aquaman, there was an Indian guy sitting right in front of me. Dude was laughing at every stupid joke, I nearly punched him out of frustration.
>ywn get to experience this in your kinohaus
I deeply pity whites
Yeah, people were saying that pandering to China was heralding the death of movies for years.
They pop up and get deleted. The board in the screenshot is gone already, I just checked. Remember that dissent bubbles under the surface of any moderated community.
the ultimate kinoplex experience
what in the jeet the fuck. Why Toronto? Is it the same in other canadian cities?
Did she die?
How does he did the needful sirs???
Imagine how terrified you would be every second of every day if you were a female living in India.
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it's still a cucked shithole
but streetshitters turn their third world nonsense to 11
>I think there is something to be said about the recent decline in film quality. Before they mostly stayed in their own country, consuming their own media. But now with literally tens of millions of them (mostly lonely men) coming to the western world they will naturally consume the media here. In turn, studios are starting to realise they have on their hands the greatest and most loyal slop adherents and simply don't have to even pretend to try anymore.
People have been saying this exact same thing for years though. Take Gilbert Gottfried's opinion on the cult class The Swimmer
People have said "yep, couldn't make that film today" for decades now.
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It's all Canadian cities, they pool there, they only leave them to shit in tourists spots and people's front yards.
in my experience, they do
pajeets literally cannot help themselves, everyone ive seen get caught cheating during uni was a jeetoid
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it's in their DNA
People will just stare at you and try to scam you harder. Casual sex isn't really a thing in India so you wouldn't get laid much. If you don't believe me go and see for yourself, assuming you are this "chad" you speak of.
I'm not, which is why I was asking purely as a hypothetical. What caste would you be in? Would you be able to get a primo arranged marriage?
Why do people hate this scene!?
The caste system only applies to Indians, and no one pays attention to caste anymore. I don't know if arranged marriage is possible for a white guy, there are websites you can join if you want to try. Not a bad idea desu considering the state of western women.
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Man how did I end up hating a people more than niggers lmao
Why do Indians love this movie?
Canadians seethe at Indians coming in and taking over their communities KWAB
Did the chinks leave? Last I hear they bought 50% or so of all apartments in all major cities
Wow wow wooow

How he do that?
Jaliya Shalal. I am a rider provider.
chinks go to work and then stay indoors like normal people, jeets only go inside to sleep and then spend all day and night on the street in groups that eyeball every passer by
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sirs, it is true .
I'm Indian village boy
Kek, just like arabs and other such müeslims. Wonder if it's a iq thing.
Better than any David Lynch "film".
God i hate this scene
ive never been racist before but jesus christ now i work with indians i understand the hate. why are they so stupid and dense all they know is how to follow a script and any concept of critical thinking is foreign to them

fuck india
Something like that. It's easy to spend time inside when you can enjoy deep and complex media like books, films, games, whatever. Indians can't do this which is why their favorite movies are total goyslop. There are countless video essays from whites and asians but zero from Indians.
Still quieter than a row of black women
have you guys tried not being racists pieces of shit? indians don't actually talk like that and we actually work very hard and strive to uphold the community.
That's a lot of work just to grab a skinny bitches titty.
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They're racist
based dubs sir
>nobody pays attention to caste
>In 2020 the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing initiated a lawsuit against Cisco and two of its employees for alleged discrimination against an Indian engineer because he was from a lower caste than them. According to a 2018 survey by civil rights group Equality Labs cited in the lawsuit, 67% of Dalits "reported being treated unfairly at their workplace because of their caste".[236][237]

If even well educated Indians living in the US are caste obsessed goons, then I doubt the situation is any better for the mud farmers back home.
This is 4chan. You might as well be talking to a wall.
Still better than shitting on a street.
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Too smart to have fun.
I feel sorry for you both.
You are the one who went to see a movie made for retards. Why would you be mad at retards for being there you dumb fuck?
wonder full acshen movi,strong fighting
you are right i am sorry btw please tell mandeep to hurry up with my food order thanks :)
fuck you you asshole. you know words have meaning and intent and harm people? why are you so cruel? fucking white nazi
This unironically. Chuds need to be pegged.
madame come to mumbai i recieve u
Who else is of watching from INDIA??
How can film this? Wow
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i had a indian customer unironically say "do the needful" to me and at work. i thought you guys were shitposting about them saying that.. why the fuck do they say that?
A deep yearning for the better times when Britishers told all what to do.
Why are jeets so weird, honestly? Japsnare weird, but nos as weird, specially since they keep to themselves
I've ve only met one indian person, who was a tourist, since there are no indian population in my country. He was kind of a regular dude, was friends with a full blooded British bloke, but he was a complete pervert and just weird person overall.
Aren't these motherfuckers one of the world's most ancient civilizations? Why are they so fucked up?
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real word, nothing wrong with the expression other than the fact that it's used mainly by indians
When you think about it, gyppos are the most proactive jeets, blessed with greatest initiative and agency...and they're still awful
Hello beautiful i love you always lovely lady please marry me I fly you greatest country india mumbai city I give you luxury apartment please come to me my lovely baby beautiful
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They literally can't function in a modern western society
Literally why? Why not just use "the British"
RRR was unironically the most fun I've had watching a movie in the past 10 years, at least. 99% of Indians might be biological waste but the top 1% can make some good food and some good kino.
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No wonder you're all jealous here, you need to be doing this everyday to even get a text back, the dating marketing is changing sars
So why is it that they worship blacks when blacks are just a more violent version of pajeets?
just like my animes
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imagine getting condescended to by africans. them niggas eat mud cakes, which to be fair probably have much less of a chance of giving you an intestinal parasite
The Fast And The Furious (Number 2) looks great
saar whybs speak lukw this blody besteeddf
this is the most retarded scene in the whole history of media. any media.
put a scene like this in a 10/10 show, movie, book, game, song, fucking caveman painting, and it drops to 1/10 instantly
they've been told their whole lives to worship blacks, so they do. nobody told them to do the same for jeets, so they don't
Me at the family reuinion
the whole movie is hilariously fucking retarded, so it fits in normally. they did away with the whole "oh these guys are just really talented magicians and tricksters" idea from the first one and made them minor wizards with precognition in the second
me when I cut in line at 7-11
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is this the thread
movie naem
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What were they watching?
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Have you seen India's Top Gun ripoff? It's like the Hot Shots threequel we never got.
hello saars good enveing you
how are all?? sars!!! what good show do u like to watching
??? tell me know u bloody basatards.
>girl bhabhi female
Why is that so funny lmfao
>UK, old-fashioned or Indian English
>Indian English
>bitch blody bastdar saar
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I want to make fun of them for it, but it makes total sense that modern indians would use slang/terminology given to them by Brits during their colonial period.
so based
>flexes his clones
>and then never uses them
Didn't need em.
>i could fuck you up with 8 copies of myself if i wanted to but you're a bitch so me alone is enough
why can´t hollywood make a bollywood spirited movie
hollywood no longer has the soul to produce that sort of over the top fun nonsense
>over the top fun nonsense
>he thinks pajeets do that stuff ironically
This is what live action anime should look like.
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Ave Sirsar...
please do not cross the roobicon
greetings from hispania
That's how I consume it. Them doing it with complete seriousness just adds to my enjoyment.
I hope they do this at a Deadpool & wolverine showing.
is this normal poo behavior or weird shit going down?
pretty normal
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Why Canada, and why so many?
Can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater it's against the law hehe
good morning
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How many of you are actually from India? There are like two billions Indians in this planet i can't believe there are no Indians lurking /tv/ right now
There's something about India specifically that's cursing these people.
Even in Sri Lanka or other countries where they're a sizeable minority (Malaysia/ Singapore), they're not as destructive or jeet-like.
I do card trick for she...saar please listen to me.
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>Chuddies will laugh at this and then call anime kino
Why do white people spend their time larping as indians? No wonder why you're losing your women and jobs to them, pathetic.
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Would Jeetslop but only with White actors save Hollywood?
I learn magic for she
That's a myth, actually. You can yell it all you want, but you can be held responsible for any damages that occur from your act if there was indeed no fire. People need to understand free speech laws better.
>i thought i smelled smoke
the charges, officer?
>losing women to indians
i feel like indians see memes like this and are inspired to try this shit in real life.
Doing some social move "like a boss" is to indians what martial arts was to white people
Looks like they are trying to copy Kung Fu movies from the late 60's-70's
So that's why Indians worship Zack Snyder
Hope they achieved top marks sir! All the best to the lot!
the tl;dr of it is that
Canada's immigration policy is extreme by even western standards
more or less the current ruling party in Canada realizes that wealthy people don't reproduce (including before recent inflation/cost of living spikes)
so to prevent the absolutely disastrous affects of population decline/aging population and no I'm not referring to a lack of GDP growth, what I'm referring to would be far FAR worse than mere economic stagnation they are importing a particularly high amount of immigrants as a % of their population
India is generally a good immigrant source since they
>at least partially know english
>have a decent skill base
>young population
>actually looking to move

this is why you see show much of this in Canada, its also a large % of why the cost of living in Canada's major cities is absolutely insane
Why is bramton so popular with Indians?
>the absolutely disastrous affects of population decline/aging population
like what
>I'm not referring to a lack of GDP growth
name anything worse than this, which is only a problem for the rich elite and ruling class, that would happen then
I used to invigilate university exams. Students come up with all sorts of schemes to cheat. The best was a guy who obviously saw Godfather. He hid his notes behind the water tank in the exam hall toilet long before the exams. I found the note a few days before the exam and replaced it with a blank paper. I saw him go to the toilet during the exam and come back white as a ghost.
The name makes them think of the farting sound so naturally they're attracted to it.
inverted population pyramid
lots of old people (who can't work or really support themselves)
few young people to actually work and take care of the elderly
old people, now the supermajority of voters, vote for more resources to survive/sustain themselves
naturally this is through taxing the young
increased financial burden further exasperating the difficulty of having children
leading to less children and an even higher % of the population being elderly
leading to more elderly favored taxes
pic related
not to mention just having a bunch of elderly dying alone, there literally not being enough nurses to wipe their asses, let alone money to pay for them

this would be even further exasperated by those young and able just fucking leaving the country (see Italy, Greece: where its currently getting worse)
this is also very likely to happen to Germany, SK, China, etc with the affects becoming more and more apparent in about 10 years
>like what
the decay of a country and being forced to do insane things like a 0% or negative % central bank interest rate to try keep things alive
I didn't add this to my post >>201533773
but this sort of thing has literally never happened in history
even when populations declined, it wasn't the young/fit disappearing without a population bounce back
its honestly so funny, we spent the last couple of centuries dreading overpopulation, only now to realize that under population was the actual threat

Imagine the smell
you do not have to know anything about alcohol to work at a liqour store unless it's a specialty store (overpriced in canada due to our liqour control boards and import laws)
So old people vote for themselves and die alone, wow we should totally import millions of foreigners in order to double it and pass it over to the next generation
That tracks seeing they even renamed their country from india to Braprat.
I learn magic for she
All the jeet movie webms look like they're from the same movie. Just endless slo-mo cgi slop.
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kino of the highest order
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>indians aren't romanti-
How many sirs died here?
Who legends see in 2024
>look mom I posted it again, am I funny and cool now?
I actually enjoyed RRR and thought it was the best kino yet. 3 Idiots and Slumdog Millionaire were pretty good when I watched them too.
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I don't know if whoever wrote this is a genius or a retard
Why are jeets so corny?
The same reason 4chan is. If a person doesn't know how they appear to others, then they run the risk of being "corny". It's a problem with ethnics in general.

I gotta give it to jeets they can make some creative shit on occasion. That's not the craziest shit that happens on this movie by a long shot.
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The funniest part about this shit is that all the passing around is completely fucking pointless after the first guy with the card has passed his check.
that does not seem safe
me at the orphanage
Only third world people (that smell) are amazed by this scene
>She'll like me if I do a cool flip
Literally 7-year-old playground logic
yes thank you saar, bloody bastard britishers will know their place
So what's the story with codex pajeet? Who made it and why? Someone clearly put some effort to it, it's really well made.
>The impotent wagie flashlight waving around
Why are Sukeep and Ranjeesh so mesmerized by this obviously fake Hollywood movie scene with multiple camera angles, special effects, CGI, and payed actors?
your IQ needs to be in double digits to appreciate this
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Saar hello I have closed the jira task.
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>Why does it have to be Indians?
I want an answer to that too.
wrong you stupid mong, nice try though
whats actually happening is that the ontario government made it exceptionally easy to get a student visa by enrolling in meme colleges that hand out meme degrees to anyone who signs up
its a scam that only indians fall for as foreign students have to pay way more and they get shuffled into student residence with like 20 other jeets living in one room
>they get shuffled into student residence with like 20 other jeets living in one room
imagine the smell
Something has to change.
People are already waking up. China loathes them. Even the most delicate of antiracist white girls despises them on sight.
When will something be done?
wow so skilled, and in one take too
nothing will change because they work the dogshit jobs no one else wants to work because they pay half the living wage
line must go up
Rurouni Kenshin movies look like anime, very kino fights.
How do we solve the jeet menace?
our redditors cannot escape from jeets and thus cannot just deny what's going on. they're still shitlib faggots but they are aware of the reality of being JEETED
>deep and complex media
you left out the part where the ones brought here to work and pay taxes bring their whole families over and start using more government benefits and services than they pay for, thus making them a net drain.
Literal trolls flooding reddit
You're just jealous. We're going to make your daughters our wives because Israel loves us and the intelligence we bring to your redneck genepool.
Everything in movies is fake. How is one thing more fake than something else?
The local Indians (those born and raised here) are fine. Migrants are just as obnoxious here as they are overseas. I can't count how many times I've seen them cutting queue, shouting into their phone on the bus, blocking footpaths by standing around in large groups, having absolutely zero concept of personal space etc. The government here is extremely strict so we're fortunately spared any more serious disturbances.
>when the Redditor began to hate
3 idiots is kino, great story, great humor, satisfying ending. One of the best movie i've ever watched

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