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Imagine betting against a $2trillion company, lol
Let the kikes waste their money. Unlike StarWars LOTR is a one and done. If if they edit the book to be more inclusive there's millions of normal copies floating around, and theoretically infinite digital ones.
Rings of Power is great. I can't wait for more!
If Tolkien was alive he would endorse it.
he would have a stroke watching them rangz intro
>able to do Middle-earth justice
They'll insert even more black people judging by the BBC
The only ones in the world who dare to make chud content are the Americans
>>able to do Middle-earth justice
This. Thankfully Tolkien was American.

Fuck this show.
lefties really are corporate bootlickers now lol. they're ready to overlook that the same company has dogshit workplace conditions for workers and anti-competitive practices as long as it toes the woke line fuckin' lmao
He would be fucking seething at them for turning his elf princess galadriel into a two timing whore
The only way to stop this type of cultural genocide and demographic replacement is to start killing them
>They'll insert even more black people judging by the BBC
They think you mean British Broadcasting Channel, but you meant the other kind of BBC...
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Feels good being a part of the resistance ROP xisters
money cant buy taste
and now he's dead

sad, many such cases
lol no, they’re just doing what they did for wheel of time; siphoning the budget to acquire an asset rather than buying it outright.
any proofs of we gays watching this shit? Literally no one likes it
Tolkien was an anti-racist and a feminist for his time. If he lived today he would tell his incel chud audience to touch grass.
Ok but the us will still be minority white by 2035.
American golems will not stop yammering online until they go extinct (within the next 100 years)
Still not watching it
Even the chuddiest american will still worship israel until his dying breath. It is over for golems and other assorted anglos like the shit skin worshipping bongs on their rotten island of filth.
>The only ones in the world who dare to make chud content are the Americans
Only an american would be so delusional.
Good, a cleaner, safer america for sure.
They will be “owning the libs” while worshipping israel in the same breath. The jews have them so buck broken that they can’t tell right from left anymore.
Luckily they will be a minority in their home country within the next ten years.
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The black population in America has been stagnant for decades and they are currently getting btfo by latinxoids. The future is Latinx.
AND YET whites will STILL become a minority.
Lol, then I'm a feminist and anti-racist for the 50s as well?
what the fuck are you even talking about.
progressives have managed to alienate most old school liberals with their bullshit. Tolkien would be considered a right wing fascist for supporting monarchies and Britishness.

the left just went became the extreme left, those old guys would never support you.
He just wants to pretend he isn't completely historically isolated which is a sad state of affairs for a "progressive".
He was a "seperate but equal" kind of man. Meaning by today's standard hes a mega racist for not liking globohomo.
Imagine not having a personality and consuming corporate pushed garbage because everyone else is.
It's true though?
America is still the LEAST pozzed of all the Western Powers. They're still playing catch up to Europe, Canada, Australia, etc., all of whom insist America is "too rightwing".
He was very anti-industrialization obviously, even in his time he was a conservative.
>Amazon's going to lose even MORE money on this slop
Great news!
Yes Amazon jew has a lot of money to waste. They still won't make a good show because propaganda
He wouldn't give them permission to make it in the first place
Britain NEEDS sharia law and societal collapse. Its what anglos yearn for every single day. If they didn’t then the uk, the us, canada and australia wouldn't all be voluntarily replacing their native populations with various shades of browns.
>Tolkien was an anti-racist and a feminist for his time.
Neither of those necessitate that you would support this cheap, DEI-fueled wokeshit.
Too bad no current statistics even remotely support that projection.
It's the DEI mafia buying everything. It's an actual criminal conspiracy
"The uk, the us, canada and australia" aren't doing that though. Politicians, often unelected, are doing that, usually through legislation nobody voted on.
Can we all just admit that Rings of Power is the best show on tv right now
Pretending that isn't a superlative work of art when it so obviously is just makes you look dumb
Right, but the people saying he was anti racist are the same ones that would say he was racist when they learned that he wanted africans to stay in africa and keep their own culture. He was all about every place in the world being different, he did not want to go to london and see middle eastern shit like he would if he went today. He loved foreign cultures, he just wanted them to stay foreign.
...what makes you think that?
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anon... it already is
Why do you spam this in every thread?
How many of those countries have dual citizenship politicians pushing for that shit? What is the other country are those politicians also citizens of?
They've been stuck at 13% forever their favorite pastime is killing each other going to jail forever at a young age and getting abortions I wonder why they can't get their numbers up it must be white racism
anglos want to go extinct so why should anyone try to prevent this?
Of course. The entire LOTR is about conserving a way of life and lamenting the lost battles. It's fucking insane to think Tolkien would support the lefts war on family, nation, moral and faith.
And we'll still run the country just like Brazil of course the Jews will still be pulling our strings but that's nothing new
>anglos want to go extinct
Proof? I just told you that it's not "alngos" actually perpetrating that.
the us becoming minority white is overall a good thing for the rest of the west. you cant play world police when your country is being burned down from the inside.
>avoids answering the question to keep harping on about how he hates White people
I wonder who could be behind this post
lol with ai about to decimate the industry, this seems like a dumb decision but time will tell
So what the fuck is going on? They can't be seriously thinking that this is the thing that will make RoP a success, so there must be something else at play.
Buying that studio probably isn't as expensive as you'd think and they can probably use it for a tax write-off or even for money laundering depending on how shady you assume Amazon to be.
>America is still the LEAST pozzed of all the Western Powers.
Baitfag be baitfagging.
>California represents all of America
I think ive found your issue.
Yeah I also refused to engage with it
My friends know I love LoTR and I’ve been asked about it a few times by normie mates who watched it and I always just say I don’t acknowledge it as real LoTR because I hate Amazon
Luckily Amazon is so hated by normies this works without being called a racist or anything by normies
nobody is even talking about california. You are only 50% white. Genuinely unsure if youre a delusional amerishart or just baiting. All of this stuff originates in Weimerica
It's not about viewers. It's about planting their flag in a stronghold and moving onto the next one.
So was Rowling and look how that turned out
Tolkien was also a deeply religious catholic though. If he lived today, I don't think he'd say too many things that would be agreeable to someone like you. I mean, you guys even hate J.K. Rowling, someone who actually agrees with you politically on most things.
i think the issue is that the pipelines to hire talented writers just don't exist anymore, so matter how much money you throw at the issue you will never make any headway. the actual infrastructure needs to be rebuilt, and i'm talking about from secondary education and the colleges. aspiring writers in high school will already be culled if they aren't writing about marxist approved race and gender talking points. by the time you're looking at college graduates and people in the screenwriting pipeline they've already gone through like a decade of brainwashing and selection.
He'd hear about it on paper and think "amazing, the world became a tolerant place after all!". then he'd see it and become a Nazi.
its about conqering the IP and making white people abandon it, nobody cares about "profits" lol. Thank you americans
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whites are a global minority now but still own everything with their power and privilege right
never even began for you
tolkien would be too busy weeping in the streets over the rape of england
Like I already said, Hollywood and California are completely seperate culturally from the rest of the country. If that is confusing you then you should look at a globe and compare the size of USA to whatever europoor country you come from. Try to figure out how many times your country fits inside of mine and then maybe you will understand how such a large place could have conflicting cultures.
But most chuds are anti-racist and feminists too for Tolkien's times.
And people like you will be poor and starving because of it so there are positives.
and it's entirely the fault of no child left behind/affirmative action.
Rowling is a turbo leftist whos only wrong think is that trannies arent women. Thats it. That is the one and only thing she is hated for. None of her fag or nigger loving was able to save her.
>amazon kikes are setting more of their shekels on fire
is this supposed to upset me? lol lmao even
Meant to reply to >>201586520
will ignore it just like the boys and now hotd as well
it's the fault of cultural marxists infiltrating the college system in the 40s and 50s
I mean that guy's not even THAT bad-looking or anything.
my country does not fit inside amerishartia. Again, you are only about 50% white, no other European country comes even close to that. Not even Russia, a country that has a lot of native non European minorities like Tatars, Yakuts and so on. Your country and all your people are firmly in the grasp of hollywood, wall street and silicon valley. There will never be another american civil war, your destiny is to become a more sodomite, richer version of Brazil. Even western Europe doesnt hold a candle to the pozz that goes on in America
What country is that exactly?
It's true though.
Non-American Westerners spent literal decades squealing that America was "too far right" and needed to be more like them.
The ONLY thing that has changed is that Non-American Westerners ON 4CHAN completely reversed this narrative about 4 or so years ago, claiming America is "le Great Satan of leftism" and pretending they weren't squealing the same narrative as their countrymen prior to 4 or so years ago (which their countrymen also CONTINUE to squeal in public).
Australia is nearly the same size as mainland USA and is a monoculture
>All of this stuff originates in Weimerica
All subcategories contained within Intersectionalism, from trannyism to black-worship, were literally invented in Europe.
They literally only exist in America because you spent more than 5 straight decades wailing and bitching and trying to force them on America.
And now youre deflecting to a different topic because yo have nothing to respond with, like a rock climber trying desperately to grab a ledge. I hope that you Americans somehow turn this around, but I dont think thats possible. Your midwestern white cultural sensibilities are irrelevant. The reds won the Russian civil war because they held economic centers, the capital, manufacturing. You can do nothing while NWO cultural sensibilities are pushed further and further and your children are steadily indoctrinated more and more.
Bullshit lol. Progressive Australians are incessantly kowtowing to Abos and the "new Australians"
I'm not that anon. I just find it amusing how non-Americans are mortified of someone knowing what country they're really from. Says a lot, honestly.
>Even western Europe doesnt hold a candle to the pozz that goes on in America
Nigger, you were literally preaching to America how to be pozzed in the 60's & 70's. Even back then places like France were degenerate as fuck.
Germany is STILL the tranny capital of Planet Earth.
That anon doesn't realise this fact because Europe is so shit at producing media that he didn't realise these ideas even existed until they filtered down to Hollywood productions.
I'm not seeing an answer.
Are you refusing to give an answer to what supposedly superior country you're from because it would open you up to being questioned & criticized? Is it because your country is, as is very likely, in fact far more pozzed than the US?
??? the eowyn plotline is against feminism and pro traditionalism just to give an example
Youre very clearly upset. The difference is that hollywood slop, pornographer studios, silicon valley and wall street arent located in Europe. European leftists are powerless in terms of their reach compared to the american machine. The EU is also an american colony.
Europeans are also much more xenophobic, even towards other Europeans. This is something that even american conservative boomers loudly denounce. European nationalistic revolts are a real possibility, not so much in America. the U.S. does not even have a nationality of any kind, its an economic zone, not a nation state.
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>trying to suggest Australia as an example of being "non-pozzed"

Im not mortified, I just know that hes going to derail the topic in an attempt to start arguing about my country.
As I have stated, every single country in Europe is significantly less pozzed than America. I am European. He can pick any country he wants
I wasnt preaching anything. Germany with all its problems is not even remotely as degenerate as the US of A, neither is France, one of Europes most pozzed countries.
>still scared to answer
Absolutely chickenshit lmao. You're the kinda fag who would talk shit and then go stand next to the teachers desk back in school, huh?
>less pozzed than america
i thank god every day i wasn't born a retarded european holy shit.
>Are you refusing to give an answer to what supposedly superior country you're from because it would open you up to being questioned & criticized
At least Americans aren't little pussies who can't handle their country being mocked, I guess
amazon can piss away its money all it wants
I know that youre very upset and are desperately trying to derail the topic. Pick any European country you want, there is none that is more pozzed than America.
Forgot to add, youre seething because you know that Im right. Best of luck, happy juneteenth pride year or whatever lol
Do vtubers like Rings of Power? Are there any kino watchalongs?
He is also probably too young to have remembered the Internet, especially 4chan, prior to 4 or 5 years ago.
You know, the same 4chan where literally any & every post from Eurotrash crying about America was about how America was "too religious", "too rightwing" and consequently "too racist/sexist/homophobic/something else", and how we all needed to abandon guns & Jesus and instead embrace abortion, homosexuality & Socialism?
And thay was hardly exclusive to 4chan. Pretty much EVERY website thay allowed Eurotrash to huff& fume over America had the same completely unbroken trend. I never once saw an exception in the entire time I used the Internet, all the way up until 2019-2020.
>muslims hacking off people's heads in the street with no recourse
>somalians driving trucks through little girls on christmas day
>rape and grooming gangs literally protected by the police because the leftist government needs to protect its agenda at all cost
>if you talk shit online they will come to your house and literally arrest you
>also you can't own a gun
wow europe is so based guys
None that I know of, thankfully.
In fact, the only one I ever heard admit to watching ANY wokeslop was chinkoid who very tacitly more or less admitted to approving of the famous hate-campaign against Coco.
>Show me a yuro equivalent for the following
The only Eurofags who claim some vague European monolith are always from the most grim countries.
No, but, think about that for a second, if tokien was alive today he would literaly become a conservative counterculture figure, like he would starts a whole fucking movement
I mean the fucking orcs have come to shire
its not a monolith its a structure
why are you derailing yet again? I also wasnt claiming that Europe is a monolith, I wrote that any European country that you pick is less pozzed than America. Anyway, where are the European equivalents to what I have mentioned above?
>The EU is also an american colony.

OK, so, to clarify:
>Americans do something wrong.
>America's fault!

>Europeans do something wrong.
>Also America's fault!

I think Kiara did one, she is an outspoken LOTR geek so its expected.
Let's discuss the demographics of your country. Unless you're too scared. And no, you're not from Lichtenstein, Luxembourg or any other wealthy microstate. You're likely some Polish or Romanian poorfag.
whites in the us will be a minority by 2035.
Name your country and I'll gladly show you some equivalents.
I love how extremely angry you are, lol. Its even funnier to know that you can do absolutely nothing about it. Youre stuck in weimerica and you cope with that by inventing insane fantasies about my country, none of which are true. Even bong miscgenation propaganda is nowhere near the stuff that your country produces.
Americans literally create blacked cuck porn lol.
Enjoy your trans lgbt pride year, anon
Lets discuss the fall of the us from 90% white in 1960 to 58% white in 2023 and then to >50% white in 2035.
I wonder how many seasons they are planning to make. I guess the IP is valuable enough that they will keep the show unless it absolutely bombs.

The last stand of American exceptionalism is blaming America for everything.
How would you know tho, how would you know what a whole generation of people will or wont do, how much shit can happen in 15 years?
I'm still not watching the slop.
If its made by a streaming service, I ain't interested.
never claimed that Yurope is based, yet its still better off than Weimerica. I love how desperately you try to derail everything, making it seem like migrants are rampaging through Europe while black on white crime in america is suddenly not a thing. Pathetic brainlets hahahahaha
They dont have the IP though, they basically paid for the right to produce fan-fiction and use a bunch of characters.

Which is really baffling, trying to produce a fantasy epic that could stand in a line with tolkien using nothing but tv-writers.
>Y-Y-YOU'RE upset...n-not me!...

Why would I be upset? Facts & history are on my side, not yours.
We're talking about your country specifically, but if you're too much of a sopping wet pussy to even say, then that tells me everything I need to know. Little Euro bitch boy.
Jeff Bezos' slop has nothing to do with communism. It's peak neoliberal capitalistic degeneracy. It's "yours" and because you are misdirected you will continue to get raped in the ass.
He said his country doesn't fit inside America, only one country to Europe that is true for. He's a putinbot
if a nigger ever tried to step to me i would shoot him like a dog in the street and remain a free man. what happens when a pooslime comes to rape you dipshit?
>Europeans are so powerful that they can force their beliefs on America, wow!
Only by infiltrating our universities with their Commie ideologues for literal decades.
How is thay any more laughable than what you're claiming? Last I checked as soon as WWII ended America did decree that all Europeans now had Free Speech and now had to own guns & eat hamburgers.
I look forward to trannies applauding his grisly and meaningless death from a FPV drone on Reddit
Derailing AGAIN, lmao.
Im giving you an advantage - you can pick from ALL countries in Europe, not just one, yet you still cant provide any examples.
How pathetic
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>European leftists are powerless in terms of their reach
Is that how they banned you from owning guns, and started putting you on jail if you tweet about Islam?
reminder that Putin tried to blame a muslim terrorist attack on >muh heckin nazis just a couple months ago, just a typical libtard
>Noooo I can't tell you my country that would derails the heckin thread!
>t. Russian turning the thread into yet another culture war/Burgers vs Yuros thread
So is this the new "Trumpfags vote against their own economic interests" or whatever now that Biden has basically handed Trump the election?
Is this the new mindless mantra fat leftist faggots will spam, regardless of context, as a sort of knee-jerk reflex every time they are triggered, or have no actual counterargumen?
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>when a Eurotranny tries to rewrite 60 fuckinh years of shit everyone knows & saw for themselves already near me
>blacked porn
>hollywood miscegenation
Europe was machining-out interracial porn and even calling it "art" when miscegenation was still literally ILLEGAL in most of America, kek.
And up until 4 years ago you BRAGGED about it as a "good" thing.>>201587562
Bro is gonna die shitting his pants in a muddy ditch lmao
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>banning guns
>putting people in jail for "hate speech" against Islam
>not done by the Left in Eurotroon countries
It is nothing but a FACT.
Does anyone even watch Rangz of Kangz? Hate watchers are absolute subhumans.
>not a single actual counter-argument
I guess all the points in the post you replied to stand?...
Nah, not really, it's just a prediction. And you don't know the future.
The issue is more that you're just mindlessly Spamming it rather than, you know, actually arguing anything.
Hate watchers are literally just watchers.
>No no you don't get it, I really dislike it but I still keep watching because... umm... Its so bad that it makes a full 180 and becomes entertaining again, yeah that's right!
Its cope of massive proportions.
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It's always an eastern european of some sort making the anti american or anti britain threads, then trying to get us into a fight with each other. Go to any board with flags and its obvious they have a deep insecruity towards the west.
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looks like some little bootlicker missed his booster update...
>You can't be a Commie or a leftist if you like money!
Lol, daily reminder that Stalin and his cronies LITERALLY lived in a palace and he owned HUNDREDS of western-made luxury-vehicles.
They have an enormous inferiority complex like a lot of browns do. You'd see some very different shit talking if this board had flags.
"Hatewatchers" basically don't even exist. They're such a numerically small anomaly that they don't even statistically matter.
"Hatewatchers" are a cope Leftists came up with to further deny the fact that there ARE in fact leftists out there dumb enough to watch this slop and they think it's unironically great.
I work for the Mossad. I do know the future of the us.
>Amerifag activists literaly entered and have been entering european universities for decades, it is exactly the opposite of what you claim
Do you have even a shred of evidence to back that up?
Again, no European, anywhere, from 1945 to 2019, ever accused America of being "too far left". It was literally ALWAYS the opposite.
>Jeff Bezos' slop has nothing to do with leftism. It's peak leftism.

I don't get it.
I like how science fiction and fantasy brings out the most rational posters.
Tldr: I am really mad
>So why is all of it streaming out of America
1. That wasn't even true more than 4 years ago. It's a new phenomenon, which you would know if you were older than 14.
2. Europeans decided to stop even making their own media and instead almost exclusively consume American media instead, and RIGHT NOW American media is more pozzed than it's ever been thanks to European influence. You would, again, know this if you were older than 14.
3. It's not even wholly true. The media that Europe DOES still produce is even more pozzed than American slop. See: Doctor Who.

So basically you ONLY think it's "all of it streaming out of America" because you let America dominate your mind in the first place. You're blind to the fact that Euope has even MORE pozzed shit streaming out of it, and that has ALWAYS been the case.
>devoid of any real world examples

Common core undermines any arguments you have, you don't even speak English properly enough to formulate an idea which is why you're too busy chimping out at Walmart.
You're not doing a good job of obfuscating your Russian-ness anymore. For someone that hates America so much it's odd that you voluntarily seek out our online spaces. Real neurotic and womanlike behavior.
I was there, i listened to the fucking lectures, i picked up my girlfriend from the fucking 'gender studies class' i was told by my proffesors who were 'USA EDUCATED' you fuckwats, youve been doing this shit for over 50 years now, end the shit, youre the wery grund of all wokeshit, just fucking end it allready, dosent matter which one of us is winning some historiographical pissing contest, dosent matter how manny troons youll have to brain with a baseball bat, just

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>leftism started in America

Lmao Founding fathers literally ran away from your entire bootlicking civilization.
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>I didnt brag about it.
I doubt that. Just like all the other European posters on 4chan, you were bragging abour it as a "good thing" 4+ years ago, like your countrymen STILL do.

>So why is blacked porn being maed in America and not in the UK or someplace like that?
Oh holy SHIT...
Oh sweet summer child...
You unironcally believe the UK isn't making this shit? You unironcally believe the rest of Europe isn't?...
And you think they weren't making it first?...
The US is blamed on everything because its involved in everything.

Do we just forget about the military industrial complex and the CIA just cuz.
If you aren't a monarchist you're a leftist.
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Amazon is pretty bearish on AI video generation I take it?
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>The Nazi extensions were repealed in 1950 and same-sex sexual activity between men was decriminalized in both East and West Germany in 1968 and 1969, respectively. The age of consent was equalized at 14 in East Germany in 1989 and in unified Germany in 1994.
>The Sexual Offences Act 1967 is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom (citation 1967 c. 60). It legalized homosexual acts in England and Wales
>Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights in France have been among some of the most progressive in the world.
>France has frequently been named one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world.[2] Recent polls have indicated that a majority of the French people support same-sex marriage and in 2013,[3] another poll indicated that 77% of the French population believed homosexuality should be accepted by society, one of the highest in the 39 countries polled.
Taken straight from Wikipedia.
How's that for "real world examples", troon?
>seems that I wont ever find out which yuro country has blacked porn, black history month, trans story time or LGBTQ education

It's called the European movie industry.
it's nothing but feminists, depressed faggots and pedophiles, which is also the reason it is entirely state subsidised.
>No borders
Supported and cheered-on by Europeans.

>castrates children
Literally started in Europe, where trannyism was invented.
Anon all that poltard bullshit dosent matter, this thread would reach limit before we could even get into a third of it, I dont even give a fuck any more, who do you even think youre talking to whatam i supposed to do now deploy a folder of inforgaphics or somefuck? Anons, lay alone the shitflinging, just make it STOP
This is an American website, Pavel.
too bad they still dont have any good writers
>In 1962, beginning with Illinois, states began to decriminalize same-sex sexual activity

Americans are fags. They worship faggotry which is why when they act tough they are like cartoon fatherless bullies.
Ivan, if you were actually allowed into western europe you'd know it was every bit as pozzed as the states. But at least we don't have to be worried about being conscripted to get blown up by Ukrainian drone for the amusement of reddit trannies
We got a scholar over here folks
>Even despite things like Doctor Who all of Europe combined is far behind America in terms of culture terror
Completely wrong, and was laughably wrong prior to 4 years ago.
You wouldn't even TRY to make such a laughable argument in 2018 or prior. You'd brag about how Europeans were "not repressed in their sexuality and that's why they were fine with sexually explicit content and homosexuality in their media" and how Americans were "religious prudes" or some shit.
Where is the lie? You guys worship death, hate the female body, hate sex (unless it is shrinkwrapped porno sex). You are incredibly prudish aboht sex but you looove violence. Probably the dick clipping did it
This is a good move because it's a known fact that with arts the more money you spend the more quality product you get.

I'm going to be honest, it makes me want to watch it. Same way I watch Dwayne Johnson movies because you know he is the best actor because he gets paid the most.
>Americans are fags. They worship faggotry
Europe was literally a haven for fags and was proud to be one (all the way up until 5 years ago, apparently), in particular France, Germany and the Scandananavian countries.
Germany is STILL the tranny-capital of the world, and always has been.
Europeans STILL squeal about America being "sexually repressed" and "too religious".

There is NOTHING you can do to change these facts.
No amount of ad homms or revisionist history will change things.
And just like the us it is minority white.
>be scared to tell people you're Russian, because they might take the piss
>make it glaringly obvious anyway
Really bright fellas those Russians
When you post facts I will acknowledge them. America is a gaping arsehole. The tough cowboy type Americans are bigger fags than piss drinkers from Frisco
We love israel, multiculturalism, equality, inclusion and diversity in the us chud.
Fuck yeah more culture war discussion! Can't slop enough of it up.
Ruskies known deep down they're Asiatics, and it burns them up inside. Especially now they're chink-vassals
Bro, give it up. He'll just ignore your posts.
Culture war shit is literally the only thing worth discussing about RoP, take that away and it's just a mega-generic fantasy series pretending to be Tolkein
An actual smart move for a change.
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He's gone quiet people have worked out his country. Ruskies can dish it out but not so good at taking it
>If Tolkien was alive he would endorse it.
Lol no. Tolkien openly despised american approach on media entertainment (Nazis were too retarded, so he just mocked them).
ANd he wouldn't endorse either side of the debate because modern left and rights are just 2 groups of urbanites.
I can bet all I want if I never have to pay a cent.
Yeah, Tolkien was a down to earth Oxford professor of literature and not some elite from the big city
Traditional elites never lives in the big cities. Cities are the place to work. Village or a small town, or manor is the place to live.
Tolkein wouldn't even endorse the Peter Jackson movies, which are amazing
Unironically this
Wow that's amazing. I won't watch it but I'll try and remember to wish them the best of luck with it the next time I reread the books or rewatch the canon trilogy.
He'd probably be in a position to dissect it and appreciate it for its pros and cons, but mostly he would see cons.

He'd probably enjoy the Shire.
Jesus christ lmao.
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Is Lord of the Rings right wing or left wing? They still can't decide.
There is no global ethnic makeup.
Every country has it's own dominant ethnicity.
Also only a racist leftard would split the world between a monolithic white and a monolithic nonwhite
Kind of funny.
Durring the time when we all shitted on Hobbit movies (since they weren't as good as LoTR) could any of us think that having Sauron being Sauron, Galadriel being Galadriel etc would look like a boon to viewer
Is this real? LMAO
How can a work be so hated and yet succeed?
>Non-American Westerners spent literal decades squealing that America was "too far right" and needed to be more like them.
American "rightism" is to enslave themselves to corporation instead of cultural marxists, but corporation ends up with putting cultural marxists to oversee the cattle anyway
Christopher was strict because he was defending his father's work, Tolkien himself would be more lenient.
this is just america bullying bongs out of their film industry. nobody cares about this gay show on it's own.
Americans are who are pushing wokism you fucking liar.
>Americans are who are pushing wokism you fucking liar.
>Thankfully Tolkien was American.
This is your brain on an americunt ego trip.

He's British, lad. and you disgusting negrotic faggots have done so far is spit on his name. The only man so far who was able to do him justice is from New Zealand. America has no culture. It has no ethics. It is the current form of the evil Tolkien described. And we all know that evil cannot create, only destroy. That is all what America is: the shit on the bottom of the heels of greater men.
but you just live in a poorer less free version of america
You can dress a pig in velvet and lace, but it will still be a pig.
your baiting but he was unironcially a christcuck philosemite and it makes me cringe when people call his slop based. no it isn’t. he stole pagan mythos and draped it in slave morality for the masses
Yes the well known Fatmerican director Peter Jackson did so in the film trilogy.
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fuck you bitch
It's not hard to find Jeff Bezos' address. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Well said but I'm from the U.K. and you obviously don't get sarcasm.
they can easily spend $10 billion on a season if they want
just as long as their contractors don't unionize
>Tolkien was an anti-racist and a feminist for his time.
Not really
> If he lived today he would tell his incel chud audience to touch grass.
Isn't that american team from the War of Nations?
>the united cuckdom
sharia law soon brother
Based vatos
? Many other places in the world are just as bad as America they just don't have the means to be as influential.
Brits are still locking eachother in cages for making jokes on facebook, Congolese are still enslaving eachother, arabs are still committing genocide over a sand dune.
Arabs might have been the wrong word but you get my point
The us will be minority white by 2035 which will greatly speed up the societal decay thats been happening the last 15 years.
The uk, canada and australia are also committing suicide by multiculturalism.
Anglos yearn for their own extinction.
I work at Amazon studios doing set construction.
What I've seen is they invest a shitload of money into production, but the writing is still terrible. I've seen scripts for S2 and its just so depressingly bad because we put so much work into it.
hi reddo

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